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Finite element analysis of confined concrete in building frame components and jointsGuo, Mingchao January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Influência da qualidade e tipo de esmerilhamento de tarugos na geração de defeitos superficias de barras laminadasBombana, Lucas Tadeu Amarante January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho avalia a influência do método e qualidade do esmerilhamento de tarugos na qualidade superficial de barras redondas de aço laminadas. Foi avaliada a rejeição de barras laminadas para três condições diferentes de acabamento superficial de tarugo – não esmerilhado, esmerilhado total simples, e esmerilhamento total duplo. Constatou-se que o esmerilhamento superficial de tarugos melhora a qualidade superficial de barras laminadas e, para os aços testados, o esmerilhamento total simples ofereceu melhor custo beneficio entre rendimento metálico e rejeição de barras por defeito superficial. Também se constatou que a profundidade de remoção da camada superficial do tarugo no esmerilhamento não é proporcional à redução de defeitos no produto laminado, sendo a aproximação da camada colunar uma variável com provável influência em tal resultado, assim como a presença de defeitos internos subsuperficiais, que tendem a aflorar com a redução da distância até a superfície da peça. / This work evaluates the influence of billet grinding method and quality in surface defects of hot rolling steel bars. It was evaluated bar rejection rates due to surface defects for three different billet surface conditions: without grinding, bright grinding of the entire surface and double bright grinding of the entire surface. The results show that the bright grinding of the entire surface with a single pass results in better cost benefit between yield loss and bar rejection rates. It was also observed that the grinding depth of the superficial layer of the billet is not proportional to the reduction of defects in the rolled product. This may occur in consequence of the reduction of the chill zone thickness, or even by the presence of sub superficial defects that can emerge to the surface with the reduction of the defect distance to the billet surface
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Influência da qualidade e tipo de esmerilhamento de tarugos na geração de defeitos superficias de barras laminadasBombana, Lucas Tadeu Amarante January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho avalia a influência do método e qualidade do esmerilhamento de tarugos na qualidade superficial de barras redondas de aço laminadas. Foi avaliada a rejeição de barras laminadas para três condições diferentes de acabamento superficial de tarugo – não esmerilhado, esmerilhado total simples, e esmerilhamento total duplo. Constatou-se que o esmerilhamento superficial de tarugos melhora a qualidade superficial de barras laminadas e, para os aços testados, o esmerilhamento total simples ofereceu melhor custo beneficio entre rendimento metálico e rejeição de barras por defeito superficial. Também se constatou que a profundidade de remoção da camada superficial do tarugo no esmerilhamento não é proporcional à redução de defeitos no produto laminado, sendo a aproximação da camada colunar uma variável com provável influência em tal resultado, assim como a presença de defeitos internos subsuperficiais, que tendem a aflorar com a redução da distância até a superfície da peça. / This work evaluates the influence of billet grinding method and quality in surface defects of hot rolling steel bars. It was evaluated bar rejection rates due to surface defects for three different billet surface conditions: without grinding, bright grinding of the entire surface and double bright grinding of the entire surface. The results show that the bright grinding of the entire surface with a single pass results in better cost benefit between yield loss and bar rejection rates. It was also observed that the grinding depth of the superficial layer of the billet is not proportional to the reduction of defects in the rolled product. This may occur in consequence of the reduction of the chill zone thickness, or even by the presence of sub superficial defects that can emerge to the surface with the reduction of the defect distance to the billet surface
