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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adaptabilidade de isolados de Monilinia fructicola com diferentes níveis de sensibilidade à azoxistrobina / Fitness of Monilinia fructicola isolates with different levels of sensitivity to azoxystrobin

Isabela Vescove Primiano 23 June 2015 (has links)
O controle da podridão parda do pessegueiro (Monilinia fructicola) é realizado essencialmente por aplicações preventivas de fungicidas, em sua maioria sistêmicos com modo de ação específico. O uso contínuo desses fungicidas pode levar à seleção de indivíduos resistentes ao ingrediente ativo e, consequentemente, à perda da eficiência do controle nos pomares. A evolução da população de isolados resistentes ao longo do tempo, na ausência do fungicida, pode ser prevista com estudos de habilidade competitiva entre isolados resistentes e sensíveis. Portanto, a quantificação da adaptabilidade (fitness) e da estabilidade, necessárias para caracterizar os isolados encontrados em campo, auxiliarão nas estratégias antirresistência. Embora a importância da determinação da adaptabilidade de isolados resistentes seja reconhecida, há poucos métodos descritos para a análise da habilidade competitiva. Assim, esse trabalho verificou a adaptabilidade, a estabilidade e a habilidade competitiva de isolados de M. fructicola com diferentes níveis de sensibilidade à azoxistrobina em experimentos in vitro e em frutos de pêssegos (in natura e enlatado) utilizando metodologias de avaliação diversas. A caracterização dos isolados foi realizada in vitro, in vivo e molecularmente. Foram avaliados o diâmetro da colônia e a esporulação in vitro; o período de incubação e de latência, a incidência e a severidade da doença e a esporulação in vivo dos isolados separadamente. Os dados de esporulação in vitro foram submetidos ao teste de Kruskal-Wallis e os dados de crescimento micelial ao teste de Tukey com 5% de probabilidade. Para a análise dos dados in vivo, utilizou-se a análise multivariada. Dez transferências em meio de cultura sem fungicida foram realizadas para o estudo da estabilidade de dois isolados resistentes (SP08435 e SP09839) e um sensível (PR09638). A esporulação, a porcentagem de germinação de conídios e o diâmetro da colônia dos isolados em meio de cultura com fungicida foram avaliados em quatro transferências (inicial, terceira, sexta e última transferência). A habilidade competitiva foi verificada pela evolução da porcentagem de indivíduos resistentes no tempo entre um isolado resistente (SP09839) e um sensível à azoxistrobina (PR09638). Modelos lineares ou modelos lineares generalizados (GLM) foram utilizados para descrever o progresso da proporção do isolado resistente ao longo do tempo. Os isolados resistentes exibiram esporulação in vitro e taxa de crescimento micelial semelhantes aos sensíveis, além de apresentarem-se no mesmo grupo de similaridade que os isolados sensíveis. Nenhuma mutação no cyt b foi associada à resistência de M. fructicola à azoxistrobina (G143A, G137R, e F129L) e em todos os isolados foi observado o íntron antes do códon 143. Mesmo após 10 transferências em meio de cultura sem fungicida, os isolados resistentes à azoxistrobina não reduziram sua sensibilidade nem sua capacidade de esporulação e crescimento fora do pêssego. Independentemente da metodologia utilizada para avaliar a habilidade competitiva, a resistência à azoxistrobina não correspondeu a um custo adaptativo para M. fructicola, pois a proporção do isolado resistente manteve-se inalterada ao longo das transferências. O uso de pêssego enlatado é recomendado na substituição de frutos in natura para experimentos de habilidade competitiva. / Control of brown rot in peaches (caused by Monilinia fructicola) is mainly by preventive applications of fungicides, mostly single-target site. Repeated use of these fungicides can, however, select for resistant pathogen populations, which may result in failure of disease control. The evolution of resistant isolates in a population over time can be predicted with competitive ability assays between sensitive and resistant isolates. Therefore, studies quantifying pathogen fitness and stability are necessary to characterize field isolates and improve anti-resistant strategies. However, there are limited reports concerning the methodology used in competitive ability assays. This study determined the fitness of M. fructicola isolates with different levels of sensitivity to azoxystrobin in trials in vitro and in vivo (in natura and canned peaches) with different monocyclic components. Isolates characterization were carried out in vitro, in vivo and molecularly. Mycelial growth rate and sporulation were estimated in vitro, and disease incidence, severity, lesion sporulation, incubation and latent period were evaluated in peach fruit for sensitive and resistant isolates. Sporulation in vitro data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test and mycelial growth rate with the Tukey test at 5% probability. For the in vivo experiments, multivariate analysis were carried out. Ten consecutive transfers on non-amended media were conducted to determine the stability of isolates (two resistant and one sensitive). Sporulation, percent spore germination and colony diameter on azoxystrobin amended media were also evaluated four times (the first, the third, the sixth and the last transfer). Competitive ability was investigated by testing the percentage increase of resistant individuals five generations after inoculation with a mix of azoxystrobin sensitive and resistant isolates. The competitive ability of sensitive and resistant isolates were compared with different variables as colony-forming unit and spore germination. Linear or generalized linear models (GLM) were adjusted to compare the progress of resistant isolates over time. All resistant isolates had in vitro sporulation and mycelial growth rate similar to sensitive isolates. All isolates sequenced presented an intron close to codon 143 and did not have any of the point mutations commonly associated with resistance to QoI fungicides (G143A, G137R, and F129L). After 10 transfers in PDA, colony diameter of resistant isolates was not reduced in azoxystrobin-amended media with 1 μg.ml-1 nor was their sporulation in vitro For all parameters used to measure competitive ability, no fitness cost was associated to M. fructicola isolates resistant to azoxystrobin. Canned peach is a viable option for studies aiming to determine fitness cost of resistant isolates.

