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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulation numérique de l’écaillage des barrières thermiques avec couplage thermo-mécanique / Coupled thermomechanical simulation of the failure of thermal barrier coatings of turbine blades

Rakotomalala, Noémie 15 May 2014 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est de mettre en place une simulation thermo-mécanique couplée d'une aube revêtue permettant de modéliser l'écaillage de la barrière-thermique qui survient dans les conditions de service de l'aube. La barrière thermique est un revêtement isolant déposé à la surface du substrat monocristallin base Nickel AM1 constitutif de l'aube préalablement recouverte d'une sous-couche. Le mode de dégradation dominant dans ces systèmes est la création de fissures qui résultent de l'accroissement des ondulations hors-plan d'une couche intermédiaire d'oxyde formée en service entre la céramique et la sous-couche. En vue de modéliser ce phénomène d'écaillage, un ensemble d'outils numériques permettant de réaliser un calcul 3D par éléments finis thermo-mécanique couplé de l'aube revêtue est développé au sein du code de calcul par éléments finis Z-set. L'insertion d'éléments de zone cohésive mécanique et thermique au niveau de l'interface barrière-thermique/substrat permet de tenir compte simultanément des changements dans le processus de transert de charge et des variations du flux de chaleur causés par l'amorçage et la propagation d'une fissure interfaciale. L'élément fini d'interface mixte de Lorentz qui repose sur un Lagrangien augmenté, est mis en oeuvre. Afin de tenir compte des propriétés structurelles du revêtement, la modélisation de la barrière thermique est réalisée au moyen d'éléments de coque thermo-mécaniques reposant sur l'approche dite “Continuum Based”. Ces éléments sont développés puis validés dans le cadre de la thèse. La méthode utilisée pour réalier le couplage thermo-mécanique est l'algorithme partitioné CSS (Conventional Serial Staggered) sous-cyclé à pas de couplage fixe dont on montre les limitations dans le cas d'une simulation impliquant la propagation d'une fissure. L'introduction de pas de couplage adaptatifs contrôlés au moyen d'une variable interne du problème mécanique a permis de contourner ces limitations. L'ensemble des briques numériques est validé sur des cas tests de complexité croissante. Des cas d'applications effectués sur des géométries tubulaires à gradient thermique de paroi sont réalisés afin de tester le modèle couplé sur des structures et des chargements proches des conditions de service de l'aube. Enfin, des calculs thermo-mécaniques couplés sur aube revêtue sont présentés. / The purpose of this thesis is to perform a coupled thermomechanical simulation of the failure of thermal barrier coatings for turbine blades under service conditions. The thermal barrier coating is an insulating component applied to the single crystal Nickel-based superalloy AM1 substrate which is covered with a bond coat beforehand. The main degradation mode of those systems is due to the initiation and propagation of cracks caused by the out-of-plane undulation growth of an oxide layer formed in service. A set of numerical tools is implemented into the Finite Element code Z-set in order to perform a 3D thermomechanically coupled simulation of the failure of thermal barrier coatings for turbine blades. Inserting thermomechanical cohesive zone elements at the interface between the coating and the substrate makes it possible to account for the changes in the load transfer and the variations in the heat flux as a consequence of interface degradations. The mixed finite interface element of Lorentz based on an Augmented Lagrangian is used. The thermal barrier coating is modelled by means of thermomechanical shell elements implemented using the Continuum-Based approach to take advantage of the structural properties of the coating layer. Moreover, the partitionned CSS (Conventional Serial Staggered) algorithm used to couple thermal and mechanical problems is assessed. The limitations of sub-cycling with constant coupling time-step are shown through a simulation with crack propagation. The introduction of adaptative time-stepping allows to circumvent that issue. The numerical tools are assessed on test cases with increasing complexity. Numerical simulations on cylindrical tube with a thermal through-thickness gradient are performed with realistic loading sequences. Finally, thermomechanical simulations on turbine blades covered with thermal barrier coating are shown.

