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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Affectionate Friends: Friendship and Collaboration in the Renaissance and the Romantic Era

Stevenson, James J. 26 August 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines the representations of friendship in letters, collaborations, and paratexts from the Renaissance and the Romantic era to uncover the affection behind the performances taught in classical manuals of friendship. The pairs of Shakespeare-Fletcher and Middleton-Rowley from the Renaissance are compared with Wordsworth-Coleridge and Keats-Brown from the Romantic era to show that the representations did not change even when the myth of the solitary genius began to develop. The representations of friendship based on the ideal of the one true friend allow men to express their affection for other men without being homoerotic or even homosocial. The textual evidence of friendship does not always prove that two people were each other’s “one true friend,” but the signs of friendship signify affectionate friendship for readers who desire such a true friendship for themselves.

True Bromance: Representation of Masculinity and Heteronormative Dominance in the Bromantic Comedy

Hartwell, David B. 12 1900 (has links)
This project explores the representation of white, American masculinity within the Hollywood bromantic comedy cycle. By analyzing three interrelated components (close homosociality, infantilization, and relationship to patriarchy) of the model of masculinity perpetuated by this cycle of films, this study reveals the hegemonic motives therein. Despite the representation of a masculinity nervously questioning its position within the romantic comedy narrative and the broader patriarchal structure, the results of this representation are, ultimately, regressive and reactionary. Cultural gains made concerning gender, sexuality, and race are doubled back upon in a cycle of films that appeal to regressive modes of misogyny, homophobia, and racism still present in Hollywood filmmaking, and the hegemony of white, patriarchal heteronormativity is rigorously maintained.

Masculinity, After the Apocalypse: Gendered Heroics in Modern Survivalist Cinema

Swenson, Sean Michael 01 May 2014 (has links)
Emerging out of a tradition of dystopic and apocalyptic cinema, the survivalist film has arisen as a new subgenre owing to a collision of several divergent modes of cinema. While the scholarly discourse has been preoccupied largely with the task of setting up the parameters of this new cinematic line little attention has been paid to unraveling what the new modes of masculine performance within the films mean in the post-9/11 moment in which they have emerged. This paper looks at the ways in which the gendered heroics on the screen are indebted to the slasher and zombie subgenres in offering alternatives to performing and reclaiming masculinity in the modern survivalist film. Looking towards the collapse of society within these films and the historical preoccupation with these film's ancestral sources at moments when masculinity is threatened in new ways, I argue that when society collapses on the screen so too collapses the character's understanding of "proper" gender performance as well as the audiences expectations of appropriate response to this subversion. I find that survivalist films offer a new mode for exploring gender through the ways in which masculinity is performed, received, and reclaimed. Owing largely to the meeting of horror subgenres within these films masculinity can be encountered by the audience in a way that has until now not been possible for the spectator, presenting an opportunity to reevaluate how we recognize and regulate expectations of gender both on and off screen.

Hegemonisk maskulinitet bland Boys : En tematisk studie kring hegemonisk maskulinitet i Boys

Tumarirungu, Patricia, Jonasson, Victor January 2016 (has links)
Genom denna studie har vi för avsikt att få en större förståelse kring gestaltningen av maskulinitet. Detta kommer vi att uppnå genom att analysera samtida medierepresentationer av män, i form av tv-serien Boys. Syftet med studien blir således att undersöka hur maskulinitet gestaltas i Boys. De teoretiska begrepp som kommer användas i studien är hegemonisk maskulinitet och homme-com, där vi med hjälp av en tematisk analys kommer studera fyra avsnitt från serien. Den tematiska analysens fria karaktär i det att den tillåter forskaren att använda olika teoretiska ramverk var en bidragande orsak till valet av metod. Analysen har varit driven av en induktiv karaktär då vi förvisso har med teman som kommer från våra frågeställningar men vi har även med andra teman som fått vår uppmärksamhet under analysens gång. I serien Boys uttrycks en intimitet och känslomässig relation mellan karaktärerna, där vi kan se en mansroll under förändring. Det är inte så enkelt som att säga att det finns en hegemonisk maskulinitet i tv-serien Boys. Det finns snarare flera olika nyanser av maskulinitet representerade i serien. Vissa av dem uppmuntrar utåt sett jämställdhet, men reproducerar emellertid ändå patriarkala ideologier, om än omedvetet. Detta trots deras intention att motarbeta dessa krafter. Därför landar en av de viktigaste slutsatserna kring serien i att hegemonisk maskulinitet är ett mer komplext begrepp än vad som tidigare diskuterats. Det finns därför ett behov av att forska vidare kring ämnet för att kunna slå fast exempelvis vad som egentligen utgör en hegemonisk maskulinitet.

From buddy movie to bromance

Vaughan, Nicola January 2015 (has links)
As well as critiquing my own abilities throughout the writing process, the essay aims to explore and examine the various models of friendship between central male protagonists and the evolution of masculinity and homosociality within the buddy movie/bromance genre which has been a staple of the American film industry since the before the 1950s. In addition, I will note if these on-screen relationships have been the product of social change and wide spread acceptance of an evolving idea of what constitutes ‘masculinity’ and if, in turn, these new boundaries of homosociality have been, in any way genre changing. Alongside this essay I intend to create a piece of creative writing within the bromance comedy genre set against the backdrop of Montclair New Jersey in present day which explores the difficulties and solidarities of friendship between five old college friends. This film intends to fit in with contemporary bromance and appeal to the market demographic of 18 – 35 males by conforming to accepted and expected aspects of the genre such as, friendship, exploration, crisis, discovery and, most importantly, comedy.

