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Borderline personlighetsstörning ur ett livsvärldsperspektiv : en litteraturstudie / The life perspective of borderline personality disorder : a literature studyFasth, Jeanette, Flöjt, Jessica January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>Borderline personlighetsstörning (BPS) är en psykiatrisk diagnos som kännetecknas av emotionell instabilitet och problem med relationer. Både anhöriga och vårdpersonal uttrycker svårigheter i kontakten med en person som har BPS. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att sammanställa och belysa forskning och självbiografier som beskriver hur personer med BPS upplever sin livsvärld. För denna studie användes en kombination av två metoder, en litteraturstudie av empiriska studier och analys av självbiografier. Fyra teman utgör resultatet: hur de upplever <em>affekter</em>, att leva med känslomässig smärta. Deras syn på <em>relationer</em>, hur de upplever <em>diagnosen </em>som användbar eller inte och hur de upplever <em>vårdkontakt</em>. Resultatet kan tillämpas i klinisk praxis. Genom att se självskadebeteende som en copingstrategi för emotionell smärta kan relationen mellan sjuksköterska och patient underlättas. Att möta patienten med respekt, förståelse och en bekräftande attityd är eftersträvansvärt, likaså att hjälpa patienten att hitta bättre strategier för att hantera emotionell smärta.</p><p> </p> / <p>Borderline personality disorder (BPS) is a psychiatric diagnosis which is characterized by emotional instability and relation problems. Both family members and health care personnel express difficulties in contact with persons with BPS. The purpose of this literature review is to compile and highlight research and autobiographies that describe how people with BPS perceive their life world. For this study a combination of two methods was used, a literature review of empirical studies and analysis of autobiographies. Four themes shows in the result: how they experience their <em>affects, </em>to live with emotional pain. Their view of <em>relationships</em>, how they experience the <em>diagnosis </em>as helpful or not and their <em>contact with healthcare</em>. The results can be applied to clinical practice by viewing deliberate self harm as a coping strategy for emotional pain and by meeting the patient with respect, understandning and a confirming attitude. Helping the person to find better strategies to handle emotional pain is also a way to apply the results of this study on clinical practice.</p>
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Análise dos comportamentos de terapeuta e cliente em um caso de transtorno de personalidade borderline / Analysis of therapists and patients behavior in a case of Borderline Personality DisorderHerika de Mesquita Sadi 15 August 2011 (has links)
Clientes com Transtorno de Personalidade Borderline apresentam um alto índice de abandono de terapia. Entender o que ocorre durante as sessões entre terapeuta e cliente com este tipo de transtorno de personalidade pode contribuir para evitar futuros equívocos ou falhas na relação terapêutica, aumentando as chances de continuidade do processo terapêutico e diminuindo a probabilidade de abandono da terapia. O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar as variáveis que estão relacionadas ao abandono de um caso de Transtorno de Personalidade Borderline. Participou do estudo uma terapeuta de orientação analítico-comportamental, com 12 anos de experiência clínica e uma cliente com 30 anos de idade, casada, sem filhos e com escolaridade superior completo. Um total de 13 sessões foi gravado em áudio, transcrito e categorizado segundo o Sistema Multidimensional para Categorização de Comportamentos da Interação Terapêutica. Foi feita análise sequencial de atraso (Lag sequential analysis). As sessões que compuseram os dados deste estudo foram entre a 9ª e a 22ª sessões, embora a 14ª sessão tenha sido excluída da análise de dados por ter sido uma sessão de casal. Os resultados mostraram que as categorias da terapeuta de maior porcentagem de ocorrência foram Facilitação, Solicitação de Relato e Empatia e as menos frequentes foram, Solicitação de Reflexão\", Aprovação e Recomendação. Reprovação foi a categoria que teve a menor frequência entre as demais categorias da terapeuta. Embora a categoria Interpretação tenha ocorrido em baixa frequência, sua duração foi grande. As categorias de maior porcentagem da cliente foram Relato e Estabelecimento de Relações entre Eventos. E as de menor porcentagem de ocorrência foram: