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Three essays on the economics of image motivation / Trois essais en économie de l'image de soiButera, Luigi 01 July 2013 (has links)
Le premier essai utilise une expérience neuro-économique pour comparer l’effet de l’exposition sociale sur deux types de comportements pro-sociaux : faire le bien et éviter de faire le mal. Nous constatons que les gains d’image découlant des actes visibles de générosité sont calculés comme des récompenses dans les deux cas. Les décisions égoïstes sans conséquences d’images négatives sont calculées différemment : ne pas faire le bien (et économiser ainsi de l’argent) est corrélé avec les régions du cerveau liées à la récompense, alors que faire le mal (et donc gagner de l’argent) est corrélé avec les régions du cerveau liées à l’anticipation de la punition et au dégoût moral.Le deuxième essai étudie comment l’information sur la véritable efficacité des organismes de bienfaisance (et sa visibilité sociale) affecte les contributions des petits donateurs. Nous constatons que les individus ignorent les mauvaises performances des organismes de bienfaisance quand le don est couvert par l ?anonymat mais augmentent leurs contributions aux organismes de bienfaisance qui sont plus performants que prévu. Toutefois, lorsque le montant donné et l’efficacité du destinataire sont de notoriété publique, les donateurs motivés par des préoccupations d’image sociale traitent la quantité et la qualité de leurs dons comme des substituts.Le troisième essai étudie les effets du contrôle dans les relations de principal agent où les intérêts monétaires sont alignés. En comparant le contrôle direct avec des règles impersonnelles générales, nous montrons que le contrôle direct génère plus de coûts cachés du côté de l’agent que les règles impersonnelles. En même temps, les directeurs ont tendance à moins exercer leur autorité lorsque les règles sont impersonnelles, car cela les obligent à signaler leur cupidité même lorsque ce n' est pas nécessaire. / This thesis contains two essays that assess the role of social image concerns in charitable giving decisions and one essay that explores the role of authority in hierarchical relationships characterized by aligned monetary interests.The first essay uses a neuro-economic experiment to compare the effect of social exposure on two types of pro-social behaviors: doing good and avoiding doing bad. We find that image gains deriving from visible acts of generosity are computed by the brain as rewards for both decisions. Differently, selfish decisions with no negative image consequences are computed differently: not doing good (and thus saving money) correlates with reward-related regions, while doing bad (and thus earning money) correlates with regions related to punishment’s anticipation and moral disgust.The second essay studies how information about real charities’ efficiency (and its social visibility) affects small donors contributions. We find that individuals disregard bad news about their own charities when giving happens under full anonymity, but do increase their contributions to charities that perform better than expected. Differently, when both the amount donated and the efficiency of the recipient are public knowledge, donors motivated by social image concerns treat the quantity and the quality of their donations as substitutes.The third investigates the effects of control in principal-agents’ relationships where monetary interests are aligned. By comparing direct control and general impersonal rules, we show that direct monitoring generates significantly more hidden costs of control from the agent side than impersonal rules.At the same time however, principals tend to exercise their authority less when restrictions are impersonal, as these force them to signal their greed also when unnecessary.
