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Attenuation of greenhouse gas emissions by means of methane biofiltration optimization of the operating parameters / Atténuation des émissions de gaz à effet de serre par biofiltration du méthane : optimisation des paramètres opératoiresNikiema, Sompassaté Josiane January 2008 (has links)
The main goal of this work has been that of optimizing the operating conditions of a biofilter, intended for the control of methane, an important greenhouse gas widely emitted by older or smaller landfill installations.The specific objectives were: (1) to select a suitable packing material (of organic or inorganic type); (2) to optimize the concentrations of input nutrients, mainly consisting of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and copper, which are intended to be introduced via the nutrient solution; (3) to determine the optimized values of the most important design parameters, such as the methane inlet load (which depends on the air flow rate and the inlet methane concentration); and (4) to model the biofilter performance. Firstly, the comparison of the two packing materials, one of organic type, and the other of inorganic type, has revealed that the latter was the more appropriate material for the methane biofiltration. Then, through the use of the selected packing material, the influence of each individual nutrient on the efficiency of the process has been investigated.The results obtained have shown that both nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations have to be controlled, while potassium and copper were revealed as being nutrients of only minor importance. Secondly, the optimization of the inlet gas flow rate and of the inlet methane concentration (and consequently, of the methane inlet load also), has been performed. According to the results of the studies, these parameters require good control during methane biofiltration because a limitation in biofilter performance could otherwise be induced. In addition, it was noted that the increase in the inlet gas flow rate led generally to a greater decrease of the methane conversion than the one induced by the inlet methane concentration. Finally, a new method, based on the use of solid extracts sampled from the methane biofilter, has been applied to the determination of methane biofilter kinetic parameters. Following this study, a steady state model of the methane biofiltration, taking into consideration the important operational parameters, as identified previously, has been developed. One particular feature of this model is that it takes into consideration the influence of the biofilter average temperature.The prediction results, obtained with the use of the model, have been successfully compared with the experimental results.
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Development of Water and Wastewater Biofiltration Technologies for the Developing World using Locally Available Packing Media: Case Studies in Vietnam and HaitiThomson, Ashley Anne January 2014 (has links)
<p>Water and sanitation are two of the world's most urgent current challenges (Elimelech, 2006). With a population racing towards seven billion people, over one sixth of the human population does not have access to adequate water and sanitation. Drinking water is inaccessible for approximately 783 million people living in the developing world (WHO, 2014). This is especially critical for people at risk of exposure to deadly pathogens such as <italic>Vibrio cholerae</italic>, <italic>Shigella</italic>, and <italic>Salmonella</italic>, such as those living in Haiti as <italic>Vibrio cholerae</italic> is now ubiquitous (Enserink, 2010). On the sanitation side, more than 2.5 billion people in the world still lack access to adequate resources (WHO, 2014). Almost half of these people have access to no sanitation facilities at all and practice open defecation (WHO, 2014). Thousands of small children still die every day from preventable diseases caused by inadequate sanitation (WHO, 2014). As global climate change is expected to exacerbate these issues, there is an urgent need for the development of sustainable treatment technologies to ensure a better tomorrow for our world (Ford, 1999). Safe water and sanitation technologies, while often disjointed, should be considered together as pathogens transmitted via drinking water are predominantly of fecal origin (Ashbolt, 2004; Montgomery, 2007). </p><p>In this dissertation project, I explore the use of both drinking water and wastewater treatment technologies which are cost effective and rely on locally available materials in low-income countries. For the drinking water treatment side, I focus on the use of biosand filters in Haiti with a specific interest in understanding their ability to remove the pathogen <italic>Vibrio cholerae</italic>, the causative agent for cholera. The wastewater treatment technology consists of biofilters packed with cocopeat, a waste product generated during coconut husk processing, and I investigate their use for the treatment of septic tank effluent in Vietnam. Both of these projects combine lab and field work. The specific objectives of this dissertation project are to 1) compare the removal efficiency of <italic>V. cholerae</italic> to indicator bacteria in field biosand filters and determine the parameters controlling removal; 2) investigate the correlation between removal efficiency of pathogens in field biosand filters having operated for varying lengths of time to schmutzdecke bacterial composition and influent water characteristics; 3) determine the effect of number of charges, total organic carbon loading, and schmutzdecke composition