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Russian social networks on the Web : cohesion and coherence in VkontakteLiebschner, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis connections between messages on the public wall of the Russian social network Vkontakte are analysed and classified. A total of 1818 messages from three different Vkontakte groups were collected and analysed according to a new framework based on Halliday and Hasan’s (1976) research into cohesion and Simmons’s (1981) adaptation of their classification for Russian. The two categories of textuality, cohesion and coherence, describe the linguistic connections between messages. The main aim was to find out how far the traditional categories of cohesion are applicable to an online social network including written text as well as multimedia-files. In addition to linguistic cohesion the pragmatic and topic coherence between Vkontakte messages was also analysed. The analysis of pragmatic coherence classifies the messages with acts according to their pragmatic function in relation to surrounding messages. Topic coherence analyses the content of the messages, describes where a topic begins, changes or is abandoned. Linguistic cohesion, topic coherence and pragmatic coherence enable three different types of connections between messages and these together form a coherent communication on the message wall. The cohesion devices identified by Halliday and Hasan and Simmons were found to occur in these texts, but additional devices were also identified: these are multimodal, graphical and grammatical cohesion.
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Representations of 'the Jew' in the writings of Nikolai Gogol, Fyodor Dostoevsky and Ivan TurgenevKatz, Elena M. January 2003 (has links)
The image of 'the Jew' in nineteenth-century Russian literary texts is traditionally viewed as a paradigm of anti-Semitic discourse. Critics have typically accentuated the presence and continuity of negative stereotypes of the Jews. Yet anti-Semitic discourse is not the only approach to the representation of the Jews in Russian literature. This study explores the manifold nature of the portrayal of 'the Jew' in the works of three Russian writers of the highest calibre: Gogol, Dostoevsky and Turgenev. Literature at the time was highly politicized and a writer was expected to examine the issues of the day from an ideological stance. This meant that a writer's fictional representation of 'the Jew' was treated by many as an illustration of Jews' qualities in real life. After the partitions of Poland in the eighteenth century, Russia acquired a large Jewish population. These new Jewish subjects were confined to the Pale of Settlement, which restricted their rights of residence in Russia proper. That in itself meant that the majority of Jews were invisible to Russian society. Writers mainly used Western literary patterns in describing 'the Jew'. Nevertheless, in using traditional mythic stereotypes of the Jews they not only applied the familiar framework of Western authors but also created images based on specifically Russian culture. Moreover, at different periods of the century 'the Jew' was endowed with traits uncharacteristic of previous myths. The writers' constructions of 'the Jew' thus became complex and flexible. In order to investigate the complex constructions of 'the Jew' the following matters are discussed: (1) the depiction of 'the Jew' by these three writers in conjunction with their understanding of their own identity, events occurring during their lifetime, and stereotypical frames of reference for the Jews; (2) the degree of controversy in their representations; (3) their use of the image of 'the Jew' to define the essential qualities of the Russian.
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Russia's European agenda and the Baltic statesŠleivytė, J. January 2009 (has links)
Russia has always been a primary factor in the development of the Baltic States. It is impossible to analyse Baltic security without looking into the processes inside Russia and the prevailing trends vis-a-vis the Baltic States. However, the changes in the Baltic security landscape in the 21st century lack a comprehensive analysis. This thesis seeks to bridge the gap. Two key aims are being pursued in this thesis. The first is to present an analysis of Russia's European agenda under President Vladimir Putin and to examine the place of the Baltic States in this agenda. The second aim is to define Russia-related threats and challengers to the Baltic States, as well as prospects in Russo-Baltic relations. To attain these aims, inter-active approach to international relations, comprising three levels of analysis - the international system, the nation state (domestic level) and the individual (personality) level - has been applied. The neo-realist paradigm of international relations theory, comparative analysis and the Knudsen model, which addresses the peculiarities of relations between great powers and small states, are the methodological framework of the thesis. When analysing the development of Russo-Baltic relations in 1990-2006, this thesis focuses on the evolution of the Baltic States from factors to actors and their chance of shaping Russo-Baltic relations from within the enlarged EU and NATO. It also examines possibilities for more active engagement of Russia in the Baltic region. The thesis concludes with an analysis of perspectives for the Baltic States in countering Russia-related threats and building cooperativer elations with Russia. The author maintains that 'high politics' in Russo-Baltic relations has ended, yet, the tensions do remain in 'low politics'. Russia seeks to retain her political and economic influence in the Baltics by exploiting various tools, primarily economic levers and Baltic dependence upon Russian energy.
