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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emission av mikroplast vid hushållstvätt : En kritiskt granskning av nuvarande forskning inom mikroplastemission vid tvätt

Vu, Jennifer, Ekberg, Julia January 2020 (has links)
Den här studien är under projektet MinShed som drivs av RISE. MinShed är ett 3årigt projekt som undersöker mikroplastemission från syntetiska textilier vid tvätt. Den här studien har som syfte att genomföra en Critical Review på tidigare studier inom ämnet: Olika syntetiska material som släpper mikroplaster via hushållstvätt. Samtliga studier har sammanfattats i en framtagen matris där information om studiernas materialdata presenteras. Den främsta anledningen till varför en sådan matris ska presenteras är för att finna textilteknologiska gap som existerar i nuvarande forskning. Vad som omfattar textilteknologi kommer förklaringar ges mer ingående under litteraturgenomgången. I dagsläget finns det inte tillräckligt spårbara material för existerande forskning, därav är det svårt att avgöra exakt vilka textilparametrar som orsakar mer eller mindre emission vid tvätt. Därför kan företag heller inte prioritera smartare designval för att reducera mikroplastemission. Av de18 undersökta studierna var det enbart 2 av dessa som hade full kontroll överprovmaterialet. Detta betyder att ytterligare forskning inom området är aktuellt. Vad som kan hindra forskningen att utvecklas är förnärvarande textilbranschen. Det finns ingen trovärdig uppsikt över textilmaterial och dess processer, vilket försvårarutförandet att spåra de textilparametrar som orsakar emission vid tvätt. För att dra slutsatser mellan emission och konstruktionsparametrar för textil så bör man i framtiden tänka på att enbart testa en parameter åt gången. Utifrån resultatet från denna studie rekommenderas en egen tillverkning av materialet för att få en spårbartextilproduktion, då det ger ett mer trovärdigt resultat på grund av mer kontroll över processerna som textiler genomgår. / This study is performed under the project MinShed run by RISE. MinShed is a 3-year project that investigates in Microplastics emissions from synthetic textiles during domestic washing. The aim of the study is to do a Critical Review on previous research in the subject: Various synthetic materials that release microplastics during domestic laundry. The previous research is presented in a matrix, where information about the presented by the investigated laundry parameters, as well as the textile parameters. The main reason why such matrix is needed is to find the gap that contains the textile parameters for the various researches. Some of the most important textile parameters will be described during the literature review. At present, there is not enough traceable material for existing research, hence it is difficult to determine exactly which textile parameters which cause during washing. Therefore, companies cannot prioritize smarter design choices in order to reduce microplastics emissions from the materials. Of the 18research studies which were analyzed, only 2 of them had full control over their sample material. This means that further research in this area is needed. What can prevent future research is currently the textile industry. There is no reliable oversight of textile materials and their processes, which makes it difficult to track textile parameters that cause emission when washing. In order to be able to draw conclusions between emission and textile design parameters, researchers should remember to test only one parameter at a time and have an inhouse or own production of the specimens, this will give a better control of the results.

Advancing the Filling Process in Agricultural Machinery : Hopper observation technology for improved filling in Väderstad´s Seed Hawk 600-900C / Förbättring av fyllningsprocessen i jordbruksmaskiner : Övervakningssystem av sålådor för bättre påfyllning av Väderstads Seed Hawk 600-900C