Etude de la variabilité génétique de la sensibilité à la pourriture brune au cours du développement du fruit chez la pêche en lien avec l’évolution des caractéristiques physiques et biochimiques du fruit / Study of the genetic variability of peach in susceptibility to brown rot during fruit development in relation with changes in physical and biochemical characteristics of the fruit

De Oliveira Lino, Leandro 15 November 2016 (has links)
La pourriture brune des fruits (BR), causée par les champignons du genre Monilinia, est une maladie courante qui peut provoquer jusqu’à 40% de pertes de récolte chez la pêche. Toutes les pêches cultivées sont plus ou moins sensibles à la moniliose. Aucune alternative aux traitements chimiques n’est disponible, ce qui rend nécessaire les applications de fongicides jusqu'au stade pré-récolte, qui sont préjudiciables pour l'environnement et peuvent laisser des résidus sur les fruits. Une revue de la littérature compile les connaissances disponibles sur le couple pêcher-monilioses.Le but de cette étude est d'étudier les facteurs de résistance du fruit à M. laxa à différents stades de croissance chez la pêche et de déterminer leur contrôle génétique.Nous avons focalisé d’abord sur quelques cultivars pour étudier l'évolution de la sensibilité des fruits à M. laxa au cours de leur développement en relation avec les caractéristiques structurales et biochimiques des fruits (conductance cuticulaire du fruit, micro-fissures de l’épiderme et composés de surface des fruits). Certains composés ont été détectés pour la première fois chez la pêche. Les résultats ont confirmé que lors de la phase I les fruits immatures sont sensibles à la moniliose. Au stade de durcissement du noyau, les fruits sont résistants, la conductance cuticulaire faible et les niveaux de composés de surface présentaient un pic de teneurs. A l’approche de la maturité, les fruits sont sensibles de nouveau. Au stade I, nous avons exploré le rôle des stomates et de la conductance du fruit immature en relation avec la sensibilité à M. laxa. Une centaine de génotypes d'une descendance interspécifique de pêchers appelée BC2 a été caractérisée par une infection au laboratoire, un suivi de pertes transpiratoires des fruits et une estimation de la densité de stomates (uniquement pour les nectarines). Des symptômes inattendus (une ‘tache claire’ qui ne progresse pas) ont été observés. La conductance cuticulaire était significativement liée à la probabilité d'infection, mais le nombre de stomates n’a montré aucun effet sur la probabilité d'infection. Des QTL contrôlant la résistance des fruits à la moniliose, à la conductance cuticulaire et au nombre de stomates ont été identifiés et des co-localisations observées.A maturité, le contrôle génétique de la résistance à la moniliose et des composés biochimiques de l'épiderme des fruits a été étudié. Pendant trois ans, les fruits de la BC2 ont été infectés avec une suspension de spores de champignon selon deux modalités. La BC2 a affiché une forte variabilité de résistance à la moniliose. Malgré une faible stabilité entre les années, des génotypes à haut niveau de résistance ont été identifiés. De plus en 2015, nous avons exploré la variation des composés de l'épiderme des fruits au sein de la BC2. Les composés phénoliques, les terpènes et dérivés ont été quantifiés par HPLC. La relation entre la résistance à la moniliose et la présence et / ou les niveaux de certains composés de l'épiderme et le contrôle génétique de ces composés ont été étudiés.La moniliose des fruits de pêche est un problème complexe qui est encore loin d'être résolu. Des progrès ont été accomplis dans la connaissance des caractéristiques structurales et biochimiques impliquées dans la résistance et des régions du génome qui pourraient conférer une certaine tolérance à la maladie ont été détectées. Des travaux supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour développer des marqueurs moléculaires pour la sélection assistée par marqueurs. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que des solutions pour l'avenir résident dans l’association de cultivars tolérants _ moins sensibles aux micro-fissures et à haute teneur en composés épidermiques potentiellement inhibiteurs du développement du champignon _ avec des pratiques culturales réduisant les risques de fissuration des fruits et d'apparition de conditions climatiques favorables à la propagation de la moniliose. / Brown rot (BR) in peach fruit caused by the fungus Monilinia spp. is a common disease that can provoke as much as 30 to 40% losses of crop. Currently, all cultivated peaches are more or less sensitive to BR. No other alternative than chemical treatment is available, hence fungicide applications are required until pre-harvest. Such applications are damaging the environment and may let residues in fruits. A review of literature was accomplished to compile the knowledge scattered in the literature from many years. The aim of this study is to investigate the factors of resistance of the fruit to M. laxa at different stages of fruit growth and their genetic control by studying contrasted genotypes and an interspecific peach progeny. The first focus was made on few cultivars to study the evolution of sensibility of fruits to M. laxa during their development in relation with structural and biochemical characteristics of the fruit, e.g. cuticular conductance, micro-cracks and fruit surface compounds. Some compounds were detected for the first time on peach fruit. The results confirmed that during the stage I immature fruits are susceptible to BR. Fruit cuticular conductance was high probably due to high density of stomata and thin cuticule in formation. In contrary, at pit hardening stage fruits were resistant, cuticular conductance was low and the levels of surface compounds exhibit a peak. When maturity approaches, fruit become susceptible again. With rapid development of the fruit during this stage, the surface compounds were diluted and micro-cracks often appear which resulted in high cuticular conductance. At stage I we explored the different physical characteristics of the immature fruit in relation with susceptibility to M. laxa. A hundred of individuals of an interspecific peach progeny called BC2 were characterized through laboratory infection, monitoring of fruit transpiratory losses and estimating stomata density (only for nectarines). Unexpected symptoms (not progressing ‘clear spot’) were observed. The cuticular conductance was significantly linked to the likelihood of infection, but the stomata number had no effect on the likelihood of infection. QTL controlling fruit resistance to BR, cuticular conductance and stomata number have been identified and some co-locations observed. At maturity stage we investigated the genetic control of BR resistance together with biochemical compounds of fruit epidermis. For three years, mature fruits from the BC2 progeny were infected with two modalities of infection: spray until runoff in the orchard to measure infection probability and drop in the laboratory conditions in order to observe the characters of beginning, progression and speed of infection. The BC2 progeny displayed high variability for BR resistance. Despite low stability between years, genotypes with high level of resistance were identified. In addition in 2015, we explored the variation in epidermis compounds of fruit within the BC2 progeny. Phenolic compounds, terpenoids and derivatives were quantified by HPLC. The relationship between BR resistance and presence and/or levels of certain epidermis compounds and the genetic control of these compounds were investigated. BR of peach fruit is a complex problem which is still far from resolved. Progress has been made in the knowledge of structural and biochemical characteristics involved in BR resistance and regions of the genome that could confer certain disease tolerance have been detected. Further work is needed to develop molecular markers for marker assisted selection. The results obtained suggest that solutions for the future lie in associations of tolerant cultivars _ less susceptible to micro-cracks and with high content of epidermis compounds potential inhibitor of the fungus development _ with cultural practices reducing both risks of fruit cracking and occurrence of micro-climatic conditions favorable to BR spread and sporulation.

