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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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'n Alternatiewe benadering tot fluitonderrig vir hoerskoolleerlinge : agtergrondstudie en raamwerk vir 'n fluithandboek (Afrikaans)

Bosman, Ronelle 03 August 2006 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Die aangewese manier om met instrumentale onderrig te begin, is gewoonlik om van 'n praktiese handboek gebruik te maak. Juis omdat die fluit 'n gewilde instrument blyk te wees onder hoërskoolleerlinge wat 'n tweede instrument op skoolvlak wil begin aanleer, het die skrywer 'n gebrek ervaar aan 'n werklik toepaslike praktiese handboek wat op beginners van hierdie ouderdom gemik is. So 'n handboek moet 'n nuwe speler in staat kan stel om binne 'n tydperk van gemiddeld drie tot vyf jaar die minimum voorgeskrewe standaard van UNISA of Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music graad V tot VI te bereik. Deur middel van hierdie studie word daar gepoog om hierdie leemte aan te vul, en is die voorgestelde handboek vir 'n jaar deurlopend op beginner f1uitspelers getoets en aangepas. Die teikengroep is die groep leerlinge wat vanaf graad 8 tot 11 met fluit as tweede instrument begin. Hierdie leerlinge bespeel gewoonlik 'n eerste instrument op 'n standaard van ten minste UNISA graad III en beskik gewoonlik oor 'n redelike vlak van musiekteoretiese kennis. Die verhandeling is op drie vlakke aangepak, naamlik 'n agtergrondstudie tot hoërskoolfluitonderrig, 'n kritiese evaluering van vier bestaande fluithandboeke en dan die skryf van 'n raamwerk vir 'n voorgestelde fluithandboek. Die agtergrondstudie wat as handleiding vir die fluitonderwyser bedoel is, is omvattend aangepak. Aspekte hierin vervat sluit onder meer oefenroetines, die versorging van 'n fluit, opsies wat beskikbaar is wanneer 'n fluit aangekoop moet word, fisiese vereistes, toonontwikkeling, vibrato en dergelike verwante aspekte in. Hierdie aspekte is almal in een studie aangepak omdat hierdie relevante inligting selde in een handleiding vir die fluitonderwyser beskikbaar is. As voorstudie tot die skryf van 'n praktiese handboek is vier bestaande handboeke krities beskou met die oogmerk om gunstige kenmerke uit hierdie boeke in die voorgestelde handboek te integreer. Die skrywer het ook die bruikbaarheid al dan nie van hierdie vier publikasies vir leerlinge in die teikengroep geevalueer sodat die skryf van 'n handboek vir hoërskoolleerlinge hieruit gemotiveer kan word. Die handboek wat op die horskoolbeginner gemik is, word in die laaste hoofstuk bespreek en in Bylaag 1 aangeheg. Met hierdie handboek wil die skrywer die hoerskoolbeginner in staat stel om 'n stewige basis vir toonontwikkeling te Ie sodat enige vingertegniese werk, soos studies en toonleerpatrone vanuit hierdie perspektief aangepak kan word. Die skrywer is van mening dat die fluit se aantrekkingskrag in die eerste plek in die spesifieke eienskappe van die toon gesetel is, en beskou daarom die vestiging van 'n stewige basis vir toonontwikkeling as voorvereiste vir enige tegniese ontwikkeling wat later mag volg. Begeleidings word vir heelwat van die aanvangsstukke verskaf omdat die skrywer verder ook van mening is dat die nuwe fluitspeler beter gemotiveer word wanneer die ervaring van musiekskepping saam met 'n ander instrument van heel vroeg af beleef word. Verder word 'n hoe premie op die integrasie van tegniese- en toonontwikkeling vanaf die vroee lesse geplaas. Omdat daar met hoërskoolbeginners, wat alreeds oor 'n redelike mate van musiekteoretiese kennis beskik, gewerk word, word note met skuiftekens vanaf die vroeë lesse gebruik sodat die omvang van nuwe note wat aangeleer word eerder lateraal in plaas van vinnig na boontoe uitgebrei word. Sodoende kry die onderwyser geleentheid om seker te maak dat die basiese boustene vir toonbeheer gevestig is voordat nuwe note bygevoeg word. Met hierdie studie hoop die skrywer om 'n leemte te vul en dat hierdie studie leiding aan heelwat fluitonderwysers kan gee. ENGLISH: The normal way in which to start with an instrument is by using a suitable instrumental tutor. Such a tutor usually provides both pupil and teacher with an appropriate order in which to learn new material, and by using a combination of exercises and pieces, helps the new player to internalize acquired skills. The flute seems to be a very popular instrument, especially for high school music pupils wanting to start with a second instrument. And it is in this regard that the author experienced a lack of a suitable flute tutor for beginners of this age group, enabling them to reach a standard of UNISA or Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music grade V to VI within three to five years. Because of this, the author wrote and empirically adapted a suggested tutor for high school flute beginners to provide in this gap. The target group were those pupils in grade 8 to 11 starting with a second instrument and playing a first instrument with a minimum standard of UNISA grade III. A reasonable knowledge of theory of music is therefore supposed. This paper was done on three levels, the first level being a background study to flute teaching, the second level a critical evaluation of four flute tutors and the third level the provision of a suggested flute tutor for high school beginners. Because very few publications provides a flute teacher with relevant information in one book, the background study covers a wide array of subjects. Therefore subjects such as practicing schedules, physical requirements, the care of the flute, options available when purchasing a flute, tone development, vibrato and other appropriate subjects were investigated. The critical evaluation of the four flute tutors served as an introductory study for the provision of a suggested flute tutor. For this reason positive elements from these tutors were integrated in the suggested flute tutor, and the suitability of these four tutors by pupils in the target group were also investigated. The discussion of the suggested tutor in the last chapter serves as an introduction to the tutor itself. With this the author hopes to enable the flute beginner to acquire a solid tonal foundation before starting on various technical exercises. The integration of tone development and technical proficiency from the earliest lessons are also a matter of high priority. For this reason, and also because a reasonable knowledge of theory of music are supposed, the inclusion of chromatic notes from the earliest stages helps the new player to develop a technical proficiency while at the same time developing tone control. Accompaniment to many pieces in the tutor are provided from as early as the third lesson. In this way it is hoped to promote motivation and enthusiasm for the pupil by broadening the experience of music-making from as early as possible. / Dissertation (MA (Music Science))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Music / unrestricted

