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Regulação ambiental dos países no âmbito da OMC: uma ilustração para o etanol brasileiro / Environmental relugation of countries within to WTO: an illustration for the brazilian ethanolSilva, Nathalia Galera 20 January 2012 (has links)
Durante a década de 80 os movimentos ambientais começaram a se intensificar e os governos tiveram que incorporar novos instrumentos de política na busca de um crescimento econômico combinado com a conservação e preservação do meio ambiente. A sociedade passou a demandar produtos ambientalmente saudáveis e os setores da economia sofreram pressão para mudar seus métodos e processos tradicionais de produção para se adequar a essa nova demanda. Dessas exigências da sociedade, decorrem mudanças na legislação ambiental e em legislações correlacionadas, com foco na regulação da produção e comercialização de bens e serviços. Discute-se na literatura que muitas vezes, as exigências podem se configurar como barreiras comerciais, mesmo não tendo como objetivo primordial afetar o comércio. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal investigar como evolui a regulação ambiental no comércio internacional e tendo como ilustração a análise do caso da regulamentação internacional do etanol no Acordo sobre Barreiras Técnicas ao Comércio (TBT). Para tanto, foram analisadas 1.649 notificações ao Acordo TBT, cujo objetivo principal alegado foi de proteção do meio ambiente. Em seguida destas foram separadas as notificações que tinham como produto alvo combustíveis, totalizando 94 notificações. Deste subtotal, foram ainda segregadas as que afetavam o etanol, chegando-se a um total de 28 regulamentos notificados por 13 países ou blocos econômicos, com destaque para os EUA, União Europeia, e países da América Central e Caribe. Dentre os países que notificaram regulamentos técnicos ambientais para o etanol, os que se destacaram como importadores do Brasil são os EUA, União Europeia Colômbia, Costa Rica, El Salvador dentre os temas de regulamentação ambiental, destacam-se os relacionados a requisitos para redução de emissões de gases de efeito estufa. Os dados de notificações ambientais ao etanol junto ao TBT foram analisados conjuntamente aos dados das exportações brasileiras de etanol para o cálculo dos coeficientes de frequência e de cobertura. Os coeficientes de frequência não ultrapassaram os 32,7% no período analisado, enquanto que o coeficiente de cobertura atingiu valor máximo em 2006, quando os EUA tiveram grande representatividade. Embora a princípio, o alto índice de cobertura pudesse levar à inferência de presença de barreiras comerciais ambientais, esse alto índice pode indicar também que a comercialização do etanol não foi afetada negativamente pela medida. Outro elemento importante para a discussão é que, ao se analisar com detalhes, o conteúdo regulatório proposto pelas notificações técnicas ambientais, nota-se uma preocupação com a redução na emissão de gases de efeito estufa. Pelos resultados deste estudo, verifica-se que a importância da discussão cresce e se amplia, mas não se pode afirmar que os regulamentos técnicos ambientais prejudicam os fluxos do comércio externo do biocombustível brasileiro. As discussões em torno dos combustíveis renováveis são recentes e são foco em fóruns internacionais ambientais e comerciais e podem futuramente gerar importantes alterações nesse setor, atentando-se principalmente para exigências em certificação. / During the 80s, environmental movements began to intensify and governments had to incorporate new policy instruments in pursuit of economic growth combined with the conservation and preservation of the environment. The society began to demand eco friendly environmental products and sectors of the economy suffered pressure to change their traditional methods and processes of production to adapt to this new demand. These requirements of society resulted in changes in environmental legislation and other laws correlated, with a focus on regulating the production and marketing of goods and services. It is argued