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Kunskapens betydelse vid födoämnesallergi och anafylaxi : en systematisk litteraturstudieEriksson, Camilla January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande litteraturstudie var att beskriva kunskapens betydelse för personer med födoämnesallergi, samt när det gäller förebyggande av anafylaxi. Den metod som användes var en systematisk litteraturstudie, där totalt tretton kvantitativa och två kvalitativa artiklar användes i resultatet. De databaser som användes var Pubmed, Elin@dalarna och CINAHL. Resultatet visade att beträffande kunskapens betydelse var majoriteten av de medicinska frågorna i en studie som besvarades via Internet frågor som berörde födoämnesallergi och allergiska reaktioner. Över hälften av ungdomarna uppgav att deras livskvalitet och hälsa påverkades och ovissheten och okunskapen om allergin påverkade deras livskvalitet negativt. Det visade sig även att endast en fjärdedel av läkarna gav detaljerad undervisning och information om hur viktigt det var med undvikande av allergen vid födoämnesallergi. Beträffande kunskapens betydelse vid förebyggande av anafylaxi visade flera studier att anafylaxi var vanligt förekommande hos vuxna och ungdomar med födoämnesallergi. Ungdomar hade otillräcklig kunskap om anafylaxi och hälften av ungdomarna uppgav att de ätit de födoämnen de var allergiska emot. Anvisningar och information om akuta födoämnesreaktioner var låg hos vuxna och tonåringar upplevde ett stort behov av undervisning, då de tog mer risker än vuxna.
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Combating abusive EU corporate income tax practicesBeckett, Neal Peter January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the concept of EU corporate tax abuse in light of the tensions between the protection of EU Fundamental rights and the susceptibility of those rights to abuse. Consideration is given to the major tax abuse practices and arrangements, accompanied by analyses of the responses of a selection of EU member states, and the role and impacts of judicial, state and commercial stakeholder interests. Consequent upon an examination of why past proposals have failed to attain either policy adoption or policy success, it is suggested that the legal concepts of abuse of rights, substance over form and proportionality may be of value in assessing and validating a corporate tax abuse proposal. It will be argued that Member State tax rules and policy initiatives to date have been unsuccessful in eradicating the effects of corporate tax abuse deriving from the exploitation of Fundamental Freedoms and that this failure is attributable to reasons of poor transactional data lineage and disclosure, unresolved political and judicial conflicts between balancing Member State rights with the Internal Market ideal and from a corporate culture that is incentivised to circumvent tax rules with limited recourse. Following an assessment of whether reform should focus on transactional based tax rules or on a broader legal framework to induce taxpayer behavioural changes, it is contended that EU corporate tax abuse can be addressed by rejecting the traditional ideals of tax harmonisation, formulary apportionment, and principles or rule-based tax law approaches as a complete solution. An effective scheme of reform should instead be based on Enhanced Disclosures and Attestation incorporating country-by-country reporting, additional reporting metrics and legal attestations, underpinned by civil and criminal penalties.
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Resistência à seca em plântulas de espécies arbóreas da floresta estacional semidecídua / Drought resistance in seedlings tree species of semideciduous tropical forestPereira, Luciano, 1981- 18 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Claudia Regina Baptista Haddad, Fernando Roberto Martins / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T12:00:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Pereira_Luciano_M.pdf: 1574760 bytes, checksum: 86654daaeda73234eef3076e41dd937f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Apesar da alta pluviosidade nas florestas tropicais, há grande variação na disponibilidade hídrica para as plantas. Em escala local, essa disponibilidade pode variar dependendo da localização dos indivíduos em clareiras, sua posição no relevo e a composição do solo. Em escala regional, variações relacionadas ao volume e distribuição das chuvas, aliadas às alterações climáticas sazonais, podem também gerar diferentes condições de déficit hídrico, aumentando as taxas de mortalidade das espécies arbóreas mais sensíveis, em especial no estádio de plântula. Considerando o cenário mundial de mudanças climáticas, torna-se urgente a compreensão dos mecanismos que determinam a ecologia das comunidades das florestas tropicais, principalmente em relação aos padrões de chuvas e secas. Neste trabalho analisamos as diferentes estratégias de resistência à seca de plântulas de espécies arbóreas, com o objetivo de entender como diferentes espécies arbóreas respondem à variação da disponibilidade hídrica, de modo a conhecer como essa variação filtra as espécies e conseqüentemente contribui para organizar a comunidade florestal. No primeiro capítulo apresentamos as principais estratégias de