Lewensbegeleiding tot hoopvolle aftrede : ʼn pastorale studie / Marjorie Smith

Smith, Marjorie January 2015 (has links)
As people have currently a longer life expectation than was previously experienced, it means that many could face a prolonged retirement period of 30 years or even longer. Life changes as an unavoidable element of life may create rather drastic challenges. The approach towards retirement may cause stress and uncertainty for some people, as well as the realisation that necessary changes need to occur. This study focuses on research regarding the life transition to retirement and the challenges each person faces during this phase of life. The purpose of this study was to investigate the experiences and perceptions that retired people had of their life in retirement, with the purpose of formulating guidelines for the development and implementation of a coaching model for retirement. For the purpose of this study, the following four tasks of practical theological interpretation, as explained by Osmer, were followed:  Descriptive-empirical task – “What is going on?”  Interpretative task – “Why is this happening?”  Normative task – “What ought to be happening?”  Pragmatic task – “How might we respond?” An empirical qualitative study was done with retired people by way of focus groups. What transpired was that the reality of a longer life expectancy, the continuation of an active lifestyle and the turbulent economic climate could all have an influence on the quality of retirement. The results from the empirical study suggested that it is essential to follow a holistic approach in the preparation, planning and adaptation process regarding retirement. From the interpretative task regarding life coaching, it transpired that coaching is one of the fastest growing disciplines with worldwide recognition. Life coaching is being used as a method to facilitate purpose-driven change on personal, spiritual and professional levels. From the interpretative task regarding retirement it was established that retirement is a concept that is undergoing vast changes, while various perceptions regarding retirement are being upheld. On account of the longer life expectancy that is currently observed, retirement is nowadays being perceived more as a transition from full-time employment to a lesser work-orientated existence. The normative task focused on the aspects of life coaching by showing examples of prominent leaders in the Bible and how their behaviour can possibly enrich and form the life of the life coach, and can be applied as an example to imitate. Although no logical concept for retirement is detailed in the Bible, the elderly are highly regarded and they can live with an unfailing, hopeful future expectation of eternal life and the second coming of Jesus Christ. The conclusion of the study is that, through good planning and preparation for the life phase of retirement, retirement coaching can be instrumental in a more positive attitude towards retirement and good emotional, intellectual, spiritual, physical, social and financial adjustment in retirement. With reference to the results of the descriptive-empirical task, the interpretative tasks and the normative task, practical-theoretical guidelines were formulated in the pragmatic task of a life coaching model with a view to retirement. / MA (Pastoral Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Lewensbegeleiding tot hoopvolle aftrede : ʼn pastorale studie / Marjorie Smith