Solicitação, Concordância, Oposição e Melhora. A categoria Metas não ocorreu nenhuma vez. Ao longo das sessões, foi observado um declínio na porcentagem de Estabelecimento de Relações entre Eventos e um aumento em Relato, no que se refere às categorias da cliente. Ao mesmo tempo, foi observada uma diminuição das categorias Empatia, Solicitação de Reflexão e Interpretação da terapeuta. As sequências que mais ocorreram foram Relato\" seguido por Facilitação\" e Facilitação\" seguida por Relato\". O abandono da terapia pareceu estar relacionado a diversos fatores: a) perda de oportunidades de aprovar e solicitar reflexão e interpretar, b) não dar atenção a relatos sobre queixas de doenças, exercendo função de invalidação, c) férias prolongadas da terapeuta e d) não flexibilidade da terapeuta em fazer mais uma sessão domiciliar em um momento de crise, repetindo assim, um comportamento de invalidação / Clients suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder show a high dropout rate in psychotherapy. The understanding of what occurs during the sessions between therapist and client suffering from this type of personality disorder may contribute to prevent future errors and failures, increasing chances of completing the therapeutic process and reducing drop-out probability. The current study had the objective of identifying the variables related to the drop-out in a case of Borderline Personality Disorder. Participated a female behavior-analytic therapist, with 12 years of clinical experience and a female client, 30 years old, married, no children, with a college degree. 13 complete sessions were recorded in video, transcribed and categorized according to the Multidimensional System for Categorization of Behaviors in Therapeutic Interaction. A lag sequential analysis was carried out. Data of this study refer to the 9th through the 22nd sessions, although the 14th session was excluded, since it was a couple session. Outcomes showed that the therapists categories in higher percentages were `Facilitation`, `Request of Report` and `Empathy` and the less frequent percentages were `Request of Reflection`, `Approval` and `Recommendation`. `Disapproval` was the therapists category appearing with lower frequency. Although `Interpretation` occurred in low frequency, it had a long duration. The clients categories with higher percentages were `Report` and `Establishment of Relationship between Events`. The lower percentages of occurrences were: `Request`, `Agreement`, `Opposition` and `Improvement`. The category `Aims` did not occur at any time. Throughout the sessions a decrease in percentage of the client\'s categories `Establishment of Relationship between Events` and an increase in \'Report\' were observed. At the same time a decrease in the therapists categories `Empathy`, `Request for Reflection` and `Interpretation` was noted. Sequences which occurred more frequently were `Report` followed by `Facilitation` and `Facilitation` followed by `Report`. The therapy drop-out seemed to be related to several factors: a) loss of opportunities by the therapist to approve, to request reflection and to interpret; b) lack of attention to reports on complaints of diseases, having an invalidation effect; c) therapists extended vacation and d) therapists refusal to attend an additional home session, in a critical moment, thus repeating the invalidation
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Le rôle de l'alexithymie dans l'étiopathogénie de la psychose non décompensée / The rule of alexithymia in pathogenesis of non decompensated psychosisMarehin, Marie-Stella 01 December 2016 (has links)
Cette étude démontre que l’alexithymie primaire nous oriente vers la présence de troubles schizophréniques. Comme hypothèse, nous formulons que : «l’alexithymie est un trait de personnalité dans la schizophrénie responsable de la toxicomanie et du recours aux traitements méthadone. La méthadone est une suppléance dans la psychose». L’intérêt de cette recherche est double : sur le plan clinique, elle souligne l’importance du repérage des troubles émotionnels et de la personnalité en addictologie. Elle précise que la TAS-20 et MMPI-2 sont des outils d’aide au diagnostic de la schizophrénie ; sur le plan thérapeutique, le repérage de ces affections permettra de traiter simultanément les comorbidités associées et de guider la prise en charge. L’approche de la schizophrénie à partir du concept d’alexithymie nous inscrits dans une approche intégrative(neuropsychatrique et psychodynamique). Dans un premier volet, nous avons réalisé une étude longitudinale avec suivi de 6 mois chez des toxicomanes sous TSO, admis au CSAPA de Montpellier. Le groupe contrôle est composé 28 toxicomanes sans trouble avéré. Six mois après, 15 usagers ont mené l’étude à son terme (âge=35ans ; ET=6,43). 