resistência à seca e as possíveis abordagens teóricas, descritas na literatura, para plântulas de espécies arbóreas, demonstrando a importância dessas estratégias na distribuição, abundância e coexistência de espécies nas florestas tropicais. As diferenças entre as florestas tropicais úmidas e secas, pelo baixo compartilhamento de espécies e os diferentes graus de resistência à seca apresentados por espécies arbóreas, indicam uma clara diferenciação de nichos. Espécies mais resistentes à seca ocupam, com maior abundância, locais mais secos, quando comparadas às espécies mais sensíveis, tanto em escala local quanto regional. Estratégias de resistência à seca podem ser de dois tipos: de tolerância à dessecação e de evitação à dessecação. No estádio de plântula, estratégias de tolerância parecem ser mais determinantes para a resistência à seca, principalmente a presença de caracteres que conferem tolerância a baixos potenciais hídricos, como resistência à cavitação. No segundo capítulo investigamos a hipótese de que há uma relação entre a abundância de algumas espécies em locais com diferentes intensidades de sombreamento e/ou sua posição na vertente (com provável gradiente hídrico) da Floresta Estacional Semidecídua e a presença de estratégias fisiológicas de trocas de gases relacionadas à resistência à seca. Avaliamos a troca de gases, dessecação e rebrota de plantas de duas espécies tardias (Esenbeckia leiocarpa e Astronium graveolens) e duas espécies pioneiras (Croton floribundus e Aegiphila selowiana) em um experimento de seca súbita em casa de vegetação. Encontramos maior resistência à seca nas espécies com maior abundância e de estádio sucessional tardio (E. leiocarpa e A. graveolens). A resistência à seca esteve associada às menores taxas de troca de gases, e as espécies com maior aproveitamento fotossintético exibiram menor resistência à seca. Essas espécies ocorrem mais abundantemente nos sítios de ocupação menos sombreados, reforçando a teoria de uma demanda conflitante para espécies que ou investem em resistência à seca ou na capacidade de aproveitamento de luz. A disponibilidade sazonal de água, assim como a diferença de luz entre as diferentes ecounidades, pode explicar a coexistência das espécies na floresta estacional / Abstract: The rainfall is high in tropical forests, but there is great variation in water availability to plants. On a local scale, this availability may vary depending on the location of individuals in gaps, their position in the landscape and soil composition. On a regional scale, variations related to the volume and distribution of rainfall, coupled with seasonal climatic changes, can also generate different water stress conditions, increasing the mortality rates of tree species most sensitive, especially at the seedling stage. Considering the global scenario of climatic changes, it is imperative to understand the mechanisms that determine the ecology of communities of tropical forests, especially in relation to patterns of rainfall and drought. We examined different strategies of drought resistance of seedlings of tree species, to determine the organization of the community and the contribution of water availability to the selection of species in these forests. The first chapter presents a review of the principal studies available on strategies for drought resistance in seedlings of tree species and the possible theoretical approaches, demonstrating the increasing importance of these studies for understanding the processes that determine the distribution, abundance and species coexistence in tropical forests. The differences between wet and dry tropical forests, in view of the low number of species in common and the different degrees of drought resistance presented by the tree species present, show a clear differentiation of niches. Species more resistant to drought present higher abundance in drier sites, compared to more sensitive species, at local and regional levels. Strategies for drought resistance may be of two kinds: desiccation tolerance and avoidance of desiccation. In the seedling stage tolerance strategies seem to be more crucial for resistance to drought, especially the presence of characteristics that confer tolerance to low water potentials, as resistance to cavitation. In the second chapter we investigated the hypothesis that there is a relationship between the existence of abundant species only at certain sites of the semi-deciduous forest and the presence of physiological strategies of gas exchange related to drought resistance. We evaluated the gas exchange process and desiccation and regrowth of plants of four species (Esenbeckia leiocarpa, Astronium graveolens, Croton floribundus and Aegiphila selowiana), during a sudden drought experiment in a greenhouse. E. leiocarpa, A. graveolens are late-successional species and C. floribundus and A. selowiana are pioneers species. We found greater resistance to drought in the most abundant and latesuccessional species. The drought resistance was associated with lower rates of gas exchange. Species with higher photosynthetic efficiency showed lower resistance to drought. These species occur most abundantly on sites less shaded, reinforcing the theory of a trade off between investment in drought resistance and ability to use light. The seasonal availability of water, similarly to differences between light of different eco-units, can explain species coexistence in the tropical seasonal forest / Mestrado / Biologia Vegetal / Mestre em Biologia Vegetal