on <italic>V. cholerae</italic> removal efficacy; 4) isolate the effect of biological removal mechanisms and physical/chemical removal mechanisms on <italic>V. cholerae</italic> removal efficiency and determine the correlation to TOC concentration in water; 5) evaluate cocopeat as a packing medium for biofilters in terms of nitrogen, phosphorus and biological oxygen demand removal from simulated wastewater as compared to other traditional packing media; and 6) conduct an assessment of cocopeat-packed, vertical flow constructed wetlands treating septic tank effluent in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. </p><p>In the first part of this dissertation, biosand filters in the Artibonite Valley of Haiti, the epicenter of the cholera epidemic, were tested for total coliform and <italic>V. cholerae</italic> removal efficiencies. In addition, schmutzdecke samples were collected in order to measure the amount of EPS in the biofilm, as well as characterize the microbial community. Total coliform and <italic>V. cholerae</italic> concentration were measured using novel membrane filtration technique methods. It was found that total coliform concentration does not indicate <italic>V. cholerae</italic> concentration in water, and total coliform removal efficiency does not indicate <italic>V. cholerae</italic> removal efficiency within biosand filters. Additionally, parameters controlling biosand filter performance include: schmutzdecke composition, time in operation, and idle time.</p><p>In the second part of this dissertation, <italic>V. cholerae</italic> challenge tests were performed on laboratory-operated biosand filters receiving high, medium or low TOC influents in order to determine the effect of number of charges, total organic carbon loading, and schmutzdecke composition on <italic>V. cholerae</italic> removal efficacy, as well as to isolate the effect of biological removal mechanisms and physical/chemical removal mechanisms on <italic>V. cholerae</italic> removal efficiency and determine the correlation to TOC concentration in water. To this end, three biosand filters were operated in the lab. Each received lake water or diluted lake water with high, medium or low concentrations of TOC. After being charged once per day for 6 days, the filters were charged with four consecutive charges of pure cultures of <italic>V. cholerae</italic> suspended in PBS buffer, at concentrations of 10<super>2</super>, 10<super>3</super>, 10<super>5</super>, and 10<super>7</super> cfu/mL. This challenge was repeated each time the filters received an additional 6 charges, up to 66 total charges. This was done to determine how number of charges, TOC loading, and schmutzdecke composition affects removal efficiency. Schmutzdecke was analyzed for amount of EPS and microbial community. It was found that parameters controlling biosand filter performance include: TOC loading, schmutzdecke composition, time in operation, and physical/chemical attachment. Additionally, it was shown that physical/chemical attachment is critical during startup, especially at low TOC concentrations. At steady state, physical/chemical attachment is more important than schmutzdecke effects in filters receiving low TOC, and schmutzdecke effect is more important than physical/chemical attachment in filters receiving high TOC.</p><p>For the third section of this dissertation, columns packed with cocopeat, celite, or sphagnum peat were charged with simulated wastewater and removal efficiencies of nitrogen, phosphorus, and biological oxygen demand were measured. Additionally, different redox zones were tested to determine if cocopeat could successfully accomplish nitrification and denitrification. It was found that cocopeat is comparable to traditional packing media and can successfully accomplish nitrification and denitrification in the treatment of synthetic wastewater.</p><p>In the final section of this dissertation, constructed wetlands were built and packed with cocopeat to determine if cocopeat is a suitable packing media in constructed wetlands treating wastewater in Vietnam. Removal efficiencies of nitrogen, phosphorus, and biological demand were measured. Microbial community samples were collected periodically in order to analyze community shifts between wetlands and over time. This work concluded that cocopeat can be used successfully as a packing media in constructed wetlands treating wastewater for the removal of nitrogen, phosphorus, and total coliform.</p><p>Overall, this dissertation work contributes to the body of knowledge on point-of-use water and wastewater technologies. The biosand filter was studied in both lab and field conditions and it was found that total coliform is not a reliable indicator for <italic>V. cholerae</italic>, and that there are several factors controlling biosand filter performance, including idle time, TOC, filter time in operation, physical/chemical attachment, and schmutzdecke composition. Cocopeat was studied for its ability to promote nitrification and denitrification in lab-scale vertical flow columns treating synthetic wastewater. It was shown that cocopeat achieved similar levels of nitrification and denitrification as traditional packing media. Finally, cocopeat packed vertical flow constructed wetlands were operated in Vietnam for the treatment of septic tank effluent. This setup proved effective for the removal of nitrogen, phosphorus, and total coliform in the treatment of wastewater.</p> / Dissertation
