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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mat för äldre : äldres och personals upplevelse av levererad mat på ett vårdboende

Norell, Marika, Arnerlöv, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
Syfte:Syftet med föreliggande arbete är att undersöka hur äldre personer och personal på ett vårdboende i Uppsala uppfattar kvalitéten på den mat som levereras färdig till boendet och sedan serveras. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ design och genomfördes genom intervjuer på fem äldre och fem personal på ett vårdboende. Intervjuerna analyserades genom en kvalitativ analysmetod. Resultat: I studien framkom att de äldre och personalen ofta hade samma uppfattning om vad bra mat var. De äldre hade dock kritik angående matens temperatur, doft, smaksättning och variation i större utsträckning än personalen. De äldre tyckte att serveringen kunde gå annorlunda till och att personalen skulle sitta med vid bordet mer ofta medan personalen tyckte att måltidsituationen var god. Slutsats: Konkluderat kan vi se att det finns likheter såväl som skillnader bland de äldres och personalens uppfattning gällande maten och måltidssituationen på vårdboendet. Både de äldre och personalen tyckte det var viktigt med smak, doft och utseende samt att maten var välbekant. Däremot hade de äldre kritik mot organisatoriska aspekter såsom bordsplacering, servering och personalens delaktighet vid måltiden. / The purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how elderly people and staff in a nursing home in Uppsala perceive the quality of the food that is delivered ready to the nursing home and then served. Method: The study has a qualitative design and was conducted through interviews of five elderly and five of the staff in a nursing home. The interviews were analyzed through a qualitative analysis. Results: The study revealed that the elderly and the staff often had the same idea of what good food was. The elderly, however, had criticism about the foods temperature, aroma, flavour and variety to a greater extent than the staff. The elderly thought that the service could go differently and that the staff should sit with them at the table more often, while the staff thought the meal situation was good. Conclusion: Concludes to similarities as well as to differences among the elderly and the staff´s perception regarding food and meal situation at the nursing home. Both the elderly and the staff thought it was important with flavour, scent and the appearance and that the food was familiar. In contrast, the early criticise of the organizational aspects such as seating at the table, service and how the staff participated in the meal situation.

Framtagning av ett nytt recept för clear-coat batter av pommes frites : En teknisk och sensorisk utvärdering

