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Nonlinear Dynamics in III-V Semiconductor Photonic Crystal Nano-cavities / Dynamique Non-linéaire en Nano-cavités à Cristal Photonique en Semiconducteur III-VBrunstein, Maia 08 June 2011 (has links)
L’optique non linéaire traite les modifications des propriétés optiques d'un matériau induites par la propagation de la lumière. Depuis ses débuts, il y a cinquante ans, des nombreuses applications ont été démontrées dans presque tous les domaines de la science. Dans le domaine de la micro et nano-photonique, les phénomènes non linéaires sont à la fois au cœur d’une physique fondamentale fascinante et des applications intéressantes: ils permettent d'adapter et de contrôler le flux de lumière à une échelle spatiale inferieure à la longueur d'onde. En effet, les effets non linéaires peuvent être amplifiés dans des systèmes qui confinent la lumière dans des espaces restreints et avec de faibles pertes optiques. Des bons candidats pour ce confinement sont les nanocavités à cristaux photoniques (CPs), qui ont été largement étudiées ces dernières années. Parmi la grande diversité des processus non linéaires en optique, les phénomènes dynamiques tels que la bistabilité et l'excitabilité font l’objet de nombreuses études. La bistabilité est bien connue pour ces applications potentielles pour les mémoires et les commutateurs optiques et pour les portes logiques. Une réponse excitable typique est celle subjacente dans le déclanchement du potentiel d'action dans les neurones. En optique, l'excitabilité a été observée il y a une quinzaine d’années. Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié les régimes bistables, auto-oscillants et excitables dans des nanocavités semiconductrices III-V à CP. Afin de coupler efficacement la lumière dans les nanocavités, nous avons développé une technique de couplage par onde évanescente en utilisant une microfibre optique étirée. Grâce à cette technique, nous avons démontré pour la première fois l’excitabilité dans une nanocavité à CP. En parallèle, nous avons accompli la première étape vers la dynamique non linéaire dans un réseau de cavités couplées en démontrant le couplage optique linéaire entre nanocavitités adjacentes. Ceci a été réalisé en utilisant de mesures de photoluminescence en champ lointain. Un ensemble de résonateurs non linéaires couplés ouvre la voie à une famille de phénomènes dynamiques non linéaires très riches, basés sur la rupture spontanée de symétrie. Nous avons démontré théoriquement ce phénomène dans deux cavités couplées par onde évanescente. Les premières études expérimentales de ce régime ont été menées, établissant ainsi les bases pour une future démonstration de la rupture spontanée de symétrie dans un réseau de nanocavités non linéaires couplées. / Nonlinear optics concerns the modifications of the optical properties of a material induced by the propagation of light. Since its beginnings, fifty years ago, it has already found applications in almost any field of science. In micro and nano-photonics, nonlinear phenomena are at the heart of both fascinating fundamental physics and interesting potential applications: they give a handle to tailor and control the flow of light within a sub-wavelength spatial scale. Indeed, the nonlinear effects can be enhanced in systems allowing tight light confinement and low optical loses. Good candidates for this are the Photonic Crystal (PhC) nanocavities, which have been extensively studied in recent years. Among the great diversity of nonlinear processes in optics, nonlinear dynamical phenomena such as bistability and excitability have recently received considerable attention. While bistability is well known as a building block for all-optical memories, switching and logic gates, excitability has been demonstrated in optics about fifteen years ago: coming from neuroscience, it is the mechanism underlying action potential firing in neurons. In this work, we have studied bistable, self-pulsing and excitable regimes in InP-based PhC nanocavities. In order to achieve efficient light coupling into the nanocavities, we have developed an evanescent coupling technique using tapered optical microfibers. As a result, we have demonstrated for the first time excitability in a PhC nanocavity. In addition, we have accomplished the first step towards nonlinear dynamics in arrays of coupled cavities by demonstrating optical linear coupling between adjacent nanocavitites. This was achieved using far field measurements of photoluminescence. A set of coupled nonlinear resonators opens the door to a rich family of nonlinear dynamical phenomena based on spontaneous symmetry breaking. We have theoretically demonstrated this phenomenon in two evanescently coupled cavities. The first experimental studies on this regime were carried out, which establish a basis for a future demonstration of spontaneous symmetry breaking in arrays of nonlinear coupled PhC nanocavities.
