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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Automatiserad hantering av data för ökad användbarhet av ett mikro-CT-system / Automated Handling of Data for Increased Usability of a Micro-CT System

Bergström, Belinda, Landström, Matilda January 2020 (has links)
På CBH (Skolan för kemi, bioteknologi och hälsa) har en mikro-CT utvecklats, men med förbättringspotential gällande användbarheten. Målet med kandidatexamensarbetet var att förbättra mjukvaran genom att automatisera tre olika aspekter av manuell datahantering: Dels att placera filerna i en mapp med namn kopplat till valda bildtagningsinställningar. Dels att kopiera data via SCP mellan två datorer kopplade till mikro-CT:n. Samt att radera kopierade data från disken som preliminärt sparar filerna. För att möjliggöra en automatisk dataöverföring implementerades ett SSH-nyckelpar med publik nyckelautentisering mellan de två datorerna. Till den befintliga mjukvaran tillades ett skript samt en klass med handhavande över de tre automatiseringsaspekterna. Genom användargränssnittet hämtar klassen inledningsvis information om bildtagningsinställningarna till mappnamnet och när bildtagningen är klar anropar programkoden skriptfilen som utför SCP-kopieringen. Därefter kontrolleras att inga data gått förlorade under överföringen, varefter en radering av de kopierade filerna utförs på den ursprungliga disken. Den nya klassen förbättrar mikro-CT:ns användarvänlighet och underlättar hanteringen av data efter en bildtagning. / At CBH (The School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health) a micro-CT has been developed, but the system has potential improvement regarding the usability. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis was to improve the software by automatizing three aspects of manual data handling: Firstly to place the data in a folder with a name related to the obtained acquisition settings. Secondly to transfer files through SCP between the two computers connected to the micro-CT. Lastly to delete the copied data from the disk that initially saves the files. In order to automate the data transfer an SSH key pair with public key authentication was implemented between the two computers. To the existing software a script as well as a class controlling the three automation aspects were added. From the user interface, the class initially retrieves information about the acquisition settings to the folder name and when the acquisition is complete, the program code calls the script file that performs the SCP transfer. Afterwards a verification is made that no data was lost during the transfer, after which a deletion of the copied files is performed on the original disk. The new class improves the usability of the micro-CT and facilitates the handling of data after an acquisition.

Automatisering av aktiv lyssnare processen inom examensarbetesseminarium : En utökning av lärplattformen Canvas / Automation of the active listner process in a degree project seminar : An extension of the Canvas learning management system

