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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sinteza, strukturna, fizičko-hemijska i biološka karakterizacija novih N-heterocikličnih liganada i njihovih kompleksa sa jonima prelaznih metala / Synthesis, structural, physico-chemical and biological characterization of N-heterocyclic ligands and their complexes with transition metal ions

Mađari Jožef 08 October 2018 (has links)
<p>Opisane&nbsp; su&nbsp; sinteze&nbsp; novih&nbsp; liganada&nbsp; bis(ftalazin-1hidrazon)-2,6-diacetilpiridna&nbsp; (Hz<sub>2</sub>DAP&middot;2HCl),&nbsp; bis(3-hlorpiridazin-6-hidrazon)-2,6-diacetilpiridina (Hp<sub>2</sub>DAP),&nbsp; 3-hlorpiridazin-6-hidrazon&nbsp; di(2-piridil) ketona&nbsp; (HpDPK),&nbsp; ftalazin-1-hidrazon&nbsp; di(2-piridil)<br />ketona&nbsp; (HzDPK)&nbsp; i&nbsp; ftalazin-1-hidrazon&nbsp; piridin-2-karbaldehida&nbsp; (HzPY).&nbsp; Zajedničko&nbsp; svojstvo&nbsp; dobijenih liganada&nbsp; je&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp; sadrže&nbsp; piridinski&nbsp; i&nbsp; diazinski&nbsp; prsten&nbsp; i sadrže&nbsp; samo&nbsp; donorne&nbsp; atome&nbsp; azota.&nbsp; Tokom&nbsp; nastajanja kompleksa dolazi do deprotonacije liganada. Svi ligandi su&nbsp; okarakterisani&nbsp; elementalnom&nbsp; analizom, termoanalitičkim&nbsp; metodama&nbsp; i&nbsp; metodom&nbsp; IR spektroskopije,&nbsp; dok&nbsp; neki&nbsp; i&nbsp; metodom&nbsp; NMR spektroskopije&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; rendgenskom&nbsp; strukturnom analizom.Za&nbsp; sintezu&nbsp; koordinacionih&nbsp; jedinjenja&nbsp; primenjeni&nbsp; soli Co(II),&nbsp; Ni(II),&nbsp; Cu(II)&nbsp; i&nbsp; Zn(II).&nbsp; Dobijeni&nbsp; kompleksi su okarakterisani&nbsp; elementalnom&nbsp; analizom, konduktomerijskim&nbsp; i&nbsp; magnetnim&nbsp; merenjima,&nbsp; IR spektroskopijom i termoanalitičkim metodama. Barem jedan&nbsp; kompleks&nbsp; iz&nbsp; svake&nbsp; serije&nbsp; je&nbsp; okarakterisan&nbsp; i rendgenskom strukturnom analizom. Urađena&nbsp; su&nbsp; i&nbsp; ispitivanja&nbsp; antimikrobne&nbsp; aktivnosti odabranih&nbsp; jedinjenja&nbsp; prema&nbsp; predstavnicima&nbsp; grampozitivnih i gram-negativnih bakterija i kulturu kvasca. Pored&nbsp; toga,&nbsp; urađena&nbsp; su&nbsp; i&nbsp; ispitivanja&nbsp; citotoksične,antiproliferativne&nbsp; i&nbsp; inhibitorne&nbsp; aktivnosti&nbsp; jedinjenja prema&nbsp; roditeljskim&nbsp; i&nbsp; multirezistentnim&nbsp; T-limfomnim ćelijama&nbsp; kancera.&nbsp; Utvrđeno&nbsp; je&nbsp; da&nbsp; neka&nbsp; jedinjenja pokazuju&nbsp; izrazito&nbsp; mikrobicidno,&nbsp; citotoksično, antiproliferativno i inhibitorno dejstvo.</p> / <p>The synthesis of new ligands dihydrochloride salt of 2,6-diacetylpyridne&nbsp;&nbsp; bis(phthalazine-1hydrazone) (Hz<sub>2</sub>DAP&bull;2HCl),&nbsp; 2,6-diacetylpiridine&nbsp; bis(3- chloropyridazine-6-hydrazone)&nbsp; (Hp<sub>2</sub>DAP),&nbsp; di(2-pyridyl)ketone&nbsp; 3-chloropyridazine- 6-hydrazone (HpDPK),&nbsp; di(2-pyridyl)ketone&nbsp; phthalazine-1-hydrazone&nbsp; (HzDPK)&nbsp; and&nbsp; &nbsp; pyridine-2-carbaldehide phthalazine-1-hydrazone&nbsp; (HzPY)&nbsp; have&nbsp; been described. All the ligands contain pyridine and diazine core and all of them have only nitrogen donor atoms. During the complex formation the deprotonation of ligands takes&nbsp; places.&nbsp; All&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; ligands&nbsp; have&nbsp; been characterized&nbsp; by&nbsp; elemental&nbsp; analysis,thermoanalytical&nbsp; methods&nbsp; and&nbsp; IR&nbsp; spectroscopy.