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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Problematika výživy a dopingu v kulturistice a fitness / Issues of nutrition and doping in bodybuilding and fitness

Linhartová, Gabriela January 2020 (has links)
Title: The problems of nutrition and doping in bodybuilding and fitness Purposes: The aim of the thesis was to find differences in the area of nutrition and doping in condition fitness exercisers, active amateur competitors and professional athletes in bodybuilding and fitness, in the area of macro nutrients intake, drinking regimen, dietary supplements and abuse of doping. Methods: For the research, the qualitative method was chosen as a survey. The survey is divided into questions identifying information about problems of nutrition and doping. It contains a combination of open, closed and semi- closed questions. The selected set of examinations was a random sample of condition fitness exercisers, amateur and professional bodybuilding and fitness athletes. Results: The survey shows that although condition fitness exercisers perceive the optimal macronutrient and micronutrient intake, drinking regimen and dietary supplements as part of success in bodybuilding and fitness, their awareness and discipline do not reach the same level as competing respondents (amateurs and professional athletes). The diet of the competitors corresponds more with the recommendations in the literary sources. Minimal differences were found between the nutrition of condition fitness exercisers and athletes (amateur and...

Protein <3 Gymjunkies : En undersökning om hur formspråk i marknadsföring av proteinpulver kan speglas på vegoprodukter för att nå nya målgrupper / Protein <3 Gymjunkies : An investigation into how idioms in protein powder marketing can be reflected on vegan products to reach new target groups.

Lundgren, Laura January 2023 (has links)
This essay is a visual analysis of the marketing of protein powder by six Swedish actors and three foreign ones that sell protein powder. The essay explores which different idioms and attributes are used in images through a quantitative content analysis and then a qualitative semiotic analysis. The purpose was to check how the marketing of protein powder looks at different companies to see which idioms they use to speak to the target group of male bodybuilders. The purpose was then to discuss whether these imagery and forms of communication can be applied to vegan products in order to arouse interest in these products among the target group. The result of the analysis shows, among other things, that the marketing of protein powder alludes to the sensory and emotional aspects of the recipient. Based on the theory of strategic communication and market communication the results of the analysis are then discussed on how to implement the different design languages on vegan products in order to arouse an interest in these among the target group.

The gendered construction of the female athlete /

Kay, Joanne. January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Anabolic steroid use among non-competitive male bodybuilders: an application of two theories of deviant behavior

Durkin, Keith F. 30 March 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to explain anabolic steroid use among non-competitive male bodybuilders. Two theories of deviant behavior are used in this research: rational choice theory and social learning theory. This thesis tests these theories on a sample of 50 males from fitness centers and gymnasiums. The results are interpreted in light of their implications for future research on the factors that encourage steroid use and other deviant behavior. / Master of Science

“En ytlig bransch” : en kvalitativ studie om upplevd hälsa och kroppsuppfattning bland träningsinstruktörer som arbetar på gym / “A superficial profession” : a qualitative study about experienced health and body perception among training instructors