Kuvaja Rabhi, Karim January 2019 (has links)
I dagsläget när studenter från Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) ska genomföra en examensarbetspresentation ska det finnas aktiva lyssnare på plats. Aktiva lyssnare är andra studenter som också utför examensarbeten och som lyssnar på presentationen och ställer frågor. Detta är ett obligatoriskt moment som alla studenter genomför under sina examensarbeten. Problemet med detta moment är att det inte genomförs på ett smidigt sätt, för att få sitt deltagande godkänt får man en underskrift på ett papper av examinatorn på plats som bevis på delaktighet. Skulle detta papper tappas bort finns inga bevis på delaktighet. I detta examensarbete ska närvaroprocessen göras smidigare, både för studenter och för examinatorer, med hjälp av digitalisering. Som student ska det vara enkelt att ställa frågor till presentatören, dessa frågor kommer vara en del av grunden för närvarokontrollen. För examinatorer ska närvarokontrollen av aktiv lyssnare deltagandet förenklas. Med hjälp av lärplattformen Canvas, som KTH använder sig av, ska det bli lättare för examinatorer att ta närvaro på studenter. Studenter ska med hjälp av en gruppfunktion i Canvas kunna välja vilken presentation de vill delta i genom att gå med i en grupp som representerar en vald presentationen. Canvas har också en diskussionsfunktion som gör det möjligt för aktiva lyssnare att ställa sina frågor om presentationen, frågorna kommer sedan vara ett underlägg för närvaro och deltagande under presentationen. Canvas kan med sitt applikationsprogrammeringsgränssnitt användas med programmeringsspråket Ruby, vilket är tänkta ska användas, för att digitalisera och förenkla aktiv lyssnare processen. Detta projekt har tagit fram en process som endast använder Canvas för bevis på närvaro och delaktighet som aktiv lyssnare under en presentation. Som aktiv lyssnare behöver man endast gå med i en grupp som representerar en presentation och publicera en fråga i en diskussionstråd i gruppen för att få delmomentet godkänt. Med denna process behöver varken studenter eller examinatorer hantera osmidigt pappersarbete. Resultatet är fullt fungerande och har testats på en fiktiv Canvasdomän och skulle i teorin kunna användas på KTH. / In today’s degree project presentations at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), there must be active listeners on site. Active listeners are other students who are also doing degree projects. They listen to the presentation and ask questions to the presenter. This is a mandatory assignment for every degree project student. The problem with this assignment is that the process of getting once attendance approved is implemented in an old-fashioned way, a signature from the examiner on site on a piece of paper is the only proof of participation. If the piece of paper is lost a student has no proof of participation. In this thesis the attendance process for active listeners will be improved both for students and examiners with the help of digitalization. As a student it should be easy to ask your questions to the presenter, these questions will then be a part of the attendance. As an examiner the attendance and active listening participation will be made easier to document and record. With the help of the learning management system Canvas, which KTH uses, attendance control for examiners will be made easier. Students will with the help of a group function in Canvas be able to choose which presentation they want to attend to by joining a group which represents a chosen presentation. With the help of a discussion function in Canvas, active listeners will post their questions to the presenter, the questions will then be used as a proof of attendance and participation during the presentation. With its application programming interface, Canvas can be used with the programming language Ruby, which is intended to be used to digitalize and simplify the active listening process. This project has developed a process that only uses Canvas for proof of presence and participation as an active listener. As an active listener, you only need to join a group representing a presentation and post a question in a discussion thread in said group to pass the assignment. With this process neither students nor examiners need to handle clumsy paperwork. The results are fully functional and have been tested against a custom Canvas domain and could in theory be used at KTH.

Digitalization of Supply Chains : A case study of value adds by digitalizing the supply chain

Technology has been developing over the last decades and the phenomenon of digitalization is becoming a reality for all industries. For supply chain managers, it is becoming a necessity to use the new technology to create interoperable systems that can increase responsiveness, transparency and cost efficiency of their supply chains, in order to meet the more demanding customer expectations and business environments. Changing business environments force companies to enter new markets where margins might be lower, which requires more cost efficient supply chains. Company X, the commissioning company for this research is an example of a company struggling with this. They are starting to develop Information and Communication Technology (ICT) products, which have lower margins than previous products. Company X, who is about to start the journey of digitalizing their supply chains, would therefore benefit from knowing what value adds that digitalization can bring. There is currently a gap within the field of supply chain management regarding evaluation of digitalization projects. Therefore, this study investigates the main drivers, factors that enable changes and affect value adds, of digitalization of supply chains, the changes these drivers result in and the value adds of these. The study also contributes with a framework for future evaluation of digitalization projects.The study was conducted with case studies at three companies, which are all comparable to Company X in both size and business. The investigated companies are all global producers of ICT-products who have conducted a digitalization of their supply chains.The main finding of this study is that the overall driver for digitalization according to the case companies is Standardization and Simplification, and all case companies state that this is the main goal for digitalizing the supply chain. Furthermore, automatization from tender to invoice is one of the major changes that standardization and simplification of the Supply Chain Information Technology (SCIT) enables. This improves the information flow between all silos within the supply chain and also helps increase order reliability, responsiveness and scalability as well as improve integration and collaboration with partners and suppliers, and it increases the overall process and cost efficiency. This all helps to increase the customer experience and satisfaction, which is stated as the major value add from digitalization of the supply chain according to the case companies.

Принципы разработки шаблона информационных требований заказчика к цифровой информационной модели строительного объекта как инструмента автоматизированного контроля технических решений : магистерская диссертация / Employer’s information requirements template development principles as a tool for technical solutions automated control

Шпак, Е. В., Shpak, E. V. January 2022 (has links)
Целью данной работы является составление шаблона информационных требований заказчика, который обеспечит возможность разработки ЦИМ, подготовленной для автоматизированного контроля технических решений. Был проведен обзор программного обеспечения, позволяющего автоматизировано проверять ЦИМ, определена методология работы при проверке моделей и реализован пример реализации проверок такого рода, на основании созданного примера, был сформирован шаблон информационных требований заказчика к ЦИМ. / The aim of this paper is to develop an employer’s information requirements template that gives an opportunity of building information model technical solutions automated validation. BIM model validation software review, validation methodology and a technical solutions of BIM model check example were given in this thesis. Based on this results the employer’s information requirements template was made.