&nbsp; In some&nbsp; cases&nbsp; also&nbsp; by&nbsp; NMR&nbsp; spectroscopy&nbsp; and&nbsp; X-ray structural analysis.Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) salts were&nbsp; used for the synthesis&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; coordinational&nbsp; compounds.&nbsp; The obtained complexes were characterized by elemental analysis,&nbsp; molar&nbsp; conductivity&nbsp; and&nbsp; magnetic measurements,&nbsp; IR&nbsp; spectroscopy&nbsp; and thermoanalytical&nbsp; methods.&nbsp; At&nbsp; least&nbsp; one complex&nbsp; of each&nbsp; series&nbsp; were&nbsp; characterized&nbsp; by&nbsp; X-ray&nbsp; structural analysis.The antimicrobial activity of some of the compounds toward&nbsp; Gram-positive/Gram- negative&nbsp; bacteria furthermore,&nbsp; the&nbsp; cytotoxic,&nbsp; antiproliferative&nbsp; and inhibitory&nbsp; activity&nbsp; toward&nbsp; sensitive&nbsp; parental&nbsp; andmultiresistant&nbsp; T-lymphoma&nbsp; cancer&nbsp; cells&nbsp; have&nbsp; also been carried out. It&nbsp; can&nbsp; be&nbsp; concluded&nbsp; that&nbsp; some&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; compounds exhibit&nbsp; outstanding&nbsp; antimicrobial,&nbsp; cytotoxic, antiproliferative, and inhibitory activity.</p>

Kompleksi nekih prelaznih metala sa Šifovim bazama aminogvanidina / Some transition metal complexes with Schiff bases of aminoguanidine

Radanović Mirjana 29 October 2015 (has links)
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji opisane su sinteze novih kompleksa prelaznih metala sa piridoksiliden-&nbsp; (PLAG), odnosno saliciliden-aminogvanidinom (SALAG). Dobijeni<br />kompleksi su okarakterisani elementalnom analizom, IR spektrima, konduktometrijskim i magnetnim merenjima, a većina i rendgenskom<br />strukturnom analizom. Osim toga, dobijene su i nove forme ovih &Scaron;ifovih baza, i to u vidu monokristala, čime su omogućena ispitivanja njihovih&nbsp; molekulskih i kristalnih struktura, kao i uporedna analiza sa koordinovanim ligandima.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; Sa PLAG je sintetisano 7 novi&nbsp; kompleksa Cu(II), a pored toga po prvi put su<br />izolovani mono i bis(ligand) kompleksi Fe(III) i Co(III), mono(ligand) kompleksi&nbsp; V(V), kao&nbsp; i jedan kompleks Zn(II) u kojem ovaj potencijalno tridentatni&nbsp;<em> ONN&nbsp;</em> ligand,&nbsp; u<br />monoprotonovanoj formi,&nbsp; ima ulogu kontra-jona. Sa stanovi&scaron;ta geometrije zajedničko za izolovane komplekse Cu(II) i V(V) je da imaju kvadratno-piramidalnu strukturu, sa izuzetkom jednog kvadratno-planarnog kompleksa Cu(II), dok je u kompleksima Fe(III) i Co(III) nađeno očekivano oktaedarsko okruženje centralnog<br />jona. Pored ovih, sintetisano je i pet novih kompleksa sa SALAG, od kojih su dva<br />kompleksa Cu(II) i kompleks V(V) okarakterisani rendgenskom strukturnom<br />analizom, dok je mikrokristalnim bis(ligand) kompleksima Co(III) i Ni(III) na osnovu<br />fizičko-hemijskih karakteristika predložena odgovarajuća struktura.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; Zajedničko za obe opisane &Scaron;ifove baze je da se koordinuju na&nbsp;<em> ONN&nbsp; </em>tridentatni način, i to preko atoma kiseonika deprotonovane fenolne grupe i atoma azota azometinske i imino grupe AG fragmeta. Posebno je nagla&scaron;eno da su&nbsp; sa<br />PLAG izolovana dva dimerna kompleksa Cu(II) u kojima je po prvi put nađena tetradentatna koordinacija ovog&nbsp; liganda, u koju je dodatno uključen atom kiseonika hidroksimetil-grupe PL-ostatka. Za razliku od SALAG, koji je u izolovanim kompleksima koordinovan isključivo kao monoanjon, nastao deprotonacijom fenolne<br />OH-grupe, za PLAG je osim ove, potvđena koordinacija u neutralnoj, zwitter-jonskoj, ali i dvostruko deprotonovanoj formi. Zwitter-jonska forma liganda nastaje migracijom atoma vodonika sa fenolnog hidroksila na piridinski atom azota PL-ostatka, dok deprotonacijom piridinskog ili hidrazinskog atoma azota, odnosno oba pomenuta atoma nastaju monoanjon i dianjon helatnog liganda, respektivno.