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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Realizace stavby z pohledu veřejnoprávních subjektů / Implementation of building from the perspective of public bodies

Potyková, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is implementation of building from the perpective of public bodies. The basic concepts, principles and practices of public bodies are definted in the theoretical section. In the practical part of these methodes are apllied to specific cases from practice and the buildings are residential houses in the municipality Hukvaldy.

Impact to alternative contracting methods using multivariate analysis in the regulatory environment

Smith, Valerie Rose Riecke 24 June 2008 (has links)
This research addresses legislative impediments inherent to working in the government construction industry by investigating whether benefits exist when using alternative project delivery methods, and whether legislative limitations allowing the use of alternative project delivery methods impede any such benefits from being realized. The research begins by defining the project delivery method process, and explains in detail the four primary types and how they function. The research then provides a qualitative study that presents the perceived advantages and disadvantages of each method. Then, a second literature review provides an overview of previously published research in project delivery method selection, and examines federal and state legislative trends to establish the growing debate associated with alternative project delivery methods, focusing on the design-build method of project delivery. Finally, a quantitative analysis is presented to test whether federal and state legislative limitations influence the realization of any benefits of alternative project delivery methods, and specifically design-build, for federal projects. Project characteristics from the U.S. General Services Administration Capital Construction Project database are tested. The research suggests that when an alternative project delivery method, specifically design-build, is chosen, there are benefits in time and cost savings, and the ability to use the alternative project delivery method is affected by the removal of federal and state legislative impediments.

Verwandlungen der Flächeninanspruchnahme: Rücknahme, Befristung, Zwischennutzung

Gawron, Thomas 02 October 2014 (has links)
Während der Erarbeitung möglicher Handlungsoptionen zur Reduzierung des Flächenverbrauchs gedieh schnell der Gedanke, in einem Weiterbildungsworkshop mit den Akteuren der Region die Möglichkeiten der und die Anforderungen an eine Rücknahme von Baurechten zu diskutieren. Zugleich können mit der Befristung von Baurechten sowie Zwischennutzungen von Flächen insbesondere für städtebaulich sensible Flächen Lösungen angeboten werden, welche ebenfalls einen Beitrag zum Ziel der Reduzierung der Flächen(neu)inanspruchnahme leisten können. Diese Möglichkeiten wurden im Rahmen des Weiterbildungsworkshops \'Rücknahme von Baurechten\' des Forschungsverbundes KoReMi am 19. März 2010 in Leipzig diskutiert. Der vorliegende Band 10 der Schriftenreihe des Forschungsverbundes KoReMi stellt die Zusammenfassung der Veranstaltung dar. Mit der Verschriftlichung der Vorträge und Diskussionen möchte der Forschungsverbund die interessierte Öffentlichkeit für die Problematik und möglichen Strategien und Lösungsansätze der Rücknahme und Befristung von Baurechten sowie der Option der Zwischennutzung sensibilisieren.

Rechtliche Fragen der Errichtung und des Betriebs einer Tankstelle

Milek, Alla, Schönbrunn, Désirée, Zylla, Katrin, Lehmann, Philipp 21 July 2010 (has links)
Im Rahmen des im 4. oder 5. Semester zu absolvierenden Berufsfeldprojekts sollen im Berufsfeld Recht und Management (Law and Management - LAMA) des Studiengangs Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften der TU Chemnitz praxisorientiert aufgeworfene Fragestellungen systematisch und eingebettet in einen größeren Kontext dargestellt und mögliche Lösungswege aufgezeigt werden. Zugleich soll das Projekt Gelegenheit zur Vertiefung methodischer Kompetenzen, insbesondere zur Teamarbeit, geben und zu einem kritischen Blick auf die Bedeutung rechtlicher Vorgaben und Konzeptionen für wirtschaftliche Tätigkeiten "im Alltag" befähigen. Mit der Aufgabenstellung der Professur Jura I im WS 2009/10 wurde daher- ausgehend von einem konkreten, aktuellen Fall der Rechtsprechung, aber nicht beschränkt auf eine reine Fall-Lösung - angestrebt, praxisrelevant die potenziell auftretenden rechtlichen Fragen (Baurecht, Umweltrecht, Ladenschluss- und Gaststättenrecht, Verwaltungsverfahren usw.) der Errichtung und des Betriebs einer Tankstelle in einem allgemeinen (wirtschaftlichen) Kontext herauszuarbeiten. Nach vielen gemeinsamen Überlegungen und Prüfungen in verschiedenste Richtungen entstand so schließlich dieser "Leitfaden".

Byggnationen av Nya Karolinska Solna : En analys av planerings- och beslutsprocesser bakom byggnationen Nya Karolinska Solna i Stockholm / The Construction of Nya Karolinska Solna : An Analysis of the Planning and Decision-making Process behind the Construction of New Karolinska Solna in Stockholm