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Understanding conflict avoiding behavior in China : the role of goal interdependence and behavioral intentionsWANG, Lin 01 January 2012 (has links)
It is a commonly held belief that people from collectivistic, large power distance or high-context cultures, such as China, tend to be less confrontational, which could be counter-productive in organizations. Contrary to this traditional view, this study posits that conflict avoidance can be constructive depending on the specific actions protagonists take. It adopts Deutsch’s (1973) theory of cooperation and competition to understand conflict avoiding behavior between employees and their supervisors, indicating that people’s perceptions of goal interdependence significantly influence their behavioral intentions that in turn predict their overt actions to avoid conflict. Specifically, it proposes that goal interdependence greatly affects employee behavioral intentions that lead to different avoiding behaviors that affect the important outcomes of productivity, relationship, and social respect within organizations.
A total of 110 participants from Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Shenzhen were interviewed from June 2011 to September 2011 by critical incident technique. Interviewees were first required to recall a concrete incident in which they avoided direct discussions with their supervisors when they had a disagreement. They then rated specific questions on the recalled incident using 7-point Likert-type scales. Results of the structural equation modeling and other analyses support the hypotheses and proposed theoretical model that goal interdependence affects the behavioral intentions of employees, which significantly influence employees‟ specific actions to avoid conflict, and finally determine outcomes. Research findings contribute to the literature of conflict management and also provide crucial implications for dealing with conflict avoidance in Chinese enterprises and perhaps in organizations in other countries.
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Sparsity Analysis of Deep Learning Models and Corresponding Accelerator Design on FPGAYou, Yantian January 2016 (has links)
Machine learning has achieved great success in recent years, especially the deep learning algorithms based on Artificial Neural Network. However, high performance and large memories are needed for these models , which makes them not suitable for IoT device, as IoT devices have limited performance and should be low cost and less energy-consuming. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the deep learning models to accommodate the resource-constrained IoT devices. This thesis is to seek for a possible solution of optimizing the ANN models to fit into the IoT devices and provide a hardware implementation of the ANN accelerator on FPGA. The contribution of this thesis mainly lies in two aspects: 1). analyze the sparsity in the two mainstream deep learning models – DBN and CNN. The DBN model consists of two hidden layers with Restricted Boltzmann Machines while the CNN model consists of 2 convolutional layers and 2 sub-sampling layer. Experiments have been done on the MNIST data set with the sparsity of 75%. The ratio of the multiplications resulting in near-zero values has been tested. 2). FPGA implementation of an ANN accelerator. This thesis designed a hardware accelerator for the inference process in ANN models on FPGA (Stratix IV: EP4SGX530KH40C2). The main part of hardware design is the processing array consists of 256 Multiply-Accumulators array, which can conduct multiply-accumulate operations of 256 synaptic connections simultaneously. 16-bit fixed point computation is used to reduce the hardware complexity, thus saving power and area. Based on the evaluation results, it is found that the ratio of the multiplications under the threshold of 2-5 is 75% for CNN with ReLU activation function, and is 83% for DBN with sigmoid activation function, respectively. Therefore, there still exists large space for complex ANN models to be optimized if the sparsity of data is fully utilized. Meanwhile, the implemented hardware accelerator is verified to provide correct results through 16-bit fixed point computation, which can be used as a hardware testing platform for evaluating the ANN models.
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Self-avoiding polygons in (L, M)-tubes2014 September 1900 (has links)
By studying self-avoiding polygons (SAPs) in (L, M )-tubes (a tubular sublattice of the simple cubic lattice) as a sequence of 2-spans, transfer matrices can be used to obtain theoretical and numerical results for these SAPs. As a result, asymptotic properties of these SAPs, such as pattern densities in a random SAP and the expected span of a random SAP, can be calculated directly from these transfer matrices. These same results can also be obtained for compact polygons, as well as SAPs under the influence of an external force (called compressed or stretched polygons). These results can act as tools for examining the entanglement complexity of SAPs in (L, M )-tubes.
