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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evropské vzorce spotřeby piva / Beer Consumption Patterns in Europe

Zobal, Vladimír January 2019 (has links)
This thesis intends to verify and quantify relationship between microeconomics, macroe- conomics and social variables with annual beer consumption per capita. To assess dif- ferences in tastes in groups of countries, the concept of beer, wine and spirit drinking countries is used to separate the influences. Firstly, the general model for all European countries is estimated with the use of panel data techniques on data from 2000 to 2013. The results and findings from the first model are subsequently used as a building blocks for specific model for The Czech Republic. The Czech Republic has over a long period the highest annual consumption per capita. Still the share consumed in hospitality expe- riences persistent downward trend. All data are collected on annual basis and with only country-aggregated level of detail. Keywords Beer, Wine, Spirits, Consumption Patterns, Beer Demand, Beer Drinking Countries, Be- havioral Economics Author's e-mail Vladimir.Zobal@gmail.com Supervisor's e-mail Karel-Janda@seznam.cz 1

Fábrica de cerveza artesanal en Pachacamac / Craft beer factory in Pachacamac

Vergara Meléndez, Adriana Ofelia 19 April 2021 (has links)
La tesis a continuación presenta el desarrollo de una Fábrica de Cerveza Artesanal en el distrito de Pachacamac. La cual se propone como respuesta a la problemática actual en la ciudad de Lima con respecto a sus zonas productivas, ya que, tanto la industria pesada como la artesanal, no consideran una integración adecuada con la ciudad y no incluyen al visitante como usuario. Esto crea límites cerrados hacia el entorno inmediato, contribuyendo a la inseguridad urbana y perdiendo la oportunidad de difundir el valor cultural de lo que están produciendo. En el caso de la cerveza artesanal, que es una industria emergente con gran acogida, además de la problemática antes mencionada, su producción se realiza en espacios que no han sido diseñados ni preparados para esta actividad. Por lo que se plantea esta fábrica con usos complementarios, que hacen de este proyecto algo sostenible en el tiempo, ya que no solo considera a los usuarios destinados a la producción, sino también al usuario que le da valor cultural, gastronómico y turístico a la industria de la cerveza artesanal. / The thesis below presents the development of a Craft Beer Factory in the district of Pachacamac, which is proposed as an answer to the current problems in the city of Lima with respect to its productive areas, since both heavy industry and artisanal, do not consider an adequate integration with the city and do not include the visitor as a user, creating closed limits towards the immediate environment, contributing to urban insecurity and losing the opportunity to spread the cultural value of what they are producing. In the case of craft beer, which is an emerging industry, with great reception, its production is carried out in spaces that have not been designed or prepared for this activity, in addition to the aforementioned problems. That is the reason why this factory is proposed with complementary uses, which make this project something sustainable over time, since it not only considers the users destined for production, but also the user who gives cultural, gastronomic and touristic value to the craft beer industry. / Tesis

