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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wave Propagation in Sandwich Beam Structures with Novel Modeling Schemes

Sudhakar, V January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Sandwich constructions are the most commonly used structures in aircraft and navy industries, traditionally. These structures are made up of the face sheets and the core, where the face sheets will be taking the load and is connected to other structural members, while the soft core material, will be used to absorb energy during impact like situation. Thus, sandwich constructions are mainly employed in light weight structures where the high energy absorption capability is required. Generally the face sheets will be thin, made up of either metallic or composite material with high stiffness and strength, while the core is light in weight, made up of soft material. Cores generally play very crucial role in achieving the desired properties of sandwich structures, either through geometric arrangement or material properties or both. Foams are in extensive use nowadays as core material due to the ease in manufacturing and their low cost. They are extensively used in automotive and industrial field applications as the desired foam density can be fabricated by adjusting the mixing, curing and heat sink processes. Modeling of sandwich beams play a crucial role in their design with suitable finite elements for face sheets and core, to ensure the compatibility between degrees of freedom at the interfaces. Unless the mathematical model simulates the physics of the model in terms of kinematics, boundary and loading conditions, results predicted will not be accurate. Accurate models helps in obtaining an efficient design of sandwich beams. In Structural Health Monitoring studies, the responses under the impact loading will be captured by carrying out the wave propagation analysis. The loads applied will be for a shorter duration (in the orders of micro seconds), where higher frequency modes will be excited. Wavelengths at such high frequencies are very small and hence, in such cases, very fine mesh generally is employed matching the wavelength requirement of the propagating wave. Traditional Finite element softwares takes enormous time and computational e ort to provide the solution. Various possible models and modeling aspects using the existing Finite element tools for wave propagation analysis are studied in the present work. There exists a huge demand for an accurate, efficient and rapidly convergent finite elements for the analysis of sandwich beams. E orts are made in the present work to address these issues and provide a solution to the sandwich user community. Super convergent and Spectral Finite sandwich Beam Elements with metallic or composite face sheets and soft core are developed. As a philosophy, the sandwich beam finite element is constructed with the combination of two beams representing the face sheets (top and bottom) at their neutral axis. The core effects are captured at the interface boundaries in terms of shear stress and normal transverse stress. In the case of wave propagation analysis, the equations are coupled in time domain and spatial domain and solving them directly is a difficult task. In Spectral Finite Element Method(SFEM), the displacement functions are derived by solving the transformed governing equations in the frequency domain. By transforming them and forces from time domain to frequency domain, the coupled partial differential equations will become coupled ordinary differential equations. These equations in frequency domain, can be solved exactly as they are normally ordinary differential equation with constant coefficients with frequency entering as a parameter. These solutions will be used as interpolating functions for spectral element formulation and in this respect it differs from conventional FE method wherein mostly polynomials are used as interpolating functions. In addition, SFEM solutions are expressed in terms of forward and backward moving waves for all the degrees of freedom involved in the formulations and hence, SFEM provides faster and efficient solutions for wave propagation analysis. In the present work, strong form of the governing differential equations are derived for a given system using Hamilton's principle. Super Convergent elements are developed by solving the static part of the governing differential equations exactly and hence the stiffness matrix derived is exact for point static loads. For wave propagation analysis, as the mass is not exactly represented, these elements are required in the optimal numbers for getting good results. The number of these elements required are generally much lesser than the number of elements required using traditional finite elements since the stiffness distribution is exact. Spectral elements are developed by solving the governing equations exactly in the frequency domain and hence the dynamic stiffness matrix derived is exact for the dynamic loads. Hence, one element between any two joints is enough to solve the whole system under impact loads for simple structures. Developing FE for sandwich beams is quiet challenging. Due to small thickness, the face sheets can be modeled using 1D idealization, while modeling of large core requires 2-D idealization. Hence, most finite or spectral elements requires stitching of these two idealizations into 1-D idealization, which can be accomplished in a variety of ways, some of which are highlighted in this thesis. Variety of finite and spectral finite elements are developed considering Euler and Timoshenko beam theories for modeling the sandwich beams. Simple element models are built with rigid core in both the theories. Models are also developed considering the flexible core with the variation of transverse displacements across depth of the core. This has direct influence on shear stress variation and also transverse normal stress in the core. Simple to higher order models are developed considering different variations in shear stress and transverse normal stress across depth of the core. Development of super convergent finite Euler Bernoulli beam elements Eul4d (4 dof element), Eul10d (10 dof element) are explained along with their results in Chapter 2. Development of different super convergent finite Timoshenko beam elements namely Tim4d (4 dof), Tim7d (7 dof), Tim10d (10 dof) are explained in Chapter 3. Validation of Euler Bernoulli and Timoshenko elements developed in the present work is carried out with test cases available in the open literature for displacements and free vibration frequencies are presented in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. The results indicates that all developed elements are performing exceedingly well for static loads and free vibration. Super convergence performance for the elements developed is demonstrated with related examples. Spectral elements based on Timoshenko theory STim7d, STim6d, STim6dF are developed and the wave propagation characteristics studies are presented in Chapter 4. Euler spectral elements are derived from Timoshenko spectral elements by enforcing in finite shear rigidity, designated as SEul7d, SEul6d, SEul6dF and are presented. E orts were made in this present work to model the horizontal cracks in top or bottom face sheets using the spectral elements and the methodology is presented in Chapter 4. Wave propagation analysis using general purpose software N AST RAN and the super convergent as well as spectral elements developed in this work, are discussed in detail in Chapter 5. Modeling aspects of sandwich beam in N AST RAN using various combination of elements available and the performance of four possible models simulated were studied. Validation of all four models in N AST RAN, Super convergent Euler, Timoshenko and Spectral Timoshenko finite elements was carried out by simulating a homogenous I beam by comparing the longitudinal and transverse responses. Studies were carried out to find out the response predictions of a sandwich beam with soft core and all the predictions were compared and discussed. The responses in case of cracks in top or bottom face sheets under the longitudinal and transverse loading were studied in this chapter. In Chapter 6, Parametric studies were carried out for bringing out the sensitiveness of the important specific parameters in overall behaviour and performance of a sandwich beam, using Super convergent and Spectral elements developed. This chapter clearly brings out the various aspects of design of sandwich beam such as material selection of core, geometrical configuration of overall beam and core. Effects of shear modulus, mass density on wave propagation characteristics, effects of thick or thin cores with reference to the face sheets and dynamic effects of core are highlighted. Wave propagation characteristics studies includes the study of wave numbers, group speeds, cut off frequencies for a given configuration and identification of frequency zone of operations. The recommendations for improvement in design of sandwich beams based on the parametric studies are made at the end of chapter. The entire thesis, written in seven Chapters, presents a unified treatment of sandwich beam analysis that will be very useful for designers working in the area.