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; Na kraju, urađena su&nbsp; i ispitivanja antimikrobne aktivnosti odabranih jedinjenja<br />prema predstavnicima grampozitivnih i gramnegativnih bakterija, kao i dve kulture<br />kvasca. Tom prilikom nije utvrđena nikakva inhibitorna aktivnost&nbsp;&nbsp; prema primenjenim<br />bakterijskim sojevima, dok su u slučaju kvasaca izvesno mikrobicidno dejstvo pokazali samo kompleksi Cu(II).</p> / <p>This PhD thesis describes the syntheses of some new transition metal complexes with&nbsp; pyridoxilidene-&nbsp; (PLAG) and salicylideneaminoguanidine (SALAG). Obtained&nbsp; complexes are characterized by&nbsp;&nbsp; elemental analysis, IR&nbsp; spectroscopy,&nbsp; conductometric and magnetic measurements. Besides, the structural analysis of majority of the obtained complexes was performed. Some new forms of these Schiff&nbsp; bases are synthesized in form of single crystals, which made their X-ray analysis as well as comparison with coordinated forms possible.</p><p>With PLAG, 7 new Cu(II) complexes were obtained and for the first time mono and bis(ligand) complexes of Fe(III) and Co(III) as well&nbsp; mono(ligand)&nbsp; complexes&nbsp; of V(V) were isolated. Furthermore,&nbsp; the structure of Zn(II) complex in which PLAG in its monocationic form has a role of counter ion is presented. With the exception of one Cu(II) complex, all reported Cu(II) and V(V) complexes have a square-pyramidal geometry, whilst&nbsp; Fe(III)&nbsp; and Co(III)&nbsp; are situated in octahedral surroundings. Also, five new complexes of Cu(II), Co(III), Ni(II) and V(V) with SALAG were synthesized. In both&nbsp; Cu(II) complexes and V(V) complex the expected coordination mode and geometry were confirmed by X-ray analysis, while octahedral structure of bis(ligand) complexes with Co(III) and Ni(II) was proposed based on results of physico-chemical&nbsp; characterization.</p><p>Both PLAG and SALAG coordinate the metal ion in tridentate&nbsp; ONN&nbsp; manner, through the oxygen atom of deprotonated phenolic group and nitrogen atoms&nbsp; of azomethine and imino groups of AG moiety. It is also emphasized that in two dimeric Cu(II) complexes with PLAG tetradentate coordination mode was found, in which the oxygen atom of hydroxymethyl group of PL residue was additionally involved. Unlike SALAG, which is coordinated as monoanion in all of the examined complexes, PLAG can have one of three degrees of deprotonation. Zwitter-ion of PLAG is formed by migration of H-atom from phenolic oxygen to pyridine nitrogen, while the deprotonation of pyridine or/and hydrazine nitrogen, makes it mono-and dianion, respectively.</p><p>Also, microbiological tests on the selected compounds were preformed. Namely, antimicrobial activity of these compounds against some gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as some yeast cultures was examined and none of the samples showed antimicrobial activity against bacteria, whilst only Cu(II) complexes showed certain inhibitory effect against yeasts.</p>