Swift vs React Native : A performance comparison for automatization of gamification using QR-codes / Swift vs React Native : En jämförelse i prestation för automatisering av gamification med QR-koder

Tajik, Farzaneh, Lindström, Josefin January 2023 (has links)
In the world of mobile applications, there is no lack of frameworks and languages to use for development. One of the most used frameworks is React Native, which builds on React for web browsers. The React Native framework allows the developer to write the application in JavaScript, and run the application on iOS or Android devices. As the market for mobile applications expands, the time it takes to develop an application is under pressure, and a framework allowing for one codebase for two applications can save time and money. Deedster is a company that provides a mobile application where the user can learn about climate change and perform small tasks, deeds, that give a positive impact on the environment. A common request from the users is the automatization of completion of deeds. This thesis creates two implementations of a QR-code scanning application for completion of deeds, one with Swift and one with React Native, and compares the experiences during development and the results of the implementation. The evaluation uses both a quantitative and a qualitative analysis. The produced application fulfilled most of the requirements, including the scanning of a QR-code to open the application, an authentication process and the completion of a deed with confirmation for the user. The execution times for the two implementations did not differ largely, but the measurements of the application launch time proved flawed in design due to the difference in measurement technique between the two implementations. When it came to the development process, the React Native framework provided major difficulties with configuration and dependencies, resulting in difficulties when locating the source of errors. The launching process for the Swift application required some manual configurations that proved difficult such as creating certificates, while the React Native implementation used Expo to convert the project to a launchable file format which created all required files for the developer. While the usage of Expo was smooth once it worked, build errors and lacking bridges appeared which proved hard to solve. In conclusion, while the process for React Native was smooth once all dependencies were figured out, the time it took to get all configurations in place consumed a large chunk of the project’s time budget while the Swift implementation provided steady progress with few unexpected errors. / För applikationsutveckling för mobiler finns det en uppsjö av språk och ramverk för att underlätta utvecklingsprocessen. Ett av de vanligaste ramverken är React Native som bygger på React för webbläsare. React Native-ramverket låter utvecklare skriva koden i JavaScript, men köra applikationen på både iOS- och Android-enheter. I takt med att marknaden för mobilapplikationer växer, sätts det högre press på kortare utvecklingsfaser och snabbare lansering. För att underlätta processen och spara tid och pengar kan React Native vara en bra lösning. Deedster är ett företag som erbjuder en mobilapplikation där användaren kan lära sig om klimatförändringar och utföra små uppdrag, deeds, som ger en positiv påverkan på klimatet. En vanlig förfrågan från användare är ett sätt att automatisera avklarandet av deeds. Den här uppsatsen skapar två implementationer av en applikation som scannar en QR-kod för att markera en deed som avklarad. Den ena byggs med Swift och den andra med React Native och syftar till att jämföra utvecklingsprocessen och den resulterande applikationen. Evalueringen sker med både en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ analys. Den färdiga applikationen uppfyllde de flesta kraven som Deedster ställt, inklusive att appen öppnas genom att scanna en QR-kod, en användare kan autentisera sig, klicka för att markera en deed som klar och få bekräftelse från appen om att det är klart. Exekveringstiderna för de två implementationerna varierade inte märkbart, men mätningarna för starttiden för applikationerna visade sig bristfällig då mättekniken för de två apparna inte blev jämförbar. Gällande utvecklingsprocessen resulterade användandet av React Native i stora problem med konfigurationer och versionskompatibilitet vilket gjorde felsökning svårt. Lanseringsprocessen för Swift-appen krävde en del manuell konfigurering med till exempel certifikat, medan React Native implementationen använde Expo för att konvertera React Native-projektet till ett lanserbart filformat som skapade alla behövda filer åt användaren. Trots att Expo för pakethantering var enkelt och smidigt när det väl fungerade så krävde alla fel vid kompilering och avsaknad av bryggor mycket tid och var svårt att lösa. Slutsatsen blev att React Native var smidigt när alla konfigurationer var på plats, men den tid det tog att konfigurera allt stod för merparten av den tid som lagts på att bygga applikationen. För Swift var processen istället smidig om än inte lika automatiserad, och bjöd på få om ens några oväntade fel.