11 toxicomanes atteints de troubles(âge= 39 ans ; ET= 6,9) constituent le groupe expérimental. La procédure consistait à diagnostiquer les troubles de la personnalité dans le groupe contrôle ; à évaluer la dépendance aux drogues et le niveau d’alexithymie au sein des groupes. Nous avons eu recours à : le MMPI-2 pour le diagnostic des troubles ; la DAST-20 pour le repérage de la dépendance (DSM-IV) et la TAS-20 pour la mesure de l’alexithymie. La TAS-20 a été administrée pendant le traitement et six mois après. Les résultats au MMPI-2 décrivent une prévalence de troubles schizophréniques 33% et de protocoles invalides 20%. La DAST-20 présente un faible niveau de dépendance dans le groupe contrôle 1.93 et expérimental 1.49. Dans le groupe contrôle, les scores d’alexithymie et ses sous-dimensions augmentent six mois après le traitement. L’alexithymie est un trait (z=.21 ; p=.834) et un état de la personnalité (r=.621*; p=.013). Dans le groupe expérimental, la TAS-TOT confirme une diminution des scores, mais l’analyse des sous-dimensions admet que cette baisse est non significative. L’alexithymie est un trait de la personnalité (z=.4 ; p=.689).Des hauts scores d’alexithymie sont observés chez les toxicomanes diagnostiqués schizophrènes des deux groupes. L’alexithymie est un trait (z=1.21 ; p=.225) et un état (r=.90* ; p=.015) de la personnalité chez les schizophrènes du groupe contrôle. En ce qui concerne les schizophrènes du groupe expérimental, la diminution des scores TASTOT 63% et 57% invalide sa dimension primaire. Dans le second volet, l’analyse du discours a permis de déceler des unités signifiantes spécifiques à l’alexithymie et à la psychose. La méthodologie est centrée sur des cas cliniques. Des entretiens semi-directifs avec pour support un guide d’entretien ont été réalisés chez des toxicomanes sans trouble de la personnalité (groupe contrôle). Ils ont été retranscrits sur papier selon la méthode analytique. Nous avons recours aux paradigmes psychanalytique, phénoménologique et psychosomatique. La description narrative s’est élaborée sur quatre temps : le contexte anamnestique, l’expression des sentiments, l’entrée dans la toxicomanie et au Programme Méthadone. L’analyse des récits atteste un ensemble de signes cliniques qui résultent de la non extraction de l’objet a, prototype de la psychose. L’alexithymie se traduit sur le plan clinique par relation la blanche. En définitive, les résultats de l’analyse mixte admettent que l’alexithymie est présente dans la toxicomanie et dans la schizophrénie. Chez le toxicomane, le score élevé d’alexithymie est un indice diagnostic de schizophrénie, indépendamment de sa nature primaire ou secondaire.Mots clés: schizophrénie-alexithymie-toxicomanie-méthadone-buprénorphine-suppléance. / As hypothesis, we propose that alexithymie is a personality trait of schizophrenia responsible of the drug addiction and the use of methadone treatment. Methadone is an antipsychotic. Clinically, this study stresses the importance of the diagnosis of emotional disorders and personality. It demonstrates that TAS-20 and MMPI-2 are disposal tools for diagnosis of schizophrenia. Therapeutically, the importance of diagnosis is to treat comorbidities and to orientate the care. The approach of schizophrenia from the concept of alexithymia enrolled us in an integrative approach, which takes into consideration the neuropsychiatric and psychodynamic concepts.In the first part, we conducted a longitudinal study with follow-up 6 months with drug addict on methadone or buprenorphine, admitted to CSAPA-UTTD Montpellier. The control group includes 28 addicts out without disorder. Six months later, 15 users conducted the study to completion (age = 35 years, SD = 6.43). 