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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lärande genom feedback : En kvalitativ studie om lärares uppfattning- och elevers upplevelse av feedback / Learning through feedback : A Qualitative Study of teachers' and students' view on feedback

Nienkerk, Andrée, Svensk, Robert January 2014 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar. Syftet med studien var att undersöka lärares och elevers syn på feedback i ämnet idrott och hälsa, samt om och i så fall hur denna feedback påverkar elevernas upplevda lärande. Detta skedde utifrån följande frågeställningar; Anser eleverna att feedback är viktigt för det upplevda lärandet i ämnet idrott och hälsa och hur tänker de kring detta? Anser lärarna i ämnet idrott och hälsa att feedback är viktigt för utvecklingen av elevernas lärande och hur tänker de kring detta? Har lärarna ett medvetet användande av feedback och uppfattar elever lärarnas feedback som konstruktiv och utvecklande? Använder lärarna formativ bedömning i sin undervisning och är det i så fall ett medvetet val? Metod. Detta är en kvalitativ studie med intervju som metod. Vid datainsamlingen genomfördes totalt åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer. Fem lärare med gedigen erfarenhet intervjuades enskilt samt tre elevgrupper bestående av totalt tolv elever. Urvalet skedde enligt bekvämlighetsprincipen. Vår teoretiska ansats grundar sig på tre lärandeteorier; sociokulturellt-, behavioristiskt- och konstruktivistiskt lärande. Vi har valt att använda grounded theory som analytiskt verktyg och teoretisk koppling till dessa teorier. Resultat. Studien visar att lärare och elever är överens om att nyttjandet av feedback är viktigt för att nå till upplevt lärande hos elever. Lärarna påstår sig ha ett medvetet, individ-, och situationsanpassat användande av feedback och detta speglar sig i att eleverna uppfattar lärarnas arbete med feedback som konstruktivt och framåtsträvande. Lärarna uppger att de känner sig trygga i användandet av formativ bedömning och att de litar på metodens funktionalitet men de efterlyser resurser för att kunna använda formativ bedömning i ökad utsträckning. Slutsats. Lärarfeedback tenderar att utmynna i en enkelriktad kommunikation och utgör således bara en bråkdel av lärandet som helhet i ämnet idrott och hälsa. Utöver att kunna ge feedback bör en skicklig lärare kunna skapa lärandemiljöer som även möjliggör för elevers lärande utifrån elevens egna erfarenheter och i samspel med andra elever. / Purpose and issues The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers' and students' view regarding the role of ‘feedback in physical education’ and if such feedback affects a person’s perceived learning. This study was based on the following questions: do students believe that feedback is important for their perceived learning in physical education and what are their thoughts about it? Do teachers of physical education believe that feedback is important for the development of student learning and what are their thoughts about it? Do teachers have a conscious use of feedback and do their students perceive such feedback as constructive and stimulating? Do teachers use formative assessment in their work and if so is that a deliberate choice? Method A qualitative method was used for data collection throughout this study. Eight semi-structured interviews were carried out; five teachers with extensive experience and three student groups consisting of a total of twelve students. The selection of who to interview was made according to the principle of convenience. Our theoretical approach is based on three learning theories; ‘sociocultural’, ‘behaviorist’ and ‘constructivist’ learning. We have chosen to use grounded theory as an analytical tool and theoretical links to these theories. Findings This study shows that teachers and students agree that the use of feedback is important to experience learning. The teachers claim to have a conscious, individual, and situational use of feedback and this is reflected in the students' understanding of the work of teachers with feedback as constructive and progressive. The teachers say they feel secure in the use of formative assessment and that they trust the method's functionality, but they call for resources to use formative assessment to a greater extent. Conclusion Teacher feedback tends to result in a one-way communication and thus represents only a fraction of the overall learning in physical education. Beside the ability of giving the right feedback, a skilled teacher should be able to create a learning environment that also allows for learning based on the student's own experience and in their interaction with other students.

An evaluation of individualized instruction as used in the Accelerated Christian Education curriculum in Plateau State, Nigeria

Shaba, Christiana Oluleye 11 1900 (has links)
The dissertation is focused on exploring the aspects of the Accelerated Christian Education curriculum that shows its individualized nature. The aim of the study was to explore individualized instruction from the view of the ACE program with a view of possible recommendation for use on a wider scale in Nigerian schools. This was considered because of the several lapses identified in the present Nigerian education program. The research explored other teaching and learning methodologies to establish commonality and assess if indeed the programs form of individualization is related to any existing form. Interviews were conducted to get the experiences of students and supervisors who are using the program. Recommendations were made for consideration to the users of the program on the strengths and weaknesses examined and suggestions for possible improvement given based on the responses of the research participants. / M. Ed. (Didactics)

An evaluation of individualized instruction as used in the Accelerated Christian Education curriculum in Plateau State, Nigeria

Shaba, Christiana Oluleye 11 1900 (has links)
The dissertation is focused on exploring the aspects of the Accelerated Christian Education curriculum that shows its individualized nature. The aim of the study was to explore individualized instruction from the view of the ACE program with a view of possible recommendation for use on a wider scale in Nigerian schools. This was considered because of the several lapses identified in the present Nigerian education program. The research explored other teaching and learning methodologies to establish commonality and assess if indeed the programs form of individualization is related to any existing form. Interviews were conducted to get the experiences of students and supervisors who are using the program. Recommendations were made for consideration to the users of the program on the strengths and weaknesses examined and suggestions for possible improvement given based on the responses of the research participants. / M. Ed. (Didactics)

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