Arvidsson, Emil, Buchholtz, Kristina January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: En dålig kroppsuppfattning kan påverka välmåendet negativt och medföra en rad olika konsekvenser för den fysiska och psykiska hälsan. Tidigare forskning kring fenomenet kroppsuppfattning är begränsad, särskilt kopplat till yrkesrollen, vilket gör det svårt att förstå arbetets betydelse för kroppsuppfattningen. Syftet med studien var att undersöka kroppsuppfattning och upplevt välbefinnande bland träningsinstruktörer som arbetar på gym. Detta för att öka förståelsen för möjliga faktorer som kan påverka kroppsuppfattningen och välbefinnandet. Metod: Studien har genomförts med hjälp av ett kvalitativt metodval i form av enskilda semistrukturerade intervjuer där totalt 10 deltagare har fått representera resultatet. Resultat: Sammanfattningsvis visade resultatet att de flesta informanter hade både negativa och positiva tankar om den egna kroppen, men där de positiva tankarna dominerade. Den egna kroppen ansågs vara ett värdefullt redskap där det var viktigt för deltagarna att underhålla sitt yttre då klienter ofta föredrog vältränade träningsinstruktörer. Somliga informanter tävlade även i bodybuilding, vilket tenderade att påverka deras välmående negativt. Det framkom även att det finns en större press kring kvinnors utseende än vad det gör för män ur ett samhällsperspektiv. Deltagarnas syn på hälsa sammanfatttas som ett holistiskt synsätt där flera viktiga komponenter behövde samspela med varandra. Konklusion: På grund av den begränsade forskningen finns därför ett behov för att vidare studera kroppsuppfattning utifrån en kvalitativ och kvantitativ aspekt för att ge en tydligare bild av vilka faktorer som påverkar den. / Background: A poor body perception can affect well being in a negative way and lead to detrimental results for both physical and mental health. Previous research about the phenomenon body perception is limited, especially work related, which makes it harder to understand how work can affect body perception. Purpose: To study body perception and the existence of well being amongst training instructors working at the gym. The objective is to increase the understanding of potential factors that may affect body perception and well being. Method: The study was implemented by using a qualitative methodology in the form of individual semi-structured interviews with a total of ten participants. Results: In summary the result shows that most of the participants experienced both negative and positive thoughts about their own body, although the positive thoughts were more common. A well conditioned body was considered a valuable asset in attracting clients since this was preferred. Some of the participants also competed in bodybuilding; however, this tended to have a negative impact on their well being. In a social setting there is a greater expectation about a women’s appearance than it is for men. The participants view on health can be summarized as a holistic approach where several components contributed. Conclusion: Due to the existence of limited research, there is a need for further studies about body perception from a qualitative and quantitative point of view to give a better picture of possible additional factors that affect it.

Psykologin bakom skadeprevention inom tyngdlyftning, styrkelyft, Crossfit och kroppsbyggning. : En Kvalitativ studie ur coachers perspektiv

Björk, Anders, Haag, Jonathan January 2015 (has links)
Huvudsyftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka på vilket sätt coacher inom tyngdlyftning, styrkelyft, Crossfit och kroppsbyggning implementerar preventiva strategier designade för att förebygga skador genom inverkan på psykologiska riskfaktorer. Vidare var det av intresse att undersöka vilka personlighetsdrag hos en idrottare som coacher upplevde ökade risken för skador. Ett ytterligare syfte var att studera coachernas erfarenheter av relationen mellan idrottares stressnivå och skaderisk. Totalt genomfördes nio semistrukturerade intervjuer med coacher på distrikt till internationell nivå lokaliserade i Sverige. Samtliga coacher hade tidigare erfarenhet med skadade idrottare. Resultatet sammanställdes genom en deduktiv innehållsanalys. Under intervjuerna identifierades flera interventionsstrategier som kunde relateras till Williams och Andersens (1998) stress­skademodell. Det framgick att coacherna i studien fokuserar mycket på fysiologiska och stressrelaterade aspekter och inte personlighetsdrag när de implementerar interventioner för att förebygga skador. Implikationer för skadeförebyggande träning samt förslag på framtida forskning ges.


Lauffer, Patricia Louise, 1961- January 1987 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the self-concepts and body cathexis of both males and females engaged in an eleven week weight training course and to examine if differences in gender role would influence the relationship of strength to self-concept and body cathexis. Each group (weight trainers versus controls) was administered the Tennessee Self Concept Scale, Bem Sex-Role Inventory, Eysenck Personality Inventory, and the Body Cathexis Scale. Strength measures were obtained. Group by gender ANOVA and ANCOVA examined differences between and among the groups and genders. Gender role by gender ANOVA and ANCOVA examined differences between and among the androgynous and masculine typed males and females. Multiple regression analyses were performed to examine the relationship of strength to body cathexis and self-concept. Results indicated pre- and post differences between and among the groups and genders and the genders and the gender roles.

Specifika předsoutěžní přípravy v kulturistice a její vliv na tělesné složení. / Specifics of Pre-Competition Training in Bodybuilding and it's Influence on Body Composition