11 addicts with schizophrenia, depression and anxiety (age = 39 years, SD = 6.9) constitute the experimental group. The procedure was to diagnose personality disorders in the control group; to evaluate drug dependence and the level of alexithymia in the groups. We used : the MMPI-2 for the diagnosis of personality disorders; DAST-20 for evaluate dependence according to DSM-IV and the TAS-20 to measure alexithymia. The TAS-20 was administered during treatment and six months after. The results MMPI-2 describe a prevalence of schizophrenic 33% and 20% invalid protocols. The DAST-20 has a low level of dependence in the control group and 1.93 1.49 experimental. In the control group, the scores of alexithymia and its sub-dimensions increase six months after treatment TAS-TOT 52.88% and 55.2%; DIF 19.54 et19.9; DDF 14.87% and 15.57%; EOT 18.47% and 19.73%. Alexithymia is a trait (z = .21, p = .834) and a state of personality (r = .621 *; p = .013). In the experimental group, the TAS-TOT confirms lower scores, but the analysis of sub-dimensions admits that this decrease is not significant TAS-TOT 56% and 54.36%; DDF 17% and 16.36%; DIF 18.45% and 18.18%; EOT 20.55% and 19.82%. Alexithymia is a personality trait (z = .4, p = .689). High alexithymia scores were observed among addicts diagnosed with schizophrenia in both groups. In the TAS-TOT control group 59% and 65.2%; DIF 19.53% and 19.9%; DDF 14.87% and 15.57%; EOT 18.47% and 19.73%. In the10experimental group TAS-TOT 63% and 57%; DIF 21% and 18%; DDF 24% and 21%; EOT 18% and 18%. Alexithymia is a trait (z = 1.21, p = .225) and a state (r = .90 * P = .015) personality in schizophrenics control group. Regarding schizophrenia in the experimental group, lower TASTOT scores 63% and 57% alexithymia is a state.In the second part, discourse analysis detected specific signifying units of alexithymia and psychosis. The methodology focuses on clinical cases. We use semi-structured interview with addicts without personality disorder. They were transcribed on paper according to the analytical method. We use psychoanalytic paradigms, phenomenological and psychosomatic. The narrative description shall include four stages: the anamnesis, the expression of feelings, entry into drug addiction and Methadone Program. The analysis of stories attests a set of clinical signs resulting from the non-extraction of the object, prototype of psychosis. Alexithymia translates clinically by white relationship.Ultimately, the results of the joint analysis recognize that alexithymia is present in drug addiction and schizophrenia. Among drug users, high alexithymia scores are diagnoses of schizophrenia indications, regardless of primary or secondary in nature. Alexithymia is a polydrug factor.Keywords : schizophrenia-alexithymia-drug addiction-methadone-buprenorphine-
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Livet med borderline en berg och dalbana : En kvalitativ studie av bloggar / Life with borderline a rollercoaster : A qualitativ study with blogsBjörk, Madeleine, Nyström, Eva January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att leva med en diagnos som borderline kan göra det dagliga livet problematiskt samt bidra till mindre välbefinnande för dessa personer. Borderline påverkar personens livsvärld och hens upplevelse av sin hälsa. Det finns en märkbara ökning av denna patientgrupp i olika vårdsammanhang. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva personers upplevelser av att leva med borderline. Metod: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Data insamlades genom sex bloggar. Resultat: Ur analysen av datamaterialet framträdde fyra kategorier; Vara annorlunda, ett inre kaos, Annorlunda samspel med andra, Känslor som svämmar över och Målinriktad vändning i livet med nio underkategorier. Konklusion: Denna studie har bidragit med mer kunskap om personers upplevelser av att leva med borderline. Personer med borderline upplever starka känslor som påverkar deras liv, samspelen med andra människor påverkas till det negativa. Dessa personer är behov av stöd, både från närstående och professionell vårdpersonal för att få den hjälp som behövs för att kunna få förhoppningar om en framtid. / Background: Living with a diagnosis like borderline can make everyday life problematic and contribute to less well-being for these people. Borderline affects the individual's lifeworld and his or her's health experience.There is a noticeable increase in this patient group in various healthcare contexts. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe women's experiences of living with borderline. Method: A qualitative content analysis with inductive approach. Data were collected from six blogs. Results: From the analysis of the data emerged four categories; Be different, an inner chaos, Different interactions with others, Feelings that swim over and Targeted turn in life with nine subcategories. Conclusion: This study has contributed more knowledge about people's experiences of living with borderline. People with borderline experience strong feelings that affect their lives, interaction with other people is affected by the negative. These people need support from both related and professional healthcare professionals to get the help needed for future hopes.