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Three essays on risk attitudes and social image / Trois essais sur des attitudes de risque et image socialeMao, Lei 18 April 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse est composée d’un essai sur la relation entre l’aversion au risque des individus et leur décision de migration et de deux essais sur l’importance de sauver la face et la réciprocité en termes d’image.Le premier essai s’appuie sur une expérience de terrain en Chine afin d’étudier si le statut migratoire est corrélé aux préférences en matière de risque, ambiguïté et compétitivité. Il montre que les migrants et les non-migrants ne présentent pas de différences dans leurs préférences concernant le risque et l’ambiguïté dans des loteries standard. En revanche, les migrants ont une attitude plus compétitive face à une incertitude stratégique dans un jeu d’entrée sur un marché.Le deuxième essai étudie si les individus sont prêts à sacrifier des ressources pour sauver la face en payant pour éviter l'exposition publique du membre de leur groupe le moins productif à l’aide d’une expérience de laboratoire à effort réel. La majorité des individus sont prêts à payer pour préserver à la fois leur image et celle des autres. Ce résultat est robuste à une manipulation de l'identité de groupe. Le sentiment de honte toujours présent à la suite d’une exposition publique évince la motivation intrinsèque.Le troisième essai étudie la récompense de la bienveillance et la punition de l’égoïsme en termes d'image. Il montre que les individus récompensent la bienveillance et expriment de la réciprocité vis-à-vis de ceux qui ont préservé leur image ou celle d’un tiers. En revanche, l’égoïsme de ceux qui ne font pas d’effort pour sauver la face des autres n’est pas sanctionné. / This thesis consists of one essay on the relationship between risk attitudes and migration and two essays investigating the importance of saving face and reciprocity in terms of social image.The first essay is based on a field experiment conducted in China to study whether the migration status is correlated with one's preferences regarding risk, ambiguity, and competitiveness. It shows that migrants and stayers exhibit no difference in their preferences over risk and ambiguity as elicited with standard lottery choices. In contrast, migrants are significantly more likely to enter competitive markets in the context of strategic uncertainty. The second essay studies whether individuals forego resources to avoid the public exposure of the worst performer in their group in a real-effort laboratory experiment. A majority of individuals are willing to pay to preserve both self- and others’ image. This finding is robust to a manipulation of group identity. While the threat of exposure encourages effort, public exposure and a feeling of shame crowd out future intrinsic motivation.The third essay investigates whether individuals reward kindness and punish selfishness in terms of image. It shows that people reward kindness and reciprocate to people who have saved their face or others’ face. However, selfish behavior in terms of image saving is not sanctioned.
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Asmenų, turinčių negalę, socialinio aktyvumo ir socialinio įvaizdžio problemos / Problems of social activity and social image of disabled peopleMasedonskienė, Aušra 24 September 2008 (has links)
Darbas skirtas asmenų, turinčių negalę, socialinio aktyvumo ir socialinio įvaizdžio problemoms tirti. Tyrimo uždaviniai - išanalizuoti negalės sampratą ir istorinę pagalbos neįgaliesiems raidą nuo klinikinio – korekcinio iki socialinio – interakcinio modelio; išnagrinėti realius teisinius neįgaliųjų integracijos į visuomenę pagrindus; išanalizuoti neįgalių žmonių lygiateisio dalyvavimo visuomenės gyvenime prielaidas; panagrinėti socialinių darbuotojų pasirengimą valorizuoti neįgaliųjų asmenų atliekamus socialinius vaidmenis; išsiaiškinti neįgaliųjų socialinio aktyvumo problemas įvairiose gyvenimo srityse ir parodyti, kaip jos veikia socialinio įvaizdžio visuomenės akyse formavimąsi.
Remiantis šiais uždaviniais, buvo apklausta 200 neįgalių asmenų ir 25 socialiniai darbuotojai, kurių amžiaus ribos svyravo nuo 21 iki 89 metų. Tyrimas parodė, kad neįgalieji saviraiškos galimybes įvairiose gyvenimo sferose vertina neigiamai ir vangiai dalyvauja bendruomenės ir visuomenės gyvenime, yra vis dar diskriminuojami teisių srityje. Neįgaliesiems visuomenės primestas savęs nuvertinimas dar yra gajus, nors ir patys linkę į vartotojiškumą. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad socialinių darbuotojų ir neįgaliųjų santykiai nelygiavertiški, neįgalus asmuo matomas kaip sutrikimų visuma ir jo galimybės visuomenės gyvenime vertinamos pesimistiškai.
Tyrimo metu buvo patvirtinta prieš tyrimą iškelta hipotezė, kad asmenų, turinčių negalę, socialinio aktyvumo didinimas vienas iš veiksnių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The work is dedicated to the research of the problems of social activity and social image of disabled people. The tasks of the research – to analyse the definition of disability and the historical development of the help provided to the disabled from the clinical-corrective to the social-interactive model; to study the legal grounds of the integration of the disabled into the society; to analyse the preconditions for the participation of the disabled people in the social life with equal rights; to examine the level of preparation of social workers to valorise the social roles of the disabled people; to ascertain the problems of the disabled social activity in different spheres of life and show how they work in the formation of their social image from the point of view of the society.