Smith, Marjorie January 2015 (has links)
As people have currently a longer life expectation than was previously experienced, it means that many could face a prolonged retirement period of 30 years or even longer. Life changes as an unavoidable element of life may create rather drastic challenges. The approach towards retirement may cause stress and uncertainty for some people, as well as the realisation that necessary changes need to occur. This study focuses on research regarding the life transition to retirement and the challenges each person faces during this phase of life. The purpose of this study was to investigate the experiences and perceptions that retired people had of their life in retirement, with the purpose of formulating guidelines for the development and implementation of a coaching model for retirement. For the purpose of this study, the following four tasks of practical theological interpretation, as explained by Osmer, were followed:  Descriptive-empirical task – “What is going on?”  Interpretative task – “Why is this happening?”  Normative task – “What ought to be happening?”  Pragmatic task – “How might we respond?” An empirical qualitative study was done with retired people by way of focus groups. What transpired was that the reality of a longer life expectancy, the continuation of an active lifestyle and the turbulent economic climate could all have an influence on the quality of retirement. The results from the empirical study suggested that it is essential to follow a holistic approach in the preparation, planning and adaptation process regarding retirement. From the interpretative task regarding life coaching, it transpired that coaching is one of the fastest growing disciplines with worldwide recognition. Life coaching is being used as a method to facilitate purpose-driven change on personal, spiritual and professional levels. From the interpretative task regarding retirement it was established that retirement is a concept that is undergoing vast changes, while various perceptions regarding retirement are being upheld. On account of the longer life expectancy that is currently observed, retirement is nowadays being perceived more as a transition from full-time employment to a lesser work-orientated existence. The normative task focused on the aspects of life coaching by showing examples of prominent leaders in the Bible and how their behaviour can possibly enrich and form the life of the life coach, and can be applied as an example to imitate. Although no logical concept for retirement is detailed in the Bible, the elderly are highly regarded and they can live with an unfailing, hopeful future expectation of eternal life and the second coming of Jesus Christ. The conclusion of the study is that, through good planning and preparation for the life phase of retirement, retirement coaching can be instrumental in a more positive attitude towards retirement and good emotional, intellectual, spiritual, physical, social and financial adjustment in retirement. With reference to the results of the descriptive-empirical task, the interpretative tasks and the normative task, practical-theoretical guidelines were formulated in the pragmatic task of a life coaching model with a view to retirement. / MA (Pastoral Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Clinical accompaniment in a rural hospital : student and professional nurses experience / Steppies Richard Rikhotso

Rikhotso, Steppies Richard January 2010 (has links)
This study investigated the clinical accompaniment of nursing students in a rural hospital. Nursing students are allocated to clinical facilities for clinical exposure and learning opportunities; to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical skills and professional socialization under guidance and support from professional practitioners. Although the rural hospital, as context for this study, provides unique and challenging learning opportunities for clinical teaching and learning, the environment as such and the relationship between the stakeholders (nursing students and professional nurses) seem to be questionable and not conducive for learning. A qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual design served as framework for this study. Data was collected by means of semi–structured focus–group interviews with samples selected from two (2) populations of stakeholders with first hand experience of the clinical accompaniment of nursing students allocated to the rural hospital for clinical exposure and learning. The first sample consisted of thirteen (n=13) nursing students and the second sample consisted of professional nurses (n=6) directly involved in the clinical accompaniment of the nursing students. The focus of the interviews was the participants' experience of the clinical accompaniment in a specific rural hospital. Data was analyzed by means of the process of content analysis as described by Graneheim and Lundman (2004). Three (3) themes and eight (8) subthemes emerged from the data collected from the nursing students. The data collected from the professional nurses resulted in five (5) themes and eleven (11) subthemes. The collected data was integrated with relevant national and international literature to culminate in eight (8) conclusive statements. The conclusive statements served as basis for the proposal of guidelines to improve the clinical accompaniment of nursing students in a rural hospital and to enhance learning in the clinical practice area. / Thesis (M.Cur.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Clinical accompaniment in a rural hospital : student and professional nurses experience / Steppies Richard Rikhotso