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Cognitive specificity in the treatment of the borderline personality disorderLinde, Colinda D. 08 May 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Clinical Psychology) / The relatively rapidly development of cognitive-behavioural approaches to various psychological conditions, has prompted clinicians and researchers to investigate the borderline personality disorder more thoroughly. Research has evidenced the uniqueness of the borderline personality disorder in terms of description, etiology and therefore treatment. of the various treatments proposed, the cognitive-behavioural approaches appear to be most effective. Latest developments in this area emphasize cognitive factors such as content-specitic cognitions and Early Maladaptive Schemas. These factors are important tor psychotherapeutic purposes. A hypothesis was formulated which stated broadly that cognitive-behavioural approaches would result in equal treatment efficacy, whether process(schema) or content based, and investigated in the context of a pilot clinical trial with tour subjects. Apart from measures for depression and cognitive processes in the BPD, a depth-of-processing task and a schema questionnaire were utilized in investigation or the hypothesis. These measures, in addition to CB interventions, were applied to a small group or carefully selected BPD's, with a secondary diagnosis or depression. Findings supported the basic hypothesis of the study, and demonstrated that cognitive-behavioural approaches of either content or process typos are equally etricacious in treatment of the borderline porsonality disorder.
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The Relationship Between Borderline Personality Features and Depressive and Generalized Anxiety Symptoms in a Sample of Treatment-Seeking Perinatal WomenPrasad, Divya January 2021 (has links)
Introduction: Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a severe psychiatric disorder characterized by emotion dysregulation, interpersonal dysfunction, and poor impulse control. Little research has investigated BPD in the context of major life events. The perinatal period (pregnancy until 12 months postpartum) is an important milestone that involves major role transitions and novel challenges. This thesis examined the associations between borderline personality features (BPF) and depressive and generalized anxiety symptoms in a sample of treatment-seeking perinatal women.
Methods: 74 perinatal women were recruited from the Women’s Health Concerns Clinic (WHCC) at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, Canada, and enrolled in the WHCC Registry study. Participants were sent online intake questionnaires to collect data about demographic, personality, and other psychosocial variables. They also completed three self-report mental health measures: the McLean Screening Instrument for Borderline Personality Disorder (MSI-BPD), the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7). Logistic regression was used to determine whether a positive MSI-BPD screen (score ≥ 7) was associated with a higher likelihood of screening positive on the EPDS or GAD-7 (score ≥ 13).
Results: A positive screen on the MSI-BPD was significantly associated with an almost eighteen-fold increase in the odds of screening positive on the EPDS in our treatment-seeking perinatal sample (OR 17.84, 95% CI[2.11, 218.80], p<0.05). A positive screen on the MSI-BPD was not associated with higher odds of screening positive on the GAD-7, rather only childhood trauma and a positive screen on the EPDS emerged as significant predictor variables. Our findings may reflect the greater symptomatic overlap observed between BPD and perinatal depression as well as the comparatively lower comorbidity observed between GAD and BPD in non-perinatal research.
Conclusions and Future Directions: The use of self-report measures, low statistical power, and a treatment-seeking sample are limitations to consider when interpreting our findings. To our knowledge, this research study offers one of the first explorations into the relationship between BPD and generalized anxiety symptoms during the perinatal period. Future research should aim to better characterize perinatal BPD and investigate its relationship with other mental health conditions. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / The perinatal period (pregnancy until 12 months postpartum) represents a time of heightened vulnerability to poor mental health. Prior research has mainly focused on perinatal depression and anxiety, while perinatal personality disorders have received comparably less attention. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a severe psychiatric disorder associated with diminished ability to regulate emotions, disturbances in self-image, troubled interpersonal relationships, and impulsive behaviour. This thesis investigated the relationship between self-reported borderline personality features (BPF) and depressive and generalized anxiety symptoms in a sample of perinatal women seeking treatment at a psychiatric clinic. We hope that this research sheds light on the nature of perinatal BPD, as well as its associations with other mental health conditions, to improve both immediate and multi-generational maternal and infant well-being.