Quantificação de danos e controle pós-colheita de podridão parda (Monilinia fructicola) e podridão mole (Rhizopus spp.) em pêssegos / Damage quantification and postharvest control of brown rot (Monilinia fructicola) and soft rot (Rhizopus spp.) in peaches

Abreu, Fabiana Marchi de 12 April 2006 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho foi quantificar e caracterizar danos pós-colheita em pêssegos comercializados na Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo - CEAGESP e testar produtos sanificantes no controle de podridão parda (Monilinia fructicola) e podridão mole (Rhizopus spp.). Para tanto, foram realizadas vinte avaliações semanais, entre as safras de 2003 e 2004, amostrando-se 1% do total de caixas de pêssegos em cinco permissionários que comercializam esta fruta. As amostragens foram estratificadas por variedade, calibre e produtor. Em todos os frutos de cada amostra foram quantificados os danos abióticos e as doenças pré e póscolheita. Os patógenos Monilinia fructicola e Rhizopus spp. foram cultivados em meio de cultura para realização dos experimentos de controle in vitro e in vivo utilizando cloreto de benzalcônio, dióxido de cloro, Ecolife40® e hipoclorito de cálcio, realizados de forma curativa e preventiva, além do gás ozônio aplicado somente curativamente. A incidência média de frutos danificados foi de 42% em 2003 e 32% em 2004, sendo subdivididos em injúrias mecânicas pré-colheita 18 e 12% em 2003 e 2004, respectivamente, e pós-colheita 12% em 2003 e 13% em 2004; doenças pré-colheita 3 e 1% em 2003 e 2004, respectivamente, e pós-colheita 4% em 2003 e 2% em 2004. O fungo do gênero Cladosporium sp. foi o patógeno que mais ocorreu nas safras avaliadas com 30% em 2003 e 28% em 2004. Injúria mecânica foi o tipo de dano póscolheita mais freqüente em pêssegos. Pêssegos da variedade Aurora foram os mais sensíveis às doenças pós-colheita. Nos testes in vitro cloreto de benzalcônio e Ecolife40®, ambos na concentração de 1000 ppm, inibiram totalmente o crescimento da M. fructicola. Nenhum dos produtos testados foi eficiente no controle de Rhizopus spp. in vitro. Nos testes in vivo, somente o cloreto de benzalcônio na concentração de 2 mL. L-1 e Ecolife40® a 3 mL. L-1, quando aplicados nos pêssegos de forma preventiva, reduziram significativamente a podridão parda em relação à testemunha, em frutos sem ferimento. O cloreto de benzalcônio inibiu a infecção de Monilinia fructicola em todas as concentrações utilizadas, quando aplicado de forma curativa em pêssegos sem ferimento. Hipoclorito de cálcio a 0,1, 0,2 e 0,3 g. L-1 e dióxido de cloro a 2 e 3 mL. L-1 também apresentaram inibição no crescimento de Monilinia fructicola nos testes curativos e inoculados sem ferimentos. Nenhum produto aplicado de forma curativa foi significativamente eficiente para impedir o desenvolvimento da podridão parda, quando a inoculação do fungo foi realizada sobre ferimentos no fruto. Nos experimentos, in vivo, realizados com Rhizopus spp. nenhum dos produtos e formas de tratamentos testados foram eficientes. O gás ozônio não foi eficiente, na concentração de 0,1 ppm, no controle de podridões parda e mole em pêssegos. / The purposes of this study were to quantify and characterize postharvest damages in peaches commercialized at the Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de Sao Paulo ? CEAGESP, Brazil, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of sanitizing products in controlling brown rot (Monilinia fructicola) and soft rot (Rhizopus spp.). Twenty weekly evaluations were carried out in 2003 and 2004 and 1% of all peach boxes from five concessionaires was sampled. Samples were stratified according to cultivar, caliber and grower. Every fruit in each sample was assessed as to abiotic damages and pre and postharvest diseases. The pathogens Monilinia fructicola and Rhizopus spp. were grown in culture medium to enable the conduction of the in vitro and in vivo experiments with benzalkonium chloride, chlorine dioxide, Ecolife40® and calcium hypochlorite used curatively and preventively, and ozone gas used only curatively. Average incidences of damaged fruits were 42% and 32% in 2003 and 2004, respectively, involving 18% and 12% pre harvest mechanical injuries, 12% and 13% postharvest injuries, 3% and 1% pre harvest diseases and 4% and 2% postharvest diseases, in 2003 and 2004, respectively. The fungus Cladosporium sp. was the most prevalent pathogen (30% in 2003 and 28% in 2004) in the periods evaluated. Postharvest mechanical injuries were the most common damages in peaches. Peaches cv. Aurora were the most susceptible to postharvest diseases. Benzalkonium chloride and Ecolife40®, both at 1000 ppm, completely inhibited the growth of M. fructicola in in vitro experiments. None of the products tested in this study was effective in the in vitro control of Rhizopus spp. Only the in vivo preventive treatment with benzalkonium chloride at 2 mL. L-1 and Ecolife40® at 3 mL. L-1 promoted significant reduction in brown rot in non-injured peaches when compared to control fruits. The curative use of benzalkonium chloride at all concentrations tested inhibited the infection by Monilinia fructicola in non-injured peaches. The curative application of calcium hypochlorite at 0,1; 0,2 and 0,3 g. L-1 and chlorine dioxide at 2,0 and 3,0 mL. L-1 also inhibited the growth of Monilinia fructicola in non-injured peaches. None of the products tested in curative treatments was significantly effective in preventing the development of brown rot when the fungus was inoculated on injured fruits. None of the products tested was effective in the in vivo control of Rhizopus spp. Ozone gas at 0,1 ppm was not effective in controlling brown rot and soft rot in peaches.

