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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Acute exercise and subsequent energy balance : interest in obese youths / Exercice aigü et balance énergétique : intérêts chez l'adolescent obèse

Thivel, David 04 July 2011 (has links)
Les programmes d'activité physique et les régimes alimentaires sont communément utilisés pour favoriser, en réduisant la balance énergétique, la perte de poids des patients en surpoids ou obèses. De tels programmes pâtissent d'une faible adhésion de la part des patients et d'un taux élevé d'abandons dû aux difficultés que rencontrent les individus à concilier exercice et restriction d'énergie. Il a été suggéré que l'exercice physique était un moyen potentiel pour réguler l'apport indirect d'énergie, ce qui pourrait s'avérer intéressant sur le plan du traitement de l'obésité.L'impact que l'exercice pouvait avoir sur la balance énergétique subséquente (apport et dépense énergétiques), ainsi que sur l'appétit, a été principalement étudié dans le cas d'adultes de faible corpulence, mais peu de données sont disponibles pour les populations d'individus obèses, et tout particulièrement pour les enfants qui souffrent d'obésité.Le but premier de ce travail était donc de déterminer si un exercice réalisé à un moment précis pouvait par la suite affecter la balance énergétique ainsi que l'appétit des adolescents obèses (Etude I). Par la suite, nous avons étudié l'importance que pouvait avoir l'intensité de l'exercice prescrit (intensité faible VS intensité élevée) sur les modifications de la balance énergétique et de l'exercice (Etude II). Les résultats démontrent qu'un exercice intensif (>70%VO2 max), exécuté en fin de matinée, favorise une balance énergétique réduite en diminuant principalement l'apport d'énergie. Cependant, les données restent contradictoires concernant l'apport de macronutriments après l'exercice, et il est nécessaire d'approfondir les recherches. En ce qui concerne les adaptations de la balance énergétique et de l'appétit après l'exercice, aucune différence n'avait été observée en fonction du sexe des individus. Les adaptations observées en termes d'apport énergétique n'étaient pas accompagnées de changements en termes de sensation de faim, ce qui laisse à penser que les adolescents obèses ne risquent pas de ressentir de la frustration.En 24h, la balance énergétique des adolescents obèses peut être réduite grâce à la fois à une dépense énergétique élevée et à un apport d'énergie réduit, quand un exercice intensif est réalisé en fin de matinée. Etant donné que de tels résultats découlent d'actes à caractère chroniques, il est nécessaire de les interroger, afin de savoir si l'exercice intensif peut s'avérer être un véritable outil permettant d'induire sur le long terme une réduction de la balance énergétique (en affectant à la fois la dépense et l'apport énergétique), et par la suite une perte de poids. / Physical activity programs and dietary restrictions are commonly used to favor weight-loss in overweight and obese patients, by reducing energy balance. Such programs suffer of a low adherence and high drop-out due to the difficulties met by patients to concomitantly support exercise and energy restriction. Physical exercise has been proposed as a potential indirect energy intake modulator, which could be interesting in terms of obesity treatment. The impact of exercise on subsequent energy balance (intake and expenditure) and appetite has been mainly questioned among lean adults but few data are available in obese populations, particularly pediatrics. The first aim of this work was then to determine whether or not an acute bout of exercise could affect subsequent energy balance and appetite in obese adolescents (STUDY I). Then the importance of the prescribed exercise intensity (Low vs High intensity) on those energy balance and appetite modifications has been investigated (STUDY II). The results demonstrate that an intensive exercise (>70%VO2max) realized by the end of the morning favors a reduced energy balance by mainly decreasing energy intake. The induced energy intake decrease was observed within minutes after the exercise (30 minutes, lunch time), with the onset being experienced about 7 hours after, during dinner time. Data remain however contradictive concerning the post exercise macronutrient intake, and further investigations are required. No gender difference was observed in terms of post exercise energy balance and appetite adaptations. The observed energy intake adaptations were not accompanied by appetite sensation modifications, suggesting that obese adolescents are not at risk for food frustration. Within 24-h, obese adolescents’ energy balance can be reduced thanks to both elevated energy expenditure and decreased energy intake when an intensive exercise is performed by the end of the morning. Such results need to be questioned as part of chronic interventions to know whether or not intensive exercise can provide a great tool to induced long term energy balance reduction (by dually affecting energy expenditure and intake) and then weight loss.