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Flux et sources des parabènes, du triclosan et du triclocarban en milieux urbains denses : comparaison entre Paris et BeyrouthGeara-Matta, Darine, Geara-Matta, Darine 17 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Le triclosan (TCS), le triclocarban (TCC) et les parabènes (esters de l'acide para-hydroxbenzoïque) sont employés en tant qu'antiseptiques et agents conservateurs dans les produits de soins corporels. Leur usage génère des inquiétudes sur leur devenir et leur effet potentiel sur la faune et la flore (Bazin et al., 2010). En effet, ils sont introduits dans le milieu récepteur principalement via les effluents des stations d'épuration et les rejets urbains de temps de pluie (McAvoy et al., 2002; Agüera et al., 2003). Les principaux objectifs de ces travaux étaient de mettre en place une base de données sur les niveaux d'imprégnation dans les eaux résiduaires urbaines de deux agglomérations, Paris et Beyrouth par temps sec, et d'évaluer l'efficacité des traitements présents dans différentes stations d'épuration : deux à Paris une à Beyrouth. Le suivi de la contamination des émissaires pour les agglomérations de Paris et Beyrouth a permis plusieurs avancées sur les connaissances relatives à la fois à l'analyse des parabènes, triclosan et triclocarban mais aussi à la contamination des eaux résiduaires urbaines dans les deux pays par ces molécules. Ainsi sur les aspects analytiques, une très grande stabilité des parabènes, triclosan et triclocarban, une fois fixés sur cartouche Oasis® HLB, après extraction sur des échantillons d'eaux usées préalablement acidifiés, a été mise en évidence. Un test de conservation, mené sur une période de 4 mois, a montré la possibilité de conduire des analyses des parabènes, triclosan et triclocarban dans des pays ne possédant pas la chaîne analytique complète (absence d'un appareil de type UPLC/MSMS, par exemple), ce qui ouvre des perspectives intéressantes pour des pays émergents. Pour les niveaux de contamination rencontrés, nos résultats montrent que les méthylparabène, éthylparabène et propylparabène présentent les concentrations les plus élevées alors que le benzylparabène n'a jamais été observé dans aucun échantillon. Les parabènes sont présents en phase dissoute à plus de 99 %. Les log(Kd) estimés pour ces composés sont compris entre 0,8 et 2 (en valeur médiane) pour la France et 1,3 et 2,3 pour le Liban. Les MES ne sont donc pas le principal vecteur de ces composés dans les émissaires. Le triclosan est lui majoritairement présent en phase particulaire, il offre des log(Kd) plus élevés que ceux des parabènes, voisins de 4 pour les deux pays. Le triclocarban est plus singulier. Dans les émissaires de l'agglomération parisienne, son log(Kd) est plus faible que celui du triclosan (3,4 contre 4) alors que c'est une situation inverse qui est obtenue Beyrouth : 4,6 pour le triclocarban et 4,1 pour le triclosan, conséquence directe de la plus forte contribution de la phase particulaire à la charge totale en triclocarban au Liban. Sur la base des concentrations mesurées, pour la première fois en France, des flux annuels par équivalent habitant ont pu être déterminés pour l'ensemble des composés ; ils sont de 1158 mg/EH/an pour MeP, 276 mg/EH/an pour EtP, 253 mg/EH/an pour PrP, 12 mg/EH/an pour IsoBuP, de 66 mg/EH/an pour BuP, 268 mg/EH/an pour TCS et 9 mg/EH/an pour TCC. Ces estimations n'ont pu être réalisées pour le Liban car les mesures de débits n'étaient pas possibles sur les sites suivis. Bien que les phénomènes mis en jeu diffèrent suivant les composés, il a été montré que les deux stations d'épuration de Seine Centre et Seine Amont éliminent à plus de 97 % les parabènes, le triclosan et le triclocarban
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Avaliação da utilização de diferentes materiais suporte na biofiltração de sulfeto de hidrogênio / Utilization of different packing materials in the hydrogen sulfide biofiltrationPantoja Filho, Jorge Luis Rodrigues 25 April 2008 (has links)
O sulfeto de hidrogênio é um gás que pode causar os mais diversos danos se lançado ao meio ambiente devido, principalmente, à sua elevada toxicidade, corrosividade, odores indesejáveis e alta demanda de oxigênio. Atualmente existem diferentes processos físico-químicos estabelecidos para o tratamento desse composto, entretanto são consideradas técnicas onerosas do ponto de vista econômico e ambiental. Os processos biológicos constituem-se como uma alternativa bastante interessante quando comparados aos processos físico-químicos, sendo que a biofiltração é o processo mais amplamente utilizado. Neste trabalho, foram avaliados três tipos diferentes de materiais suporte, sendo um sintético - espuma de poliuretano - e dois orgânicos - fibra de côco e bagaço de cana -, para a biofiltração de uma mistura gasosa contendo \'H IND.2\'S\'. Como inóculo, optou-se pela utilização de cultura mista originária de duas fontes: a) unidade de biofiltro aerado submerso pertencente ao Serviço Autônomo de Água e Esgoto da Cidade de São Carlos, b) unidade de lodos ativados pertencente a São Carlos S/A - Indústria de Papel e Celulose. A adaptação do inóculo foi realizada em meio nutriente específico. Foi observado um período de partida de somente 2 dias nos três sistemas. Com o intuito de avaliar o impacto do aumento progressivo das taxas de carregamento mássico no desempenho dos três biofiltros, os mesmos foram submetidos a taxas de 19, 32, 54 e 70 g/m³.h (concentrações afluentes médias de 184, 328, 526 e 644 ppm para tempo de retenção do gás de, aproximadamente, 50 segundos). As eficiências remoção média em todos os sistemas mantiveram-se sempre acima dos 99,3%. A capacidade eliminação máxima alcançada pelos biofiltros oscilou entre 74 e 80 g/m³.h. As perdas de carga verificadas no ensaio hidrodinâmico foram baixas, variando entre 0,59.\'10 POT.