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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Opvoedkundig-sielkundige riglyne vir die terapeutiese hantering van die verlies- en treurproses

Van Niekerk, Anna Maria Susanna 06 October 2011 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van hierdie studie was om die aard en negatiewe gevolge van die verlies- en treurproses te ondersoek, en riglyne daar te stel vir die terapeutiese hantering van die verlies- en treurproses. Aan die hand van ‘n literatuurstudie is die aard, gevolge en terapie-benaderings met betrekking tot die verlies- en treurproses bestudeer. Die Opvoedkundig-sielkundige Relasieteorie is verken, en is as raamwerk in ’n empiriese studie gebruik. Die hantering van die verlies- en treurproses is kwalitatief ondersoek. Deur terapeutiese intervensie in drie deelnemers se verlies- en treurproses, is insig verkry met die oog op die samestelling van ’n terapieprogram, sowel as vir riglyne vir die terapeut en die kliënt. Ek het wegbeweeg van navorsing wat primêr beskrywend van aard is en op diagnostiese oorwegings fokus, na raamwerke waar intervensie-strategieë en spesifieke tegnieke gebruik kan word wanneer die terapeut en die kliënt betrokke is in deurlopende psigoterapie. Die navorsingsresultate toon dat dit belangrik is om nie slegs op die verlies te fokus nie, maar ook op onopgeloste kwessies wat vantevore in die kliënt se lewe plaasgevind het. Insig en kennis van hulleself, hul verhoudings, verdedigingsmeganismes, emosies, denke en gedrag, en die invloed wat dit op hulle verlies- en treurproses het, was nodig sodat die kliënte hul ongewenste aangeleerde gedrag kon wysig, om sodoende hulleself beter te verstaan in die hantering van hulle verlies en die treurproses. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the nature and negative consequenses of, and to set guidelines for the therapeutic handling of the loss and grief process. A literature study was undertaken to determine the nature, consequences, and therapeutic techniques, with regard to the loss and grief process, based on Psychological Relations theory. By means of therapeutic intervention in the three participants’ loss and grief processes, I gained insight to compose a therapeutic programme, as well as therapeutic guidelines and intervention strategies and specific techniques that can be used when the therapist and the client are involved in continuous psychotherapy. The results of the study indicated that it is important to focus on unresolved issues that happened earlier in the client’s life. Insight in the person as a whole, is required to be able to understand themselves better in the handling of their loss and the grieving process. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

Ondersoek na die betekenis van goddelike openbaringskennis en werklikheidsbeelde vir die begeleiding van die mens / Searching for meaning of Godlike revelation knowledge and reality images for the accompaniment of man