in the literature that often the requirements can be configured as trade barriers, even not having as the main purpose to affect the trade. This thesis aims at investigating how environmental regulation evolves in international trade and to illustrate the analysis with the case of international regulation of ethanol in the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT). Altogether, we analyzed 1,649 notifications to the TBT Agreement, whose main objective was alleged protection of the environment. Afterwards these notifications have been separated as a product target that had fuel, totaling 94 notifications. From this subtotal, were still segregated affecting the ethanol, adding up to a total of 28 regulations notified by 13 countries or economic blocs, especially the U.S., EU, and countries of Central America and the Caribbean. Among the countries reporting environmental technical regulations for ethanol, those who stood out as importers from Brazil are the United States, European Union Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador among the topics of environmental regulations, include those related to requirements for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. Data from environmental reports to ethanol by the TBT were analyzed together with data from the Brazilian ethanol exports to the calculation of coefficients of frequency and coverage. The coefficients of frequency did not exceed 32.7% in the analyzed period, while the coverage ratio reached a peak in 2006 when the U.S. had great representation. Although at first, the high coverage rate could lead to the inference of the presence of environmental trade barriers, this high rate may also indicate that the marketing of ethanol was not negatively affected by the measure. Another important element for discussion is that, when analyzing in detail the contents by the proposed regulatory environmental technical reports, there is a concern with the reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases. According to the results of this study, it appears that the importance of the discussion is growing and expanding, but we can not say that the environmental technical regulations affect trade flows outside of the Brazilian biofuel. The discussions on renewable fuels are recent and are also the focus in international environmental forums and trades and it can further boost important changes in this sector, paying attention mainly to certification requirements.
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Gesture in architecture.January 2002 (has links)
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Rehabilitation facilities for the physically disabled : places for transitional care.Green, Mitch January 1977 (has links)
Thesis. 1977. M.Arch.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Architecture. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ROTCH. / Bibliography : p. 127-128. / M.Arch.
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桃園縣國民中學無障礙校園環境之研究 / The study of barrier-free school environments in Junior high school of Taoyuan Conty黃朝旭 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的調查對象為桃園縣公立國民中學校長、總務主任、組長、未兼任行政職務之教師、家長會長(或代表)共55校,發出問卷275份,總計收回51所學校247份問卷,回收率89.9%,有效問卷242份,並以SPSS 10.0 For Windows軟體進行問卷之統計分析;實地觀察訪的對象,依學校規模分大、中、小型(48班以上為大校、47班至30班為中校、29班以下為小校)三組。每組再依建校歷史,以民國79年「殘障福利法」修正公佈為準,分新舊兩組,各抽取一所學校,以該校總務主任為訪談之對象,並以該校為實地觀察之地點,共6人。
一、 桃園縣國民中學的學校人員重視無障礙校園環境,且以校長與女性學校人員最重視。
二、 桃園縣國民中學無障礙的使用與維護情形普遍良好。
三、 桃園縣國民中學規劃最好無障礙校園設施是「坡道及扶手」、「廁所、盥洗室」「升降梯(電梯)」。
四、 桃園縣國民中學最難規劃無障礙校園設施是「坡道及扶手」、「觀眾席(如視聽教室、活動中心、演藝廳)」「升降梯(電梯)」。
五、 桃園縣國民中學無障礙設施規劃設計上比較困難的因素有「受限於學校原有建築或空間,致不易改善」、「受限於經費,致無法整體規劃」及「缺乏專精無障礙環境規劃的建築師的協助」。
關鍵詞:國民中學;無障礙;無障礙校園環境 / The main purpose of this study was to provide an insight into the understanding of staffs in school of the barrier-free school environment and to investigate the implementation﹐design and problems related to the barrier-free campus facilities in junior high schools of Taoyuan County﹒ In addition﹐the researcher propose an applicable suggestions for the reference of both the authorities and schools.
