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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Importância do tecido adiposo marrom na ativação da termogênese induzida pela injeção central do C75, um inibidor da ácido graxo sintase / Importance of brown adipose tissue in the activation of thermogenesis induced by central injection of C75, a fatty acid synthase inhibitor

Cassolla, Priscila 13 August 2012 (has links)
C75, um inibidor sintético da ácido graxo sintase, causa anorexia e perda de peso em roedores, mas os mecanismos envolvidos com esses efeitos ainda não são totalmente conhecidos. A hipótese testada nesse trabalho foi que o tecido adiposo marrom (TAM), um órgão com importante função no controle da termogênese, poderia estar envolvido nos efeitos mediados pelos inibidores da ácido graxo sintase. Para isso, ratos Wistar foram submetidos ao implante de cânula no ventrículo lateral direito seguido, ou não, pela desnervação simpática cirúrgica do TAM. Sete dias após, C75 (150 g/7,5 L), cerulenina, um inibidor natural da ácido graxo sintase, (150 g/7,5 L) ou RPMI (veículo) foi administrado nos animais com privação alimentar de 24 horas. Foi demonstrado que uma única injeção intracerebroventricular de C75 reduziu a ingestão alimentar no primeiro dia e induziu perda de peso por dois dias. Além disso, as análises de telemetria mostraram que o C75 promoveu um rápido aumento na temperatura corporal interna, maior taxa de estoque de calor de 30 minutos a 6 horas da administração, e um aumento na dissipação de calor por 4 horas. A desnervação do TAM atenuou os efeitos do C75 sobre a regulação térmica bem como seu efeito sobre o peso corporal e a ingestão alimentar. Em paralelo, o C75 induziu aumento na temperatura do TAM (até 8 horas após a injeção), no conteúdo de noradrenalina e na atividade da citocromo c oxidase mitocondrial e da expressão do RNAm da UCP-1 no tecido. Todos esses efeitos foram abolidos com a desnervação simpática do TAM. Tal como o C75, a cerulenina, também induziu um aumento na temperatura corporal interna e do TAM, o qual também foi abolido pela desnervação do TAM. A atividade locomotora espontânea não foi alterada por nenhum inibidor da ácido graxo sintase. A imunohistoquímica para c-Fos revelou que o C75 aumentou o número de células imunorreativas a c-Fos na área pré-óptica, núcleo paraventricular, dorsomedial do hipotálamo, ventromedial do hipotálamo, locus coeruleus e rafe pálida, regiões que estão envolvidas com a regulação central da temperatura. Estes dados sugerem um papel do TAM no aumento da temperatura corporal evocado pelos inibidores da ácido graxo sintase e provêm novos mecanismos para explicar a hipofagia e o aumento do gasto energético observados com a administração desses compostos. / C75, a synthetic inhibitor of fatty acid synthase, causes anorexia and weight loss in rodents, but the underlying mechanisms are not totally known. Thus, the hypothesis tested in this work was that brown adipose tissue (BAT), an organ with important role for control of thermogenesis, could be involved in the anti-obesity effects of fatty acid synthase inhibitors. To address this issue, Wistar rats were submitted to cannula implant into right lateral ventricle and following, or not, by surgical sympathetic denervation of BAT. Seven days later, C75 (150g/7.5L), cerulenin, a natural fatty acid synthase inhibitor, (150 g/7.5 L) or RPMI (vehicle) was administered in 24h-fasted animals. It was demonstrated that a single intracerebroventricular injection of C75 decreased the food intake on the first day, and induced weight loss for two days. Furthermore, telemetry analyzes shown that the C75 induced a rapid increase in core body temperature, a higher heat storage rate from 30 minutes until 6 hours of injection, and an increase in heat dissipation for 4 hours. The BAT denervation attenuated the thermoregulatory effects of C75 as well as its effect on body weight and food intake. In parallel, C75 induced an increase in BAT temperature (up to 8 hours of the injection), higher content of norepinephrine, and an increase in the activity of cytochrome c oxidase and mRNA expression of UCP-1 in the tissue. All these effects were abolished by sympathetic denervation. Like C75, the central administration of cerulenin also induced an increase in the BAT and core body temperature, which was also abolished by BAT denervation. The spontaneous locomotor activity was not altered by any fatty acid synthase inhibitor. The immunohistochemistry for c-Fos revealed that the C75 increased numbers of Fos-immunoreactive cells in preoptica area, paraventricular nucleus, dorsomedial hypothalamus, ventromedial hypothalamus, locus coeruleus and raphe pallidus, regions which are involved in the central thermoregulation. These data implicate a role for BAT in the fatty acid synthase inhibitors-evoked increase in body temperature and provide new mechanisms to explain hypophagia and increased energy expenditure observed with the administration of these compounds.