Basing on these tasks 200 disabled people and 25 social workers were interviewed whose ages ranged from 21 to 89. The study shows that the disabled evaluated negatively the possibilities of self-expression in different spheres of life and hardly participate in the social and public life, and that their rights are still abused. The self-depreciation attached to the disabled by the society is still very strong though they are predisposed to be consumers. The results of the study show that the relationships between social workers and disabled people are not equal, a disabled person is seen as an entirety of disorders and his possibilities in the life of the society are evaluated pessimistically... [to full text]
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Negalės vaizdiniai ir stereotipai žiniasklaidoje / Disability images and stereotypes in mediaŠavareikaitė, Diana 05 July 2011 (has links)
Šio magistro baigiamojo darbo tema yra aktuali, nes nepaisant priimtų politinių sprendimų ir teisinių dokumentų, deklaruojančių socialinę integraciją, dalyvavimą ir lygiavertiškumą kaip vienus iš prioritetų negalės srityje, visuomenėje vis dar egzistuoja psichosocialinės kliūtys, stereotipais ir vaizdiniais pagrįstas neįgalių asmenų suvokimas, vertinimas ir traktavimas dėl kurių jų įsitraukimas į visuomeninį gyvenimą yra vis dar problematiškas.
Išsiaiškinus, kad socialiniai negalės vaizdiniai ir stereotipai Lietuvoje, o ypač žiniasklaidoje nebuvo plačiai tyrinėti, todėl tyrimo tikslas buvo atskleisti kokie negalės vaizdiniai ir stereotipai pateikiami didžiausiuose Lietuvos dienraščiuose. Tyrimo tikslui įgyvendinti iškelti 3 uždaviniai: surinkti straipsnius apie negalę keturiuose didžiausiuose Lietuvos dienraščiuose; atlikti kiekybinę ir kokybinę surinktų straipsnių turinio analizę; atskleisti esmines negalės vaizdavimo dienraščiuose charakteristikas.
Tiriamojoje darbo dalyje, tyrimo įgyvendinimui pasirinktas kokybinis tyrimo tipas – spaudos leidinių analizė, kurios metu gauti duomenys buvo išanalizuoti taikant kiekybinę ir kokybinę turinio analizę. Negalės vaizdinių ir stereotipų spaudoje analizei buvo pasirinktas 2009 m. sausio mėn. – 2010 m. gegužės mėn. laikotarpis, kurio metu buvo peržiūrėti 4 didžiausi šalies dienraščiai (Lietuvos rytas, Lietuvos žinios, Vakaro žinios ir Respublika), kuriose buvo rasti ir išanalizuoti 136 straipsniai apie... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject-matter of the social work master‘s thesis is relevant to the present day, because despite enacted political determinations and legal documents, declaring social integration, participation and parity as one of the main priorities in disability policy, there still are some psychosocial barriers, stereotypes and images based disabled understanding, evaluation and treatment in society, regarding to what social involvement of disabled people is still problematic.
After the data examination showed that social images and stereotypes in Lithuanian media were researched only briefly, that raised the aim of the master’s thesis to reveal what kind of images and stereotypes are presented in biggest Lithuanian newspapers. There were three major tasks to reach the goal: gather articles about disability in four biggest Lithuanian newspapers; perform quantitative and qualitative content analysis of gathered articles; reveal the main characteristics of disability representation in media.
The research part of the thesis was based on qualitative research type – media analysis, gathered data analysis was performed using quantitative and qualitative content analysis. Research of disability images and stereotypes was accomplished in 2009 January – 2010 May period, during this time four biggest Lithuanian newspapers (Lietuvos rytas, Lietuvos žinios, Vakaro žinios, Respublika) were reviewed and provided 136 articles about disability for further analysis.