Observation et modélisation de la croissance de Postia placenta : de l'échelle discrète de la colonie à l'échelle macroscopique / Observation and modeling of the growth of the wood-decay fungus Postia placenta : scaling from discrete mycelial networks to macroscopic fungal development

Du, Huan 28 March 2017 (has links)
L’utilisation de matériaux d’origine végétale dans les bâtiments thermiquement performants pose la question de la pérennité des ouvrages principalement à cause de la dégradation fongique. Postia placenta est une espèce des champignons provoquant la pourriture brune, qui est la plus destructrice pour les constructions en bois.Ce travail se concentre sur l’observation et la modélisation de la croissance de Postia placenta à trois échelles successives : l'arborescence du mycélium (échelle discrète), la croissance en milieu libre (échelle continue) et la croissance en milieu encombré (échelle macroscopique). L’observation expérimentale de la croissance de Postia placenta utilise un microscope confocal à balayage laser pour quantifier les différentes mécanismes et obtenir les paramètres de croissance. A partir de cette observation, un modèle discret capable de générer un mycélium de forme extrêmement similaire à celle observée a été imaginé, développé et validé. Ensuite, à partir des profils de biomasse moyennés selon le rayon des mycéliums simulés par le modèle discret, un modèle continu basé sur une équation de réaction diffusion a été identifié pour décrire l’évolution de la concentration de biomasse fongique. Ce modèle continu offre la possibilité de la transition de l’échelle locale vers l’échelle macroscopique. Pour cela, des simulations de la prolifération en environnement encombré sont obtenues à l'aide du modèle continu. Par prise de moyenne, les champs spatio-temporels obtenus permettent de déterminer les paramètres d'un modèle continu similaire, mais valable à l'échelle macroscopique, sur un milieu fictif qui prend en considération la morphologie des obstacles. / The use of bio-based materials in thermally efficient buildings raises the question of the sustainability mainly due to fungal degradation. Among the wood-decay fungi, Postia placenta is one of the most common brown rot fungi, which are the most destructive due to their rapid decaying mechanisms. This work focused on the experimental observation and the modeling of fungal growth at three successive scales: the mycelial network (discrete scale), mycelial growth in homogeneous media (continuous scale) and mycelial growth in porous media (macroscopic scale).The experimental observation of the growth of Postia placenta was performed using confocal laser scanning microscopy to quantify the different growth mechanisms and obtain the growth parameters. A discrete model has been derived from this observation and is capable of generating mycelial networks extremely similar to the observed ones. A continuous formulation based on a reaction diffusion equation was developed from the radial biomass density of a mycelial network obtained in the discrete model. This continuous formulation was then used to derive an equivalent macroscale model able to account for fungal development in porous media. Simulations were performed on various periodic porous media. The parameters of the macroscale model was identified on the macroscopic fields obtained by averaging the local field over one periodic unit cell.

����C-CP MAS NMR study of decomposition of five coniferous woody roots from Oregon

Hawkins, Robert E. 25 July 2002 (has links)
Using ����C cross polarization magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance techniques on 5 species of dead trees from the northwest (western hemlock, Douglas fir, Sitka spruce, lodgepole pine and ponderosa pine) I tracked the lignin and cellulose content over a 22 to 36 year period in order to determine the effects of decay fungi, if any, that is attacking certain species of tree. I had samples from the wood of the roots, the bark on the roots and, in some cases, the resin core of the roots. The Department of Forest Science at Oregon State University has studied this problem by using wet chemical analysis, and direct visual observation. Mark Harmon and Hua Chen of the Department of Forest Science believe that white rot occurred most frequently in the lodgepole pine and ponderosa pine and brown rot was more frequent in the Douglas-fir and Sitka spruce. Western hemlock seemed to have both brown and white rots active. The Douglas fir bark sample showed definite decomposition consistent with white rot during the first 10 years. The ponderosa pine sap showed decomposition consistent with white rot in the 10 to 22 year period. Sitka Spruce showed some decomposition consistent with white rot in the bark from 7 to 33 years, and the western hemlock showed some decomposition consistent with white rot in the sap in the first 10 years. The decompositions consistent with brown rot were much easier to see in this study. Virtually all the sap and bark samples showed decomposition consistent with brown rot at some point. The Douglas fir was the only species, other than lodgepole pine, not to show any decomposition consistent with brown rot in the bark of the tree, only decomposition consistent with white rot. The Douglas fir did show a decay consistent with brown rot in the sap for the first ten years. Ponderosa pine showed evidence of decay that brown rot would cause for the first 10 years in the sap and the bark. The Sitka spruce species analysis showed brown rot type decay in the bark for the first 7 years and in the sap for the entire time studied of 33 years. The lodgepole pine was the only species to not show any brown rot type decay in the sap or bark for the entire 22 year period studied. The western hemlock was distinct by not showing any definitive brown rot type decay for the first 10 years, but showed massive decay consistent with brown rot in both sap and bark during the following 26 years studied. I used an 8 Tesla magnet and the MAS frequency was at 5 kHz. The recycle time was 1.5 seconds and the contact time was 1 ms. I generally took about 10,000 acquisitions per sample, which added up to about 4 hours total acquisition time per sample. Presence of these rots shows that certain species are more susceptible than others, and also shows that local environmental conditions can contribute to rot susceptibility. / Graduation date: 2003

Quantificação de danos e controle pós-colheita de podridão parda (Monilinia fructicola) e podridão mole (Rhizopus spp.) em pêssegos / Damage quantification and postharvest control of brown rot (Monilinia fructicola) and soft rot (Rhizopus spp.) in peaches