Vopravil, Ladislav January 2016 (has links)
Title: Specifics of Pre-Competition Training in Bodybuilding and it's Influence on Body Composition Objectives: The aim of this thesis is description of specifics nutrition and training methods in pre-competition training in bodybuilding and practical assessment of their influence on body composition in the test subjects. Methods: Skinfold calliper technique using callipers type Best and bioimpedance analysis using devices BIA 2000 and Tanita MC-980. Results: After completing of intervention program and measurement of body composition, compiled on the basis of negative energy balance, using carbohydrate restriction combined with high-intensity strength training and subsequent measurement of body composition, we found an expected changes of their parameters as was observed their individual response on intervention. Both subjects achieved a significant reduction of subcutanneous fat (proband no. 1 = - 7 %, proband no. 2 = - 3,2 %) and total fat (proband no. 1 = - 2,7 ± 0,3 %, proband no. 2 = - 3,2 ± 0,4 %). Furthermore we observed a distinct change in the total amount of muscle mass (proband no. 1 = - 2,5 kg, proband no. 2 = + 1,1 kg) while deterioration of muscle quality defined by changes of ECM / BCM coefficient values. Conclusion: The program has ensured the expected changes in the parameters of...

A relação entre dismorfia muscular, dependência de exercício e overtraining em praticantes de musculação

Baum, Indiana Bernard January 2018 (has links)
Devido à crescente valorização do corpo, além dos transtornos alimentares, os transtornos de imagem têm crescido e alcançado os mais variados perfis, não apenas modelos e atletas, mas também praticantes de exercícios recreacionais, sem escolher sexo, idade e atividade laboral. Observa-se que, as investigações acerca da dismorfia muscular relacionadas a atletas são vastas, contudo há carência de estudos que investiguem a prevalência em outras populações, como, por exemplo, em não atletas e em mulheres. Na dismorfia muscular, ocorre a insatisfação relacionada ao aspecto dos músculos ou simplesmente a percepção alterada da musculatura, o que pode levar à obsessão pela hipertrofia muscular e, consequentemente, pelo treinamento. A obsessão pelo treinamento é conhecida como dependência de exercício e caracteriza-se pela prática mesmo sob condições adversas, como doença ou lesão. Por sua vez, a prática excessiva de exercícios sem o adequado planejamento e sem os períodos suficientes de descanso entre as sessões de treino podem levar ao aparecimento de sinais e sintomas de overtraining, como, por exemplo, o decréscimo prolongado de desempenho físico. Portanto, o objetivo dessa pesquisa, de cunho quantitativo e transversal, foi verificar se há correlação entre dismorfia muscular, dependência de exercício e overtraining em praticantes de musculação. Participaram do estudo 320 sujeitos, entre eles homens e mulheres, com idade entre 18 e 79 anos, praticantes de musculação há, pelo menos, três meses, com frequência mínima de três treinos por semana, de dez diferentes academias do Centro Histórico de Porto Alegre, que foram avaliados por meio de três questionários validados relacionados aos temas da pesquisa, além do questionário de caracterização da amostra. A partir da análise dos dados, conclui-se que indivíduos com risco para dismorfia muscular tendem a apresentar maiores níveis de dependência de exercício. O sexo parece não influenciar maiores níveis de dismorfia muscular, dependência ou overtraining e indivíduos mais jovens parecem ter maiores indícios de dismorfia muscular e de overtraining. Os indivíduos que priorizam o ganho de massa muscular em detrimento de outros objetivos demonstraram maiores associações com risco para dismorfia muscular e com risco para dependência de exercício. / Due to the growing appreciation of the body, in addition to eating disorders, the image disorders have grown and reached the most varied profiles, not only models and athletes, but also practitioners of recreational exercises, without choosing sex, age and work activity. It is observed that the investigations of muscular dysmorphia related to athletes are vast, however, there is a lack of studies investigating the incidence in other populations, such as non-athletes and women. In muscular dysmorphia, there is dissatisfaction related to the appearance of the muscles or simply the altered perception of the muscles, which can lead to an obsession with muscular hypertrophy and, consequently, through training. The obsession with training is known as exercise dependency and is characterized by practice even under adverse conditions such as illness or injury. In addition, excessive exercise without proper planning and lack of sufficient rest periods between training sessions can lead to overtraining signs and symptoms, such as a prolonged decrease in physical performance. Therefore, the objective of this quantitative and cross-sectional study was to verify if there is a correlation between muscle dysmen- der, exercise dependence and overtraining in bodybuilders. A total of 320 subjects, mens and womens, aged between 18 and 79 years, had been trained for at least three months, with a minimum of three training sessions per week, from ten different fitness centers in the Historic Center of Porto Alegre, three validated questionnaires related to the research themes, besides the sample characterization questionnaire. From the analysis of the data, it is concluded that individuals with risk for muscular dysmorphia tend to present higher levels of exercise dependence. Sex does not appear to influence higher levels of muscle dysmorphism, dependence or overtraining, and younger individuals appear to have greater evidence of muscle dysmorphia and overtraining. Individuals who prioritize muscle mass gain over other goals have demonstrated greater associations with risk for muscle dysmorphia and risk for exercise dependence.