La voie sol-gel pour la mise en oeuvre de barrières thermiques aéronautiques : optimisation du procédé et étude de leur comportement mécanique / Sol-gel route for manufacturing thermal barrier coatings : process optimization and mechanical behaviour

Blas, Fabien 14 April 2016 (has links)
Les principaux objectifs de ces travaux de thèse sont d'une part d'optimiser le protocole d'élaboration des barrières thermiques (BT) issues de la voie sol-gel et d'autre part de caractériser l'adhérence de ces barrières thermiques mais aussi de proposer des pistes en vue d'augmenter la durée de vie de celles-ci. Tout d'abord, une première étude a porté sur le choix et la validation d'un nouvel agent dispersant pour optimiser la formulation du sol chargé permettant la mise en forme des barrières thermiques. Ainsi, ce changement de dispersant a généré une microstructure conduisant à une augmentation significative de la durée de vie du système en oxydation cyclique mais a aussi permis de simplifier le protocole d'élaboration puisque l'étape de colmatage, jusqu'alors nécessaire, a été supprimée. L'étude paramétrique de la microstructure surfacique des barrières thermiques a montré que le réseau de microfissures formé initialement restait stable en fonction du vieillissement avec la création d'un sous-réseau microfissuré. Pour comprendre les mécanismes d'endommagement des barrières thermiques sol-gel et les confronter à ceux des barrières thermiques industrielles EB-PVD, la méthode d'indentation interfaciale a été retenue pour sonder l'interface revêtement/substrat. Ainsi des valeurs de ténacités apparentes ont pu être déterminées afin de comparer les adhérences des BTSG et des BTEB-PVD. A partir de ces résultats, des modèles phénoménologiques d'endommagement ont été imaginés. Pour les BTEB-PVD, l'initiation et la propagation de fissures restent localisées à l'interface barrière thermique/sous-couche de liaison, d'un coté ou de l'autre de l'oxyde de croissance selon les conditions, alors que pour les BTSG, l'endommagement est induit par la libération d'énergie élastique stockée dans le système qui augmente en fonction du vieillissement. / The main objectives of this PhD are first to improve and optimise the elaboration protocol of thermal barrier coatings (TBC) manufactured by the sol-gel route and then to characterise their adhesion and investigate the possibility to enhance their lifetime. A preliminary study is focused on the selection and validation of a new dispersing agent to optimise the composite sol formulation before shaping TBC. Indeed, the new dispersant induced a microstructure allowing to significantly increase the cyclic oxidation lifetime of the system but also to simplify the elaboration process as the reinforcement step was suppressed. The parametric study of TBC surface microstructure proved that the initial micro-cracks network remained stable during ageing including the formation of a crack sub-network. To understand the damage mechanisms of sol-gel TBC and to compare them to those corresponding to industrial EB-PVD TBC, the method of interfacial indentation was developed to investigate the subtrate/top-coat interface. The apparent toughness values were determined to compare both BTSG and BTEB-PVD adhesions. From these results, phenomenological models for damage mechanisms were proposed. For BTEB-PVD, crack initiation and propagation are located at the top-coat/bond-coat interface, either on one side or the other side of the thermally grown oxide (TGO) depending of the conditions. For BTSG, the damage is a consequence of the release of the elastic strain energy stored in the system, increasing with the ageing temperature.

Corrosion protection of aluminum coated with a polymer matrix in presence and absence of conductive polymer / Korrosionsskydd av aluminium belagd med en polymer matris utan och med ledande polymer