Investigation of malt factors that influence beer production and quality

Van Nierop, Sandra 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A number of relevant brewing industry issues associated with malt quality were examined. These included beer foam quality, premature flocculation of yeast during fermentation and antimicrobial factors in malt. The cause of poor foam at a brewery relative to other similar breweries was identified as being related to the boiling temperature during wort preparation and the associated conformational changes of the abundant foam protein lipid transfer protein 1 (LTPl). The temperature range of 96 to 102°C was revealed to be critical. At the higher temperature the denaturation of LTP 1 was more extensive and its effectiveness as a foam protein was reduced. In addition, it was shown that the prominent role of LTPI with respect to foam was as a lipid binding protein, forming a lipid sink and protecting foam from lipid damage. The occurrence of malt associated premature yeast flocculation (PYF) during fermentation was induced in malt by the addition of extra-cellular fungal enzymes to the malt husk or by micro-malting barley in the presence of fungi. In addition, treating malt husk with commercial xylanase or adding commercial arabinoxylan to the fermentation also impacted on yeast flocculation. It was proposed that a range of molecular weight arabinoxylans formed by the enzymatic breakdown of the major barley husk component (arabinoxylan) resulted in PYF. Antimicrobial activity against brewing yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), other fungi and bacteria was found in barley, malt and malt derived wort trub. Wort trub is the non-specific precipitate of protein, polyphenols and lipids formed during wort boiling and which is, to some extend, carried over in the wort to the fermentation. Antimicrobial activity appeared to increase during malting. The growth of brewery collected yeast was inhibited in the presence of brewery production wort when compared to the same wort filtered to remove the trub. Brewery yeast was found to be more sensitive to inhibition than laboratory propagated yeast of the same strain. Different strains of S. cerevisiae were also found to differ in their sensitivity to inhibition. Investigation revealed that the activity originated from the inside of the barley grain and impacted on yeast sugar uptake. However, there was no direct correlation detected between levels of antimicrobial activity in malt and fermentation performance. At high concentrations the factors were microcidal causing cell lysis. Partial characterisation of an antimicrobial extract from malt revealed the presence of a factor between 5 and 14 kDa, containing a cationic peptide component. The optimum pH stability was ±5 when it was also most cationic. The factor easily and irreversibly lost activity at extreme pH and when exposed to certain reagents but was heat resistant in accordance with its survival in wort trub. Preliminary results showed the presence of LTP1 associated with other peptides in the active cationic fraction from the one malt tested. The occurrence of malt related PYF and malt antimicrobial factors are associated with microbial contamination of the grain. The fungi generating the PYF factors from the barley husk while the barley's defence mechanism generates antimicrobial factors to cope with the pathogenic effect of the fungi. In addition there is a potential link between the foam protein LTP 1 and malt antimicrobial activity as LTP 1 or LTP 1 in association with another component(s) is potentially antimicrobial. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Aantal problematiese areas in die broubedryf, wat met mout geassosieer word, is ondersoek, naamlik bierskuimkwaliteit, voortydige flokkulering van gis tydens fermentasie en die invloed van antimikrobiese faktore in mout. Die oorsaak van swak bierskuim by 'n spesifieke brouery relatief tot ander soortgelyke brouerye was geidentifiseer as die moutekstrakkookpunt tydens moutekstrakbereiding. Tydens hierdie proses ondergaan dieskuimprotein, lipiedoordrag proteien 1 (lipid transfer protein 1, LTPI), 'n konformasieverandering. Die temperature tussen 96 to 102°C was kritiek t.o.v. ideale konformasieverandering vir skuimaktiwiteit. Denaturering van LTPI het by hoër temperature plaasgevind wat die skuimproteien se aktiwitiet verminder het. Daar is ook bewys dat LTPI 'n verdere rol in bierskuim speel aangesien dit 'n lipiedbindingsproteien is wat die skuimnegatiewe lipiede verwyder. Die voorkoms van moutgeassosieerde voortydige flokkulering van gis (PYF) tydens fermentasie is op twee maniere in mout geinduseer, naamlik: • deur die toevoeging van ekstrasellulêre swamensieme tot die moutdop • deur mikrovermouting van gars in die teenwoordigheid van swamme. Die behandeling van die moutdop met kommersiele xilanase of die toevoeging van kommersiele arabinoxilaan by fermentasies het ook die flokkulering van gis beinvloed. Die hipotese was dat PYF veroorsaak is deur 'n reeks arabinoxilane met verskillende molekulêre massas wat gevorm het tydens die ensimatiese afbraakproses van die primere moutdopkomponent (arabinoxilaan). Antimikrobiese aktiwiteit teenoor brouersgis (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), ander swamme en bakterie was teenwoordig in gars, mout en moutekstrakpresipitaat. Die presipitaat bestaan uit nie-spesifieke presipitate van proteien, polifenole en lipiede wat gedeeltelik in die gekookte moutekstrak agterbly. Daar is gevind dat antimikrobiese aktiwiteit tydens vermouting toe geneem het. Die groeiproses van brouersgis, gekollekteer by 'n brouery, was geinhibeer deur die teenwoordigheid van brouery-geproduseerde moutekstrak in vergelyking met dieselfde moutekstrak wat gefiltreer was om die presipitaat te verwyder. Die brouersgis was meer sensitief heens inhibisie in vergeleke met dieselfde gisstam wat opgegroei is in die laboratorium. Verskillende S. cerevisiae stamme het ook verskille in sensitiwiteit getoon t.o.v. the antimikrobiese komponente in die moutekstrakte. 'n Verdere ondersoek het getoon dat die oorprong van die inhiberende aktiwiteit die interne dele van die gars is, asook dat dit die gissuikeropname beinvloed. Daar was egter geen direkte verband tussen antimikrobiese aktiwiteit in mout en fermentasie effektiwiteit, soos gemeet onder laboratorium toestande, nie. Hoë konsentrasies van die faktore het egter gelei tot seldood weens sellise. 'n Kationiese peptiedbevattende fraksie tussen 5 en 14 kDa en 'n optimale pH stabliliteit van 5 is gevind deur gedeeltelike karakterisering van 'n antimikrobiese moutekstrak. Die aktiewe fraksie se aktiwiteit is onomkeerbaar vernietig by ekstreme pH en blootstelling aan sekere reagense. Die aktiewe verbinding(s) is egter hittebestand en resultate het getoon dat hierdie aktiwiteit die brouproses oorleef as deel van die moutektrakpresipitaat. Voorlopige resultate van die een mout wat getoets is het die teenwoordigheid van LTP 1 getoon, asook die moontlike assosiasie met ander peptiede of kleiner komponente in die aktiewe kationiese fraksie. Die voorkoms van moutgeassosieerde PYF en antimikrobiese faktore in mout word met die mikrobiologiese kontaminasie van gars verbind. Swamme produseer die PYF faktore vanuit die moutdopkomponente, terwyl die plant weer antimikrobiese faktore produseer as deel van 'n beskermingsmeganisme teen die patogene effek van die swamme. Daar is ook 'n potensieele verwantskap tussen bierskuimproteien LTP 1 en antimikrobiese faktore in mout, aangesien LTPI ofLTPl tesame met 'n ander verbinding(s) moontlik antimikrobies is.

