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Avaliação de atividade muscular do bíceps braquial por miografia de impedância elétricaLah, Lais Yuriko Morimoto January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Olavo Luppi Silva / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Biomédica, 2017. / Nos estudos realizados sobre o corpo humano e seus segmentos, observa-se a capacidade
dos mesmos de responder aos sinais externos. Tais repostas podem ser avaliadas a
partir de diferentes métodos existentes que são capazes de analisar e caracterizar o tecido
muscular. Entre os métodos disponíveis para esta análise, encontra-se a chamada miografia
de impedância elétrica (MIE), um método não invasivo capaz de realizar a análise da
resposta do tecido muscular a partir da relação entre a alteração da impedância elétrica
e as alterações fisiológicas e morfológicas ocorridas no mesmo. Esta técnica, entretanto,
ainda apresenta algumas divergências quanto às respostas obtidas durante a contraçãoem
indivíduos saudáveis. Dessa forma, o presente estudo tem por objetivo avaliar o músculo
bíceps braquialemtrês condições: emrepouso, na contração isométrica e na contração dinâmica em sujeitos saudáveis. Tais medidas foram realizadas no músculo em questão de
duas formas: transversalmente e longitudinalmente às fibras musculares, sendo que estas
medidas foram realizadas simultaneamente durante toda a coleta. Os principais resultados
mostraram diferenças significativas (p<0.05) entre as medidas transversais e longitudinais
durante o repouso, obtendo valores de amplitude (jZ j) e fase ( ) maiores no sentido
transversal. As coletas também apresentaram uma diferença significativa (p<0.05) para os
valores de impedância entre o sexo masculino e feminino nas três condições eemambas as
direções (transversal e longitudinal) e uma forte correlação de Spearman (rs>0.84, p<0.05)
para os dados de jZ j nas duas direções e a camada subcutânea de gordura. Ademais, foram
observadas alterações ao longo da contração isométrica indicando a sensibilidade das medidas de MIE a alterações fisiológicas. Portanto, a investigação da resposta muscular através da MIE aponta o potencial da técnica na avaliação muscular com aplicações clínicas e
desportivas. / In the studies carried out on the human body and its segments, is observed an ability
of the body to respond to external signals. Such responses can be evaluated from different
existing methods that enable us to analyze and characterize muscle tissue. Among
the available methods for this analysis is the so-called electrical empedance myography
(EIM), a noninvasive method capable of performing muscle tissue response analysis, from
the relation between the variation of the muscular impedance and the physiological and
morphological changes occurred. However, this technique still presents some divergences
regarding the responses obtained during the mscular contraction. Thus, the present study
aims to evaluate the biceps muscle response in three different conditions, such as: at rest,
during the isometric contraction and during the dynamic contraction of healthy muscles.