Smith, Theo George 12 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie navorsing belig en evalueer die ontwikkeling van die belangrikste wereldbeskouinge binne die Westerse kultuur deur op noodsaaklike interaksies tussen die filosofie, religie, wetenskap en geskiedenis te konsentreer. 'n Samehangende weergawe van die veranderende werklikheid is slegs moontlik wanneer die mens op historiese gebied goed onderle is. In die antieke wereld het Vorrne en Idees tydlose waarde gehad. Begrippe as skeppinge van die mens is as uitdrukkinge van die meer fundamentele idees of diepste werklikheid beskou. Hierdie Idees het die outentieke werklikheid en hoe die mens behoort te !ewe onverborge gemaak. 'n Fundamentele epogale verandering ('n Kopernikaanse omwenteling) in die perspektief en beeld van die modeme wereldbeskouing het met Descartes ingetree en sou by Kant 'n hoogtepunt bereik. Met die agteruitgang van die Christendom het die wetenskap meteens sy aanspraak op 'n nugtere benadering van die konkrete werklikheid versterk en as die bevryder van die mensdom na vore getree. Die mens is op radikale wyse uit die middelpunt van die Totale Werklikheid (Syn) verplaas. Hierdie verplasing is deur Darwin se relativisme versterk, soda! die wereld sonder geestelike doel en sin gelaat is. Die postmodeme intellektuele era toon 'n besondere kompleksiteit, besluiteloosheid en gebrek aan konsensus oor die wese van die werklikheid en die ongeslotenheid daarvan. Dit bied egter ongeewenaarde moontlikhede en perspektiewe sodat sake van die dag deurskou kan word en probleme opgelos kan word. Eietydse geskiedenis toon 'n universele neiging tot destruksie, maar ook 'n strewe na politieke, sosiale en fi!osofiese hemuwing. Dit wil voorkom of dit die regte tydstip is vir 'n metamorfose ('n periagoge') van fundamentele beginsels en simbole. Die Westerse denke behoort met die grondslae van sy bestaan of die Totale Werklikheid (Syn) te skakel om 'n groter eenheid te verkry en menslike ontheemding te transendeer. Die besinnende ofmetaparadigmatiese benadering kan 'n balans tussen berekende en besinnende denke bring en openheid vir 'n outentieke postmoderne denkmodel skep. Vertroue en geloof is nodig om die drumpel na die mees basiese werklikbeidstruktuur oor te steek. / This research elucidates and evaluates the development of the major worldviews of the Western culture by focusing on the crucial sphere of interaction between philosophy, religion, science and history. A coherent account of the changing conception of reality seems to be possible only to the extent to which one is historically informed. In the ancient world Forms and Ideas were timeless. Conceptual abstractions as creations of the human mind were expressions of the more fundamental ideas or deepest reality. These ideas unveiled authentic reality and how one should conduct life. A fundamental epochal shift (a Copernican revolution) in the perspective and fundamental metaphor of the entire modem worldview began with Descartes and culminated in Kant. Christianity was undermined and science suddenly stood forth as mankind's liberation appealing to common sense and concrete reality. The radical displacement of the human being from the centre of Total Reality (Being) was reinforced by Darwin's relativism of the human being, leading to a world devoid of spiritual purpose and intrinsic meaning. The postmodern intellectual era is profoundly complex, without consensus of the nature of reality, it is open-ended, but blessed with an unprecedented wealth of perspectives to engage the issues confronting it and to solve problems. Contemporary history reflects a universal mood of destruction but also a longing for political, social and philosophical renewal. It seems to be the right moment for a metamorphosis (a periagoge') of fundamental principles and symbols. The deepest passion of the Western mind should be to reunite with the ground of its being, to reconnect with Total Reality (Being), embrace a larger unity and transcend human alienation. The reflective or metaparadigmatic approach seems to create a balance between calculative and reflective thinking and create the necessary openness for an authentic postmodern model of thought. A threshold needs to be crossed demanding trust and faith to bring about the most basic structure of reality. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Filosofie van Opvoedkunde)