The Emergence of Ontario Microbreweries: A Socio-Historical Analysis

Roche, Kevin James 02 July 2014 (has links)
Since the 1980s microbreweries in Ontario have gained in popularity, winning over beer drinkers in the province and earning the support of the provincial government that funds the expansion of this creative industry. The Emergence of Ontario Microbreweries, adopting the theoretical perspectives of Margaret Archer and Michel Foucault, looks at the factors explaining the emergence of the craft beer industry. Through the morphogenetic approach, which sees enablements take shape through entrepreneurial pursuits, and disenablements through Foucauldian disciplinary processes, we observe that Ontario microbreweries were constrained by strict government laws. Enforced by the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO), these laws acted upon the individuals and their ability to consume alcohol both privately and publicly. Over time, the strict governmental regimes which constrained beer drinkers and micro-brewed beer producers gradually transformed to allow for the expansion of microbreweries that create unique, distinct and authentic products that have specific geographic links to community.

Principles of an automatic brewing machine : By using CodeSys with Raspberry Pi / Principer för ett automatiskt ölbryggeri : genom användning av CodeSys och Raspberry Pi

Mårtensson, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
This project will give you a view from another side when it comes to control engineering and mechanical construction in brewing. This is a thesis project about principles for an automatic brewing machine. This project started off with prestudy of earlier research results in automatic brewing based on the Arduino platform. This project shows principles about mechanical construction and creating a control system by using inexpensive commercial products such as CodeSys and Raspberry Pi. The project report begins describing the mechanical construction, how it works and it shows how it looks. The mechanical construction is a tall scaffolding which is the chassis of the brewing machine. The history background about brewing is reviewed and the fundamental methods about brewing are described as well. The goal of this project is to present principals by using CodeSys and Raspberry Pi together. Notice that this is not a construction document. This document does not include production wiring diagrams or blueprints – only principles of wiring diagrams and figures of the machine, designed in a CAD software. This brewing machine includes a few different kind of control systems to automate the process. The processes are a hops container that can deliver a set of hops in a specific time, motorized whisks to distribute the heat, heat exchanger for cooling down, heating control system and a drain control system. The main focus in this project is the mechanical parts, the flow system, the control systems and a discussion about each sub system. Results shows a lot of pictures of the complete system with text that explain the pictures. What was good, what was bad and what could be done better.