Abou Shkair, Ali, Augustini, Jakob January 2024 (has links)
This master’s thesis was conducted in the spring of 2024 at Väderstad AB, a companyknown for producing high-performance agricultural machines, such as seeding machines. Among these machines, the Seed Hawk 600-900C is an important machine for thecompany’s future. The innovation department at Väderstad has developed an automatic Bag Slicer, capable of slicing large bags of seeds/fertilizer without requiring the farmer to climb onto the machine, a cumbersome and hazardous task. Several challenges arisein integrating the Bag Slicer onto their machines, which has hindered its implementation.These challenges have been thoroughly investigated, and one has been selected as thepriority for resolution: enabling the observation of the filling process without the need for climbing onto the hopper. To address this challenge, theoretical studies, concept development, and investigations in the 3D software Blender have been conducted. Creo Parametric was utilized to assemble the Bag Slicer onto the Seed Hawk machine and design other essential components. Coloring, animations, and renderings were created in Blender to create a configuration of cameras, lights, cables, and investigate their properties. This configuration provides users witha comprehensive overview of the filling process and enables operation of the Bag Slicerin the field from the safety of a tractor or wheel loader. Consideration has been given to the conditions occurring inside and around the Seed Hawk machine when specifyingall the different components and operational requirements. The entire configuration was compiled into a complete list of specifications, constituting the main result of this thesis.


蔡月蜜, Tasi, Yue-Mi Unknown Date (has links)
世界各國面對垃圾量隨時間而逐漸上升的情形,原本皆視為必然趨勢,因此不斷地提供垃圾服務的供給來滿足家戶需求,以求達到均衡,這可說是「需求創造供給」。但是,一旦供給不足,在缺乏價格機能調節下,均衡將不復存在,於是降低家戶對垃圾服務需求的政策始被提出並被採行。另有一些研究則是瞭解人對環境的認知、態度與行為之間的關連性,許多研究發現其間關係為對環境知識瞭解愈詳細並傾向於新生態典範者,其行為表現就愈環保且較有積極的垃圾減量的行為,此為除了實施降低家戶對垃圾服務需求政策外另可同時進行的方向。 台灣目前已採用隨水量徵收垃圾清除處理費來反應各縣市政府在處理垃圾時的成本,不過因為此收費方式不是依垃圾量的多寡來收取,且家戶通常在繳交水費時無特別察覺到此筆費用,因此不會有付了清除費的感受,所以台灣近年來有幾個都市採行了減少家戶對垃圾服務需求方面的政策。此類政策大多分為兩種,一為行政命令式的強制回收;另一則是隨垃圾量收取垃圾費。台中市自民國88年7月1日首先實施「強制垃圾分類」,台北市則於民國89年7月1日實施「垃圾費隨袋徵收」制度,而今年1月1日,高雄市也採行了與台中市相同的政策,藉此來提高資源回收量、降低垃圾量。 本研究以一代表性家戶追求最大化效用,但受限於居住地的垃圾管理政策之條件,用比較靜態方式來分析在「無任何降低家戶對垃圾服務需求的政策」、「強制垃圾分類」、「垃圾費隨袋徵收」相異制度下,對家戶的垃圾源頭減量行為及垃圾丟棄量、非法傾倒量、資源回收量的影響。結果只有「隨袋徵收」具源頭減量效果,但是非法傾倒量也最多。若家戶只能以非法傾倒或合法丟棄兩種方式來處理垃圾時,那麼台中市、高雄市不會有非法傾倒的情形,但是台北市一定會有。而如果家戶只能在非法傾倒、從事回收間做抉擇,則台中市、高雄市會比台北市願意多做分類工作。至於若只有合法丟棄與回收間兩種可能性時,則要視其分類不完善的預期罰金與垃圾袋費用孰高來決定兩種制度下何者的回收量較高。 實證分析則得到對環境及垃圾管理認知、態度與日常環保行為愈正向者,其家戶會多花點兒心力於垃圾分類且垃圾量也較少。實施「強制垃圾分類」與「隨袋徵收」的地區,回收時間有顯著性地增加。但是對於減少垃圾容量,「隨袋徵收」才有顯著性的效果。本研究純粹探討制度不同對家戶減量行為的效果,而無分析不同政策的成本面,因此,環保單位應就欲達目的擇一適合的垃圾管理政策。 / The amount of household solid waste that is constantly rising with time has been an inevitable trend. In order to reach the equilibrium, the governments all over the world initially supply the solid waste disposal services freely to fulfill the demand. However, once the cost of supply has grown to such an extent that supply falls short, the equilibrium will be impossible to reach. Thus, many governments have changed the policy of providing free disposal service and developed alternative approaches to lower household’s demand for the service. In the meantime, some researches have studied the links between human perceptions, value, attitude and behavior toward the environment. Much of the research points to the fact that, the more detailed knowledge of the environment people hold, the more of New Environment Paradigm (NEP) they are, the more likely they are to actively reduce their waste and promote green behavior. This is one other route we can take to reduce household demand of solid waste services. The waste disposal fee is charged according to the amount of water used by the household to cover the cost of waste collection and disposal in Taiwan. However, this charge scheme doesn’t relate the fee paid by a household to the amount of waste the household discard, and most households are thereby indifferent to the payment of waste fee. In recent years, several cities have undertaken alternative policy schemes to reduce the household demands for waste disposal service. These schemes mainly come in two ways:one is to charge fees according to the quantity of waste generated; the other is to enforce the mandatory recycling law. Since July 1st, 1999, Tai-Chung City has required households to separate the waste into recyclable and disposable while Taipei City had chosen the latter fashion - waste fee per bag since July 1st, 2000. Kaohsiung City, on the other hand, has performed the same scheme as Tai-Chung City beginning January 1st, 2001. This study first develops a theoretical model of household disposal decision under different waste management policies:“no policy”, “required waste separation and recycling”, and “fee per-bag”. The household can choose among various options, including waste reduction, recycling, regular garbage collection and illegal dumping (or burning). The model shows that the “fee per-bag” is the only effective solution to source reduction; however, it induces the most illegal garbage dumping among the three schemes. In fact, the incidents of illegal dumping did not take place in Tai-Chung or Kaohsiung cities but was found in Taipei City. When households can only choose between recycling and illegal dumping, then Tai-Chung and Kaohsiung city dwellers are more likely to do more separation and recycling work than Taipei’s. As for when only regular garbage collection and waste separation and recycling are available as in Tai-Chung and Kaohsiung cities, the households’ likelihood to recycle depends on the expected fines of incomplete separation. Empirical result shows that when people have more knowledge about the environment and waste management policy, greener attitude towards environment, they tend to put more effort into waste separation and recycling, and their waste generated will be less than other households. The time people spend to separate waste increases significantly in those areas that apply “required waste separation” and “fee per-bag” programs. “Fee per-bag” has resulted in the largest decreases in the volume of the garbage.