Balance Function and Dysfunction and the Vestibular System

Hall, Courtney D., Herdman, Susan J. 01 January 2014 (has links)
Book Summary: In two freestanding but linked volumes, Textbook of Neural Repair and Rehabilitation provides comprehensive coverage of the science and practice of neurological rehabilitation. This volume, Medical Neurorehabilitation, can stand alone as a clinical handbook for neurorehabilitation. It covers the practical applications of the basic science principles presented in volume 1, provides authoritative guidelines on the management of disabling symptoms, and describes comprehensive rehabilitation approaches for the major categories of disabling neurological disorders. Emphasizing the integration of basic and clinical knowledge, this book and its companion are edited and written by leading international authorities. Together they are an essential resource for neuroscientists and provide a foundation for the work of clinical neurorehabilitation professionals.

Increase of glucose and lactate output and decrease of flow by human anaphylatoxin C3a but not C5a in perfused rat liver

Püschel, Gerhard P., Oppermann, Martin, Muschol, Waldemar, Götze, Otto, Jungermann, Kurt January 1989 (has links)
The complement fragments C3a and C5a were purified from zymosan-activated human serum by column chromatographic procedures after the bulk of the proteins had been removed by acidic polyethylene glycol precipitation. In the isolated in situ perfused rat liver C3a increased glucose and lactate output and reduced flow. Its effects were enhanced in the presence of the carboxypeptidase inhibitor DL-mercaptomethyl-3-guanidinoethylthio-propanoic acid (MERGETPA) and abolished by preincubation of the anaphylatoxin with carboxypeptidase B or with Fab fragments of an anti-C3a monoclonal antibody. The C3a effects were partially inhibited by the thromboxane antagonist BM13505. C5a had no effect. It is concluded that locally but not systemically produced C3a may play an important role in the regulation of local metabolism and hemodynamics during inflammatory processes in the liver.

Zum Zusammenhang zwischen posturaler Balance und kognitiven bzw. somatischen Faktoren / The correlation between postural balance and cognitive/ somatic factors

Chan, Yuan-Shuo January 2006 (has links)
Balance ist als die koordinative Fähigkeit anzusehen, die am meisten durch das Sinnes- und Nervensystem determiniert ist. Damit könnte sie als Indikator für Funktionseinschränkungen des Nervensystems - etwa bei Lernstörungen - von Wert sein. Aussagen über Zusammenhänge zwischen Balance und Kognition werden vielfach diskutiert, sind jedoch noch nicht hinreichend wissenschaftlich gesichert. Hieraus wird die zentrale Zielstellung der Arbeit abgeleitet, das Wissen über somatische und psychische Determinanten von Balance zu erweitern. Betrachtet werden daher bei Vorschulkindern mögliche Zusammenhänge mit dem Geschlecht, mit den anthropometrischen Parametern Körperhöhe und Fußgröße, mit Statikstörungen des Beckens und der Intelligenzleistung. <br><br> An der Studie nahmen insgesamt 201 drei- bzw. vierjährige Kinder sowie 148 fünf- bzw. sechsjährige Kinder teil. Die Balancefähigkeit wurde mit Hilfe einer Kraftmomentenplattform sowie eines klinischen Tests erfasst und mit anthropometrischen Parametern, qualitativen statischen Befunden bzw. den Ergebnissen des BIVA-Intelligenztests nach SCHAARSCHMIDT verglichen. Für die Auswertung der Balanceparameter wurden sowohl lineare als auch nichtlineare Verfahren eingesetzt, die zum Teil gegenläufige Trends in Bezug auf Zusammenhänge lieferten. <br><br> Im Ergebnis konnte ein starker Einfluss des Geschlechts nachgewiesen werden. Mädchen zeigten eine bessere Balanceleistung als Jungen sowohl bei 3-Jährigen als auch bei 6-Jährigen. Dies wird als Beleg für den geschlechtsspezifischen Vorsprung der sensomotorischen Entwicklung bei den Mädchen im Alter von 3 bis 6 Jahren angesehen. Außerdem gab es einige Hinweise auf einen Zusammenhang mit der Körperhöhe bzw. Fußlänge. Ein Zusammenhang mit den Umstellungen des ersten Gestaltwandels wird vermutet. Die Daten sprechen für einen statistisch schwachen Einfluss von Störungen der Beckenstatik (Beckenverwringung) auf die Balance bei den Kindern. Es wird vermutet, dass die Verrechnung Balance relevanter Inputs durch nozizeptive Impulse beeinträchtig werden kann. Dies könnte Anlass sein, diesen Aspekt bei Funktionsstörungen mit zu berücksichtigen. Signifikante Zusammenhänge mit Ergebnissen des BIVA-Intelligenztests konnten kaum gefunden werden. Allerdings fallen überzufällig viele Mittelwertvergleiche in Richtung der Hypothese aus, erreichen jedoch nicht Signifikanzniveau. Dies könnte ein Hinweis auf einen schwachen Zusammenhang darstellen, der jedoch mit einer größeren Gruppe noch bestätigt werden müsste. Weitere Forschung auf diesem Gebiet ist erforderlich. Sollte hinreichende Evidenz erreicht werden können, so könnte in der Förderung koordinativer Fähigkeiten und insbesondere der posturalen Balance eine wichtige pädagogische Reserve liegen. / Balance is considered a coordinative ability, which is mostly affected by the sensory and nervous systems. It can be used as an indicator for the functional ability of the nervous system, such as learning disability. Although the relationship between balance and cognition has long been postulated, this interaction has not yet been scientifically well established. The aim of this study is to examine the somatic and psychological determinants of balance. Preschool children were used to analyse the balance-cognition relationship with respect to gender, anthropometric parameters of body height and foot length, pelvic static and intelligence ability. <br><br> 201 three to four years old children, as well as 148 five to six years old children, were used in this study. A clinical test involving a force moment platform was used to examine the balance ability. Results obtained were compared with specific anthropometric parameters and findings obtained from the BIVA-intelligent tests (SCHAARSCHMIDT). <br><br> In the results, there is a strong effect of gender on balance. Girls showed a better balance ability than boys in the age groups of three and six years old. This finding provides evidence of an earlier gender specific advantage of sensor-motor development in girls between the ages of 3 to 6 years old. A relationship between postural balance and body height/ foot length was found. This may be attributed to the transposition of the body developmental changes. The results show a weak statistical effect of pelvic static disorders on balance in children. It can be suggested that inputs through the nociceptive impulse pathway can have a negative effect on balance. This can be factored as an aspect of a function disorder. Slight significant relationship could be found from the results of BIVA-intelligent tests. This can provide information on the weak relationship, which might show in larger group size. Further studies in this research area are necessary. Sufficient evidence should be reached, regarding the support of coordination ability and particularly postural balance, and the relationship could play an important role in education

