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Development of Novel Wearable Sensor System Capable of Measuring and Distinguishing Between Compression and Shear Forces for Biomedical ApplicationsDimitrija Dusko Pecoski (8797031) 21 June 2022 (has links)
<p>There are no commercially available wearable shoe in-sole sensors that are capable of measuring and distinguishing between shear and compression forces. Companies have already developed shoe sensors that simply measure pressure and make general inferences on the collected data with elaborate software [2, 3, 4, 5]. Researchers have also attempted making sensors that are capable of measuring shear forces, but they are not well suited for biomedical applications [61, 62, 63, 64]. This work focuses on the development of a novel wearable sensor system that is capable of identifying and measuring shear and compression forces through the use of capacitive sensing. Custom hardware and software tools such as materials test systems and capacitive measurement systems were developed during this work. Numerous sensor prototypes were developed, characterized, and optimized during the scope of this project. Upon analysis of the data, the best capacitive measurement system developed in this work utilized the CAV444 IC chip, whereas the use of the Arduino-derived measurement system required data filtering using median and Butterworth zero phase low pass filters. The highest dielectric constant reported from optimization experiments yielded 9.7034 (+/- 0.0801 STD) through the use of 60.2% by weight calcium copper titanate and ReoFlex-60 silicone. The experiments suggest certain sensors developed in this work feasibly measure and distinguish between shear and compressional forces. Applications for such technology focus on improving quality of life in areas such as managing diabetic ulcer formation, preventing injuries, optimizing performance for athletes and military personnel, and augmenting the scope of motion capture in biomechanical studies.</p>
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<div>The mechanical behaviors of different kinds of biological tissues, including muscle tissues, cortical bones, cancellous bones and skulls, were studied under various loading conditions to investigate their strain-rate sensitivities and loading-direction dependencies. Specifically, the compressive mechanical behaviors of porcine muscle were studied at quasi-static (<1/s) and intermediate (1/s─10^2/s) strain rates. Both the compressive and tensile mechanical behaviors of human muscle were investigated at quasi-static and intermediate strain rates. The effect of strain-rate and loading-direction on the compressive mechanical behaviors of human frontal skulls, with its entire sandwich structure intact, were also studied at quasi-static, intermediate and high (10^2/s─10^3/s) strain rates. The fracture behaviors of porcine cortical bone and cancellous bone were investigated at both quasi-static (0.01mm/s) and dynamic (~6.1 m/s) loading rates, with the entire failure process visualized, in real-time, using the phase contrast imaging technique. Research effort was also focused on studying the dynamic fracture behaviors, in terms of fracture initiation toughness and crack-growth resistance curve (R-curve), of porcine cortical bone in three loading directions: in-plane transverse, out-of-plane transverse and in-plane longitudinal. A hydraulic material testing system (MTS) was used to load all the biological tissues at quasi-static and intermediate loading rates. Experiments at high loading rates were performed on regular or modified Kolsky bars. Tomography of bone specimens was also performed to help understand their microstructures and obtain the basic material properties before mechanical characterizations. Experimental results found that both porcine muscle and human muscle exhibited non-linear and strain-rate dependent mechanical behaviors in the range from quasi-static (10^(-2)/s─1/s) to intermediate (1/s─10^2/s) loading rates. The porcine muscle showed no significant difference in the stress-strain curve between the along-fiber and transverse-to-fiber orientation, while it was found the human muscle was stiffer and stronger along fiber direction in tension than transverse-to fiber direction in compression. The human frontal skulls exhibited a highly loading-direction dependent mechanical behavior: higher ultimate strength, with an increasing ratio of 2, and higher elastic modulus, with an increasing ratio of 3, were found in tangential loading direction when compared with those in the radial direction. A transition from quasi-ductile to brittle compressive mechanical behaviors of human frontal skulls was also observed as loading rate increased from quasi-static to dynamic, as the elastic modulus was increased by factors of 4 and 2.5 in the radial and tangential loading directions, respectively. Experimental results also suggested that the strength in the radial direction was mainly depended on the diploë porosity while the diploë layer ratio played the predominant role in the tangential direction. For the fracture behaviors of bones, straight-through crack paths were observed in both the in-plane longitudinal cortical bone specimens and cancellous bone specimens, while the cracks were highly tortuous in the in-plane transverse cortical bone specimens. Although the extent of toughening mechanisms at dynamic loading rate was comparatively diminished, crack deflections and twists at osteon cement lines were still observed in the transversely oriented cortical bone specimens at not only quasi-static loading rate but also dynamic loading rate. The locations of fracture initiations were found statistical independent on the bone type, while the propagation direction of incipient crack was significantly dependent on the loading direction in cortical bone and largely varied among different types of bones (cortical bone and cancellous bone). In addition, the crack propagation velocities were dependent on crack extension over the entire crack path for all the three loading directions while the initial velocity for in-plane direction was lower than the other two directions. Both the cortical bone and cancellous bone exhibited higher fracture initiation toughness and steeper R-curves at the quasi-static loading rate than the dynamic loading rate. For cortical bone at a dynamic loading rate (5.4 m/s), the R-curves were steepest, and the crack surfaces were most tortuous in the in-plane transverse direction while highly smooth crack paths and slowly growing R-curves were found in the in-plane longitudinal direction, suggesting an overall transition from brittle to ductile-like fracture behaviors as the osteon orientation varies from in-plane longitudinal to out-of-plane transverse, and to in-plane transverse eventually.</div>
