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A construção do(s) arrivismo(s) em Balzac e Alencar / Construction of the arrivism(s) in Balzac and AlencarCoelho, Fabiana Garcia 17 April 2012 (has links)
A dissertação Construção do(s) arrivismo(s) traz a análise de dois personagens de obras centrais das literaturas francesa e brasileira: Fernando Seixas, presente em Senhora (1875), de José de Alencar (1829-1877) e Eugène de Rastignac, protagonista Le Père Goriot (1834) de Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850). Honoré de Balzac, autor da Comédia Humana, pretendeu mostrar em sua ficção a diversidade de tipos humanos de forma a dialogar com a História da França, recém Restaurada após 1789 e o período napoleônico. Assim, ler a produção balzaquiana possibilitaria a compreensão de uma sociedade em profundas mudanças, onde o capitalismo dita as regras e onde o romance fixa-se como mercadoria e modelo literário de apreciação artística. Em terras tropicais, José de Alencar atinge em Senhora sua maturidade como escritor, antecipando em vários aspectos o surgimento de Machado de Assis. Dessa forma, a leitura de sua obra nos dá pistas sobre a formação da literatura brasileira e sobre a sociedade de sua época, aquela do Segundo Império, onde a escravidão ainda é vigente e vive-se na capital Rio de Janeiro uma espécie de desejada mímesis do que era Paris, seus salões e suas modas. O arrivismo, modo de ascensão social pouco ou nada escrupuloso, é o traço comum encontrado em Seixas e Rastignac. Através do cotejamento de trechos dos dois romances, analisaremos a construção das personagens, bem como a teoria do arrivismo de seus autores. / The thesis Construction of the arrivism(s) [Construção do(s) arrivismo(s)] brings about the analysis of two characters present in central pieces of French and Brazilian literatures: Fernando Seixas, from Senhora (1875), by José de Alencar (1829-1877) and Eugène de Rastignac, protagonist of Le Père Goriot (1834) by Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850). Honoré de Balzac, author of The Human Comedy, aimed at showing in his fiction the diversity of human types in order to establish a dialogue with the French History, restored after 1789 and the Napoleonic period. Thus, reading the balzaquian production could make possible the understanding of a society facing profound changes, where capitalism dictates rules and the novel is fixed as both merchandise and literary model of artistic appreciation. In tropical lands, José de Alencar reaches his literary maturity with Senhora, thus anticipating in several aspects the emergence of Machado de Assis. This way, reading his work offers clues about the formation of Brazilian literature and about the society he lived in, that of the Second Empire, in which slavery is still present and a kind of wished mimesis of Paris (with its balls and fashion) is lived in the capital Rio de Janeiro. The arrivism, strategy of social rise little or not at all scrupulous, is a common aspect found in both Seixas and Rastignac. Through the comparison of both novels, we intend to analyze the construction of the characters, as well as the theory of the arrivism of their authors.
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Balzac et le XVIIe siècle : mémoire, création littéraire et discours moraliste dans La Comédie humaine / Balzac and the 17th-Century : memory, writing and moralistic discourse in La Comédie humainePerret, Maxime 17 April 2013 (has links)
Cette étude est consacrée aux rapports qui existent entre Balzac et le XVIIe siècle littéraire français. Elle s’articule en trois temps : l’analyse de la sélection mémorielle, reçue et opérée par Balzac, concernant le XVIIe siècle politique et littéraire ; l’exploration détaillée des diverses modalités de présence, des usages et des fonctions assumées par le « Grand Siècle » dans La Comédie humaine ; et l’évaluation de la portée et des conséquences de la pratique, au sein de la fiction narrative en prose, d’un discours de type moraliste. Cette recherche d’une part permet d’interroger à nouveaux frais certains fondements de la poétique balzacienne. D’autre part, les différentes modalités de la réception du XVIIe siècle dans le cycle romanesque construit par Balzac entre 1829 et 1850 mettent en évidence de nouveaux circuits de lecture de La Comédie humaine grâce à l’existence de dispositifs textuels spécifiques en réseau. Enfin, ce travail montre la permanence des problèmes liés au développement du genre romanesque du XVIIe au XIXe siècle. Partant, il engage à réviser certains préjugés tenaces de l’histoire littéraire, tant à propos de Balzac qu’à l’égard du « Grand Siècle classique ». / The present study addresses the multifaceted relationships between Balzac and the French literary 17th century. It consists of three parts: first, an analysis of Balzac’s own memorial selection of 17th-century political and literary events, followed by a detailed exploration of the variety of modes of attendance, practices and functions assumed by the “Grand Siècle” in La Comédie humaine, and finally of an evaluation of the range and consequences of the development of moralist-type thinking within prose narrative fiction. First, this research work allows for a renewed questioning of some foundations of Balzacian poetics. Secondly, the different methods of reception of the 17th century in the novel cycle built by Balzac between 1829 and 1850 highlight new reading circulations of La Comédie humaine by means of specific network-type textual devices. And finally, this study shows the permanence of problems linked with the development of the genre of the novel from the 17th to the 19th century. Hence, it invites to a revision of some deep-rooted prejudice of literary history, as much about Balzac than against the “classical Grand Siècle”.