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Aspects de théories supersymétriques unifiées en dimension supplémentaires / Aspects of extra dimensional supersymmetric unified theoriesFichet, Sylvain 23 September 2011 (has links)
Bien que l'on ne sache pas (encore) quel phénomène unitarise la diffusion WLWL à l'échelle du TeV, les données indirecte actuelles favorise le boson de Higgs. Etant donné que cette particule scalaire pourrait être aussi lourde que la masse de Planck, comment peut-on expliquer sa légèreté ? La supersymmétrie (SUSY), brisée à l'échelle du TeV, peut effectuer cette stabilisation, et permettre du même coup l'existence de Théories de Grande Unifications (GUTs). Ces SUSY GUTs réalisées dans une dimension supplémentaire compactifiée, peuvent être particulièrement simples. De plus, elles peuvent être prises comme limite basse énergie d'une théorie de cordes. Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude de tels modèles de SUSY GUTs. Nous avons étudié, développé et étendu certains aspects de la classe de modèle d'Unification Jauge-Higgs, et de la classe de modèle d'Unification Holographique. Différents aspects de la physique basse-énergie ont été étudiés, incluant spectre de masses, physique des saveur, matière noire, et phénoménologie au LHC. / Although one does not know (yet) which phenomenon unitarizes WLWL scattering at the TeV scale, indirect data currently favors the Higgs boson. Since such a scalar particle is susceptible to become as heavy as the Planck mass, how can one explain its lightness ? Supersymmetry (SUSY), broken at the TeV scale, can do this stabilization, providing in the same time models of Grand Uni fied Theories (GUTs). These SUSY GUTs, combined with extra spatial dimensions compacti fied on an interval, can be particularly simple. Moreover they can be seen as the low energy limit of some string theory. This thesis is devoted to the study of such models of SUSY GUTs on flat and warped orbifolds, trying to cover the range from models to experimental constraints. We studied, developed and extended certain aspects of two interesting frameworks of this type: a framework with gauge-Higgs uni fication, and the framework of holographic grand uni fication. We investigated several aspects of the low-energy implications, including mass spectra, flavour constraints, dark matter and LHC phenomenology
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Search for New Physics in Electron-Positron Interactions with Photons in the Final StateRuschmeier, Daniel 30 November 1999 (has links)
Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Messung von Ereignissen mit einem oder mehreren Photonen und fehlender Energie im Endzustand wie sie in Elektron-Positron-Wechselwirkungen entstehen. Mit den Ergebnissen wurde der Wirkungsquerschnitt der Neutrinopaarproduktion gemessen und die Anzahl leichter Neutrinosorten bestimmt. Es wurde nach verschiedenen Prozessen "Neuer Physik" gesucht, bei denen Photonen und fehlende Energie im Endzustand auftreten. Diese Prozesse beinhalten die Erzeugung supersymmetrischer Teilchen, fermiophobischer Higgsbosonen und massiver Gravitonen. Die Analyse wurde mit einem Datensatz durchgefuehrt, der mit dem L3-Detektor am LEP-Beschleuniger bei Schwerpunktsenergien zwischen 130 GeV und 190 GeV aufgezeichnet wurde und der einer Luminositaet von 265 1/pb entspricht. Der Wirkungsquerschnitt der Reaktion Elektron Positron geht nach Neutrino Antineutrino Photon (Photon) mit einer Photonenenergie groesser als 5 GeV und einem Photonstreuwinkel relativ zur Strahlachse groesser als 14 Grad bei einer Schwerpunktsenergie von 189 GeV wurde zu (5.25 +- 0.22 +- 0.07) pb bestimmt. Hieraus wurde der totale Wirkungsquerschnitt fuer Neutrinopaarproduktion extrapoliert mit einem Ergebnis von (58.3 +- 2.7) pb. Die Energiespektren der Photonen wurden benutzt um die Anzahl leichter Neutrinogenerationen zu berechnen. Das Ergebnis lautet 3.05 +- 0.11 +- 0.04, welches sich in guter Uebereinstimmung mit der Hypothese von drei leichten Neutrinoarten befindet und das Standardmodell mit seinen drei Teilchenfamilien untermauert.Da kein Anzeichen neuer Physik festgestellt wurde, konnten obere Grenzen auf Produktionswirkungsquerschnitte neuer Teilchen abgeleitet und die erlaubten Massenbereiche solcher Teilchen unter der Annahme von drei Neutrinosorten eingeschraenkt werden. Falls das Gravitino das leichteste supersymmetrische Teilchen ist und sich die Massen aller anderen SUSY-Teilchen ueber der Produktionsschwelle befinden, koennte Gravitinopaarproduktion der einzige SUSY-Teilchen beinhaltende Prozess bei LEP sein. Aus einer Analyse der Reaktion Elektron Positron geht nach Gravitino Gravitino Photon konnte ein unteres Limit auf die Gravitinomasse von 8.9 mal 10 hoch -6 eV mit 95% Konfidenzniveau auf die Gravitinomasse bestimmt werden. Es wurden sowohl fuer die Produktion von Neutralino Gravitino und Neutralino Neutralino und nachfolgenden Zerfall Neutralino geht nach Gravitino Photon, als auch fuer die