Lennartsson, Hanna January 2011 (has links)
The requirements of good quality and appetizing fast food increases continuously as a consequence of a community where food is always available. The crispiness of French fries is an issue that must be considered in this context, since it tends to decrease and give the fries a soft surface not appreciated by the consumer. To prolong the crispiness, the fries can be coated by a batter, a mix of starches. The batters used often consists of modified starches, e.g. cross-linked, acetylated and dextrinizated to increase and prolong crispiness, flour to stabilize the batter and sodium bicarbonate to make the batter “rise”. The cross-linked starch keeps the granules in a swelled state and prevents them from breaking when exposed to heat or processing: therefore, it delays the gelatinization and decreases the stickiness of the batter. The acetylated starch delays the retrogradation since it prevents amylose from packing when retrograded. It also stabilizes the batter. The dextrin added consists of heat and acid processed starch and decreases the gelatinization temperature of the batter. It also gives an appetizing color to the French fries. The aim of this project is to give further understanding of the ingredients´ functions, and to find alternative ingredients in a recipe already used, since the price of some ingredients has increased rapidly during the last few years. By studying an existing recipe and by doing a literary research some of the ideas were applied in the laboratory, followed by sensory and technical evaluations where color, appearance, crispiness, hardness and, to some degree, taste were evaluated. The viscosity of the starch solutions was measured since it indicates the pick-up (the amount of batter attached to the French fries). Pick-up and texture were also analyzed. Experiments confirmed the hypothesis that the acetylated starch was unnecessary and could be replaced by cross-linked starch. A high degree of cross-linking seemed to decrease the crispiness, which may depend on the prevented granule swelling. Replacing the cross-linked starch with native potato starch did not work since the batter became way too sticky. The flour could, to some degree, be replaced by native potato starch since the crispiness was very distinct. Too high concentrations of native starch made all batters very sticky, though, probably because of the early granule “explosion” caused by processing and high frying temperatures. Maize flour was an alternative to the flour currently used, since the color, appearance and crispiness of the French fries were very good according to the sensory evaluations. Although the difference between the batters seemed evident when evaluated sensory, statistics made sure that it was not significant. More research and tests needs to be done to assure the results of this project. It is also necessary to verify that the laboratory results are identical to those in industry. However, the study gave further understanding of the function of the ingredients and confirmed that there are several ways of improving an already good concept. / I takt med att allt större krav ställs på snabbmatsrestauranger och - producenter ökar också pressen att hitta livsmedel som lever upp till dessa. Stärkelsecoating av pommes frites används idag i många industrier i syfte att attrahera konsumenten genom en ökad krispighet och ett mer aptitligt utseende. Som namnet Clear-coat batter anger, ska battern inte synas utan används enbart i syfte att ge en förbättrad struktur. Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att hitta billigare ersättningar till de stärkelsevarianter som i dagsläget används i ett fungerande koncept, samt att öka förståelsen för de ingående komponenternas påverkan på slutresultatet. Arbetet tar sin början med en litteratursökning för att sedan fortsätta med appliceringsförsök och påföljande sensorisk och teknisk analys. De sensoriska analyserna, baserade på färg, utseende, krispighet och hårdhet hos pommes frites coatade med batter, stärkelseblandning, låg till grund för vidare försök och avgjorde vilka receptmodifieringar som skulle granskas ytterligare genom viskositets - pick-up - och texturmätningar. Den acetylerade stärkelse som används i referensreceptet hade inte någon tydlig påverkan på slutresultatet, utan kunde ersättas med tvärbunden stärkelse. Det framgick även att det rismjöl som används till viss del kunde ersättas med nativ potatisstärkelse, samt att majsmjöl gav ett mycket tillfredsställande resultat. Testerna visade att den tvärbundna stärkelsen var oumbärlig då klistrigheten blev för hög utan denna ingrediens. Det förelåg ingen signifikant skillnad mellan de olika recepten vid texturmätning, men fler försök behövs för att säkerställa denna slutsats.

Analys av vitamin B12 i tillagad och återuppvärmd lax genom bioassay med Lactobacillus delbrueckii subart lactis ATCC® 7830TM

Edgren, Ellen January 2010 (has links)
Halten näringsämnen i livsmedel varierar bland annat med tillagningsmetod, lagringstid och lagringsförhållanden, som exponering för ljus och syre. Oklarheter finns för mikrovågors inverkan på näringsämnen och framförallt på vitamin B12. Eftersom många äldre drabbas av brist på vitamin B12, är detta av intresse eftersom många hemmaboende äldre människor får hemleverans av färdiga matportioner som är avsedda att värmas, ofta i mikrovågsugn. Syftet med studien var att kunna ge en indikation på om uppvärmning genom mikrovågor påverkar halten vitamin B12 i färdiga kylda måltider. Detta gjordes genom litteratursammanställning om vitamin B12 och mikrovågar samt genom bioassay med Lactobacillus delbrueckii. Vitamin B12 i ouppvärmd lax, lax värmd i mikrovågsugn samt lax värmd i konventionell ugn analyserades. Tillväxten av bakterier uppskattades genom mätning av turbiditet. Högst vitamin B12-halt sågs i mikrovågsvärmd lax, därefter ouppvärmd lax och ugnsvärmd lax. Statistiskt signifikanta skillnader sågs för analyserade vitamin B12-halter mellan ouppvärmt- och ugnsvärmt prov respektive mellan mikrovågsvärmt- och ugnsvärmt prov. De varierande vitaminhalterna kan bero på metodfel, otillräcklig vitaminextraktion eller att bakterierna inte konsumerat allt tillgängligt vitamin vid turbiditetsmätning. Slutsatsen av studien är att halten vitamin B12 i livsmedel inte verkar påverkas negativt av mikrovågor, däremot finns tendenser att halten minskar beroende av temperatur och tillagningstid.

