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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Walter Scott e Balzac: romancistas da história / Walter Scott and Balzac: history\'s novelists

Paula Caldas Frattini 04 November 2010 (has links)
O nome de Walter Scott é repetidamente mencionado na obra de Balzac, sobretudo em seus textos críticos. Esta dissertação visa expor, para além da admiração patente do escritor, a penetração analítica de Balzac acerca do romance scottiano, o que lhe sugeriu um fundamento essencial para a formulação de sua Comédia Humana. Tendo como objeto de estudo a leitura dos textos críticos de Walter Scott e Balzac - seus prefácios principalmente -, procuramos demonstrar como o uso da História pelo romance tornou-se o elemento fundamental na aproximação entre os autores. Nossa intenção é deslindar, na fatura do romance, como se articula o entrecruzamento entre História e literatura. / Walter Scotts name is repeatedly mentioned in the works of Balzac, mostly in his critical writings. This dissertation aims to show, beyond the writers patent admiration, Balzacs penetrating criticism of the Scottian novel which disclosed to him a sound basis for the composition of his Comédie Humaine. Having Scotts and Balzacs critical writings as our object of study mainly their prefaces - we intend to demonstrate how the incorporation of History by the novel became the essential element in this comparative study of the two writers. Our purpose is to elucidate how this intersection between history and literature is articulated in the narrative.

Le roman de moeurs en France (1820-1855) : du roman historique au roman réaliste. / The novel of manners in France (1820-1855) : from historical novel to realistic novel

Gendrel, Bernard 26 November 2010 (has links)
Après avoir distingué trois aspects explicatifs propres au roman (aspects psychologique, social ou romanesque) et défini, grâce à eux, trois types de romans (romans de caractères, de mœurs ou d’intrigue), ce travail s’intéresse plus particulièrement au roman de mœurs à l’époque de la Restauration et de la Monarchie de Juillet. Héritant de toute une tradition, ce genre s’illustre particulièrement dans le roman historique à la Walter Scott, puis dans le roman contemporain des physiologies. Balzac, d’abord influencé par le roman de mœurs en tant que tel, développe dans La Comédie humaine une forme hybride (mêlant aspects social et psychologique, roman de caractères et roman de mœurs), que l’on peut appeler roman réaliste (on y note un surinvestissement du vraisemblable romanesque). Cette définition du réalisme n’aplanit en rien les différences entre tel ou tel auteur ; elle permet, au contraire, de prendre la mesure des poétiques bien particulières développées par des romanciers comme Stendhal, George Sand ou Champfleury. / After having distinguished three explicative aspects of the novel (the psychological, social and plot-driven aspects) and defined three corresponding types of novels (novels of characters, manners and plot), this work focuses on the novel of manners during the Bourbon Restoration and the July Monarchy. Heir to quite an old tradition, this genre is at its peak with the Scottian historical novel and the novel of contemporary manners of the 1820’s. Balzac, first influenced by the novel of manners, develops in The Human Comedy a hybrid form (combining social and psychological aspects, novel of characters and novel of manners), which we may call the realistic novel (characterized by an overloading of verisimilitude). This definition of realism does not erase the differences between the authors; it allows, on the contrary, to appreciate the specific poetics developed by Stendhal, George Sand or Champfleury.

La sculpture dans La Comédie humaine de Balzac : poétique, politique et esthétique. / Sculpture in La Comédie humaine of Balzac : poetic, politic and aesthetics

