Spelling suggestions: "subject:"grown,"" "subject:"broad,""
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Etude de la variabilité génétique de la sensibilité à la pourriture brune au cours du développement du fruit chez la pêche en lien avec l’évolution des caractéristiques physiques et biochimiques du fruit / Study of the genetic variability of peach in susceptibility to brown rot during fruit development in relation with changes in physical and biochemical characteristics of the fruitDe Oliveira Lino, Leandro 15 November 2016 (has links)
La pourriture brune des fruits (BR), causée par les champignons du genre Monilinia, est une maladie courante qui peut provoquer jusqu’à 40% de pertes de récolte chez la pêche. Toutes les pêches cultivées sont plus ou moins sensibles à la moniliose. Aucune alternative aux traitements chimiques n’est disponible, ce qui rend nécessaire les applications de fongicides jusqu'au stade pré-récolte, qui sont préjudiciables pour l'environnement et peuvent laisser des résidus sur les fruits. Une revue de la littérature compile les connaissances disponibles sur le couple pêcher-monilioses.Le but de cette étude est d'étudier les facteurs de résistance du fruit à M. laxa à différents stades de croissance chez la pêche et de déterminer leur contrôle génétique.Nous avons focalisé d’abord sur quelques cultivars pour étudier l'évolution de la sensibilité des fruits à M. laxa au cours de leur développement en relation avec les caractéristiques structurales et biochimiques des fruits (conductance cuticulaire du fruit, micro-fissures de l’épiderme et composés de surface des fruits). Certains composés ont été détectés pour la première fois chez la pêche. Les résultats ont confirmé que lors de la phase I les fruits immatures sont sensibles à la moniliose. Au stade de durcissement du noyau, les fruits sont résistants, la conductance cuticulaire faible et les niveaux de composés de surface présentaient un pic de teneurs. A l’approche de la maturité, les fruits sont sensibles de nouveau. Au stade I, nous avons exploré le rôle des stomates et de la conductance du fruit immature en relation avec la sensibilité à M. laxa. Une centaine de génotypes d'une descendance interspécifique de pêchers appelée BC2 a été caractérisée par une infection au laboratoire, un suivi de pertes transpiratoires des fruits et une estimation de la densité de stomates (uniquement pour les nectarines). Des symptômes inattendus (une ‘tache claire’ qui ne progresse pas) ont été observés. La conductance cuticulaire était significativement liée à la probabilité d'infection, mais le nombre de stomates n’a montré aucun effet sur la probabilité d'infection. Des QTL contrôlant la résistance des fruits à la moniliose, à la conductance cuticulaire et au nombre de stomates ont été identifiés et des co-localisations observées.A maturité, le contrôle génétique de la résistance à la moniliose et des composés biochimiques de l'épiderme des fruits a été étudié. Pendant trois ans, les fruits de la BC2 ont été infectés avec une suspension de spores de champignon selon deux modalités. La BC2 a affiché une forte variabilité de résistance à la moniliose. Malgré une faible stabilité entre les années, des génotypes à haut niveau de résistance ont été identifiés. De plus en 2015, nous avons exploré la variation des composés de l'épiderme des fruits au sein de la BC2. Les composés phénoliques, les terpènes et dérivés ont été quantifiés par HPLC. La relation entre la résistance à la moniliose et la présence et / ou les niveaux de certains composés de l'épiderme et le contrôle génétique de ces composés ont été étudiés.La moniliose des fruits de pêche est un problème complexe qui est encore loin d'être résolu. Des progrès ont été accomplis dans la connaissance des caractéristiques structurales et biochimiques impliquées dans la résistance et des régions du génome qui pourraient conférer une certaine tolérance à la maladie ont été détectées. Des travaux supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour développer des marqueurs moléculaires pour la sélection assistée par marqueurs. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que des solutions pour l'avenir résident dans l’association de cultivars tolérants _ moins sensibles aux micro-fissures et à haute teneur en composés épidermiques potentiellement inhibiteurs du développement du champignon _ avec des pratiques culturales réduisant les risques de fissuration des fruits et d'apparition de conditions climatiques favorables à la propagation de la moniliose. / Brown rot (BR) in peach fruit caused by the fungus Monilinia spp. is a common disease that can provoke as much as 30 to 40% losses of crop. Currently, all cultivated peaches are more or less sensitive to BR. No other alternative than chemical treatment is available, hence fungicide applications are required until pre-harvest. Such applications are damaging the environment and may let residues in fruits. A review of literature was accomplished to compile the knowledge