Analyse de l'influence des paramètres structuraux et fonctionnels d'une cage thoracique sous chargement dynamique a l'aide d'un modèle simplifié

Youssef, Michel 11 October 2012 (has links)
En Union Européenne les accidents frontaux font 28% des accidents routiers et sont responsables de 49% de mortalité, les fractures thoraciques étant la cause principale de décès. Les modèles en éléments finis du corps humain sont un outil important pour la simulation de chocs réels et la prédiction des risques d'endommagement. Cette thèse a permis de développer un modèle simple en éléments finis de la cage thoracique suffisamment souple d'utilisation et facilement paramétrable. Ce modèle est validé expérimentalement avant d'être utilisé pour une étude paramétrique. Cette étude a permis de caractériser l'influence de différents paramètres structurels et géométriques sur le comportement de la cage thoracique sous chargement dynamique. Le travail réalisé au cours de cette thèse est divisé en trois parties : Modélisation de la cage thoracique entière avec des éléments finis de type poutre dont les propriétés mécaniques sont déterminées à partir d'essais de flexion trois points sur des segments de côtes et complétées par des éléments de la littérature, Validation du modèle dont les résultats sont suffisamment proches des résultats des essais de chargement dynamique antéro-postérieur menés par Vezin et Berthet [Vez09], Etude paramétrique sur l'influence paramètres, géométrie des sections droites et géométrie globale de la cage thoracique (inclinaison des côtes, forme et taille globale de la cage thoracique). A partir de cette étude nous trouvons que le module d'Young et l'épaisseur du cortical ont une influence identique sur la raideur globale de la cage thoracique ainsi que sur la rotation et la déformation des côtes. Avec l'augmentation de ces deux paramètres la rigidité du thorax augmente et le taux de compression maximal diminue. D'autre part les côtes tournent plus et se déforment moins. La raideur des liaisons costo-verterbales a une influence directe sur la rotation latérale qui diminue avec l'augmentation de cette raideur alors que les déformations augmentent ; tandis que la raideur globale de la cage thoracique est légèrement modifiée. L'inclinaison des côtes est le facteur ayant la plus grande influence sur la déformation des côtes et donc sur le risque d'endommagement : plus les côtes sont proches de la direction de chargement la raideur de la cage thoracique augmente et la déformation des côtes augmente / In the European Union, 28% of road accidents are frontal impacts which provoke 49% of fatalities where the thoracic fractures are the main cause of death. The finite element models of the human body are an important tool for the simulation of real impacts and the prediction of damage. This thesis has led to develop a rib cage simplified finite element model sufficiently flexible and easily customizable. First, this model is experimentally validated and then used in a parametric study. This study allowed us to characterize the influence of different structural and geometric parameters on the behavior of the rib cage under dynamic loading. This work is divided into three parts : Modeling the rib cage using beam elements whose mechanical properties are determined by three-point bending tests on rib segments and supplemented from literature, Validating the model by simulating the anteroposterior dynamic loading tests led by Vezin and Berthet [Vez09], Performing a parametric study on the influence of the mechanical parameters (Young modulus, stiffness of costo-vertebral joints), the geometry of the rib sections and the overall geometry of the rib cage (ribs slope, shape and overall size of the rib cage). This study permitted to find that Young modulus and the thickness of the cortical have the same influence on the overall stiffness of the chest as well as on the rotation and deformation of the ribs. By increasing these parameters, the stiffness of the chest increases and the maximum compression ratio decreases. Besides, we'll find more