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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

In search of appropriate media (mass media) for the informal sector in a post apartheid South Africa : the city of Durban's street vendors.

Cebekhulu, Nhlanhla Michael. January 1995 (has links)
The investigation to the appropriate mass media for the micro-enterprises (informal sector) is in line with the principle of economic development for post-apartheid South Africa envisaged by the Reconstruction and Development Programme. In many countries, such as Latin America, Japan, United States of America, small business sector is the backbone of the economy, providing jobs and means for large companies to out-source tasks. This also applies to South Africa, the micro-enterprise in this country ''fulfils a social and economic function which neither state owned corporations nor the foreign transnational corporations, can perform. Due to their knowledge of the clientele they are able to determine more precisely the real and basic needs of the society and thereby render people-oriented, as against a purely commercial service" (Mersham and Skinner 1992 :33). However, lack of access to appropriate, relevant and understandable information and advice is one of the most critical aspect which hinders development of small enterprises, particularly, micro-enterprises and survivalist and small start-up enterprises. Due to the past discrimination and lack of opportunities this problem is most serve among black entrepreneurs who are participating in this sector. In addition, the central problem that has an impact in the process of reaching the micro-enterprises is the fact that the nature of communication systems and their relevance for the micro-enterprise activities, seem to have more over-emphasis on the print media. Subsequently, over-emphasis on the print media concentrate efforts on more easily and receptive individuals and communities, ignoring the micro-enterprises that require the service, since the majority of the micro-enterprises are comprised of people who have been disadvantaged by an incomplete education. It becomes therefore, essential to investigate how micro-enterprises consume mass media and the central role it plays so that an appropriate mass medium to reach this sector could be identified. Since my perception is that there is no assurance that the formulated policies and strategies by the Department of Trade and Industry become known to the intended beneficiaries . Most importantly, the approach taken in this study, is the one which tries to understand the role of the mass media in national development but which is more specific to the micro-enterprises. The media are seen as educators or teachers of the micro-enterprises. The ideal is that mass media can be used to teach people skills of different kinds and, under some conditions, to influence the attitudes and behaviour of the micro-enterprises. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1995.

From pavement entrepreneurs to stock exchange capitalists: the case of the South African black business class

Maseko, Sipho Sibusiso January 2000 (has links)
The evolution of policy regarding the black bourgeoisie -- Issues in the struggle for black capitalism -- The roles and effects of NAFCOC (National African Federation Chamber of Commerce) and FABCOS (Foundation of Business and Consumer Service) -- The development of black capitalists in the urban areas -- Constraints on, and the performances of black entrepreneurs -- 'Normalisation' of the economic playing field.

From pavement entrepreneurs to stock exchange capitalists: the case of the South African black business class

Maseko, Sipho Sibusiso January 2000 (has links)
The evolution of policy regarding the black bourgeoisie -- Issues in the struggle for black capitalism -- The roles and effects of NAFCOC (National African Federation Chamber of Commerce) and FABCOS (Foundation of Business and Consumer Service) -- The development of black capitalists in the urban areas -- Constraints on, and the performances of black entrepreneurs -- 'Normalisation' of the economic playing field.

Barriers to African black contractors in the Western Cape construction industry

Fortuin, Clive Jacobus January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (MTech(Business Administration))--Cape Technikon, Cape Town, 2004 / The procurement of goods and services in the public sector accounts for a huge portion of domestic spending. An improvement in government procurement has a direct effect on the country's economic performance. Government procurement systems are subject to increasing scrutiny and reform due to domestic and international pressure. Procurement reform is being driven by the principles of democracy and fairness, the opening of the global market, and the small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) that have been excluded from government procurement. Research has been done on the development of SMMEs in South Africa, highlighting the barriers experienced by these enterprises. As only limited research has been done on the barriers experienced by the sub-category of African black SMMEs, this study focuses on those barriers experienced by African black SMMEs in the construction industry in the Western Cape, with specific emphasis on the Emerging Contractor Development Programme (ECDP) of the National Department of Public Works in Cape Town. The purpose of this study was to determine the reasons why African black contractors cannot find the opportunities that they seek. The opportunities may be available, but the financial capacity of these contractors is limited. The lack of finance or the lack of access to finance causes these contractors not to be able to perform as anticipated. The survey was done among African Black contractors to determine from them what their experiences were with the Emerging Contractor Development Programme. It also focused on the number of opportunities given to them by the National Department of Public Works and the effect of the lack of finances.