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An Economic Analysis of Transparency Improvement in the Baltic Proper, Baltic SeaQuwsar, Mohammad Abu January 2007 (has links)
The Baltic Sea is the one of the most studied seas area in the world and it is severely affected by human activities where eutrophication is the overall environmental problem. Although there is an international agreement that nutrient input to the Baltic should be reduced, the measures taken so far have not resulted in major reductions in nutrient inputs nor in environmental improvements. Sewage reduction is the most important factor for transparency improvement of the Baltic Proper and wetland restoration and change of N spreading time have no effective role in this aspect. Within the Baltic area, establishment of sewage treatment technology in Russia and Poland is more cost-effective than it would be in Sweden. Without this measure transparency improvement would be expensive. In Sweden NOx reduction is most cost-effective measure for transparency improvement in the Baltic Proper and without this measure the total cost would be ~ 58.5 million euro.
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Utbildning för hållbar utveckling : En studie av de möjligheter, svårigheter, kunskaper och erfarenheter som präglar utbildning för hållbar utveckling idagJordaan, Agneta January 2007 (has links)
In agreement with Agenda 21, Baltic 21 Education and the UN decade for education for sustainable development 2005-2014, Sweden has agreed to reform its educational system in order to support a sustainable development. This thesis aims to examine the implications of education for sustainable development from the perspective of teachers of grade seven to nine by identifying the possibilities, difficulties and knowledge that exists around the concept today. This has been done by combining a literature review and a qualitative case-study, which was conducted through five indepth interviews with teachers. The purpose of these interviews was to identify a few different opinions regarding what sustainable development could imply in the reality of the school and classroom. The most important results derived from this study were: Firstly, that there exist problems in applying education for sustainable development in schools today. The reason for this is a lack of understanding of the need for dealing with sustainable development in schools, as well as a lack of understanding of what education for sustainable development implies for education. The second result of importance was that the teachers who took part in the case-study had knowledge and experiences that could easily be combined with education for sustainable development, but that there is a need for teacher education and training on several levels to increase the possibilities of successfully implementing education for sustainable development in the Swedish school-system. / I enighet med bland annat Agenda 21, Baltic 21 Education och FN:s årtionde för utbildning för hållbar utveckling ska Sverige omorientera sina utbildningssystem så att de stödjer en hållbar utveckling. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka vad utbildning för hållbar utveckling innebär för lärare i grundskolans högre årskurser,genom att identifiera och undersöka anknutna möjligheter, svårigheter och erfarenheter. Detta har gjorts utifrån en teoretisk litteraturstudie och en kvalitativ fallstudie. Den teoretiska studien baserades på vetenskaplig litteratur såväl som internationella och nationella styrdokument, överenskommelser och undersökningar et cetera. För fallstudien genomfördes fem djupintervjuer med lärare. Detta syftade till att identifiera några olika åsikter om vad perspektivet utbildning för hållbar utveckling kan innebära i skolans verklighet. De viktigaste resultaten som framkom ur denna studie var att det idag förekommer problem med att tillämpa utbildning för hållbar utveckling i skolvärlden. Detta beror dels på bristfällig förståelse för behovet av hållbar utveckling i skolan, och bristfällig förståelse för innebörden av utbildning för hållbar utveckling. Dessutom framkom att de intervjuade lärarna hade mycket kunskap och erfarenhet som är förenlig med utbildning för hållbar utveckling, men att det kommer att behövas lärarfortbildning och utbildning på olika nivåer för att lyckas integrera perspektivet i skolverksamheten.