scattered in the literature from many years. The aim of this study is to investigate the factors of resistance of the fruit to M. laxa at different stages of fruit growth and their genetic control by studying contrasted genotypes and an interspecific peach progeny. The first focus was made on few cultivars to study the evolution of sensibility of fruits to M. laxa during their development in relation with structural and biochemical characteristics of the fruit, e.g. cuticular conductance, micro-cracks and fruit surface compounds. Some compounds were detected for the first time on peach fruit. The results confirmed that during the stage I immature fruits are susceptible to BR. Fruit cuticular conductance was high probably due to high density of stomata and thin cuticule in formation. In contrary, at pit hardening stage fruits were resistant, cuticular conductance was low and the levels of surface compounds exhibit a peak. When maturity approaches, fruit become susceptible again. With rapid development of the fruit during this stage, the surface compounds were diluted and micro-cracks often appear which resulted in high cuticular conductance. At stage I we explored the different physical characteristics of the immature fruit in relation with susceptibility to M. laxa. A hundred of individuals of an interspecific peach progeny called BC2 were characterized through laboratory infection, monitoring of fruit transpiratory losses and estimating stomata density (only for nectarines). Unexpected symptoms (not progressing ‘clear spot’) were observed. The cuticular conductance was significantly linked to the likelihood of infection, but the stomata number had no effect on the likelihood of infection. QTL controlling fruit resistance to BR, cuticular conductance and stomata number have been identified and some co-locations observed. At maturity stage we investigated the genetic control of BR resistance together with biochemical compounds of fruit epidermis. For three years, mature fruits from the BC2 progeny were infected with two modalities of infection: spray until runoff in the orchard to measure infection probability and drop in the laboratory conditions in order to observe the characters of beginning, progression and speed of infection. The BC2 progeny displayed high variability for BR resistance. Despite low stability between years, genotypes with high level of resistance were identified. In addition in 2015, we explored the variation in epidermis compounds of fruit within the BC2 progeny. Phenolic compounds, terpenoids and derivatives were quantified by HPLC. The relationship between BR resistance and presence and/or levels of certain epidermis compounds and the genetic control of these compounds were investigated. BR of peach fruit is a complex problem which is still far from resolved. Progress has been made in the knowledge of structural and biochemical characteristics involved in BR resistance and regions of the genome that could confer certain disease tolerance have been detected. Further work is needed to develop molecular markers for marker assisted selection. The results obtained suggest that solutions for the future lie in associations of tolerant cultivars _ less susceptible to micro-cracks and with high content of epidermis compounds potential inhibitor of the fungus development _ with cultural practices reducing both risks of fruit cracking and occurrence of micro-climatic conditions favorable to BR spread and sporulation.
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Utvärdering av gränssnitt i en helikoptersimulator : En taktil, en visuell samt en bimodal display som visar horisontell och vertikal driftNorén, Caroline January 2014 (has links)
Föreliggande studie har undersökt flera gränssnitt i en helikoptersimulator som visar horisontell och vertikal drift; en taktil, en visuell och en bimodal display. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det är med fördel att använda displayer som visar på drift horisontellt och vertikalt. Dessutom var syftet att undersöka om taktil display leder till lika bra prestation som med en visuell display, eller kommer kunna användas som komplement till den visuella i en bimodal kombination. I studien deltog 12 försöksdeltagare som fick i uppgift att i en helikoptersimulator försöka stå stilla i luften (s.k. hovra) på en höjd på 8000 fot med hjälp av varje driftdisplay under två minuter. Förutom de tre driftdisplayerna skulle även försöksdeltagarna hovra utan några hjälpmedel som visar på drift. Resultatet visade att det är med fördel att använda alla tre driftdisplayer för att minska drift horisontellt. Resultatet visade dessutom att det är med fördel att använda en visuell display och en bimodal display för att minska drift vertikalt. Slutsatsen av studien är således att det är med fördel att använda driftdisplayer för att minska på drift. Den taktila displayen fungerar inte lika bra som den visuella i undvikandet av drift, men går att användas som komplement i en bimodal kombination.