rotation and less deformation of the ribs. The stiffness of the costoverterbal joints has a direct influence on the lateral rotation : it will decrease by increasing of the stiffness while deformation will increase. However, the overall stiffness of the chest is slightly modified by modifying the costovertebral joint stiffness. The initial inclination of the ribs accordingly to the load direction has the greatest influence on the deformation of the ribs and therefore on the damage risk. When the ribs are closer to the loading direction, the stiffness of the rib cage and the deformation of the ribs increases

Development of a new 3D beam finite element with deformable section / Développement d’un nouveau 3D poutre élément fini à section déformable

Gao, Sasa 05 April 2017 (has links)
Le nouvel élément de poutre est une évolution d'un élément de Timoshenko poutre avec un nœud supplémentaire situé à mi-longueur. Ce nœud supplémentaire permet l'introduction de trois composantes supplémentaires de contrainte afin que la loi constitutionnelle 3D complète puisse être utilisée directement. L'élément proposé a été introduit dans un code d'éléments finis dans Matlab et une série d'exemples de linéaires/petites contraintes ont été réalisées et les résultats sont systématiquement comparés avec les valeurs correspondantes des simulations ABAQUS/Standard 3D. Ensuite, la deuxième étape consiste à introduire le comportement orthotrope et à effectuer la validation de déplacements larges / petites contraintes basés sur la formulation Lagrangienne mise à jour. Une série d'analyses numériques est réalisée qui montre que l'élément 3D amélioré fournit une excellente performance numérique. En effet, l'objectif final est d'utiliser les nouveaux éléments de poutre 3D pour modéliser des fils dans une préforme composite textile. A cet effet, la troisième étape consiste à introduire un comportement de contact et à effectuer la validation pour un nouveau contact entre 3D poutres à section rectangulaire. La formulation de contact est dérivée sur la base de formulation de pénalité et de formulation Lagrangian mise à jour utilisant des fonctions de forme physique avec l'effet de cisaillement inclus. Un algorithme de recherche de contact efficace, qui est nécessaire pour déterminer un ensemble actif pour le traitement de contribution de contact, est élaboré. Et une linéarisation constante de la contribution de contact est dérivée et exprimée sous forme de matrice appropriée, qui est facile à utiliser dans l'approximation FEM. Enfin, on présente quelques exemples numériques qui ne sont que des analyses qualitatives du contact et de la vérification de l'exactitude et de l'efficacité de l'élément de 3D poutre proposé. / The new beam element is an evolution of a two nodes Timoshenko beam element with an extra node located at mid-length. That extra node allows the introduction of three extra strain components so that full 3D stress/strain constitutive relations can be used directly. The second step is to introduce the orthotropic behavior and carry out validation for large displacements/small strains based on Updated Lagrangian Formulation. A series of numerical analyses are carried out which shows that the enhanced 3D element provides an excellent numerical performance. Indeed, the final goal is to use the new 3D beam elements to model yarns in a textile composite preform. For this purpose, the third step is introducing contact behavior and carrying out validation for new 3D beam to beam contact with rectangular cross section. The contact formulation is derived on the basis of Penalty Formulation and Updated Lagrangian formulation using physical shape functions with shear effect included. An effective contact search algorithm is elaborated. And a consistent linearization of contact contribution is derived and expressed in suitable matrix form, which is easy to use in FEM approximation. Finally, some numerical examples are presented which are only qualitative analysis of contact and checking the correctness and the effectiveness of the proposed 3D beam element.