Extraction and Characterization of Hydrophobin from Trichoderma reesei

Johansson, Helene January 2010 (has links)
Hydrophobins are a class of small proteins (7-15kDa) found in filamentous fungi and are among the most surface active proteins known today. Because of this they have received attention for different applications, e.g. for the food industry as an alternative in emulsions. The goal of this project was to culture and extract hydrophobins from Trichoderma reesei and characterize it. This was done from a freeze-dried culture of Trichoderma reesei, which was cultured on PDA-plates and in liquid medium with glucose as carbon source. Extraction was made by breaking the cells, mechanically and by sonication, and then by shaking a seperating funnel to create foam from the surface-active proteins. The foam was washed and freeze-dried and the total protein concentration of the freeze-dried substance was determined with Bradford assay and the hydrophpbin was characterized with SDS-PAGE. The culturing of the fungi was successful. The amount of foam created was, however, less than expected. The Bradford assay gave a total protein concentration of 7.5% in the freeze-dried substance, but the SDS-PAGE didn't give any results. The reason for this probably depends on the culturing and the extraction of the hydrophobin. T. reesei hydrophobin HFBI, expressed in glucose containing media, is bound to the mycelium of the fungi and the breaking of the mycelium might not have been enough to release all the protein, which also would explain the small amounts of foam. One way to improve this could be to grow the fungi on lactose instead. This will result in that T. reesei produces HFBII instead, which is mainly released to the surrounding. The conclusion of the project is that the method for culturing and extraction needs to be improved to obtain hydrophobin from T. reesei.

Nutritionens betydelse för trycksårsprevention och sårläkning hos äldre personer som vårdas på vårdinrättningar inom landsting och kommun : -en allmän litteraturstudie

Ghulam Shazari, Sohaila January 2012 (has links)
Abstrakt Bakgrund: En viktig förutsättning för att man ska hålla sig frisk är att kroppen tillförs de ämne som är nödvändiga för att cellerna ska kunna fungera. Vätska och näring i tillräcklig mängd är en grundläggande mänsklig rättighet. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att utifrån litteratur beskriva nutritionens betydelse för trycksårsprevention och sårläkning hos äldre personer, som vistas inom olika vårdinrättningar inom landsting och kommun. Metod: En litteraturstudie som baserades på 12 vetenskaplig artiklar med kvantitativ ansats. Resultat: Litteraturstudiens resultat visade att personer som drabbas av trycksår hade större behov av energi och näringsämnen till läkningsprocessen och behovet av näring och energi ökade med sårets svårighetsgrad. God nutrition främjade sårläkningen och förebyggde att fler trycksår uppstod.  Även tillskott av näringstillskott utöver den vanliga kosten förebyggde uppkom av nya trycksår och påskyndade sårläkningen hos de äldre personerna. En av sjuksköterskans grundläggande uppgifter var att kartlägga patientens näringsstatus för att bedöma om vätske- och näringsbehovet var tillgodosett.  Sjuksköterskan ansvarade också för att identifiera patienter som var undernärda eller låg i riskzonen för undernäring. Slutsats: Föreliggande litteraturstudie kom fram till att nutrition är en viktig del i en trycksår behandlingsplan. Det innebär att läkning främjas, ökat välbefinnandet för äldre personer med trycksår och bidrar till förkortad behandlingstid. / Abstract Background: An important prerequisite in order to stay healthy is that the body is supplied with the substance that is necessary for cells to function. Fluids and nutrients in sufficient quantities is a fundamental human right. Purpose: The purpose of this study was, according to the literature, to describe the importance of nutrition in pressure ulcer prevention and wound healing in older people, who are staying in county and municipal hospitals. Method: A literature review based on 12 scientific articles on quantitative research. Findings: Literature Study findings showed that people with pressure ulcers had a greater need for energy and nutrients during the healing process and the need for nutrients and energy increased with the severity of the wound. Good nutrition was conductive to healing and prevented that more pressure ulcers emerged. Nutritional supplements in addition to the usual diet not only prevent the emergence of new pressure ulcers but also helped to accelerate the healing process in already existing ulcers of the elderly. One of the nurse's basic tasks was to map out the patient's nutritional status to determine whether fluid and nutritional needs were met. Nurses were also responsible for identifying patients who were malnourished or at risk of malnutrition.  Conclusion: The present literature review found that nutrition is an important part of a pressure ulcer treatment plan. This means that healing is promoted, increased well-being of older people with pressure ulcers, and contributes to shortened treatment.