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O favor: uma ponte entre Brasil e Portugal oitocentista / The favor: a bridge between Brazil and Portugal of the 19th centurySouza, Yara Fruteiro Vieira de 09 March 2017 (has links)
Para o estudo de relações entre as literaturas brasileira e portuguesa durante o século XIX esta dissertação de mestrado buscará identificar e compreender o favor, como definido por Roberto Schwarz em Ao Vencedor as Batatas, no contexto luso-brasileiro e em algumas obras nas quais o favor ainda não foi objeto de análise. Para discutirmos as prefigurações do favor, escolhemos obras do Brasil, Portugal e França nas quais algo muito semelhante ao favor descrito por Schwarz na obra machadiana já pode ser observado. São elas: O Filho do Pescador, de Teixeira e Sousa; A Mão do Finado, de Alfredo Hogan e Eugènie Grandet, de Balzac. Já, para tentarmos entender um pouco mais do favor brasileiro e fazer relações com Portugal oitocentista, escolhemos uma obra de Machado de Assis e outra de Camilo Castelo Branco que foram publicadas em períodos muito próximos aos grandes sucessos dos autores. São elas Iaiá Garcia de Machado de Assis, publicada três anos antes de Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas e As Três Irmãs de Camilo Castelo Branco, publicada no mesmo ano que Amor de Perdição. Esperamos que as semelhanças e diferenças encontradas nas descrições literárias das sociedades brasileira e portuguesa feita pelos autores nos possibilite evidenciar o favor como uma ponte que colaborou para o entendimento do romance nos países em questão. / In order to study the relations between Brazilian and Portuguese literatures of the 19th century, this Master\'s thesis intends to identify and understand the favor, as defined by Roberto Schwarz in Ao Vencedor as Batatas, in Portuguese-Brazilian context and in some literary works in which the favor has not yet been object of analysis. To discuss the prefiguration of favor, we chose works from Brazil, Portugal and France in which something very similar to the favor described by Schwarz in Machado\'s work can already be observed. They are: O Filho do Pescador, by Teixeira e Sousa; A Mão do Finado, by Alfredo Hogan e Eugènie Grandet, by Balzac. To try to understand a little more of Brazilian favor and make relations with Portugal, we chose a work by Machado de Assis and another by Camilo Castelo Branco, which were published in periods very close to the great successes of the authors. They are Iaiá Garcia by Machado de Assis, published three years before Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas and As Três Irmãs by Camilo Castelo Branco, published in the same year as Amor de Perdição. We hope that the similarities and differences found in the literary descriptions of Brazilian and Portuguese societies made by the authors allow us to highlight the favor as a bridge that contributed to the understanding of the novel in the discussed countries.