-2\' a 0,68 \'10 POT.-2\' mca, para a velocidade superficial utilizada durante o estudo. O modelo matemático empregado na previsão do desempenho dos sistemas ajustou-se bem aos dados experimentais. Portanto, pode-se concluir que os materiais suportes testados são adequados para a biofiltração de sulfeto de hidrogênio. / Hydrogen sulfide is a gas which has high restrictions regarding to its disposal in the environment, mainly, because of its high toxicity, malodors, high oxygen demand, etc. Currently, there are many different physical-chemical processes established in order to treat this compound, nevertheless they are considered expensive techniques by the point of economical and environmental views. Biological processes are very interesting alternatives when they are compared to the physical-chemical ones, and biofiltration is the most used process. In this work, three different materials as support media were evaluated, - a synthetic one - represented by the polyurethane foam, - two organic ones - represented by coconut fiber and sugar bagasse -, for a biofiltration of a gaseous mixture containing \'H IND.2\'S\'. Microorganisms were obtained from two sources: a) submerged aerated biofilter unit, b) activated sludge unit. Inoculum\'s adaptation was realized in specific nutrient media. It was observed a 2 days start-up period in the three systems. In order to evaluate some impact caused by the progressive increasing of mass loading rate on the biofilters performance, were applied rates of 19, 32, 54 e 70 g/m³.h (average influent concentrations of 184, 328, 526 e 644 ppm to the empty bed retention time of, approximately, 50 seconds). Average removal efficiencies in the systems were always above 99,3%. Maximum elimination capacities reached by the biofilters were in the range of 74 e 80 g/m³.h. Loss pressure verified by the hands of hydrodynamic essays varied between 0,59.\'10 POT.-2\' a 0,68.\'10 POT.-2\' mca, to a superficial velocity utilized during the work. Mathematical model used to predict the performance of the systems fitted reasonably the experimental data. Then, it can be concluded that the three packing materials are appropriated for the hydrogen sulfide biofiltration.
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Assessment of the Potential Functional Diversity of the Bacterial Community in a BiofilterGrove, Jason Andrew January 2006 (has links)
A biofilter removes biodegradable contaminants from air by passing it through a biologically-active packed bed. The microorganism community is of fundamental interest but has been the focus of few studies. This work is an investigation of the bacterial community based on the potential functional diversity of the community. <br /><br /> A number of experiments were performed in laboratory-scale biofilters using ethanol as a model contaminant. All biofilters were able to remove the ethanol with elimination capacities in the range 80 to 200gVOCm<sup>-3</sup>h<sup>-1</sup>; these values are comparable with published literature. Natural organic media (peat or compost) was used as packing. <br /><br /> The potential functional diversity of the community was assessed by Community-Level Physiological Profiling (CLPP) using sole-Carbon Source Utilisation Profile (CSUP). Community samples were used to inoculate Biolog EcoPlates<sup>TM</sup>: microplates containing a selection of 31 different carbon-substrates and an indicator dye responding to bacterial growth. This technique was found to be sensitive to changes in the community structure over time and location. <br /><br /> Results showed that the community in samples taken close together (over a scale of a few centimetres) are similar and that relatively small media samples (0. 5 to 1 g) provide reproducible information. A study of a single biofilter indicated stratification of the community occurring with the community near the inlet diverging from that near the middle and outlet of the unit; this is attributed to the ethanol being degraded in the upper part of the column and the lower part of the column not being subjected to ethanol loading. In a study of two units at a higher loading rate, stratification was not observed over a period of weeks; it is suggested that the stratification may develop over this timescale as a result of the presence or absence of the Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) and not due to differences in concentration. <br /><br /> An acclimation period of 7 to 10 days was observed before near-complete removal of ethanol was attained. Monitoring of the community suggested a subsequent shift in diversity. It is suggested that the initial acclimation period is due to biofilm formation and the subsequent shift in community diversity is due to re-organisation of the community as species specialise. In a portion of the biofilter with minimal ethanol exposure, a sudden shift in community is observed after a period of some weeks. This may reflect changes as a result of starvation and indicates that periods of shut-down (when the biofilter is not loaded) may affect the community. <br /><br /> Two studies of biofilters operating in parallel were carried out. The first provided evidence of a divergence in the communities over a period of two weeks. In the second, communities in the two units underwent changes over time but observations from both units at any one time were similar. This demonstrates that biofilters set-up and operated in a similar manner may maintain similar communities but that this is not necessarily the case. This has implications for the reproducibility of laboratory experiments and for the variation of community structure with horizontal position in industrial units.