Hassan Abdi, Mohamed January 2021 (has links)
Aluminium och aluminiumlegeringar har ganska bra korrosionsbeständighet, men dessa material kan fortfarande korrodera. Metallkorrosion är aldrig önskvärt och det kan leda till katastrofala resultat i olika branscher och applikationer. Det finns olika metoder för att skydda aluminium och dess legeringar från korrosion, såsom anodisering och användning av olika beläggningstekniker. Inte mycket forskning har gjorts på aluminium belagd med en organisk beläggning innehållande ledande polymer. Ännu mindre är känt om aluminium belagt med en vattenbaserad polymer matris innehållande ledande polymer.  Tre system undersöktes i mitt examensarbete om deras korrosionsskyddande egenskaper. För detta ändamål användes elektrokemisk impedansspektroskopi, öppen kretspotential och potentiodynamisk polarisering, samt gjordes även en del atomkraftsmikroskopi, AFM, mätningar. Aluminium belagt med en vattenbaserad polymer matris i frånvaro av PANI hade ett bra korrosionsskydd först men reducerade barriäregenskaper över tiden i 1 M NaCl. Hållbarheten för den vattenbaserade polymer matrisen i frånvaro av PANI undersöktes också kort. Det visades att en nygjord vattenbaserad polymer matris uppvisade bättre korrosionsskydd än en 2 år gammal vattenbaserad polymer matris lagrad vid rumstemperatur.  Aluminium belagt med den vattenbaserade polymer matrisen i närvaro av PANI visade initialt tecken på aktivt korrosionsskydd men övergick till passivt korrosionsskydd med tiden. Atomkraftmikroskop användes i olika lägen för att få insikt om den vattenbaserade polymer matrisen i närvaro av PANI. Ett ledande nätverk observerades i AFM-mätningarna och konfokalt ljusmikroskop antydde verkligen att detta skulle vara fallet. Det ledande nätverket i den vattenbaserade polymer matrisen kan förklara det aktiva korrosionsskyddet som observerades initialt. Fler studier behövs för att få insikt om de kemiska processerna vid gränssnittet mellan aluminiumlegeringen och den vattenbaserade polymer matrisen i närvaro av PANI. / Aluminum and aluminum alloys have rather good corrosion resistance, but these materials can still corrode. Metal corrosion is never wanted, and it can lead to disastrous outcomes in various industries and applications. There are different methods to protects aluminum and its alloys from corrosion, such as anodization and the use of various coatings techniques. Not a lot of research have been done on aluminum coated with an organic coating containing conductive polymer. Even less is known about aluminum coated with a waterborne polymer matrix containing conductive polymer.  Three systems were investigated in my diploma thesis work regarding their anti-corrosion properties. To this end electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, open circuit potential and potentiodynamic polarization were utilized, and also some atomic force microscopy, AFM, measurements were done. Aluminum coated with a waterborne polymer matrix in the absence of PANI had a good corrosion protection at first but reduced barrier properties over time in 1 M NaCl. The shelf-life of the waterborne polymer matrix in the absence of PANI was also briefly investigated. It was shown that a freshly made waterborne polymer matrix exhibited better corrosion protection than a 2 years old waterborne polymer matrix stored at room temperature.  Aluminum coated with the waterborne polymer matrix in the presence of PANI showed signs of active corrosion protection initially, but it transitioned to passive corrosion protection with time. Atomic force microscopy was used in various modes to gain insight on the waterborne polymer matrix in the presence of PANI. A conducting network was observed in the AFM measurements and confocal light optical microscopy indeed suggested that this would be the case. The conducting network in the waterborne polymer matrix could explain the active corrosion protection observed initially. More studies are needed to gain insight on the chemical processes at the interface of the aluminum alloy and the waterborne polymer matrix in presence of PANI.

Etude de la projection plasma sous très faible pression - torches et procédé de dépôt / Study of thermal spray for plasma torch under cery low pressure

