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A Study of Compositional Elements in Ciclo Brasileiro by Heitor Villa-LobosVieira, Maria 02 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Chiquinha Gonzaga, Brazilian Musical TrailblazerReis, Silvanio January 2019 (has links)
Previous literature on the life and music of the Brazilian composer Francisca Edwiges Neves Gonzaga (1847-1935) reveals her as a historical figure of cultural and musical significance. Her contributions to society include political leadership in Brazilian campaigns for the abolition of slavery and artistic copyright. She also became the first female conductor in Brazil and shaped the music of Carnaval as it is known today in Brazil. However, her music is not well-known outside of Brazil, and her piano music has not received the attention that it merits. In addition to a closer look at her compositions for piano, this monograph offers biographical and musical details of Gonzaga’s unique career, including her role as a female composer amidst a patriarchal society; her pioneering synthesis of traditional Brazilian and European classical style, and a discussion of her place among her better-known Brazilian contemporaries, Ernesto Nazareth and Heitor Villa-Lobos. The last chapter presents interviews with living musicians—a pianist, a traditional folk artist and a musicologist—who have each continued the traditions of Gonzaga’s music to the present day. / Music Performance
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Spatial variability in modern brachiopod assemblages: paleoecological and geochemical implicationsRodland, David Laurence 17 June 2003 (has links)
An accurate understanding of global patterns through geologic time depends upon multi-scale analyses of spatial variation within narrow temporal intervals. This work investigates geochemical and paleoecological patterns in modern brachiopod faunas which may serve as analogues for ancient brachiopod assemblages. The paleoclimatic utility of delta18O in the phosphatic phase of lingulid brachiopod shells requires valve secretion in equilibrium with seawater, an assumption tested (and rejected) when analyzed at scales ranging from millimeters to kilometers. By contrast, biological encrustation of the brachiopod fauna of the Southeast Brazilian Bight shows strong sensitivity to microenvironmental conditions such as host identity, shape, and size, and may prove useful for studies of ancient planktonic productivity. Comparison of encrustation patterns on naturally occurring brachiopods and bivalves collected from the same sites, and occupying the same size range, demonstrates that the results of encrustation studies on modern bivalves cannot be directly applied to ancient brachiopods. However, careful comparisons may reveal patterns of epibiont selectivity and the impact of changes in the relative abundance of host shells through geologic time. Finally, neither epibiont abundance nor diversity increase with host age as indicated by dated brachiopod shells from the past 1000 years. These results suggest that the temporal resolution of epibiont assemblages matches their spatial resolution, and strengthen evidence for competition among encrusting taxa. By documenting geochemical and paleoecological variation within shells and across a continental shelf, this work demonstrates the importance of understanding spatial variation across all scales before interpreting trends through time. / Ph. D.
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The Uglier AnimalsCoutinho Teixeira, Fernanda 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
The Uglier Animals is a collection of short stories exploring themes of change, impermanence and bodily transformation through a speculative lens. The characters in these stories struggle with the friction between place and desire. The body becomes a place on its own, to be trapped in or freed by. Humans and animals alike navigate the challenges of being, existing in relation to others and the space between us. Their bodies are burdens and tools, prisons and possibilities, and they morph accordingly, flesh inscribed with trauma and yearning. A bear fears going into hibernation. Unable to get an abortion, a young girl begins to absorb anyone who touches her pregnant belly. After a friend survives being beheaded by the farmer they worship, a rooster reckons with the tangled web between faith, love, and violence. In modern Brazil, a chicken coop, or under the sea, characters grapple with abandonment and longing. Bodies shrink and grow, cling to life and return from death, are opened up and torn apart. The stories swim in the gaps between emotional connections, characters wrestling with our reasons to leave, our reasons to stay, and everything we must carry along the way.