Craft brewery HACCP: prerequisite programs based on good manufacturing practices developed for Boulevard Brewing Company, Kansas City, MO.

Baughman, Neal R. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Food Science Institute / Fadi Aramouni / The brewing industry has, historically, had little food safety regulation. In response to the September 11th attacks, new legislation culminating in the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010 was established and reinforced food safety regulations for the brewing industry. Under this expanded regulation, breweries are required to comply with the modernized Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs). The regulatory climate for the brewing industry is very complicated. The brewing industry is regulated primarily under the jurisdiction of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau and the Food and Drug Administration. Based upon the regulatory environment and business considerations, Boulevard Brewing Company has opted to develop a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan. Before a HACCP plan can be implemented a foundation of prerequisite programs, based on the FDA’s cGMPs, must be in place. Prerequisite programs establish the operational and environmental conditions required for a successful HACCP plan. Failure to comply with the cGMPs can lead to fines, re‐inspection fees, forced recalls, and possible criminal prosecution. Prerequisite programs were developed for the following areas: facilities, including sanitary design principles, utilities, traffic and product flow; production equipment, including preventive maintenance and calibration; receiving, warehousing, and shipping, including supplier control, chemical control, and raw material testing; pest control for insects, rodents and birds; cleaning and sanitation under a Master Sanitation Schedule; specifications, including ingredients, products, and packaging materials; personal hygiene for both employees and visitors; and lastly a system of traceability and recall. These prerequisite programs, based on cGMPs, are required to ensure regulatory compliance while minimizing regulatory and fiscal risks.

There's a storm brewing : an experimental cooperative brewery in the south of Johannesburg

Page, Robert James January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (M.Arch. (Professional))--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, School of Architecture and Planning, 2016. / In Johannesburg, sociability and drinking culture have complex pasts. Beer, especially, is tied up in multiple significances: a prominent role in many traditional African cultures; later, co-opted as a means of control by South Africa’s former government; rising as a strong socially cohesive identifier in emerging popular culture; and now, turning a new face to a culture of experimentation and excellence in the craft of brewing with one foot in the realm of wine snobs, and connoisseurs. I investigate my own family’s history of brewing in seventeenth century England as an introduction to a brief history of two important global, social drinking cultures – Mediterranean and Northern European – and apply this cultural lens to a reading of local, Johannesburg beer drinking. Beer can be understood as a strong symbolic agent in the construction of imagined communities and the realisation of experiences in multiple simultaneities of space and time. I investigate these imagined realities, and interrogate the current disjuncture between the consumption and production of beer. Finally, I propose a hybrid brewing facility as an architectural intervention in Booysens Reserve, a small industrial suburb in the south of Johannesburg, and look towards the unique conditions to explore, and opportunities for intervention which this part of the city, the intersection of multiple cultures, landscapes and industries, has to offer. / GR2017

Ritual & response in architecture : a traditional brewery in Sharpeville

Kopelowitz, Tammy 08 June 2009 (has links)
No abstract

Patenting Beer : An analysis of plant product patents with specific focus on the impact of those patents granted for beer grain plant mutations to Carlsberg and Heineken

