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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factory for the blind

Tse, Cheuk-yin, Samuel. January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (M.Arch.)--University of Hong Kong, 2002. / Includes special report study entitled : Architecture and orientation & mobility training. Includes bibliographical references. Also available in print.

Metabolic encephalopathies the role of ammonia, amino acids and blood-brain barrier derangement /

Jeppsson, Bengt. January 1981 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universitetet i Lund. / Reprints of journal articles inserted in pocket inside back cover.

Contaminant Transport through Soil and Effect of Bentonite and super-absorbent Polymer on Transport Parameters

Pandey, Mandeep Raj January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this present research is to improve the containment properties of clayey soil by the use of bentonite and polymers as the additives. Clayey soils are generally used for the control of soil and water pollutions as they are inexpensive material. However, their applications are limited when it comes to durability of such liners in the field condition. Addition of additives to increase their efficiency by reducing the hydraulic conductivity can overcome this limitation. Generally, bentonite is used as the effective barrier additives because of their ability to render high swell and reduced hydraulic conductivity to the soil-bentonite mixtures. Due to high specific surface area and large cation exchange capacity, bentonite is always preferred for containment application. Despite their wide applicability in containment barrier, the problem with bentonite is its reduction of swell when the contaminant of interest consists of multivalent ions. Higher valency ions attach to the exchange site of bentonite and thus reduce its efficiency. To overcome these constraints the bentonite has, polymers are being used for containment applications. Normally, anionic polymers are used for such containment applications which help in increase negative charge concentration of the clayey soils. Previous studies have also proved the effectiveness of polymer in increasing the retardation factor of the soil which is due to the adsorption of contaminants to the negatively charged surface of clay. Hence attempt is also made in this thesis to study the effectiveness of super absorbent polymers when used as additive to the clayey soil. In this thesis, effectiveness of the local Bangalore soil for its use as barrier material is studied. Tests are done on the compacted sample to determine its contaminant transport properties. Because of their low hydraulic conductivities, advective flux through the barriers is negligible. In such cases, contaminant migration takes place due to the difference in concentration and this transport mechanism is known as diffusion. Laboratory test have been done to determine the diffusion coefficient of soil when the soil is saturated. For barriers and liner systems which are not fully saturated, suction adds to the hydraulic head. For unsaturated samples, although the liquid phase diffusion have been found to be nominal, head difference caused due to suction facilitates the migration of contaminants. Hence, effects of initial degree of saturation and density in contaminant transport process through soils have been examined. An attempt has been made to study unsaturated transport properties by using saturated transport parameters and unsaturated soil parameters obtained from soil-water characteristics curve. Another focus of this thesis has been towards enhancing the containment property of local soil by using additives. Effects of addition of bentonite and polymer on contaminant transport parameters of the soil have been studied. An attempt has been made to reduce the hydraulic conductivity of soil by using additives like bentonite. In addition, use of super-absorbent polymer as a novel material for barrier application has been studied to determine its suitability for local conditions. Experiments have been conducted to determine free swell, hydraulic conductivity and diffusion coefficient of soil-bentonite and soil-polymer mixes and compare them to those of local soil. To determine the effectiveness of soil-bentonite and soil-polymer mixes under the attack of concentrated solution over a long duration, chemical compatibility tests have been carried out. Micro-structural changes in the soil on addition of bentonite and polymer have been studied with the help of scanning electron microscope (SEM) images. Mineralogical changes occurring in the soil due to the additives have been studied using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) plots. Effects of salt solution on soil-bentonite and soil-polymer mixes have also been studied by the help of SEM images and XRD plots. The final section of this thesis is on analysis of barrier performance for different conditions of densities, compaction and saturation by using numerical software CODE_BRIGHT. Transport parameters obtained from the experiments conducted in previous sections have been used as input for the analysis. A field condition of Bingipura landfill site in South Bangalore, Bangalore city has been simulated as a case study for this thesis. Time taken for contaminants to migrate from landfill to the nearby water body which is at a distance of about 122 meters is calculated for no barrier case. When barrier is provided, concentration variations of contaminant through the barrier with time are plotted and the results are compared for soil barrier, soil-bentonite barrier and soil-polymer barrier. v