In this thesis, it is examined how transfer matrices can be used to develop these tools. The transfer matrix method is reviewed, and previous transfer matrix results for SAPs in (L, M )-tubes, as well as SAPs subjected to an external force, are presented. The transfer matrix method is then similarly applied to compact polygons, where new results regarding compact polygons are obtained, including proofs for a compact concatenation theorem and for a compact pattern theorem. Also in this thesis, transfer matrices are actually generated (via the computer) for relatively small tube sizes. This is done for the general case of SAPs in (L, M )-tubes, as well as for the compact and external force cases. New numerical results are obtained directly from these transfer matrices, and a new algorithm for generating polygons is also developed from these transfer matrices. Compact polygons are actually generated (via the computer) for relatively small tube sizes and spans by using the developed polygon generation algorithm, and new numerical results for pattern densities and limiting free energies are obtained for stretched and compressed polygons.
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Permutações que evitam certos padrões / Permutations avoiding certain patternsFéres Junior, Jorge, 1961- 07 January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: José Plínio de Oliveira Santos / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matemática Estatística e Computação Científica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T10:24:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
FeresJunior_Jorge_M.pdf: 656533 bytes, checksum: f89557654d48cebb7328f9f5ebbc8d0f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Nesta dissertação estudamos permutações que evitam determinados padrões. Mais especificamente, nosso foco é a contagem de tais permutações. Dentre as várias formas de descrever uma permutação, adotamos a ''representação posicional em linha'', apresentando um tratamento sistemático nesta área de padrão proibido, estudando operações, simetrias, estruturas, transformações, e principalmente, técnicas de contagem para este fim / Abstract: In this dissertation, we study permutations avoiding certain patterns. More specifically, our focus is on counting such permutations. Among the many ways to describe a permutation, we adopted the "positional representation in line" presenting a systematic treatment of this area of forbidden pattern, studying operations, symmetries, structures, transformations, and especially counting techniques for this purpose / Mestrado / Matematica Aplicada / Mestre em Matemática Aplicada
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Chemins et animaux : applications de la théorie des empilements de piècesBacher, Axel 28 October 2011 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est d'établir des résultats énumératifs sur certaines classes de chemins et d'animaux. Ces résultats sont obtenus en appliquant la théorie des empilements de pièces développée par Viennot. Nous étudions les excursions discrètes (ou chemins de Dyck généralisés) de hauteur bornée; nous obtenons des résultats énumératifs qui interprètent combinatoirement et étendent des résultats de Banderier, Flajolet et Bousquet-Mélou. Nous décrivons et énumérons plusieurs classes de chemins auto-évitants, dits chemins faiblement dirigés. Ces chemins sont plus nombreux que les chemins prudents qui forment la classe naturelle la plus grande jusqu'alors. Nous calculons le périmètre de site moyen des animaux dirigés, prouvant des conjectures de Conway et Le Borgne. Enfin, nous obtenons des résultats nouveaux sur l'énumération des animaux de Klarner et les animaux multi-dirigés de Bousquet-Mélou et Rechnitzer. / The goal of this thesis is to prove enumerative results on some classes of lattice walks and animals. These results are applications of the theory of heaps of pieces developed by Viennot. We study discrete excursions (or generalized Dyck paths) with bounded height; we obtain enumerative results that give a combinatorial interpretation and extend results by Banderier, Flajolet and Bousquet-Mélou. We describe and enumerate several classes of self-avoiding walks called weakly directed walks. These classes are larger than the class of prudent walks, the largest natural class enumerated so far. We compute the average site perimeter of directed animals, proving conjectures by Conway and Le Borgne. Finally, we obtain new results on the enumeration of Klarner animals and multi-directed animals defined by Bousquet-Mélou and Rechnitzer.
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Polymers in Fractal DisorderFricke, Niklas 28 April 2016 (has links)
This work presents a numerical investigation of self-avoiding walks (SAWs) on percolation clusters, a canonical model for polymers in disordered media. A new algorithm has been developed allowing exact enumeration of over ten thousand steps. This is an increase of several orders of magnitude compared to previously existing enumeration methods, which allow for barely more than forty steps. Such an increase is achieved by exploiting the fractal structure of critical percolation clusters: they are hierarchically organized into a tree of loosely connected nested regions in which the walks segments are enumerated separately. After the enumeration process, a region is \"decimated\" and behaves in the following effectively as a single point. Since this method only works efficiently near the percolation threshold, a chain-growth Monte Carlo algorithm has also been used.
