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Komponovaná krajina Františka Josefa Schlika a "krajinotvorba" kolem roku 1700 / Landscape Composition of Count Frantisek Josef Schlik and the "Landscape Creation" around the Year 1700Rychnová, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
This thesis describes the landscape composition of Czech Count Frantisek Josef Slik (Frantz Joseph Schlik, 1656-1740) and attempts to define the influences and principles which were involved in the formation of the landscape in the manors of Kopidlno, Stare Hrady and Velis- Voksice, now in the Czech Republic, during the life of the aristocrat. Frantisek Josef Schlik ruled the manors for over 60 years and during that time he was responsible for many architectural works with considerable landscape-forming and urbanistic potential. A series of visually interlinked chapels was erected in the Velis-Voksice manor. This series included the meierhof with a little palace in Voksice. This landscape composition has been discussed especially as regards its formal design, but its connection to the Count's motivation has been less well researched, as has been the broader social and, especially, religious context in the area. Another aspect that has been put aside, or not perceived within the context of the manorial landscape, were other structures which Frantisek Josef Schlik built or which were of essential importance for the activities in the manor. These structures, meierhofs, were also significant landscape components. This dissertation first attempts to provide a biography of Frantisek Josef Schlik,...
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Omezování Židů ve veřejném a osobním životě za Protektorátu Čechy a Morava - právní předpisy a jejich aplikace v praxi / Restrictions in public and private lives of Jews during the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia - legal regulations and their practical applicationBačová, Jitka January 2018 (has links)
This thesis "Restrictions in public and private lives of Jews during the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia - legal regulations and their practical application" deals with how Jews were excluded from public and private life, after the commencement of Nazi occupation, all this taking place legally. The work is concerned with how the exclusion of Jews was legally anchored. This work is arranged systematically, and it is divided into ten chapters. Specifically, the thesis pays attention to the origins of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and its characteristics, law making in the protectorate, outset of the Solution to the Jewish Question that already appeared in Second Republic, introduction to Jewish politics in the protectorate, definition of the term Jew in the protectorate, exclusion of Jews in public life, racial bans, exclusion of half-Jewish people, as well as husbands or wives of Jews from public life, and concluding with restriction of Jews in private life. Key words Jews Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia Restrictions in public and private lives
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Význam a moderní trendy hipoturistiky v ČR / The importance and new trends of hipotourism in South BohemiaTOMÁŠKOVÁ, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
This thesis was focused on the importance and new trends of hipotourism in South Bohemia and further development of this type of tourism. The work describes the South Bohemia and his regions. Indicators of tourism oriented to hipotourism are described. The questionnaire was compiled in the analysis of hipotourism. Based on the analysis and survey project was developed further development of hipotourism in South Bohemia.
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Profil domácího návštěvníka města Horní Planá / Profile of the internal visitor of city Horní PlanáŠČEVÍK, Jaroslav January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on domestic tourism in the South Bohemia Regions and on how to determine satisfaction level of customers using domestic travel services and on methodology which helps to investigate profiles of domestic tourists. All work applies to the area of Horní Planá, which serves as the basis for the analysis of larger units and deals with domestic tourists, as the importance of domestic tourism is increasing and actually dominates in the selected area.
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Postoje studentů k přednášejícím Jihočeské univerzity / Attitudes of Students towards Lecturers of the South Bohemia University.LINHARTOVÁ, Martina January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis provides information how students of chosen faculties of the University of South Bohemia evaluate their teachers, what attitudes they have developed to them, what is particularly important for them and which requirements they impose on the teachers. The theoretical part deals with attitudes, teaching, personalities of a teacher and a student, a current tertiary education in the Czech Republic and mutual relations of students and educators. The empirical part presents a quantitative research that I realized through a semantic differential. Here I describe characteristics of the population and the research sample. Furthermore, I bring results of obtained data and information about students´ attitudes to their teachers. The data collection took place in March 2012 in a form of questionnaires. The research was conducted at the University of South Bohemia, Pedagogical, Health Social and Theological Faculties. Fields of study of similar focus were chosen within each of given faculties. In total 240 questionnaires were distributed. The return was 75%, thus altogether 180 questionnaires. Three hypotheses were defined for the research. The first hypothesis assumed that the preferred field of study positively influenced students´ attitudes to their teachers and the conducted research confirmed this hypothesis. The second hypothesis stated the students studying a prestigious field of study evaluated their teachers more positively than students studying a not prestigious field of study. This hypothesis was not confirmed. The third hypothesis was that women-students were less critical in the evaluation of teachers than men-students. The carried out research did not confirm nor this hypothesis. The thesis can be used to compare attitudes of women-students and men-students from individual faculties of the University of South Bohemia and for publishing activities.