Spreukenwijsheid voor begeleiding = the wisdom of Proverbs for guidance

Heino, Gerrit 11 1900 (has links)
Deze dissertatie levert een bijdrage aan een christelijk geïnspireerde visie op begeleiding vanuit de oudtestamentische wijsheidsliteratuur; in het bijzonder het boek Spreuken. Hoofdstuk 1 bevat een algemene inleiding waarin het begrip begeleiding wordt gedefinieerd. In hoofdstuk 2 staat de vraag naar de context van de wijsheid centraal. Er wordt een (conceptueel) kader ontwikkeld over begeleiding in oud-Israël om zo inzicht te krijgen in de wijsheidsleraren en hun leerlingen. Het derde hoofdstuk richt zich op de theologie van de wijsheid en beantwoordt de vraag welke invloed de wijsheid en de theologie op elkaar hebben gehad en hoe de theologie van de wijsheid zich verhoudt tot de theologie van het Oude Testament. Dit hoofdstuk besteedt daarnaast aandacht aan het Godsbeeld en het mensbeeld van de wijsheidsleraren en behandelt (theologische) thema’s die relevant zijn voor begeleiding. Hoofdstuk 4 houdt zich bezig met Salomo, de mannen van Chizkia, Agoer en Lemoeël. Salomo neemt in de wijsheidsliteratuur een prominente plaats in en wordt genoemd als auteur van verzamelingen van spreuken in het boek Spreuken. ‘Zijn’ wijsheid heeft een sociale verandering in oud-Israël op gang gebracht. Hoofdstuk 5 buigt zich over de vraag tegen welke achtergrond het boek Spreuken moet worden gelezen. Vragen die gesteld worden, zijn wie de mogelijke auteur van het boek is, in welk tijdvak het boek is ontstaan, uit welke verzamelingen het boek bestaat, en voor wie en met welk doel het boek is geschreven. De antwoorden werpen licht op de teksten die in hoofdstuk 6 onder de loep worden genomen en worden, in hoofdstuk 7, toegepast op begeleiding. Het zesde hoofdstuk neemt als uitgangspunt teksten uit het boek Spreuken die licht werpen op begeleiding. Deze teksten worden uitgelegd aan de hand van toonaangevende wetenschappelijke commentaren. Tot deze teksten behoren de inleiding op Spreuken (1:1-7), de ‘vrees voor JHWH’-teksten, ‘leven’-teksten, werkwoorden die het proces kenmerken dat leidt tot een ‘levend leven’ en opdrachten aan de vader/leraar (en daarmee aan de begeleider). Hoofdstuk 7 geeft antwoord op de onderzoeksvraag welke aanwijzingen kunnen worden afgeleid uit het boek Spreuken voor begeleiders en christelijke opleidingen tot begeleidingskundige? en wendt de kennis opgedaan in de voorgaande hoofdstukken aan om te komen tot een Bijbels geïnspireerde visie op begeleiding in een hedendaagse context. / Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / D.Th. (Old Testament)

The influence of the theology of John Chrysostom on the writings of John Henry Newman

Wadsworth, Andrew Raymond 02 1900 (has links)
Summaries and keywords in English and Afrikaans / John Henry Newman maak in sy outobiografiese geskrifte 'n aantal belangrike verwysings na sy toewyding aan Johannes Chrysostomos. Is dit bloot 'n kwessie van vroomheid, of dui dit op 'n dieper verband met die punt dat Newman in sy eie teologiese begrip, geestelike insig en pastorale praktyk deur Chrysostomos beïnvloed word? Hierdie proefskrif poog om te toon dat die besonderse voorbereiding van Newman vir die lees van die Kerkvaders, en in besonder, sy omvattende begrip van Grieks, hom van jongs af tot 'n verdieping in die patristiese denke georiënteer het, 'n feit wat hoofsaaklik deur sy Briewe en Dagboeke getoon word. Die aanhaling van Chrysostomos as 'n teologiese gesag, in Newman se leerstellige geskrifte en in sy gepubliseerde prediking, word toenemend duidelik en demonstreer wat beskou kan word as teologiese eienskappe wat die twee teoloë gemeen het. In Newman se geestelike begeleiding, veral in sy geestelike bystand en begeleiding van vroue, blyk daar 'n korrelasie te wees met raad wat Chrysostomos in soortgelyke omstandighede gegee het. In hierdie studie word dit ondersoek in 'n vergelyking van die briewe van Chrysostomos aan Olympias, en die korrespondensie van Newman met Maria Giberne. Behalwe enkele teologiese ooreenkomste en invloede, eksplisiet sowel as implisiet, is daar bewyse dat Newman iemand baie soortgelyk aan homself in Chrysostomos gesien het: 'n diep teologiese denker wat as gevolg van sy prediking prominent geword het en aansienlike institusionele weerstand op 'n diep persoonlike manier weerstaan het, en ‘n aansienlike mate van verlies as gevolg van sy oortuiging gely het, en tog onbelemmerd in sy getrouheid aan wat hy as sy missie verstaan het, gebly het, as priester,teoloog, leraar en predikant. / John Henry Newman makes a number of significant references in his autobiographical writings to his devotion to John Chrysostom. Is this simply a matter of piety, or does it reveal a deeper connection to the point that Newman is influenced in his own theological understanding, spiritual insight, and pastoral practice by Chrysostom? This thesis attempts to demonstrate that Newman’s very particular preparation for reading the Fathers, and in particular, his comprehensive grasp of Greek, orientated him, from an early age, towards an immersion in Patristic thought, a fact largely demonstrated by his Letters and Diaries. Citation of Chrysostom as a theological authority, in Newman’s doctrinal writings, and in his published preaching, becomes increasingly evident, and demonstrates what might be considered theological characteristics the two theologians hold in common. In Newman’s spiritual direction, particularly in his spiritual accompaniment and guidance of women, there appears to be a correlation with advice given by Chrysostom in similar circumstances; in the present study this is treated in a comparison of the letters of Chrysostom to Olympias, and Newman’s correspondence with Maria Giberne. Beyond any theological similarities, and influences both explicit and implicit, there is evidence that Newman saw in Chrysostom someone very similar to himself: a profound theological thinker, who rose to prominence as a result of his preaching, and who met with serious institutional opposition expressed in a deeply personal way, suffered a considerable amount of loss as a result of holding to his convictions, and yet remained undeterred in his fidelity to what he understood to be his mission, as a priest, a theologian, a teacher and a pastor. / New Testament / D. Litt. et Phil. (Biblical Studies)