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Influência da qualidade e tipo de esmerilhamento de tarugos na geração de defeitos superficias de barras laminadasBombana, Lucas Tadeu Amarante January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho avalia a influência do método e qualidade do esmerilhamento de tarugos na qualidade superficial de barras redondas de aço laminadas. Foi avaliada a rejeição de barras laminadas para três condições diferentes de acabamento superficial de tarugo – não esmerilhado, esmerilhado total simples, e esmerilhamento total duplo. Constatou-se que o esmerilhamento superficial de tarugos melhora a qualidade superficial de barras laminadas e, para os aços testados, o esmerilhamento total simples ofereceu melhor custo beneficio entre rendimento metálico e rejeição de barras por defeito superficial. Também se constatou que a profundidade de remoção da camada superficial do tarugo no esmerilhamento não é proporcional à redução de defeitos no produto laminado, sendo a aproximação da camada colunar uma variável com provável influência em tal resultado, assim como a presença de defeitos internos subsuperficiais, que tendem a aflorar com a redução da distância até a superfície da peça. / This work evaluates the influence of billet grinding method and quality in surface defects of hot rolling steel bars. It was evaluated bar rejection rates due to surface defects for three different billet surface conditions: without grinding, bright grinding of the entire surface and double bright grinding of the entire surface. The results show that the bright grinding of the entire surface with a single pass results in better cost benefit between yield loss and bar rejection rates. It was also observed that the grinding depth of the superficial layer of the billet is not proportional to the reduction of defects in the rolled product. This may occur in consequence of the reduction of the chill zone thickness, or even by the presence of sub superficial defects that can emerge to the surface with the reduction of the defect distance to the billet surface
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Analytical and numerical investigation of billet augmented hydrostatic extrusionSondor, Anantha Shayana January 1989 (has links)
No description available.
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L'encadrement juridique de "Documents Transférables Électroniques" / The Legal Frame of the "Electronic Transferable Records"Gamal Eldine, Nabil 19 January 2017 (has links)
L’intérêt de la présente recherche est d'étudier d’une manière générale les communications électroniques dans le commerce international, et puis à titre particulier d’interpeler les nouveaux défis qui relèveraient de l’utilisation des "documents transférables électroniques", en réfléchissant sur les différentes approches et les méthodes à adopter afin de remédier aux éventuelles déficiences technologiques, identifier puis combler les lacunes juridiques qui se révéler lors de ces échanges. Il s’agirait donc d’une enquête sur les questions juridiques liées à la création, à l’utilisation et à l’exécution du "document transférable électronique" ; il s’agit d’un terme crée par la CNUDCI, ce qui renvoie d’une manière générale à l’équivalent électronique d’un instrument transférable négociable ou d’un document titre. Nous identifions principalement les trois grands axes. Premièrement, la protection des données personnelles. Elle fait l’objet de plusieurs réformes législatives. La plus récente est le Règlement européen 2016/679 du 27 avril 2016 qui vise à promouvoir l’utilisation de l’outil informatique, tout en accordant la protection appropriée aux données à caractère personnel. Deuxièmement, l'exigence d’unicité d’un document transférable (« Garantie de singularité »). La garantie de l’unicité d’un document exige qu’il soit le seul qui existe ou bien, que toute copie soit clairement identifiable comme telle. Les conséquences éventuelles de la reproduction non autorisée de tout document transférable électronique donnant au porteur ou au bénéficiaire le droit de demander la remise de marchandises ou le paiement d’une somme d’argent rendent nécessaire l’élaboration de mécanismes pour garantir l’unicité de ces instruments. Troisièmement, la possession du ‘document transférable électronique’ et la notion de contrôle pour l’identification du porteur. Outre le traitement de la question de l’exigence de la singularité, la recherche d’un mécanisme fonctionnellement applicable et équivalent pour satisfaire à l’exigence de la possession matérielle du document papier constitue un défi majeur. Dans la plupart des modèles juridiques régissant les documents transférables électroniquement, la notion de “contrôle” d’un document électronique est utilisée en tant qu’équivalent fonctionnel de la possession ; cela signifie que la personne qui exerce le contrôle du document transférable électronique est considérée comme le porteur habilité à s’en prévaloir. Ces documents électroniques sont gérés par des prestataires de confiance qualifiés pour garantir leur sécurité. / The interest of this research is to study in general, the electronic communications in an international context, and then to focus on the ongoing challenges that occur on the field of "electronic transferable documents"; for this we shall perceive the methods that have been adopted for the purpose of using such documents, in order to prevent eventual technological deficiencies, identifying and filling the legal gaps revealed throughout our study of these new challenges.Therefore we shall comprehend and defy the legal boundaries, in order to create, use and transfer "electronic transferable documents". It is a pre-requisite to clearly identify the subject