Porovnání klasifikačních metod / Comparison of Classification Methods

Dočekal, Martin January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with a comparison of classification methods. At first, these classification methods based on machine learning are described, then a classifier comparison system is designed and implemented. This thesis also describes some classification tasks and datasets on which the designed system will be tested. The evaluation of classification tasks is done according to standard metrics. In this thesis is presented design and implementation of a classifier that is based on the principle of evolutionary algorithms.

Automatické třídění fotografií podle obsahu / Automatic Photography Categorization

Veľas, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with content based automatic photo categorization. The aim of the work is to experiment with advanced techniques of image represenatation and to create a classifier which is able to process large image dataset with sufficient accuracy and computation speed. A traditional solution based on using visual codebooks is enhanced by computing color features, soft assignment of visual words to extracted feature vectors, usage of image segmentation in process of visual codebook creation and dividing picture into cells. These cells are processed separately. Linear SVM classifier with explicit data embeding is used for its efficiency. Finally, results of experiments with above mentioned techniques of the image categorization are discussed.

Projekt podzemních garáží v Brně / Design of underground garage in Brno

Hájek, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The goal of the project is behaviour and dimensioning of selected monolithic concrete structure elements. Design and assessment of the building foundation was made. Slabs of the floors are dimensioned in detail. All computations are made in accordance with Eurocode 2. Drawing documentation is part of this project.

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