Blondeau, Isabelle 11 February 2013 (has links)
Si la peinture dans l'œuvre balzacienne a beaucoup occupé la critique, la sculpture moins. C'est pourquoi elle fait l'objet de cette thèse. Il s'agit de montrer que la représentation de la sculpture dans La Comédie humaine est au cœur de la création balzacienne. En résonance (en résistance aussi parfois) avec les discours de l'époque, la représentation de la sculpture chez Balzac implique une réflexion sur la représentation politique et figure la fin du fondement sacré du pouvoir, liée à la Terreur, dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle. Articulant représentation politique et poétique de la représentation, le romancier met ainsi au jour une crise de la mimèsis, trop souvent invoquée à propos de son œuvre. En deuil du sacré et de la réalité de l'Idée, Balzac fait de la sculpture le lieu de l'articulation entre Idée et Image et la place au cœur de son énergétique et de son esthétique. Née de la mort, la sculpture devient pour Balzac art premier, capable de redéfinir les fondements du réel et du roman. À la croisée du politique, de la poétique et de l'esthétique, cette réflexion sur la sculpture dans La Comédie humaine voudrait allier histoire des représentations et histoire de la représentation. / If painting in Balzac's work has interested many critics, sculpture less. This is why this is the theme of this thesis. Indeed, it is a question of demonstrating that sculpture's representation in La Comédie humaine stands at the heart of Balzac's creation. In resonance (sometimes in resistance) with the speeches of that period, sculpture's representation in Balzac's novels implies particular thought on political representation, and represents the end of the sacred foundation of power, linked to Terror, in the first part of the nineteenth century. Articulating political representation and poetics of representation, the novelist highlights a crisis of mimèsis, too often mentioned regarding his work. In mourning of the sacred foundation and the reality of the Idea, Balzac considers sculpture as the place of the link between Idea and Image, and puts it at the heart of his energetic and his aesthetics. Coming from death, sculpture becomes for Balzac the first art, able to redefine the foundations of reality and fiction. At the crossroads of politics, poetics and aesthetics, this thought on sculpture in La Comédie humaine aims to combine history of representations and history of the representation.

O intertexto balzaquiano em Recordações do Escrivão Isaías Caminha / The Balzatian Intertext in Recordações do Escrivão Isaías Caminha, by Lima Barreto

Walter Mendes dos Santos 24 April 2012 (has links)
Esta tese de doutorado pretende fazer uma releitura do romance de estreia de Lima Barreto, Recordações do Escrivão Isaías Caminha. Dividida em quatro capítulos, o presente trabalho questiona a visão da crítica literária tradicional que analisa o livro como mero romance de chave com traços autobiográficos, uma leitura válida porém incompleta. Em seu lugar, o autor propõe uma interpretação intertextual do romance barretiano com Illusions Perdues, de Honoré de Balzac, do qual Lima Barreto faz um aproveitamento criativo da trajetória do protagonista e de temas como o mito de Napoleão, o homem de província na Capital e a crítica à imprensa industrial moderna. Também se apontam a presença de elementos de outras obras da literatura francesa e ocidental em Recordações do Escrivão Isaías Caminha, num grau menor que o do intertexto balzaquiano, e o processo de articulação dessas conexões usado por Lima Barreto para denunciar as contradições sociais da Primeira República Brasileira (1889-1930). / This PhD thesis aims to stablish a new approach for the first Lima Barreto\'s novel Recordações do Escrivão Isaías Caminha. Divided into four chapters, this work discusses the traditional view of literary criticism that analyzes the book as a mere roman à clef with autobiographical traits, an important but incomplet reading. Instead, the author proposes an intertextual approach between the Lima Barreto\'s novel with Illusions Perdues, by Honoré de Balzac, from which the Brazilian writer does a creative use of the protagonist\'s trajectory and themes like the myth of Napoleon, the provincial man in the Capital and the criticism against the modern industrial press. It\'s pointed out as well the presence of elements of other works from French and Western literatures in Recordações do Escrivão Isaías Caminha, in a smaller degree than the Balzatian intertext, and the process of articulation of these connections used by Lima Barreto to denounce the social contradictions from the First Brazilian Republic (1889-1930).

Problèmes de l'Adaptation Filmique d'un Texte Littéraire: Études Comparées de Madame Bovary de Gustave Flaubert et du Colonel Chabert d'Honoré de Balzac

Conditto, Kerri L. (Kerri Lee) 05 1900 (has links)
The release of the two films, Madame Bovary (1992) by Claude Chabrol and Le Colonel Chabert (1994) by Yves Angelo, arouses an interest in a method which studies the rapport between the seventh art and literature. Following the studies of the narratologists, Gerard Genette, Yves Reuter, Gerard-Denis Farcy, Celestino Deleyto, Andre Gaudreault and Francois Jost, a method of analyzing and studying the relationship between literature and cinema can be developed. The principal interest of a comparative study can reside in the relationship between the story and the narration of the two genres of works. The study conducted at this level of analysis allows the appreciation of the impoverishments or the enrichments operated by the adapter. The comparative analysis of the works of Flaubert, Chabrol, Balzac, and Angelo reveal the problems relative to the cinematographic adaptation.

