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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genèses du « Moyen-Orient » : les Britanniques dans le Golfe Arabo-Persique (c. 1800 - c. 1914) / The Birth of the Middle East : the British in the Arabo-Persian Gulf (c. 1800 - c. 1914)

Crouzet, Guillemette 28 June 2014 (has links)
La présente thèse de doctorat consiste en une enquête globale sur la participation du Golfe à plusieurs systèmes spatiaux, - politico-administratifs et économiques, régionaux et mondiaux -, et sur la constructionprogressive qui en résulte. L’enquête a ainsi cherché à renouer les fils de deux « histoires » généralement conçues comme distinctes et à éclairer les interactions qui en procèdent. La première est celle de l’impérialisme britannique et anglo-indien dans le Golfe, de son fonctionnement, de ses implications spatiales, idéologiques et de son imaginaire au XIXe siècle. Il s’est donc agi de retracer la construction politicoadministrative mais aussi géo-historique, d’un espace, le Golfe. La seconde s’est attachée à démontrer l’insertion du Golfe à différents espaces économiques, macro-régionaux et mondiaux, par l’étude de divers flux de produits. Le propos est organisé en deux grandes parties, subdivisées en 5 chapitres chacune, et il s’y s’ajoute une importante série d’annexes. Le Livre premier (chapitres 1 à 5), intitulé « Espaces, pouvoirs etviolences », porte sur la mise en place, par plusieurs « outils » majeurs, de l’impérialisme britannique et angloindien dans le Golfe. Le Livre second (chapitres 6 à 10) a pour titre « Flux, connexions et internationalisation ». Il se concentre sur l’internationalisation croissante du monde khalijien au cours du XIXe siècle et sur la progressive création de cet espace composite appelé le « Moyen-Orient », qui est centré autour du Golfe, et dont nous soutenons qu’il fut empiriquement inventé aux Indes. Est également mise au jour l’insertion économique du Golfe dans ce que les historiens ont appelé « the expanding world economy », à travers le double effet d’un désenclavement accentué au fil des décennies et d’une progressive augmentation quantitative des flux commerciaux, tout en ne perdant pas de vue les liens marchands et les interpénétrations avec les espaces macro-régionaux, fortement actifs au cours du XIXe siècle. / This thesis is a comprehensive study of the Arabo-Persian Gulf’s involvement in various ‘spacesystems’ —politico-administrative, economic, regional, and global— and the ensuing construction of the Gulf as a space. It aims to gather together the threads of two stories that are generally seen as separate, thereby illuminating the interactions between them. First, this thesis seeks to contribute to the understanding of British and Anglo-Indian imperialism in the Gulf: its operation, its spatial and ideological implications, and the ‘imaginaries’ it created. It reveals the politico-administrative and geo-symbolic creation of a space, the Gulf. Secondly, the aim is to emphasise, by examining various flows of products, the insertion of the Gulf into different economic areas, both at a regional and global level. The first volume (chapters 1 to 5), entitled“Spaces, Powers and Violence”, explains the setting of British and Anglo-Indian imperialism in the Gulf, through the use of different tools. The second volume (chapters 6 to 10), entitled “Flows, Connections and Internationalisation”, focuses on the growing internationalisation of the Gulf during the long nineteenth century, and on the gradual creation of what was, in the opinion of the author, a “composite” space, the Middle East. It is argued that the Middle East, centred on the Gulf, was empirically invented in India. Further, this second volume emphasises the insertion of the Gulf into what historians term “the expanding world economy”, through an on-going opening up of the region, and an increase in trade flows. At the same time, it recognises that economic links and interpenetrations with macro-regional areas remained strong.