Functionalized nanocelluloses and their use in barrier and membrane thin films

Visanko, M. (Miikka) 13 October 2015 (has links)
Abstract Nanocellulose is envisioned as one of the key product innovations of future biorefineries, since it can potentially function in numerous high-end applications and replace many current petroleum-based products due to its superior properties, abundance and renewable nature. The main difficulty hindering the industrial upscaling of nanocellulose is the lack of feasible techniques for processing cellulose fibres on a nanoscale. At the same time, ongoing research efforts have concentrated on charting the suitability of nanocellulose for various novel applications. The chemical functionalization of cellulose is currently regarded as a significant step for both enhancing nanocellulose fabrication and increasing its value as a product by virtue of its adjustable surface properties. This thesis reports on the surface functionalization of cellulosic fibres by means of two new chemical pre-treatments based on periodate oxidation and sequential chlorite oxidation or reductive amination for use in the fabrication of nanocelluloses. The properties of the resulting nanocelluloses were characterized and their applicability to novel film structures was investigated. Both nanoporous thin films for composite membranes and self-standing barrier films were manufactured and studied for their suitability in water purification and packaging applications, respectively. The oxidation of cellulose to 2,3-dicarboxylic acid cellulose (DCC) significantly enhanced the nanofibril production as only 1-4 passes through the homogenizer were required for disintegration of the fibres down to nano-scale. The fabricated DCC-nanofibrils had both high optical transmittance and viscosity comparable to that of TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofibrils. DCC-nanofibrils with a carboxyl content of 1.75 mmol/g showed a potential for functioning as a nanoporous thin-film membrane layer in ultrafiltration tests. The second pre-treatment introduced an acid-free fabrication of amphiphilic cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) with uniform width and length into nanocellulose production for the first time. Reaction conditions of periodate oxidation were presumed to be one of the key factors to impact the formation of either CNCs or cellulose nanofibrils. The butylamino-functionalized CNCs were used to fabricate barrier films that showed good mechanical strength and high resistance to permeation by oxygen even at elevated relative humidity. / Tiivistelmä Yksi metsäteollisuuden viimeisimmistä tuoteinnovaatiosta on nanoselluloosa, jolle on esitetty lukuisia uusia sovellusmahdollisuuksia sekä potentiaalia toimia korvaavana raaka-aineena öljypohjaisille tuotteille sen erinomaisten materiaaliominaisuuksien sekä globaalin saatavuuden ja uusiutuvuuden takia. Nanoselluloosan teollista hyödyntämistä on kuitenkin hidastanut kustannustehokkaiden valmistusmenetelmien puuttuminen. Samanaikaisesti on tehty laaja-alaista tutkimustyötä nanoselluloosan soveltuvuudesta uusiin käyttökohteisiin. Selluloosan kemiallista funktionalisointia pidetään tällä hetkellä yhtenä lupaavimpana menetelmänä tehostamaan sekä nanoselluloosan valmistusta että tuomaan lisäarvoa nanokuiduille, joiden pintaominaisuuksia voidaan muokata. Tässä työssä tutkittiin selluloosakuitujen funktionalisointia perjodaattihapetukseen sekä kloriittihapetukseen tai pelkistävään aminointiin perustuen ja nanoselluloosan valmistusta esikäsitellystä selluloosasta. Työssä tutkittiin erityisesti valmistettujen nanoselluloosien ominaisuuksia ja selvitettiin niiden soveltuvuutta uudentyyppisiin filmirakenteisiin. Filmirakenteita muokkaamalla tehtiin nanohuokoisia komposiittimembraaneita vedenpuhdistukseen sekä barrier-filmejä pakkausmateriaaleihin. Selluloosan hapetus 2,3-dikarboksyylihapposelluloosaksi tehosti nanoselluloosan valmistusta huomattavasti ja kuidut saatiin hajotettua 1-4 läpäisyllä homogenisaattorissa. Valmistetut DCC-nanofibrillit olivat optisesti läpinäkyviä sekä niiden viskositeetti oli yhtä korkea kuin aiemmin raportoiduilla TEMPO-hapetettuilla nanofibrilleillä. Ultrasuodatuskokeissa DCC-nanofibrilleistä pystyttiin muodostamaan nanohuokoinen kerros membraaninpinnalle, jota on mahdollista käyttää vedenpuhdistuksessa. Pelkistävällä aminointiesikäsittelyllä selluloosakuiduista onnistuttiin ensimmäistä kertaa valmistamaan kooltaan yhdenmukaisia amfifiilisiä selluloosananokiteitä ilman yleisesti käytettyä happohydrolyysiä. Siten työssä nanoselluloosien valmistukseen käytetyn perjodaattihapetuksen havaittiin soveltuvan sekä selluloosananokiteiden että selluloosananofibrillien valmistukseen. Butyyliamino-funktionalisoiduista selluloosananokiteistä valmistetut barrier-filmit olivat mekaanisesti vahvoja ja ne ehkäisivät hapenläpäisyä jopa korkeassa ilmankosteudessa.