Terapeutiese begeleiding van die jong kind in kindersorg wie se ouers op 'n onnatuurlike wyse gesterf het

Engelbrecht, Stephanie 30 November 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In today's society our children are being incredibly exposed to trauma and death. Parents want to protect their children against hardship and loss and it is evident that todays society is characterized by social pathology. In view of the above the researcher studied literature extensively to investigate the affect of the phenomenon of death and trauma in the life of the young child. In order to establish the availability of therapy programs for the young child in childcare whose parents died in an unnatural way. It was evident that the present South African society is indeed characterized by conflict, homicide and violence. The death of a parent is a traumatic experience for the young child (aged two to seven years). VVhen death occurs suddenly it was found that the grief process is more complex. Through the process of literature study and empirical investigation it seems that many young children, who lost their parents through unnatural death, are placed in childcare institutions. In this study it was established that the fact that children were placed in childcare did not always imply that therapeutic intervention took place. Limited financial support and social services contributed to insufficient therapeutical intervention. Furthermore it was found that the investigated childcare institutions couldn't provide the researcher with therapeutic programmes. This study therefore indicates that there is a need for the development of therapeutic programmes for the young child in childcare. whose parents died in an unnatural way. / In die hedendaagse samelewing blyk dit dat kinders al hoe meer aan dood en trauma blootgestel word. Hoewel ouers graag hulle kinders wil beskerm teen hartseer en verlies, blyk dit dat vandag se samelewing gekenmerk word deur 'n vorm van sosiale patologie. In die lig van voorafgaande, het die navorser literatuurstudie onderneem om die teenwoordigheid en die fenomeen van dood en trauma in die lewe van die jong kind te ondersoek. 'n Verdere literatuurstudie is ook onderneem om die rou ervaring van die jong kind te ondersoek. Die navorser wou ook in hierdie studie vasstel of daar terapeutiese begeleiding aan die jong kind in kindersorg, wie se ouers op 'n onnatuurlike wyse gesterf het, beskikbaar is. Daar is in die studie gevind dat die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing inderdaad gekenmerk word deur konflik, moord en misdaad. Die afsterwe van 'n ouer is 'n traumatiese ondervinding vir die jong kind (twee tot sewe jaar). Wanneer die dood skielik en onverwags intree, is bevind dat die rouproses gekompliseerd is. Deur die proses van literatuurstudie en empiriese ondersoek blyk dit dat verskeie jong kinders wie se ouers op 'n onnatuurlike wyse gesterf het, in kindersorginstansies geplaas word. Daar is in hierdie studie bewys dat hoewel die kind in kindersorginstansies geplaas word, terapeutiese begeleiding nie altyd plaasvind nie. Hierdie gebrekkige terapeutiese begeleiding word toegeskryf aan die feit dat nie voldoende finansiele ondersteuning en maatskaplike dienste is nie. Daar is verder gevind dat kindersorginstansies, wat aan die studie deelgeneem het, nie oor traumaterapie programme vir terapeutiese begeleiding beskik nie. Hierdie studie toon dus dat daar 'n behoefte is vir die ontwikkeling van terapeutiese programme vir die jong kind in kindersorg wie se ouers op 'n onnatuurlike wyse gesterf het. / Educational studies / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