Fabiana Marchi de Abreu 12 April 2006 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho foi quantificar e caracterizar danos pós-colheita em pêssegos comercializados na Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo - CEAGESP e testar produtos sanificantes no controle de podridão parda (Monilinia fructicola) e podridão mole (Rhizopus spp.). Para tanto, foram realizadas vinte avaliações semanais, entre as safras de 2003 e 2004, amostrando-se 1% do total de caixas de pêssegos em cinco permissionários que comercializam esta fruta. As amostragens foram estratificadas por variedade, calibre e produtor. Em todos os frutos de cada amostra foram quantificados os danos abióticos e as doenças pré e póscolheita. Os patógenos Monilinia fructicola e Rhizopus spp. foram cultivados em meio de cultura para realização dos experimentos de controle in vitro e in vivo utilizando cloreto de benzalcônio, dióxido de cloro, Ecolife40® e hipoclorito de cálcio, realizados de forma curativa e preventiva, além do gás ozônio aplicado somente curativamente. A incidência média de frutos danificados foi de 42% em 2003 e 32% em 2004, sendo subdivididos em injúrias mecânicas pré-colheita 18 e 12% em 2003 e 2004, respectivamente, e pós-colheita 12% em 2003 e 13% em 2004; doenças pré-colheita 3 e 1% em 2003 e 2004, respectivamente, e pós-colheita 4% em 2003 e 2% em 2004. O fungo do gênero Cladosporium sp. foi o patógeno que mais ocorreu nas safras avaliadas com 30% em 2003 e 28% em 2004. Injúria mecânica foi o tipo de dano póscolheita mais freqüente em pêssegos. Pêssegos da variedade Aurora foram os mais sensíveis às doenças pós-colheita. Nos testes in vitro cloreto de benzalcônio e Ecolife40®, ambos na concentração de 1000 ppm, inibiram totalmente o crescimento da M. fructicola. Nenhum dos produtos testados foi eficiente no controle de Rhizopus spp. in vitro. Nos testes in vivo, somente o cloreto de benzalcônio na concentração de 2 mL. L-1 e Ecolife40® a 3 mL. L-1, quando aplicados nos pêssegos de forma preventiva, reduziram significativamente a podridão parda em relação à testemunha, em frutos sem ferimento. O cloreto de benzalcônio inibiu a infecção de Monilinia fructicola em todas as concentrações utilizadas, quando aplicado de forma curativa em pêssegos sem ferimento. Hipoclorito de cálcio a 0,1, 0,2 e 0,3 g. L-1 e dióxido de cloro a 2 e 3 mL. L-1 também apresentaram inibição no crescimento de Monilinia fructicola nos testes curativos e inoculados sem ferimentos. Nenhum produto aplicado de forma curativa foi significativamente eficiente para impedir o desenvolvimento da podridão parda, quando a inoculação do fungo foi realizada sobre ferimentos no fruto. Nos experimentos, in vivo, realizados com Rhizopus spp. nenhum dos produtos e formas de tratamentos testados foram eficientes. O gás ozônio não foi eficiente, na concentração de 0,1 ppm, no controle de podridões parda e mole em pêssegos. / The purposes of this study were to quantify and characterize postharvest damages in peaches commercialized at the Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de Sao Paulo ? CEAGESP, Brazil, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of sanitizing products in controlling brown rot (Monilinia fructicola) and soft rot (Rhizopus spp.). Twenty weekly evaluations were carried out in 2003 and 2004 and 1% of all peach boxes from five concessionaires was sampled. Samples were stratified according to cultivar, caliber and grower. Every fruit in each sample was assessed as to abiotic damages and pre and postharvest diseases. The pathogens Monilinia fructicola and Rhizopus spp. were grown in culture medium to enable the conduction of the in vitro and in vivo experiments with benzalkonium chloride, chlorine dioxide, Ecolife40® and calcium hypochlorite used curatively and preventively, and ozone gas used only curatively. Average incidences of damaged fruits were 42% and 32% in 2003 and 2004, respectively, involving 18% and 12% pre harvest mechanical injuries, 12% and 13% postharvest injuries, 3% and 1% pre harvest diseases and 4% and 2% postharvest diseases, in 2003 and 2004, respectively. The fungus Cladosporium sp. was the most prevalent pathogen (30% in 2003 and 28% in 2004) in the periods evaluated. Postharvest mechanical injuries were the most common damages in peaches. Peaches cv. Aurora were the most susceptible to postharvest diseases. Benzalkonium chloride and Ecolife40®, both at 1000 ppm, completely inhibited the growth of M. fructicola in in vitro experiments. None of the products tested in this study was effective in the in vitro control of Rhizopus spp. Only the in vivo preventive treatment with benzalkonium chloride at 2 mL. L-1 and Ecolife40® at 3 mL. L-1 promoted significant reduction in brown rot in non-injured peaches when compared to control fruits. The curative use of benzalkonium chloride at all concentrations tested inhibited the infection by Monilinia fructicola in non-injured peaches. The curative application of calcium hypochlorite at 0,1; 0,2 and 0,3 g. L-1 and chlorine dioxide at 2,0 and 3,0 mL. L-1 also inhibited the growth of Monilinia fructicola in non-injured peaches. None of the products tested in curative treatments was significantly effective in preventing the development of brown rot when the fungus was inoculated on injured fruits. None of the products tested was effective in the in vivo control of Rhizopus spp. Ozone gas at 0,1 ppm was not effective in controlling brown rot and soft rot in peaches.

Herdabilidade e segregação de caracteres de importância econômica no pessegueiro / Heritability and segregation the characters of economic importance in peach