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Nutrient transport modelling in the Daugava River basinWallin, Andrea January 2005 (has links)
Övergödning utgör ett av de allvarligaste hoten mot Östersjöns miljö. Storleken av näringsbelastningen till havet behöver därför bestämmas med hjälp av tillgängliga matematiska modeller. Modellen ”Generalised Watershed Loading Functions” (GWLF), en ickedistribuerad parametermodell som uppskattar hydrologi och månatlig näringsbelastning, tillämpades på avrinningsområdet till Daugava som mynnar i Östersjön. Syftet med studien var att genom modellering av historisk transport av näringsämnen till Östersjön ta fram parametrar och indata som sedan kan användas vid applicering av GWLF på omkringliggande avrinningsområden. Data från 1990-talet användes för kalibrering av modellen och data från 1980-talet för validering. Årlig kvävebelastning modellerades med R2värdet 0,78 för kalibreringsperioden. Modellerad årlig kvävebelastning för valideringsperioden underskattades med ungefär 30 % vilket troligen beror på att kvävekoncentrationer i grundvatten och ytavrinning minskade mellan 1980- och 1990-talen. Fosforbelastningen underskattades jämfört med rapporterade värden vilket troligen beror på att enskilda avlopp inte inkluderades och att rapporterade punktutsläpp är för låga. Modifikationer av modellen föreslås för prediktion av näringsbelastningar under lång tid och behovet av harmoniserad, uppdaterad och lättillgänglig data för näringstransportsmodellering diskuteras. / Eutrophication is one of the most serious threats to the Baltic Sea environment. Nutrient loading into the sea therefore needs to be quantified by available mathematical models. The Generalised Watershed Loading Functions (GWLF), a lumpedparameter model that predicts hydrology and monthly nutrient loads, was applied to the Daugava River Basin, discharging into the Baltic Sea. The aim of the study was to model historic transport of nutrients into the Baltic Sea and thereby produce estimates of parameters and input data needed for a spatial extension of the GWLF to surrounding river basins. Calibration data were taken from the 1990’s and validation data from the 1980’s. Yearly nitrogen loads were modelled with an R2 value of 0.78 for the calibration period. Predicted yearly nitrogen loads for the validation period were about 30 % lower than reported values, probably depending on decreasing groundwater and runoff concentrations between the 1980’s and 1990’s. Phosphorus loads were underestimated compared to reported values, the main reason probably being the exclusion of septic systems and too low reported point sources. Modifications of the model are suggested for longterm predictions of nutrient loads and the need for harmonised, uptodate and generally accessible data for nutrient transport modelling discussed.
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Advective Sediment Modelling with Lagrangian Trajectories in the Baltic SeaKling, Hanna January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Salt, water and nutrient fluxes to Himmerfjärden bayKhalili, Maria January 2007 (has links)
Naturvårdsverket rankar övergödningen som det allvarligaste hotet mot Östersjön. Strategin för att bekämpa övergödningen i Östersjön har varit att reducera antropogena utsläpp av fosfor och kväve från punktkällor och diffusa källor. Många forskare anser att primärproduktionen i egentliga Östersjön huvudsakligen är begränsad av kväve varför Sverige har infört ett ambitiöst och kostsamt program för avancerad kväverening på reningsverk. Andra experter hävdar istället att reducerade kväveutsläpp är meningslösa eller rent av skadliga. I ljuset av dessa fundamentalt olika åsikter och de helt motsatta strategier de innebär syftar denna studie till att försöka klargöra vilka åtgärder som borde vidtas för att minska övergödningen genom att undersöka området Himmerfjärden som ofta används som ett exempel på lyckad kväverening. Området har också studerats intensivt sedan 1970-talet. Detta arbete har använt en processbaserad dynamisk massbalansmodell för salt för att beräkna vattenutbytestider i Himmerfjärden. Flöden av vatten och näringsämnen till och från fjärden har beräknats och det har visats att bidraget av kväve och fosfor till Himmerfjärden från reningsverket är mycket marginellt jämfört med bidraget från Östersjön. Denna studie har också genom att granska litteratur och mätdata från Himmerfjärden visat att det finns goda skäl att ifrågasätta hypotesen om att primärproduktionen i Himmerfjärden skulle vara långsiktigt begränsad av kväve. Resultaten av denna studie kommer att användas i framtida massbalansmodelleringar av fosfor, kväve och cyanobakterier i Himmerfjärden. / The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has ranked eutrophication as the most severe threat to the Baltic Sea. The strategy to combat the eutrophication in the Baltic has been to reduce antrophogenous emissions of phosphorus and nitrogen from point and diffuse sources. Many scientists argue that the primary production in the Baltic proper is primarily limited by nitrogen which is why Sweden and other countries have implemented an ambitious and expensive program of advanced nitrogen removal in sewage treatment plants. Other experts argue that reduced nitrogen load to the Baltic Sea is either pointless or even harmful. In the light of these fundamentally different views and the very opposite management strategies they imply, this study aims to more bring clarity to which measures should be taken to reduce eutrophiction by investigating the area of Himmerfjärden. Himmerfjärden is often used as an example of successful removal of nitrogen and the area has been intensively monitored since the 1970’s. This work used a process-based dynamic mass balance model for salt to calculate water retention times in Himmerfjärden. Water and nutrient flows to and from the bay have been calculated. It was shown that the contribution of nutrients to Himmerfjärden from the treatment plant is small compared to the contribution from the Baltic Sea. This study showed by reviewing literature on Himmerfjärden that there are good reasons to question the hypothesis of Himmerfjärden being nitrogen limited in the long-run. The findings of this study will be used in future mass balance modelling of phosphorus, nitrogen and cyanobacteria in Himmerfjärden.