Rikhotso, Steppies Richard January 2010 (has links)
This study investigated the clinical accompaniment of nursing students in a rural hospital. Nursing students are allocated to clinical facilities for clinical exposure and learning opportunities; to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical skills and professional socialization under guidance and support from professional practitioners. Although the rural hospital, as context for this study, provides unique and challenging learning opportunities for clinical teaching and learning, the environment as such and the relationship between the stakeholders (nursing students and professional nurses) seem to be questionable and not conducive for learning. A qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual design served as framework for this study. Data was collected by means of semi–structured focus–group interviews with samples selected from two (2) populations of stakeholders with first hand experience of the clinical accompaniment of nursing students allocated to the rural hospital for clinical exposure and learning. The first sample consisted of thirteen (n=13) nursing students and the second sample consisted of professional nurses (n=6) directly involved in the clinical accompaniment of the nursing students. The focus of the interviews was the participants' experience of the clinical accompaniment in a specific rural hospital. Data was analyzed by means of the process of content analysis as described by Graneheim and Lundman (2004). Three (3) themes and eight (8) subthemes emerged from the data collected from the nursing students. The data collected from the professional nurses resulted in five (5) themes and eleven (11) subthemes. The collected data was integrated with relevant national and international literature to culminate in eight (8) conclusive statements. The conclusive statements served as basis for the proposal of guidelines to improve the clinical accompaniment of nursing students in a rural hospital and to enhance learning in the clinical practice area. / Thesis (M.Cur.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Die pastorale bediening van hoop aan Afrikaanssprekende gelowiges wat in 'n mate van ontnugtering verkeer weens 'n veranderende Suid-Afrika / Christiaan George Wilhelm

Wilhelm, Christiaan George January 2014 (has links)
Afrikaans speaking believers have been experiencing a degree of disillusionment due to changes in the South African political landscape. This has caused spiritual instability that again caused people to want to escape to beter opportunities elsewhere, reduced church attendance and social isolation. This disillusionment is due to the fact that Afrikaans speaking believers hold to a cultural, social and self empowering type of hope that looks to the advantages of positive circumstances. A great void exists in research dealing with the hope and spirituality of Afrikaans speaking believers who experience such a disillusionment, and that resulted in this study. An empirical study revealed that the Afrikaans community struggles to deal completely with the new South African community. They feel the pressure of limited or no work opportunities due to affirmative action, uncertainty regarding their role in the new South Africa and the breaking down of Afrikaans as a historically respected language and culture. Materialism, a false trust in political and world leaders, negative media reporting, as well as people immigrating for beter opportunities, were singled out as contributors to the breaking down of hope, a hope that takes on the form of cultural entitlement and social self empowerment. A literary study showed that true Christian hope must be distinguished from wishful thinking, the outcome of social, political or economical self empowerment or emotional optimism, but rather that it is grounded in the faith knowledge of Jesus Christ as Redeemer. The church as the family of God provides hope in a space where the past and the future comes together in an active walk of faith that follows the life of Jesus Christ in serving and caring for others. Preaching must be the carrier of hope and the reminder that the promises of God will be realized up and until the coming of Jesus Christ in glory. Perspectives from Scripture confirmed that hope is not just a human thought of wishful thinking, an emotional state of mind or optimism. True Christian hope is an inner faith conviction and trust in the promises of God for salvation, provision and grace, even in the midst of poor or bad circumstances, caused by sin. This Christian hope is initiated and developed through a knowledge of the Word of God, that finds fulfillment in Jesus Christ. True Christian hope is an inner spiritual conviction through faith in Jesus Christ, a practical lifestyle of love in accordance with God’s will and a living expectation for the coming of Jesus Christ. Practical-theoretical guidelines and study work were developed where Afrikaans speaking believers, experiencing a degree of disillusionment due to a changing South Africa, can be pastorally guided to a true Christian hope. / MA (Pastoral Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Die pastorale bediening van hoop aan Afrikaanssprekende gelowiges wat in 'n mate van ontnugtering verkeer weens 'n veranderende Suid-Afrika / Christiaan George Wilhelm

