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Essays on the Effects of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program on Adult ObesityAlmada, Lorenzo Nicolas 12 August 2014 (has links)
This dissertation examines the effects of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP, formally known as the Food Stamp Program, on adult weight outcomes. The focus of this work is to uncover the causal effects of the program by applying rigorous identification methods as well as techniques that address data limitations. By understanding the true impact of SNAP on adult obesity, policymakers can pursue appropriate reform measures to avoid unintended consequences of the program while promoting healthy weight outcomes for low-income Americans.
The first essay expands on previous work examining the effects of SNAP participation on adult obesity. Previous research provides some evidence that SNAP participation may have a small positive effect on weight gain for women and no significant effect on men. However, additional research has found that misreporting of SNAP participation in surveys is prevalent and that analysis of program effects when participation is misclassified (misreported) can produce estimates that are biased and misleading. Until now, nearly all studies examining the effects of SNAP on adult obesity have ignored the issue of respondent misreporting. This chapter uses state-level policy variables regarding SNAP administration to instrument for SNAP participation for NLSY79 respondents. To address respondent misreporting I adopt an approach based on parametric methods for misclassified binary dependent variables that produces consistent estimates when using instrumental variables. This study is the first to document the considerable rates of SNAP participation under-reporting in the NLSY79 dataset. In addition, this study finds that, although SNAP participation increases adult BMI and the likelihood of being obese, without correcting for misreporting bias the estimates are overstated by nearly 100 percent.
The second essay uses the same data but applies a different identification strategy to investigate the intensive margin effects of SNAP on adult obesity. To mitigate the severity of endogenous participation and misreporting biases, I employ a strategy that examines only individuals who report participating in SNAP. I utilize a quasi-experimental variation in SNAP amount per adult due to the timing of school eligibility for children. The identification examines the proportion of school-age children in SNAP households who automatically qualify for in-school nutrition assistance programs. A greater proportion of school-age children eligible for free in-school meals proxies for an exogenous increase in the amount of SNAP benefits available per adult. This study finds that increases in SNAP benefits, as proxied by increases in the proportion of school-age children, reduce BMI and the probability of being severely obese for SNAP adults.
Taken together, the results of this dissertation present an intriguing depiction of the effects of SNAP on adult obesity that serves to inform both policymakers and future researchers. On the one hand, the findings indicate that participating in SNAP (extensive margin) leads to weight gain and higher rates of obesity. Yet, on the other hand, increases in the amount of benefits for those who report participating in SNAP (intensive margin) actually leads to reductions in weight and the likelihood of being severely obese.
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För bra för ditt eget bästa : Ortorexia Nevrosa och två sorters självkänslaSchlemowitz, Oscar January 2014 (has links)
Ortorexia Nervosa (ON) är ett sällsynt förekommande ämne inom dagens forskning. ON behandlar en besatthet av en viss typ av livsmedel som senare leder till social isolering. Studien genomfördes med syfte att undersöka om ON förekommer bland gymnasieelever, om bassjälvkänsla och förvärvad självkänsla, vetskap om sitt eget BMI samt kön är kopplat till fenomenet. Undersökningen genomfördes med enkäter som mätte graden av ON samt självkänsla. Åttiofem gymnasieelever svarade på enkäterna. Resultatet visade att tretton procent av respondenterna fick poäng över tröskelvärdet för ON. Ingen signifikant korrelation uppkom beträffande relationen mellan könen. Undersökningen visade signifikanta samband mellan ON och de två typerna av självkänsla: vid högt behov av förvärvad självkänsla samt låg bassjälvkänsla tenderar individen att ha högre grad av ON.
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Effekter av skolinterventioner på barns fysiska aktivitet och hälsa - litteraturöversiktHolm Anbo, Evelina, Westrup Wickström, Johanna January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ett av tre barn i västvärlden lider av övervikt eller fetma som ett resultat av en ohälsosam livsstil. Detta kan obehandlat leda till hjärt– och kärlsjukdomar samt diabetes typ II senare i livet då många överviktiga barn tenderar att behålla den ohälsosamma livsstilen in i vuxen ålder. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att analysera de senaste fem årens skolinterventioner och dess utformning på hälsorelaterade faktorer med ökad fysisk aktivitet som huvudkomponent. Metod: Sökningarna resulterade i 10 kvantitativa studier, vilka granskades, analyserades och betygsattes utifrån en bedömningsmall. Resultat: Analysen visade att ökad fysisk aktivitet kan påverka barns kroppssammansättning och därigenom hälsorelaterade faktorer. Interventionernas design påverkade resultaten på varierande vis. De studier där man påverkat fler faktorer så som kost, motivation samt miljö visade förbättringar på barnens kroppssammansättning. Kortare interventioner redovisade positiva resultat inom syreupptagningsförmåga samt vilopuls. Slutsats: Interventioner med fysisk aktivitet som huvudkomponent kan påverka barn hälsa positivt genom att öka syreupptagningsförmågan samt vilopulsen, vilket i sin tur ger förbättrad hjärt- och kärlhälsa.