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Using binary statistics in Taurus-Auriga to distinguish between brown dwarf formation processesMarks, M., Martín, E. L., Béjar, V. J. S., Lodieu, N., Kroupa, P., Manjavacas, E., Thies, I., Rebolo López, R., Velasco, S. 31 August 2017 (has links)
Context. One of the key questions of the star formation problem is whether brown dwarfs (BDs) form in the manner of stars directly from the gravitational collapse of a molecular cloud core (star-like) or whether BDs and some very low-mass stars (VLMSs) constitute a separate population that forms alongside stars comparable to the population of planets, for example through circumstellar disk (peripheral) fragmentation. Aims. For young stars in Taurus-Auriga the binary fraction has been shown to be large with little dependence on primary mass above approximate to 0.2 M-circle dot, while for BDs the binary fraction is < 10%. Here we investigate a case in which BDs in Taurus formed dominantly, but not exclusively, through peripheral fragmentation, which naturally results in small binary fractions. The decline of the binary frequency in the transition region between star-like formation and peripheral formation is modelled. Methods. We employed a dynamical population synthesis model in which stellar binary formation is universal with a large binary fraction close to unity. Peripheral objects form separately in circumstellar disks with a distinctive initial mass function (IMF), their own orbital parameter distributions for binaries, and small binary fractions, according to observations and expectations from smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and grid-based computations. A small amount of dynamical processing of the stellar component was accounted for as appropriate for the low-density Taurus-Auriga embedded clusters. Results. The binary fraction declines strongly in the transition region between star-like and peripheral formation, exhibiting characteristic features. The location of these features and the steepness of this trend depend on the mass limits for star-like and peripheral formation. Such a trend might be unique to low density regions, such as Taurus, which host binary populations that are largely unprocessed dynamically in which the binary fraction is large for stars down to M-dwarfs and small for BDs. Conclusions. The existence of a strong decline in the binary fraction - primary mass diagram will become verifiable in future surveys on BD and VLMS binarity in the Taurus-Auriga star-forming region. The binary fraction -primary mass diagram is a diagnostic of the (non-)continuity of star formation along the mass scale, the separateness of the stellar and BD populations, and the dominant formation channel for BDs and BD binaries in regions of low stellar density hosting dynamically unprocessed populations.
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Consequences of predator-prey interactions in boreal streams:scaling up from processes to large-scale patternsMeissner, K. (Kristian) 15 November 2005 (has links)
In this thesis I studied lotic trout predation and its ecological effects, and investigated invertebrate predator-prey interactions under natural and anthropogenically modified flow conditions. Given the growing concern about the reliability of extrapolations from small-scale studies to larger spatio-temporal scales, results of mechanistic small-scale experiments were scaled up by linking them to large-scale field surveys.
An intensive survey assessed changes in diel feeding periodicity, prey selection and daily ration of juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) over the course of the open water period. This survey provides the first field estimates of juvenile brown trout daily rations and indicates crepuscular feeding peaks. Trout selectively preyed on medium- to large-sized prey, shifting towards epibenthic feeding with increasing availability of suitable prey. In a small-scale field experiment, trout displayed clear size-related predation concentrating on invertebrate predators and cased caddisflies, a pattern that scaled up successfully in large-scale surveys. Further, predation effects on large-sized prey were also repeated in a meta-analysis on lotic salmonid predation.
While dense blackfly populations in lake-outlet streams are common, mass outbreaks of blackflies in short-term regulated rivers are poorly studied. In our studies the principal invertebrate predator of vernal benthic communities, the caseless caddisfly Rhyacophila, displayed significant preference for blackflies and was almost unable to capture any other prey, thus resulting in passive selection for larval blackflies.
Rhyacophila larvae displayed highest capture success in intermediate current velocities, whereas further increases in current velocities decreased capture success. Short-term regulation releases increased both predator and prey drift but, unlike for Rhyacophila, magnitude of drift was unrelated to substrate for blackflies. Indeed, field observations indicated that blackflies rarely face detrimental effects of short-term regulation due to their fast growing rates and early emergence. Moss was the most preferred habitat of Rhyacophila and provided the best buffer against sudden increases in current velocities. These results suggest that several factors maintain spring-time outbreaks of blackfly populations in short-term regulated rivers: exaptation of the dominant blackfly species to prevailing conditions, degradation of the key habitat of the predator, and recurring annual drift losses and diminished capture success of Rhyacophila during short-term regulation releases.