Produktion von leichtestem und zweitleichtestem Neutralino bzw. Paarproduktion von zweitleichtestem Neutralino und Zerfall desgleichen nach leichtestem Neutralino und Photon obere Grenzen auf den Wirkungsquerschnitt in Abhaengigkeit der Masse der beteiligten Teilchen gesetzt. Innerhalb von Modellen der durch Eichbosonen vermittelten Supersymmetriebrechung wurde unter der Annahme, dass das leichteste Neutralino das zweitleichteste supersymmetrische Teilchen ist, eine untere Grenze auf die Neutralinomasse von 88.2 GeV mit 95% Konfidenzniveau abgeleitet.Zur Suche nach fermiophobischen Higgsbosonen wurde der Prozess Elektron Positron geht nach Higgs Z geht nach Photon Photon Neutrino Antineutrino analysiert. Es wurden Grenzen auf den Wirkungsquerschnitt und auf das Verzweigungsverhaeltnis des Higgs nach Photonpaaren bestimmt. Eine untere Grenze auf die Higgsmasse von 89.9 GeV mit 95% Konfidenzniveau wurde fuer ein solches Higgsboson ermittelt. Die Suche nach der Erzeugung massiver Gravitonen in Quantengravitationsmodellen mit zusaetzlichen raeumlichen Dimensionen wurde anhand der Reaktion Elektron Positron geht nach Photon Graviton durchgefuehrt. Untere Grenzen auf die Energieskala zwischen 1018 GeV und 349 GeV fuer zwei bis zehn zusaetzliche Dimensionen wurden bestimmt. Deren Groesse wurde auf hoechstens 0.46 mm fuer zwei und auf maximal 8.3 mal 10 hoch -13 mm fuer zehn zusaetzliche Dimensionen begrenzt. / This thesis describes a measurement of single and multi-photon events with missing energy in electron-positron interactions. The results have been used to measure the neutrino pair-production cross section and to determine the number of light neutrino species. A search for various kinds of new physics processes involving photons and missing energy in the final state like the production of supersymmetric particles, a fermiophobic Higgs boson and massive gravitons has been carried out.The analysis has been performed using data collected with the L3 detector at LEP at centre-of-mass energies between 130 GeV and 190 GeV corresponding to a total luminosity of 265 1/pb. The cross section of the process electron positron to neutrino anti-neutrino photon (photon) for a photon energy larger than 5 GeV and a photon scattering angle with respect to the beam axis larger than 14 degrees at a centre-of-mass energy of 189 GeV has been measured to be (5.25+- 0.22 +- 0.07) pb and has been extrapolated to a total cross section for neutrino pair-production yielding (58.3 +- 2.7) pb. The measured photon energy spectra have been used to derive the number of light neutrino species. The combined value determined from all data analysed in this thesis is 3.05 +- 0.11 +- 0.04, which is in good agreement with the hypothesis of three light neutrino types and supports the Standard Model with its three generations of particles.Since no indication for the appearance of new physics processes has been found, upper limits on cross sections of new particle production have been set and lower limits on particle masses have been derived assuming three neutrino generations. If the gravitino is the lightest supersymmetric particle and all other SUSY particles are too heavy to be created at LEP energies, gravitino pair-production could be the only process involving SUSY particles accessible at LEP. From an analysis of the process electron positron to gravitino gravitino photon, a lower limit of 8.9 times 10 to the power -6 eV has been determined at the 95% confidence level. Cross section limits have been set depending on the masses of the particles involved in neutralino gravitino production and neutralino pair-production and neutralino decay to gravitino and photon, and for the production of the lightest and second lightest neutralino and pair-production of the second lightest neutralino and its decay to lightest neutralino and photon. Within the framework of gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking a lower limit on the neutralino mass of 88.2 GeV at the 95% confidence level has been derived under the assumption that the lightest neutralino is the second lightest supersymmetric particle. Fermiophobic Higgs bosons have been searched for investigating the process electron positron to Higgs Z to photon photon neutrino anti-neutrino. Cross section bounds on this process have been determined depending on the Higgs mass and limits on the branching ratio of the Higgs decaying into photons have been derived. A lower mass limit for such a fermiophobic Higgs boson is set to 89.9 GeV at the 95% confidence level.A search for the production of massive gravitons in quantum gravity models with extra spatial dimensions has been performed investigating the process electron positron to graviton photon. Lower limits on the energy scale ranging from 1018 GeV to 349 GeV have been derived at the 95% confidence level for two to ten extra dimensions. Their size has been limited to at most 0.46 mm and to at most 8.3 times 10 to the power -13 mm for two and ten extra dimensions, respectively.