Main focus of the investigations was the asymptotic scaling behavior of the average end-to-end distance as function of the number of steps on critical clusters in different dimensions. Thanks the highly efficient new method, existing estimates of the scaling exponents could be improved substantially. Also investigated were the number of possible chain conformation and the average entropy, which were found to follow an unusual scaling behavior. For concentrations above the percolation threshold the exponent describing the growth of the end-to-end distance turned out to differ from that on regular lattices, defying the prediction of the accepted theory. Finally, SAWs with short range attractions on percolation clusters are discussed. Here, it emerged that there seems to be no temperature-driven collapse transition as the asymptotic scaling behavior of the end-to-end distance even at zero temperature is the same as for athermal SAWs. / Die vorliegenden Arbeit präsentiert eine numerische Studie von selbstvermeidenden
Zufallswegen (SAWs) auf Perkolationsclustern, ein kanonisches Modell für Polymere in stark ungeordneten Medien. Hierfür wurde ein neuer Algorithmus entwickelt, welcher es ermöglicht SAWs von mehr als zehntausend Schritten exakt auszuzählen. Dies bedeutet eine Steigerung von mehreren Größenordnungen gegenüber der zuvor existierenden Methode, welche kaum mehr als vierzig Schritte zulässt. Solch eine Steigerung wird erreicht, indem die fraktale Struktur der Perkolationscluster geziehlt ausgenutzt wird: Die Cluster werden hierarchisch in lose verbundene Gebiete unterteilt, innerhalb welcher Wegstücke separat ausgezählt werden können. Nach dem Auszählen wird ein Gebiet \"dezimiert\" und verhält sich während der Behandlung größerer Gebiete effektiv wie ein Gitterpunkt. Da diese neue Methode nur nahe der Perkolationsschwelle funktioniert, wurde zum Erzielen der Ergebnisse zudem ein Kettenwachstums-Monte-Carlo-Algorithmus (PERM) eingesetzt.
Untersucht wurde zunächst das asymptotische Skalenverhalten des Abstands der beiden Kettenenden als Funktion der Schrittzahl auf kritischen Clustern in verschiedenen Dimensionen. Dank der neuen hochperformanten Methode konnten die bisherigen Schätzer für den dies beschreibenden Exponenten signifikant verbessert werden. Neben dem Abstand wurde zudem die Anzahl der möglichen Konformationen und die mittlere Entropie angeschaut, für welche ein ungewöhnliches Skalenverhalten gefunden wurde.
Für Konzentrationen oberhalb der Perkolationsschwelle wurde festgestellt, dass der Exponent, welcher das Wachstum des Endabstands beschreibt, nicht dem für freie SAWs entspricht, was nach gängiger Lehrmeinung der Fall sein sollte. Schlussendlich wurden SAWs mit Anziehung zwischen benachbarten Monomeren untersucht. Hier zeigte sich, dass es auf kritischen Perkolationsclustern keinen Phasenübergang zu geben scheint, an welchem die Ketten kollabieren, sondern dass das Skalenverhalten des Endabstands selbst am absoluten Nullpunkt der Temperatur unverändert ist.
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Vyhýbání se informacím jako druh informačního chování / Avoiding information as a type of information behaviourŠiborová, Jitka January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis has been a description of the phenomenon of avoiding information as one of the types of information behaviour. Avoiding information is the opposite of active information searching, but only during the last few decades it has been perceived as a problem. It often appears as related to health information, that is why my diploma thesis is primarily focused on this area. Given the fact that there doesn't exist the more detailed elaboration in Czech, the important contribution of this diploma thesis is the complex sight on this problematics. In the theoretical part there has been analyse existing abroad literature related to this topic. There have been described the influencing factors of avoiding information, then the reasons, which lead to this behaviour and the methods and strategies through which avoiding information is applied. It used the methods of quantitative and qualitative research in the practical part. keywords: avoiding information, information behaviour, seeking information, health, health information
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