Qualidade microbiológica de amostras de açúcar mascavo / Microbiological quality of samples of brown sugar

Jesus, Daniele Almeida de 30 August 2010 (has links)
Amostras de açúcar mascavo disponíveis em diferentes estabelecimentos comerciais no município de Araras - SP foram adquiridas para análises. No total foram coletados 49 pacotes de açúcar durante um período de quatro meses. As análises foram realizadas com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade desse produto oferecido ao consumidor. As análises microbiológicas foram realizadas considerando a pesquisa dos seguintes microrganismos: bactérias mesófilas, bolores e leveduras, esporos de bactérias termófilas flat-sour, esporos de bactérias termófilas anaeróbias produtoras de H2S, esporos de bactérias termófilas anaeróbias não produtoras de H2S, Salmonella, coliformes totais e termotolerantes. Ainda foram determinadas a umidade (%) e atividade de água das amostras. Os resultados das análises apresentaram variações nas concentrações dos microrganismos estudados, cabendo às bactérias mesófilas e aos esporos de termófilas flat-sour as contagens mais elevadas, seguidos por bolores e leveduras. Todas as marcas apresentaram ausência de Salmonella, coliformes totais e termotolerantes, atendendo a legislação brasileira. Em relação ao padrão da National Canners Association apenas as marcas A, G, H e J estavam adequadas a essas exigências, as demais estavam em desacordo. Para o padrão da International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis (ICUMSA), nenhuma marca obteve resultado satisfatório em relação à qualidade microbiológica. Os teores de umidade variaram de 1,94 a 3,63% e os valores de atividade de água variaram de 0,55 a 0,64, havendo diferença significativa ao nível de 5% de significância. Pelos resultados obtidos considera-se que as marcas comercializadas estão de acordo com a legislação vigente no país, porém a maioria das marcas não atende aos padrões internacionais. / Samples of brown sugar available in different establishments in the city of Araras - SP were acquired for analysis. In the total 49 packages of sugar were collected during a period of four months. The analyses were performed to evaluate the quality of that product for the consumer. Microbiological tests were performed to search the following microorganisms: mesophilic bacteria, yeasts and molds, thermophilic flat-sour spores, thermophilic anaerobic H2S-producing spores, thermophilic anaerobic non-producing H2S spores, Salmonella and total and thermotolerant coliforms. Also humidity (%) and water activity were determined for the samples. The analysis results presented variations in the concentrations of microorganisms studied, being the mesophilic bacteria and thermophilic \"flat-sour\" spores the ones with highest scores, followed by yeasts and molds. All brands showed absence of Salmonella and total and thermotolerant coliforms, in accordance with the Brazilian legislation. Regarding the National Canners Association standards, only brands A, G, H and J were suited to these demands, the others being in disagreement. For the International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis (ICUMSA), standards no brands obtained satisfactory results in relation to microbiological quality. The moisture content ranged from 1.94 to 3.63% and the values of water activity ranged from 0.55 to 0.64, significant difference at 5% significance level. By the results it is considered that the brands are marketed under the law of the country, but most brands do not meet international standards. Humidity rates ranged from 1.94 to 3.63% and water activity ranged from 0.55 to 0.64, with significant difference at 5% significance level. By the results obtained it is considered that all brands sold are in accordance to the laws of the country, but most brands do not meet the international standards.

"Agroecologia & desenvolvimento: estudo de caso do Grupo Curupira, Jaboti-PR" / Agroecology and Development: The Curupira Group study case, Jaboti, PR