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Biofiltration in Drinking Water Treatment: Reduction of Membrane Fouling and Biodegradation of Organic Trace ContaminantsHalle, Cynthia 11 November 2099 (has links)
The goal of drinking water treatment is to produce and deliver safe water to the consumers. To achieve these objectives water treatment plants are designed based on the concept of the multibarrier approach which combines several drinking water treatment processes in order to increase the reliability of the system. The presence of pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs), personal care products (PCPs) and endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in drinking water sources is becoming a concern, because of chronic and indirect human exposure to contaminant mixtures at sub-therapeutic levels via drinking water consumption.
Membrane filtration can be an efficient treatment process to remove microorganisms and/or trace organic contaminants from drinking water sources. However, membranes are confronted by a major limitation: membrane fouling. Fouled membranes suffer from a loss in performance either leading to a reduction in flux or a higher pressure requirement. Generally, membrane fouling increases the need for membrane maintenance measures such as backwashing and chemical cleaning which has a negative impact on the operating costs and membrane life time. Severe membrane fouling may even impact permeate quality and/or compromise membrane integrity.
The aim of this study was to establish if biofiltration pretreatment without prior coagulation would be able to control membrane fouling in natural waters. The second objective investigated the removal of trace organic contaminants by individual treatment processes (i.e. biofiltration and membrane filtration). Parallel to this work, the presence and concentration of selected trace organic contaminants in Grand River (Ontario, Canada) were determined. The trace organic contaminants investigated included atrazine, carbamazepine, DEET, ibuprofen, naproxen, and nonylphenol.
Direct biofiltration pretreatment (no coagulation) significantly reduced both reversible and irreversible fouling of ultrafiltration membranes. Results showed that the different degree of reduction of hydraulically reversible fouling was primarily attributed to the absolute concentration of a specific fraction of the dissolved organic matter (i.e. biopolymers) in the biofilter effluent (i.e. membrane feed). The study also suggests that the composition of biopolymers rather than their absolute concentration is important for the control of irreversible fouling.
High pressure membranes such as nanofiltration membranes are also subjected to fouling. Results showed that biofiltration pretreatment was able to achieve fouling control but membrane characteristics (i.e. molecular weight cut off) influence the efficiency of the pretreatment. This study also showed that not only biopolymers but also humic substances and low molecular weight acids are being rejected by nanofiltration membranes.
Selected trace organic contaminants were detected in Grand River water in the low ng/L range with detection frequencies between 48 to 100%. Seasonal occurrence patterns could be explained by compound use and possible degradation mechanisms. These results confirm the impact of human activities on the Grand River.
This study showed that under the right conditions rapid biofiltration is capable of completely removing biodegradable emerging contaminants at ng/L concentrations. DEET, ibuprofen, and naproxen were biodegradable and therefore amenable to removal while carbamazepine and atrazine were recalcitrant. Factors such as empty bed contact time, influent concentration, and temperature influenced the biodegradation kinetics.
Finally, both membrane and contaminant properties influenced the degree of rejection achieved by nanofiltration membranes. Results showed that steric hindrance and electrostatic repulsion were the major rejection mechanisms.
Several benefits are associated with the use of direct biofiltration for drinking water treatment. These benefits include: the removal of easily biodegradable organic matter leading to biologically stable effluents; the removal of biodegradable trace organic contaminants contributing to the multibarrier approach; the absence of chemicals coagulation which is of advantage for operations in isolated areas; the simple operation and maintenance which is an advantage for locations with limited trained operators; and finally if used prior to membrane filtration biofiltration pretreatment can control membrane fouling.
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Assessment of the Potential Functional Diversity of the Bacterial Community in a BiofilterGrove, Jason Andrew January 2006 (has links)
A biofilter removes biodegradable contaminants from air by passing it through a biologically-active packed bed. The microorganism community is of fundamental interest but has been the focus of few studies. This work is an investigation of the bacterial community based on the potential functional diversity of the community. <br /><br /> A number of experiments were performed in laboratory-scale biofilters using ethanol as a model contaminant. All biofilters were able to remove the ethanol with elimination capacities in the range 80 to 200gVOCm<sup>-3</sup>h<sup>-1</sup>; these values are comparable with published literature. Natural organic media (peat or compost) was used as packing. <br /><br /> The potential functional diversity of the community was assessed by Community-Level Physiological Profiling (CLPP) using sole-Carbon Source Utilisation Profile (CSUP). Community samples were used to inoculate Biolog EcoPlates<sup>TM</sup>: microplates containing a selection of 31 different carbon-substrates and an indicator dye responding to bacterial growth. This technique was found to be sensitive to changes in the community structure over time and location. <br /><br /> Results showed that the community in samples taken close together (over a scale of a few centimetres) are similar and that relatively small media samples (0. 5 to 1 g) provide reproducible information. A study of a single biofilter indicated stratification of the community occurring with the community near the inlet diverging from that near the middle and outlet of the unit; this is attributed to the ethanol being degraded in the upper part of the column and the lower part of the column not being subjected to ethanol loading. In a study of two units at a higher loading rate, stratification was not observed over a period of weeks; it is suggested that the stratification may develop over this timescale as a result of the presence or absence of the Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) and not due to differences in concentration. <br /><br /> An acclimation period of 7 to 10 days was observed before near-complete removal of ethanol was attained. Monitoring of the community suggested a subsequent shift in diversity. It is suggested that the initial acclimation period is due to biofilm formation and the subsequent shift in community diversity is due to re-organisation of the community as species specialise. In a portion of the biofilter with minimal ethanol exposure, a sudden shift in community is observed after a period of some weeks. This may reflect changes as a result of starvation and indicates that periods of shut-down (when the biofilter is not loaded) may affect the community. <br /><br /> Two studies of biofilters operating in parallel were carried out. The first provided evidence of a divergence in the communities over a period of two weeks. In the second, communities in the two units underwent changes over time but observations from both units at any one time were similar. This demonstrates that biofilters set-up and operated in a similar manner may maintain similar communities but that this is not necessarily the case. This has implications for the reproducibility of laboratory experiments and for the variation of community structure with horizontal position in industrial units.