... [to full text]
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A violência contra idosos em Aracaju : um reflexo das modificações sociais da imagem de velhos em sociedades modernas. / VIOLENCE AGAINST THE ELDERLY IN ARACAJU: a reflection of the changing social image of "old" in modern societies.Jesus, Júlio César Lopes de 22 September 2010 (has links)
This study aims a reflection about the contemporary phenomenon of violence against the elderly. About this, the violence and, in particular, the violence against the elderly is not a recent phenomenon, not only found in modern societies. However, it is notable that in these societies where it appears that the social image of the elderly has become a more adverse impact, extremely negative, with a new configuration that supports a lot of prejudice, stigma and discrimination directed at the elderly. It is modern social image that is contributing to the increase in the devaluation of the elderly and their social representations, and as one of its main consequences raising practices of violence in this age group. The sample for this study included 265 elderly of both sexes, aged between 60 and 98 years old, living in the city of Aracaju/SE and that recorded or had recorded any complaint of violence in the Service Center to Vulnerable Groups (CAGV) in the year 2008. Were used as the basis of documentary research the official reports (B.O.) and police records of occurrence (RPO), and an instrument for data collection and information about the cases. It was found that violence occurs in most of the time indoors, in private, and family members as children, spouses, grandchildren and sons/daughters in law (54%) were the main responsible for the
attacks. Regarding the "violence", the main records were moral violence (45%) and psychological violence (21%). The events are given more frequently among elderly women
(68%). However, with increasing age, we found that older men are suffering more violence, with the same probability of occurrence that women from the age-range of 90 years of age. Widowhood (41%) also constitutes a risk factor for the elderly - especially for women - raising the possibility of experiencing violence. Most complaints have been made by the
elderly (72%), contradicting the idea of "absolute victimization, thus linking the elderly with the traditional image of passive and helpless. Violence committed against the elderly has been increasingly in evidence in our current society, requiring researchers and public authorities
more attention in understanding this phenomenon, and in promoting public policies aimed at the elderly and their families, preventing a larger number of violence. / Neste estudo busca-se refletir acerca do fenômeno contemporâneo da violência praticadacontra pessoas idosas. Com efeito, a violência e, em particular, a violência contra osidosos não é um fenômeno recente, nem unicamente encontrado nas sociedades modernas.Contudo, é notável que seja nestas sociedades onde se verifica que a imagem social dosidosos passa a sofrer um impacto nefasto, extremamente negativo, tendo uma novaconfiguração que fundamenta uma série de preconceitos, estigmas e discriminações voltadas aos velhos. É está imagem social moderna que passa a contribuir para o aumento da desvalorização dos idosos e de suas representações sociais, tendo como uma de suas principais consequências a elevação das práticas de violência neste segmento etário. A amostra deste estudo contou com 265 idosos, de ambos os sexos, com idades entre 60 e 98 anos, residentes na cidade de Aracaju/SE e que registraram ou tiveram registrada alguma denúncia de violência no Centro de Atendimento a Grupos Vulneráveis (CAGV), no ano de 2008. Foram utilizados como base de pesquisa documental os Boletins de Ocorrência (B.O.) e os Registros Policiais de Ocorrência (RPO), além de um instrumento próprio para a coleta de dados e informações sobre os casos. Constatou-se que essa violência ocorre, na maioria das vezes, dentro de casa, no âmbito privado, sendo os familiares, como filhos, cônjuges, netos e genros/noras (54%) os principais responsabilizados pelas agressões. Em relação ao tipo de
violência , os principais registros foram de violência moral (45%) e psicológica (21%). As ocorrências se deram com maior frequência entre as mulheres idosas (68%). Contudo, com a elevação da idade, observou-se que os homens idosos passam a sofrer mais violência, tendo a mesma probabilidade de ocorrência que as mulheres a partir da faixa-etária dos 90 anos de idade. A viuvez (41%) também se constitui em um dos fatores de risco para os idosos principalmente para as mulheres elevando-se a possibilidade de sofrerem violência. A maior parte das denúncias tem sido feita pelos próprios idosos (72%), refutando-se a idéia da vitimização absoluta , que liga os idosos à tradicional imagem de passivos e incapazes. A violência cometida contra os idosos tem estado cada vez mais em evidência em nossas atuais sociedades, exigindo dos pesquisadores e das autoridades públicas uma maior atenção na compreensão deste fenômeno, bem como no fomento às políticas públicas voltadas aos idosos e às suas famílias, prevenindo, dessa forma, um aumento do número de casos de violência.