A Study of the Interaction of Co-Insult Treatments with Methylmercuric Chloride and X-Irradiation and Demonstration of a Peroxide Induced Protective Mechanism

Earhart, James M. 08 1900 (has links)
The initial purpose of this work was to investigate the interaction of methylmercuric chloride (MMC) and X-irradiation given as a co-insult upon the rat blood-brain barrier (BBB). The indicators used to determine BBB alterations were mortality and the in vivo tissue uptake of radioactive sulfate administered as 3 5S-sodium sulfate. The results of the interaction studies indicated a neutralization of effects when MMC and X-irradiation were given together. X-irradiation as a single insult generally caused an increase in sulfate uptake by the brain regions monitored, whereas MC treatment generally resulted in decreased sulfate uptake. The neutralization patterns following co-insult treatments were somewhat varied in the different brain regions, exhibiting cancellation of effects in some cases and overriding by one insult in other eases. From the data obtained by this work and in the literature, it is hypothesized that the P-L organelle system of the perivascular glia serves as a trap for MMC, preventing MMC from reaching the neurons. The system appears to proliferate in response to increased peroxides in the body fluids, thereby increasing tolerance to larger doses of MMC.

Highway To Hell: Can a bubble barrier guide descending salmonid kelt to safety? / Kan en bubbelbarriär avleda nedvandrandesalmonidkelt till säkerhet?

Nordin, Jonathan January 2020 (has links)
Loss of connectivity in riverine systems due to construction of hydropower dams has resulted in a worldwide decline of anadromous salmonid species such as Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and sea trout (Salmo trutta L.). The future of these species depend on the presence of available spawning habitat in freshwater river systems. Modern research and mitigation efforts mainly focus on ensuring a successful upstream passage past dams e.g. fish ladders. Atlantic salmon and sea trout are iteroparous, and are thus able to spawn repeatedly during their lifetime. Individuals surviving upstream migration and spawning generally face a hazardous journey back to their marine feeding grounds. In this large scale natural field study I evaluate the possibility of using a bubble barrier as a non-physical structure to guide downstream migrating kelt past the turbines at a large hydropower station in northern Sweden. Results from this study clearly show that kelt effectively can be diverted using a bubble barrier in daylight conditions with a mean water velocity of 1.1 m s-1 (p=0,01). From a fishway managers perspective, increasing survival of salmonid kelt is a substantial step towards achieving a viable population with increased numbers of repeat spawners and large individuals. This study presents new results in a sparsely explored subject; the diversion of post-spawn salmonid migrants using non-physical barriers.

Control of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus in Planktonic Form and Biofilms: A Biocidal Efficacy Study of Nonthermal Dielectric-Barrier Discharge Plasma