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ESTIMATIVA DOS PARÂMETROS GENÉTICOS DE CARACTERES MORFOMÉTRICOS EM GUPPY (Poecilia reticulata)Gomide, Jefferson Mendes 17 December 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:39:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2008-12-17 / The invasion of new environments is related to the genetic variability of the species.
The guppy (Poecilia reticulata) is a species introduced accidentally or artificially, arisen
from different populations of captivity around the world. In some countries, these
introductions are made repeatedly, particularly to control the growth of disease-transmitting
mosquitoes in small lakes and streams in tropical countries. The Guppy is feeding the
larvae of mosquitoes, preventing it from coming into adult life. Because of the need to
obtain a better understanding of the differentiation of introduced populations, and this may
reduce the impact of the introduction of exotic species, since it is the third leading cause of
extinction of native species, three populations in different cities of the state of Goias were
collected, and their metric features analyzed. The review sought to determine the rate of
divergence among populations of free life, which contribute to the understanding of the
process of colonization of natural environments by this alien species. The results indicated
that the divergence between the populations analyzed, for most of the features is very
large, ie the rate of divergence is greater than expected by neutral evolution, so that
directional selection is expected to be acting on these characteristics. / A invasão de novos ambientes se relaciona com a variabilidade genética das
espécies. O Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) é uma destas espécies introduzidas
acidentalmente ou artificialmente, advindo de várias populações de cativeiro em todo o
mundo. Em alguns países, estas introduções se deram várias vezes, particularmente para
o controle do crescimento de mosquitos transmissores de doenças, em lagos e pequenos
riachos nos países tropicais. O Guppy se alimenta das larvas desses mosquitos,
impedindo que cheguem à fase adulta. Devido à necessidade de se obter uma maior
compreensão da diferenciação de populações introduzidas, e com isto poder reduzir o
impacto da introdução de espécies exóticas, já que é a terceira causa de extinção de
espécies nativas, foram coletadas três populações em cidades diferentes do estado de
Goiás, e as suas características métricas analisadas. A análise procurou determinar a taxa
de divergência, entre populações de vida livre, que contribuirá para a compreensão do
processo de colonização dos ambientes naturais por esta espécie exótica. Os resultados
indicaram que a divergência entre as populações analisadas, para a maioria das
características é muito grande, ou seja, a taxa de divergência é maior do que a esperada
pela evolução neutra, de modo que seleção direcional deve estar atuando sobre estas
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Optimização das operações de desmonte de rocha com uso de explosivos em câmaras transversais (sublevel stoping)Bundrich, Lauro Augusto January 2017 (has links)
O desmonte de rocha com uso de explosivos, aplicado à extração subterrânea de recursos minerais é uma tarefa impar que exige perícia e planejamento detalhado. Nesse contexto, essa dissertação tem sua relevância devido à apresentação de metodologias que visam aprimorar os processos envolvidos com o desmonte de rocha com uso de perfurações radiais, aplicado ao método de mineração subterrânea câmaras transversais, variante do método sublevel stoping. Para cumprir esse objetivo foram estabelecidas metodologias embasadas na utilização de registros sismográficos dos desmontes, mapeamento por laser das câmaras de lavra, registros operacionais da mina estudada. As metodologias aplicadas nas operações de mina incluíram: a segregação entre as atividades de perfuração e desmonte de rocha para assim aprimorar o ciclo operacional, a implantação de desmontes massivos como forma de aumentar a taxa de produção. A mudança na geometria das câmaras, a fim preservar