An analysis into the implementation of Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) in Namibia : selected case studies

Teek, Pia Mbemurukira 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISCH ABSTRACT: Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) in Namibia is viewed as an essential poverty reduction strategy in the fight against black disempowerment. However, the concept and practice of BEE in Namibia, prevails in the absence of a national BEE policy. Nonetheless, the government has encouraged the public and private sector to develop their own empowerment initiatives, in accordance with the draft BEE guidelines. The practice of BEE in Namibia has become controversial amongst the presently disadvantaged Namibians with regard to its implementation. Criticisms on the implementation of BEE are based on the assumption that BEE has resulted in the selfenrichment of a small black elite as opposed to empowering the poor. Breaking the cycle of underdevelopment and marginalization requires a commitment towards Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) and broad-based ownership. The ultimate objectives of BBBEE are to achieve significant decreases in poverty, income inequality and unemployment. The primary objective of the research was to analyze the implementation of BBBEE within two companies in Namibia, namely; Namibia Mineworkers Investment Company Financial Services (Nam-MIC FS) and the National Housing Enterprise (NHE). The purpose was to determine whether the poor are benefiting from their respective BBBEE strategies and to what extent. A descriptive case study approach was used to understand the empowerment process within the identified institutions. Two data collection methods were used, namely; open-ended questionnaires and standardized open-ended interviewing with the Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of the respective institutions. The findings reveal that Nam-MIC FS is promoting broad-based ownership in that union members are able to access affordable financial services and products. However, Nam- MIC FS has failed to effectively implement BBBEE, since key areas of empowerment, such as the implementation of a broad-based skills development programme for employees, Small Medium Enterprise (SME) development for union members and community initiatives have been overlooked. The conclusion is that Nam-MIC FS is promoting a minimalist approach to empowerment, since its main focus is on the provision of affordable financial services and products, which is a short-term and unsustainable approach to reducing income inequalities and poverty. The main recommendations include the need to formulate and implement internal policies in respect of the transformational guidelines and implementing a monitoring and evaluation system. The findings on NHE reveal that whilst a BBBEE model has been implemented, a shortcoming is the failure to implement a skills development programme for black SME contractors. Moreover, of concern is the failure by NHE to promote broad-based ownership in the provision of housing, since the poor and very poor are directly and indirectly excluded from housing opportunities. The conclusion is that NHE is not promoting the broader participation, capacity building and economic improvement of the poor and very poor, which exacerbates the housing backlog through the emergence of informal settlements. The main recommendations pertain to the need to directly or indirectly include the poor and very poor in the provision of housing opportunities and a need to implement a skills development programme for black SME contractors, in addition to implementing a monitoring and evaluation system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Swart Ekomiese Bemagtiging (SEB) in Namibië word as ‘n noodsaaklike strategie vir die verligting van armoede in die stryd teen swart verontmagtiging beskou. Die SEB-konsep en die beoefening daarvan staan egter sonder ‘n ondersteunende nasionale SEB-beleid. Desnieteenstaande moedig die regering die private en die besigheidsektors aan om self bemagtigingsinisiatiewe in ooreenstemming met SEB-konsepriglyne te ontwikkel. Vir minderbevoorregtes in Namibië is die beoefening van SEB egter omstrede vanweë die implementering daarvan. Kritiek oor die implementering van SEB word gebaseer op die aanname dat SEB die selfverryking van ‘n klein groep swart elite instede van die bemagtiging van armes behels. Verbreking van die siklus van onderontwikkeling en marginalisering vereis verbondenheid tot Breë Basis Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging (BBSEB) en breë basis eienaarskap. Die uiteindelike oogmerke van BBSEB is betekenisvolle vermindering van armoede, ongelyke inkomste en werkloosheid. Die primêre doelwit van hierdie navorsing was om die implementering van BBSEB in twee maatskappye in Namibië, die Namibia Mineworkers Investment Company Financial Services (Nam-MIC FS) en die National Housing Enterprise (NHE), te ontleed. Die doel was om te bepaal of die armes enige voordeel uit die onderskeie BBSEB-strategieë trek en in hoeverre dit gebeur. Die navorsing is met behulp van beskrywende gevallestudies benader om die bemagtigingsproses in die betrokke instansies te kan verstaan. Twee insamelingsmetodes is vir die verkryging van data gebruik: ope-vraag vraelyste en gestandaardiseerde ope-vraag onderhoude met bedryfshoofde van die onderskeie instansies. Die bevindings toon dat Nam-MIC FS breë basis eienaarskap bevorder deur vakbondlede in staat te stel om toegang tot bekostigbare finansiële dienste en produkte te bekom, maar nie daarin geslaag het om BBSEB effektief te implementeer nie, aangesien sleutelareas van bemagtiging, soos implementering van breë basis vaardigheidsontwikkelingsprogramme vir werknemers en ontwikkeling van vaardighede vir Klein en Medium Ondernemings vir vakbondlede, sowel as gemeenskapsinisiatiewe, oor die hoof gesien is. Die gevolgtrekking is dat Nam-MIC FS ‘n minimalistiese benadering tot bemagtiging bevorder – hulle is hoofsaaklik op die verskaffing van bekostigbare finansiële dienste en produkte gerig, wat as ‘n korttermyn en onvolhoubare benadering tot die vermindering van inkomste-ongelykheid, en tot armoede, beskou word. Die vernaamste aanbevelings betrek die behoefte om ‘n interne beleid ten opsigte van transformatiewe riglyne te formuleer en ‘n stelsel vir die monitering en evaluering daarvan te implementeer. Bevindings oor die NHE toon dat ‘n BBSEB model geïmplementeer is, maar die firma tekortskiet aangesien hulle nie ’n vaardigheidsontwikkelingsprogram vir swart KMOkontrakteurs kon instel nie. Verder is dit sorgwekkend dat die NHE nie geslaag het om breë-basis eienaarskap deur voorsiening van behuising te bevorder nie, aangesien die armes uiters arm is en direk sowel as indirek uitgesluit word wanneer geleenthede vir behuising ter sprake is. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die NHE nie breër deelname, die ontwikkeling van kapasiteit, en ekonomiese verbetering van armes en uiters armes bevorder nie, waardeur die behuisingsagterstand vererger, en informele nedersettings ontstaan. Die vernaamste aanbevelings betrek die behoefte aan direkte of indirekte insluiting van armes en uiters armes by die voorsiening van behuisingsgeleenthede en die behoefte om vaardigheidsontwikkelingsprogramme vir swart KMO-kontrakteurs, tesame met ‘n monitering- en evalueringstelsel, te implementeer.