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The relationship of body image, body mass index and self-esteem to eating attitudes in a normal sampleHudson, Chloe Laurel France January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how body image, Body Mass Index (BMI), self-esteem and eating attitudes were related in a non-clinical sample of New Zealand women. The sample consisted of 36 women ranging in age from 17 to 55 years of age. Body image was assessed using the Body Shape Questionnaire, BMI was calculated based on measures of height and weight; eating attitudes was assessed with the Eating Concern subscale of the Eating Disorders Examination and self-esteem was assessed using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. The results of this study conclude that elevated BMI is associated with higher dissatisfaction with body image, and there is a positive correlation between body image and eating attitudes. Self-esteem and eating attitudes were significantly correlated with lower self-esteem being associated with increased disturbance in eating attitudes. Self-esteem and BMI were found to significantly contribute to eating attitudes on their own as well as together. Body image on its own also made a significant contribution to eating attitudes. Previous research informs us of the negative implications of dissatisfaction with body image, elevated BMI, disturbed eating attitudes and low-self-esteem and this study examines the links between these variables in order to add further information to what contributes to each of the variables. These findings were discussed in light of sociocultural theories of eating disorders and their implications to women from nonclinical populations.
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Investigating the psychological factors associated with obesityBanting, Esme January 2017 (has links)
Obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21<sup>st</sup> century, associated with a range of adverse physical, psychological, social and economic consequences. The aetiology of obesity is complex; however, the psychological factors associated with overweight and obesity remain poorly understood. The first paper critically appraises evidence for three of the most developed psychological theories of obesity. Based on these findings, literature from the fields of emotion regulation and attachment are reviewed, and a novel developmental theory of obesity based on an integration of these theoretical constructs is proposed. Recommendations for future research based on a theoretical framework of emotion regulation are made, and implications for clinical practice including a focus on enhancing caregiver sensitivity are highlighted. The second paper explores the applicability of an established cognitive model of Bulimia Nervosa (BN) and binge eating to an overweight and obese sample. Findings support the relevance of cognitive aspects of the model in an overweight and obese sample, and highlight the potential role of early attachment relationships in the formation of cognitions that make an individual vulnerable to overweight and obesity in later life. Theoretical and clinical implications based on the established cognitive model are considered. Limitations include reliance on self-report and the correlational nature of analyses used. Recommendations for future research with larger, more representative samples to address these limitations are made. Overall, this dissertation makes a unique contribution to the psychological understanding of overweight and obesity, which has the potential to enhance treatment outcomes and suggests useful avenues for further research.
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Change in body mass index and neurocognitive effects in retired NFL playersSchmitt, Alyssa M. 20 June 2016 (has links)
Contact sport athletes can experience thousands of repetitive head impacts (RHI) in their career. Retired NFL players have been found to be suffering from depression, mood/behavior changes, and cognition deficits that are linked to underlying neurological impairment from RHIs, including the neurodegenerative disease, chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). Researchers at Boston University School of Medicine received funding from the National Institutes of Health to create the DETECT study to examine methods of diagnosing CTE during life and to examine the possible risk factors for CTE and other long-term consequences of RHI. This study examined the association between change in body mass index (BMI) and cognitive impairment in retired NFL players. The cohort was 95 retired NFL players between the ages of 40-69 who have a minimal 12 years of football experience and minimal 2 years in the NFL. The participants underwent a 2-3 hour neuropsychological battery. Change in BMI was from the time of retirement (height and weight available on the NFL website archive of historical players) and from time of the DETECT study visit (height and weight recorded by nurses on digital scales). The results found significance between greater change in BMI and decline in psychomotor speed/executive functioning (p=0.038). There was also significance between WAIS Digit symbol coding test and BMI change (p=0.043). The results show that greater positive change in BMI have negative consequences on retired NFL player’s cognitive functioning.