Viñoly, Maximiliano Antonio Dini 29 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Gabriela Lopes (gmachadolopesufpel@gmail.com) on 2016-10-13T15:32:28Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertação completa Maximiliano Dini.pdf: 5135504 bytes, checksum: 0af878399c0b0f849228a9eae5e33c8d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-01-04T14:56:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação completa Maximiliano Dini.pdf: 5135504 bytes, checksum: 0af878399c0b0f849228a9eae5e33c8d (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-04T14:56:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação completa Maximiliano Dini.pdf: 5135504 bytes, checksum: 0af878399c0b0f849228a9eae5e33c8d (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-29 / A cultura do pessegueiro [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] vem crescendo em todo o mundo, devido ao aumento no consumo de frutas in natura e de seus produtos industrializados. No Brasil, em parte, o crescimento deve-se ao melhoramento genético. Essa área de pesquisa, visando a obtenção de novas cultivares que produzam frutos de qualidade, tenham alta produção, adaptação climática, e apresentem resistência às principais doenças é de muita importância para a expansão da cultura. O conhecimento dos parâmetros genéticos, fenotípicos e ambientais que influenciam direta ou indiretamente nos caracteres de importância econômica em pessegueiro são de fundamental importância para o delineamento dos programas de melhoramento desta frutífera, permitindo antever a possibilidade de sucesso com a seleção de diferentes genótipos em diferentes ambientes. O objetivo central deste trabalho foi buscar fontes de resistência à podridão-parda; estudar a segregação; estimar a herdabilidade e verificar a possível existência de efeito materno em alguns caracteres de importância econômica no pessegueiro. Foi constatada variabilidade fenotípica e segregação transgressiva, para os caracteres fenológicos estudados nas populações avaliadas. A herdabilidade para o período de desenvolvimento do fruto, data de plena floração e data de maturação, é alta a muito alta, permitindo um rápido ganho genético para estes caracteres fenológicos. A herança desses caracteres fenológicos estudados é predominantemente aditiva, e os desvios podem ser atribuídos a um possível efeito materno ou a genes de efeito maior. Foi observada a presença de segregação transgressiva para os parâmetros referentes à tonalidade da cor da polpa (ângulo Hue, croma e luminosidade), e a herdabilidade estimada foi alta, possibilitando rápido avanço genético também para este caráter. A herança da tonalidade da cor da polpa é predominantemente aditiva, e os desvios podem ser atribuídos a genes de efeito menor, sem constatar-se indícios de efeitos maternos. O ângulo Hue é o parâmetro correto para classificar e estudar a tonalidade de pêssegos e nectarinas de polpa amarela, e o parâmetro luminosidade pode ser uma opção para o estudo dos frutos de polpa branca. O uso dos três parâmetros em conjunto possibilita melhor representação deste caráter. Para os caracteres de resistência à podridãoparda em flores e frutos, nas populações estudadas, foi verificada alta variabilidade genética. As cultivares Maciel e Cerrito foram os genitores de maior resistência à podridão-parda nas flores, e transmitiram essa característica a suas progênies. As seleções Conserva 947 e Conserva 1600 foram os genitores de maior resistência à podridão-parda nos frutos, com um nível de resistência similar a ‘Bolinha’, transmitindo essa característica a suas progênies. A herdabilidade da resistência à podridão-parda nas flores (incidência e severidade) e nos frutos (diâmetro da lesão e esporulação), no pessegueiro, é média. A seleção dos genitores, baseada no fenótipo, possibilita um médio avanço genético para esta característica. / The peach culture [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] has been growing throughout the world, due to an increase in consumption of fresh fruits and processed products. Aiming the development of new productive and adapted cultivars, with good quality fruits and disease resistance, breeding programs are partially responsible for the expansion of the culture, in Brazil. The knowledge of the genetic, phenotypic and environmental parameters that influence, directly or indirectly, on the economically important characters in peach is of fundamental importance for the fruit breeding programs, allowing to anticipate the possibility of success with the selection of genotypes under different environments. The main objective of this work was to seek sources of brown rot resistant genotypes, as well as study the segregation, estimate the heritability and verify the possible existence of maternal effect on some characters of economic importance in peach. Phenotypic variability and transgressive segregation were observed for the phenological characters studied on the evaluated populations. The heritability of the fruit development period, date of full blooming and maturity date, is high to very high, allowing a rapid genetic gain for these phenological characters. The inheritance of the studied phenological characters is predominantly additive, and the deviations can be attributed to a possible maternal effect or major genes. It was observed the presence of transgressive segregation for the parameters relating to the tonality of flesh color (Hue angle, chroma and luminance), and the estimated heritability was high, enabling fast genetic advance for this character. The heritability of this character is predominantly additive, and the deviations can be attributed to the minor genes, without observing signs of maternal effects. The Hue angle is the correct parameter to classify and study the flesh color tonality of yellow peaches and nectarines. The luminance parameter may be an option for the study of white flesh. The use of the three parameters together, enables better representation of this character. For the character brown rot resistance on flowers and fruits, a high genetic variability was verified. The cultivars Maciel and Cerrito were the parentals with higher resistance to flower blight, and they transmitted this trait to their offspring. The selection Conserva 947 and selection Conserva 1600 were the parentals with higher brown rot resistance to infection on fruit, similar to ‘Bolinha’, passing this trait to their offspring. The heritability of brown rot resistance on flowers (incidence and severity) and fruits (diameter of the lesion and sporulation), in peach, is medium. Parental selection based on phenotype, enables a genetic breakthrough for medium resistance to brown rot.

Fitohemijska analiza i antioksidantni kapacitet plodova trešnje inficiranih gljivom Monilinia laxa Aderh. i Ruhl / Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant capacity of sweet cherry fruits infected with Monilinia laxa Aderh. and Ruhl. Language

Borković Boško 25 January 2019 (has links)
<p>Mrka trulež, čiji je prouzrokovač Monilinia laxa, spada u najče&scaron;če i najznačajnije bolesti ploda ko&scaron;tičavih voćaka, naročito tre&scaron;nje. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrde razlike u reakciji&nbsp; devet sorti plodova tre&scaron;nje (različitih pomolo&scaron;kih osobina) prema mrkoj truleži, uzorkovanih sa oglednog dobra Departmana za voćarstvo i vinogradarstvo, Poljoprivredni fakultet Novi Sad na Rimskim &Scaron;ančevima (koordinate: 45&deg;20&acute;N, 19&deg;51&acute;E). S obzirom da se u prirodnim uslovima plod tre&scaron;nje može zaraziti od strane vi&scaron;e patogena, biohemijski parametri su analizirani i na ve&scaron;tački inokulisanim plodovima. Ispitivane sorte su pokazale značajne razlike u pojavi oboljenja na plodu, kako u uslovima ve&scaron;tačke inokulacije, tako i u prirodnoj infekciji. U oba slučaja kod sorti su zabeležene različite ocene intenziteta zaraze, zavisno od sortimenta. Biohemijskom analizom plodova zabeležene su značajne razlike u sadržaju rastvorljivih proteina (SP), aktivnosti supereksid dismutaze (SOD), aktivnosti gvajakol peroksidaze (GPx), aktivnost pirogalol peroksidaze (PPx), lipidnoj peroksidaciji (LP). Utvrđene su značajne razlike u sadržaju &scaron;ećera, organskih kiselinih i sekundarnih metabolita (fenoli, tanini, proantocijanidini, flavonoidi, antocijanini). Takođe rezultati su pokazali razlike u antioksidantnoj aktivnost (DPPH, FRAP, ABTS i TRC testovi). Na sadržaj sekundarnih biomolekula kao i na antioksidantnu&nbsp; aktivnost&nbsp; uticali su sorta, intenzitet zaraze ploda, kao i interakcija između ova dva faktora. Većina ispitivanih sorti je pokazala visok sadržaj polifenolnih komponenti, dok je u uslovima infekcije,<br />Fitohemijska analiza i antioksidantni kapacitet plodova tre&scaron;nje inficiranih gljivom Monilinia laxa Aderh i Ruhl,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; B. Borković<br /><br /><br />sadržaj ovih parametara bio značajno niži. Na osnovu dobijenih razultata, sadržaj sekundarnih metabolita se može koristiti kao jedan od parametara u oceni otpornosti sorti tre&scaron;nje prema mrkoj truleži. Datum</p>