Trends in mass balance indexes connected to spatial location and precipitation : Remote sensing of 111 glaciers in the Everest region

Burström, Annika January 2012 (has links)
Studies of Himalayan glacial response to climatic forcing are few and a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between the two is needed. This has been highlighted by recent controversies over future glacier change in this area. This study has therefore reviewed if there is a connection between glacier mass balance indexes and precipitation pattern in the Everest region. 111 glaciers were mapped in ArcGIS through remote sensing. Glacial total area, accumulation area as well as snowline altitudes and aspect were mapped. From this, the two mass balance indexes Accumulation Area Ratio, AAR and Area-Altitude Balance Ratios, AABR were derived. The intention was to search for patterns. In addition to this, an expedition to parts of the study area was conducted in March to April 2011. Hundreds of photographs of snow stratigraphy, debris cover ice snouts, accumulation etc were taken. The expedition also led to an understanding of the environment and of the glaciers which was helpful for the assessment of the remote sensing results. No pattern in glacier size, ELA, AAR or AABR was found that suggests a connection between mass balance and local precipitation pattern. The glaciers instead appear to be more sensitive to elevation. The largest glaciers and highest AAR and AABR are found at high - although not the highest - elevations.

The effects of safety flooring on sit-to-stand and quiet stance balance reactions in retirement home-dwellers

Ma, Christine January 2012 (has links)
Fall-related injuries in adults over the age of 65 pose an important public health issue especially with an increasing number of older adults living in retirement homes and nursing homes. Safety floors have been developed as an intervention to reduce the risk of these injuries. However, their effects on balance control reactions had never been tested during certain activities of daily living in retirement home dwellers. This research investigated how balance reactions are affected by the mechanical properties of safety flooring in older adults. The safety flooring showed minimal impact on the balance reactions while retaining force attenuation properties. There were two studies as part of this thesis. The purpose of the first study was to determine whether the Nintendo Wii Balance Board (WBB) can be used as an appropriate substitution for a force plate when measuring balance reactions during common tests used to assess balance in older adults. Specifically, I characterized the technical specifications of the WBB and compared them to those of the force plate, showing that the two devices yielded similar responses during balance measures of quiet stance. The second study investigated the effect of two traditional floors and three safety flooring systems on balance control mechanisms (based on changes in underfoot centre of pressure) during sit-to-stand and quiet stance tasks in retirement home-dwellers. The results of this study provided evidence supporting the potential for safety floors to reduce fall-related injury risk without impairing balance and mobility of users. Additional research may want to assess WBB performance during dynamic tasks involving shear forces. The results from this study supports prospective clinical investigations of pilot installations of safety flooring in retirement and nursing home settings to evaluate their real life effects on fall related injuries.