For this, the measurements on muscle were performed in two different electrode configuration: transversely and longitudinally to the muscle fibers. Measurements were performed simultaneously throughout the analysis. The main results were significantly different (p<0.05) between transverse and longitudinal measuraments during rest, obtaining larger amplitude (jZ j) and phase ( ) values in the transverse direction. The data also presented a significant difference (p<0.05) for the impedance values between men and women in the three conditions and in both directions (trasnverse and longitunal). It also presented a strong Spearman correlation (rs>0.84, p<0.05) between jZ j in both directions and the subcutaneous fat layer. In addition, changes were observed in the impedance along the isometric contraction indicating a sensitivity of the EIM measurements and physiological
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Elaboração de equações preditivas de gordura por segmento corporal e propostas de métodos objetivos para diagnóstico de lipodistrofia em pacientes soropositivos para HIV em terapia antirretroviral / Development of predictive equations of fat per body segments and proposed objective methods for diagnosis of lipodystrophy in HIV-positive patients on antiretroviral therapyRebeca Antunes Beraldo 26 July 2013 (has links)
Introdução: O conjunto de alterações de composição corporal e metabólicas encontrada em pacientes soropositivos para HIV é denominado de síndrome da lipodistrofia O ponto central da síndrome são as alterações da composição corporal que envolve a lipoatrofia em membros e face e/ou lipohipertrofia abdominal e dorso cervical. Até o momento, nesse grupo a determinação de gordura por segmento corporal pode ser obtida por métodos como a absorciometria dos raios X de dupla energia (DXA), mas não por medidas antropométricas e de bioimpedância elétrica (BIA), que seriam mais viáveis na prática clínica. Objetivos: Elaborar equações por regressão linear para estimativa de gordura em cada segmento (braço, perna e tronco) considerando variáveis antropométricas e de BIA segmentar e propor pontos de corte para classificar a lipodistrofia em pacientes soropositivos para HIV em terapia antirretroviral de alta potência (TARV). Métodos: Foram aferidas circunferências (braço, cintura, quadril, coxa, panturrilha), pregas cutâneas (bíceps, tríceps, subescapular, suprailíaca) e realizados exames de BIA segmentar e DXA em 100 pacientes soropositivos para HIV do sexo masculino. A partir destas variáveis foram elaboradas equações para estimativa de gordura por segmentos (braço, perna e tronco). Para propor pontos de corte foram utilizadas as curvas ROC utilizando o exame clínico para identificação da sensibilidade e especificidade. Resultados: Foram elaboradas 2 modelos para braço e tronco utilizando apenas medidas antropométricas e 2 modelos para a perna utilizando variáveis de BIA e antropométricas. Os coeficientes de determinações para os modelos de braço, tronco, pernas foram: 0.66 e 0.66; 0.76 e 0.75; 0.5 e 0.45, respectivamente. As razões propostas foram: circunferência da cintura pela circunferência da coxa (CC/CCo), circunferência da cintura pela da panturrilha (CC/CPant) e razão tronco braço (RTB). Os melhores pontos de corte observados para CC/CCo, RTB e para o índice já proposto na literatura fat mass ratio (FMR) foram de 1,74; 2,08 e 1,26, respectivamente. Conclusões: As equações e razões antropométricas podem ser utilizados para auxiliar no diagnóstico de lipodistrofia com a finalidade de contribuir para um diagnóstico mais acurado e precoce possibilitando intervenções e até prevenindo maiores alterações da composição corporal. / Background: The changes in body composition and metabolic parameters, found in HIV seropositive is called lipodystrophy syndrome. The central point of the syndrome are changes in body composition that involves the face and limb lipoatrophy and / or abdominal back neck lipohypertrophy. Until now, in this group of individual, the determination of fat per body segment can be obtained by methods such as X-ray absorptiometry dual energy absorptiometry (DXA), but not by anthropometric measurements and bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), which would be more feasible in practice clinic. Objectives: Develop equations, using linear regression, to estimate fat in each segment (arm, leg and trunk) considering anthropometric variables and segmental BIA and propose cutoff points for classifying lipodystrophy in HIV seropositive patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Methods: We measured circumferences (arm, waist, hip, thigh, calf), skinfolds (biceps, triceps, subscapular, suprailiac) and conducted examinations of segmental BIA and DXA in 100 HIV seropositive men. From these variables were developed equations to estimate fat segments (arm, leg and trunk). To propose cutoffs were used ROC curves using clinical examination to identify the sensitivity and specificity. Results: We developed two models for arm and trunk using only anthropometric measurements and two models for leg using BIA and anthropometric variables. The coefficients of determination for models of arm, trunk and leg were 0.66 and 0.66, 0.76 and 0.75, 0.5 and 0.45, respectively. The proposed reasons were: waist circumference by the circumference of the thigh (WC / CTh), waist circumference by the calf (WC / Cca) and trunk arm ratio (TAR). The best cutoff points observed for WC/CTh , TAR and the index already proposed in the literature fat mass ratio (FMR) were 1.74, 2.08 and 1.26, respectively. Conclusions: The anthropometric reasons and the equations can be used to aid in the diagnosis of lipodystrophy in order to contribute to a more accurate diagnosis and early intervention and to prevent possible major changes in body composition.