Zhu, Lin 06 December 2011 (has links)
Au cours de la dernière décennie, la technologie de projection à la torche à plasmasous très faible pression (VLPPS) (inférieure à 10 mbar) a attiré l’attention denombreux chercheurs car ce procédé permet d’envisager la possibilité de réaliser desdépôts de structure voisine de celle des dépôts en phase vapeur avec une cinétiqueproche de celle de la projection thermique classique. Cette technologie vise donc àévaporer totalement ou partiellement des poudres afin de déposer des revêtementsdenses avec une structure colonnaire ou mixte.Le travail effectué dans cette étude à consisté à étudier et à développer des moyenspour assurer la fusion et l’évaporation de matériaux céramiques en vue d’élaborer desrevêtements de haute qualité et à caractériser les propriétés de ces revêtements.Dans une première approche des dépôts denses et homogènes de zircone stabilisée àl’yttrine (YSZ) ont été obtenus sur un substrat « inox » en utilisant des torches àplasma « classiques » de type F100 et F4 sous très faible pression (1 mbar) en utilisantde façon originale un principe d’injection axiale via l’alimentation en gazplasmagènes. Un spectromètre d’émission optique a été utilisé pour analyser lespropriétés du jet de plasma et notamment apprécier le taux d’évaporation du matériau.La composition et la microstructure des dépôts ont été caractérisées par diffraction desrayons X et microscopie électronique à balayage. Les résultats ont montré que lapoudre YSZ a été partiellement évaporée et que les dépôts obtenus disposent d’unemicrostructure hybride composée de « splats » formés par des particules fondues etune « matrice » (en faible quantité) résultant de la condensation de vapeurs provenantde l’évaporation des particules surchauffées.Afin de tenter d’augmenter le taux de vaporisation, l’anode de la torche F100 a étéallongée et un dispositif d’arc transféré complémentaire a été réalisé afin d’éleverl’énergie du jet de plasma et de favoriser l’échange thermique. Les effets de cedispositif sur les propriétés du jet de plasma ont été évalués par spectrométried’émission optique et calcul de la température électronique. Des dépôts de YSZ etd’alumine (Al2O3) ont été élaborés à la pression de 1 mbar. Les dépôts de YSZ ontaffiché une microstructure hybride similaire à celle obtenue précédemment alors quepour les dépôts d’alumine, seul un dépôt lamellaire « classique » a été observé. Lacapacité d’évaporation est donc restée limitée. La microstructure, les propriétésmécaniques et les propriétés de résistance aux chocs thermiques des dépôts de YSZont été étudiées plus en détail et comparées avec celle de dépôts réalisés dans desconditions plus classiques. Une tenue améliorée en termes de résistance aux cyclagesthermiques a notamment été observée.Afin de répondre aux attentes en matière de niveau de densité de puissance du jet lelaboratoire s’est équipé d’une une nouvelle torche à plasma tri-cathode expérimentaleélaborée par la société AMT. Cette torche a été modélisée et testée dans un premiertemps en conditions atmosphériques, révélant une limitation importante du rendementde projection. A partir de ces premiers résultats expérimentaux une nouvellegéométrie de buse a été proposée afin d’améliorer le rendement de projection. Il aalors été constaté que le rendement de la projection avait été considérablementaugmenté par cette modification et que la microstructure du dépôt était également plusfavorable. Ce travail devra maintenant se poursuivre par l’intégration de cette torche dans l’enceinte sous pression réduite. / During the last decade, very low pressure plasma spraying (VLPPS) technology(below 10 mbar) attracted attention because it could allow to produce coatings with astructure similar to that of vapor deposited materials (PVD) with kinetics close to thatof thermal spray. This technology aims to fully or partially evaporate the feedstockmaterials in order to build rapidly dense, thin, and columnar coatings.The work during this thesis preparation was thus devoted to the study anddevelopment of tools and techniques allowing fusion and evaporation of ceramicmaterials in order to obtain high quality deposits with new performance and then tocharacterize the properties of those deposits. In a first approach dense and homogeneous yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) coatingswere deposited successfully on a stainless steel substrate using “classical” plasmaspray torches such as F100 and F4 under very low pressure (1 mbar) by means ofusing an original way of introducing the feedstock material in the core of the plasmajet via the plasma gas port. Optical emission spectroscopy was used to analyze theproperties of the plasma jet and especially to observe the feedstock materialevaporation rate. The phase composition and the microstructure of the coatings werecharacterized by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Results showedthat the YSZ powder was partially evaporated and that the coatings possessed aduplex microstructure which was composed of splats formed by the impingement ofmelted particles and a little amount of a matrix formed by the condensation of thevapor emitted by overheated particles.In order to try and increase the evaporation rate, a home-made transferred arc nozzlewas made and mounted on a F100 plasma torch in order to enhance the energy levelof the plasma jet and then to increase thermal exchanges. The effects of thetransferred arc nozzle on the plasma jet properties were evaluated by optical emissionspectroscopy and electron temperature calculation. YSZ and alumina (Al2O3) coatingsWere elaborated using such a nozzle below 1 mbar. It was found that the YSZ coatingsdisplayed a duplex microstructure similar to that obtained in the previous experiments.However, no vapor condensation could be observed in the case of the Al2O3 coatingsindicating that the evaporation capacity of the system remained limited.The microstructure, the mechanical properties and the thermal shock resistance of theYSZ coatings were studied in more details and compared to that of deposits madeusing classical thermal spray routes. An enhanced resistance to thermal shock couldthus be observed for the coatings with a duplex structure.In order to find a solution for a substantial increase in the energy density of theplasma jet, the laboratory commissioned a novel experimental tri-cathode plasmatorch made to the AMT Company. This new torch was modeled and first testedunder atmospheric conditions, which revealed a poor spray yield. Following thosefirst experimental results, a modified nozzle was designed. As a result, the sprayefficiency was considerably increased and the coating fabricated by the tri-cathodetorch displayed a better microstructure. Now this work has to be pursued with theintegration of this torch in the low pressure spray tank.