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Balzac e a figurabilidade: cenas de figuração e desfiguração humana / Balzac and figurability: scenes of human figuration and defigurationFrattini, Paula Caldas 10 September 2015 (has links)
O problema que o presente estudo procurou delimitar refere-se à relação entre a escritura balzaquiana e a figurabilidade. Diferentemente das questões que se aplicam ao campo pictural, a escritura balzaquiana procura no interior de sua expressão o processo de estruturação e os modelos da produção figurativa. Ao descartar a noção de homologia, a escritura balzaquiana procura, na verdade, competir com as Artes Plásticas no intuito de conceder ao texto ficcional a mesma potencialidade visual do campo pictural. A análise, então, aproxima-se mais do trabalho de figuração presente no tecido narrativo do que da significação do objeto figurativo. Essa visada crítica corresponde ao que é proposto como um estudo da figurabilidade. O eixo de análise proposto possibilitou a abertura deste estudo à Comédie Humaine sem a obrigatoriedade de um recorte temático que implicaria a escolha de determinados romances, uma vez que no trabalho figurativo detectamos um desejo estético fundamental à poética balzaquiana. Um desejo que produz um movimento intenso, não necessariamente coeso e pronto às explorações mais radicais, como as desfigurações. Nesse espaço do texto, o traço figural, o qual se opõe ao figurativo, foi aprofundando. Tal distinção vale ressaltar que se trata de uma distinção entre figural e figurativo em relação à escritura balzaquiana compõe igualmente a discussão pretendida por este estudo. / The problem this work has tried to circumscribe refers to the relationship between Balzacs writing and the figurability. Distinctly of the topics that concern the pictorial ground, Balzacs writing pursuits within its own expression the structural process and the models of the figurative production. When Balzacs writing avoids the notion of homology, what it truly desires is to compete with the visual arts in order to endow the fictional text with the same potentiality of the pictorial ground. Thus, the approach of this analysis is closer to the work of figuration woven in the narrative tissue than to the signification of the figurative object. This critical perspective corresponds to a study of figurability as suggested. The proposed axis of this analysis enabled this study an opening to the Comédie Humaine without the obligation of a thematic choice, which would entail an election of defined novels, considering that in the work of the figuration we observe an aesthetic desire essential to Balzac\'s poetics. A desire that imposes an intense movement, that is not necessarily cohesive, and it is set to accomplish radical experiences, such as the disfiguration. In this space of the text the figural trait, which is opposed to the figurative, was developed. The present study also aims the discussion of this distinction it is worthwhile to emphasize that we refer to a distinction between figural and figurative concerning Balzacs writing.
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Gobseck\'s: entre a prostituição e a agiotagem / Gobseck\'s: between prostitution and predatory lendingOliveira, Regina Cibelle de 28 March 2017 (has links)
O centro de organização da vida privada oitocentista é a família, instituição que recebe importante destaque na Comédie humaine, de Honoré de Balzac. No conjunto que forma essa obra, encontramos diferentes estruturas familiares, desde a elementar, exemplo mais tradicional de família, composta por pai, mãe e filhos, até as desordenadas, como é o caso dos Gobseck, objeto de estudo dessa dissertação. A família Gobseck é formada por duas cortesãs e um usurário. Sarah é mãe de Esther e sobrinha-neta de Jean-Esther van Gobseck. Nos episódios de suas vidas, narrados em alguns livros de Balzac, não percebemos momentos de interação e de convivência entre os três, contudo alguns traços fazem com que a influência do sangue prevaleça em distintos momentos da vida de cada um. Considerando, entre outros fatores, a constituição não tradicional dessa família, cujos componentes exercem profissões reprováveis pela sociedade, a falta de convívio e a ambição por dinheiro dos três, temos o objetivo de observar qual é o lugar dessa família na sociedade criada pelo escritor, qual o seu papel social em um mundo governado pelas leis do capital e quais as características individuais que fazem com que se aproximem ou se afastem. / The hub of the organisation of private life in the 1800s is the family, an institution which receives great distinction in the Comédie humaine, by Honoré de Balzac. On the whole which comprises this work, we find different familial structures, from the elementary, most traditional example of family, composed by a father, a mother and children, to the disorganised, such as the case of the Gobsecks, object of study of this thesis. The Gobseck family is composed of two courtesans and a usurer. Sarah is Esther\'s mother and grand-niece of Jean-Esther van Gobseck. In the episodes of their lives, narrated in some of Balzac\'s books, we do not perceive moments of interaction and intimacy between them, however, some traces make the influence of blood prevail in different moments of each one of their lives. Considering, among other factors, the non-traditional constitution of this family, whose components practice trades which are repproachable by society, the lack of intimacy and the greed for money all three have, our objective is observing what place this family has in the society created by the writer, what is their social role in a world ruled by the laws of capital and which individual characteristics make them get closer or draw apart.
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Balzac aux "Etats-UnisGriffith, Benjamin. January 1900 (has links)
Thèse--Universit́e de Paris. / Bibliography: p. [233]-262.
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Inscriptive masculinity in Balzac's "Comédie humaine"Eldrige, Alana K. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2009. / Title from title screen (site viewed June 26, 2009). PDF text: xvii, 320 p. : col. ill. ; 3 Mb. UMI publication number: AAT 3350446. Includes bibliographical references. Also available in microfilm and microfiche formats.