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AvaliaÃÃo da Piscicultura em Esgoto DomÃstico Tratado: Aspectos ZootÃcnicos, Ambientais e de Qualidade do Pescado Produzido / Evaluation of treated domestic sewage in fish: aspects of husbandry, environmental and quality of fish produced.Cleto Augusto Baratta Monteiro 24 February 2011 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / O aproveitamento de Ãguas residuÃrias à uma alternativa bastante difundida na atualidade, e uma das formas de reÃso à na atividade piscÃcola, considerando-se que os efluentes das EstaÃÃes de Tratamento de Esgotos sÃo fontes ricas em nutrientes que podem ser aproveitados pelos peixes. Entretanto, algumas restriÃÃes se apresentam com relaÃÃo à qualidade dos animais para aproveitamento na alimentaÃÃo humana. Dessa forma, essa pesquisa foi realizada utilizando esgotos domÃsticos tratados, na criaÃÃo de tilÃpias do Nilo, Oreochromis niloticus, observando-se os aspectos zootÃcnicos, toxicolÃgicos do ambiente de cultivo, bem como condicionantes qualitativos sanitÃrios, nutricional, e de aceitabilidade do pescado produzido. A unidade experimental foi implantada em Ãrea adjacente à EstaÃÃo de Tratamento de Esgotos (lagoas de estabilizaÃÃo), da zona leste de Teresina-Pi, com dezoito tanques de fibra de vidro, dispostos em trÃs (03) tratamentos com seis (06) repetiÃÃes (3X6). O tratamento T-01 foi abastecido somente com Ãgua tratada e forneceu-se raÃÃo industrializada; o tratamento T-02 recebeu esgoto tratado da lagoa de maturaÃÃo, sem suprimento adicional de raÃÃo ou oxigÃnio, e o tratamento T-03 foi abastecido com o mesmo efluente sem fornecimento de raÃÃo, mas, recebeu aeraÃÃo suplementar. Durante o ciclo experimental, foi realizada a renovaÃÃo diÃria de 15% do volume de Ãgua armazenado nos tanques experimentais, para reposiÃÃo de nutrientes e limpeza. Nos tanques foram estocados alevinos de tilÃpias, revertidos sexualmente para machos em lotes de 10 indivÃduos por tanque (aproximadamente 03 alevinos /mÂ). Foram analisados os principais parÃmetros de qualidade da Ãgua e do esgoto, que abastece os tanques, com especial destaque para as anÃlises destinadas ao monitoramento da piscicultura. Para verificaÃÃo da capacidade produtiva do ambiente de cultivo, foram avaliados os parÃmetros zootÃcnicos, tais como: crescimento, ganho de peso, produtividade e conversÃo alimentar aparente. TambÃm foram realizados os testes microbiolÃgicos, de genotoxicidade (micronÃcleos), de aceitabilidade e preferÃncia (anÃlise sensorial), alÃm do Ãndice do rigor mortis (IRM) e da Bioimpedancia. Este conjunto de testes foi utilizado para identificar o nÃvel de qualidade do pescado. Os indivÃduos submetidos ao tratamento T-01 (produtividade de 118,14 kg/ha.dia), tiveram o melhor desempenho zootÃcnico, seguido dos peixes do T-03 (produtividade de 48,61kg/ha.dia), e com o pior resultado ficou o grupo do tratamento T-02 (produtividade de 34,90 kg/ha.dia). Entretanto, nos testes que aferiram a qualidade sanitÃria do pescado e a palatabilidade nÃo foram registradas diferenÃas significativas. Conclui-se que a piscicultura com esgoto domÃstico tratado em lagoas de estabilizaÃÃo à viÃvel, mas, ainda sÃo necessÃrios novos estudos para o desenvolvimento desta prÃtica. / The use of wastewater is an alternative widespread nowadays. One way to reuse it in fish activity, considering that the effluent from Sewage Treatment Stations, are rich sources of nutrients that could be used by fish. However, some restrictions arise regarding the quality of animals for use in human diet. Thus, this research was conducted using treated sewage, to raise Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), observing zootechnical aspects, toxicology of the culture environment, as well as qualitative sanitary conditions, nutrition, and acceptability of fish produced. The experimental unit was deployed in an area adjacent to the Sewage Treatment Station (stabilization ponds), at the east side of Teresina-PI, with eighteen of fiberglass tanks, arranged in three treatments with six repetitions. Treatment T-01 was supplied only with treated water and industrial fish