Histoire scolaire, impérialisme(s) et décolonisation(s) : le cas du Soudan anglo-égyptien (1945-1958)

Seri-Hersch, Iris 17 May 2012 (has links)
Réinscrivant le Soudan anglo-égyptien dans l'histoire impériale britannique, cette thèse explore l'histoire scolaire soudanaise à l'ère de l'« ébranlement colonial » qui succéda à la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Les matériaux didactiques, les contenus prescrits et les pratiques pédagogiques sont analysés à la lumière de cinq développements majeurs des années 1945-1953 : le virage « paternoprogressiste » des politiques coloniales britanniques en Afrique, dont l'objectif était désormais de préparer les peuples colonisés à l'autogouvernance ; la polarisation des positions britannique et égyptienne sur la question du Soudan ; la concurrence accrue entre les deux courants du nationalisme soudanais (indépendantiste et unioniste) ; l'unification hâtive du Nord et du Sud-Soudan après plus d'un demi-siècle de gestion séparée ; et la tentative des élites nord-soudanaises de construire un Etat-nation arabo-musulman.Le second volet de la thèse est consacré à une mise en perspective diachronique et synchronique de l'histoire scolaire soudanaise de fin d'Empire : celle-ci marqua-t-elle une véritable rupture par rapport à l'histoire scolaire pratiquée au Soudan jusqu'en 1945 ? Quelles étaient les convergences et les divergences entre l'histoire scolaire du Soudan et celle d'autres territoires de l'(ex-)Empire britannique (Ouganda, Rhodésie du Nord, Nigeria, Égypte, Inde, Grande-Bretagne) ? Ma réflexion s'achève surdeux problèmes cruciaux de l'ère postcoloniale : la décolonisation – ou non – des récits historiques scolaires après l'indépendance (1956) et le rôle catalyseur de l'histoire scolaire dans la guerre civile entre le Nord et le Sud-Soudan. / Situating the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan in the wider frame of British imperial history, this dissertation investigates school history in late colonial Sudan. Didactic materials, prescribed contents and pedagogic practices are analyzed against the background of five major developments of the 1945-1953 period: the shifting of British imperialism in Africa towards “paternalist-progressive” policies aiming at preparing colonial peoples for self-government; the polarization of British and Egyptian positions on the Sudanese issue; mounting rivalries between the independentist and unionist wings of Sudanese nationalism; the hasty unification of Northern and Southern Sudan after more than half a century of separate rule; and Northern Sudanese policies of Arabization and Islamization in the South as a tool for achieving “national unification”.In a second part, the innovative character of post-WWII history teaching in Sudan is assessed by examining earlier patterns of Sudanese school history. History teaching in late colonial Sudan is then compared with history teaching in other territories of the (ex-)Empire (Uganda, North Rhodesia, Nigeria, Egypt, India, Great Britain). Two central postcolonial issues are further explored, namely the decolonization of school historical narratives after independence (1956) and the role of history teaching in fuelling the North-South conflict in Sudan.

O mundo interligado: poder, guerra e território nas lutas na Argentina e na Nova Zelândia (1826-1885) / Connected worlds: political power, war and territory in the struggles in Argentina and New Zealand (1826-1885)