A relação entre dismorfia muscular, dependência de exercício e overtraining em praticantes de musculação

Baum, Indiana Bernard January 2018 (has links)
Devido à crescente valorização do corpo, além dos transtornos alimentares, os transtornos de imagem têm crescido e alcançado os mais variados perfis, não apenas modelos e atletas, mas também praticantes de exercícios recreacionais, sem escolher sexo, idade e atividade laboral. Observa-se que, as investigações acerca da dismorfia muscular relacionadas a atletas são vastas, contudo há carência de estudos que investiguem a prevalência em outras populações, como, por exemplo, em não atletas e em mulheres. Na dismorfia muscular, ocorre a insatisfação relacionada ao aspecto dos músculos ou simplesmente a percepção alterada da musculatura, o que pode levar à obsessão pela hipertrofia muscular e, consequentemente, pelo treinamento. A obsessão pelo treinamento é conhecida como dependência de exercício e caracteriza-se pela prática mesmo sob condições adversas, como doença ou lesão. Por sua vez, a prática excessiva de exercícios sem o adequado planejamento e sem os períodos suficientes de descanso entre as sessões de treino podem levar ao aparecimento de sinais e sintomas de overtraining, como, por exemplo, o decréscimo prolongado de desempenho físico. Portanto, o objetivo dessa pesquisa, de cunho quantitativo e transversal, foi verificar se há correlação entre dismorfia muscular, dependência de exercício e overtraining em praticantes de musculação. Participaram do estudo 320 sujeitos, entre eles homens e mulheres, com idade entre 18 e 79 anos, praticantes de musculação há, pelo menos, três meses, com frequência mínima de três treinos por semana, de dez diferentes academias do Centro Histórico de Porto Alegre, que foram avaliados por meio de três questionários validados relacionados aos temas da pesquisa, além do questionário de caracterização da amostra. A partir da análise dos dados, conclui-se que indivíduos com risco para dismorfia muscular tendem a apresentar maiores níveis de dependência de exercício. O sexo parece não influenciar maiores níveis de dismorfia muscular, dependência ou overtraining e indivíduos mais jovens parecem ter maiores indícios de dismorfia muscular e de overtraining. Os indivíduos que priorizam o ganho de massa muscular em detrimento de outros objetivos demonstraram maiores associações com risco para dismorfia muscular e com risco para dependência de exercício. / Due to the growing appreciation of the body, in addition to eating disorders, the image disorders have grown and reached the most varied profiles, not only models and athletes, but also practitioners of recreational exercises, without choosing sex, age and work activity. It is observed that the investigations of muscular dysmorphia related to athletes are vast, however, there is a lack of studies investigating the incidence in other populations, such as non-athletes and women. In muscular dysmorphia, there is dissatisfaction related to the appearance of the muscles or simply the altered perception of the muscles, which can lead to an obsession with muscular hypertrophy and, consequently, through training. The obsession with training is known as exercise dependency and is characterized by practice even under adverse conditions such as illness or injury. In addition, excessive exercise without proper planning and lack of sufficient rest periods between training sessions can lead to overtraining signs and symptoms, such as a prolonged decrease in physical performance. Therefore, the objective of this quantitative and cross-sectional study was to verify if there is a correlation between muscle dysmen- der, exercise dependence and overtraining in bodybuilders. A total of 320 subjects, mens and womens, aged between 18 and 79 years, had been trained for at least three months, with a minimum of three training sessions per week, from ten different fitness centers in the Historic Center of Porto Alegre, three validated questionnaires related to the research themes, besides the sample characterization questionnaire. From the analysis of the data, it is concluded that individuals with risk for muscular dysmorphia tend to present higher levels of exercise dependence. Sex does not appear to influence higher levels of muscle dysmorphism, dependence or overtraining, and younger individuals appear to have greater evidence of muscle dysmorphia and overtraining. Individuals who prioritize muscle mass gain over other goals have demonstrated greater associations with risk for muscle dysmorphia and risk for exercise dependence.

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