feed; treatment T-02 received treated sewage from the maturation pond, without additional supply of feed or oxygen, and treatment T-03 was stocked with the same sewage effluent without feed, but received supplemental aeration. During the experimental cycle, we performed a daily renewal of 15% of the volume of water stored in experimental tanks for nutrient replacement and cleaning. In ponds stocked fingerlings of tilapia, sexually reversed for males in batches of 10 individuals per tank (about 03 fingerlings / mÂ). We analyzed the main parameters of water quality and sewage, fueling the tanks, with special emphasis on tests for monitoring of fish farming. To verify the productive capacity of the culture environment, we assessed the growth parameters such as growth, weight gain, feed conversion and productivity. Were also conducted microbiological testing of genotoxicity (micronuclei), acceptability and preference (sensory analysis), and the level of rigor mortis (MRI) and bioimpedance. This set of tests was used to identify the level of fish quality. Individuals undergoing treatment T-01 (productivity 118,14 kg/ha.day), had the best performance, followed of treatment T-03 (productivity 48,61kg/ha.day), and T-02 (productivity 34,90 kg/ha.day). However in tests that assessed the quality, fish health and the flavor, there was not significant difference. It is concluded that the fish farming with treated domestic sewage in stabilization ponds, it is feasible. But new studies are still needed for development of the practice.
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Impedance Optimized Electric Pulses for Enhancing Cutaneous Gene ElectrotransferAtkins, Reginald Morley 01 February 2017 (has links)
Electric field mediated gene delivery modalities have preferable safety profiles with the ability to rapidly transfect cells in vitro and in vivo with high efficiency. However, the current state of the art has relied on trial and error studies that target the average cell within a population present in treated tissue to derive electric pulse parameters. This results in fixed gene electrotransfer (GET) parameters that are not universally optimum. Slow progress towards the validation of a mechanism that explains this phenomena has also hindered its advancement in the clinic. To date, GET methods utilizing feedback control as a means to optimize doses of electric field stimulation have not been investigated. However, with modern electric components the electric characteristics of tissue exposed to electric pulses can be measured in very short time scales allowing for a near instantaneous assessment of the effect these pulses have on cells and tissue. This information is ideal for use in optimizing GET parameters to ensure the conditions necessary for gene delivery can be created regardless of anisotropic tissue architecture and electrode geometry. Bioimpedance theory draws parallels between cell structures and circuit components in an attempt to use circuit theory to describe changes occurring at a cellular and tissue level. In short, a reduction in tissue impedance indicates a reduction to the opposition of current flow in a volume conductor indicating new pathways for current. It has been purported these new pathways exist in the cell membrane and indicate a degree of membrane permeability/destabilization that either indicates or facilitates the uptake of exogenous molecules, such as nucleic acids or plasmid DNA. This study evaluated the use of relative impedance changes from 10 Hz – 10 kHz that occur in tissue before and after GET to indicate relative increase in tissue and membrane permeability. An optimum reduction in impedance was then identified as an indicator of the degree of membrane permeability required to significantly enhance exogenous DNA uptake into cells. This study showed the use of impedance-based feedback control to optimize GET pulse number in real time to target 80% or 95% reduction in tissue impedance resulted in an 12 and 14 fold increase in transgene expression over controls and a 6 and 7 fold increase in transgene expression over fixed pulse open loop protocols.