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Exploring parents’ experiences of postsecondary education for their children with disabilitiesStreit, Cara Gorham 06 June 2017 (has links)
This study explored the expectations and experiences of parents whose adult children graduated from a comprehensive college-based postsecondary education program for students with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Seventeen parents of graduates from the Lesley University Threshold Program in Cambridge, MA were interviewed in the style of narrative inquiry. Subjects were asked to describe their expectations for their sons’ and daughters’ futures as they grew up, the role of a college program in their children’s development and in the evolution of their own expectations, their hopes and concerns for the future, and their opinions of college inclusion and how greater inclusion might have impacted their sons and daughters.
Interview subjects were found to share common goals for their children: independence and fulfillment in life. While they faced great uncertainty about the future when their children were young, they wanted to help them achieve as much independence and fulfillment as possible, and expected that postsecondary education would help them progress toward these ends. Parents wanted their children to have a college experience that felt authentic, while also providing comprehensive and intensive supports and specialized skill development. Parents reported that their children’s postsecondary experiences surpassed their expectations. They saw growth in their sons and daughters in the areas of independent living, vocational skills, and social skills, as well as advances in self-esteem, positive decision making, and problem-solving. While parents emphasized the value of life skills, friendships, and employment over inclusion at the university, every subject also stated that greater integration with undergraduates, facilitated by staff and peer mentors, should have been available to Threshold students, regardless of whether they thought their own son or daughter would have benefited.
Implications for practitioners and research are discussed, with an emphasis on the study’s relevance to current trends in the field of inclusive higher education.
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Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter med borderline personlighetssyndrom : En litteraturöversikt / Nurses’ experiences of caring for patients with borderline personality disorder : A literature reviewBerntsson, Niklas, Hjalmarsson Reisell, Angelica January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Inom psykiatrisk vård arbetar sjuksköterskor med att ge omvårdnad till patienter med psykiatriska tillstånd. Omvårdnaden innefattar att stödja patienter till självständighet, kontroll över sina liv och meningsfullhet. Borderline personlighetssyndrom (BPD) är en psykiatrisk diagnos som karakteriseras av instabilitet i mellanmänskliga relationer, självbild och känsloläge. Patienter med BPD upplever en stigmatisering samt ett kort, hårt och fördomsfullt bemötande i kontakt med sjukvårdspersonal. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter med Borderline personlighetssyndrom inom psykiatrisk vård. Metod: Litteraturöversikt utifrån tio vetenskapliga artiklar hämtade från databaserna CINAHL Complete och PsychINFO. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras under två huvudteman: Attityder till patienter med BPD och Upplevda förutsättningar och hinder för adekvat vård. Sammanfattning: Sjuksköterskorna påvisade mer negativa attityder och mindre empati gentemot patienter med BPD än andra professioner inom psykiatrisk vård. Dock förmedlade sjuksköterskorna både positiva och negativa upplevelser av att vårda patientgruppen. En fungerande vårdrelation ansågs bidra till en positiv upplevelse och ansågs avgörande för framgångsrik vård. Patienter med BPD upplevdes kunna ha problematiska beteenden så som manipulation, uppmärksamhetssökande och splittring av personalgrupper. Sjuksköterskorna uttryckte en förståelse för att dessa beteenden ej är självvalda. / Background: Within psychiatric care, nurses hold responsibility for providing nursing care to patients with psychiatric conditions. Nursing care involves supporting patients to independence, life control and sense of meaning. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a psychiatric condition characterized by instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image and mood. Patients with BPD experience stigmatization and a short, harsh and prejudiced approach in contact with healthcare staff. Aim: The aim was to describe nurses' experiences of caring for patients with Borderline personality disorder within psychiatric care. Method: Literature review based on ten scientific articles collected from the two databases CINAHL Complete and PsychINFO. Results: The result is presented under two main themes: Attitudes towards patients with BPD and Perceived prerequisites and obstacles for adequate care. Summary: The nurses reported more negative attitudes and less empathy towards patients with BPD than other professions in psychiatric care. However, the nurses reported both positive and negative experiences of caring for the patient group. A functional nurse-patient relationship was considered to contribute a positive experience and was considered crucial for successful care outcomes. Patients with BPD were perceived to have problematic behaviors such as manipulation, attention-seeking and splitting of staff groups. The nurses expressed comprehension to these behaviors and that they are not self-elected.