Riglyne vir pleegouers by die bekendmaking van pediatriese MIV

Davin, Reda J. (Reda Johanna) 05 October 2011 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Die studie ondersoek die leemte aan teoreties gefundeerde riglyne om pleegouers in die bekendmakingsproses van hulle kind se MIV-positiewe status te ondersteun Die studie geskied binne die teoretiese raamwerk van ʼn intervensienavorsingsmodel. In die empiriese navorsing is die vrese en probleme van pleegouers by die bekendmakingsproses ondersoek. Daar is bevind dat hierdie vrese en probleme in ag geneem moet word in die beoogde riglyne. Die kognitiewe ontwikkeling van die kind is deur middel van ʼn literatuurstudie ondersoek om vas te stel watter kennis, denke en inligting die kind op verskillende ouderdomme begryp. Daar is bevind dat kinders wat MIV-positief is, moontlike agterstande ondervind en dat die riglyne gevolglik gebaseer moet word op die toenemende ontwikkeling van die kind, met begrip vir individuele ontwikkelingsverskille. Voorts is bevind dat pleegouers se eie gereedheid ʼn belangrike rol speel. Alhoewel die pleegouer die bekendmakingsproses self moet aanvoer en hanteer is dit belangrik dat die pleegouers deur ʼn interdissiplinêre span ondersteun en begelei sal word. / This study investigates the absence of theoretical grounded guidelines to support foster parents when disclosing paediatric HIV. The study was done within the theoretical framework of an intervention research model. The empirical research investigated the fears and problems experienced by foster parents during the disclosure process. It was found that these fears and problems should be taken into account when compiling guidelines. The child‟s cognitive development was researched by way of a literary study in order to determine what knowledge, thoughts and information the child is able to grasp at different ages. It was found that children who are HIV positive could possibly lag behind and that the guidelines should therefore be based on the accumulative development of the child, with consideration given to individual developmental differences. Furthermore, it was established that foster parents‟ own readiness plays an important role. For this reason the foster parents should be supported and guided by an interdisciplinary team, but that they themselves should take care and execute the process of disclosure. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Spelterapie)

Die rol van 'n pastorale berader in 'n gemeentediensjaarspan

Biggs, Johanna Wilhelmina Margareta 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie navorsing handel oor die pastorale begeleiding van 'n gemeentediensjaarspan deur 'n pastorale berader. Die studie is kwalitatief van aard en vind plaas binne die diskoers van praktiese teologie. Die pastoraal-narratiewe metodologie wat aangewend is in die begeleidingsproses, en die narratiewe mikrokaarte van onderskeidelik not-knowing, deursigtigheid, ekstemalisering, dekonstruksie, her-skrywe, rituele, die vermyding van 'n taal van tekortkoming, briewe, re-membering, metafore, die skep van 'n gehoor, vraagstelling en reflektering word bespreek. De Jongh van Arkel se onderskeidings vir die pastoraat word indringend bespreek. Besondere aandag word geskenk aan die vierde onderskeiding wat hy byvoeg, naamlik pastorale terapie. Die navorsing is gerig op almal wat betrokke is by die opleiding en begeleiding van diensjaarspanne, asook op gemeentes wat diensjaarspanne huisves. Voorstelle vir die toekomstige opleiding en begeleiding van diensjaarspanne word gemaak. / This research deals with the pastoral accompaniment (by a pastoral counsellor) of a congregational team that does a service year for Christ. The study is of a qualitative nature and takes place within the discourse of practical theology. The pastoral-narrative methodology that is used in the counselling process, and the narrative micro maps of notknowing, transparency, externalisation, deconstruction, re-authoring, rituals, the avoidance of a language of shortcoming, letters, re-membering, metaphors, the creation of an audience, questioning and reflection, are discussed. De Jongh van Arkel's distinctions for the pastorate are discussed in detail. Special attention is paid to the fourth distinction that he makes, namely pastoral therapy. The research is directed towards everyone who is involved in the training and accompaniment of teams that do a service year for Christ, as well as congregations who host teams that do a year of service. Suggestions for future training and accompaniment of such teams are made. / Theology / M. Th.