Wilhelm, Christiaan George January 2014 (has links)
Afrikaans speaking believers have been experiencing a degree of disillusionment due to changes in the South African political landscape. This has caused spiritual instability that again caused people to want to escape to beter opportunities elsewhere, reduced church attendance and social isolation. This disillusionment is due to the fact that Afrikaans speaking believers hold to a cultural, social and self empowering type of hope that looks to the advantages of positive circumstances. A great void exists in research dealing with the hope and spirituality of Afrikaans speaking believers who experience such a disillusionment, and that resulted in this study. An empirical study revealed that the Afrikaans community struggles to deal completely with the new South African community. They feel the pressure of limited or no work opportunities due to affirmative action, uncertainty regarding their role in the new South Africa and the breaking down of Afrikaans as a historically respected language and culture. Materialism, a false trust in political and world leaders, negative media reporting, as well as people immigrating for beter opportunities, were singled out as contributors to the breaking down of hope, a hope that takes on the form of cultural entitlement and social self empowerment. A literary study showed that true Christian hope must be distinguished from wishful thinking, the outcome of social, political or economical self empowerment or emotional optimism, but rather that it is grounded in the faith knowledge of Jesus Christ as Redeemer. The church as the family of God provides hope in a space where the past and the future comes together in an active walk of faith that follows the life of Jesus Christ in serving and caring for others. Preaching must be the carrier of hope and the reminder that the promises of God will be realized up and until the coming of Jesus Christ in glory. Perspectives from Scripture confirmed that hope is not just a human thought of wishful thinking, an emotional state of mind or optimism. True Christian hope is an inner faith conviction and trust in the promises of God for salvation, provision and grace, even in the midst of poor or bad circumstances, caused by sin. This Christian hope is initiated and developed through a knowledge of the Word of God, that finds fulfillment in Jesus Christ. True Christian hope is an inner spiritual conviction through faith in Jesus Christ, a practical lifestyle of love in accordance with God’s will and a living expectation for the coming of Jesus Christ. Practical-theoretical guidelines and study work were developed where Afrikaans speaking believers, experiencing a degree of disillusionment due to a changing South Africa, can be pastorally guided to a true Christian hope. / MA (Pastoral Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Kernkapasiteite van die predikant as missionale leier in die vorming van ʼn missionale gemeentekultuur