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Composition corporelle du chien par bioimpédancemétrie : validation d'équations prédictives / Validation of predictive equations of the body composition in dogsYaguiyan-Colliard, Laurence 05 May 2015 (has links)
Objectifs : valider des équations prédictives de la teneur en eau totale (TBW) chez le chien vigile de race beagle par bioimpédancemétrie monofréquence à 50 kHz, en comparaison avec la méthode de référence de dilution au deutérium. Ces équations seront ensuite appliquées à différentes races de chiens afin de vérifier leur validité chez tous les formats de chiens.Animaux : 26 chiens de laboratoire de race beagle et 13 chiens de propriétaires de diverses races. Méthodes : TBW est déterminée par la méthode de référence de dilution à l’eau deutérée et indirectement par l’utilisation d’équations prédictives établies à partir de mesures morphologiques et des mesures électriques (résistance et réactance) obtenues au moyen d’un bioimpédancemètre. Résultats : Les données obtenues chez 16 des 26 beagle a permis d’établir, par régression linéaire, deux équations prédictives de la teneur en eau totale suivantes : TBW1 = –0.019(BL2/R) + –0.199(RC + AC) + 0.996W + 0.081H + 12.31; et TBW2 = 0.048(BL2/R) + –0.144(RC +AC) + 0.777W + 0.066H + 0.031X + 7.47, où AC est le périmètre abdominal, H la hauteur au garrot, BL la longueur du corps, R la résistance, RC le périmètre thoracique , W le poids; and X la réactance. Chez les 10 beagles restants, TBW calculée par les équations TBW1 et TBW2 et celle obtenue par la méthode de dilution sont fortement corrélées (R21 = 0.843 ; R22 = 0.816). La 1ère et la 2ème équations sous-estiment de façon non significative la TBW de respectivement 2.4% and 1.6%. Cependant, l’application de ces formules à des chiens de diverses races ne permet pas l’estimation correcte de la TBW par rapport à la méthode de référence.Conclusion : Cette étude montre qu’il est possible et facile d’utiliser la bioimpédance chez le chien vigile. Deux équations prédictives de la TBW ont été développées et validées chez le beagle mais ne sont pas applicables en l’état à d’autres races de chien. La diversité morphologique des races canines obligent à adapter ces équations en fonction de paramètres de conformation et de format. / Objectives—To develop equations for prediction of total body water (TBW) content in unsedated dogs by combining impedance and morphological variables, and to compare the results of those equations with TBW content determined by deuterium dilution (TBWd). Then to investigate whether these equations were predictive of TBW in various canine breeds.Animals—26 healthy laboratory adult Beagles and 13 healthy adult pet dogs of various breeds.Procedures—TBW content was determined directly by deuterium dilution and indirectly with equations developed from measurements obtained by use of a portable bioelectric impedance device and morphological variables.Results—Impedance and morphological data from 16 of the 26 Beagle dogs were used to determine coefficients for the following 2 equations: TBW1 = –0.019(BL2/R) + –0.199(RC + AC) + 0.996W + 0.081H + 12.31; and TBW2 = 0.048(BL2/R) + –0.144(RC +AC) + 0.777W + 0.066H + 0.031X + 7.47, where AC is abdominal circumference, H is height, BL is body length, R is resistance, RC is rib cage circumference, W is body weight; and X is reactance. Results for TBW1 (R21 = 0.843) and TBW2 (R22 = 0.816) were highly correlated with the TBWd. When the equations were validated with data from the remaining 10 dogs, the respective mean differences between TBWd and TBW1 and TBW2 were 0.17 and 0.11 L, which equated to a nonsignificant underestimation of TBW content by 2.4% and 1.6%, respectively. Applying the two equations to dogs of various breeds showed they are inaccurate to estimate TBW content.Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Results indicated that impedance and morphological data can be used to accurately estimate TBW content in adult Beagles. This method of estimating TBW content is less expensive and easier to perform than is measurement of TBWd, making it appealing for daily use in veterinary practice. However, the proposed equations need to be modified including morphological parameters such as body size and shape in a first approach. As in humans, morphological-specific equations have to be developed and validated.