The career planning needs of senior public secondary school learners in Gaborone, Botswana / Nnananyana K.E. Mekgwe

Mekgwe, Nnananyana Khutsafalo Erminah January 2010 (has links)
Career choice is one of the most daunting decisions one has to make, since it has implications that affect a variety of aspects in one’s life. For adolescents, career decision–making is even more challenging because it is done at a time when adolescents are going through a period of identity formation, and when their core personalities have not yet been fully formed. It is therefore essential to provide systematic career guidance programmes that will assist adolescents in their career development in order to empower them to make realistic career choices. The school, as a place where adolescents spend most of their time, can be used as a vehicle to promote meaningful career development amongst adolescent learners. However, the contribution by adolescents themselves in determining the appropriate content and career guidance services/activities that will best address their needs is vital. Senior secondary school learners, in particular, are in a position to articulate their career planning needs and to identify the deficits in existing career guidance programmes. The situation in Botswana where career guidance forms only a quarter of the public secondary school guidance and counselling programme, which, with all its four components, is allocated only one 40 minute–period per week deserves special attention. Hence, this study set out to determine: * the career planning needs of Senior Public Secondary School Learners in Gaborone, Botswana as articulated by the learners themselves; * the extent to which the current career guidance programme in Senior Public Secondary Schools meets the needs of the learners. A mixed methods design, consisting of the use of a questionnaire to collect the quantitative data and a qualitative method in the form of focus–group interviews, was used to collect the data for the study. The findings of the study highlight several challenges which hamper the provision of a systematic career guidance programme to the learners, which include limited time, lack of trained personnel and less than optimal career service delivery practices. The lack of key career exploration activities in schools, such as the use of internet resource materials and career video/audio tapes, job–shadowing, career field–trips/excursions and, in some cases, career talks, results in learners experiencing unmet career needs. This situation affects the extent to which the curriculum in place addresses the career planning needs of the learners. No significant differences were noted in the needs of the learners according to gender. The study reveals that the Career Guidance Programme provides the relevant theoretical frame–work for providing the necessary assistance to learners to make informed career decisions. However, the actual implementation of the programme in the different schools leaves a lot to be desired, with several learning outcomes for the career guidance programme in both Form 4 and Form 5 not being achieved. The effectiveness of the annual career fair as a major method of disseminating career information to learners also came into question since most learners expressed having gained minimal benefit from it. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

The career planning needs of senior public secondary school learners in Gaborone, Botswana / Nnananyana K.E. Mekgwe

Mekgwe, Nnananyana Khutsafalo Erminah January 2010 (has links)
Career choice is one of the most daunting decisions one has to make, since it has implications that affect a variety of aspects in one’s life. For adolescents, career decision–making is even more challenging because it is done at a time when adolescents are going through a period of identity formation, and when their core personalities have not yet been fully formed. It is therefore essential to provide systematic career guidance programmes that will assist adolescents in their career development in order to empower them to make realistic career choices. The school, as a place where adolescents spend most of their time, can be used as a vehicle to promote meaningful career development amongst adolescent learners. However, the contribution by adolescents themselves in determining the appropriate content and career guidance services/activities that will best address their needs is vital. Senior secondary school learners, in particular, are in a position to articulate their career planning needs and to identify the deficits in existing career guidance programmes. The situation in Botswana where career guidance forms only a quarter of the public secondary school guidance and counselling programme, which, with all its four components, is allocated only one 40 minute–period per week deserves special attention. Hence, this study set out to determine: * the career planning needs of Senior Public Secondary School Learners in Gaborone, Botswana as articulated by the learners themselves; * the extent to which the current career guidance programme in Senior Public Secondary Schools meets the needs of the learners. A mixed methods design, consisting of the use of a questionnaire to collect the quantitative data and a qualitative method in the form of focus–group interviews, was used to collect the data for the study. The findings of the study highlight several challenges which hamper the provision of a systematic career guidance programme to the learners, which include limited time, lack of trained personnel and less than optimal career service delivery practices. The lack of key career exploration activities in schools, such as the use of internet resource materials and career video/audio tapes, job–shadowing, career field–trips/excursions and, in some cases, career talks, results in learners experiencing unmet career needs. This situation affects the extent to which the curriculum in place addresses the career planning needs of the learners. No significant differences were noted in the needs of the learners according to gender. The study reveals that the Career Guidance Programme provides the relevant theoretical frame–work for providing the necessary assistance to learners to make informed career decisions. However, the actual implementation of the programme in the different schools leaves a lot to be desired, with several learning outcomes for the career guidance programme in both Form 4 and Form 5 not being achieved. The effectiveness of the annual career fair as a major method of disseminating career information to learners also came into question since most learners expressed having gained minimal benefit from it. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Terapeutiese begeleiding van die jong kind in kindersorg wie se ouers op 'n onnatuurlike wyse gesterf het