Decay Fungi from New Zealand Leaky Buildings: Isolation, Identification and Preservative Resistance

Stahlhut, Dirk January 2008 (has links)
Leaky buildings are those that show elevated moisture contents of the framing timber, which can subsequently lead to the establishment of fungal and bacterial decay. Prior to this study, the causative agents of the decay in these leaky buildings were unknown, though it was suspected to be one or more species of decay fungi. Therefore, the overall goal of this multi-disciplinary PhD thesis research was to determine the causative agents of decay in leaky buildings of New Zealand in an effort to develop solutions for both their remediation and future prevention. Use of molecular biology methodology and classical mycological techniques based on morphology enabled identification of decay fungi from framing timber and air samples of leaky New Zealand buildings and provided insight into relative importance based on isolation frequency. In most cases, fungi colonising Pinus radiata D. Don were isolated to produce pure cultures. Mycelia from these cultures on agar media were collected to extract DNA. To identify the fungi to the species level, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with fungal specific DNA primer pairs were performed followed by DNA sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. Identification was by BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) search on sequences in known GenBanks. In total, 421 samples from leaky buildings were processed, predominately untreated P. radiata decayed framing timber and also fibre cement boards and building paper. From these, sixty-eight fungal identifications were made. The only taxa that were isolated with significant frequency were identified as 4 basidiomycete species, as follows, along with the number of times they were isolated from the 421 samples: • Gloeophyllum sepiarium (Wulf.: Fr.) Karst. 13x • Oligoporus placenta (Fries 1865) Gilb. In Ryv.1985 11x • Antrodia sinuosa (Fr.) Karst. 8x • Gloeophyllum trabeum (Fr.) Murr. 4x Although these species were identified repeatedly, in total they represent less than 10% of the total samples and, therefore, it is concluded that the leaky building decay samples represent high fungal biodiversity. An aerial spore study of internal air, wall cavity air and exterior air of leaky buildings was carried out using a Merck MAS-100 instrument which collects spores directly onto selective media plates. Viable fungal aerial spores were detected at every sampling location tested at the leaky buildings, by the criteria of culturing, with a highest mean of 3714 colony-forming units (CFU) per cubic metre found in the cavities of water-damaged walls. This aerial spore study in conjunction with isolation from decayed wood samples from the same leaky buildings enabled identification of G. sepiarium and A. sinuosa at the same test site. The use of carboxymethylcellulose medium further demonstrated the presence of potential cellulose-degrading fungi within and around the location. Overall, the combination of direct sampling of timber and air sampling proved useful for detection of fungal species variability at a multi-unit building. Four decay fungi isolated from New Zealand leaky buildings and two standard control decay fungi (Coniophora puteana and Serpula lacrymans) were submitted to laboratory wood block testing to determine the effectiveness of currently used wood framing preservatives under laboratory conditions before and after a standard leaching regime. P. radiata blocks were treated with water based boron copper azole and solvent based IPBC propiconazole plus tebuconazole (1:1) preservatives and exposed to the basidiomycetes for 12 weeks. Mass loss for the fungal decay-infected samples was recorded of up to 55% for preservative-treated samples, up to 62% mass loss for leached samples and up to 58% mass loss for un-preservative treated samples. Additionally, well defined dosage responses and approximate toxic thresholds were obtained for all preservatives tested. Results suggested that the minimum IPBC retention specified by Hazard Class 1.2 of NZS3640:2003 (0.025% m/m) is on the low side, and demonstrated after the 2 week leaching regime complete loss of efficacy of boron at 0.4% m/m boric acid equivalent (BAE). This PhD research gave a first overview of fungi occurring in New Zealand leaky buildings, and it demonstrated the following key aspects of wood preservation: 1. The isolated test fungus Antrodia sinuosa was more difficult to control with propiconazole plus tebuconazole at retention 0.007% m/m than the known tolerant fungus Oligoporus placenta; 2. Boron at Hazard Class 1.2 retention of 0.4% m/m BAE was not toxic to Oligoporus placenta; 3. Serpula lacrymans exhibited tolerance to the highest retention of 0.06 %m/m tebuconazole plus propiconazole; and 4. Gloeophyllum species appeared susceptible to all wood preservatives. In order to correlate fungal colonisation and wood decay, colonised wood blocks were studied using light microscopy (LM) and field- emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). Microscopic observations of P. radiata wood blocks following a standard wood decay test of twelve weeks of fungal colonisation by Serpula lacrymans, Antrodia sinuosa, Oligoporus placenta and Gloeophyllum sepiarium revealed that the two microscopic techniques employed were complementary by allowing features such as pit membranes, chlamydospores or S3/S2 compound middle lamella interface to be photographed in greater detail, allowing for more precise analyses and interpretation of key findings, as follows: 1. Brown rot fungi directly target their apical growth towards degraded pit apetures; 2. Reliance on light microscopy and observed birefringence as a tool to record changes in cell wall crystallinity associated with brown rot decay alone could be misleading; 3. Presence of fine (≤ 1 m) to wide (≥ 3.5 m) bore-hole and hyphal size ranges, and nearly unchanged cell wall thickness of all wood/test fungal combinations, confirmed active decay at moderate to late stages; 4. Some ray parenchyma cells for Antrodia sinuosa, Oligoporus placenta and Gloeophyllum sepiarium colonised blocks were intact throughout late stages of decay, outlining that they were not preferentially degraded early in the brown rot decay process, and 5. Presence of bore-holes, clamp and medallion clamp formation and resting spores (chlamydospores and arthrospores) are fungal specific, can aid in their differentiation and identification, and should be recorded during wood decay studies, as especially resting spores are an important factor when planning remediation strategies. In summary, this PhD thesis research provided the first comprehensive investigation into the biodiversity of fungi from leaky New Zealand buildings, identified the dominant species and presented details about their micromorphology and their decay patterns. It also demonstrated substantial differences in efficacy of preservative formulations currently (December 2008) approved for framing treatments in New Zealand and possible deficiencies where framing may be subjected to severe leaching. This study also provided the first comparative analyses of viable fungal aerial spores between leaky wall cavities and the surrounding air environment. Subsequently, this research added to the knowledge of the decay fungal species diversity in and around New Zealand leaky buildings, outlined their capabilities to degrade treated and un-treated P. radiata framing timber and illustrated the efficacy of New Zealand approved wood preservatives for their potential as remedial treatment and future prevention.

