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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo neurofarmacológico da interação entre circuitos endocanabinoides e opioides da substância negra, parte reticulada, sobre a atividade da via GABAérgica Nigro-Tectal, e de seu papel na modulação da analgesia induzida pelo medo inato / Neuropharmacologycal study of the interaction between cannabinoid and opioid circuitsd of the substantia nigra, pars reticulatas, on the activity of the nigrotectal gabaergic pathways, and of the your role in the modulation of the innate fear-induced antinociception

Silva, Juliana Almeida da 20 May 2011 (has links)
Existe um grande interesse científico voltado para a busca das bases neuropsicofarmacológicas dos comportamentos que têm sido associados ao medo e ao pânico. Muitos estudos sugerem o teto mesencefálico (TM) como responsável pelo controle de respostas defensivas elaboradas durante situações de perigo iminente. A substância cinzenta periaquedutal (SCP), as camadas profundas do colículo superior (cpCS) e o colículo inferior (CI) têm sido considerados importantes estruturas na elaboração do medo inato e do comportamento de defesa, assim como na organização da antinocicepção induzida pelo medo inato. Contudo, muitos estudos têm implicado a via neoestriado-nigro-tectal no controle de respostas defensivas elaboradas no mesencéfalo dorsal, permeadas pela interação entre vias opioides e GABAérgicas. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo o estudo neurofarmacológico da anatomia conectiva funcional entre a substância negra (SN) e estruturas do TM, como a SCP e as cpCS, ligadas à organização do comportamento relacionado ao medo e à elaboração de processos antinociceptivos, avaliando-se o envolvimento da interação entre os sistemas opioide e canabinoide e a via nigro-tectal GABAérgica na modulação do comportamento de defesa e da antinocicepção induzida pelo medo evocado pela microinjeção de antagonista GABAérgico no continuum compreendido pela coluna dorsolateral da SCP e pelas cpCS. Com esse propósito, foram estudados os efeitos de microinjeções de agonistas e de antagonistas de receptores opioides ou canabinoides não-seletivos e seletivos na substância negra, parte reticulada (SNpr), sobre a antinocicepção que segue as diversas respostas comportamentais evocadas por microinjeções de bicuculina na SCPdl/cpCS de Rattus norvegicus (Rodentia, Muridae). O presente trabalho mostrou que a microinjeção do antagonista de receptores GABAA, bicuculina no TM, induziu comportamentos defensivos, elaborados concomitantemente com processos antinociceptivos, a interação entre vias opioides e aquelas mediadas por endocanaboinoides SNpr modula o comportamento de defesa organizado no mesencéfalo dorsal sem alteração na antinocicepção induzida pelo medo. O pré-tratamento na substância negra, parte reticulada com agonistas opioides e canabinoides aumentou os limiares nociceptivos e a microinjeção de antagonistas opioides e canabinoides, causou redução dos limiares nociceptivos. Esses dados sugerem uma interação entre vias opioides e endocanabinoides da SNpr, na modulação do comportamento que tem sido relacionado ao medo inato e a ataques de pânico, sendo recrutados receptores endocanaboinoides do tipo CB1 e CB2 do mesencéfalo ventral, ao lado de receptores opioides do tipo µ1 e na modulação de vias GABAérgicas de projeção nigro-tectal. / There is a great scientific interest in searching the neuropsychopharmacological bases of behavioural reactions associated to fear and panic. Many studies suggest that the mesencephalic tegmentum (MT) a mesencephalic division rich GABA, opiod and endocannabinoid containing neurons and/or receptors complex control on defensive responses during imminent danger conditions. It is also known that the periaquedutal grey matter (PAG), the deep layers of colliculus superior (cpCS) and the colliculus inferior (CI) are important structures related to innate fear and defence as well as to the organization of fear-induced antinociception. In addition neo-striatal-nigrotectal pathways are involved in the modutation of defensive responses elaborated in the dorsal midbrain, the central mesencephalic is rich in endocannabinoids. There are interactions between opioid and GABAergic pathways in these processes. The aim of this work is to study the role of the interaction between opioid anda endocannabinoide-mediated neurotransmission on the activity of GABAergic nigro-collicular pathways. Microinjections of non-selective ande selective agonist and antagonists of opioid an canabinoid receptor were performed in the SNpr before the GABAA receptor blockade in the dorsal midbrain (SCPdl/cpCS). The GABAA receptor blockade in the Mesencephalic tectum elicited vigorous defensive behaviour. This explosive escape behaviour was followed by significant antinociception. Microinjection of opioid and cannabinoid agonists in the SNpr increased the fear-induced antinociception and the treatment of the ventral midbrain with antagonists caused opposite effect .These data suggest a clear interaction between opioids and endocannabinoids pathways of the SNpr, in the modulation of the behaviour that has been related to the innate fear and the attacks of panic, being enlisted receiving endocannabinoids of type CB1 and CB2 of mesencephalic tegmentum, to the side of opioids receptors (-opioid receptor antagonist and µ1-opioid receptor antagonist) in the modulation of nigro-tectal GABAergic pathways.