Cerveira, Ricardo 28 April 2003 (has links)
A preocupação com a conservação do meio ambiente é crescente em tempos atuais. Concomitantemente, tem-se a necessidade de produzir alimentos em larga escala; o que favoreceu o aparecimento de sintomas indesejáveis no meio ambiente. Alternativas ao sistema convencional de produção agropecuária, como a adoção de sistemas agrícolas baseados na Agroecologia, tornaram-se práticas inadiáveis. Neste trabalho procurou-se caracterizar o efeito da mudança do sistema agrícola atual pelo agroecológico em um grupo de pequenos produtores de açúcar mascavo do norte do Paraná, denominado Grupo Curupira. Para aprofundar a avaliação da nova tecnologia adotada pelo Grupo Curupira, um experimento de campo elaborado na Estação Experimental de Agronomia de Piracicaba do Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (IAC) fez, também, parte do objeto de estudo deste trabalho. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que, em função da mudança do sistema agrícola de produção, o Grupo Curupira obteve melhorias em atributos de desenvolvimento social e econômico. No tocante a aspectos tecnológicos, ainda se tornam necessárias adequações para melhoria dos índices de rentabilidade e produtividade. / Recently, there has been an increasing concern about the environment preservation. On the other hand, there’ve the need to produce huge quantities of food, which has a great impact in environment. A lot of effort has been done to develop alternative agricultural systems, such as the Agroecology. This research analyzed the effect of the exchange from an usual agricultural system to the Agroecology in group of small brown sugar growers from the Parana State called Grupo Curupira. To evaluate the technology used by the growers, an field experiment was done in Agronomy Research Center of the "Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (IAC)", located in Piracicaba. The final results showed that the exchange in the agricultural system provided a good social and economical development for growers group. However, the technical evaluation reveled those adjustments to improve the yield and profit indexes are needed.

Vliv otužování na BMI index, resp. prevalenci obezity vybraného vzorku populace / An effect of cold showers on the BMI or prevalence of obesity

OSTRÁ, Marie January 2019 (has links)
The thesis is based on recent evidence of the presence and functionality of brown adipose tissue (in human body) which have brought increased interest in non-sheath thermogenesis and the role of BAT in metabolism. Since BAT is generally activated by cold exposure, there is a question of the relationship between the amount of body fat in human body (BMI index) and regular cold exposure. The study (cold showers several times a week for three months) was attended by a total of 49 probands in the age range of 19 - 25 years. They were all measured before and after cold showers on a Bodystat device where body fat percentage, the percentage of active body mass (ATH), the percentage of lean body mass, the percentage of body water, the BMI and the WHR index were found. Subsequently, the identified characteristics were compared and evaluated. An important result is the difference in body fat percentage where, due to the cold showers and anticipated activation of BAT, there was a statistically significant reduction in body fat in the experimental group of women. It can be stated that cold showers can have significant potential in the fight against obesity.

Le modèle algue brune pour l'analyse fonctionnelle et évolutive du déterminisme sexuel / The brown alga model for functional and evolutionary analysis of sex determination

Cormier, Alexandre 16 November 2015 (has links)
Les mécanismes de détermination génétique du sexe, qui requièrent la présence de régions chromosomiques non recombinantes ou bien de chromosomes sexuels, ont émergé de manière indépendante et répétée au sein de plusieurs lignées d'eucaryotes. La plupart des connaissances acquises dans ce domaine portent sur un nombre limité de groupes d'eucaryotes. La disponibilité d'une espèce modèle pour le groupe des algues brunes, Ectocarpus siliculosus, dont le génome a été séquencé, permet de disposer des outils nécessaires pour étudier ces mécanismes au sein d'une lignée phylogénétiquement éloignée des modèles classiquement étudiés. L'un des premiers défis a été d'identifier les chromosomes sexuels dans le génome d'E. siliculosus et de réaliser l'analyse comparative de ces structures. Par la suite, l'analyse de l'expression des gènes entre individus mâles et femelles à différents stades du cycle de vie a permis d'identifier les gènes différentiellement exprimés, de caractériser leurs fonctions et d'analyser leur évolution moléculaire. Les nombreuses données générées afin de réaliser ces différentes analyses ont permis de proposer une nouvelle version de l'assemblage du génome et de l'annotation structurale et fonctionnelle de l'ensemble des gènes codants et non-codants d'E. siliculosus. Ces différents travaux ont permis d'apporter une importante contribution sur les connaissances dans le domaine de l'analyse fonctionnelle et évolutive du déterminisme sexuel chez les algues brunes ainsi qu'une importante actualisation des ressources génomiques du modèle Ectocarpus. / Genetically determined sex determination mechanisms, which are controlled by non-recombinant chromosome regions or sex chromosomes, have emerged independently and repeatedly across several eukaryotic lineages. Most of the knowledge acquired in this area has been obtained for a limited number of eukaryotic groups. The availability of a model organism for the brown algae, Ectocarpus, whose genome has been sequenced, allows the development of tools to study these mechanisms in a lineage that is phylogenetically distant from classically studied models. One of the first challenges was to identify the sex chromosomes in Ectocarpus and to carry out a comparative analysis of these genomic structures. Analysis of gene expression in males and females at different stages of the life cycle then allowed the identification of differentially expressed genes. The functions and molecular evolution of these sex-biased genes was then studied. The large amount of data generated during the course of these analyses allowed the establishment of a new version of the genome assembly and refined structural and functional annotation of both coding and non-coding genes in Ectocarpus. This work helped made a significant contribution to knowledge in the field of functional and evolutionary analysis of sex determination in brown algae and a significantly updated the genomic resources available for the model organism Ectocarpus.