To achieve the above mentioned objectives﹐the researcher adopted the methods of literature analysis﹐questionnaires and field surveys in this study﹒First of all﹐through the methods of literature analysis﹐ the researcher explored the basic ideals﹐the development of rules and regulations and the process of implementation of the barrier-free school environment in Taoyuan County ﹒Secondly﹐based on the results from the literature analysis﹐the researcher designed a “Questionnaire on the Barrier-Free school Environment in Junior High Schools of Taoyuan County”conducted questionnaire surveys and field surveys to get an insight into the understanding of staffs in schools of the barrier- free school environment and the implementation,structure and problems related to the barrier-free campus facilities﹒
The research subjects of this study were principals,directors of general affairs,group leader,teachers﹐and president(or representatives)of parent committee in junior high school 0f Taoyuan County﹒the researcher sent out 275 questionnaires to 55 schools﹒A total of 247 questionnaires from 51 schools were retrieved﹒The response rate was 89.9%﹒SPSS 10.0 For Windows was employed to analyzed the 242 effective questionnaires;the subjects of field surveys were classified into three groups according to the size of school(schools of 48 classes or more are large schools﹐schools of 30-47 classes are medium schools﹐and schools of 29 classes or less are small schools )﹒in each group ﹐1990﹐the year in which the Welfare Law for the Handicapped and Disabled was revised﹐was set as the point of demarcation to divide these schools into subgroups;old schools and new schools﹒The researcher chose one school from each subgroup and interviewed the directors of general affairs from the chosen schools which were the sites for field surveys﹒A total of 6 people were interviewed for this study﹒
Based on literature analysis﹐ questionnaires and field surveys﹐the researcher reached the following conclusions:
1,The staffs of Junior high schools of Taoyuan County pay attention to the barrier- free school environment,especially principals and feaml staffs in schools pay more attention to the barrier- free school environment﹒
2,The way in which barrier-free campus facilities are used is satisfactory;the maintenance of barrier-free campus facilitiesis too﹒
3, The best planned barrier-free campus facilities are“ ramps and handrails”“bathrooms and lavatories”and “hoists(elevators)”﹒
4,The greatest difficulty in planning barrier-free campus facilities is in “ramps and handrails” “audience(such as those in audio-visual classrooms﹐auditoriums and performance halls)”“hoists(elevators)”﹒
5,Junior high school of Taoyuan County barrier-free campus facility plan design the quite difficult factor has “limited to the school original construction or the space, sends is not easy to improve”,“is restricted in the funds, sends is unable “architect's assistance which the corporate planning” and is“expert in the barrier-free school environmental project deficient”.
Based on these findings﹐the researcher proposed the following suggestions::
1,The barrier-free school environment in Junior high school of Taoyuan County should be“entire planning, finish by stage”,and“have the the experts or the architects excel in designing the barrier-free school environment in the group﹐By handling the diversified barrier-free school environmental activties”;promoting the teachers and students to the barrier-free school environment cognition by barrier-free school environment multi-dimensional activity﹒
2,the Education Department of Taoyuan County Government should respectively set up the basic document data sheet of all levels of school barrier-free campus facility in Taoyuan County and grasps each school barrier-free campus facility conditions﹐What`s more﹐“audience(such as those in audio-visual classrooms﹐auditoriums and performance halls)” hoists(elevators)”should be gave priorities to put to use the barrier-free campus facility and next is “outdoor guidance circuit”;And it is necessity to surveys school barrier-free campus facility regularly and establish the barrier-free school environment achievements to comment the quantity system﹒