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The Importance of Local Level Actors: A Comparison of Integration Policies for Foreign Migrant Residents in Two Cities in JapanOishi, Tyler Keahi Satoshi 01 March 2017 (has links)
How do Toyota and Yokkaichi, two cities in Japan, respond to the difficulties faced by their Nikkeijin foreign residents and why do these cities respond differently despite sharing numerous characteristics? Are there key factors that influence different migrant incorporation strategies? How do these factors influence the ways that Brazilian-Nikkeijin might be viewed in each city? This thesis explores the ways that local organizations in Toyota and Yokkaichi assist their Brazilian Nikkeijin migrant populations and the factors that influence these strategies. I hypothesize that the domination of the Toyota Motor Corporation in Toyota and Yokkaichi's history of citizen mobilization significantly affect the ways in which these two cities approach migrant incorporation. I also hypothesize that trends in the types of consultation sought by Brazilian Nikkeijin in the two cities will share seasonal patterns. I test these hypotheses through interviews conducted in 2015 with representatives from local organizations in Toyota and Yokkaichi and through the information in the websites of these organizations. My findings support the hypotheses that the dominance of the Toyota Motor Corporation in Toyota and the unique characteristics of Yokkaichi's citizens, grounded in citizen mobilization experiences, influences the different approaches each city takes in responding to Brazilian needs. However, they do not indicate visible seasonal patterns on the types of consultation services sought by Nikkeijin. Previous literature frames the challenges Nikkeijin face in Japanese society and how local governments respond to those challenges in the larger picture of ethnicity and ethnically-based state policies. The thesis contributes to discussions of return migration policies aimed at the integration of foreign residents and the patterns of ethnic negotiation and re-negotiation by co-ethnics when faced with problems as a result of unfulfilled cultural expectations. / Master of Arts / Nikkeijin, or members of the Japanese diaspora, make up a sizeable percentage of the unskilled labor force in Japan. However, many encounter difficulties in Japanese society as a result of discrimination due to cultural differences with the Japanese. My thesis explores the ways that local organizations in two Japanese cities, Toyota and Yokkaichi, assist their Brazilian Nikkeijin migrant populations in response to these difficulties and the factors that influence these strategies. I hypothesize that the domination of the Toyota Motor Corporation in Toyota and Yokkaichi’s history of citizen mobilization significantly affect the ways in which these two cities approach migrant incorporation. I also hypothesize that trends in the types of consultation sought by Brazilian Nikkeijin in the two cities will share seasonal patterns. I test these hypotheses through interviews conducted in 2015 with representatives from local organizations in Toyota and Yokkaichi and through the information in the websites of these organizations. My findings support the hypotheses that the dominance of the Toyota Motor Corporation in Toyota and the unique characteristics of Yokkaichi’s citizens, grounded in citizen mobilization experiences, influence the different approaches each city takes in responding to Brazilian needs. However, they do not indicate visible seasonal patterns in the types of consultation services sought by Nikkeijin. My thesis contributes to discussions of return migration policies aimed at incorporating foreign migrants and how members of a diaspora are able to utilize their ethnic identities when faced with problems as a result of cultural differences.
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La persistance du désir chez DiadorimCarlos Junior, José 08 1900 (has links)
La présente étude vise à analyser la manière dont le corps de Diadorim est représenté dans le roman Diadorim, de João Guimarães Rosa. Pour ce faire, je propose une analyse des principales rencontres entre ce personnage et Riobaldo. Lors de la première rencontre de ces deux personnages, encore adolescents, il est déjà possible d’entrevoir à quel point le corps de Diadorim échappe à la pleine représentation dans le discours du narrateur, ce que l’on remarquera également à leur seconde rencontre, à l’âge adulte et intégrés à la bande des jagunços. Les différentes façons de désigner le compagnon et le suspense par lequel Riobaldo retient l’interlocuteur et, par conséquent, le lecteur, contribuent également à l’effet énigmatique génèré par le corps de Diadorim. L’ambiguïté autour de la sexualité de ce dernier est constante. Enfin, la dernière rencontre coïncide avec la mort et la révélation de la nature féminine du personnage. On observe, toutefois, que cette découverte n’est pas entièrement assimilée par Riobaldo qui, à son tour, doit répéter l’expérience vécue, par la parole, afin d’essayer de déchiffrer l’énigme autour du personnage de Diadorim. / This study aims to analyze how the body is represented in João Guimarães Rosa’s novel Grande sertão: veredas, by looking into each of the most important encounters between Diadorim and Riobaldo, the two main characters of this story. The first time they meet on the banks of the river de Janeiro, when they are still youngsters, Diadorim’s body cannot be fully represented by the narrator’s speech. Their second encounter, when adults and members of a gang of jagunços, confirms such limitations. Each name Riobaldo uses to address Diadorim and the suspense he generates contribute to enhance the enigmatic effect caused by his companion’s body. The ambiguity surrounding Diadorim’s sexuality becomes a constant aspect throughout the novel. The last encounter happens when Diadorim is found dead. Only then his feminine nature is revealed. However, Riobaldo is not able to fully acknowledge this finding and needs to repeat in words the moments he shared with Diadorim by telling their story to an interlocutor in an attempt to decode the mysteries surrounding his companion. This analysis explore these three key moments and examines how the mystery is structured around Diadorim’s body.