The Apatow Aesthetic: Exploring New Temporalities of Human Development in 21st Century Network Society

Rosen, Michael D. 07 December 2016 (has links)
This thesis offers a critical examination of what I call the “Apatow aesthetic” in order to analyze the social processes of growing up in contemporary neoliberal network society. While doctors, psychologists and social scientists still proffer a model of mid- 20th century human development centered around a chronologically-determined life cycle, the Apatow aesthetic imagines a non-linear reality where traditional life events and social practices don’t always correspond to specific age groups. Specifically, I argue, the Apatow aesthetic subjects the spectator to the pleasures and pains of these life-cycle disruptions, and reveals the unfolding of a new cultural shift which challenges the legitimacy of mid-century heteronormative, adulthood.

“Odrägligt ängsliga identitetssökande pojkar” : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av homosocialiteten i “Boys”

Ekgren, Niva January 2017 (has links)
Sammanfattning “Boys” är en webbaserad TV-serie som lades ut på SVT play hösten 2015. Serien följer två killar i 20-årsåldern och deras jakt på kärleken, deras relation till varandra och deras sökande efter en identitet. När serien introducerades fick den motta mycket medial kritik, som förlöjligade serien och deras framställning av maskulinitet. Syftet med denna studie har således varit att undersöka porträtteringen av homosocialitet och maskulinitet i “Boys”. I förlängningen har det även lett till att undersöka relationen mellan det maskulina och det feminina, för att titta på om och hur män kan gestalta femininitet, och vad konsekvenserna av detta i så fall blir. Studien är kvalitativt innehållsanalytisk. Metoden som använts har bestått av analysverktyg från Selby och Cowderys bok “How to study television”, med fokus på narrativanalys, men även med deras termer konstruktion och publik. De huvudsakliga teorier som använts har varit Yvonne Hirdmans teori om genussystemet, Connells teori om maskulin hegemoni samt Birds teori om homosocialitet. Resultaten från studien har varit att framför allt huvudkaraktärerna i serien “Boys” till viss del avviker från den traditionella hegemoniska maskuliniteten, och därmed frivilligt feminiseras. Eftersom att det feminina och allt som kopplats till det kvinnliga könet sorteras med lägre status än det maskulina är detta dels ovanligt, men också en förklaring till varför karaktärerna blev förlöjligade i media.

Den virile mannen : Visuell representation av manlig intimitet i relation till patriarkala normer för manlig vänskap / The Virile Man : Visual Representation of Male Intimacy in Relation to Patriarchal Norms of Male Friendship

Ljunggren, Helena January 2023 (has links)
This essay explores male intimacy in popular culture, specifically focusing on how the visual representation of male intimacy in The Blaze's music video Virile can be interpreted in relation to male friendship within patriarchal norms of masculinity in music videos through a western perspective. The method used was semiotic film analysis and theories of body language and representation to analyze the material, which was divided into stages based on dramaturgy. The analysis showed that while the music video challenges patriarchal norms of masculinity by portraying men expressing love and intimacy towards each other, it also satisfies the male gaze through stereotypical masculine body language. The conclusion of the analysis was that due to the constant presence of the male gaze within a patriarchal structure, male representation can never be free from its own oppression.

"Det är ju en typisk bromance"

Jessen, Elin January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med min studie är att undersöka hur Filip och Fredriks relation uppfattas av lyssnare. För att undersöka detta mer ingående studeras också vad det är i avsnittet som gör att de uppfattas på det viset. Metoderna jag använder mig av i min studie är fokusgruppsintervjuer och samtalsanalys. Det teoretiska skelettet i mitt examensarbete är genusperspektiv med inriktning på Connells maskulinitetsteori, samt Stuart Halls receptionsteori med fokus på encoding/decoding modellen. Resultatet i studien tyder på att samtliga deltagare av fokusgrupperna menade att deras relation uppfattades som en typisk bromance, en djup vänskap mellan två män. Fokusgrupperna menade också att de bland annat hade ett högt samtalstempo och att de inte hade en lika bred referenshantering till kvinnor som de hade till män. Analysen av poddavsnittet tyder på att en av anledningarna till varför Filip och Fredrik uppfattas så är då de lyfte 38 personer, varav sju av dem fick en mer ingående förklaring. De resterande 31 personerna fanns det en antydan om att vi som lyssnare skulle känna till. Av de 38 personerna var 5 av dem kvinnor, där tre av dem blev förklarade utifrån deras närmsta manliga anhöriga. Examensarbetets titel är ett citat från en av fokusgruppsdeltagarna som diskuterar frågan om hur de uppfattar relationen mellan Filip och Fredrik. / The purpose of my study is to investigate how Filip and Fredrik's relationship is perceived by listeners. To investigate this more thoroughly I also study what it is in the episode that makes them perceived in that way. The methods I use in my study are focus group interviews and call analysis. The theoretical skeleton in my study is gender perspective, focusing on Connell's masculinity theory, as well as Stuart Hall's reception theory focusing on the encoding/decoding model. The result of the study indicates that all participants in the focus groups believed that their relationship was perceived as a typical bromance. The focus groups also meant that they had a high speed in their conversation and that they did not have as wide reference management to women as they had for men. The analysis of the episode indicates that one of the reasons why Filip and Fredrik are perceived in that way is that they raised 38 persons, of whom seven were given a more detailed explanation. The remaining 31 persons had preconceived idea that we as listeners would already know about. Of the 38 persons, where five of them women, three of whom were explained by their closest male relatives.The title of this exam is a quote from one of the focus group participants, when I asked the question of how they perceived the relationship between Filip and Fredrik.

BROMANCE : les paradoxes des stratégies homosociales

Pellerin, Sarah 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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