3,the following for further studies:Facilities used on the spot by those who move with difficulty can point which barrier-free campus facilities need improvement more accurately when surveys the facilities ;introducing the concept of “route”can study the barrier-free campus facility of each school;the suggestion for example: Uses on the spot because of moving about with difficulty, inquires the barrier-free campus be least and most suitable“barrier-free route”﹒
Key word:junior high school;barrier-free;barrier-free school environment
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Experimental Study of Structure and Barrier Properties of Biodegradable NanocompositesBhatia, Amita, abhatia78@yahoo.com January 2008 (has links)
As nanocomposites provide considerable improvements in material properties, scientists and engineers are focussing on biodegradable nanocomposites having superior material properties as well as degradability. This thesis has investigated the properties of biodegradable nanocomposites of the aliphatic thermoplastic polyester, poly (lactide acid) (PLA) and the synthetic biodegradable polyester, poly (butylene succinate) (PBS). To enhance the properties of this blend, nanometer-sized clay particles, have been added to produce tertiary nanocomposite. High aspect ratio and surface area of clay provide significant improvement in structural, mechanical, thermal and barrier properties in comparison to the base polymer. In this study, a series of PLA/PBS/layered silicate nanocomposites were produced by using a simple twin-screw extruder. PLA/PBS/Cloisite 30BX nanocomposites were prepared containing 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 wt% of C30BX clay, while PLA and PBS polymers compositions were fixed at a ratio of 80 to 20. This study also included the validation of a gas barrier model for these biodegradable nanocomposites. WAXD indicated an exfoliated structure for nanocomposites having 1 and 3 wt% of clay, while predominantly development of intercalated structures was noticed for nanocomposites higher than 5 wt% of clay. However, TEM images confirmed a mixed morphology of intercalated and exfoliated structure for nanocomposite having 1 wt% of clay, while some clusters or agglomerated tactoids were detected for nanocomposites having more than 3 wt% of clay contents. The percolation threshold region for these nanocomposites lied between 3-5 wt% of clay loadings. Liquid-like behaviour of PLA/PBS blends gradually changed to solid-like behaviour with the increase in concentration of clay. Shear viscosity for the nanocomposites decreased as shear rate increased, exhibiting shear thinning non-Newtonian behaviour. Tensile strength and Young's modulus initially increased for nanocomposites of up to 3 wt% of clay but then decreased with the introduction of more clay. At high clay content (more than 3 wt%), clay particles tend to aggregate which causes microcracks at the interface of clay-polymer by lowering the polymer-clay interaction. Percentage elongation at break did not show any improvement with the addition of clay. PLA/PBS blends were considered as immiscible with each other as two separate glass transition and melting temperatures were observed in modulated differential scanning calorimetry (MDSC) thermograms. MDSC showed that crystallinity of the nanocomposites was not much affected by the addition of clay and hence some compatibilizer is required. Thermogravimetric analysis showed that the nanocomposite containing 3 wt% of clay demonstrated highest thermal stability compared to other nanocomposites. Decrease in thermal stability was noticed above 3 wt% clay; however the initial degradation temperature of nanocomposites with 5, 7 and 10 wt% of clay was higher than that of PLA/PBS blend alone. Gas barrier property measurements were undertaken to investigate the transmission of oxygen gas and water vapours. Oxygen barrier properties showed significant improvement with these nanocomposites, while that for water vapour modest improvement was observed. By comparing the relative permeabilities obtained from the experiments and the model, it was concluded that PLA/PBS/clay nanocomposites validated the Bharadwaj model for up to 3 wt% of clay concentration.