Honoré de Balzac e Camilo Castelo Branco: a crítica social oitocentista em perspectiva comparada / Honoré de Balzac and Camilo Castelo Branco: nineteenth-century social criticism in comparative perspective

Catelani, Ana Luísa Patricio Campos de Oliveira Lenk 08 May 2013 (has links)
Como sabemos, as reflexões do filósofo político e contratualista Jean-Jacques Rousseau tornaram-se referência para muitos escritores que o sucederam, principalmente no que concerne às suas considerações a propósito da vida em sociedade, ambiente vil que degenera o homem, ser bom e piedoso por natureza. Tratase do célebre conceito rousseauniano do bom selvagem, teoria cuja repercussão pode ser encontrada em obras de muitos autores do período oitocentista, entre as quais podemos destacar a do romancista francês Honoré de Balzac e a do ficcionista português Camilo Castelo Branco. Isto porque, a partir de um estudo comparativo realizado entre volumes balzaquianos e camilianos, levantou-se a hipótese de que estes escritores, ao tecerem suas críticas sociais, dialogam com a mencionada teoria de Rousseau, muito embora cada um o faça a seu modo e finde por concatenar mundividências literárias distintas, únicas e inovadoras, que particularizam, de forma marcante, ambos os cânones ficcionais. Assim posto, e levando em consideração a ausência de estudos críticos a esse respeito, nosso intento é o de analisar uma questão inédita no que concerne à comparação entre a ficção balzaquiana e a camiliana: a diferente concepção que os respectivos narradores apresentam acerca dos efeitos sociais no homem, a partir de um diálogo estabelecido por ambos com o conceito rousseauniano do bom selvagem. Vale ressaltar que o estudo comparativo aqui proposto seguirá alguns pressupostos básicos da Literatura Comparada, sendo o principal deles a busca pelas particularidades de cada literatura (Cf. ABDALA Jr., 2003). / As we know, the reflections of the political and contractualist philosopher Jean- Jacques Rousseau became reference for many writers who succeeded him, mainly as concerns the considerations regarding the life in society, a vile ambience that degenerates man, a good and pious living being by nature. This is the renowned Rousseaunian concept of the noble savage, theory that can be found reverberated in many works of 19th century authors, among which we can highlight the one of the French novelist Honoré de Balzac and the one of the Portuguese fictionist Camilo Castelo Branco. That is because, from a comparative study realized between Balzacian and Camilian works, we hypothesized that these writers dialogue, as they construct their social criticisms, with the mentioned Rousseaus theory, although each one does it in his own way and ends by concatenating distinct literary worldviews, unique and innovative, that particularize, markedly, both of the fictional canons. Therefore, and taking into consideration the absence of critical studies regarding this, our intent is to analyze an unprecedented issue concerning the comparison between Balzacian and Camilian fiction: the different conception the narrators present about the social effects in man, through a dialogue established by both of them with the Rousseaunian concept of the noble savage. It is worth to stress that the comparative study proposed here will follow some basic assumptions of Comparative Literature, the main one being the research for the particularities of each literature. (Cf. ABDALA Jr., 2003).

Figures romanesques du médecin de Diderot à Balzac / Characterization of Physicians in the French Novel from Diderot to Balzac

Macaigne, Samuel 16 March 2019 (has links)
Des Lumières au réalisme, le médecin prend une place toujours plus importante dans la littérature. Si sa discipline évolue et connaît ainsi de considérables progrès, sa représentation dans la fiction devient elle aussi conséquente. De ce fait, le roman s'empare de ce personnage pour lui conférer un rôle de témoin actif des changements historiques et esthétiques, à travers trois domaines : la politique, la spiritualité et les passions. En effet, s'il diagnostique les maladies du corps social, les pathologies que manifeste l'Histoire, il est aussi appelé à sonder les âmes pour déterminer les causes du désarroi intérieur de l'être humain. Derrière la physiologie et l'anatomie, il explore également les arrière-mondes de la foi et des sentiments. Le praticien se doit donc d'éclairer les mystères de la condition humaine. / From the Enlightenment to realism, the doctor acquires an increasingly important place in French literature. With the development and considerable progress of medical science, the fictional doctor also becomes consequential. Hence, the novel calls upon this character to play an active role as witness of the historical and aesthetic changes in three fields: politics, spirituality and passions. In fact, not only does he diagnose the diseases of the social body, the pathologies that History reveals, he is also called upon to sound souls in order to establish the causes of the inner disarray of the human being. Behind the physiology and anatomy, he also explores the afterworldly for faith and feelings. The practitioner must therefore throw light on the mysteries of the human condition.