Engelbrecht, Stephanie 30 November 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In today's society our children are being incredibly exposed to trauma and death. Parents want to protect their children against hardship and loss and it is evident that todays society is characterized by social pathology. In view of the above the researcher studied literature extensively to investigate the affect of the phenomenon of death and trauma in the life of the young child. In order to establish the availability of therapy programs for the young child in childcare whose parents died in an unnatural way. It was evident that the present South African society is indeed characterized by conflict, homicide and violence. The death of a parent is a traumatic experience for the young child (aged two to seven years). VVhen death occurs suddenly it was found that the grief process is more complex. Through the process of literature study and empirical investigation it seems that many young children, who lost their parents through unnatural death, are placed in childcare institutions. In this study it was established that the fact that children were placed in childcare did not always imply that therapeutic intervention took place. Limited financial support and social services contributed to insufficient therapeutical intervention. Furthermore it was found that the investigated childcare institutions couldn't provide the researcher with therapeutic programmes. This study therefore indicates that there is a need for the development of therapeutic programmes for the young child in childcare. whose parents died in an unnatural way. / In die hedendaagse samelewing blyk dit dat kinders al hoe meer aan dood en trauma blootgestel word. Hoewel ouers graag hulle kinders wil beskerm teen hartseer en verlies, blyk dit dat vandag se samelewing gekenmerk word deur 'n vorm van sosiale patologie. In die lig van voorafgaande, het die navorser literatuurstudie onderneem om die teenwoordigheid en die fenomeen van dood en trauma in die lewe van die jong kind te ondersoek. 'n Verdere literatuurstudie is ook onderneem om die rou ervaring van die jong kind te ondersoek. Die navorser wou ook in hierdie studie vasstel of daar terapeutiese begeleiding aan die jong kind in kindersorg, wie se ouers op 'n onnatuurlike wyse gesterf het, beskikbaar is. Daar is in die studie gevind dat die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing inderdaad gekenmerk word deur konflik, moord en misdaad. Die afsterwe van 'n ouer is 'n traumatiese ondervinding vir die jong kind (twee tot sewe jaar). Wanneer die dood skielik en onverwags intree, is bevind dat die rouproses gekompliseerd is. Deur die proses van literatuurstudie en empiriese ondersoek blyk dit dat verskeie jong kinders wie se ouers op 'n onnatuurlike wyse gesterf het, in kindersorginstansies geplaas word. Daar is in hierdie studie bewys dat hoewel die kind in kindersorginstansies geplaas word, terapeutiese begeleiding nie altyd plaasvind nie. Hierdie gebrekkige terapeutiese begeleiding word toegeskryf aan die feit dat nie voldoende finansiele ondersteuning en maatskaplike dienste is nie. Daar is verder gevind dat kindersorginstansies, wat aan die studie deelgeneem het, nie oor traumaterapie programme vir terapeutiese begeleiding beskik nie. Hierdie studie toon dus dat daar 'n behoefte is vir die ontwikkeling van terapeutiese programme vir die jong kind in kindersorg wie se ouers op 'n onnatuurlike wyse gesterf het. / Educational studies / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

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