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Vliv managementu na biodiverzitu lesních ekosystémů - epigeičtí brouci na vybraných biotopech Písecka / The effect of management on biodiversity of forest ecosystems - epigeic beetles on selected habitats of PíseckoSTLUKA, Petr January 2013 (has links)
Communities of epigeic beetles were studied on three forest habitats with the different forms of management in South Bohemia area, Písek district, close from Zátaví village. Selected areas were located in territory of Zátavský forest. There were these habitats: clearing, young spruce forest stands (age 6 years) and spruce forest (age 50-70 years). The method of pitfall trapping was used for biological material capture. There were 1813 specimens and 63 species of epigeic beetles trapped and determined. The highest number of species and individuals was found in spruce young forest habitat (43 species, 786 specimens), than followed spruce mature forest habitat (26 species, 550 specimens) and glade habitat (35 species, 477 specimens). Most species of epigeic beetles from 63 aggregate number of species was classed like eurytops. There were also 15 adaptable species determinated and it was found 1 genus of relict from I. degree too. It was found that spruce forest, which seems like more mature in terms of succession than young forest or glade, had no highest number of species and individuals. Conversely the largest number of species and individuals was found in spruce young forest. Index of antropogenic influence proved relatively strong antropogenic effect all studied habitats in terms of epigeic beetles. Communities of beetles were least affected in spruce forest, than followed young spruce forest and glade. From this point of view, intensity of management had the most effect on glade´s communities of beetles. Mature spruce forest had the least antropogenic influence on communities of beetles.
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Ekologické sady v Jihočeském kraji / Organic orchards in South Bohemia regionSTOLIČKOVÁ, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis has been to find out dynamics of development of organic orchards in South Bohemia region, assess their production potential, economic, law and enviromental aspects and suggest precaution to effective usage of grant title supported their development. Research has been done with using questionnaire and personal visit seven orchardist farm in organic agriculture that have been willing to cooperate on research of organic orchards in South Bohemia region. Another data have been gained by cooperation with control organizations BIOKONT CZ, s.r.o.; KEZ o.p.s. and by helping Internet pages of Ministry of agriculture and Internet pages of Institute of agricultural economics and information. With regards to results it is evident that from 2008 to 2011 the area of organic orchards in South Bohemia region increased from 0,82 ha to 179,92 ha. Only two orchardists from seven have answered they harvested fruit once a year. Another two orchardists have claimed that their orchards were founded only for grants, because of easily reached conditions. The others founded their orchrads because of their belief that organic fruit is better than conventional and they expect higher production in following years. Suggested precaution for effective usage grant title is base on minimal quantity of trees specific sort per hectare and grant payments with regard to area of orchard. This means lower grants to bigger orchards. The diploma thesis has followed to cooperation Faculty of agriculture of South Bohemia university in České Budějovice with Institute of agricultural economics and information during the preparation grants for organic agriculture in Rural development programme.
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Využití dotačních titulů pro výstavbu a opravy obecních komunikací v Jihočeském kraji / The use of subsidies for the construction and repair of local roads in the South Bohemia RegionCIGÁNKOVÁ, Petra January 2014 (has links)
In the context of this thesis was analyzed the current state of the use of subsidies for the construction and repair of local roads in the South Bohemia Region in the period 2007-2013. The outcome of this work are four proposed measures reflect comments mayors to grant titles. These measures lead to increased efficiency grants and disclosure of municipalities in the region.