Low-Order Laminated Lock-Free Beam And Plate Elements Based On Coupled Displacement Field

Veenaranjini, S M 12 1900 (has links)
This study aims to investigate the behaviour of low-order beam and plate elements especially for their application to laminated structures. The merits and dements of the existing elements are brought out and new low-order elements with better interpolation polynomials are proposed. Two new beam elements are proposed for laminated composite beams that yield better representation of twist due to material coupling. Out of the two elements developed, one is based on the conventional formulation and the other on the coupled-field formulation, both capturing material induced coupling. The beam developed using coupled field formulation shows a novel way of obtaining a fully coupled interpolation function for field variables using the complete set of equilibrium equations for the composite beams. The element has shown a superior coarse mesh performance. These elements can practically capture plate behaviour in beam elements for a wide range of plate thickness. The locking problems in conventional 4-node quadrilateral elements, such as shear locking and geometric locking are studied. Various techniques available in literature to remedy these problems are also studied. A suite of QUAD4 with conventional techniques such as. Reduced Integration, Field Consistency, Mixed Interpolation of Tensorial strain Components, Assumed Natural Strain, Discrete Shear Gap, Incompatible modes Q6 and QM6 is developed. An effort is made to combine these techniques to develop new element that yields improved performance. The element is shown to exhibit improved performance for certain cases. Several four-node rectangular elements are developed based on the coupled-field techniques. First two new-coupled elements are formulated that employ Sabir's [101] plane bending formulation with drilling degree of freedom, and the plate bending rotations are generated using equilibrium equations. However, since Sabir's plane bending interpolation polynomials yielded inaccurate performance for composites, it led to development of elements with fully coupled field formulations. Finally, two new 4-node rectangular elements are developed using coupled-field formulations with six and seven dof freedom per node respectively. Here the interpolation polynomials are derived using the complete equilibrium equations. The elements are extensively tested for static deflection, dynamics and buckling of isotropic and laminated plates/beams. The elements show superior coarse mesh convergence. Several problems pertaining to vibration and buckling of composite plates/beams are solved using the elements developed in this work.

Statická a dynamická analýza předpjaté mostní konstrukce / Static and dynamic analysis of Prestressed bridge structure

Hokeš, Filip January 2014 (has links)
The main objective of the thesis is to perform static and dynamic analysis of prestressed concrete bridge structures in computational system ANSYS. For the analysis was chosen footbridge over the river Svratka in Brno. In relation to this topic are solved various types of modeling prestress at a finite element level. Before analyzing the footbridge is analyzed in detail the static system and the corresponding final geometry of the structure. Knowledge of the functioning of the static system is used to build the computational model of the structure, on which is subsequently performed static and dynamic analysis.

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