Microbial food web interactions in two Long Island embayments

Boissonneault, Katie Rose, 1973- January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (S.M. in Biology)--Joint Program in Biological Oceanography (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Biology; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 23-30). / Phytoplankton mortality (herbivory) and bacterivory were examined experimentally in West Neck Bay and Coecles Harbor, Long Island, NY from April through September, 1998. Small algae (<5 [tm diameter) dominated phytoplankton communities in both ecosystems throughout the summer, and zooplankton were also small (mostly <40 tm). Generally, plankton abundances were indicative of eutrophic ecosystems. Oscillations in standing stocks and mortality of prey indicated tight coupling of growth and grazing mortality in both bays. Phytoplankton mortality rates accounted for the removal of 14% to 65% of total phytoplankton standing stocks daily, while bacterivory accounted for the removal of 14% to 88% of total bacterial standing stocks daily. Estimates of carbon consumption revealed high energy flux through the nano- and microzooplankton assemblages of these estuarine environments. / by Katie Rose Boissonneault Cellineri. / S.M.in Biology

Participação do fator liberador de corticotrofina nos efeitos do estradiol no controle da homeostase energética / The role of corticotropin-releasing factor on estradiol effects on regulation of energy homeostasis

Marangon, Paula Beatriz 16 May 2011 (has links)
A homeostase energética é controlada por fatores neurais, endócrinos, adipocitários e intestinais. O sistema nervoso central (SNC) recebe sinalização de fatores periféricos e exerce uma função fundamental no controle da homeostase energética, estando bem estabelecido que existem populações neuronais que expressam neuropeptídeos que medeiam efeitos específicos na ingestão e/ou gasto energético. O fator liberador de corticotrofina (CRF), além de seus efeitos no controle da atividade do eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-adrenal, tem sido descrito como potente neuropeptídeo anorexígeno, modulando a ingestão alimentar e o gasto energético. Foi observado que a síntese de CRF é influenciada pela leptina, que atuaria aumentando a ativação de neurônios produtores de CRF no núcleo paraventricular (PVN). Os hormônios gonadais também participam na regulação da ingestão alimentar, do peso e da composição corporal. O efeito anorexígeno do estradiol é mediado pela ativação de receptores presentes nas áreas envolvidas no controle da homeostase energética. Em trabalho prévio de nosso laboratório foi observado que o menor ganho de peso e ingestão alimentar com o tratamento com estradiol em ratas ovariectomizadas está associado à maior expressão de RNAm de CRF no PVN. Dessa forma, este trabalho visa esclarecer a participação do CRF nos efeitos do estradiol no controle da homeostase energética. Para tanto, foram utilizadas ratas Wistar adultas, pesando entre 200-230g, provenientes do Biotério Central do Campus de Ribeirão Preto USP. Todos os animais foram submetidos à cirurgia de ovariectomia bilateral. Em todos os experimentos, houve três grupos de animais: ratas ovariectomizadas (OVX), ratas ovariectomizadas com reposição de estradiol (OVX+E) e ratas ovariectomizadas com dieta pareada ao grupo OVX+E (OVX+DP). Durante os oitos dias de cada experimento, estes animais receberam injeção subcutânea de cipionato de estradiol (10 g/Kg peso corporal, Grupo OVX+E) ou veículo (óleo de milho: 0,2 mL/rata, Grupos OVX e OVX+DP) entre 8h e 10h. Para avaliarmos a participação do CRF nos efeitos da leptina nos animais castrados com e sem reposição de estradiol, foi realizado o tratamento com injeção central de leptina (10g/5L) com e sem injeção central prévia de antagonista de CRF (antisauvagina-30). Observamos que o tratamento com cipionato de estradiol causa a redução na ingestão alimentar e no ganho de peso corporal. Ainda, quando realizamos a administração central de leptina há anorexia, perda de peso corporal, aumento na expressão de UCP-1 no BAT e na ativação neuronal no ARQ. Esses efeitos são revertidos quando realizamos administração central prévia do antagonista de CRF-R2. Os dados obtidos sugerem que o estradiol aumenta a sensibilidade à leptina, sendo este efeito mediado, pelo menos em parte, pelo receptor tipo 2 do CRF. / Energy homeostasis is controlled by neural, endocrine, adipocyte and gut factors. Central nervous system plays a key role in the control of energy homeostasis; it receives signals from peripheral factors and it is well established that the hypothalamus contains neuronal populations that express important neuropeptides to the control of food intake and energy expenditure. Besides its action in the control of hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, corticotropin releasing factor (CRF), has been described as an anorexigenic neuropeptide, modulating food intake and energy expenditure. It was shown that CRF synthesis is influenced by leptin, which would act increasing CRF neuron activation in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN). Gonadal hormones also participate in the regulation of food intake, body weight and body composition. Estradiol anorexigenic effect is mediated by specific receptors located in areas involved in the control of energy homeostasis. It was previously demonstrated that the reduction of food intake and body weight gain in ovariectomized treated rats is associated with an increase in CRF mRNA expression in the PVN. The present study aimed to investigate the role of CRF on estradiol regulation of energy homeostasis. Wistar female rats, weighing 200 230g, were bilaterally ovariectomized and divided into three groups: ovariectomized rats (OVX), ovariectomized rats treated with estradiol (OVX+E) and ovariectomized rats pair-fed with OVX+E rats (OVX+PF). The animals received daily subcutaneous injections of either estradiol cypionate (10 g/Kg bw, OVX+E) or vehicle (corn oil, OVX, OVX+PF) between 8 10 am, during 8 days. To evaluate the role of CRF on leptins effects we performed intracerebroventricular (icv) injection of recombinant leptin (10g/5L) with or without previous icv treatment with CRF-R2 antagonist (ansauvagin-30). We observed that estradiol replacement in OVX rats induced lower food intake and body weight gain. Leptin icv treatment reduced food intake, body weight gain and increased UCP-1 expression in brown adipose tissue and neuronal activation in the arcuate nucleus. These effects were abolished with previous icv administration of CRF-R2 antagonist. In conclusion, our data suggest that estradiol increases central sensitivity to leptin and this effect is mediated, at least in part, by CRF type 2 receptor.