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Simulation and Electrical Evaluation of 4H-SiC Junction Field Effect Transistors and Junction Barrier Schottky Diodes with Buried GridsLim, Jang-Kwon January 2015 (has links)
Silicon carbide (SiC) has higher breakdown field strength than silicon (Si), which enables thinner and more highly doped drift layers compared to Si. Consequently, the power losses can be reduced compared to Si-based power conversion systems. Moreover, SiC allows the power conversion systems to operate at high temperatures up to 250 oC. With such expectations, SiC is considered as the material of choice for modern power semiconductor devices for high efficiencies, high temperatures, and high power densities. Besides the material benefits, the typeof the power device also plays an important role in determining the system performance. Compared to the SiC metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) and bipolar junction transistor (BJT), the SiC junction field-effect transistor (JFET) is a very promising power switch, being a voltage-controlled device without oxide reliability issues. Its channel iscontrolled by a p-n junction. However, the present JFETs are not optimized yet with regard to on-state resistance, controllability of threshold voltage, and Miller capacitance. In this thesis, the state-of-the-art SiC JFETs are introduced with buried-grid (BG) technology.The buried grid is formed in the channel through epitaxial growth and etching processes. Through simulation studies, the new concepts of normally-on and -off BG JFETs with 1200 V blocking capability are investigated in terms of static and dynamic characteristics. Additionally, two case studies are performed in order to evaluate total losses on the system level. These investigations can be provided to a power circuit designer for fully exploiting the benefit of power devices. Additionally, they can serve as accurate device models and guidelines considering the switching performance. The BG concept utilized for JFETs has been also used for further development of SiC junctionbarrier Schottky (JBS) diodes. Especially, this design concept gives a great impact on high temperature operation due to efficient shielding of the Schottky interface from high electric fields. By means of simulations, the device structures with implanted and epitaxial p-grid formations, respectively, are compared regarding threshold voltage, blocking voltage, and maximum electric field at the Schottky interface. The results show that the device with an epitaxial grid can be more efficient at high temperatures than that with an implanted grid. To realize this concept, the device with implanted grid was optimized using simulations, fabricated and verified through experiments. The BG JBS diode clearly shows that the leakage current is four orders of magnitude lower than that of a pure Schottky diode at an operation temperature of 175 oC and 2 to 3 orders of magnitude lower than that of commercial JBS diodes. Finally, commercialized vertical trench JFETs are evaluated both in simulations andexperiments, while it is important to determine the limits of the existing JFETs and study their performance in parallel operation. Especially, the influence of uncertain parameters of the devices and the circuit configuration on the switching performance are determined through simulations and experiments. / Kiselkarbid (SiC) har en högre genombrottsfältstyrka än kisel, vilket möjliggör tunnare och mer högdopade driftområden jämfört med kisel. Följaktligen kan förlusterna reduceras jämfört med kiselbaserade omvandlarsystem. Dessutom tillåter SiC drift vid temperatures upp till 250 oC. Dessa utsikter gör att SiC anses vara halvledarmaterialet för moderna effekthalvledarkomponenter för hög verkningsgrad, hög temperature och hög kompakthet. Förutom materialegenskaperna är också komponenttypen avgörande för att bestämma systemets prestanda. Jämfört med SiC MOSFETen och bipolärtransistorn i SiC är SiC JFETen en mycket lovande component, eftersom den är spänningsstyrd och saknar tillförlitlighetsproblem med oxidskikt. Dess kanal styrs an en PNövergång. Emellertid är dagens JFETar inte optimerade med hänseende till on-state resistans, styrbarhet av tröskelspänning och Miller-kapacitans. I denna avhandling introduceras state-of-the-art SiC JFETar med buried-grid (BG) teknologi. Denna åstadkommes genom epitaxi och etsningsprocesser. Medelst simulering undersöks nya concept för normally-on och normally-off BG JFETar med blockspänningen 1200 V. Såvä statiska som dynamiska egenskper undersöks. Dessutom görs två fallstudier vad avser totalförluster på systemnivå. Dessa undersökningar kan vara värdefulla för en konstruktör för att till fullo utnyttja fördelarna av komponenterna. Dessutom kan resultaten från undersökningarna användas som komponentmodeller och anvisningar vad gäller switch-egenskaper. BG konceptet som använts för JFETar har också använts för vidareutveckling av så kallade JBS-dioder. Speciellt ger denna konstruktion stora fördelar vid höga temperature genom en effektiv skärmning av Schottkyövergången mot höga elektriska fält. Genom simuleringar har komponentstrukturer med implanterade och epitaxiella grids jämförst med hänseende till tröskelspänning, genombrottspänning och maximalt elektriskt fält vid Schottky-övergången. Resultaten visar att den epitaxiella varianten kan vara mer effektiv än den implanterade vid höga temperaturer. För att realisera detta concept optimerades en komponent med implanterat grid med hjälp av simuleringar. Denna component tillverkades sedan och verifierades genom experiment. BG JBS-dioden visar tydligt att läckströmmen är fyra storleksordningar lägre än för en ren Schottky-diod vid 175 oC, och två till tre storleksordningar lägre än för kommersiella JBS-dioder. Slutligen utvärderas kommersiella vertical trench-JFETar bade genom simuleringar och experiment, eftersom det är viktigt att bestämma gränserna för existerande JFETar och studera parallelkoppling. Speciellt studeras inverkan av obestämda parametrar och kretsens konfigurering på switchegenskaperna. Arbetet utförs bade genom simuleringar och experiment. / <p>QC 20150915</p>
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Ecology of Bird Island, North Carolina an uninhabited, undeveloped barrier island /Rosenfeld, Kristen Marie. Wentworth, Thomas R. Suiter, Dale William. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--North Carolina State University, 2004. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on Apr. 3, 2005). Includes vita. Includes bibliographical references.