o teto das mesmas. Um experimento com diferentes arranjos de retardo nos desmontes, como forma de determinar a configuração temporal menos nociva em termos de vibração, e por fim, a aplicação de uma nova malha de perfuração baseada no método dos triângulos reorientados de Hagan (1988), que visava diminuir a necessidade de perfuração e melhorar a distribuição energética dos desmontes em leque. As modificações propostas geraram resultados positivos, respectivamente quanto: aumento da eficiência dos ciclos de perfuração em 49% e aumento de 54% na produtividade das câmaras no período estudado, devido a implementação de desmontes massivos somados a segregação das atividades de perfuração e desmonte. Observou se a diminuição significativa da sobre-quebra (back break) do teto, da mesma forma os danos aos cabos de ancoragem (cable-bolts) foram reduzidos, resultados estes oriundos das modificações na geometria das câmaras. Os testes com diferentes arranjos de retardos demonstraram que o arranjo: 50ms entre furos e 200ms entre linhas, gerou a menor intensidade de vibração. O teste com o padrão de perfuração baseado na técnica de Hagan apresentou melhor índice de perfuração específica, porém, resultou em uma recuperação menor do que a média usual das câmaras, (76% contra 85%). Pode-se concluir que as metodologias propostas foram validas como medidas de aprimoramento das operações de perfuração e desmonte de rocha, a exceção da técnica dos triângulos reorientados de Hagan. Também foi possível concluir que a razão entre os valores de retardos intra linhas (L-L) e intra furos (F-F) influi diretamente na intensidade de vibração. / The blasting of rocks, applied to the underground extraction of mineral resources is a difficult task that requires expertise and detailed planning. In this context, this dissertation has its relevance due to the presentation of methodologies that aim to improve the processes involved with the blasting of rocks utilizing ring drilling, applied to the underground mining method transversal stopes, a variant of the method sublevel stoping. To fulfill this objective, methodologies based on the use of seismographic records of the blasting events, laser scanners of the stopes and operational records of the mine were used, as well as the use of Micromine software. The methodologies applied in mine operations included: segregation between rock drilling and blasting activities to improve the operational cycle, the implantation of the concept of mass blasting as a way to increase the production rate, the change in the drilling pattern in order to preserve the roof of the stopes, an experiment with different arrangements of delays for the blasting, as a way to determine the less harmful configuration in terms of vibration and finally the application of a new drilling pattern based on the reoriented triangles method of Hagan (1988), which aimed to reduce the need for drilling and to improve the energy distribution of the rings of drilling. The proposed modifications generated positive results, respectively: increase in the efficiency of the drilling cycles by 49% and a 54% increase in the productivity of the studied period, due to the implementation of mass blasting concept added to the segregation of drilling and blasting activities. It was observed that the significant decrease of the back break of the roof, in the same way the damages to the cables of reinforcement (cable-bolts) were reduced, as a result from the modifications in the drillings. The tests with different delay arrangements showed that the arrangement: 50ms between holes and 200ms between rows, generated the lowest vibration intensity. The Hagan technique-based drilling test showed a better specific drilling index, but resulted in a lower ore recovery than the usual to the stopes mean (76% vs. 85%). It can be concluded that the proposed methodologies were valid as measures of improvement of the operations of drilling and blasting of rock, except for the technique of the reoriented triangles of Hagan. It was also possible to conclude that the ratio between inter ring and inter-hole delays directly influences the vibration intensity.
