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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Husain, Musleh January 2013 (has links)
“Boverket” the Design Regulations in Sweden, also called BKR has for a long time been the mandatory standard that has guided and regulated construction design. But at the end of 2010 BKR was replaced with Eurocode. This report deals with the comparison of these two standards when it comes to wood construction. During winter 2009/2010 there were many roof collapses due to excessive loads on the roofs across Sweden. The majority of these roofs were made during 1980 when BKR was the existing norm, therefore, this report will investigate whether there is a big difference between designing of such roofs according to Eurocode instead of BKR. These two norms were compared by looking at the design of roof structures that consist of beams and columns. The roof beam was checked for buckling which is designed to support the tennis center in Nyköping, and also a centrally loaded pillar holding up the roof beam and superimposed loads. The result of this investigation showed that to design according to Eurocode would be more substantively economically because the design load bearing capacity becomes slightly larger. It was also observed that, there isn’t a big difference between designing according to BKR or Eurocode, therefore these roof collapses couldn’t occur due to designing according to BKR. Designing according to BKR is even safer, but not substantively economically as Eurocode. A comparison between the results indicate that the slight difference is mostly caused by the the differences between the parameters/coefficients used for design. The roof collapse in Nyköping was caused by carelessness or ignorance, this tennis center is undersized.

Defuse : Fast och följsamt; en serie formexperiment

Fredberg, Henrik Georg January 2014 (has links)
Uppsatsen är dels en skriftlig dokumentation av en konstnärlig process i sökande av design genom begreppen fast och följsamt samt gestaltandet, dokumenterat genom fotografi, av ett experimenterande av kontrasterande material.

Bärverkskonstruktion för Kylsystem / Beam Construction for new cooling system

Winstedt, Joel, Hasso, Dyana January 2022 (has links)
Halmstads Energi och miljö (HEM) is making major upgrades in its facility where it will replace its cooling system from current water cooling to air cooling. The new cooling system is desired to be placed on the roof of the facility. However, the existing roof isn't built to carry such a heavy load. This thesis will be coming up with a concept for a load-bearing structure that can be placed on the existing concrete pillars that already exist at the facility today, so it doesn't apply all stress to the roof. The ground for the work is based on discussion with the company and a theoretical study where the desire and requirements for what the construction must withstand have been realized, which the study has since worked to achieve. During the literature study, knowledge was gathered about what the constructions must cope with to meet building regulations and euro standards. After finding out the forces and marginal constructions needed to get through, various concepts were developed. The most suitable concept was then selected by using the pugh matrix. After selecting the concept, the concept was constructed in a CAD program where FEM calculations were used to dimension the concept to ensure that it can withstand the forces it will be exposed to. The results of the study were a structure that can reasonably be placed on the existing concrete pillars where the new cooling system can rest on. The construction at the same time meets the requirements required by the euro standards.

Dimensionering av bärverk av stål : En jämförelse mellan Eurokod och BKR / Dimensioning of structures of steel : a comparison between the Eurocode and the BKR

Lengstrand, Anders January 2011 (has links)
The design regulations of Boverket (BKR) have long been the mandatory standard for construction design in Sweden. However from the end of the year 2010, the BKR will be replaced by the European standard Eurocode (EC). The transition to EC has been delayed and it is not until the second of May 2011 that the use of EC will be mandatory. Because EC and BKR differ from each other it is highly interesting to investigate and explain these differences. The purpose of the thesis is to compare the two standards and investigate how they give different results or not for the dimensioning of structures of steel with associated loads. The current project HVC (Pets Science Center) in Uppsala is used as a model for the design of the steel structure used in this study. The investigation is divided into two parts: the calculation of loads and the dimensioning of the steel structure. The internal forces in the construction that are used for the dimensioning are calculated with finite element programs (FEM-programs). The calculations for the comparison of the dimensioning of the steel structure are thereafter calculated by hand according to the current standard of each. Eurocode 3 (EC 3) is the current standard for EC and for BKR the current standard is the handbook for steel structures (BSK 07). The compared parts are: •the control of flexural buckling of a framework brace towards compression force and bending, •the control of a framework brace towards tension force and bending, •the control of a column against compression by a pure normal force, •and the control of a welded joint between a framework brace and an underlying beam. The results from the dimensioning are presented separately in the report and show that in almost all cases of design a lower grade of utilization is obtained for EC 3 than BSK 07. The largest obtained difference is when the dimensioning of a framework brace towards compression force and bending is made there the relationship between the utilization rates are 0,80. The results show that dimensioning according to EC 3 probably will lead to decreased costs within the construction sector, mainly in materials because smaller dimensions are required.