Den konstanta digitaliseringen av arbetsrollen redovisningskonsult : En studie om digitaliseringen av redovisningskonsultens arbete

Jacob, Nancy, Mahmoud Ahmed, Osama, Selvanayagam, Thanojitha January 2023 (has links)
Datum: 2023-05-31 Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i Företagsekonomi Akademi: Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, Mälardalen  Universitet Författare: Nancy Jacob, Osama Mahmoud Ahmed, Thanojitha Selvanayagam                      (990101)               (001212)                            (970719) Titel: Den konstanta digitaliseringen av arbetsrollen redovisningskonsult   Handledare: Zelalem Abay   Nyckelord: Redovisningskonsulternas arbete, bokföringsprogram, digitalisering, automatisering, och molnbaserade databaser.  Forskningsfråga: Hur har digitiseringen och digitaliseringen av redovisningskonsultens arbete påverkat arbetsprocessen, kompetenskraven och intressenter? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att få en bild på hur arbetet som redovisningskonsult ser ut idag och digitaliseringens påverkan för yrkesrollen. Med en arbetsmarknad som konstant ändras och utvecklas kan det vara svårt att begripa de väsentliga aspekterna bakom yrket. Detta arbete ska undersöka vad som behövs för att vara en modern redovisningskonsult och de essentiella aspekterna bakom arbetet.  Metod: I denna studie användes en kvalitativ metod för undersökningen och insamlingen av empiriska materialet har genomförts med hjälp av nio semistrukturerade intervjuer som bygger på förutbestämda frågor. I studien har författarna utgått från en deduktiv process, vilket betyder att både teori och hypotes används för att utforma studiens forskningsfråga. Slutsats: Genom digitaliseringen blir redovisningskonsultens arbete mer automatiserat vilket resulterar i att rollen blir mer inriktad mot rådgivning. Dessutom har digitaliseringen gjort kundrelationer mycket enklare och smidigare. Den moderna redovisningskonsulten ska ha tillräckligt med kompetens både inom teori och IT för att kunna hantera de digitala verktygen som Fortnox och Visma. Konsulten behöver inte bära högre kunskap inom IT som exempelvis en programmerare. / Date: 2023-05-31 Level: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration Institution: School of business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University                              Authors: Nancy Jacob, Osama Mahmoud Ahmed, Thanojitha Selvanayagam                  ( 99/01/01)             ( 00/12/12)                        ( 97/07/19) Title: The constant digitalization of the work role accounting consultant Supervisor: Zelalem Abay   Keywords: Accounting consultants work, accounting programs, digitalization, automatization, and cloud-based database Research question: How has the digitization and digitalization of the accounting consultants work affected the work process, skill requirements and stakeholders? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to understand what the work of an accounting consultant looks like today and the impact of digitalization on the professional role. It can be difficult to understand the essential aspects behind the profession in a job market that is constantly changing and developing. This study aims to examine what is needed to be a modern accounting consultant and the essential aspects behind the work.  Method: In this study, a qualitative method has been applied and the retrieval of empirical data has been conducted by nine semi-structured interviews based on predetermined questions. A deductive research approach has been applied, which means that both theory and hypothesis are used to design the study's research question. Conclusion: With digitalization, the work of the accounting consultant is automated and this results in the work of accounting consultants becoming more focused on advisory services. In addition, digitalization has made customer relations much simpler and smoother. The modern accounting consultant should have sufficient theoretical and IT knowledge to handle digital tools such as Fortnox, Visma, etc. However, having the same qualifications as, for example,  programmers are not required.