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Transgressão do Bom FimPedroso, Lucio Fernandes January 2009 (has links)
O Bom Fim mudou muito nos últimos anos. A vida noturna, que era tida como sua característica principal nas décadas de 1980 e 1990, não está mais lá. O cinema e os bares também não fazem mais parte daquela paisagem. A intenção da presente dissertação é compreender este momento do bairro que acabou. Para isso, foram utilizados os conceitos de espaço e lugar de Michel de Certeau. Segundo este autor, o lugar é constituído a partir da ação disciplinadora que organiza cada coisa em uma localidade específica, uma separada da outra. O espaço é o lugar praticado. Nos grandes centros urbanos se impõe a disciplina, enquanto seus habitantes se apropriam dos limites impostos, criando brechas. O lugar é a ordem e busca a permanência no tempo, o espaço muda constantemente. Práticas criativas cotidianas transformaram a vida do Bom Fim desde o seu começo. Durante as duas últimas décadas do século XX, as práticas noturnas ocuparam o bairro, modificando ele e as representações dele. A porta de entrada para este novo Bom Fim foi um conjunto de bares próximo a UFRGS, conhecido como Esquina Maldita. Desde a década de 1970 tem ocorrido um intenso crescimento urbano e populacional na cidade de Porto Alegre. Durante esse processo, houve a abertura do bairro enquanto um novo terreno de ação, onde era possível praticar novas formas de comportamento, explorar novos caminhos e novas maneiras de produzir arte na cidade. A partir da Esquina ocorreu um movimento de expansão, exploração e ocupação das outras ruas, cinemas, bares, auditórios e do parque da Redenção. Muitos bares começaram a surgir na Avenida Osvaldo Aranha e nas transversais. Mais pessoas começaram a ir a esses bares e locais. A Esquina, filmes, músicas, shows, bares ajudaram a fixar o Bom Fim como um espaço aberto, jovem, de boêmia transgressora e produção artística intensas, peculiares e criativas. A partir do final da década de 1980 foi imposto um disciplinamento que acabou com estas características. / The Bom Fim has changed a lot on the last couple of years. The night live, a main characteristic trough out the 80's and 90's, it is not there anymore. The movie theaters and bars are not part of its landscape. The intention of the present study is to understand this neighborhood moment that has ended. To do that, Michel de Certeau concepts of place and space were used. According to the author, the place is constructed from the disciplinary action that organizes everything in a specific location, one apart from the other. The space is the place in practice. In large urban centers discipline is forced, while its habitants appropriates the imposed limits, creating gaps. The place is the order and seeks permanence on time, space is constantly changing. Creatively daily practices have transformed Bom Fim's life since it is beginning. During the last two decades of 20th century, night practices occupied neighborhood, modifying it and its representations. The gateway of this new Bom Fim was set of bars next to the UFRGS, in a corner known as the Esquina Maldita. Since the 1970's, the city of Porto Alegre has been experiencing an intense urban and populational growth. During this period, the neighborhood appears as a new field of action, where it was possible to practice new forms of behavior, explore new paths and new ways of producing art in the city. From the Esquina up there was a movement of expansion, exploration and occupation of the other streets, movie theaters, bars, auditoriums and Redenção Park. Many bars began to arise on Osvaldo Aranha Avenue and its cross streets. More people have started to attend to this establishments and bars. The Esquina, movies, songs, shows, bars helped to determined Bom Fim as an young, open space, of intense transgressive bohemia and intense artistic production, peculiars and creatives. A disciplinary process was imposed at the late 1980's that consummate those characteristics.
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A construção de lugares na boemiaFurquim, Kessio Guerreiro January 2017 (has links)
Essa pesquisa abordou a relação da boemia com a cidade, mais especificamente com trechos dos bairros Centro Histórico e Cidade Baixa em Porto Alegre. Valendo-se de um ferramental teórico-metodológico que defende que a experiência de pesquisa do urbanista se dê pelo cruzamento de diferentes saberes e, além disso, que defende também a importância da ida a campo, exploramos a relação da boemia com a cidade sob dois grandes eixos: (a) através do processo de construção de lugares e (b) enxergando a própria boemia tanto como uma forma de vida pública da noite relacionada à diversão das pessoas, quanto também como um imaginário construído. A partir de fragmentos colhidos na pesquisa de campo foram construídas narrativas a partir das quais evidenciamos como: (a) o processo de construção de lugares é intimamente ligado a experiências-vivências de sujeitos e coletividades que resultam em memórias e afetos; além disso, mostramos como em paralelo existem também processos de subjetivação e de valorização, todos eles ligados a materialidade dos espaços urbanos; (b) como o termo/imaginário/ideia de boemia se renova por um conjunto de práticas contemporâneas, misturados com sobrevivências de outros tempos e lugares em que a ideia de boemia se constituiu. Por fim, abordamos também questões ligadas ao próprio fazer dessa pesquisa, buscando compartilhar aprendizados obtidos e na defesa de um conhecimento fragmentário como um importante caminho para um urbanismo em que a sensibilidade possa entrar no jogo de análise espacial. / This research approached the relation of boemia with the city, more specifically with sections of the districts Centro Histórico and Cidade Baixa in Porto Alegre. Using a theoretical-methodological tool that advocates that the urbanist's research experience must be based on the cross-fertilization of different knowledge and, in addition, that also defends the importance of field research, we explore the relationship between bohemia and the city under two major axes: (a) through the process of building places and (b) seeing the bohemia itself as both a public form of public life at night related to the amusement of people, and also as a constructed imaginary. From the fragments collected in the field research were constructed narratives from which we show: (a) how the process of building places is intimately linked to the experiences of subjects and collectivities that result in memories and affections; In addition, we show how in parallel there are also processes of subjectivation and valorization, all linked to the materiality of urban spaces; (b) how the term / imaginary / idea of bohemia is renewed by a set of contemporary practices, mixed with survivors of other times and places in which the idea of bohemia was constituted. Finally, we also address issues related to the proper conduct of this research, seeking to share acquired learning and defending a fragmentary knowledge as an important pathway to an urbanism in which sensitivity can enter the spatial analysis game.
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