Lastmodellering i FEM-Program : Trafiklaster på broar / Load modeling in a FEM program : Traffic loads on bridges

Moussi, Jessika, Mohammed, Ali January 2018 (has links)
I byggbranschen har nya metoder för lastanalys utvecklats och digitaliserats med hjälp av datorer och kraftfulla analysprogram. En stor del av dagens lastanalys utförs med hjälp av FEM baserade program. Dessa program bidrar till mer tidsbesparing och större noggrannhet.FEM-Design är ett FEM baserad analys program som kan hantera olika typer konstruktioner. Trots detta är inte programmet tillräckligt lämpat för brodimensionering när det gäller trafiklaster på broar. Konstruktören behöver därför gå igenom Eurokods-och Trafikverkets regler och krav för att hitta information kring trafikaster och därefter skapa dem i programmet.För att kunna utnyttja programmets kraftiga funktioner och anpassa det mer för brodimensionering, behöver programmet kompletteras med nya funktioner som underlättar hantering av rörliga laster. Målet var att undersöka olika lastmodeller enligt Eurokoden och TRVFS, och skapa dem i FEM-Design. Dessutom peka ut vilka förbättringar som kan utföras i programmet för att underlätta hantering av dessa trafiklaster.Tillsammans med StruSoft AB utfördes lastdefinitioner av Lastmodell 1, Lastmodell 2, och Lastmodell 3 i programmet FEM-Design.Resultatet av arbetet visar en mängd nya fordonslaster som definierades i programmet och som är baserade på det europeiska Eurokoden, och inhemska krav.Programmet FEM-Design går framgångsrikt att göras mer praktisk för brodimensioneringar. Med fortsatta studier, extra funktioner, och mer lastmodell-definitioner har FEM-Design potentialen att även konkurrera med andra bro-program. / In the construction industry, new methods of load analysis have been developed and digitized using computers and powerful analysis programs. A large part of today's load analysis is performed using FEM based programs, which contributes to time saving and greater accuracy.FEM-Design is a FEM based analysis program that can handle different types of constructions. Nevertheless, the program is not sufficiently applied to bridge dimensioning when it comes to traffic loads on bridges. The designer therefore needs to review the Eurocode rules and national requirements in order to find information about the moving loads and then define them in the program.In order to utilize the program's powerful features and suit it more for bridge dimensioning, the program needs to be complemented with new features that will facilitate the handling of moving loads. The goal was to examine the different load models according to the Eurocode and TRVFS, and creates them in FEM Design. In addition, identify which improvements can be made to the program to facilitate the handling of the traffic loads.Together with StruSoft AB, load definitions of Load model 1, Load model 2, and Load model 3 were performed in the FEM-Design program.The result of the work shows a number of new vehicle loads as defined in the program, which are based on the European Eurocode, and the country's special requirements.The program can successfully be made more practical for bridge constructions. With continued studies, additional features, and more load model definitions, FEM-Design has the potential to compete with other bridge programs.

Eurokodens dimensioneringsmetoder för robusta bärverk under exceptionella förhållanden / Design methods of the Eurocode for robust structural systems under exceptional conditions