Vobb - familjevänligt eller företagsvänligt?

Palm, Cecilia January 2012 (has links)
Work gets more seamless and the demand on workers increases because of changes in the labour market. Studies show benefits for workers and companies if the employee achieves a balance between work and family, a way to facilitate it is family-friendly policies. A study done by Unionen shows that three out of four white collar workers choose to vobba (working and caring for a sick child), which blurs the boundaries between work and family. Research on flexibility, organisational culture and gender structures shows how these aspects affect the balance between work and family. This is a study where seven white collar workers (three men) that vobbar and two managers (one man) were interviewed. The study adds deeper insights into how white collar workers and managers are experiencing vobb and the results suggest that they experience vobb as something positive to achieve a balance between work and family, but there is a risk of vobb being considered a constraint, creating a lack of boundaries where one is working almost all the time. / Förändringar på arbetsmarknaden gör arbetet mer gränslöst och ökar kraven på arbetstagarna. Studier visar på vinster för arbetstagare och företag om arbetstagaren uppnår balans mellan arbete och familjeliv, ett sätt att underlätta är genom familjevänliga policies. En undersökning genomförd av Unionen visar att tre av fyra tjänstemän väljer att vobba (jobba och vårda sjukt barn), vilket suddar ut gränserna mellan arbete och familj. Forskning om flexibilitet, företagskultur och könsstrukturer visar hur de påverkar balansen mellan arbete och familjeliv. Detta är en kvalitativ studie i form av intervjuer med sju tjänstemän (tre män) som vobbar och två chefer (en man). Studien tillför en fördjupad insikt i hur tjänstemän och chefer upplever företeelsen vobb och resultaten tyder på att de upplever vobb som positivt för att uppnå balans mellan arbete och familjeliv, men med en risk för att uppfattas som ett tvång och skapa en gränslöshet där man halvjobbar nästan hela tiden.

The differences in Frequent and Intense Affect Balance when measuring Subjective Well-being and Personality : A study among young adults

Erlandsson, Arvid January 2006 (has links)
In this study 170 Swedish University students participated and evaluated themselves on Subjective well-being with affect balance measured both in frequency and in intensity, and on the five-factor personality factors. The results clearly indicate that intense positive emotions and intense negative emotions correlate positively, and that women experience emotions more intensely than men. Further, measuring affect balance in frequency leads to gender differences in happiness while intensity affect balance does not. Neuroticism (inverted) and extraversion are both strong predictors of happiness, but when using frequent affect-balance, neuroticism evidently stands out as the better of the two. Extraversion and to some extent neuroticism are intensifying people’s emotions. The findings suggest future research to distinguish between intense and frequent affects when calculating Subjective well-being.

The Importance and Feasibility Study of Fiscal Revenue and Expenditure Balance in Taiwan for the Next Ten Years

Su, Yu-Shuan 31 August 2003 (has links)

The J Curve At The Industry Level: An Examination Of Bilateral Trade Between Turkey And Germany

Gumustekin, Basak 01 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis examines the relationship between the bilateral real exchange rate and the trade balances of 20 industries in which majority of the trade between Turkey and her leading partner Germany is carried out, both for the short and long run, in search of the existence of any J-curve effect. Using quarterly data over the period 1989:1-2011:3, the relationship is analyzed empirically through the bounds testing approach to cointegration and error correction modeling. The findings show that, although the pattern created by a depreciation does not follow the compl ete J curve in any of the industries, still the exchange rate as well as foreign and domestic real incomes are effective determinants of bilateral trade balance between Turkey and Germany in majority of the cases both in the short and in the long run. Moreover, this thesis provides strong support for the assertion that at the disaggregate level industries exhibit unique and distinct trade balance responses to exchange rate fluctuations, by showing that these responses vary significantly across different sectors both in the short and long run.

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