Surf and turf, builder’s mug och Jaffa cakes : Översättningsstrategier vid svensk undertextning av kulturspecifika referenser i anglofona matlagningsprogram / Surf and Tur, Builder's Mug and Jaffa Cakes : Transwlation Strategies in Swedish of Culture Specific References in Anglophone Cooking Shows

Hagander, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Mat, språk och kultur är tätt sammanlänkade, och i matlagningsprogram förekommer en rad olika sorters kulturspecifika referenser. Kulturspecifika referenser definieras som ”any reference to a cultural entity which, due to its distance from the target culture, is characterized by a sufficient degree of opacity for the target reader to constitute a problem” (Mailhac i Ranzato 2015:54) och kan vara sådant t.ex. som måttenheter (pint), märken (Tabasco) och maträtter (surf and turf). Denna undersöknings fokus är översättningen av kulturspecifika referenser i matlagningsprogram, och eftersom merparten av de matlagningsprogram som översätts för svensk tv är på engelska består denna studies material av 21 engelskspråkiga matlagningsprogram och deras svenska översättningar. De matlagningsprogram som undersökts är Det goda livet, Jamie Olivers smarta rätter, David Roccos ljuva matresa – Italien, Kitchen Hero och Hela England bakar. Genom att att konstruera en korpus och analysera de kulturspecifika referenserna har normerna för översättningsstrategier gällande kulturspecifika referenser i matlagningsprogram kartlagts, och jämförts med resultaten från Pedersens välkända undersökning av primetime-TV (2011). Resultaten kategoriserades sedan enligt Pedersens taxonomi. Resultaten visade att normerna för matlagningsprogram liknade dem för primetime-TV, trots att det fanns ett par domänspecifika skillnader. Eftersom språk formar hur vi ser världen är det intressant att se hur kulturspecifika referenser översätts från en kultur till en annan, eftersom det formar hur den kulturen ses och värderas, eller åtminstone dess matkultur. / Food, language and culture are closely linked and cooking shows are peppered with culturally specific references. Culturally specific references are defined as “any reference to a cultural entity which, due to its distance from the target culture, is characterized by a sufficient degree of opacity for the target reader to constitute a problem” (Mailhac in Ranzato 2015:54) and can be things such as measurements (pints), brands (Tabasco), and dishes (surf and turf) to name a few. This study focuses on the translation of culture specific references in cooking shows. Since most of the cooking shows translated into Swedish are in English, the material for this study consists of 21 cooking shows in English and their Swedish translations. This study will look at the shows 3 good things, Save with Jamie, David Rocco’s Dolce Vita, Kitchen Hero and The Great British Bake off. By constructing a corpus and analyzing the culturally specific references, the norms regarding translation strategies for the translation of culturally specific references in cooking shows have been mapped out, and compared to the results of a well known study on primetime TV by Pedersen (2011). These were categorized in accordance with Pedersen’s taxonomy (2011:76). The results showed that the norms were very similar to those of primetime TV, with the exception of some domain-specific norms. Language influences how we see the world. Thus, the way culturally specific references are translated from one culture into another is important because it affects how cultures are viewed and interpreted, at least within the food community.

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