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Inovační politika Brazílie a její dopad na vývoj brazilského zahraničního obchodu / Innovation policy of Brazil and its impact on Brazilian foreign tradeDrda, Vojtěch January 2010 (has links)
This thesis aims to analyze the Brazilian innovation policy and its impact on country's foreign trade. The first chapter features an introduction to the innovation policy and a general economic overview of Brazil. The second chapter analyzes the main indicators of the Brazilian innovation system. The third chapter explains the government's innovation policy and the specific measures to boost innovation activity within the country. The fourth chapter analyzes the exact influence that the Brazilian innovation policy has on the country's foreign trade.
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A crítica de Roberto Schwarz (1958-1968): um percurso atravessado pelo golpe de 1964 / The criticism of Roberto Schwarz (1958-1968): a course crossed by the coup of 1964Reimberg, Mauricio 17 May 2019 (has links)
Esta tese investiga aspectos da configuração do raciocínio crítico de Roberto Schwarz. O principal material de análise são os ensaios sobre formas estéticas e culturais brasileiras redigidos pelo autor entre 1958 e 1968, num período que abrange a sua produção teórica anterior ao exílio na França. No exame deste percurso, pretende-se distinguir os embates contraditórios entre as categorias do crítico e certa experiência histórica ambivalente internalizada pelo romance local, que seria um dado estruturante na reflexão de Schwarz. Num primeiro momento, enquanto essa matéria social já desponta sob o signo difuso do malogro do realismo literário no país, o ponto de vista analítico-interpretativo supõe uma referência comum à noção de obra autônoma como instância congenial à crítica dialética. Às voltas com o golpe empresarial-miliar de 1964, Schwarz buscaria operar de modo incisivo com a sua imediatidade prática. E esse anseio de eficácia política da crítica, ao esbarrar em limites históricos, redefine e acirra os vetores divergentes que vinham caracterizando a sua experiência social do tempo. Desse modo, entrechocam-se ali juízos orientados por uma temporalidade cumulativa e ascendente, disputada em termos políticos radicais - e apoiada na crítica à ordem populista derrotada -, e diagnósticos sobre uma situação presente que parecia se acomodar a si mesma, sem antagonismos de classe nitidamente configurados, redimensionando-se o que Schwarz entendia ser o desdobramento realista da vida. / This dissertation investigates aspects of the configuration of Roberto Schwarzs critical argument. The main material of analysis are the essays about aesthetical and Brazilian cultural forms written by the author between 1958 and 1968, in a period that embraces his theoretical production prior to his exile in France. In the survey of this path, it is intended to distinguish the contradictory clashes between the categories of the critic and certain ambivalent historical experience internalized by the local novel, which would be a structuralizing data of Schwarzs meditation. At a first moment, while this social matter already appears under the diffuse sign of failure of literary realism in the country, the analytical-interpretive point of view supposes a common reference to the notion of autonomous work as the congenial instance to the dialectical criticism. Dealing with the corporate-military 1964 Brazilian coup détat, Schwarz would operate in a more incisive way with its practical immediacy. And this wish of the political efficacy of the criticism, when bumped against historical limits, redefines and stirs the divergent vectors that used to characterize his social experience of time. In this way, judgments oriented by a cumulative and ascending temporality, disputed in radical political terms - and backed by the criticism to the defeated populist order -, clash against diagnoses about a present situation that seemed to accommodate in itself, with no class antagonisms clearly configured, resizing what Schwarz understood to be the realistic unfolding of life.
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Edmar Bacha e Pedro Malan: visões de uma alta modernidade periférica - ciência econômica, intelectualidade e política no Brasil (1960-1980) / Edmar Bacha and Pedro Malan: visions of a peripheral high modernity - economics, intellectuals and politics in Brazil (1960-1980).Dacanal, Pedro Hoeper 06 June 2019 (has links)
O texto procura relatar a trajetória de dois economistas que viveram ativamente as intensas transformações da segunda metade do século XX. As interpretações econômicas de Edmar Bacha e Pedro Malan sobre a realidade brasileira, publicadas do final dos anos 1960 aos anos 1980, estão imersas no contexto de uma Alta Modernidade periférica, caracterizada por expectativas de grandes transformações sociais, que seriam levadas a cabo por uma política governamental cientificamente informada e procuravam alçar a nação a patamares sociais estabelecidos pela realidade dos países desenvolvidos e pelos seus discursos. A partir de uma simbiose entre influências intelectuais regionais e internacionais isto é, autores latino-americanos e brasileiros e autores estrangeiros, principalmente norte-americanos as interepretações de ambos procurarão desvendar os caminhos para a superação do subdesenvolvimento, em um contexto nacional de autoritarismo que acaba por condicionar posturas e propostas. Considerados economistas de esquerda até praticamente os anos 1990, Bacha e Malan serão os mais experientes do grupo de economistas da PUC-Rio, testemunhas e personagens ativas do episódio de queda precipitada da Alta Modernidade brasileira, compelida e estimulada pelas diversas faces do fenômeno da globalização. / This text seeks to report the trajectory of two economists who actively lived the intense transformations of the second half of the twentieth century. The economic interpretations of Edmar Bacha and Pedro Malan on the Brazilian reality, published from the late 1960s to the early 1980s, are immersed in the context of a peripheral High Modernity, characterized by expectations of major social transformations that would be carried out by a government policy scientifically informed and sought to raise the nation to social levels established by the reality of developed countries and their speeches. From a symbiosis between regional and international intellectual influences - that is, Latin American and Brazilian authors and foreign authors, mainly North American authors - the interjections of both will seek to unravel the ways to overcome underdevelopment, in a national context of authoritarianism that ends up conditioning postures and proposals. Considered left-wing economists until the 1990s, Bacha and Malan will be the most experienced of PUC-Rio\'s group of economists, witnesses and active characters of the \"precipitate\" fall of the Brazilian High Modernity, compelled and stimulated by the various faces of the phenomenon of globalization.