Uso de compostos repelentes produzidos por cães resistentes ao Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato para o seu controle em cães susceptiveis / Use of repellent compounds produced by dogs resisting to Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato for its control in susceptiple dogs

Oliveira Filho, Jaires Gomes de 21 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-02-28T16:12:09Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Jaires Gomes de Oliveira Filho - 2018.pdf: 1814554 bytes, checksum: 3897a940820688b6672b09b6a409c4b8 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-02-28T16:12:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Jaires Gomes de Oliveira Filho - 2018.pdf: 1814554 bytes, checksum: 3897a940820688b6672b09b6a409c4b8 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-28T16:12:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Jaires Gomes de Oliveira Filho - 2018.pdf: 1814554 bytes, checksum: 3897a940820688b6672b09b6a409c4b8 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato, the "brown dog tick", preferentially parasite the domestic dog, in the latter can parasite others mammals species including humans. This tick demonstrates a hunting behavior by its host, being widely attracted by the bark and the CO2 among other signs related to the presence of its hosts. Despite being commonly found parasite on dogs, it is known that some breeds such as beagles are less parasitic than other breeds like English Cocker Spaniel which can present a parasitic load about up to 11.5 times higher than mongrel dogs. It is notable a capacity of ticks and other arthropods in their hosts in relation to desirable or undesirable characteristics that can perceive these by means of chemoreception of volatile compounds emanated by these hosts. This adaptive tool is called olfactory aposematism. Olfactory apostotism is capable of an ectoparasite in avoiding its hosts through a perception of a volatile chemical emanated by it that signals a negative adaptive response to the arthropod. Usually this response may be linked to immune factors, excessive grooming, inaccessibility or other factors. One of the big problems nowadays undoubtedly is the control of ticks and diseases that are transmitted to their hosts during the blood repast. One of the alternatives for control of parasitism in order to deter ticks from the search for their hosts is a use of compounds found in resistant hosts that are interpreted by these arthropods as non-hosts. These compounds demonstrate a more specific activity between arthropod parasites and their hosts, since they were selected during an adaptation between species involved in this parasite-host relationship forging bases of parasite selection by susceptible and resistant hosts. / Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato, também conhecido como “carrapato marrom do cão”, parasita preferencialmente o cão doméstico, no entanto pode parasitar inúmeras outras espécies mamíferas inclusive seres humanos. Este carrapato demonstra um comportamento de busca ativa por seu hospedeiro, sendo amplamente atraído pelo latido e pelo CO2 e outros sinais relacionados a presença de seus hospedeiros. Apesar de parasitar preferencialmente cães sabe-se que algumas raças como o beagle são menos parasitadas que outras raças como Cocker spaniel inglês que podem apresentar uma carga parasitaria cerca de até 11,5 vezes maior que cães mestiços. É notável a capacidade de carrapatos e demais artrópodes tem em selecionar seus hospedeiros em relação a características desejáveis ou indesejáveis que conseguem perceber destes, por meio da quimiorrecepção de compostos voláteis emanados pelos hospedeiros. A esta ferramenta adaptativa damos o nome aposematismo olfativo que é capacidade de um de parasito em evitar seus hospedeiros mediante a percepção de um químico emanado por este que sinalize uma resposta adaptava negativa ao artrópode. Geralmente esta resposta pode estar ligada a fatores imunes, excesso de grooming ou inacessibilidade ou demais fatores. Um dos grandes problemas