"They Have Gone From Sherman": The Courthouse Riot of 1930 and Its Impact on the Black Professional Class

Kumler, Donna J. 12 1900 (has links)
This study describes the development of the black business and professional community with emphasis on the period from 1920 to 1930, the riot itself, and the impact of the episode on the local black community. It utilizes traditional historical research methods, county records, contemporary newspapers, and oral history.

Towards a model for successful enterprises centred on entrepreneurs exogenous and endogenous attributes: Case of Vhembe District, South Africa

Iwara, Ishmael Obaeko January 2020 (has links)
PHDRDV / Institute for Rural Development / Over 50% of the world's economies face high enterprise failure with African countries being on the top of the list. Specifically, South Africa is among nations with the highest rate of enterprise failure, estimated at 70%, despite sustained investments by the government to support the growth of enterprises. It has been argued that the country has no entrepreneurship models to support enterprise development, as a result, policies for entrepreneurial-supporting initiatives are not driven by correct or informed mechanisms that can adequately transform enterprises. This study investigated the indicators and critical exogenous and endogenous components associated with successful enterprises, borrowing some aspects from the Economic base theory. A mixedmethod was followed and 280 participants were drawn from 16 villages in four local municipalities of Vhembe District using snowball, purposive and cluster sampling techniques. A desktop review, semi-structured and structured questionnaires were tools used for the data collection. An analysis of the qualitative data was achieved through a thematic technique using MAX QDA and Atlas-ti v8. Microsoft Excel functions; descriptive statistics through STATA, while, Crosstabulation, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) model through SPSS v26, as well as Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) model using R v3.0, were exploited with the quantitative data. The results indicate that - profit margin, trends of new products, enterprise expansion and enterprise survival - are common success indicators in the area. The PCA fitted on exogenous data structure (n=280) computed 6 principal enterprise challenges from 45 items identified qualitatively. These are - Access to finance (AF: 14.887%), Access to market (AM: 10.297%), Physical capacity (PC: 8.858), Operational cost (OC: 6.052%), Socio-cultural issues (SC: 5.628%) and Competition (Co 4.460%). The MLP based on 83 sample structure of success enterprises, however, revealed that Co presents the most challenge followed by AM, OC, SI, AF and PC which was the least challenging. Similarly, PCA post-endogenous qualitative study computed 5 principal components from 49 initial items. Bridging networks (BN) constituted 38.044% of the variance followed by Self-belief (SB:15.802), Risk Awareness (RA:6.144), Resilience (R: 4.532), and Nonconformist (NC:4.271). The MLR employed to investigate the linear relationship of the parameters revealed that BN (𝛽1 = 7.57) is most influential and statistically significant (p=0.01). Except for SI which is negatively related to enterprise success, R, RA and NC parameters demonstrate positive influences to enterprise success. A model for successful enterprises centred on entrepreneurs’ exogenous and endogenous attributes is proposed as the main contribution of the study towards enterprises’ success in the areas of the research. The key recommendation in this study is that support to enterprises should be informed by the area-specific indicators outlined in the study. Keywords: African model, enterprise development, endogenous attributes, exogenous factors, rural areas / NRF