Kridih, Gabriel, Safi, Rohullah January 2020 (has links)
Denna rapport inleds med övergripande genomgång av dagens gällande regelverk, Eurokod, medförklaring av olika begrepp som är relaterade till ämnet robusthet. Det görs en genomgång av huren byggnadskonstruktör bör beakta robustheten med förslag vid olika dimensioneringssituationerenligt norm. Eftersom normen inte alltid är tydlig, så redovisas en tolkning av normen (inkl. EKS11) i enlighet med fib (2012). Vidare så förtydligas även innebörden av konsekvensklasser, riskanalyser,utformning och dimensionering av förband och dragband enligt norm. I dettaexamensarbete redogörs också för de egenskaper som är viktiga för att bärverk ska kunna motståexceptionella förhållanden. Beräkningsexempel ges, med förslag på utformning och placering avförband för att uppnå en viss robusthet enligt norm. Dagens regelverk är många gångerbristfälliga och oklara. Exempelvis finns ingen dimensioneringsprocedur för hur en tillräckligrobusthet uppnås, vilket nödvändigtvis inte alltid är den minimala robustheten som normen ger.Det framgår heller inte hur bärverken bör utformas för att uppnå robusthet och redundans,speciellt för prefabricerade element-, där tillräcklig robusthet många gånger kan vara svårt elleromöjligt att uppnå. Normens dimensioneringssituationer grundar sig på statiska lastmodeller ochhuruvida dessa ger tillräcklig robusthet eller inte, läggs det ingen fokus på. Robusthetens storlekbaserar sig mer eller mindre på vedertagna schablonmässiga värden. En nackdel med detta äratt förutsättningar i byggnader kan förändras med tiden vilket kan leda till att dagensdimensionering blir otillräcklig. Detta belyser faran med att vara nöjd med dagens förenkladedimensioneringsverktyg, eftersom den bakomliggande fysiken då lätt kommer i skymundan, elleri värsta fall, faller i glömska. Ett exempel på detta är dimensionering av väsentliga bärverk (keyelement)som är avgörande för byggnadens stabilitet eller för att motverka fortskridande rasenligt SS-EN 1991-1-7. Väsentliga bärverk dimensioneras för en statiskt jämnt utbredd last på34 kN/m² som är ett uppskattat värde utifrån en olyckshändelse med en gasexplosion i RonanPoint (Storbritannien). Värdet härstammar ifrån värdet 5 psi (gasol/hushållsgas kan ge ensprängkraft på 2,5 psi) och man kan fundera på om detta värde är lämpligt att använda i Sverige,då nästan inga gasspisar används i bostäder idag. I detta examensarbete beskrivs övergripandebärverkets dynamiska respons. Det är vanligt att byggnadskonstruktörer många gånger intebesitter kunskaper om dynamiska laster, bärverkens dynamiska respons och ibland icke-linjäraanalyser. Exceptionell last som är ett samlingsnamn för flera olyckslaster så som explosion,påkörning (från fordon, tåg, fartyg etc.), brand, häftiga helikopterlandningar etc. I dettaexamensarbete har valts att lägga fokus på okända olyckslaster och en känd, vanligtförekommande olyckslast (påkörningslast). / This report begins with an overall review of the current regulations, Eurocode, and explanations ofvarious concepts related to the topic of robustness. A review of how a building designer shouldconsider the robustness with proposals for different design situations according to the guidelines isalso presented. Since the guidelines are not always clear, an interpretation of its application (incl.EKS 11) in accordance with fib (2012) is given. Furthermore, the meaning of consequence classes,risk analyzes, design of tension ties is clarified. In this thesis it is discussed what properties areimportant for the structures to withstand exceptional loads. Calculation examples and placement oftension ties to achieve a certain robustness are presented. Current regulations are often insufficientand unclear. For example, there is no procedure for how to achieve enough robustness, which isnot always the minimum robustness that the code prescribes. It is also not clear how the structuresshould be designed to achieve robustness and redundancy, especially for prefabricated elements,where enough robustness often can be difficult or impossible to achieve. The current code is basedon static load models, and whether they provide enough robustness are not considered. The robustnessis based on accepted code values. One disadvantage is that conditions in buildings can changeover time, which can cause current design methods to be insufficient. This highlights the danger ofbeing satisfied with current simplified codes and guidelines, since the underlying physics can easilyfall into oblivion. An example of this is the design of key elements that are crucial for the stabilityof buildings or to withstand progressive collapse according to SS-EN 1991-1-7. Key elementsare designed for a statically uniformly distributed load of 34 kN/m², which is an estimatedvalue from an accident, where the value reflects the explosion load from a gas explosion inRonan Point (United Kingdom). The value stands for 5 psi and one can wonder if this value issuitable to use in Sweden, since almost no gas stoves are used anymore in housing today. Thisthesis describes overall the dynamic response of a structure. It is common that building designersoften do not have knowledge of dynamic loads, the dynamic response and sometimes non-linearanalyzes. Exceptional load is a collective name for several accident loads such as explosion,collision (from vehicles, trains, ships etc.), fire, violent helicopter landings etc. In this thesisit is chosen to focus on unknown accident loads and one com-mon, known accident load (impactload.

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