Joshi, Suresh G., Paff, Michelle, Friedman, Gary, Fridman, Greg, Fridman, Alexander, Brooks, Ari D. 01 May 2010 (has links)
Background: Bacterial contamination of surfaces with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a serious problem in the hospital environment and is responsible for significant nosocomial infections. The pathogenic contaminants form biofilms, which are difficult to treat with routine biocides. Thus, a continuous search for novel disinfection methods is essential for effective infection control measures. This demonstration of a novel technique for the control of virulent pathogens in planktonic form as well as in established biofilms may provide a progressive alternative to standard methodology. Methods: We evaluated a novel technique of normal atmospheric nonthermal plasma known as floating-electrode dielectric-barrier discharge (FE-DBD) plasma against a control of planktonic and biofilm forms of Escherichia coli, S aureus, multidrug-resistant methicillin-resistant S aureus (MRSA) -95 (clinical isolate), -USA300, and -USA400, using widely accepted techniques such as colony count assay, LIVE/DEAD BacLight Bacterial Viability assay, and XTT (2,3-Bis(2-methoxy-4-nitro-5-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium-5-carboxanilide) assay. Results: Exposure of free living planktonic forms of E coli, S aureus, and MRSA were rapidly inactivated by DBD plasma. Approximately 107 bacterial cells were completely (100%) killed, whereas 108 and 109 were reduced by approximately 90% to 95% and 40% to 45%, respectively, in less than 60 seconds (7.8 J/cm2) and completely disinfected in ≤120 seconds. In established biofilms, the susceptibility of MRSA USA400 was comparable with USA300 but less susceptible than MRSA95 (clinical isolate), S aureus, and E coli (P < .05) to FE-DBD plasma, and plasma was able to kill MRSA more than 60% within 15 seconds (1.95 J/cm2). The killing responses were plasma exposure-time dependent, and cell density dependent. The plasma was able disinfect surfaces in a less than 120 seconds. Conclusion: Application of DBD plasma can be a valuable decontamination technique for the removal of planktonic and biofilm-embedded bacteria such as MRSA -USA 300, -USA 400, methicillin-sensitive S aureus (MSSA), and E coli, the more common hospital contaminants. Of interest, E coli was more resistant than S aureus phenotypes.

Return on Investment Analysis for Implementing Barriers to Reverse Engineering and Imitation

Knight, Darren C. 21 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Reverse engineering (extracting information about a product from the product itself) is a competitive strategy for many firms and is often costly to innovators. Recent research has proven metrics for estimating the reverse engineering time and barrier and has shown that products can strategically be made more difficult to reverse engineer, thus protecting the innovator. Reverse engineering, however, is only the first phase of attempting to duplicate a product. Imitating – the process of discovering how to physically reproduce the performance of the reverse engineered product in one or more of its performance areas – is the second and final phase. This thesis presents metrics for the time and barrier to imitating and shows how they can be joined with reverse engineering metrics to estimate a total time and total barrier to duplicate a product. As there is a cost associated with the design of barriers to reverse engineering and in imitating it is important that a return on investment analysis be performed to ensure a profitable endeavor. Details of such an analysis are presented here. To illustrate the methodology, two case studies are presented. The first is an analysis of KithcenAid's Stand Mixer. The second is an analysis of a cantilevered "L-beam" that has been structurally optimized under four conditions to achieve a specified mechanical performance. Additionally, anecdotal solutions to creating barriers to reverse engineering and imitating are discussed throughout.

Temporary barriers reduce rubbernecking and external distraction on roadways

Colon, Nicholas 01 May 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the current study was to empirically examine the effects of accident scenes on eye movement as well as driving behavior. Fifty-four participants drove in a driving simulator wearing a head-mounted eye-tracker in three experimental drives, one of which had an accident scene. The participants were put into one of three different conditions (no barrier, partial barrier, or full barrier). The results showed significant main effects of distraction (accident vs. no accident) on dwell frequency and duration, average speed, and root mean square error of the steering wheel angle during the drive with the accident scenes. In addition, the results also showed significant interaction effects between distraction and type of barrier (no, partial, or full) on dwell frequency and duration. The full barrier condition had the biggest effect on decreasing dwell duration and frequency. The findings support the Salience Effort Expectancy Value (SEEV) model of attention and previous research stating objects high in salience attract attention (Wickens & Horrey, 2008; Itti & Koch, 2000). These findings also support previous research by Mayer, Caird, Milloy, Percival, & Ohlhauser (2010) stating that drivers drive in the safest manner (lowest passing speed) when an emergency vehicles are present with the emergency lights on. Temporary barriers could be used to help decrease the effects of rubbernecking on highways when an accident scene is present (Masinick & Teng, 2004; Potts, Harwood, Hutton, & Kinzel, 2010)

High Temperature Damage Characterization Of Ceramic Composites And Protective Coatings

Appleby, Matthew P. 09 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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