Liscoe, Imogen January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines the impact upon EPO interpretation of European plant patent law of the case Carlsberg and Heineken pertaining to the granting of patents for beer grain enzyme mutations. This analysis will look at current interpretation of the patentability of plant products dependant on the classification of their production process, as well as the extent of the scope of protection granted to these plant patents. This area of law pertains to the exemption of plants from patentability within the European Patent Convention and the Biotech Directive 98/44/EC, with reference to the interpretation of this legal basis within EPO case law. Within this the definition of an ‘essentially biological process’ and the subsequent patentability of the products of these processes is crucial to evaluating why the Carlsberg and Heineken patents were granted and where there remain unanswered questions after this case as to EPO interpretation of European plant patent legislation.   From this basis, it shall be shown that the beer cases of Carlsberg and Heineken mark a turning point in the interpretation of the plant patentability exception and the scope of protection granted to these patents. Changes to legislative interpretation, the industry and economy of beer production, agriculture and the morality of food patents shall all be addressed with regard to the impact of the Carlsberg and Heineken patent decision.

A influência do varejo na construção de marcas: um estudo no setor cervejeiro / Retail influence on brand building: a study in the Brazilian beer market

Prado, Silvia Cristina 07 December 2007 (has links)
O estudo do processo de construção de marca ganhou importância a partir da década de 90, quando as empresas passaram a ser vendidas por valores superiores aos anotados nos balanços patrimoniais. Assim, iniciou-se uma corrente acadêmica de estudo visando a entender o que é uma marca e como seu valor pode ser construído. Os meios de comunicação de massa, tradicionalmente, têm sido utilizados para construir marcas. Desse modo, a questão fundamental desta dissertação é explorar a influência do varejo VIP na construção do brand equity, no setor cervejeiro brasileiro. O tema é tratado com base em uma revisão teórica que trabalha quatro blocos principais de conhecimento: i) marca; ii) comunicação; iii) canais de distribuição, com ênfase no varejo; iv) indústria cervejeira. E é desenvolvida uma pesquisa de campo, de caráter exploratório, que utiliza o método de levantamento de experiência, por meio de entrevistas em profundidade com os gerentes das três marcas de cerveja mais valiosas do mercado segundo o ranking da DINHEIRO/BrandAnalytics. As diretrizes teóricas da pesquisa de campo foram os quatro pilares de David Aaker (1996) de formação do brand equity: conscientização de marca, qualidade percebida, associação de marca e fidelidade de marca. Além disso, buscou-se entender, também, a influência da comunicação integrada de marketing na construção de marcas e os principais desafios e tendências da utilização do varejo VIP na construção de marcas. Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram que o varejo VIP tem potencial para ser utilizado na construção de marca, principalmente, quando se deseja falar com o consumidor da classe A. Além disso, a pesquisa aponta que o varejo VIP pode ter maior ou menor influência na construção do brand equity dependendo de alguns fatores, como: objetivos da marca, posicionamento de mercado da marca (segmento de mercado em que a marca atua e quem são seus consumidores-alvo) e budget disponível. / The study of the brand building process gained significance as from the nineties, when enterprises started to be sold at higher prices, than the ones noted down in their balance sheets. Therefore, an academic chain of study was initiated, aiming at understanding what a brand is and how its value may be built up. Traditionally, mass media communication have been used to build brands. Thus, the fundamental question of this dissertation is to exploit the influence of the retail to build brand, in the Brazilian beer industry. In order to answer this question, a theoretical review that focuses on four main blocks of knowledge was carried out. The areas analyses were: i) brand; ii) communication; iii) distribution channels emphasizing the retail market; iv) the beer industry. Furthermore, an investigative field research was conducted, adopting an exploratory method, by carrying out in-depth interviews, with managers of the three most valuable beer brands in the market, following the DINHEIRO/BrandAnalytics ranking. The field research was based on David Aaker\'s (1996) four pillars of the brand equity: brand awareness, perceived quality, brand association and brand loyalty. Moreover, this study has also aimed at understanding the influence of integrated marketing communication on brand building as well as the main challenges and trends in using the retail to build brands. The results of the research indicated that the retail has got potential to be used in brand building, mainly when the brand wishes to address to upper class consumers. Furthermore, they suggest that VIP retail may have higher or lower influence on building brand equity, depending on some factors, such as: brand objectives, brand positioning (segment of the market in which the brand performs and who are its target-consumers) and the available budget.

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