Passetti, Gabriel 01 September 2010 (has links)
Esta tese analisa as relações entre indígenas e criollos estabelecidas na Argentina e as entre os Maori e os pakeha na Nova Zelândia, entre as décadas de 1820 e 1880. Suas fontes são relatos de viagens, cartas, relatórios, petições, abaixo-assinados, leis e tratados de paz. São acompanhadas as transformações ocorridas no período, traçados os diferentes projetos dos grupos em luta pelo poder político, as aproximações e distanciamentos, e as estratégias de Caciques e Chefes para participar e controlar as redes de trocas, e evitar a perda de poder e territórios. A análise da atuação britânica permitiu estabelecer conexões entre regiões distantes no espaço, mas próximas quanto às situações vividas. A comparação entre uma colônia do Império Britânico e uma república recém-independente permitiu a compreensão da circulação de ideias, pessoas e produtos e a consolidação de imagens e de discursos que estabeleciam diferenças entre anglicanos e católicos, monarquistas e republicanos. Diante da expansão liberal, tanto os indígenas pampeanos quanto os Maori da Nova Zelândia superaram tradicionais rivalidades e tentaram expulsar criollos e pakehas. Quando foram associados à barbárie por colonos, militares e governantes, enfrentaram os exércitos, armados com os mais recentes e eficientes inventos da guerra, do transporte e da comunicação. Combatidos por estratégias etnocidas ou genocidas, foram derrotados, tiveram seus territórios anexados às jurisdições, terras inseridas nos mercados, e as próprias existências independentes suprimidas / a quick turn on the next years. One of the major objectives of the research is the comprehension of , and freedom, and joining in trade networks. The comparison between a British white settler colony and a republic, and Salinas Grandes in Argentina. Associated by settlers, and their own existences as independent were suppressed. The sources analyzed were travel accounts, and willing to defend their own authority, as the King Movement in New Zealand, as whell as the Maori and pakeha in New Zealand, claim, exposed how ideas, from 1826 to 1885. During this time, laws and peace treaties., letters, military and the government to barbarism, native Chiefs united themselves in organized resistance confederations, people and products circulated through the globe. Facing major liberal interests in their lands, recently independent, reports, social and commercial relations between the indigenous peoples of Argentina and the criollos, sovereignty, the political power balance changed from a clear native superiority, their land to the markets, then, they lost their territory to official government jurisdiction, they were attacked by professional armies and their modern guns, This research are focused on comparisons on political, to a draw in the 1850s and, transports and communication. Beaten by ethnocide or genocide strategies

Reflexe soumraku Britského impéria ve vybraných dílech anglicky psané krásné literatury / The Reflection of the Twilight of the British Empire in the Selected Works of the English Belles-Lettres

Banasinský, Vít January 2012 (has links)
In the British Empire many revolutionary changes took place from the 1850s. In my thesis I focused on the analysis of those issues and phenomena which are sufficiently reflected in the English-language belles-lettres, along with a comparison of topics in a historical context in those thematic areas where the comparison is possible, but even in those where possibility of feedback is missing. Given the specificity of the whole work is an introduction and conclusion concerns the question of literary texts as a study of sources. The aim is to answer the question whether the use of belles-lettres as a source in this particular topic is possible, and if so, under what conditions.

O mundo interligado: poder, guerra e território nas lutas na Argentina e na Nova Zelândia (1826-1885) / Connected worlds: political power, war and territory in the struggles in Argentina and New Zealand (1826-1885)

Gabriel Passetti 01 September 2010 (has links)
Esta tese analisa as relações entre indígenas e criollos estabelecidas na Argentina e as entre os Maori e os pakeha na Nova Zelândia, entre as décadas de 1820 e 1880. Suas fontes são relatos de viagens, cartas, relatórios, petições, abaixo-assinados, leis e tratados de paz. São acompanhadas as transformações ocorridas no período, traçados os diferentes projetos dos grupos em luta pelo poder político, as aproximações e distanciamentos, e as estratégias de Caciques e Chefes para participar e controlar as redes de trocas, e evitar a perda de poder e territórios. A análise da atuação britânica permitiu estabelecer conexões entre regiões distantes no espaço, mas próximas quanto às situações vividas. A comparação entre uma colônia do Império Britânico e uma república recém-independente permitiu a compreensão da circulação de ideias, pessoas e produtos e a consolidação de imagens e de discursos que estabeleciam diferenças entre anglicanos e católicos, monarquistas e republicanos. Diante da expansão liberal, tanto os indígenas pampeanos quanto os Maori da Nova Zelândia superaram tradicionais rivalidades e tentaram expulsar criollos e pakehas. Quando foram associados à barbárie por colonos, militares e governantes, enfrentaram os exércitos, armados com os mais recentes e eficientes inventos da guerra, do transporte e da comunicação. Combatidos por estratégias etnocidas ou genocidas, foram derrotados, tiveram seus territórios anexados às jurisdições, terras inseridas nos mercados, e as próprias existências independentes suprimidas / a quick turn on the next years. One of the major objectives of the research is the comprehension of , and freedom, and joining in trade networks. The comparison between a British white settler colony and a republic, and Salinas Grandes in Argentina. Associated by settlers, and their own existences as independent were suppressed. The sources analyzed were travel accounts, and willing to defend their own authority, as the King Movement in New Zealand, as whell as the Maori and pakeha in New Zealand, claim, exposed how ideas, from 1826 to 1885. During this time, laws and peace treaties., letters, military and the government to barbarism, native Chiefs united themselves in organized resistance confederations, people and products circulated through the globe. Facing major liberal interests in their lands, recently independent, reports, social and commercial relations between the indigenous peoples of Argentina and the criollos, sovereignty, the political power balance changed from a clear native superiority, their land to the markets, then, they lost their territory to official government jurisdiction, they were attacked by professional armies and their modern guns, This research are focused on comparisons on political, to a draw in the 1850s and, transports and communication. Beaten by ethnocide or genocide strategies