Conley, Natasha 31 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys : n voorligtingsopgawe / Education directed to entrepreneurship : a guidance concern

Maré, G. F. (Gerhard Francois), 1964- 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Hedendaagse onderwys staan voor 'n omvattende voorligtings- en opleidingsopgawe om die jeug toe te rus om die arbeidsmark as entrepreneurs te betree. Onderwysers word toenemend voor die eis gestel om as fasiliteerders op te tree om leerlinge te begelei om beter by die eise van veranderende omstandighede, nuwe tegnologie en inligting aan te pas. In hierdie konteks vorm entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys een van die mees eietydse temas wat die onderwys moet aanspreek. Hoewel die voorsiening van entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys reeds in die nuwe Norme en standaarde vir onderwyseropleiding as 'n kruiskurrikulere aangeleentheid beskryf word, is die behoefte aan 'n omvattende entrepreneurskapsontwikkelingstrategie nog nie voldoende aangespreek nie. In 'n antwoord op hierdie leemte word 'n voorgestelde implementeringstrategie vir entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys in hierdie studie ontwikkel. In die verloop van die ondersoek moes daar deeglik rekening gehou word met aspekte soos: • die rol en betekenis van entrepreneurskap in die Suid-Afrikaanse skolekonteks; • faktore wat entrepreneuriese sukses of mislukking onderle; • die ontwikkeling van 'n positiewe entrepreneuriese ingesteldheid en entrepreneuriese vaardighede en • plaaslike en oorsese inisiatiewe om entrepreneurskap m die skoolkonteks te bevorder. In die empiriese ondersoek is die uitgangspunt gehuldig dat onderwysers se menings van deurslaggewende belang is om 'n entrepreneurskapsontwikkelingstrategie te rig. Onderwysers se menings is in elk van die volgende ondersoekvelde nagevors: • Onderwysers se toegerustheid om entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys aan leerlinge te voorsien; • Onderwysers se eie implementering van entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys; • Die behoefte by leerlinge aan entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys; • Onderwysers se geslaagdheid om entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys te implementeer; • Die aangewesenheid van entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys as 'n onderwyseropgawe. Die navorsingsresultate is aangewend om binne die raamwerk van die Suid-Afrikaanse skolekonteks en onderwysbeleid 'n strategie voor te stel om entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys te implementeer. Die onderwys kan hierdeur 'n aansienlike bydrae lewer om die jeug voor te berei om as volwaardige en verantwoordelike landsburgers hulle plek in die samelewing vol te staan. / Education today stands before the comprehensive task to empower our youth through appropriate guidance and training to enter the job market as entrepreneurs. Teachers are increasingly put to the task to act as facilitators in their guidance of the youth to adapt more effectively to changing circumstances, new technology and information. Within this context, education directed to entrepreneurship forms one of the most timely issues that education should address. Although the provision of education directed to entrepreneurship has been described as a cross curricular concern within the new Norms and standards for teacher education it does not provide in the need for a comprehensive strategy to develop entrepreneurship in education. In an answer to this deficiency, this study is directed to develop a proposed implementation strategy to enhance entrepreneurship in education. In the course of this investigation it was needed to thouroughly account with concerns such as: • the role and significance of entrepreneurship within the South African school context; • factors which underlie entrepreneurial success or failure; • the development of a positive entrepreneurial attitude and entrepreneurial skills and • local and foreign initiatives to enhance entrepreneurship within the school context. In the empirical investigation the v1ew is held that teachers opm10ns is of crucial importance to give direction towards a strategy to enhance entrepreneurship. Teachers views are examened within each of the following fields of investigation: • Teachers empoweredness to provide education directed to entrepreneurship to students. • Teachers own implementation of education directed to entrepreneurship • Students need for education directed to entrepreneurship. • Teachers sufficiency to implement education directed to entrepreneurship. • The appropriateness of education directed to entrepreneurship as a teacher concern. The results of the research is applied to propose an implementation strategy to enhance education directed to entrepreneurship within the framework of the South African school context and policy of education. The conclusion was reached that educators can greatly contribute to prepare our youth so that they can take up their positions in the community as responsible and able citizens. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys : n voorligtingsopgawe / Education directed to entrepreneurship : a guidance concern