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Biofiltration in Drinking Water Treatment: Reduction of Membrane Fouling and Biodegradation of Organic Trace ContaminantsHalle, Cynthia 11 November 2099 (has links)
The goal of drinking water treatment is to produce and deliver safe water to the consumers. To achieve these objectives water treatment plants are designed based on the concept of the multibarrier approach which combines several drinking water treatment processes in order to increase the reliability of the system. The presence of pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs), personal care products (PCPs) and endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in drinking water sources is becoming a concern, because of chronic and indirect human exposure to contaminant mixtures at sub-therapeutic levels via drinking water consumption.
Membrane filtration can be an efficient treatment process to remove microorganisms and/or trace organic contaminants from drinking water sources. However, membranes are confronted by a major limitation: membrane fouling. Fouled membranes suffer from a loss in performance either leading to a reduction in flux or a higher pressure requirement. Generally, membrane fouling increases the need for membrane maintenance measures such as backwashing and chemical cleaning which has a negative impact on the operating costs and membrane life time. Severe membrane fouling may even impact permeate quality and/or compromise membrane integrity.
The aim of this study was to establish if biofiltration pretreatment without prior coagulation would be able to control membrane fouling in natural waters. The second objective investigated the removal of trace organic contaminants by individual treatment processes (i.e. biofiltration and membrane filtration). Parallel to this work, the presence and concentration of selected trace organic contaminants in Grand River (Ontario, Canada) were determined. The trace organic contaminants investigated included atrazine, carbamazepine, DEET, ibuprofen, naproxen, and nonylphenol.
Direct biofiltration pretreatment (no coagulation) significantly reduced both reversible and irreversible fouling of ultrafiltration membranes. Results showed that the different degree of reduction of hydraulically reversible fouling was primarily attributed to the absolute concentration of a specific fraction of the dissolved organic matter (i.e. biopolymers) in the biofilter effluent (i.e. membrane feed). The study also suggests that the composition of biopolymers rather than their absolute concentration is important for the control of irreversible fouling.
High pressure membranes such as nanofiltration membranes are also subjected to fouling. Results showed that biofiltration pretreatment was able to achieve fouling control but membrane characteristics (i.e. molecular weight cut off) influence the efficiency of the pretreatment. This study also showed that not only biopolymers but also humic substances and low molecular weight acids are being rejected by nanofiltration membranes.
Selected trace organic contaminants were detected in Grand River water in the low ng/L range with detection frequencies between 48 to 100%. Seasonal occurrence patterns could be explained by compound use and possible degradation mechanisms. These results confirm the impact of human activities on the Grand River.
This study showed that under the right conditions rapid biofiltration is capable of completely removing biodegradable emerging contaminants at ng/L concentrations. DEET, ibuprofen, and naproxen were biodegradable and therefore amenable to removal while carbamazepine and atrazine were recalcitrant. Factors such as empty bed contact time, influent concentration, and temperature influenced the biodegradation kinetics.
Finally, both membrane and contaminant properties influenced the degree of rejection achieved by nanofiltration membranes. Results showed that steric hindrance and electrostatic repulsion were the major rejection mechanisms.
Several benefits are associated with the use of direct biofiltration for drinking water treatment. These benefits include: the removal of easily biodegradable organic matter leading to biologically stable effluents; the removal of biodegradable trace organic contaminants contributing to the multibarrier approach; the absence of chemicals coagulation which is of advantage for operations in isolated areas; the simple operation and maintenance which is an advantage for locations with limited trained operators; and finally if used prior to membrane filtration biofiltration pretreatment can control membrane fouling.