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Surfaces de mer et dissipation d'énergie / Sea surface and energy dissipationVeras Guimarães, Pedro 17 January 2018 (has links)
Les formulations et modèles de vagues stochastiques sont les outils les plus traditionnels pour l’évaluation et la prévision des états de mer. Cependant, la prise en compte de nombreux processus physiques essentiels à l’évolution des vagues reste souvent lacunaire dans ces types d’approches. Une des raisons possible est notamment que peu d’observations viennent documenter ces processus. La dissipation des ondes est ainsi mal quantifiée par les méthodes d'observation traditionnelles dans tout l’éventail des conditions océaniques. Dans ce contexte, le travail présenté dans cette thèse explore plus avant les conditions menant au déferlement à travers la modulation de l'énergie des ondes courtes par de fort courants de marée et par des ondes plus longues.Dans cette étude, nous avons profité des campagnes de mesure BBWAVES, spécialement conçues pour acquérir de la donnée dans des zones d’interactions vagues courants.Ces campagnes ont notamment permis de tester une nouvelle bouée dérivante conçue pour la mesure des vagues dans des zones à forts courants de marées. Grâce à des mesures simultanées en zones de forts courants, il a été possible de mettre en évidence des lacunes dans la modélisation des états de mer, et l’influence vraisemblable des erreurs dans la modélisation atmosphérique pour ces conditions. Cette thèse a également tiré parti d’une campagne de mesure stéréo-vidéo d’états de mer en Mer Noire afin d’étudier différents aspects du déferlement des vagues dans une grande variété de conditions d'état de mer bimodales. Ces mesures ont permis de mettre en évidence une modulation des ondes courtes par des longues et une incidence sur les propriétés de déferlement. / Stochastic wave formulations and models are the most common tools for the assessment and forecast of sea surface conditions. Their ability to account for some of the processes encountered by waves during their evolution remains however a central question. Among other processes, the wave dissipation is for instance still poorly quantified and traditional methods for wave measurements fail to proper insight into its physics in a wide range of conditions. In this context, the work presented in this PhD aims to explore available observation techniques for their application to several quantitative aspects of the dissipation of wave energy, and particularly for short wave modulated by strong tidal currents, for short wave modulated by longer waves. This work takes advantage of the BBWAVES oceanic campaigns, especially planned to explore questions related to wave and current interactions. Data from a large variety of sensors are analyzed. The campaign provides the ground for the test of a new design of drifting buoy aimed at measuring waves in areas of strong tidal current. Its performances are verified and the description it provides of the area is explored. From simultaneous measurements, it was possible to highlight the actual inaccuracies in wave model capabilities as well as the contribution of the error contained in the atmospheric modeling over strong tidal currents to the misevaluation of sea states. This work also used an extensive dataset from a stereo video experiment in the Black Sea to investigate wave breaking in bimodal sea state conditions. These measurements have revealed the influence of long wave modulation over short wave breaking.
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Influence du niobium sur la microstructure et les propriétés d'usage des aciers inoxydables austéno-ferritiques (duplex) / Influence of niobium on the microstructure and properties of austenic-ferritic strainless steel(duplex)Baumhauer, Christophe 28 November 2012 (has links)
Les aciers inoxydables sont employés dans des secteurs d’activitéspour lesquels les caractéristiques mécaniques et la résistance à lacorrosion sont primordiaux. Les nuances austéno-ferritiques sansmolybdène (lean-duplex), ont une résistance à la corrosion et despropriétés mécaniques supérieures aux aciers inoxydables austénitiques.Cependant, leur usinabilité est inférieure à celle de leur homologueausténitique. Pour améliorer cette propriété des éléments peuvent êtreajoutés dans les nuances, tel que le niobium. L’objectif de cette étude estd’améliorer l’usinabilité des lean-duplex sans dégrader les autrespropriétés. Différentes teneurs en niobium ont été ajoutées dans un1.4362 pour comprendre comment cet élément affecte la microstructure,la résilience, et la résistance à la corrosion par piqûres. Ces résultatsvont permettre de définir une teneur en niobium optimale. Pour finir, desessais d’usinabilité et de résilience ont été effectués sur des couléesindustrielles de 1.4362 avec et sans niobium après divers traitementsthermiques pour comprendre l’influence d’un ajout de niobium sur cesdeux propriétés. / Stainless steels are used in some industries requiring mechanicalproperties and corrosion resistance. Lean duplex have higher corrosionresistance and mechanical properties than the austenitic stainless steels.However, their machinability is below that of the corresponding austeniticstainless steels. To improve it, some elements can be added in thegrade, like niobium. The aim of this study is to increase machinability oflean duplex grades without degrading their other properties. Differentcontents of niobium were tested in a 1.4362 to understand how thiselement affects the microstructure, the toughness and the pittingcorrosion resistance. With these results optimum niobium content isdefined. Turning and toughness experiments were done on industrial1.4362 grades with and without niobium and with different heatstreatments in order to understand how niobium can influence theseproperties.