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Är borderline personlighetsstörning en kvinnlig diagnos? : En kvalitativ studie om borderline personlighetsstörning och könsskillnader / Is borderline personality disorder a female diagnosis? : A qualitative study of borderline personality disorder and gender differencesLandin, Jenny, Torbacke, Nina, My, Carlsson January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the study is to investigate how clinicians in psychiatric care for adults consider borderline personality disorder to be manifested in men and women, respectively. Could there be a tendency to over-diagnose women and under-diagnose men? In addition, the purpose of the study is to bring clarity to the reasons for gender differences within borderline personality as perceived by the clinicians. The study is based on an inductive approach, in which interviews have been conducted with twelve clinicians working with borderline personality disorders to gain a deeper understanding of how the clinicians consider the manifestations of gender differences. The clinicians described tendencies for women to deliberate self-harm, have mood swings and problems in relations. Men with borderline personality disorders are described as having a higher degree of e.g. aggressiveness, addiction and criminal behaviour than women with the same diagnosis. Half of the informants think men are under- diagnosed for borderline personality disorders. This may indicate that other diagnoses are given to men instead or that men end up in other treatments. Possible explanations to the gender differences are discussed, such as societal factors, gender roles or criteria for diagnosis based on gender.
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Borderline personality disorder : a personal construct approachWhite, Lauren January 2014 (has links)
In 2003, Winter, Watson, Gillman-Smith, Gilbert and Acton criticised the DSM-IV’s psychiatric conceptualisation of BPD, proposing a set of alternative descriptions based on Kelly’s (1955) Personal Construct Psychology (PCP) and diagnostic constructs. According to Winter et al. (2003), PCP offers not only a less “pre-emptive” stance towards BPD but is more clinically useful given its intrinsic implications for treatment. This correlational research study aimed to determine whether BPD symptomatology is associated with these proposed characteristics of construing. In addition, it was hypothesised that those with a belief that BPD was a part of their identity and untreatable would display higher levels of hopelessness. Ten participants with an existing diagnosis of BPD completed the following measures: a) Personal Construct Inventory (PCI; Chambers & O’Day, 1984); b) Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory, Third Edition, (MCMI-III, Millon, 1994); and c) Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS; Beck & Steer, 1988). Participants were also asked to complete a repertory grid and a Likert Scale indicating the extent of their belief that: a) BPD is an intrinsic part of them; and b) BPD is a treatable condition. Two of the participants are presented as case examples. The most significant finding related to the hypothesis that greater BPD symptomatology would be associated with a higher degree of change in self-construction over time (‘slot-rattling’). Contrary to our prediction, similarity of construing of the elements ‘Me Now’ and ‘Me in the Past’ was correlated with greater BPD symptomatology. This may indicate a belief among participants that they are unable to change or may represent Kellian hostility. Construing one’s mother and father similarly to one’s therapist was associated with greater BPD symptomatology, as was construing one’s father and partner similarly, suggesting, as hypothesised, that those diagnosed with BPD tend to construe current relationships in the same terms as early relationships. Pre-emptive construing and poorly elaborated self-construction were also found to be associated with increased BPD symptoms as predicted. Content analyses performed on elicited constructs revealed that emotion regulation is the most salient area for participants. While the majority of participants considered that BPD was a part of their identity, most were uncertain as to whether BPD is treatable although these findings were not significantly correlated with levels of hopelessness. Participants’ feedback about their experiences of being diagnosed with BPD raises important ethical questions. Further hypotheses are generated based on the study findings and suggestions are made for a revision of the way in which psychological distress is conceptualized, with a particular emphasis on the utility of the PCP approach towards BPD. Clinical implications, limitations of the study and possibilities for further research are discussed.
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