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Alterations in JAK/STAT signaling pathway and blood-brain barrier function mechanisms underlying worsened outcome following stroke in the aged rat /DiNapoli, Vincent A., January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--West Virginia University, 2007. / Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains x, 154 p. : ill. (some col.). Vita. Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 135-149).
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Regulação ambiental dos países no âmbito da OMC: uma ilustração para o etanol brasileiro / Environmental relugation of countries within to WTO: an illustration for the brazilian ethanolNathalia Galera Silva 20 January 2012 (has links)
Durante a década de 80 os movimentos ambientais começaram a se intensificar e os governos tiveram que incorporar novos instrumentos de política na busca de um crescimento econômico combinado com a conservação e preservação do meio ambiente. A sociedade passou a demandar produtos ambientalmente saudáveis e os setores da economia sofreram pressão para mudar seus métodos e processos tradicionais de produção para se adequar a essa nova demanda. Dessas exigências da sociedade, decorrem mudanças na legislação ambiental e em legislações correlacionadas, com foco na regulação da produção e comercialização de bens e serviços. Discute-se na literatura que muitas vezes, as exigências podem se configurar como barreiras comerciais, mesmo não tendo como objetivo primordial afetar o comércio. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal investigar como evolui a regulação ambiental no comércio internacional e tendo como ilustração a análise do caso da regulamentação internacional do etanol no Acordo sobre Barreiras Técnicas ao Comércio (TBT). Para tanto, foram analisadas 1.649 notificações ao Acordo TBT, cujo objetivo principal alegado foi de proteção do meio ambiente. Em seguida destas foram separadas as notificações que tinham como produto alvo combustíveis, totalizando 94 notificações. Deste subtotal, foram ainda segregadas as que afetavam o etanol, chegando-se a um total de 28 regulamentos notificados por 13 países ou blocos econômicos, com destaque para os EUA, União Europeia, e países da América Central e Caribe. Dentre os países que notificaram regulamentos técnicos ambientais para o etanol, os que se destacaram como importadores do Brasil são os EUA, União Europeia Colômbia, Costa Rica, El Salvador dentre os temas de regulamentação ambiental, destacam-se os relacionados a requisitos para redução de emissões de gases de efeito estufa. Os dados de notificações ambientais ao etanol junto ao TBT foram analisados conjuntamente aos dados das exportações brasileiras de etanol para o cálculo dos coeficientes de frequência e de cobertura. Os coeficientes de frequência não ultrapassaram os 32,7% no período analisado, enquanto que o coeficiente de cobertura atingiu valor máximo em 2006, quando os EUA tiveram grande representatividade. Embora a princípio, o alto índice de cobertura pudesse levar à inferência de presença de barreiras comerciais ambientais, esse alto índice pode indicar também que a comercialização do etanol não foi afetada negativamente pela medida. Outro elemento importante para a discussão é que, ao se analisar com detalhes, o conteúdo regulatório proposto pelas notificações técnicas ambientais, nota-se uma preocupação com a redução na emissão de gases de efeito estufa. Pelos resultados deste estudo, verifica-se que a importância da discussão cresce e se amplia, mas não se pode afirmar que os regulamentos técnicos ambientais prejudicam os fluxos do comércio externo do biocombustível brasileiro. As discussões em torno dos combustíveis renováveis são recentes e são foco em fóruns internacionais ambientais e comerciais e podem futuramente gerar importantes alterações nesse setor, atentando-se principalmente para exigências em certificação. / During the 80s, environmental movements began to intensify and governments had to incorporate new policy instruments in pursuit of economic growth combined with the conservation and preservation of the environment. The society began to demand eco friendly environmental products and sectors of the economy suffered pressure to change their traditional methods and processes of production to adapt to this new demand. These requirements of society resulted in changes in environmental legislation and other laws correlated, with a focus on regulating the production and