Cordier, Gert Stefanus January 2014 (has links)
Die doelwit met hierdie navorsing is die identifisering van die kernkapasiteite waaroor ʼn predikant as missionale leier binne ʼn hoofstroomgemeente moet beskik ten einde die gemeente suksesvol te kan begelei in die vorming van ʼn missionale gemeentekultuur en bedieningspraktyk. Die navorsing word gedoen binne die konteks van die groot paradigmatiese skuiwe in die missiologie sedert die middel van die vorige eeu, soos dit deur Leslie Newbigin geïnisieer, deur David Bosch aangevul en versterk, en deur die Gospel and Our Culture Network verder gevoer en uitgewerk word. Die missio Dei vorm die vertrekpunt vir ʼn missionale ekklesiologie. Sending is nie ʼn aktiwiteit van die kerk nie, maar die handeling van God Drie-enig. Die funksie van die kerk is deelname aan die missio Dei in die wêreld en ganse skepping. Missionale leierskap setel nie in ʼn individu of amp nie, maar ontvang sy gesag van God en is gegee aan die geloofsgemeenskap. Sodanige leierskap vervul ʼn funksie radikaal verskillend van die tradisionele of kontemporêre definisie van leierskap. Missionale leierskap is in wese geloofsonderskeidend en geloofsvormend van aard en vorm binne die geloofsgemeenskap die kennis, vaardighede, houdinge en gewoontes ten einde die geloofsgemeenskap individueel en korporatief te bemagtig vir die onderskeiding van en deelname aan die missio Dei binne die daaglikse konteks waarbinne God die gemeente roep, vorm en stuur. Vanuit die rol wat histories en ampshalwe aan die predikant in ʼn hoofstroomgemeente toegeken word, vervul die predikant ʼn sleutelfunksie ten einde die gemeente suksesvol te kan begelei in die proses van aanpassende verandering en missionale gemeentevorming. ʼn Kwalitatief empiriese ondersoek by gemeentes binne die Suider-Afrikaanse Vennootskap vir Gestuurde Gemeentes (SAVGG) ondersoek die kernkapasiteite wat vir die predikant as missionale leier nodig is. Die ondersoek onderskei vier verskillende rolle vir die predikant as missionale leier: die predikant as apostel of gestuurde; die predikant as teoloog en taalskepper; die predikant as fasiliteerder en begeleier van die proses van aanpassende kultuurverandering; en die predikant as geestelike begeleier en mentor. Die navorsing onderskei voorts die verskillende kapasiteite (kennis, vaardighede houdinge, en gewoontes) wat kernbelangrik is vir die predikant vir die vervulling van hierdie viervoudige rol op weg na missionale gemeentevorming. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / gm2014 / Science of Religion and Missiology / unrestricted

Opvoedkundig-sielkundige riglyne vir die terapeutiese hantering van die verlies- en treurproses

Van Niekerk, Anna Maria Susanna 06 October 2011 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van hierdie studie was om die aard en negatiewe gevolge van die verlies- en treurproses te ondersoek, en riglyne daar te stel vir die terapeutiese hantering van die verlies- en treurproses. Aan die hand van ‘n literatuurstudie is die aard, gevolge en terapie-benaderings met betrekking tot die verlies- en treurproses bestudeer. Die Opvoedkundig-sielkundige Relasieteorie is verken, en is as raamwerk in ’n empiriese studie gebruik. Die hantering van die verlies- en treurproses is kwalitatief ondersoek. Deur terapeutiese intervensie in drie deelnemers se verlies- en treurproses, is insig verkry met die oog op die samestelling van ’n terapieprogram, sowel as vir riglyne vir die terapeut en die kliënt. Ek het wegbeweeg van navorsing wat primêr beskrywend van aard is en op diagnostiese oorwegings fokus, na raamwerke waar intervensie-strategieë en spesifieke tegnieke gebruik kan word wanneer die terapeut en die kliënt betrokke is in deurlopende psigoterapie. Die navorsingsresultate toon dat dit belangrik is om nie slegs op die verlies te fokus nie, maar ook op onopgeloste kwessies wat vantevore in die kliënt se lewe plaasgevind het. Insig en kennis van hulleself, hul verhoudings, verdedigingsmeganismes, emosies, denke en gedrag, en die invloed wat dit op hulle verlies- en treurproses het, was nodig sodat die kliënte hul ongewenste aangeleerde gedrag kon wysig, om sodoende hulleself beter te verstaan in die hantering van hulle verlies en die treurproses. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the nature and negative consequenses of, and to set guidelines for the therapeutic handling of the loss and grief process. A literature study was undertaken to determine the nature, consequences, and therapeutic techniques, with regard to the loss and grief process, based on Psychological Relations theory. By means of therapeutic intervention in the three participants’ loss and grief processes, I gained insight to compose a therapeutic programme, as well as therapeutic guidelines and intervention strategies and specific techniques that can be used when the therapist and the client are involved in continuous psychotherapy. The results of the study indicated that it is important to focus on unresolved issues that happened earlier in the client’s life. Insight in the person as a whole, is required to be able to understand themselves better in the handling of their loss and the grieving process. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

Ondersoek na die betekenis van goddelike openbaringskennis en werklikheidsbeelde vir die begeleiding van die mens / Searching for meaning of Godlike revelation knowledge and reality images for the accompaniment of man