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Skillnader i födoval mellan brunbjörnshonor (Ursus arctos) med och utan årsungar / Differences in choises of food items between female brown bears (Ursus arctos) with and without cubs of the yearVirmaja, Tommy January 2017 (has links)
Inom födosöksteori söker och konsumerar djur föda på ett sätt som maximerar deras förmåga att reproducera sig och få sina gener representerade i kommande generationer. För att åstadkomma detta måste individer ibland anpassa sina beteenden. Brunbjörnhonor (Ursus arctos) med årsungar måste bland annat dela den föda de hittar med ungarna. För att inte riskera att ungarna dödas av hannar så har honor med årsungar under parningsperioden mindre hemområden och rör sig mindre under ett dygn än vuxna honor utan årsungar. Med bakgrund av dessa olikheter undersöks ifall honor med årsungar konsumerar annan föda jämfört med honor i andra reproduktiva kategorier. En spillningsinsamling från GPS-märkta björnar gjordes i västra Hälsingland och norra Dalarna under 2015 från 25:e maj till 11:e oktober. Inför dataanalysen delades säsongen upp i två perioder vid den 15:e juli på grund av olikheter i födotillgång samt att parningssäsongen slutar. En frekvensanalys gjordes av individernas spillningar som resulterade i en icke signifikant skillnad mellan honor med och honor utan årsungars födoval. En undersökande dataanalys av volymprocent antyder dock att det kan finnas skillnader i mängd av vissa födoämnen under parningsperioden. Dessa skillnader fanns i kategorierna ben, älghår samt övriga växtmaterial. Även om studien lider av liten provstorlek med endast fyra honor med årsungar i var och en av de båda perioderna tycks undersökningen originell med en upplösning på individnivå. Tidigare skandinaviska födovalsanalyser hos brunbjörnen har gjorts med spillning som minsta enhet. / According to foraging theory, animals seek and consume food in ways that maximize their ability to reproduce and have their genes represented in future generations. In order to achieve this, individuals must sometimes adapt their behaviors. Females of the brown bear (Ursus arctos) with cubs of the year must share the food they find with their cubs. To protect the cubs from being killed by males in the mating period, females with young have smaller home ranges than other adult females and move less on a daily basis than other females. In view of these differences my hypothesis is that females with yearlings consume different food items than other females. A fecal collection from GPS-marked brown bears was made in 2015 in the northern Dalarna county and northwestern county of Gävleborg in Sweden from 25 May to 11 October. Prior to the data analysis, the season was divided into two periods, 25 May to 15 July and 16 July to 11 October, based on differences in food availability and season (mating vs non-mating season). A frequency analysis detected no significant differences in food items consumed for either period. However, an exploratory data analysis of percent volume of different food items suggests that there may be differences in the amount of certain foods during the mating period. These differences were found for the food categories, bone, moose hair and other plant material. Although the study suffers from a small sample size with only four females with cubs of the year in each of the two periods, this study is relatively novel with a resolution at the individual level. Previous food item analyzes of the brown bear in Scandinavia have been done with fecal samples as the smallest unit.
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A Statistical Survey of Peculiar L and T Dwarfs in SDSS, 2MASS, and WISEKellogg, Kendra, Metchev, Stanimir, Miles-Páez, Paulo A., Tannock, Megan E. 29 August 2017 (has links)
We present the final results from a targeted search for brown dwarfs with unusual near-infrared colors. From a positional cross-match of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), 2-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS), and Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) catalogs, we have identified 144 candidate peculiar L and T dwarfs. Spectroscopy confirms that 20 of the objects are peculiar or are candidate binaries. Of the 420 objects in our full sample 9 are young (less than or similar to 200 Myr; 2.1%) and another 8 (1.9%) are unusually red, with no signatures of youth. With a spectroscopic J-K-s color of 2.58 +/- 0.11 mag, one of the new objects, the L6 dwarf 2MASS J03530419 +0418193, is among the reddest field dwarfs currently known and is one of the reddest objects with no signatures of youth known to date. We have also discovered another potentially very-low-gravity object, the L1 dwarf 2MASS J00133470+1109403, and independently identified the young L7 dwarf 2MASS J00440332+0228112, which was first reported by Schneider and collaborators. Our results confirm that signatures of low gravity are no longer discernible in low to moderate resolution spectra of objects older than similar to 200 Myr. The 1.9% of unusually red L dwarfs that do not show other signatures of youth could be slightly older, up to similar to 400 Myr. In this case a red J - K-s color may be more diagnostic of moderate youth than individual spectral features. However, its is also possible that these objects are relatively metal-rich, and thus have enhanced atmospheric dust content.