Mental illness and the British mandate in Palestine, 1920-1948

Wilson, Christopher William January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines the ways in which the British mandate conceptualised, encountered, and sought to manage mental illness in Palestine between 1920 and 1948. The subject of mental illness has hitherto received partial consideration by historians interested in the Yishuv, who treat this period as formative for the Israeli mental health service. This thesis shifts the focus from European Jewish psychiatrists to the British mandate's engagements with mental illness, thus contributing to the well-developed literature on colonial psychiatry. Where this thesis departs from many of these institutionally-focussed histories of colonial psychiatry is in its source base; lacking hospital case files or articles in psychiatric journals, this thesis draws on an eclectic range of material from census reports and folklore research to petitions and prison records. In bringing together these strands of the story of psychiatry and mental illness, this thesis seeks to move beyond the continued emphasis in the historiography of Palestine on politics, nationalism, and state-building, and to develop our understanding of state and society by examining how they interacted in relation to the question of mental illness. This thesis thus widens the cast of historical actors from psychiatric experts alone to take in policemen, census officials, and families. In addition, this thesis seeks to situate Palestine within wider mandatory, British imperial, and global contexts, not to elide specificities, but to resist a persistent historiographical tendency to treat Palestine as exceptional. The first part traces the development of British mandatory conceptualisations of mental illness through the census of 1931 and then through a focus on specific causes of mental illness thought to be at work in Palestine. The second part examines two contexts in which the mandate was brought into contact with the mentally ill: the law and petitions. The final part of the thesis explores two distinct therapeutic regimes introduced in this period: patient work and somatic treatments.

Jonathan Swift, Sir William Temple and the international balance of power

Gertken, Matthew Charles 03 February 2014 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the balance of power theory of international relations in the works of Jonathan Swift and his mentor Sir William Temple. Both Temple and Swift are known to have championed balance-of-power foreign policy, yet no sustained study of the subject exists. To begin, I argue that Temple used balance as a metaphor for division or separation. His policy of preserving the “Balance of Christendom” translates to sowing division among European states, and for the same reason he rejects balance of power at home. Proceeding to Swift, while commentators have long known that he advocated the classical theory of constitutional balance, they have neglected his engagement with international balance. Swift assimilates Temple’s positions into a universal theory based on classical authors; he sees balance of power as an element in the broader quarrel of ancients and moderns. The ancient view posits an independent agent who operates within the constraints of a system; the modern, by contrast, either exaggerates agency to the point of divine-right absolutism or minimizes it to the extent that only an impersonal, clockwork-like system remains. In both cases, the moderns pursue material power at each other’s expense, neglecting the intangible benefits of due separation. This theory has important ramifications for Swift’s international writings. For years scholars have emphasized Swift’s conspiracy theorizing in the Conduct of the Allies, but I argue that he discredits the Whig war cry of “Balance of Europe,” which sought military power (the balance of forces) as an end in itself, and reasserts balance as a policy of slicing Europe into as many separate kingdoms as possible. Ultimately, however, Swift’s most lasting contribution appears in Gulliver’s Travels. Here he depicts maritime power as the quintessential means by which moderns pursue absolute power, and intimates a political “Balance of Earth” as a satirical correction. This study, the first to focus on the international dimension of Swift’s political theory, offers a corrective to literary studies that favor domestic politics and yields insights into the evolution of balance-of-power theory and the intersection of culture and foreign policy at the dawn of the British empire. / text