Honoré de Balzac e Camilo Castelo Branco: a crítica social oitocentista em perspectiva comparada / Honoré de Balzac and Camilo Castelo Branco: nineteenth-century social criticism in comparative perspective

Ana Luísa Patricio Campos de Oliveira Lenk Catelani 08 May 2013 (has links)
Como sabemos, as reflexões do filósofo político e contratualista Jean-Jacques Rousseau tornaram-se referência para muitos escritores que o sucederam, principalmente no que concerne às suas considerações a propósito da vida em sociedade, ambiente vil que degenera o homem, ser bom e piedoso por natureza. Tratase do célebre conceito rousseauniano do bom selvagem, teoria cuja repercussão pode ser encontrada em obras de muitos autores do período oitocentista, entre as quais podemos destacar a do romancista francês Honoré de Balzac e a do ficcionista português Camilo Castelo Branco. Isto porque, a partir de um estudo comparativo realizado entre volumes balzaquianos e camilianos, levantou-se a hipótese de que estes escritores, ao tecerem suas críticas sociais, dialogam com a mencionada teoria de Rousseau, muito embora cada um o faça a seu modo e finde por concatenar mundividências literárias distintas, únicas e inovadoras, que particularizam, de forma marcante, ambos os cânones ficcionais. Assim posto, e levando em consideração a ausência de estudos críticos a esse respeito, nosso intento é o de analisar uma questão inédita no que concerne à comparação entre a ficção balzaquiana e a camiliana: a diferente concepção que os respectivos narradores apresentam acerca dos efeitos sociais no homem, a partir de um diálogo estabelecido por ambos com o conceito rousseauniano do bom selvagem. Vale ressaltar que o estudo comparativo aqui proposto seguirá alguns pressupostos básicos da Literatura Comparada, sendo o principal deles a busca pelas particularidades de cada literatura (Cf. ABDALA Jr., 2003). / As we know, the reflections of the political and contractualist philosopher Jean- Jacques Rousseau became reference for many writers who succeeded him, mainly as concerns the considerations regarding the life in society, a vile ambience that degenerates man, a good and pious living being by nature. This is the renowned Rousseaunian concept of the noble savage, theory that can be found reverberated in many works of 19th century authors, among which we can highlight the one of the French novelist Honoré de Balzac and the one of the Portuguese fictionist Camilo Castelo Branco. That is because, from a comparative study realized between Balzacian and Camilian works, we hypothesized that these writers dialogue, as they construct their social criticisms, with the mentioned Rousseaus theory, although each one does it in his own way and ends by concatenating distinct literary worldviews, unique and innovative, that particularize, markedly, both of the fictional canons. Therefore, and taking into consideration the absence of critical studies regarding this, our intent is to analyze an unprecedented issue concerning the comparison between Balzacian and Camilian fiction: the different conception the narrators present about the social effects in man, through a dialogue established by both of them with the Rousseaunian concept of the noble savage. It is worth to stress that the comparative study proposed here will follow some basic assumptions of Comparative Literature, the main one being the research for the particularities of each literature. (Cf. ABDALA Jr., 2003).

Metamorphosen des literarischen> Contre-pouvoir <im nachrevolutionären Frankreich : Mme de Staël, Saint-Simon, Balzac, Flaubert /

Bosse, Monika. January 1900 (has links)
Originally presented as the author's Thesis (doctoral)--Johan Wolfgang von Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 1976. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 275-280). Also issued online.

Metamorphosen des literarischen> Contre-pouvoir <im nachrevolutionären Frankreich Mme de Staël, Saint-Simon, Balzac, Flaubert /

Bosse, Monika. January 1900 (has links)
Originally presented as the author's Thesis (doctoral)--Johan Wolfgang von Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 1976. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 275-280).

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