Optimering av prestanda och utnyttjande av flertrådsteknik / Optimization of performance and utilization of multithreading

Gustafsson, Daniel, Öberg, Christoffer January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to help the company Medius AB with optimization of selected parts in an existing system to minimize the execution time by implementing multithreading. The idea was to manipulate the code so that calculations could be executed at the same time. The main work in this thesis consisted of three optimizations. The first one was to reconstruct a big “for-loop” so it would execute every loop's work in an own thread. The second optimization also was a reconstruct of a “for-loop” so it could execute the work in different threads. The third and last optimization consisted of reconstructing a stored procedure on the database, so different parts of it each could be executed in an own thread to create data at the same time. To implement the optimizations Visual Basic .NET and its support for multithreading and connection-pools was used. The result of the optimizations meant that one of the modules could be executed more efficiently and it was 12 % faster. The other modules execution time was more efficient by 25 % faster. The meanings and requirements for this thesis are fulfilled by now letting the system make use of its resources in a better way.

Peruskoulun johtaminen:modernista kohti transmodernia johtamista

Pennanen, A. (Aatto) 08 August 2006 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this research was to describe leading in the basic education in its context. In this study, the following items regarding the leaders of the basic education are described: conceptions of the current situation, leadership in the basic education and changes in work as a part of the operational environment. According to the contextual model, leadership in the basic education is societal as well as interactive and social interpersonal action extending from micro to macro level. The theoretical and methodological frames of this study have been constructed in a process. The theoretical frame has developed during the research process and thus affected the methodology – despite certain preconceptions and understanding which the researcher has had of the phenomenon. In this study, a survey questionnaire was used to gather empirical data. The survey research was made in 2002, and 141 leaders of the basic education returned the questionnaire. The response rate was 74%. The data from the thematic interviews were used to supplement and deepen the research data gathered by questionnaires. The themes of the interviews were formed according to the items the researcher wanted to specify or deepen in the data gathered from the questionnaires. According to the research results, external reasons to apply for a leadership in the basic education are highly important, and that prior leadership training has not been given for the role. 49% of the leaders participating in this study have not sought a leadership role nor received any kind of training before beginning as a leader. The results show that the community contexts are very dissimilar and changing. The schools of these leaders had 9–608 pupils. The number of teachers in the schools varied from 1 to 51. This shows how different the duties of a leader in the basic education can be. Also the social situation of the basic education is changing. Schools are closed and replaced by large school units, which carry out the principle of integrated basic education. The results show that the decisions made on the local level affect the leading in the basic education most. The leaders were of the opinion that in their leading, managing things is emphasized (70% of working time); at the time of the survey only one third of the time was estimated to be spent on leading people. The leaders of the basic education thought that their work is comprehensive and it includes co-operation regarding the managing of practicalities. The work was considered to be demanding and future-oriented. However, the