marketing of goods and services. It is argued in the literature that often the requirements can be configured as trade barriers, even not having as the main purpose to affect the trade. This thesis aims at investigating how environmental regulation evolves in international trade and to illustrate the analysis with the case of international regulation of ethanol in the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT). Altogether, we analyzed 1,649 notifications to the TBT Agreement, whose main objective was alleged protection of the environment. Afterwards these notifications have been separated as a product target that had fuel, totaling 94 notifications. From this subtotal, were still segregated affecting the ethanol, adding up to a total of 28 regulations notified by 13 countries or economic blocs, especially the U.S., EU, and countries of Central America and the Caribbean. Among the countries reporting environmental technical regulations for ethanol, those who stood out as importers from Brazil are the United States, European Union Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador among the topics of environmental regulations, include those related to requirements for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. Data from environmental reports to ethanol by the TBT were analyzed together with data from the Brazilian ethanol exports to the calculation of coefficients of frequency and coverage. The coefficients of frequency did not exceed 32.7% in the analyzed period, while the coverage ratio reached a peak in 2006 when the U.S. had great representation. Although at first, the high coverage rate could lead to the inference of the presence of environmental trade barriers, this high rate may also indicate that the marketing of ethanol was not negatively affected by the measure. Another important element for discussion is that, when analyzing in detail the contents by the proposed regulatory environmental technical reports, there is a concern with the reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases. According to the results of this study, it appears that the importance of the discussion is growing and expanding, but we can not say that the environmental technical regulations affect trade flows outside of the Brazilian biofuel. The discussions on renewable fuels are recent and are also the focus in international environmental forums and trades and it can further boost important changes in this sector, paying attention mainly to certification requirements.
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Förstärkande språkstrategier : En kvalitativ studie som beskriver fyra lärares förstärkande språkstrategier ur ett andraspråksperspektivFernlund, Tove January 2017 (has links)
Since no teacher can learn all the languages of the world there is a need to find strategies to deal with students with different linguistic competences and conditions. In this essay, which I write under the Swedish teacher program at Örebro Univiersity, I will follow four teachers into their practice and search for tools they use to increase their chances to reach through to students in the Swedish middle school with Swedish as their second language. Using ethnographic and qualitative research methods I will present data from a video recorded material followed by an analysis based on a second language perspective. The material consists of video recordings from four different occasions where the teachers' initial and instructional monologues get caught. By using a multimodal approach my hope is to identify commonly occurring phenomena and describe how the differences in the use of these take place. I ask the following questions: • Are there any strategies that teachers use to clarify or strengthen their language teaching Swedish as a second language? • If there are, how do the teachers use them? Observation Schedule and categories are designed through the findings the film has provided and have come together in four main categories that are: body language, reformulations, repetitions and visual aids. From these categories data is gathered and the data shows how frequently these phenomena occur and how they are combined. In the result I discuss different sequences from the films that show examples that I find interesting with a descriptive purpose. In this essay I want to describe how a few Swedish teacher works through the linguistic barrier that the differences in competence in the same language cause.
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