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Elektro-hydrodynamický model pro bioimpedanční pletysmografii / An Electro-Hydrodynamic Model for Bioimpedance PlethysmographyVyroubal, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This doctoral thesis deals with the study of electro-hydrodynamics in the area of numerical modelling of biomechanical systems, concretely in the method of bioimpedance plethysmography. Solving tasks of pulsatile blood flow in the elastic vessel wall is currently one of the most complicated problem in mechanics and biomechanics due to the interaction of two continua on the common boundary. The whole system is additionally loaded by diagnostic electric current. This doctoral thesis was created in cooperation with the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS, v. v. i. Brno with the team engaged in medical signals (the leader Ing. Pavel Jurák, CSc.). Experimental measurements were made independently in the St. Anne's University Hospital Brno in the International Clinical Research Center ICRC and in the Mayo Clinic USA.
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Bioimpedanční spektroskopická analýza kompozice těla v době laktace. / Bioimpedance spectroscopic body analysis during lactation.Urbánková, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to cover the changes in body composition by bioimpedance spectroscopy in Czech breastfeeding women during three periods - 3 weeks postpartum, 3 months and 6 months postpartum. Eight healthy breastfeeding women were involved in the study. At each examination there were measured anthropometric parameters and bioimpedance spectroscopy parameters by the Body Composition Monitor. Breast milk was also extracted during the study. We observed a gradual decrease in body weight of monitored women. The median weight loss between the first and third examination was 2,2 kg, the median weight in 6 months postpartum was 1,3 kg higher than the median of prepregnancy body weight, two of the women had lower weight 6 months postpartum than before the pregnancy, the body weight of other six women was higher in a scale between 0,1 kg to 3,1 kg. There were not proven statistically significant differences in body composition during lactation. A trend of decrease of TBW was observed during all lactation periods. A trend of slight increase of ICW was observed between the 3rd week and 3rd month postpartum, and then the decrease of ICW in the 6th month postpartum. An increase of LTM and BCM was measured between the 3rd week and 3rd month postpartum, those values have shown a decrease again...
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ELECTRICAL BIOIMPEDANCE CEREBRAL MONITORING : A Study of Cerebral Impedance Variation / ÖVERVAKNING AV HJÄRNAN MED ELEKTRISK BIOIMPEDANS : En Studie om Cerebrala ImpedansändringarMokhberi, Shiva January 2016 (has links)
Stroke is amongst the leading causes of death and disability worldwide. Today diagnosis of Stroke is restricted to fixed imaging facilities which do not provide a rapid diagnostic. A portable device which could provide a non invasive assessment of stroke would therefore decrease the time of diagnosis and increase the chance of survival. Recent studies have confirmed that Implementing Electrical Bioimpedance in a portable device could provide a reliable means for Stroke diagnostic. However in order to be able to use the brain impedance as an indicator of Stroke, the invariance of brain impedance with time in healthy individuals should be studied first. Experimental Bioimpedance Spectroscopy (BIS) measurements from a healthy control group of 10 subjects have been used in this study to inspect the variation of brain impedance in the span of two weeks. The results of this study suggest that the cap which was used for brain impedance measurements together with the available device have not been an optimal way of measuring the brain impedance and therefore have affected the data by causing artifacts for the results. With the artifacts available in the data acquired in this study it is not possible to make any statements about the variation of brain impedance and therefore a deeper analysis of collected data using descriptive analysis is required in order to be able to judge on the significance of the obtained errors. In the future a larger study group should be considered in order to increase the predictive power of the observations. / Stroke