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Qualitative and Quantitative Characteristics Researches of Microorganisms in Mixed Loading Biofilter / Mikroorganimų kiekybinių ir kokybinių charakteristikų tyrimai mišrioje biofiltro įkrovojeŽarnauskas, Lukas 17 June 2009 (has links)
In the final master’s paper problems of environment air pollution are analysed, statistical data about air pollution from stationary and mobile pollution sources are provided and air pollution by VOC in Lithuania is separately analysed. Components of biofiltering process are described in detail: loading, biofilm, microorganisms; objectives and tasks of the paper are defined. Also, analysis of experimental research data is provided, from which it was determined that the most favourable medium for the microorganism growth is the foam cube faction of bioloading mixture. Most of the colonies have grown in the 1st cassette of the biofilter. Cultures of the mould fungus and bacteria were discovered, the percentage of distribution of which was respectively 5.7% and 94.3%. Furthermore, the final master’s paper provided the description of the methodology of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the experimental research, determination of precise number of the microorganism colonies, operation principle of the biofilter, as well the results of the experimental research. Using the biological system growth models, the data of the performed experiment (the grown microorganism colony number cfu/g) were compared to the results calculated in theory and conclusions along with suggestions were provided. The paper concludes of 6 parts: introduction; literature overview, research methodology, research results and analysis, mathematical modelling of the biological systems, general... [to full text] / Baigiamajame magistro darbe išnagrinėtos aplinkos oro taršos problemos, pateikti statistiniai duomenys apie oro taršą iš stacionarių ir mobilių taršos šaltinių ir atskirai išanalizuota oro tarša LOJ Lietuvoje. Detaliai aprašyti biofiltracijos proceso komponentai: įkrova, bioplėvelė, mikroorganizmai, apibrėžti pagrindiniai darbo tikslai ir uždaviniai. Taip pat išnagrinėti eksperimentiniai tyrimų duomenys, iš kurių nustatyta, kad palankiausia terpė mikroorganizmams augti – bioįkrovos mišinio porolono kūbelių frakcija. Daugiausiai kolonijų užaugo I biofiltro kasetėje. Aptiktos pelėsinių grybų ir bakterijų kultūros, kurių procentinis pasiskirstymas atitinkamai 5.7% ir 94.3%.
Be to, baigiamajame magistro darbe aprašyta mikroorganizmų kiekybinių ir kokybinių charakteristikų eksperimentinių tyrimų metodika, tikslaus mikroorganizmų kolonijų skaičiaus nustatymas, biofiltro veikimo principas, pateikti eksperimentinių tyrimų rezultatai. Riboto ir neriboto augimo modeliais, atliktojo eksperimento duomenys (užaugusių mikroorganizmų kolonijų skaičius kfv/g) palyginti su teoriškai apskaičiuotais rezultatais, pateiktos išvados ir pasiūlymai.
Darbą sudaro 6 dalys: įvadas; literatūros apžvalga; tyrimų metodika; tyrimų rezultatai ir jų analizė; biologinių sistemų matematinis modeliavimas; bendrosios išvados ir pasiūlymai bei literatūros sąrašas.
Darbo apimtis – 98 p. teksto be priedų ir publikuotų straipsnių, 44 paveikslų, 7 lentelės, 35 bibliografinių šaltinių, 57 moksliniai straipsniai, 4... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Treatment of methane and swine slurry from the piggery industry by biofiltration / Traitement du métane et du lisier issus de l'industrie porcine par biofiltrationGirard, Matthieu January 2012 (has links)
Abstract: The piggery industry is very important in Canada, but localized production of large quantities of swine slurry causes severe environmental problems such as aquatic pollution and emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. There are many technologies that can reduce the impact of these issues, but biofiltration is the only viable process that can treat both pollutants. The main objectives of this thesis are to study the biofiltration of methane at concentrations representative of the piggery industry and to achieve the simultaneous treatment of methane and swine slurry with a single biofilter. Laboratory-scale experiments were used to better understand the biofiltration of methane from the piggery industry. Using an inorganic filter bed, it was possible to reach a maximum elimination capacity of 14.5 ± 0.6 g·m -3 ·h-1 for an inlet load of 38 ± 1 g·m -3 ·h-1 . The removal efficiency was relatively stable with the methane concentration and the biofilter satisfied first order kinetics. By decreasing the nitrate concentration in the nutrient solution, a concentration of 0.1 gN·L-1 proved to be sufficient for proper biofilter operation. Furthermore, once all inorganic sources of nitrogen were removed, the presence of microorganisms capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen was established. Carbon and nitrogen mass balances suggested that the carbon accumulated within the biofilter was probably used for the production of storage compounds rather than for cell synthesis. The viability of simultaneously treating methane and swine slurry was demonstrated by using an innovative biofilter design to overcome the inhibition of methane biodegradation by swine