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Perfil nutricional das crianças e jovens brasileiros : um estudo da prevalência nos últimos seis anosFlores, Larissa Sabbado January 2012 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever a prevalência de diferentes estados nutricionais de crianças e adolescentes brasileiros, identificando a tendência do comportamento do baixo peso, do sobrepeso e da obesidade ao longo de um período de seis anos. Este estudo de tendência foi realizado com uma amostra voluntária de 37.801 escolares, provenientes do banco de dados do Projeto Esporte Brasil (PROESPBr). A amostra foi agrupada em três períodos de tempo (I= 2005-2006; II= 2007-2008; e, III= 2009 a 2011) e por idades (crianças: 7 a 10 anos, e adolescentes: 11 a 14 anos), além de, estratificada por sexo. A massa corporal e a estatura foram avaliadas pelos professores nas escolas, e o índice de massa corporal (IMC) foi calculado posteriormente. O IMC foi classificado em baixo peso, eutrófico, sobrepeso e obesidade, conforme os critérios propostos por Conde e Monteiro (2006). Para verificação da associação entre os períodos de tempo e as categorias do perfil nutricional foi utilizado o teste do qui-quadrado de Pearson e na identificação da tendência da prevalência do baixo peso, do sobrepeso e da obesidade, ao longo dos últimos seis anos, recorreu-se ao teste de Regressão Logística Multinomial (em ambos procedimentos o nível de significância foi de 5%). Os resultados apontaram, no baixo peso, uma probabilidade da ocorrência diminuir significativamente nos adolescentes do sexo masculino do ano de 2005-06 para 2007-08, e uma probabilidade da prevalência aumentar significativamente nas crianças do sexo feminino entre o ano de 2007-08 para 2009-11, embora em todas as categorias de idade e sexo, as ocorrências tenham sido menores que 5%. Observamos no sobrepeso, uma probabilidade da ocorrência aumentar do período I para o II (2005-2006 para 2007-2008), nas crianças do sexo masculino, e prevalências sempre próximas a 20% nas demais categorias de idade e sexo. Encontramos, além disso na obesidade, uma probabilidade da prevalência aumentar significativamente do período I para o II em todas as categorias de idade e nos dois sexos, sendo que não foi observado uma permanência do aumento. Entretanto as ocorrências, tanto no sobrepeso como na obesidade, permaneceram elevadas no último período avaliado (2009 a 2011), indicando possivelmente um platô das prevalências. No entanto, a população de crianças e adolescentes brasileiros é composta por aproximadamente 30% de casos com sobrepeso e obesidade. Esses resultados apontam a importância da continuidade de investigações sobre o perfil nutricional de crianças e adolescentes e demonstram a necessidade de um planejamento de ações que proporcionem uma reversão desses achados. / The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence of different nutritional status among Brazilian children and adolescents (male and female), from the identification of underweight, overweight and obesity behavior trends in a period of six years. This trend study was performed with a voluntary sample of 37.801. Data was obtained from the PROESP-Br (Brazil Sport Project) database. Sample was clustered in three periods of time (I=2005-2006; II= 2007-2008; and III=2009 to 2011), in two age groups (children: 7 for 10 years old and adolescents: 11 to 14 years old), and stratified for sex. The weight and height was measured for teachers at school during physical education class and body mass index (BMI) was calculated. BMI was stratified in underweight, eutrophic, overweight and obesity, according with Conde and Monteiro (2006) criteria. To assess the association between time periods and nutritional profile categories, we used the Pearson chi-square test and to identify of trends in underweight, overweight and obesity prevalence were conducted using multiple logistic regression (overall α level of 5%).. Results showed, of underweight, a significant prevalence decrease probability in male adolescents in 2005-06 to 2007-08 and increase in female children in 2007-08 to 2009- 11, although in all categories of age and sex, the occurrences have been less than 5%. We observed in the overweight, an occurrence increase probability in period I to II (2005-2006 to 2007-2008) in male children, and prevalence close to 20% in the others age and gender categories. Also, we found an occurrence increase probability in obesity in the period I to II in all age categories and both sexes, but remained stable until the last period study (2009 -2011). This possibly indicates a plateau in prevalence. However, the population of Brazilian children and adolescents is composed of approximately 30% of cases of overweight and obesity. The results show the importance of continuing investigations about nutritional status of children and adolescents and demonstrate the need for action planning to provide a reversal of these findings.
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Hodnocení žáků 2. stupně základních škol v Ústeckém kraji a jejich postoj ke školní tělesné výchově / Assessment of the 2nd Grade Elementary School Pupils in Ústí nad Labem Region and Their Attitude Towards Physical EducationCihlář, David January 2017 (has links)
Title Assessment of the 2nd Grade Elementary School Pupils in Ústí nad Labem Region and Their Attitude Towards Physical Education Problem Researches and investigations from the recent years have been indicating a decline in a physical activity of children during their free time. This fact is also reflected in physical education lessons, especially at the level of their skills, fitness and performance, but also in their overall interest in this subject. Physical education teachers often solve a fundamental problem in their classes and that is a low motivation of pupils to move. One part of the learning process is also an evaluation where the teacher takes into consideration a number of factors. An objective consideration of all partial factors, for which a student can be evaluated during physical education lessons, into an overall grade is a very complex and difficult process for the teacher. This thesis deals with the assessment in physical education, particularly with an effort to identify those variables that have a significant impact on the overall grade in this school subject. We observe gender and age differences, the relationship of students to physical education, an active attitude to sport outside the school environment, family influence, but also the lifestyle of a student and also the...