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Rupture et fusion d'un cristal bidimensionnelPauchard, Ludovic 28 February 1997 (has links) (PDF)
Le systeme bidimensionnel etudié dans cette thèse est un film de Langmuir, film constitué d'une unique couche de molécules amphiphiles à l'interface eau-air. Une transition du premier ordre, observée dans une monocouche d'acide NBD-stéarique révèle la coexistence entre une phase cristalline et une phase liquide. Les domaines monocristallins se présentent sous la forme de longs bâtonnets, parfaitement adaptés aux études mécaniques. Nous étudions certaines propriétés de ce cristal bidimensionnel. La première étude concerne la rupture de ce solide bidimensionnel. Un cristal maintenu fléchi dans le plan de l'eau se rompt après une durée bien déterminée. Cette durée s'est avérée être fonction de la déformation appliquée au cristal. A fortescontraintes, on second mode de rupture coexiste : un certains nombre de cristaux cassent intantanément tandis que d'autres présentent une rupture différée. La seconde étude s'intéresse à la fusion des cristaux en équilibre avec leur phase liquide. La fusion peut être provoquée par trois processus distincts : deux processus thermodynamiques (réchauffement et décompression) et un processus photochimique. Ce dernier s'est avéré dû à une réaction photochimique réversible avec l'oxygène de l'air, conduisant a l'abaissement du point de fusion du cristal. Les trois processus de fusion conduisent à des observations similaires, indiquant ainsi l'existence d'un mécanisme commun dans l'initiation de la fusion. Les observation montrent que l'intérieur du crystal fond bien avant ses bords. De plus, la fusion d'un cristal maintenu déformé a lieu le long d'une ligne ou la contrainte s'annule. Nous suggérons que le mécanisme responsable de ce phénomène est la migration de défauts, probablement des dislocations, à l'endoit du cristal non déformé.; Ces défauts jouant le rôle de centres de nucléation de la fusion. Ces résultats montrent le rôle primordial des défauts dans la fusion à deux dimension.
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Experiments investigating momentum transfer, turbulence and air-water gas transfer in a wind wave tankMukto, Moniz 06 1900 (has links)
A series of laboratory experiments were conducted at three fetches of 4.8, 8.8 and 12.4 m, and at six wind speeds ranging from 4.1 to 9.6 m/s at each fetch in a wind-wave-current research facility. In addition, five surfactant-influenced experiments were conducted at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 5.0 ppm at a wind speed of 7.9 m/s and a fetch of 4.8 m. The goals were to examine the momentum transfer and to characterize the turbulent flow structure beneath wind waves, and to investigate the relationship between wind waves and the gas transfer rate at the air-water interface. Digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV) was used to measure two-dimensional instantaneous velocity fields beneath the wind waves.
The friction velocities and roughness lengths of the coupled boundary layers were used to characterize the flow regime and momentum transfer. The air-side flows were found to be aerodynamically rough and the water-side flows were found to be in transition and then become hydrodynamically smooth as wind speed increased. Airflow separation from the crests of breaking waves may be responsible for making the air-side boundary layer rougher and water-side boundary layer smoother. Momentum transfer was studied by examining the partitioning of the wind stress into the viscous tangential stress and wave-induced stress. It was found that the wave steepness was the most important wind-wave property that controls the momentum transfer in the coupled boundary layers.
Two distinct layers were observed in the near-surface turbulence in the presence of a surfactant and three layers in clean water. In the surfactant-influenced experiments, the energy dissipation rate decayed as zeta^(-0.3) in the upper layer and in the lower layer energy dissipation rate decayed as zeta^(-1.0) similar to a wall-layer. For clean experiments, the energy dissipation rate could be scaled using the depth, friction velocity, wave height and phase speed as proposed by Terray et al. (1996) provided that layer based friction velocities were used. In the upper layer, the near-surface turbulence was dominated by wave-induced motions and the dissipation rates decayed as zeta^(-0.2) at all fetches. Below this in the transition layer turbulence was generated by both wave-induced motions and shear currents and the dissipation rate decayed as zeta^(-2.0) at a fetch of 4.8 m. However, at fetches of 8.8 and 12.4 m, the dissipation rate decayed at two different rates; as zeta^(-2.0) in the upper region and as zeta^(-4.0) in the lower region. In the third layer, the dissipation rate decayed as zeta^(-1.0) similar to a wall-layer at a fetch of 4.8 m.
Four empirical relationships commonly used to predict the gas transfer rate were evaluated using laboratory measurements. The gas transfer rate was found to correlate most closely with the total mean square wave slope and varied linearly with this parameter. The three other parameterizations using wind speed, wind friction velocity and energy dissipation did not correlate as well. / Water Resources Engineering
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The Paradox of foreignnessEdman, Jesper January 2009 (has links)
Diss.Stockholm : Handelshögsk.
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