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EXPLORING GRAPH NEURAL NETWORKS FOR CLUSTERING AND CLASSIFICATIONFattah Muhammad Tahabi (14160375) 03 February 2023 (has links)
<p><strong>Graph Neural Networks</strong> (GNNs) have become excessively popular and prominent deep learning techniques to analyze structural graph data for their ability to solve complex real-world problems. Because graphs provide an efficient approach to contriving abstract hypothetical concepts, modern research overcomes the limitations of classical graph theory, requiring prior knowledge of the graph structure before employing traditional algorithms. GNNs, an impressive framework for representation learning of graphs, have already produced many state-of-the-art techniques to solve node classification, link prediction, and graph classification tasks. GNNs can learn meaningful representations of graphs incorporating topological structure, node attributes, and neighborhood aggregation to solve supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised graph-based problems. In this study, the usefulness of GNNs has been analyzed primarily from two aspects - <strong>clustering and classification</strong>. We focus on these two techniques, as they are the most popular strategies in data mining to discern collected data and employ predictive analysis.</p>
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<div>Delayed fracture healing is a major health issue involved with aging. Therefore, strategies to improve the pace of repair and prevent non-union are needed in order to improve patient outcomes and lower healthcare costs. In order to accelerate bone fracture healing noninvasively, we sought to develop a drug delivery system that could safely and effectively be used to deliver therapeutics to the site of a bone fracture. We elected to pursue the promising strategy of using small-molecule drug conjugates that deliver therapeutics to bone in an attempt to increase the efficacy and safety of drugs for treating bone-related diseases.</div><div>This strategy also opened the door for new methods of administering drugs. Traditionally, administering bone anabolic agents to treat bone fractures has relied entirely on local surgical application. However, because it is so invasive, this method’s use and development has been limited. By conjugating bone anabolic agents to bone-homing molecules, bone fracture treatment can be performed through minimally invasive subcutaneous administration. The exposure of raw hydroxyapatite that occurs with a bone fracture allows these high-affinity molecules to chelate the calcium component of hydroxyapatite and localize primarily to the fracture site.</div><div>Many bone-homing molecules (such as bisphosphonates and tetracycline targeting) have been developed to treat osteoporosis. However, many of these molecules have toxicity associated with them. We have found that short oligopeptides of acidic amino acids can localize to bone fractures with high selectivity and with very low toxicity compared to bisphosphonates and tetracyclines.</div><div>We have also demonstrated that these molecules can be used to target peptides of all chemical classes: hydrophobic, neutral, cationic, anionic, short, and long. This ability is particularly useful because many bone anabolics are peptidic in nature. We have found that acidic oligopeptides have better persistence at the site of the fracture than bisphosphonate-targeted therapeutics. This method allows for a systemic administration of bone anabolics to treat bone fractures, which it achieves by accumulating the bone anabolic at the fracture site. It also opens the door for a new way of treating the prevalent afflictions of broken bones and the deaths associated with them.</div><div>We further developed this technology by using it to deliver anabolic peptides derived from growth factors, angiogenic agents, neuropeptides, and extracellular matrix fragments. We found several promising therapeutics that accelerated the healing of bone fractures by improving the mineralization of the callus and improving the overall strength. We optimized the performance of these molecules by improving their stability, targeting ligands, linkers, dose, and dosing frequency.</div><div>We also found that these therapeutics could be used to accelerate bone fracture repair even in the presence of severe comorbidities (such as diabetes and osteoporosis) that typically slow the repair process. We found that, unlike the currently approved therapeutic for fracture healing (BMP2), our therapeutics improved functionality and reduced pain in addition to strengthening the bone. These optimized targeted bone anabolics were not only effective at healing bone fractures but they also demonstrated that they could be used to speed up spinal fusion. Additionally, we demonstrated that acidic oligopeptides have potential to be used to treat other bone diseases with damaged bone.</div><div>With these targeted therapeutics, we no longer have to limit bone fracture healing to casts or invasive surgeries. Rather, we can apply these promising therapeutics that can be administered non-invasively to augment existing orthopedic practices. As these therapeutics move into clinical development, we anticipate that they will be able to reduce the immobilization time that is the source of so many of the deadly complications associated with bone fracture healing, particularly in the elderly.</div>
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