Jazyk hudebního magazínu SPARK / The language of SPARK magazine

Bodlák, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with Discourse analysis of music magazine Spark, which refers to metal music. The main standpoint is the phraseology and the choice of metaphorical expression which are used in the magazíne. They are determined by aesthetic and cultural context, to which the magazíne relates. Specific indexicality at the linguistic level refers, in a specific way, to musical context. The theoretical basis is stylistic analysis of specifically modified publicistic operational style, of its lexical items, phraseology and imaginativeness. Emphasis is layed on tenseness between the automatization in the use of means of expression and some author's style actualization. Both tendencies are relevant to the text contextualization. The first part of the thesis, named Introduction, presents the thematic structure of the magazíne and its specific form of advertising, the second part, named Texts, is focused on stylistic analysis of texts and their interpretation in the light of cultural context. In this second part are presented the persvazive aspects of the magazíne, in consideration of Christian values. The aim of this thesis is to describe one of the contemporary Czech media, in connection with linguistics and ideology. Key words: Discourse analysis Contextualization Order of indexicality Slang...

Automatização do processo de seleção de transformações para otimização do tempo de execução por meio de aprendizado de máquina no arcabouço da LLVM. / Transformation selection process automation for execution time optimization through machine learning on LLVM framework.

Sabaliauskas, Jorge Augusto 28 April 2015 (has links)
A rápida evolução do hardware demanda uma evolução contínua dos compiladores. Um processo de ajuste deve ser realizado pelos projetistas de compiladores para garantir que o código gerado pelo compilador mantenha uma determinada qualidade, seja em termos de tempo de processamento ou outra característica pré-definida. Este trabalho visou automatizar o processo de ajuste de compiladores por meio de técnicas de aprendizado de máquina. Como resultado os planos de compilação obtidos usando aprendizado de máquina com as características propostas produziram código para programas cujos valores para os tempos de execução se aproximaram daqueles seguindo o plano padrão utilizado pela LLVM. / The fast evolution of hardware demands a continue evolution of the compilers. Compiler designers must perform a tuning process to ensure that the code generated by the compiler maintain a certain quality, both in terms of processing time or another preset feature. This work aims to automate compiler adjustment process through machine learning techniques. As a result the compiler plans obtained using machine learning with the proposed features had produced code for programs whose values for the execution times approached those following the standard plan used by LLVM.

Concepts for a suitable condition based monitoring system for a planetary gearbox. / Koncept för lämpliga tillståndsövervakningssystem för enplanetväxel

Svensson, Gustav, Huisman, Mischa January 2018 (has links)
In the trends of technical improvements and automatization is it important for companies to keep up with the developments to be competitive on the market. SwePart Transmissions AB is a company that manufacture and develop gearboxes for the currently growing robot arms industry and the main task with this study is to investigate how to apply condition based monitoring on a new gearbox from the company. The work considers vibration analysis and testing new ideas in the oil analysis field. The tests that were performed are based on measuring the difference in impedance or magnetic field due to the increasement of wear. The results of the tests are not clear. This thesis is the beginning of a big project and therefore lies the value of this work in the new ideas and suggestions for further work.

Automatização do processo de seleção de transformações para otimização do tempo de execução por meio de aprendizado de máquina no arcabouço da LLVM. / Transformation selection process automation for execution time optimization through machine learning on LLVM framework.

Jorge Augusto Sabaliauskas 28 April 2015 (has links)
A rápida evolução do hardware demanda uma evolução contínua dos compiladores. Um processo de ajuste deve ser realizado pelos projetistas de compiladores para garantir que o código gerado pelo compilador mantenha uma determinada qualidade, seja em termos de tempo de processamento ou outra característica pré-definida. Este trabalho visou automatizar o processo de ajuste de compiladores por meio de técnicas de aprendizado de máquina. Como resultado os planos de compilação obtidos usando aprendizado de máquina com as características propostas produziram código para programas cujos valores para os tempos de execução se aproximaram daqueles seguindo o plano padrão utilizado pela LLVM. / The fast evolution of hardware demands a continue evolution of the compilers. Compiler designers must perform a tuning process to ensure that the code generated by the compiler maintain a certain quality, both in terms of processing time or another preset feature. This work aims to automate compiler adjustment process through machine learning techniques. As a result the compiler plans obtained using machine learning with the proposed features had produced code for programs whose values for the execution times approached those following the standard plan used by LLVM.

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