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Le mariage et l'amour dans l'œuvre romanesque d'Honoré de BalzacMichel, Arlette. January 1976 (has links)
Thesis--Université de Paris IV: Paris-Sorbonne. / On spine: Le mariage et l'amour. Includes indexes. Includes bibliographical references (v. 3, p. 1673-1730).
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La campagne et ses habitants dans l'oeuvre de Honoré de Balzac Étude des idées de Balzac sur la grande propriété.Blanchard, Marc. January 1931 (has links)
"Thèse présentée devant la Faculté des Lettres de l'Université de Paris en vue du doctorat ès lettres." / "Bibliographie raisonnée": p. [493]-504.
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Trajectoires balzaciennes dans le cinéma de Jacques Rivette : Out1 - La belle noiseuse - Ne touchez pas à la hache / Balzac's presence in Jacques Rivette's work / Traiettorie balzachiane nel cinema di Jacques RivetteDosi, Francesca 26 January 2013 (has links)
Cette étude suit les trajectoires balzaciennes qui parcourent l'oeuvre de Jacques Rivette, en créant un réseau complexe de références, d'allusions et de citations qui reflètent la construction en toile d'araignée de La Comédie Humaine. Elles irriguent trois réalisations ouvertement inspirées de Balzac : Out 1, Noli me tangere (1970-71), film fleuve expérimental d'environ treize heures, articulé sur l'improvisation des acteurs et centré sur la quête des Treize balzaciens, La Belle Noiseuse (1991) qui transpose au présent du tournage l'histoire du Chef d’oeuvre inconnu en la modifiant partiellement, et Ne touchez pas la hache (2007), film en costume « fidèle à la lettre » à La Duchesse de Langeais. Out 1 mêle le récit énigmatique balzacien à la flânerie surréaliste pour interroger la mythologie du groupe et l'onirisme psychédélique des années soixante-dix. La Belle Noiseuse offre à Rivette l'occasion de mettre en scène le processus de création - les séances de pose - et de réfléchir simultanément à son travail de cinéaste et à l'entreprise démesurée de La Comédie Humaine. La « compression à la César » à laquelle il soumet La Duchesse de Langeais fait de Ne touchez pas la hache un traité métaphysique intemporel sur l'empêchement amoureux, mais aussi une méditation sur la philosophie balzacienne et sur la théâtralité propre à La Comédie Humaine. Entre reprise et transformation, Jacques Rivette réalise donc trois oeuvres différemment marquées par une puissante innutrition balzacienne, les inscrivant dans un parcours inhabituel d’assimilation,d’hybridation et de réinvention du fait littéraire au cinéma. / This thesis follows the traces of Balzac’s presence in Jacques Rivette’s output and of thecomplex network of references, allusions and quotations that create a mirror image of thecobweb-like structure of the Comédie Humaine. These traces emerge particularly in threeworks overtly inspired by Balzac : Out 1, Noli me tangere (1970-71), an experimental filmfleuve approximately 13 hours long, built on actorial improvisation and centred on atransposition of the quest of Balzac’s Treize to contemporary times; La Belle Noiseuse (1991)which transposes and partly modifies the narrative of Le Chef-d’Oeuvre inconnu to thepresent of the filming process; and Ne touchez pas la hache (2007), a costume (and thus‘literally faithful’) reprise of La Duchesse de Langeais. Out 1 mixes surrealist flanerie toBalzac’s enigmatic narration in order to question the myth of the select group and thepsychedelic oneirism typical of the 1960s. As dramatisations of a novelistic ellipsis, themodel’s sittings in La Belle Noiseuse offer Rivette the opportunity to stage the process ofartistic creation and, at the same time, to reflect on his work as a filmmaker and on theenormous project of the Comédie Humaine. The “César-style” compression to which hesubmits La Duchesse de Langeais turns the narrative into an atemporal metaphysical treatiseon a lover’s impasse, as well as into the occasion for a meditation on Balzac’s philosophy andthe theatricality typical of the Comédie Humaine. Caught up between reprise andtransformation, Jacques Rivette’s films constitute as many re-elaborations that are, to differentdegrees, impregnated with Balzac’s powerful oeuvre, and thus delineate an original set offorms of assimilation, hybridisation and reinvention of literary texts on screen.
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