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En resa över havet : en studie av stockbåtens användning inom Erteböllekulturen med ett fokus på Tybrind Vig och Stralsund / A journey across the sea : a study of log-boat use in the Ertebölleculture with a focus on Tybrind Vig and Stralsund.Bengtsson, Håkan January 2018 (has links)
Log-boats within the Ertebölle culture have had a broad use in the society. From social usesas transport and communication devises to economical uses within hunting and fishing. Thelog-boats have been quite large, larger than log-boats in later periods. With a length of up to 10 meters and a width of 0,5-1 meter the log-boat have been big enough to carry a family andthere gear along the cost. Even though the long and narrow shape of the log-boat have made them mostly suitable for calm and shallow water they have still aloud the people of theErtebölle culture to cross major waters such as the sound between Denmark and Sweden.
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Öster i Väster : En studie av östersjökeramiken från Västergarn, Gotland / East in the West : A Study of the Baltic Sea Ware from Västergarn, GotlandHolmbäck, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the earliest active time period of the harbour of Västergarn on the island of Gotland. The exact time of the founding of Västergarn has been debated for almost a century. Extensive excavations were conducted between 2005 and 2013 by the University of Gotland which resulted in a large amount of pottery, of which the earliest type was the Baltic Sea ware. I aim to add to this discussion with a study of the morphology and chronology of the Baltic Sea ware found at the site. This type of pottery is an excellent archaeological source material for exploring the early history of Västergarn. Because the Baltic Sea ware is found all over the excavated area it provides evidence for the material needs of a growing urban population. As an everyday resource for the people of Västergarn it also indicates when the site was permanently settled. The study of the morphology and the distribution pattern clearly shows that Västergarn was well populated already in the 12th century. Such an early date for occupation of the site has been questioned in earlier research. There is now archaeological evidence to argue that the settlement within the earthen rampart was probably founded in the second half of the 11th century. In the same time period Visby was established as an urban site. Furthermore, based on a topographical study comparing the presence of Baltic Sea ware in different trenches with the shore line I argue the rampart was constructed somewhere between circa 1000 and 1200 A.D. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka den tidigaste aktivitetsperioden i den gotländska hamnen Västergarn. Den exakta tiden för Västergarns grundande har debatterats i nästan ett århundrade. Extensiva utgrävningar genomförda av Högskolan på Gotland mellan 2005 och 2013 resulterade i en stor mängd keramik, varav östersjökeramiken är den äldsta. Jag ämnar utveckla denna diskussion med en studie av morfologin och kronologin av östersjökeramiken som finns på platsen. Denna godstyp är ett utmärkt arkeologiskt källmaterial i undersökningen av Västergarns tidiga historia. Då östersjökeramiken har hittats på nästan hela det utgrävda området bevisar det att en växande befolkning fanns på platsen. Som vardagsgods i Västergarn antyder keramiken också när platsen blev permanent befolkad. Studien av östersjökeramikens morfologi och korologi visar också tydligt att Västergarn var välbefolkat redan under 1100-talet. En så tidig datering för platsens befolkning har länge varit ifrågasatt inom tidigare forskning. Nu finns det dock arkeologiskt bevis att platsen troligen blivit grundad under den andra halvan av 1000-talet. Staden Visby grundades under samma tidsperiod. Fortsättningsvis, med basis i en topografisk analys som jämför östersjökeramikens närvaro i vissa schakt med strandlinjen argumenterar jag för att Västergarnsvallen byggdes någon gång mellan cirka år 1000 och 1200.
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