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VLA Observations of the Disk around the Young Brown Dwarf 2MASS J044427+2512Ricci, L., Rome, H., Pinilla, P., Facchini, S., Birnstiel, T., Testi, L. 25 August 2017 (has links)
We present multi-wavelength radio observations obtained with the VLA of the protoplanetary disk surrounding the young brown dwarf 2MASS J04442713+2512164 (2M0444) in the Taurus star-forming region. 2M0444 is the brightest known brown dwarf disk at millimeter wavelengths, making this an ideal target to probe radio emission from a young brown dwarf. Thermal emission from dust in the disk is detected at 6.8 and 9.1 mm, whereas the 1.36 cm measured flux is dominated by ionized gas emission. We combine these data with previous observations at shorter sub-mm and mm wavelengths to test the predictions of dust evolution models in gas-rich disks after adapting their parameters to the case of 2M0444. These models show that the radial drift mechanism affecting solids in a gaseous environment has to be either completely made inefficient, or significantly slowed down by very strong gas pressure bumps in order to explain the presence of mm/cm-sized grains in the outer regions of the 2M0444 disk. We also discuss the possible mechanisms for the origin of the ionized gas emission detected at 1.36 cm. The inferred radio luminosity for this emission is in line with the relation between radio and bolometric luminosity valid for for more massive and luminous young stellar objects, and extrapolated down to the very low luminosity of the 2M0444 brown dwarf.
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Pathos of (In)Difference: Subject Formations Through the Liberal Imaginary / Pathos of indifferenceLiu, Jasmine Shaeen 23 September 2015 (has links)
This thesis will undertake a study of contemporary political subjectivity by investigating the manifestations of various pathea found in contemporary politics. In examining how political impotence and indifference are cultivated through (neo)liberal subject formation, it argues that contemporary neoliberal subjectivity is constituted through the pathos of distance found in the gap between the impotent liberal subject and the imaginary, universal ideal subject articulated by liberalism. Through close readings of Wendy Brown’s writings, I explore her work and engage with her formulations of contemporary political subjectivity. Specifically, I will analyze the impotent subject constituted by the pathos of ressentiment, the vulnerable subject constituted by the pathos of walling, and the tolerated subject constituted by the pathos of difference in order to trace the relationships between the various pathea and the subjectivities that they construct. / Graduate / 0615
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Effects of Latent Heating on Atmospheres of Brown Dwarfs and Directly Imaged PlanetsTan, Xianyu, Showman, Adam P. 30 January 2017 (has links)
The growing number of observations of brown dwarfs (BDs) has provided evidence for strong atmospheric circulation on these objects. Directly imaged planets share similar observations and can be viewed as low-gravity versions of BDs. Vigorous condensate cycles of chemical species in their atmospheres are inferred by observations and theoretical studies, and latent heating associated with condensation is expected to be important in shaping atmospheric circulation and influencing cloud patchiness. We present a qualitative description of the mechanisms by which condensational latent heating influences circulation, and then illustrate them using an idealized general circulation model that includes a condensation cycle of silicates with latent heating and molecular weight effect due to the rainout of the condensate. Simulations with conditions appropriate for typical T dwarfs exhibit the development of localized storms and east-west jets. The storms are spatially inhomogeneous, evolving on a timescale of hours to days and extending vertically from the condensation level to the tropopause. The fractional area of the BD covered by active storms is small. Based on a simple analytic model, we quantitatively explain the area fraction of moist plumes and show its dependence on the radiative timescale and convective available potential energy (CAPE). We predict that if latent heating dominates cloud formation processes, the fractional coverage area of clouds decreases as the spectral type goes through the L/T transition from high to lower effective temperature. This is a natural consequence of the variation of the radiative timescale and CAPE with the spectral type.
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Téma dospívání v moderním komiksu / Theme of growing up in modern comicsSzajter, Radomír January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis with the title Theme of growing up in modern comics aims to examine the modern comics with qualitative analysis and thus to deepen the insufficient academic coverage of the given topic. The analyzed pieces of work are Locas by Jaime Hernandez, Ghost World by Daniel Clowes, Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth by Chris Ware, Oskar Ed: Můj největší sen by Branko Jelinek, Black Hole by Charles Burns, Epileptic by David B., Blankets by Craig Thompson and The Playboy by Chester Brown. The analysis itself is preceded by the part that deals with the wider context of growing up in the literature and cinematography. The chapters which deals with the specific pieces of work are divided thematically and they are always represented by the pair of authors: the theme of feminineness at Jaime Hernandez and Daniel Clowes, the dreamy landscapes and relationships with father at Chris Ware and Branko Jelinek and the sexuality and religion at Craig Thompson and Chester Brown. A chapter summarizing the response of media in the Czech background is also included. The principal aim of the thesis is to increase the coverage of theoretical material of the specific comic works and to put it into the wider artistic context.
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