of this study, which is the term 'electronic transferable record, a concept created by UNCITRAL, which refers generally to ' Electronic equivalent of a transferable record (negotiable or non-negotiable) or a document of a legal right.We shall identify the three following main topics:I. The protection of personal data and privacy has been subject to several legislative reforms. The most recent one is the European Regulation 2016/679 dated April 27th, 2016. This reform aims to promote the use of the IT (Information Technology) tools, while granting the appropriate protection to the personal data. These electronic records are managed by qualified services providers.II. Requirement for uniqueness of the record ("Guarantee of uniqueness")The guarantee of the uniqueness of the document is to ensure that there is only one possible holder and owner of that document, as in the case of paper document, and that any copy is clearly identifiable as such. As a result of an unauthorized reproduction of any electronic transferable record, any such holder or beneficiary shall have the right to request delivery of goods or the payment of a certain sum of money; thus the need to insure the uniqueness of these electronic records.III. The possession of an electronic transferable record.In addition to the above, the need to identify a functional equivalent approach to satisfy the requirement of possession in the case of electronic transferable document, which is a major challenge.IV. Concept of control and identification of the holderIn most legal models governing electronic transferable records, the definition of "control" of an electronic document is used as a functional equivalent to possession. That is, the person who controls the electronic transferable record is deemed to be the holder and the one entitled to use it.
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L’écriture journalistique en transformation : étude comparée des stratégies rédactionnelles de la presse écrite au blogueGouin, Geneviève January 2015 (has links)
La présente recherche a pour but d’examiner, de façon exploratoire, les transformations de l’écriture journalistique de la presse écrite au blogue. Le cadre théorique s’appuie sur trois thèmes : les transformations du journalisme, le journalisme à l’ère du Web 2.0 et l’écriture journalistique en mouvance. Puisque l’objectif de la recherche consiste à cerner les différences d’écriture entre la presse écrite et le blogue, la méthode préconisée est l’analyse de contenu. Celle-ci nous permet d’inventorier divers éléments d’articles journalistiques à l’étude, puis de les comparer. Le traitement des données s’est fait au moyen d’une grille d’analyse, composée de variables et d’indicateurs soigneusement choisis et répartis dans trois catégories d’analyse : grammaticale, structurelle et rhétorique. Les résultats colligés confirment que les articles de presse écrite et les billets de blogue des journalistes à l’étude diffèrent et donc que ceux-ci adoptent des stratégies rédactionnelles différentes selon le support pour lequel ils rédigent.
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Nordic electricity hedging : A comparison with other commodity market structuresNurmos, Ville, Andersson, Mattias January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis investigates and answers three fundamental questions regarding structural changes of a future market. This has been done by analysing and comparing three commodity markets with the Nordic electricity market. Examined commodity markets are LME steel billet, CME lean hogs and WTI & Brent crude oil. The report consists of a literature review with a theoretical background, CATWOE and a case analysis of each commodity market. The markets are thereafter analysed, compared and discussed regarding the research questions. It is concluded that the Nordic electricity market is in many ways comparable to other commodities, although it has some special characteristics. Key factors determining market success have been identified as (1) correlation between perceived risk and derivative risk, (2) trust for and experience of trading institutions and trading environment and (3) expectations. Based on the findings a new conceptual measure for market liquidity, Relative Market Liquidity, is introduced and discussed. The comparison in this thesis is based on the Nordic electricity market, but much of the results are applicable to other commodity markets. The thesis has been written during spring 2013 at the Royal Institute of Technology Department of Energy Technology in co-operation with Vattenfall AB.
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Analysis of Hot Isothermal Copper Extrusion for Multi-Channel ProfilesBarkley, Benjamin Z. 24 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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A Process for the Direct Hot Extrusion of Hollow Copper ProfilesVaitkus, Victor L. 08 August 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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