slurry. Although generally less efficient than the biofiltration of methane alone, an elimination capacity for methane of 18.8 ± 1.0 g·m -3 ·h-1 was obtained with this system at an inlet load of 46.7 ± 0.9 g·m -3 ·h-1 . Pure fungal strains were used in an attempt to improve performance, but no significant increase in the methane removal efficiency was observed. For swine slurry treatment, average removal efficiencies of 67 ± 10 % for total organic carbon and 70 ± 7 % for ammonium were achieved. The influence of the slurry supply was analyzed and the ideal supply method found in this study was 6 doses of 50 ml per day. Pilot-scale tests carried out directly on a pig farm were used to validate the results obtained in the laboratory for the treatment of methane from swine house ventilation air. After a start-up period of 30 days, removal efficiencies up to 83% were observed for a methane inlet load of 1.6 ± 0.8 g·m -3 ·h-1 . Treated swine slurry was tested as a replacement for the synthetic nutrient solution, but due to inhibitory compounds in the treated slurry, the results were not satisfactory. For the simultaneous treatment, the methane removal efficiency only dropped from 58 ± 5% to 53 ± 8% when slurry was supplied to the biofilter. By integrating the results obtained in this study with modern farming techniques, the piggery industry could reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and treat part of the nutrients in swine slurry.||Résumé: L'industrie porcine est très importante au Canada, mais les conditions d'entreposage et l'épandage excessif du lisier de porc contribuent respectivement aux émissions de méthane, un puissant gaz à effet de serre, et à la pollution de l'eau. II existe de nombreuses techniques pour atténuer ces problématiques, mais le procédé de biofiltration s'impose comme étant capable de traiter le méthane et le lisier. Les objectifs principaux de cette thèse sont d'étudier la biofiltration du méthane à des concentrations représentatives de l'industrie porcine et d'effectuer le traitement simultané du méthane et du lisier de porc dans un même biofiltre. Des essais expérimentaux à l'échelle laboratoire ont permis de mieux comprendre la biofiltration du méthane issu de l'industrie porcine. En utilisant un lit filtrant inorganique, il a été possible d'atteindre une capacité d'élimination maximale de 14,5 ± 0.6 g[indice supérieur .]m[indices supérieurs -3.]h[indices supérieurs -1] pour une charge à l'entrée de 38 ± 1 g[indice supérieur .]m[indices supérieurs -3.]h[indices supérieurs -1]. L'efficacité d'enlèvement était relativement stable en fonction de la concentration de méthane et le biofiltre présentait une cinétique de premier ordre. En diminuant la concentration de nitrate dans la solution nutritive, une concentration de 0,1 gN[indice supérieur .]L[indice supérieur -1] s'est avérée suffisante pour assurer l'opération adéquate du biofiltre. De plus, en éliminant tout apport d'azote inorganique, la présence de microorganismes capables de fixer l'azote atmosphérique a été établie. Des bilans de masse sur le carbone et l'azote ont illustré que le carbone accumulé dans le biofiltre était utilisé pour la production de matières de stockage plutôt que pour la synthèse cellulaire. La viabilité de traiter simultanément le méthane et le lisier a été démontrée en utilisant un design innovateur de biofiltre pour éviter l'inhibition de la biodégradation du méthane par le lisier. Quoique généralement moins performant que la biofiltration du méthane seul, ce système a permis d'obtenir une capacité d'élimination de méthane de 18.8 ± 1.0 g[indice supérieur 1]m[indices supérieurs -3.]h[indices supérieurs -1] pour une charge de 46.7 ± 0.9 g[indice supérieur .]m[indices supérieurs -3.]h[indices supérieurs -1]. Des souches pures de champignons ont été utilisées afin d'améliorer la performance, mais aucun effet significatif n'a été observé. Pour le traitement du lisier de porc, des taux d'enlèvement moyens de 67 ± 10 % pour le carbone organique total et de 70 ± 7 % pour l'ammonium ont été obtenus. L'influence de l'alimentation en lisier a été analysée et le mode d'alimentation idéal fut de 6 doses de 50 ml par jour. Des essais à l'échelle pilote effectués directement sur une ferme porcine ont permis de valider les résultats obtenus au laboratoire pour le traitement du méthane dans l'air de ventilation d'un bâtiment d'élevage. Après une phase de démarrage de 30 jours, des efficacités d'épuration jusqu'à 83% ont été observées pour une charge de méthane à l'entrée de 1.6 ± 0.8 g[indice supérieur .]m[indices supérieurs -3.]h[indices supérieurs -1]. Du lisier de porc traité a été testé pour remplacer la solution nutritive synthétique, mais dû à la présence de composés inhibiteurs dans le lisier traité, les résultats obtenus n'étaient pas satisfaisants. Pour le traitement simultané, l'efficacité d'épuration du méthane a seulement diminué de 58 ± 5% a 53 ± 8 % lorsque le lisier a été alimenté au biofiltre. En intégrant les résultats de cette étude aux techniques agricoles modernes, l'industrie porcine pourrait réduire ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre et traiter une partie des nutriments du lisier de porc.
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