na atualidade sem dúvida e o controle de carrapatos e doenças que são transmitem a seus hospedeiros durante o repasto sanguíneo. Uma das alternativas para o controle de parasitismo afim de dissuadir os carrapatos da busca por seus hospedeiros é uma utilização de compostos encontrados em hospedeiros resistentes que são interpretados por estes artrópodes como não hospedeiros. Estes compostos demonstram atividade mais especifica entre artrópode parasitos e seus hospedeiros, pois foram selecionados durante uma adaptação entre espécies envolvidas nesta relação parasitohospedeiro forjando bases da seleção de parasitos por hospedeiros suscetíveis e resistentes.

A Study of Administrator Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Practices to Facilitate the Desegregation Process of Selected School Districts

Moffett, Carlton C. 08 1900 (has links)
It has been just over twenty years since the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas decision was handed down by the Supreme Court. During this period, educators, and in particular, school administrators have found themselves in a unique position between two masters—the public that supports public education through taxes, and the orders of the courts they are legally required to follow. Therefore, school administrators, functioning as social engineers, have devised various practices to provide a smooth transition from segregated to desegregated school systems. This study was designed to determine the practices used by selected school districts to cope with this change and to determine the effectiveness of these practices as perceived by central-staff administrators. Selected large city school districts with enrollments of 30,000 students and above, located in the six southern states under the jurisdiction of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, were selected for this study. These districts, of which there were thirty-four, also had to be under a federal court desegregation order to be included. The survey data reveal that the most effective desegregation practice for students is the provision of alternative schools and programs to assist students unable to cope with the regular school environment. Training administrators in conflict management was perceived to be the most effective practice for administrators, followed closely by training in the shared decision-making process. For teachers, the recruitment of minorities and using teacher aides were perceived to be the most effective practices.

The Bronze Captive: American Identity Within the Mary Jemison Monument

Frese, Alissa Michelle 01 June 2016 (has links)
Beginning with the first European colonists in the New World, captivity has been means of cultural exchange between whites and Native Americans. The narratives recounting the captives’ experiences became popular literature which inspired visual artists who reinterpreted the tales to coincide with their cultural needs. In the early twentieth century, progressive reformer, William Pryor Letchworth, hired artist Henry Kirke Bush-Brown to create a sculpture of captive Mary Jemison who, instead of returning to her natal culture, chose to stay among the Seneca becoming fully assimilated. Aligning with their progressive values, their perception of her character is reflected in the Mary Jemison Monument. The monument creates an image of the ideal woman, immigrant, and Native American who holds and practices white middle-class values of strength, independence, and determination. Exemplifying these American values, the sculpture accesses an American identity emphasizing the acceptance and practice of these supposedly American traits. Immigrants and Native Americans could become fully Americanized by adopting these characteristics and leaving their traditional ways behind. Contingent on their assimilation of white middle-class values, the perceived problems facing a diversified society could be eliminated. In so doing, a more harmonious America aligning with Letchworth’s beliefs could be created.

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