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A Study on Image Retrieval in Social Image Hosting Websites / ソーシャル画像ホスティングウェブサイトにおける画像検索に関する研究Li, Jiyi 24 September 2013 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(情報学) / 甲第17927号 / 情博第509号 / 新制||情||90(附属図書館) / 30747 / 京都大学大学院情報学研究科社会情報学専攻 / (主査)教授 吉川 正俊, 教授 石田 亨, 教授 田中 克己 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Informatics / Kyoto University / DGAM
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Role of brand trust in creating brand equity in the mobile phone industry amongst black Generation Y students / Christiaan Rudolf Quintus RoetsRoets, Christiaan Rudolf Quintus January 2013 (has links)
In the highly competitive business landscape of the twenty-first century, intangible assets such as brand equity are deemed as increasingly vital to the long-term success of organisations. Brand loyalty, which is the primary driver of brand equity, germinates from consumers‟ brand identification, trust in the superiority of the brand, and their perceptions of the social esteem that use of the brand signals. The mobile phone industry is one of the most dynamic and competitive industries of this century, with new smartphones boasting breakthrough features appearing on the market in rapid succession. In South Africa, black Africans make up the majority of the Generation Y cohort (hereinafter referred to as black Generation Y). As the first generation brought up in this era of mobile telephony, the Generation Y cohort (individuals born between 1986 and 2005) represents an important current and future segment for the manufacturers and marketers of mobile devices, including smartphones. Furthermore, because of the number of members possessing a tertiary qualification, their potential earning power, together with the sheer size of this segment, it was important to determine and model the role of brand trust in creating brand equity in the mobile phone industry amongst these individuals. The study hypothesised that social image directly influences black Generation Y students perception towards brand trust, brand trust directly influences brand loyalty, which in turn directly influences brand equity. The results indicate that social image has a significant positive influence on brand trust, which in turn has a significant positive influence on the development of brand loyalty and consequent brand equity. A descriptive research design using a single cross-sectional sample was followed, using a self-administered questionnaire. The self-administered questionnaire was distributed to a convenience sample of 600 students enrolled at three public South African higher education institutions (HEIs) situated in the Gauteng province. Permission from the lecturers at the three HEIs was obtained to administer the questionnaire during class times. Of the questionnaires completed, 460 questionnaires were usable. The captured data were analysed using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, bivariate regression and independent T-tests. In order to confirm the hypothesised construct paths, a measurement model was created based on the correlation analysis. The correlation analysis results indicated that social image has a significant relationship with brand trust, which in turn has a significant relationship on the development of brand loyalty and consequent brand equity. Five latent variables were identified in the measurement model. The structural model hypothesised that social image influences brand trust, brand trust influences brand loyalty, which in turn influences brand equity. The hypothesised model fit the data. This study contributes to the body of knowledge pertaining to brand equity by developing a model to illustrate the role of social image and brand trust in creating brand equity in the mobile phone industry amongst black Generation Y students, and determining which factors act as antecedents to successful brand equity. The role of brand trust in creating brand equity is suggested to be a five-factor structure comprised of social image, brand reliability, brand intentions, brand loyalty and brand equity. The study also offers recommendations and guidance for marketers and organisations that seek to improve their brand equity. This study will contribute by profiling the black Generation Y student in South Africa concerning their perception towards brand trust in creating brand equity in the mobile phone industry. The findings of this study will add value to South African marketers, as well as international marketers seeking to target the Generation Y cohort. / PhD (Marketing Management)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2015
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Role of brand trust in creating brand equity in the mobile phone industry amongst black Generation Y students / Christiaan Rudolf Quintus RoetsRoets, Christiaan Rudolf Quintus January 2013 (has links)