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A telenovela brasileira na relação intergeracional de imigrantes brasileiros no Japão: mediação, discursos e produção de sentido. / The Brazilian telenovela in the intergenerational relationship of Brazilian immigrants in Japan: mediation, speeches and production of sense.Suzuki, Helen Emy Nochi 24 April 2019 (has links)
A pesquisa investigou o espaço de mediação da telenovela brasileira na relação intergeracional, entre pais e filhos brasileiros que moram no Japão. Trata-se de um estudo de caso que enfocou a recepção e que adotou as técnicas de grupo de discussão, entrevista em profundidade e história de vida. A pesquisa de campo, realizada no Japão, envolveu a coleta de dados acerca da telenovela brasileira com os imigrantes brasileiros, pais e filhos, que moram naquele país. O quadro teórico teve como base os Estudos Culturais, a abordagem das Mediações, a Análise do Discurso (AD) e os estudos de linguagem de Bakhtin. O objetivo principal foi observar os sentidos produzidos pelos discursos da/sobre a telenovela brasileira e sua possível constituição como mediação na relação intergeracional. A telenovela constrói-se como mediação, ou seja, como instância por meio da qual é possível observar as diversas camadas de sentidos proporcionadas por seus discursos que conjugam matrizes culturais e as injunções sociais, econômicas e culturais envolvidas no formato. Com base na análise realizada foi possível observar o embate incessante entre alguns aspectos dos comportamentos e valores das duas culturas, a brasileira e a japonesa, constituintes da dupla ancoragem cultural desses brasileiros. A materialidade desses embates pode ser observada: no consumo de produtos exibidos na telenovela; na discussão sobre os valores e visão de mundo de brasileiros e japoneses; no estranhamento e/ou aceitação de comportamentos mostrados na telenovela. Dessa forma, a telenovela ocupa um espaço simbólico de mediação que traz lembranças, produz sentidos de identidade e brasilidade, atualiza informações, serve de ponte e de referência para as relações entre pais e filhos que negociam, discutem, debatem e nesse confronto cotidiano aprendem a estabelecer limites e demarcar territórios no \"entre-lugares\", divididos entre as duas culturas, a japonesa e a brasileira. / The research investigated the space for mediation of the Brazilian telenovela in the intergenerational relationship between Brazilian parents and children living in Japan. This is a case study that focused on reception and adopted the techniques of discussion group, in-depth interview and life history. The field research, conducted in Japan, involved the collection of data about the Brazilian telenovela with Brazilian immigrants, parents and children, who live in that country. The theoretical framework was based on the Cultural Studies, the Mediations approach, the Discourse Analysis (AD) and the Bakhtin\'s language studies. The main objective was to observe the senses produced by the discourses of and about the Brazilian telenovela and its possible constitution as mediation in the intergenerational relationship. The telenovela is constructed as mediation, that is, as a space through which it is possible to observe different layers of meanings provided by their discourses that combine cultural matrices and the social, economic and cultural injunctions involved in Format. Based on the analysis performed it was possible to observe the incessant clash between some aspects of the behaviours and values of the Brazilian and the Japanese cultures, constituents of the double cultural anchoring of these Brazilians. The materiality of these conflicts can be observed: in the consumption of products exhibited in the telenovela; in the discussion about the values and worldview of Brazilians and Japanese; in the estrangement and/or acceptance of behaviors shown in the telenovela. In this way, the telenovela occupies a symbolic space of mediation that brings memories, produces senses of identity and Brazilian identity sense, updates information, serves as a bridge and reference for the relations between parents and children who negotiate, discuss, debate and in this Daily confrontation they learn to establish boundaries and demarcate territories in the \"between the places\", divided between the two cultures, the Japanese and the Brazilian.
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