Estudo neurofarmacológico da interação entre circuitos endocanabinoides e opioides da substância negra, parte reticulada, sobre a atividade da via GABAérgica Nigro-Tectal, e de seu papel na modulação da analgesia induzida pelo medo inato / Neuropharmacologycal study of the interaction between cannabinoid and opioid circuitsd of the substantia nigra, pars reticulatas, on the activity of the nigrotectal gabaergic pathways, and of the your role in the modulation of the innate fear-induced antinociception

Juliana Almeida da Silva 20 May 2011 (has links)
Existe um grande interesse científico voltado para a busca das bases neuropsicofarmacológicas dos comportamentos que têm sido associados ao medo e ao pânico. Muitos estudos sugerem o teto mesencefálico (TM) como responsável pelo controle de respostas defensivas elaboradas durante situações de perigo iminente. A substância cinzenta periaquedutal (SCP), as camadas profundas do colículo superior (cpCS) e o colículo inferior (CI) têm sido considerados importantes estruturas na elaboração do medo inato e do comportamento de defesa, assim como na organização da antinocicepção induzida pelo medo inato. Contudo, muitos estudos têm implicado a via neoestriado-nigro-tectal no controle de respostas defensivas elaboradas no mesencéfalo dorsal, permeadas pela interação entre vias opioides e GABAérgicas. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo o estudo neurofarmacológico da anatomia conectiva funcional entre a substância negra (SN) e estruturas do TM, como a SCP e as cpCS, ligadas à organização do comportamento relacionado ao medo e à elaboração de processos antinociceptivos, avaliando-se o envolvimento da interação entre os sistemas opioide e canabinoide e a via nigro-tectal GABAérgica na modulação do comportamento de defesa e da antinocicepção induzida pelo medo evocado pela microinjeção de antagonista GABAérgico no continuum compreendido pela coluna dorsolateral da SCP e pelas cpCS. Com esse propósito, foram estudados os efeitos de microinjeções de agonistas e de antagonistas de receptores opioides ou canabinoides não-seletivos e seletivos na substância negra, parte reticulada (SNpr), sobre a antinocicepção que segue as diversas respostas comportamentais evocadas por microinjeções de bicuculina na SCPdl/cpCS de Rattus norvegicus (Rodentia, Muridae). O presente trabalho mostrou que a microinjeção do antagonista de receptores GABAA, bicuculina no TM, induziu comportamentos defensivos, elaborados concomitantemente com processos antinociceptivos, a interação entre vias opioides e aquelas mediadas por endocanaboinoides SNpr modula o comportamento de defesa organizado no mesencéfalo dorsal sem alteração na antinocicepção induzida pelo medo. O pré-tratamento na substância negra, parte reticulada com agonistas opioides e canabinoides aumentou os limiares nociceptivos e a microinjeção de antagonistas opioides e canabinoides, causou redução dos limiares nociceptivos. Esses dados sugerem uma interação entre vias opioides e endocanabinoides da SNpr, na modulação do comportamento que tem sido relacionado ao medo inato e a ataques de pânico, sendo recrutados receptores endocanaboinoides do tipo CB1 e CB2 do mesencéfalo ventral, ao lado de receptores opioides do tipo µ1 e na modulação de vias GABAérgicas de projeção nigro-tectal. / There is a great scientific interest in searching the neuropsychopharmacological bases of behavioural reactions associated to fear and panic. Many studies suggest that the mesencephalic tegmentum (MT) a mesencephalic division rich GABA, opiod and endocannabinoid containing neurons and/or receptors complex control on defensive responses during imminent danger conditions. It is also known that the periaquedutal grey matter (PAG), the deep layers of colliculus superior (cpCS) and the colliculus inferior (CI) are important structures related to innate fear and defence as well as to the organization of fear-induced antinociception. In addition neo-striatal-nigrotectal pathways are involved in the modutation of defensive responses elaborated in the dorsal midbrain, the central mesencephalic is rich in endocannabinoids. There are interactions between opioid and GABAergic pathways in these processes. The aim of this work is to study the role of the interaction between opioid anda endocannabinoide-mediated neurotransmission on the activity of GABAergic nigro-collicular pathways. Microinjections of non-selective ande selective agonist and antagonists of opioid an canabinoid receptor were performed in the SNpr before the GABAA receptor blockade in the dorsal midbrain (SCPdl/cpCS). The GABAA receptor blockade in the Mesencephalic tectum elicited vigorous defensive behaviour. This explosive escape behaviour was followed by significant antinociception. Microinjection of opioid and cannabinoid agonists in the SNpr increased the fear-induced antinociception and the treatment of the ventral midbrain with antagonists caused opposite effect .These data suggest a clear interaction between opioids and endocannabinoids pathways of the SNpr, in the modulation of the behaviour that has been related to the innate fear and the attacks of panic, being enlisted receiving endocannabinoids of type CB1 and CB2 of mesencephalic tegmentum, to the side of opioids receptors (-opioid receptor antagonist and µ1-opioid receptor antagonist) in the modulation of nigro-tectal GABAergic pathways.