In the highly competitive business landscape of the twenty-first century, intangible assets such as brand equity are deemed as increasingly vital to the long-term success of organisations. Brand loyalty, which is the primary driver of brand equity, germinates from consumers‟ brand identification, trust in the superiority of the brand, and their perceptions of the social esteem that use of the brand signals. The mobile phone industry is one of the most dynamic and competitive industries of this century, with new smartphones boasting breakthrough features appearing on the market in rapid succession. In South Africa, black Africans make up the majority of the Generation Y cohort (hereinafter referred to as black Generation Y). As the first generation brought up in this era of mobile telephony, the Generation Y cohort (individuals born between 1986 and 2005) represents an important current and future segment for the manufacturers and marketers of mobile devices, including smartphones. Furthermore, because of the number of members possessing a tertiary qualification, their potential earning power, together with the sheer size of this segment, it was important to determine and model the role of brand trust in creating brand equity in the mobile phone industry amongst these individuals. The study hypothesised that social image directly influences black Generation Y students perception towards brand trust, brand trust directly influences brand loyalty, which in turn directly influences brand equity. The results indicate that social image has a significant positive influence on brand trust, which in turn has a significant positive influence on the development of brand loyalty and consequent brand equity. A descriptive research design using a single cross-sectional sample was followed, using a self-administered questionnaire. The self-administered questionnaire was distributed to a convenience sample of 600 students enrolled at three public South African higher education institutions (HEIs) situated in the Gauteng province. Permission from the lecturers at the three HEIs was obtained to administer the questionnaire during class times. Of the questionnaires completed, 460 questionnaires were usable. The captured data were analysed using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, bivariate regression and independent T-tests. In order to confirm the hypothesised construct paths, a measurement model was created based on the correlation analysis. The correlation analysis results indicated that social image has a significant relationship with brand trust, which in turn has a significant relationship on the development of brand loyalty and consequent brand equity. Five latent variables were identified in the measurement model. The structural model hypothesised that social image influences brand trust, brand trust influences brand loyalty, which in turn influences brand equity. The hypothesised model fit the data. This study contributes to the body of knowledge pertaining to brand equity by developing a model to illustrate the role of social image and brand trust in creating brand equity in the mobile phone industry amongst black Generation Y students, and determining which factors act as antecedents to successful brand equity. The role of brand trust in creating brand equity is suggested to be a five-factor structure comprised of social image, brand reliability, brand intentions, brand loyalty and brand equity. The study also offers recommendations and guidance for marketers and organisations that seek to improve their brand equity. This study will contribute by profiling the black Generation Y student in South Africa concerning their perception towards brand trust in creating brand equity in the mobile phone industry. The findings of this study will add value to South African marketers, as well as international marketers seeking to target the Generation Y cohort. / PhD (Marketing Management)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2015
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[pt] Os sentimentos de vergonha e de pudor desempenham funções reguladoras no processo de construção da intimidade, em particular na família. O contexto social contemporâneo, em consonância com a maior igualdade nas posições familiares, favorece o emergir da vergonha social. A diluição da transmissão
geracional do pudor reflete-se na desvalorização da função da família de preservação de intimidade. Esta pesquisa apresentada em formato de artigo teve como objetivo investigar a vergonha e o pudor na intimidade da família. Para alcançar os objetivos propostos foram entrevistados 8 sujeitos independentes, 5 mulheres e 3 homens, com filhos entre os 12 anos e 18 anos. As entrevistas foram analisadas segundo o método de análise de conteúdo. Constatou-se que os participantes estabelecem relações de maior proximidade com os filhos e evidenciam um afastamento da transmissão da vergonha e do pudor associados ao campo sexual, em relação às gerações anteriores. Demonstram que o sentimento
de vergonha está relacionado à valorização da imagem familiar e social. Os participantes associaram o sentimento de vergonha à exposição da intimidade dos filhos nas redes sociais, evidenciando uma preocupação com a sua imagem social e profissional. / [en] The feelings of shame and modesty play a regulatory role in the process of building intimacy, particularly in the family. The contemporary social context, in keeping with the greater equality in family positions, favors the emergence of social shame. Generational transmission of modesty is diminished and is reflected in the devaluation of the preservation of intimacy in the function of the family. This research in article format aimed to investigate the shame and the modesty in the intimacy of the family. In order to achieve the proposal objectives, 8 independent people were interviewed, 5 women and 3 men, with children between 12 and 18 years. The interviews were analyzed by the content analysis method. It was observed that the participants established closer relationships with their children and demonstrated a distance from the transmission of shame and modesty associated with sexual field, in relation to the previous generations. They demonstrated that the feeling of shame is related to the appreciation of the family and social image. The participants associated the feeling of shame with the exposure of children s intimacy in social networks, demonstrating a concern with their social and professional image.