'The living and the dying' : the rise of the United States and Anglo-French perceptions of power, 1898-1899

Rhode, Benjamin January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines Anglo-French perceptions of power within the context of the rise of the United States of America. It uses several overlapping events falling within a moment at the end of the nineteenth century (1898-1899) - the Spanish-American War, the Dreyfus Affair and the Fashoda crisis - to explore various British and French actors' perceptions of national power, decline, and international competition. It draws heavily on diplomatic material, but its methodology is primarily cultural. It examines ways in which various cultural assumptions affected perceptions of power and global events. It takes a particular interest in the relationship between ideas about gender and dimensions of national power. It focuses on contemporary preoccupations and assumptions, whether spoken or unspoken, and argues that they could prove determinative. External realities were refracted into perceptions that in turn drove prescriptions and policy. The thesis juxtaposes perspectives from multiple states, thereby contextualizing or comparing British, French and occasionally American preoccupations with those of their transatlantic contemporaries. It draws upon archival sources which previously have been under-examined or approached from different perspectives and research priorities. Its exploration of the cultural dimensions of thought about national power and success is grounded in an awareness of the analysis and actions of certain diplomats and politicians involved in the more practical business of international affairs. Conversely, diplomatic and other records are situated within their cultural milieu, to better understand the context in which views about the international order were shaped. The thesis necessarily makes excursions into the history of emotions, since its actors' political analyses at times appear entangled and aligned with their emotional responses. The thesis therefore serves as an example of an international history that integrates diplomatic with cultural and emotional elements and demonstrates their mutual illumination.

"The church of god amidst the wilderness" : itinéraires missionnaires de la Church missionary Society en Afrique centrale et en Grande-Bretagne 1875 - 1900 / «The Church of God amidst the Wilderness»