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Výživové zvyklosti vysokoškolských studentů se zaměřením na spotřebu mléka a mléčných výrobků.Juříková, Jana January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Perfil nutricional das crianças e jovens brasileiros : um estudo da prevalência nos últimos seis anosFlores, Larissa Sabbado January 2012 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever a prevalência de diferentes estados nutricionais de crianças e adolescentes brasileiros, identificando a tendência do comportamento do baixo peso, do sobrepeso e da obesidade ao longo de um período de seis anos. Este estudo de tendência foi realizado com uma amostra voluntária de 37.801 escolares, provenientes do banco de dados do Projeto Esporte Brasil (PROESPBr). A amostra foi agrupada em três períodos de tempo (I= 2005-2006; II= 2007-2008; e, III= 2009 a 2011) e por idades (crianças: 7 a 10 anos, e adolescentes: 11 a 14 anos), além de, estratificada por sexo. A massa corporal e a estatura foram avaliadas pelos professores nas escolas, e o índice de massa corporal (IMC) foi calculado posteriormente. O IMC foi classificado em baixo peso, eutrófico, sobrepeso e obesidade, conforme os critérios propostos por Conde e Monteiro (2006). Para verificação da associação entre os períodos de tempo e as categorias do perfil nutricional foi utilizado o teste do qui-quadrado de Pearson e na identificação da tendência da prevalência do baixo peso, do sobrepeso e da obesidade, ao longo dos últimos seis anos, recorreu-se ao teste de Regressão Logística Multinomial (em ambos procedimentos o nível de significância foi de 5%). Os resultados apontaram, no baixo peso, uma probabilidade da ocorrência diminuir significativamente nos adolescentes do sexo masculino do ano de 2005-06 para 2007-08, e uma probabilidade da prevalência aumentar significativamente nas crianças do sexo feminino entre o ano de 2007-08 para 2009-11, embora em todas as categorias de idade e sexo, as ocorrências tenham sido menores que 5%. Observamos no sobrepeso, uma probabilidade da ocorrência aumentar do período I para o II (2005-2006 para 2007-2008), nas crianças do sexo masculino, e prevalências sempre próximas a 20% nas demais categorias de idade e sexo. Encontramos, além disso na obesidade, uma probabilidade da prevalência aumentar significativamente do período I para o II em todas as categorias de idade e nos dois sexos, sendo que não foi observado uma permanência do aumento. Entretanto as ocorrências, tanto no sobrepeso como na obesidade, permaneceram elevadas no último período avaliado (2009 a 2011), indicando possivelmente um platô das prevalências. No entanto, a população de crianças e adolescentes brasileiros é composta por aproximadamente 30% de casos com sobrepeso e obesidade. Esses resultados apontam a importância da continuidade de investigações sobre o perfil nutricional de crianças e adolescentes e demonstram a necessidade de um planejamento de ações que proporcionem uma reversão desses achados. / The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence of different nutritional status among Brazilian children and adolescents (male and female), from the identification of underweight, overweight and obesity behavior trends in a period of six years. This trend study was performed with a voluntary sample of 37.801. Data was obtained from the PROESP-Br (Brazil Sport Project) database. Sample was clustered in three periods of time (I=2005-2006; II= 2007-2008; and III=2009 to 2011), in two age groups (children: 7 for 10 years old and adolescents: 11 to 14 years old), and stratified for sex. The weight and height was measured for teachers at school during physical education class and body mass index (BMI) was calculated. BMI was stratified in underweight, eutrophic, overweight and obesity, according with Conde and Monteiro (2006) criteria. To assess the association between time periods and nutritional profile categories, we used the Pearson chi-square test and to identify of trends in underweight, overweight and obesity prevalence were conducted using multiple logistic regression (overall α level of 5%).. Results showed, of underweight, a significant prevalence decrease probability in male adolescents in 2005-06 to 2007-08 and increase in female children in 2007-08 to 2009- 11, although in all categories of age and sex, the occurrences have been less than 5%. We observed in the overweight, an occurrence increase probability in period I to II (2005-2006 to 2007-2008) in male children, and prevalence close to 20% in the others age and gender categories. Also, we found an occurrence increase probability in obesity in the period I to II in all age categories and both sexes, but remained stable until the last period study (2009 -2011). This possibly indicates a plateau in prevalence. However, the population of Brazilian children and adolescents is composed of approximately 30% of cases of overweight and obesity. The results show the importance of continuing investigations about nutritional status of children and adolescents and demonstrate the need for action planning to provide a reversal of these findings.
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