Epidemiological aspects of MBC resistance in Monilinia fructicola (Wint.) Honey and mechanisms of resistance

Sanoamuang, Niwat January 1992 (has links)
Isolates of Monilinia fructicola (Wint.) Honey obtained from stone fruit orchards in Hawkes Bay, North Island and from Californian fruit exported to New Zealand, were tested for resistance to methyl benzimidazole carbamate (MBC). Resistant isolates from the North Island had EC₅₀ values of >30,000, and most isolates from the imported fruit had of values approximately 1.5 mg a.i./l carbendazim. Sensitive isolates failed to grow on 1 mg a.i./l carbendazim. A detached peach shoot system was used in controlled conditions for estimation of values for incubation period, latent period and rate of spore production on flowers (cv Glohaven). The same variables and the rate of colonisation of host tissue were measured on fruit (cv Fantasia) in controlled conditions. An inoculum density of 1x10⁴ spore/flower or fruit greatly increased fitness in vivo compared to an inoculum density of 1x10² spore/flower (fruit). Isolates varied considerably, but there was no consistent relationship between the degrees of resistance and fitness. This was in contrast to earlier studies with dicarboximide resistant strains of M. fructicola. The survival in the field of 10 isolates resistant or sensitive to MBC or dicarboximide fungicides on twig cankers and mummified fruit was compared. The ability to produce conidia on twig cankers inoculated in late spring 1989 was maintained by all sensitive and MBC resistant isolates for at least 1 year. The production of conidia on mummified fruit inoculated in February 1990 decreased after 2-3 months in the field but some conidia were still produced on all fruit in the following spring. Dicarboximide resistant isolates produced less conidia than either the MBC resistant and the sensitive isolates. The pathogenicity and fitness of all isolates were similar to the original values after survival for 1 year. A technique was developed to produce apothecia reliably from inoculated peach (cv Black Boy) and nectarine (cv Fantasia) fruit in controlled conditions in the laboratory. The fruit were inoculated with resistant or sensitive isolates, or combinations, and were incubated for 8 weeks at 25°C (±1°C) with 12 hours photoperiod of fluorescent light (Sylvania 2x65 W, daylight) to produce mummified fruit. The fruit were then buried in moist autoclaved peat moss for 10 weeks at 25°C (±1°C) in the dark to form stromata. These fruit were then hydrated with running tap-water (total hardness (CaCO₃) = 47 g/m³ and conductivity at 20°C = 12.7 mS/m) for 72 hours. The hydrated mummified fruit were placed in moist peat moss and were incubated for 13-14 weeks at 8°C (±0.5°C) in the dark. At the end of this period, stipe initials were visible. Differentiation of stipe initials into mature apothecia occurred within 15-20 days after transfer to 12°C (±2 °C) with a 12 hour photoperiod of fluorescent and incandescent light. All isolates produced apothecia when treated in this way. A technique for isolation of ascospore sets in linear arrangement was developed for tetrad analysis of the inheritance of resistance. At least 3 hours of fluorescent and incandescent light at 12°C (±2°C) was essential to allow ascospore ejection from individual asci taken from apothecia previously maintained in a 12 hour photoperiod at 12°C (±1°C). A water film on the surface of water agar was necessary to hold a set of ejected ascospores in linear sequence. Single ascospores were obtained in sequence with the aid of a micromanipulator. Genetic analysis of MBC resistant isolates was carried out on ascospores derived from apothecia produced in the laboratory. Analysis of ascospore sets in linear arrangement and ascospore populations indicated that resistance to >30,000 mg a.i./l carbendazim (high-resistant) is governed by a single major gene and is affected by gene conversion mechanisms. Crossing over was frequent, suggesting that recombination of resistance with other characters, such as pathogenicity and fitness, may occur readily. The segregation ratio (1:1) from most resistant isolates revealed that heterokaryons containing both resistant and sensitive alleles were common in resistant populations and that resistance is dominant. Allozyme analysis of ascospore progeny through electrophoresis revealed a narrow genetic base of M. fructicola in New Zealand. The technique for reliable apothecial production in controlled conditions developed in this study provided an important step for the determination of the biology of M. fructicola strains resistant to MBC fungicides, and the complexity of its life cycle. Genetic heterogeneity in field populations can be conserved in one isolate through heterokaryosis, thus providing for adaptability of the pathogen to the changing environmental conditions. Knowledge on genetic variability, overwintering ability, pathogenicity and fitness factors may be useful for future management strategies of stone fruit brown rot. Special emphasis should be made in particular to prevent primary infection on blossoms, which would delay the establishment of recombinant strains of M. fructicola and the onset of brown rot epidemics.

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