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Essays on the economics of social identity, social preferences and social image / Essais sur l’économie de l’identité sociale, les préférences sociales et l’image socialeSuchon, Rémi 14 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur trois déterminants sociaux des décisions économiques : l'identité sociale, l'image sociale et les préférences sociales. Le premier chapitre rend compte d'une expérience visant à tester l'effet de la mobilité sociale ascendante sur la confiance interpersonnelle. Les individus se sont caractérisés à la fois par une identité de groupe naturelle et par un statut attribué au moyen de leur performance relative dans une tâche dans laquelle les identités naturelles prédisent fortement la performance. La mobilité ascendante se caractérise par l'accès au statut élevé des individus appartenant au groupe naturel associé à une performance attendue inférieure. Nous constatons que les personnes socialement mobiles font moins confiance que celles qui ne sont pas socialement mobiles, à la fois lorsque le l'autre individu appartient au même groupe naturel ou à un autre groupe naturel. En revanche, la mobilité ascendante n'affecte pas la fiabilité. Nous ne trouvons rien qui indique que l'interaction avec une personne mobile a une incidence sur la confiance ou la fiabilité. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous testons si les individus intériorisent les effets de leur comportement sur l'image sociale de leur groupe. Dans notre expérience, nous recrutons des paires d'amis et étudions si le nombre de fausses déclarations diminue quand cela peut avoir des retombées négatives sur l'image de l'ami. Nous constatons que les participants nuisent à l'image sociale de leurs amis en faisant de fausses déclarations : les observateurs externes mettent à jour leurs croyances et s'attendent à juste titre à ce qu'un participant dont l'ami a fait de fausses déclarations soit susceptible de faire de même. Cependant, les participants font autant de fausses déclarations quand leur comportement peut nuire à l'image de leur ami que quand il ne le peut pas, même si le fait de nuire à l'image de leurs amis réduit leurs propres gains monétaires. Notre interprétation est qu'ils sous-estiment l'impact de leur comportement sur les croyances des observateurs externes concernant leurs amis. Nos résultats montrent que, même dans notre cas où l'appartenance à un groupe est évidente, les groupes peuvent avoir de la difficulté à se bâtir une bonne image. La bonne nouvelle, c'est que les observateurs externes peuvent utiliser les retombées d'images pour mettre à jour leurs croyances et interagir plus efficacement avec les membres des groupes. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous examinons expérimentalement si la sailliance des gains contre-factuels a une incidence sur la générosité. Les participants exécutent d'abord une tâche d'effort réel pour un salaire fixe, puis jouent au jeu du dictateur. Entre les conditions, nous faisons varier le niveau et le moment de la révélation du salaire. Dans certaines conditions, les participants connaissent le salaire avant la tâche de l'effort réel et ne sont pas informés des autres niveaux potentiels. Dans d'autres conditions, ils sont informés de la répartition des salaires avant la tâche d'effort réel, mais le salaire réel n'est révélé qu'ensuite. Notre hypothèse est que les participants à ces dernières conditions évaluent leur salaire réel par rapport aux autres niveaux potentiels, ce qui, à son tour, influe sur leurs transferts dans le jeu dictateur qui suit. Les résultats corroborent cette hypothèse : les participants qui obtiennent un salaire élevé ont tendance à transférer davantage lorsqu'ils sont informés des autres niveaux potentiels que lorsqu'ils ne le sont pas. Symétriquement, les participants qui reçoivent le plus bas salaire ont tendance à transférer moins quand ils sont informés des autres niveaux potentiels que quand ils ne le sont pas. / The present dissertation studies three social determinants of economic decisions: Social Identity, Social Image, and Social preferences. The first chapter reports on an experiment testing the effect of upward social mobility on interpersonal trust. Individuals are characterized both by a natural group identity and by a status awarded by means of relative performance in a task in which natural identities strongly predict performance. Upward mobility is characterized by the access to the high status of individuals belonging to the natural group associated with a lower expected performance. We find that socially mobile individuals trust less than those who are not socially mobile, both when the trustee belongs to the same natural group or to the other natural group. In contrast, upward mobility does not affect trustworthiness. We find no evidence that interacting with an upwardly mobile individual impacts trust or trustworthiness. In the second chapter, we test whether individuals internalize the effects of their behavior on the social image of their group. In our experiment, we recruit pairs of real-life friends and study whether misreporting decreases when it may have negative spillovers on the image of the friend. We find that participants hurt their friends' social image by misreporting: external observers update their beliefs and rightfully expect that a participant whose friend misreported is likely to misreport himself. However, participants misreport as often when their behavior can hurt the friend's image as when it cannot, even though hurting their friends' image reduces their own monetary gains. Our interpretation is that they underestimate the impact of their behavior on external observers' beliefs about their friends. Our results show that, even in our case where group membership is salient, groups might have difficulties building a good image. The good news is that external observers may use image spillovers to update their beliefs and interact with members of groups more efficiently. In the third chapter, we experimentally test whether the salience of counter-factual payoffs impacts generosity. Participants first perform a real-effort task for a fixed wage, and then play a dictator game. Between conditions, we vary the level and the timing of the revelation of the wage. In some conditions, participants know the wage before the real effort task, and are not informed of the other potential levels. In some other conditions, they are informed of the distribution of the wages before the real effort task, but the actual wage is only revealed afterward. Our hypothesis is that participants in the latter conditions evaluate their actual wage relative to the other potential levels, which in turns impact their transfers in the subsequent dictator game. The results support this hypothesis: participants who get a the high wage tend to transfer more when they are informed of the other potential levels than when they are not. Symmetrically, participants who get the low wage tend to transfer less when they are informed of the other potential levels than when they are not.
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