work of the basic education leaders has contradictory elements due to the development demands set by work organization and local level. There is a threat that the contradictions between the practice and the general demands of leading become more common when organizations' power of decision increase. In this study, also the transition to the new transmodern era is examined from the point of leading on the grounds of the research literature. In the schools transmodernism would emphasize activities based on experiment and experience. Trusting in progress, development and future is central in the leadership. Transmodern leadership means leading with human dignity. In the schoolwork this means that school hierarchy can be reduced by creating more co-operation and teamwork. Transmodernism emphasizes subjectivity and one's own critical thinking in relation to change. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tehtävänä oli kuvata peruskoulun johtamista kontekstissaan. Tutkimuksessa kuvataan peruskoulun johtajien käsityksiä vallitsevasta tilanteesta, peruskoulun johtamisesta sekä työhön liittyneistä muutoksista osana toimintaympäristöä. Peruskoulun johtaminen kontekstuaalisen mallin mukaan on mikrotasolta makrotasolle ulottuvaa yhteiskunnallista ja ihmisten välistä vuorovaikutuksellista toimintaa. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen rakenne ja siihen liittyvät metodologiset valinnat ovat muodostuneet prosessinomaisesti. Teorian osuus on tarkentunut tutkimuksen kuluessa ja sitä kautta vaikuttanut metodologian tarkasteluun huolimatta tietynlaisesta ennakkonäkemyksestä ja ymmärryksestä, mikä tutkijalla on ollut tutkittavasta ilmiöstä. Kokemusperäistä materiaalia tässä tutkimuksessa saatiin survey-kyselyllä. Vuonna 2002 suoritettuun kyselyyn vastasi 141 peruskoulun johtajaa ja palautusprosentiksi muodostui 74 %. Teemahaastattelulla täydennettiin ja syvennettiin kyselyllä saatua aineistoa. Teemahaastattelun aihepiirit muotoutuivat sen perusteella, mihin asioihin haluttiin tarkennusta ja syventämistä kyselystä saadun aineiston pohjalta. Tulokset osoittavat, että ulkopuoliset peruskoulun johtajaksi hakeutumisen syyt ovat varsin tärkeät eikä ennakoivaa koulutusta johtamistyöhön ole saatu. Tutkituista johtajista 49 % ei ole tähän työhön hakeutunut eikä ole saanut siihen koulutusta ennen työn aloittamista. Toimintaympäristö on tulosten mukaan hyvin erilainen ja muuttuva. Johdettavissa kouluissa oli 9–608 oppilasta ja koulujen opettajamäärät vaihtelivat 1–51 opettajan välillä. Tämä on osoitus peruskoulun johtajan työn erilaisuudesta. Peruskoulutuksen yhteiskunnallinen tilanne on myös muuttumassa. Kouluja lakkautetaan ja tilalle tulee suuria yksiköitä, jotka toteuttavat yhtenäisen perusopetuksen periaatetta. Tulosten perusteella peruskoulun johtamiseen vaikuttavat eniten paikallistasolla tehtävät päätökset. Johtajat olivat sitä mieltä, että johtamisessaan painottuu asioiden johtaminen (70 %) kun ihmisten johtamiseen kului kolmasosa ajasta kyselyn suorittamishetkellä. Peruskoulun johtajien mielestä heidän työnsä on kokonaisvaltaista ja käytännön asioiden hoitamiseen liittyvää yhteistyötä. Se koettiin haasteelliseksi ja tulevaisuuteen suuntautuneeksi työksi. Peruskoulun johtajan työ on kuitenkin ristiriitaista sekä työorganisaation että paikallistason kehitysvaatimusten vuoksi. Ristiriidat johtamisen yleisten vaatimusten ja käytännön suhteen ovat vaarassa kasvaa organisaatioiden päätösvallan kasvaessa. Työssä tarkastellaan tutkimuskirjallisuuden perusteella myös siirtymistä uuteen transmoderniin aikaan johtamisen näkökulmasta. Koulussa transmodernismi ilmenisi kokemuksellisena ja elämyksellisenä toimintana. Johtamisessa keskeistä on luottaminen edistykseen, kehitykseen ja tulevaisuuteen. Transmoderni johtaminen on ihmisarvoista ihmisten johtamista. Koulutyössä tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että yhteistyön ja tiimityön lisääntyminen vähentää hierarkkisuutta. Transmoderni johtaminen korostaa subjektiivisuutta ja omaa kriittistä ajattelua suhteessa muutokseen.