Modeling Behaviour of Damaged Turbine Blades for Engine Health Diagnostics and Prognostics

Van Dyke, Jason 12 October 2011 (has links)
The reliability of modern gas turbine engines is largely due to careful damage tolerant design a method of structural design based on the assumption that flaws (cracks) exist in any structure and will continue to grow with usage. With proper monitoring, largely in the form of periodic inspections at conservative intervals reliability and safety is maintained. These methods while reliable can lead to the early retirement of some components and unforeseen failure if design assumptions fail to reflect reality. With improvements to sensor and computing technology there is a growing interest in a system that could continuously monitor the health of structural aircraft as well as forecast future damage accumulation in real-time. Through the use of two-dimensional and three-dimensional numerical modeling the initial goals and findings for this continued work include: (a) establishing measurable parameters directly linked to the health of the blade and (b) the feasibility of detecting accumulated damage to the structural material and thermal barrier coating as well as the onset of damage causing structural failure.

Development of Cold Gas Dynamic Spray Nozzle and Comparison of Oxidation Performance of Bond Coats for Aerospace Thermal Barrier Coatings at Temperatures of 1000°C and 1100°C

Roy, Jean-Michel L. 08 February 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this research work was to develop a nozzle capable of depositing dense CoNiCrAlY coatings via cold gas dynamic spray (CGDS) as well as compare the oxidation performance of bond coats manufactured by CGDS, high-velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) and air plasma spray (APS) at temperatures of 1000°C and 1100°C. The work was divided in two sections, the design and manufacturing of a CGDS nozzle with an optimal profile for the deposition of CoNiCrAlY powders and the comparison of the oxidation performance of CoNiCrAlY bond coats. Throughout this work, it was shown that the quality of coatings deposited via CGDS can be increased by the use of a nozzle of optimal profile and that early formation of protective α-Al2O3 due to an oxidation temperature of 1100°C as opposed to 1000°C is beneficial to the overall oxidation performance of CoNiCrAlY coatings.

Modeling Behaviour of Damaged Turbine Blades for Engine Health Diagnostics and Prognostics

Van Dyke, Jason 12 October 2011 (has links)
The reliability of modern gas turbine engines is largely due to careful damage tolerant design a method of structural design based on the assumption that flaws (cracks) exist in any structure and will continue to grow with usage. With proper monitoring, largely in the form of periodic inspections at conservative intervals reliability and safety is maintained. These methods while reliable can lead to the early retirement of some components and unforeseen failure if design assumptions fail to reflect reality. With improvements to sensor and computing technology there is a growing interest in a system that could continuously monitor the health of structural aircraft as well as forecast future damage accumulation in real-time. Through the use of two-dimensional and three-dimensional numerical modeling the initial goals and findings for this continued work include: (a) establishing measurable parameters directly linked to the health of the blade and (b) the feasibility of detecting accumulated damage to the structural material and thermal barrier coating as well as the onset of damage causing structural failure.

Development of Cold Gas Dynamic Spray Nozzle and Comparison of Oxidation Performance of Bond Coats for Aerospace Thermal Barrier Coatings at Temperatures of 1000°C and 1100°C

Roy, Jean-Michel L. 08 February 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this research work was to develop a nozzle capable of depositing dense CoNiCrAlY coatings via cold gas dynamic spray (CGDS) as well as compare the oxidation performance of bond coats manufactured by CGDS, high-velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) and air plasma spray (APS) at temperatures of 1000°C and 1100°C. The work was divided in two sections, the design and manufacturing of a CGDS nozzle with an optimal profile for the deposition of CoNiCrAlY powders and the comparison of the oxidation performance of CoNiCrAlY bond coats. Throughout this work, it was shown that the quality of coatings deposited via CGDS can be increased by the use of a nozzle of optimal profile and that early formation of protective α-Al2O3 due to an oxidation temperature of 1100°C as opposed to 1000°C is beneficial to the overall oxidation performance of CoNiCrAlY coatings.