är bland de ledande orsakerna till död och funktionshinder i hela världen.I dagsläget är diagnos av stroke begränsad till fasta bildenheter som inte möjliggör en snabb diagnos. En bärbar enhet som möjliggör en icke invasiv bedömning av sjukdomen skulle minska diagnos tiden och följaktligen öka chansen att överleva sjukdomen. Genomförda studier i ämnet har bekräftat att implementering av Electrical Bioimpedance i en bärbar enhet kan räknas som ett effektivt sätt för Stroke diagnostik. För att kunna använda hjärnans impedans för Stroke diagnostik, bör först en studie av hjärnans impedans på friska individer utföras för att kunna visa att impedansen är oförändrad med tiden. Experimentell Bioimpedans Spektroskopi (BIS) mätningar från en frisk kontrollgrupp av 10 försökspersoner har utförts i denna studie för att inspektera variationen av hjärnans impedans under två veckor. Resultaten från denna studie tyder på att sättet av impedans mätningen i dagsläget är inte optimalt. Artefakter presenterad i resultatet gör det omöjligt för att kunna komma till ett beslut om hjärnans impedans variation . För fortsätta studier bör man överväga en större kontrollgrupp och även en analysering av data med hjälp av t-statistik som var inte inom ramen av denna studie.
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Model Based Enhancement of Bioimpedance Spectroscopy Analysis : Towards Textile Enabled ApplicationsBuendía López, Rubén January 2011 (has links)
Several signal processing approaches have been developed to overcome the effect of stray capacitances in Electrical Bioimpedance Spectroscopy (EBIS) measurements. EBIS measurements obtained with textile-enabled instrumentation are more vulnerable to stray capacitances. Currently, the most widespread approach for correcting the effect of stray capacitances in EBIS is the time delay ( Td) compensation method, which also has several drawbacks. In this study, the Td method is revisited and its limitations and its lack of a scientific basis are demonstrated. To determine better ways to overcome the effect of stray capacitances, a simplified measurement model is proposed that is based on previous models of artefacts in EBIS measurements described in the literature. The model consists of a current divider with a parasitic capacitance (Cpar) in parallel with the load. Cpar creates a pathway for the measurement current to leak away from the load, provoking a capacitive leakage effect. In this thesis, three approaches with different limitations are proposed to overcome the capacitive leakage effect. The first approach estimates Cpar and subtracts it from the measurements, thus finding the load. Cpar can be estimated because the susceptance of biological tissue is null at infinite frequency. Therefore, at high frequencies, the susceptance of the tissue can be neglected, and the slope of the susceptance of the measurement is Cpar. The accuracy of Cpar depends on the maximum frequency measured and the value of Cpar. Therefore, it may not be possible to accurately estimate small values of Cpar in the typical frequency ranges used in EBIS. The second and third approaches use the Cole fitting process to estimate the Cole parameters, which form the basis for most EBIS applications. Because the conductance of the measurement is free from the effect of Cpar, performing Cole fitting on the conductance avoids the effect of Cpar in the fitting process. With a poor skin-electrode contact, this approach may not be sufficiently accurate. The third approach would be to perform the Cole fitting on the modulus with a reduced upper frequency limit because the modulus and the low-medium frequencies are very robust against the effect of artefacts. In this approach, a slight capacitive leakage effect is unavoidable. Since it is common to find tainted measurements, especially among those obtained with textile-enabled instrumentation, it is important to find viable methods to avoid their effect. The three methods studied showed that they could reduce the effect of tainted measurements. / QC 20120313
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Electrochemical Characterization of ex vivo Human Hepatic Tissues Containing Colorectal Metastases and Quantification of Spatial Error in Electrical Impedance Mapping of Soft TissuesKarnes, Michael 08 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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