Michaud, Maud 18 November 2013 (has links)
L’étude de cas qui mobilise la majeure partie de ma thèse se penche sur une mission de la Church Missionary Society, société missionnaire anglicane, au Buganda, royaume situé au nord du lac Victoria. La thèse revient d’abord sur les raisons qui ont poussé la CMS à s’établir dans cette région vierge de tout occupant européen, et sur les conditions de cette installation, débutée en 1876. Entre 1876 et 1900, la mission connut de nombreux chamboulements, qui seront traités à la lumière de la correspondance des missionnaires de la CMS sur le terrain, de leurs journaux personnels et productions visuelles : les interactions plus ou moins fructueuses des missionnaires avec les autochtones ; le succès de la mission en termes d’influence religieuse ; le déploiement de nouvelles stations au sein du royaume et dans les royaumes voisins ; l’installation de missionnaires catholiques français dans le royaume à partir de 1879 ; l’arrivée des Britanniques dans la région par le biais de l’Imperial British East Africa Company, et la mise sous protectorat de la région à partir de 1894. Tous ces éléments seront passés au crible, ainsi que la façon dont, en métropole, ils furent l’objet de différentes publications, circulations, et donc réceptions. Les ramifications tant politiques que linguistiques et scientifiques de l’entreprise missionnaire anglicane au Buganda sont au cœur de cette étude. Cette thèse met également au jour les liens tissés entre la mission du Buganda et sa direction en métropole (la maison mère à Londres, les soutiens de la mission en amont, les lecteurs et adhérents de la société, et le lectorat britannique de la presse périodique de façon plus générale). D’autre part, il s’agit également de montrer par le biais de cette étude de cas que l’entreprise missionnaire britannique était intégrée dans un projet plus vaste de réforme et de salut global (et non seulement local) de la Grande-Bretagne et de son empire : pour ce faire, je fais appel aux archives d’une société missionnaire œuvrant en métropole, dans la capitale, la London City Mission. La mise en perspective de ces deux types de sociétés missionnaires pourra alors nous éclairer sur les liens que les Britanniques créaient et imaginaient entre la Grande-Bretagne et son empire, à la lumière des pratiques religieuses et culturelles de ses habitants. / This thesis focuses on the Church Missionary Society’s mission to Buganda between 1875 and 1900. Buganda was the most powerful kingdom of the Great Lakes region during the last quarter of the 19th century. This study retraces what motivated an Anglican missionary society to send agents to this particular area, which had not been claimed or colonized by any European power at the time of their arrival. Between 1875 and 1900, the mission underwent several changes, which this thesis examines in the light of the missionaries’ letters, journals, drawings and photographs : the interactions between the missionaries and the natives they wished to convert (the kings of Buganda for instance) ; the success of the mission itself and its expansion, mainly through the dissemination of a Bible in luganda by Ganda catechists ; the arrival of rival Catholic missionaries in the capital of Buganda from 1879 onwards ; the arrival of the Imperial British East Africa Company and the creation of the Uganda Protectorate in 1894. This thesis analyses how those changes were dealt with by the missionaries in the field, but also how they were perceived and received by the CMS’s executive committees, the supporters of the mission and the general public in Britain. Studying the political, linguistic and scientific ramifications of the mission in the metropole helps us to understand the manifold impacts that missions had in the late-Victorian era. The way the missionary narrative of the Buganda mission was shaped by the editorial committee of the CMS is also analysed so as to shed light on the strategies at work in London to promote the missionary cause throughout Britain.The aim of this thesis is to take into account what happened in the field and in the metropole in the same frame of analysis, in order to reveal the connected and networked nature of the British missionary enterprise. The example of the Buganda mission will help us to understand how Victorian Evangelicals perceived the salvation and reform of society as a global project. Confronting the CMS sources with archives from a different type of missionary organization – in that case the London City Mission – enables the historian to reveal the ties that linked the home missionary project to the overseas missionary enterprise. This thesis shows that the perceived rivalries between both mission fields were in fact complemented by a strong belief in the connected nature of the missionary enterprise, in terms of staff and support, reprensentations, evangelizing strategies and promotion tools.

"Cožpak nejsem člověk a bratr?": Reprezentace otroctví v Západní Indii a abolicionistická rétorika na cestě k emancipaci / "Am I Not a Man and a Brother?": Representations of Slavery in the West Indies and Abolitionist Rhetoric on the Road to Emancipation

Bartová, Nikola January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with literature connected with the abolition of slavery in British colonies. The thesis will treat the topic of the abolitionist movement from the perspective of social, cultural and literary history from the beginnings until the abolition of slavery in British colonies in the Caribbean in 1833 with the Slavery Abolition Act. The thesis will focus on the discourse of race and slavery. The chosen authors represent different opinions and perspectives as the discussion will focus on sentimental poetry, travel writings as well as slave narratives. The chief aim is to identify and define the strategies of abolitionist discourse and the rhetorical practices which it employed especially in shaping the image of Africans and how the hegemonic discourse of sentimentalism influenced their writing. The first part of the thesis is concerned with establishing a theoretical background and the establishing of the literary traditions and customs of the eighteenth century, definition of the sentimental discourse and philosophies of the Enlightenment. This will be framed by a definition of Edward Said's "Orientalism" as well as Paul Gilroy's theory of the "Black Atlantic," which will enable us to define the space between Britain, Africa and the Caribbean, where the history of slavery of...

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