Smith, Theo George 12 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie navorsing belig en evalueer die ontwikkeling van die belangrikste wereldbeskouinge binne die Westerse kultuur deur op noodsaaklike interaksies tussen die filosofie, religie, wetenskap en geskiedenis te konsentreer. 'n Samehangende weergawe van die veranderende werklikheid is slegs moontlik wanneer die mens op historiese gebied goed onderle is. In die antieke wereld het Vorrne en Idees tydlose waarde gehad. Begrippe as skeppinge van die mens is as uitdrukkinge van die meer fundamentele idees of diepste werklikheid beskou. Hierdie Idees het die outentieke werklikheid en hoe die mens behoort te !ewe onverborge gemaak. 'n Fundamentele epogale verandering ('n Kopernikaanse omwenteling) in die perspektief en beeld van die modeme wereldbeskouing het met Descartes ingetree en sou by Kant 'n hoogtepunt bereik. Met die agteruitgang van die Christendom het die wetenskap meteens sy aanspraak op 'n nugtere benadering van die konkrete werklikheid versterk en as die bevryder van die mensdom na vore getree. Die mens is op radikale wyse uit die middelpunt van die Totale Werklikheid (Syn) verplaas. Hierdie verplasing is deur Darwin se relativisme versterk, soda! die wereld sonder geestelike doel en sin gelaat is. Die postmodeme intellektuele era toon 'n besondere kompleksiteit, besluiteloosheid en gebrek aan konsensus oor die wese van die werklikheid en die ongeslotenheid daarvan. Dit bied egter ongeewenaarde moontlikhede en perspektiewe sodat sake van die dag deurskou kan word en probleme opgelos kan word. Eietydse geskiedenis toon 'n universele neiging tot destruksie, maar ook 'n strewe na politieke, sosiale en fi!osofiese hemuwing. Dit wil voorkom of dit die regte tydstip is vir 'n metamorfose ('n periagoge') van fundamentele beginsels en simbole. Die Westerse denke behoort met die grondslae van sy bestaan of die Totale Werklikheid (Syn) te skakel om 'n groter eenheid te verkry en menslike ontheemding te transendeer. Die besinnende ofmetaparadigmatiese benadering kan 'n balans tussen berekende en besinnende denke bring en openheid vir 'n outentieke postmoderne denkmodel skep. Vertroue en geloof is nodig om die drumpel na die mees basiese werklikbeidstruktuur oor te steek. / This research elucidates and evaluates the development of the major worldviews of the Western culture by focusing on the crucial sphere of interaction between philosophy, religion, science and history. A coherent account of the changing conception of reality seems to be possible only to the extent to which one is historically informed. In the ancient world Forms and Ideas were timeless. Conceptual abstractions as creations of the human mind were expressions of the more fundamental ideas or deepest reality. These ideas unveiled authentic reality and how one should conduct life. A fundamental epochal shift (a Copernican revolution) in the perspective and fundamental metaphor of the entire modem worldview began with Descartes and culminated in Kant. Christianity was undermined and science suddenly stood forth as mankind's liberation appealing to common sense and concrete reality. The radical displacement of the human being from the centre of Total Reality (Being) was reinforced by Darwin's relativism of the human being, leading to a world devoid of spiritual purpose and intrinsic meaning. The postmodern intellectual era is profoundly complex, without consensus of the nature of reality, it is open-ended, but blessed with an unprecedented wealth of perspectives to engage the issues confronting it and to solve problems. Contemporary history reflects a universal mood of destruction but also a longing for political, social and philosophical renewal. It seems to be the right moment for a metamorphosis (a periagoge') of fundamental principles and symbols. The deepest passion of the Western mind should be to reunite with the ground of its being, to reconnect with Total Reality (Being), embrace a larger unity and transcend human alienation. The reflective or metaparadigmatic approach seems to create a balance between calculative and reflective thinking and create the necessary openness for an authentic postmodern model of thought. A threshold needs to be crossed demanding trust and faith to bring about the most basic structure of reality. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Filosofie van Opvoedkunde)

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