Maré, G. F. (Gerhard Francois), 1964- 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Hedendaagse onderwys staan voor 'n omvattende voorligtings- en opleidingsopgawe om die jeug toe te rus om die arbeidsmark as entrepreneurs te betree. Onderwysers word toenemend voor die eis gestel om as fasiliteerders op te tree om leerlinge te begelei om beter by die eise van veranderende omstandighede, nuwe tegnologie en inligting aan te pas. In hierdie konteks vorm entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys een van die mees eietydse temas wat die onderwys moet aanspreek. Hoewel die voorsiening van entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys reeds in die nuwe Norme en standaarde vir onderwyseropleiding as 'n kruiskurrikulere aangeleentheid beskryf word, is die behoefte aan 'n omvattende entrepreneurskapsontwikkelingstrategie nog nie voldoende aangespreek nie. In 'n antwoord op hierdie leemte word 'n voorgestelde implementeringstrategie vir entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys in hierdie studie ontwikkel. In die verloop van die ondersoek moes daar deeglik rekening gehou word met aspekte soos: • die rol en betekenis van entrepreneurskap in die Suid-Afrikaanse skolekonteks; • faktore wat entrepreneuriese sukses of mislukking onderle; • die ontwikkeling van 'n positiewe entrepreneuriese ingesteldheid en entrepreneuriese vaardighede en • plaaslike en oorsese inisiatiewe om entrepreneurskap m die skoolkonteks te bevorder. In die empiriese ondersoek is die uitgangspunt gehuldig dat onderwysers se menings van deurslaggewende belang is om 'n entrepreneurskapsontwikkelingstrategie te rig. Onderwysers se menings is in elk van die volgende ondersoekvelde nagevors: • Onderwysers se toegerustheid om entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys aan leerlinge te voorsien; • Onderwysers se eie implementering van entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys; • Die behoefte by leerlinge aan entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys; • Onderwysers se geslaagdheid om entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys te implementeer; • Die aangewesenheid van entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys as 'n onderwyseropgawe. Die navorsingsresultate is aangewend om binne die raamwerk van die Suid-Afrikaanse skolekonteks en onderwysbeleid 'n strategie voor te stel om entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys te implementeer. Die onderwys kan hierdeur 'n aansienlike bydrae lewer om die jeug voor te berei om as volwaardige en verantwoordelike landsburgers hulle plek in die samelewing vol te staan. / Education today stands before the comprehensive task to empower our youth through appropriate guidance and training to enter the job market as entrepreneurs. Teachers are increasingly put to the task to act as facilitators in their guidance of the youth to adapt more effectively to changing circumstances, new technology and information. Within this context, education directed to entrepreneurship forms one of the most timely issues that education should address. Although the provision of education directed to entrepreneurship has been described as a cross curricular concern within the new Norms and standards for teacher education it does not provide in the need for a comprehensive strategy to develop entrepreneurship in education. In an answer to this deficiency, this study is directed to develop a proposed implementation strategy to enhance entrepreneurship in education. In the course of this investigation it was needed to thouroughly account with concerns such as: • the role and significance of entrepreneurship within the South African school context; • factors which underlie entrepreneurial success or failure; • the development of a positive entrepreneurial attitude and entrepreneurial skills and • local and foreign initiatives to enhance entrepreneurship within the school context. In the empirical investigation the v1ew is held that teachers opm10ns is of crucial importance to give direction towards a strategy to enhance entrepreneurship. Teachers views are examened within each of the following fields of investigation: • Teachers empoweredness to provide education directed to entrepreneurship to students. • Teachers own implementation of education directed to entrepreneurship • Students need for education directed to entrepreneurship. • Teachers sufficiency to implement education directed to entrepreneurship. • The appropriateness of education directed to entrepreneurship as a teacher concern. The results of the research is applied to propose an implementation strategy to enhance education directed to entrepreneurship within the framework of the South African school context and policy of education. The conclusion was reached that educators can greatly contribute to prepare our youth so that they can take up their positions in the community as responsible and able citizens. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

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