Study Of Fracture Properties Of NiAl Bond Coats On Nickel Superalloy By Three Point Bending Of Microbeams

Potnis, Prashant R 03 1900 (has links)
The continuing quest for higher performance levels of modern gas turbine engines has been accompanied by the demand for higher engine operating temperatures. The use of Thermal Barrier Coatings (TBCs) enabled gas turbines to operate at higher temperatures by protecting the blade material (nickel superalloy) while operating in extreme environments. The TBC system typically consists of a bond coat for protection of the nickel–based superalloy against oxidation followed by a top coat consisting of a thermally insulating zirconia-yttria. In addition to the complex gradation in phases, the coatings are subjected to continuous oxidation with service exposure, mechanical loading on rotating parts, fatigue, thermal mis-match and temperature gradients. Hence, the study of failure mechanisms of TBCs become important in deciding operational reliability and service life of the coating. As there are many systems in which the operating temperatures are not high enough to warrant the use of the top coat (ceramic layer), the study of failure mechanisms in superalloys coated with only the bond coat continue to be of great interest. The present work concentrates on the fracture behavior of NiAl bond coats on nickel superalloy and seeks to evaluate the fracture toughness of the coating through the use of micro-machined samples. A review of the relevant literature indicated that while a considerable body of work exists on bulk tests of failure (spalling, splitting, etc.), not much has been reported in the open literature on the evaluation of basic quantities such as the toughness of the coating itself. The present thesis seeks to establish a protocol for the evaluation of toughness and crack propagation mechanisms in coatings through a combination of micro-sample testing that allows fracture to be correlated with location in the film and the use of an analytical model to quantitatively evaluate stress intensity factors in a bi-material system. A system of NiAl coating produced by pack aluminizing is studied for the fracture properties of the coating. Specimen geometries are optimized to enable micro-cracks to be machined and propagated in a low load testing system, such as a depth sensing indenter, so that crack lengths (and position relative to the interface) can be correlated with load. To enable linear elastic theory to be used, dimensions are determined that allow fracture before general yielding. A three point bending test using miniaturized micro-beam specimens of ~ 4 X 0.3 X 0.3 mm is found to be suitable for the above purpose. The technique is a challenging one that requires focused ion beam machining (FIB) along with careful handling and alignment of small samples. The coatings are characterized for their microstructure by electron microscopy to identify compositional variation across the thickness and to determine the thickness of the coating and inter diffusion zone (IDZ). The crack advancement is monitored with increments of loading and the stress intensity factor is evaluated using a program written in “MAPLE” for an edge crack subjected to bending in a bilayered material. Surprisingly, fracture in this system is found to be stable owing to a gradual increase in toughness from the coating surface to the interface. Such an increase from less than 2 to more than 9 MPa m0.5 may be due to the increasing Ni/Al ratio across the thickness of the bond coat. Crack branching is observed as the crack approaches the IDZ and the reasons for such behaviour are not fully understood. This work establishes the viability of this technique to determine fracture properties in highly graded coated systems and may be readily extended to more complex coating architectures and other forms of loading such as cyclic, mixed mode, etc.

Modeling Behaviour of Damaged Turbine Blades for Engine Health Diagnostics and Prognostics

Van Dyke, Jason 12 October 2011 (has links)
The reliability of modern gas turbine engines is largely due to careful damage tolerant design a method of structural design based on the assumption that flaws (cracks) exist in any structure and will continue to grow with usage. With proper monitoring, largely in the form of periodic inspections at conservative intervals reliability and safety is maintained. These methods while reliable can lead to the early retirement of some components and unforeseen failure if design assumptions fail to reflect reality. With improvements to sensor and computing technology there is a growing interest in a system that could continuously monitor the health of structural aircraft as well as forecast future damage accumulation in real-time. Through the use of two-dimensional and three-dimensional numerical modeling the initial goals and findings for this continued work include: (a) establishing measurable parameters directly linked to the health of the blade and (b) the feasibility of detecting accumulated damage to the structural material and thermal barrier coating as well as the onset of damage causing structural failure.

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