Perceptions of patients on the fulfilment of their basic needs while receiving surgical emergency care

Settley, Chantal January 2016 (has links)
Magister Curationis - MCur / Academic hospitals do recognise that all patients have basic human needs. Nurses have been obliged to pay attention to conditions that destabilise patient's health. An academic hospital in the Western Cape is dedicated to living up to its vision to deliver excellent nursing services, which include the fulfilment of the basic needs of patients who are making use of surgical emergency department. Emergency surgical departments should be created in a manner that provides safety and comfort to patients. Patient satisfaction is influenced by the manner in which their expectations about the successful addressing of their basic needs are met. At the moment, the extent of meeting these basic needs during the delivery of nursing care in the surgical emergency department of the academic hospital is unclear. The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the perceptions of patients about the fulfilment of their basic needs during nursing care in a surgical emergency department at an academic hospital in the Western Cape. The study was conducted according to a quantitative non-experimental descriptive survey design. A convenience sampling method was used to select patients (n = 150) after they were discharged from a surgical emergency department. A self-administered questionnaire was compiled within the framework of Alderfer's theory, with closed and a few open questions, that was for distribution to respondents. Descriptive statistics were extracted. The responses to items were indicated on a continuum starting at 1 (never) to 7 (always) on a 5-point Likert scale. Respondents signed informed consent before they completed the instrument in a private room that took around 30 minutes. In this study, validity and reliability were maintained during the research process, and ethical principles were adhered to. Descriptive data was presented through mean values and standard deviations and a factor analysis performed. The findings were presented according to six factors that indicated that the responses varied on the basic existence, relatedness and growth needs of patients in a surgical emergency unit. From the findings, recommendation was described for the operational nursing managers in the surgical emergency department to take action during addressing patients' basic needs in the delivery of nursing care. It can be concluded that patients perceive that many of their basic needs are not being met while receiving surgical emergency care.

Karlstad Kommun och Islamiska Kultur Föreningens syn på integration jämfört med EUs Common Basic Principles : En fallstudie på planeringen bakom Karlstads blivande moské / Karlstad Municipalities and Islamiska Kultur Föreningen (the Islamic Association of Cultures) view on integration compared to the EUs Common Basic Principles : A case study on the planning behind Karlstads upcoming mosque

Lange, Simon, Ndarurinze, Abraham January 2017 (has links)
Författarna har i denna uppsats inriktat sig på planeringen utav den moské som kommer uppföras i Karlstad. Ansvariga för detta är Karlstad kommun och Islamiska Kultur Föreningen, vilka vi har intervjuat varsina respektive representanter om hur de ser på integration och hur de väljer att inkludera integration i planeringen kring moskén. För att undersöka hur man förhållit sig till integration har vi jämfört detta med Europeiska Unionens Common Basic Principles for Immigrant Integration. Frågeställningar för att begränsa arbetet var; hur ser de två studieobjektens på integration samt vilken påverkan en moské kan ha på integration. Teorin som appliceras är en ”tvåvägsprocess” som innebär att integration sker från både subjekt (vilket i denna uppsats innebär nyanlända) och objekt (värdsamhälle). Utöver intervjuerna så har vi analyserat textdokument från Karlstad kommun om exempelvis värderingar och kommunens vision. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att Islamiska Kultur Föreningen och Karlstad Kommun följer många punkter från Common Basic Principles och att en moské har goda förutsättningar att vara integrerade med ett öppet styre samt samarbeten med andra institutioner.

The Evaluation of an interactive multimedia learning resource based on learning styles of first year occupational therapy students

Rudman, Elsje Magdalena Petronella January 2014 (has links)
The first year occupational therapy students at the University of Pretoria participated in this study to determine the impact of an interactive multimedia CD ‘Basic Biomechanics for therapists’ on learning measured as achievement. E-learning was employed in an effort to remain at the cutting-edge of tertiary education for the y-generation student. Analysis confirmed a significant improvement of t=0.00 with a table value of t>0.05 in the achievement of the participants over four tests. A survey was conducted to determine the experience of the participants. Results indicated that the use of the CD was experienced positively. The learning style profile of the target group was determined to identify possible relationship between the learning style proponents and change in achievement. A relationship between the learning style proponents and the change in achievement was identified. There are still unanswered questions that may be answered by further research to add to the findings of this study. / Dissertation (MOcc)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Occupational Therapy / unrestricted

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