Hossain, Anisa, Bäck, Idun January 2022 (has links)
I nästan 20 år har mega projektet med Nya Karolinska Solna pågått. Upphandlingen har blivit en av de största i Sveriges historia och fått stor medial uppmärksamhet, inte bara nationellt men även internationellt. Rapporten syftar på att analysera samtliga planerings- och beslutsprocesser för byggnationen av Nya Karolinska Solna för att sedan undersöka om det finns några kopplingar baserat på beslutsteorier och hur dessa kan ha påverkat det slutliga resultatet. En litteraturstudie och intervjustudie har genomförts under arbetets gång. Rapporten behandlar olika beslutsteorier som rationella beslutsteorin och narrativa beslutsteorin. Vidare presenteras hur komplexa beslutsprocesser har kopplingar till olika teorier. Under byggprojektets gång har en rad olika aktörer varit involverade och dessa presenteras under avsnittet aktörer. Byggherren för projektet har varit Stockholms Läns Landsting, entreprenören har varit projektbolaget Swedish Hospital Partners (SHP) med dess två underleverantörer, Skanska Healthcare AB (SHC) och Coor Service Management AB (Coor). NKS förvaltningen var en organisation som inrättades för att ha ett organ som arbetade med hela organisationen. Gällande beslut om all byggnation, upphandlingen och organiseringen av vården hade förvaltningen exekutiv makt. Vidare tar rapporten upp de lagrum som varit aktuella i beslutsprocesserna under avsnittet gällande rätt. De mest centrala lagarna har varit Plan- och bygglagen (2010:900), Miljöbalken (1998:808), Myndighetsförordning (2007:515) och Förvaltningslagen (2017:900). Därefter redovisas alla utredningar och planprocesser som skett i ett tidigt skede och vilka beslut som tagits. Rapporten beskriver den slutgiltiga byggnationen som fått stor kritik för brister i utformningen. Efter intervjuer med aktörer från Skanska, Solna stad och NKS ger rapporten läsaren en bättre inblick i de olika beslutsprocesserna. Avslutningsvis analyseras intervjuerna utifrån de narrativa-, rationella och komplexa beslutsteorierna av Kerstin-Sahlin Andersson. Av analyserna framgår hur konsulter utgetts för experter och visat sig vara ett praktexempel på hur förvaltningar kan användas för att formulera berättelsen och därmed kontrollera premisserna för en beslutsprocess. När förvaltningen senare avsattes, för att ersättas med ett team från KS, förändrades hela strukturen och därmed utgången. Att involvera kompetenta medarbetare i arbetet kring och utformningen av sjukhuset kom att leda till positiva utfall. Det styrker även belägget om att inhämtning bruksinformation är en av de viktigaste delarna inom beslutsteorin för ett projekt av den karaktär Nya Karolinska Solna bär. / For almost 20 years, the mega-project with Nya Karolinska Solna has been ongoing. The procurement has become one of the largest in Sweden's history and received a lot of attention in the media, not only nationally but also internationally. The report aims to analyze all planning and decision-making processes for the construction of Nya Karolinska Solna and then investigate whether there are any connections based on decision theories and how these may have influenced the final result. A literature study and interview study have been made during the course of the report. The report deals with different decision theories such as the rational decision theory and the narrative decision theory. Furthermore, it is presented how complex decision-making processes have connections to different theories. During the course of the construction project, a number of different actors have been involved and these are presented in the actor section. The client for the project has been Stockholm County Council, the contractor has been the project company Swedish Hospital Partners (SHP) with its two subcontractors, Skanska Healthcare AB (SHC) and Coor Service Management AB (Coor). The NKS administration was an organization that was formed to have a unit that worked with the entire organization. Regarding decisions about all construction, procurement and the organization of care, the administration had executive power. Furthermore, the report covers the areas of legislation that were relevant in the decision- making processes according to the section of the law. The most central laws have been the Planning and Building Law (2010:900), the Environmental Law (1998:808), the Authority Ordinance (2007:515) and the Administration Law (2017:900). Afterwards, all investigations and planning processes that took place at an early stage and what decisions were taken are reported. The report describes the final construction, which received much criticism for building flaws. After interviews with actors from Skanska, Solna city and NKS, the report gives the reader a better insight into the various decision-making processes. Finally, the interviews are analyzed based on Kerstin-Sahlin Andersson's narrative, rational and complex decision theories. The analyzes show how consultants were passed off as experts and proved to be a prime example of how administrations can be used to formulate the story and thereby control the premises for a decision-making process. When the administration was later removed, to be replaced by a team from KS, the entire structure changed and thus the outcome. Involving competent employees in the work around and designing the hospital led to positive results. It also confirms the evidence that gathering usage information is one of the most important parts of decision theory for a project of the nature of Nya Karolinska Solna.

Podklady pro zadání a vypracování územně plánovací dokumentace pro oblast České Budějovice a okolí. Územní studie se záměry využití území. / Supporting documents for the award and the elaboration of territorial planning documentation for the area of České Budějovice and the surrounding area. Territorial studies with the intentions of the use of the territory.

ADLER, František January 2012 (has links)
The primary goal of my diploma work is to point out the topic of creating the territorial study and aplicating my knowledge of territorial studies as working and analysing the territorial study in České Budejovice. In the first chapter there is the literary summary of territorial studies and urbanism in general connected with other related branches and disciplines. In the sekond charter we can find the brief description of Česke Budejovice as the city and also the detailed description of the area, we are interested in, because of working out the territorial study and using the territorial analytic materials in order to create it. The reader will learn about the general terms of town planning and urbanism and he or she will also learn about the detailed information of the project architekt's work. In the practic part of this work there is the topic of creating the territorial study in-depht and also other topics such as the limits of use for specific area, the restrictions of some branch, for example agriculture, housing developement, traffic and so on. The reader will also learn about the mening of territorial study within all its groundworks, basis, instruments, supplements and anexes. I agree that the main contribution of my work is to summarize of the general topics and parts, that the territorial study should contain and then its aplication to the territorial study of České Budejovice.

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