Emotional Distress, Pandemic COVID-19 Perceptions and Reactions in Samples of Swedish and Greek Population

Papakosma, Maria January 2020 (has links)
The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has influenced in an unprecedented way society and human health on a global scale. Government policies and recommendations from health authorities across the world have been implemented in the effort to limit the spread of the disease. The aim of this study is to examine the relation of public perceptions on COVID19 with the adoption of behavioural actions focusing on the role of emotion and also to explore whether temporal perspectives regarding the coronavirus pandemic interact with emotional distress. Two sample from Greece (n = 85) and Sweden (n = 85) participated in a web survey. An online questionnaire was used to gather responses during a period of two weeks. Results indicated that the perception of emotion was related positively to infection management behaviour in Swedish and Greeks participants, while trust in authorities was found to be significant different in the two samples. When reflecting on the pandemic situation from a temporal point of view, both samples populations tend to focus more on their ideal future and less in the concrete impact of the pandemic situation. / Utbrottet av coronaviruspandemin har globalt påverkat samhällen och människors hälsa på ett aldrig tidigare skådat sätt. Regeringsbeslut och rekommendationer från hälsomyndigheter världen över har implementerats världen över i syfte att begränsa virusspridningen. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka sambandet mellan allmänhetens uppfattningar av covid-19 och beteendemönster med fokus på känslors roll och även undersöka eventuella samband mellan tidsperspektiv beträffande coronaviruspandemin och upplevelse av känslomässig nöd. Två populationer fokuseras i studien varav den ena representerar Grekland (n= 85) och den andra Sverige (n= 85). Respondenterna deltog i en webbenkät som fanns tillgänglig på internet under en tvåveckorsperiod. Resultaten visade ett positivt samband mellan känsloupplevelse och beteende för att hantera smittrisken såväl beträffande den svenska populationen som den grekiska. Förtroende för myndigheter skiljde sig däremot signifikant mellan populationerna. Sett i ett temporalt perspektiv verkar båda populationerna såtillvida att respondenterna fokuserade på en ideal framtid och mindre på den konkreta påverkan av pandemisituationen.

Behavioural reactions of cod (Gadus morhua) and plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) to sound resembling offshore wind turbine noise

Müller, Christina 27 February 2008 (has links)
Durch die Zunahme von Offshorewindparks wird der anthropogene Lärmpegel im Meer weiter ansteigen. Deshalb ist es notwendig, mögliche negative Effekte von Windturbinenschall auf Fische zu erkennen und zu minimieren. Um mögliche Effekte des Turbinenschalls auf Kabeljau (Gadus morhua) und Scholle (Pleuronectes platessa) zu untersuchen, wurden die Fische in Laborversuchen verschiedenen tiefen Frequenzen und Schallstärken, wie sie von Windturbinen emittiert werden ausgesetzt. Ein ringförmiges Betonversuchsbecken mit 10 Metern Durchmesser wurde mit Schallisolationwänden in verbundene Viertel unterteilt, wodurch im Becken eine Schalldruckdifferenz von 32-52 dB, abhängig von Frequenz und produziertem Schalldruckpegel erzeugt wurde. Die Fische, die sich frei im Becken bewegen und so, wenn sie wollten, den höchsten Schalldruckpegeln ausweichen konnten, wurden monofrequenten Tönen im Frequenzbereich zwischen 25 und 250 Hz in Schalldruckpegeln von 130 und 140 dB re 1 µPa ausgesetzt. Die Position der Fische im Becken wurde in den 24-Stunden-Phasen vor, während und nach Beschallung verglichen und zeigte in den meisten Versuchen während Beschallung signifikant weniger Kabeljau in der Nähe der Schallquelle, als in den Phasen vor und nach Beschallung. Scholle zeigte uneinheitliche Reaktionen, die teilweise auf Meideverhalten, in anderen Versuchen auf Attraktion durch den Schall hindeuteten. Die Ergebnisse lassen wenigstens kurzzeitige, durch Schall verursachte Verteilungsänderungen von Kabeljau in Offshorewindparks erwarten. / The growing number of offshore wind farms will lead to an increase of anthropogenic noise in the sea. Research is therefore necessary to identify and minimize any potentially negative effects of offshore wind turbine noise on fish. To examine the potential impact of offshore wind farm noise emissions on cod (Gadus morhua) and plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), tank experiments were carried out exposing the fishes to different low frequencies at sound levels as emitted by wind turbines An annular concrete tank of 10 m in diameter was divided in connected quarters by sound barriers, so that sound pressure differences of 32 to 52 dB were achieved, depending on frequency and produced sound levels. Pure tones in the frequency range between 25 and 250 Hz were artificially emitted in sound levels of 130 and 140 dB re 1µPa. The experimental fish were free to move around in the tank and therefore could avoid the highest sound levels if they chose to. The location of fish in the 24 hour periods before, during and after sound production were compared and showed significantly lower numbers of cod in the vicinity of the sound source during sound presentation in the majority of the experiments. Reactions of plaice were ambiguous, suggesting both avoidance of, or attraction to the sound. From the results at least short-term changes in distribution of cod related to sound in the vicinity of offshore wind farms could be expected.

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