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Improving the viability of a regional government funded trade promotion organisation : a case studyXaba, Gloria Sibongile Zanele January 2009 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 93-101). / The objective of this dissertation is to understand the critical elements that are needed to ensure the viability of a government funded regional trade promotion organisation. This is done by using the Western Cape Trade and Investment Promotion Agency of the Western Cape (Wesgro) as a case study. The mandate of Wesgro is (a) to attract and facilitate foreign and domestic direct investment into the Western Cape, (b) to grow exports of products and services of the Western Cape through development of export capability, demand and market access, (c) to market the Western Cape as a competitive business destination within the national and international arenas. The mandate aims to contribute to the strengthening of the province and promote equitable participation in the economy by sectors of the community and all regions of the province.
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Use of synaesthesias and informal consumer communities in empowering wine consumersBuxton, Ian January 2010 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references. / A three phase investigation into the utility of wine consumer opinion as a viable source of information to wine consumers in South Africa. The research demonstrates that existing marketing and expert opinion is inappropriately constructed, using paradigms that are overly simplistic or language that is not valued by consumers. The paper further investigates the use of visual representations of wine to communicate the "tasting notes" of consumers, providing a first access trigger which can be quickly and accurately interpreted into an assessable taste for the wine. Lastly it examines the benefits of using consumers to provide narrative reviews of the wine, in whatever terms they choose, to represent the consumption experience of the wine.
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Estimating the input parameters of real optionsSchmähling, Tom 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The following study project was written by the author in the scope of his MBA
Program at the University of Stellenbosch. While the number of articles and books
that deal with the theory of real options is extremely large, the use of real options as
a valuation tool is not widely accepted in practice. The reason for this obvious
discrepancy is the fact that these papers and the models developed therein are
highly mathematical and require a thorough knowledge of statistical methods. There
are few papers or books that explain the fundamental ideas and basic techniques in
such a way that general managers are likely to be convinced that real options
valuation is an interesting and valuable tool. The purpose of this study project is to fill
this gap, to bring the theory of real options closer to a wider range of people and to
make it comprehensible for people who have not studied mathematics or finance.
To achieve this aim the study project consists of four parts. Recalling the well-known
concept of financial options, the first part explains in detail the basic idea of real
options theory. The second part deals with the different existing models that are used
to determine the value of real options. However, the focus lies on the
comprehensibility of these models and not on the pure mathematical side. In the third
and main part of this thesis the different variables that are needed for evaluating real
options are discussed and methods to determine realistic values of these variables
are explained. Some recommendations will be made as to what one ought to focus
on in determining the variables. A valuation with "real" data is discussed in the fourth
part. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die werkstuk is in die loop van die outeur se MBA-kursus aan die Universiteit van
Stellenbosch voltooi. Die aantal bronne en artikels wat betrekking het op die teorie is
eindeloos, terwyl die werklike opsies nog nie wyd aanvaar word in die praktyk nie.
Die rede vir die ooglopende verskil is die feit dat die artikels wat betrekking het op die
teorie en modelle hoogs wiskundig is en 'n deeglike kennis van statistiek vereis. Daar
is tans 'n tekort aan artikels en boeke wat die fundamentele idees en basiese
tegnieke van reële opsies verduidelik/oordra op so 'n manier dat dit deur algemene
bestuurders gebruik kan word. Die doel van die werkstuk is om hierdie probleem te
oorkom deur reële opsie valuasies aan 'n wyer gehoor bekend te stel wat nie 'n
wiskundige of finansiele agtergrond beskik nie.
Om bogenoemde doelwit te bereik, word die werkstuk in vier dele opgedeel. Die
eerste deel verduidelik die basiese beginsel van reële opsie teorie in groot detail. Die
tweede deeI dek die verskillende modelle wat tans gebruik word om reële opsies te
waardeer. Die fokus Iê egter op die verstaanbaarheid van die modelle en nie
noodwendig die wiskundige onder bou nie. In die derde en kerndeel van die
verhandeling word die verskillende metodes om reële opsies te waardeer, bespreek,
asook die maniere om realistiese waardes volgens verskillende metodes te vind. 'n
Waardasie met werklike data word in die finale deel aangebied.
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Splitting of investing activities between replacement and expansion of fixed assetsMokoena, Khethang 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)-- Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The traditional cash flow statement consists of cash from operating activities, cash to
investing activities and cash from/to financing activities. In essence, literature
showed that, if cash from operating activities would be negative for two successive
years, such listed industrial company may be classified as fmancially inflexible,
resulting in a take-over by another company, a forced rights-issue or even a
The traditional cash from operating activities will be classified as EBIT - interest -
taxation + depreciation and +/- non-cash items +/- changes in working capital. To
enable capital-intensive companies to be classified as financially flexible or inflexible,
it was found necessary to identify replacement investment activities as opposed to
expansion investment activities. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die tradisionele kontantvloeistaat bestaan uit kontant uit bedryfsaktiwiteite, kontant
aan investeringsaktiwiteite en kontant van/aan finansieringsaktiwiteite. In essensie
het die literatuur aangedui dat, as kontant uit bedryfsaktiwiteite van twee
agtereenvolgende jare negatief is, sodanige genoteerde industriële maatskappy as
finansieel onbuigsaam geklassifiseer kan word en wat kan uitloop op 'n oorname deur
'n ander maatskappy, 'n geforseerde regte-uitgifte of selfs 'n denotering/bankrotskap.
Die tradisionele kontant uit bedryfsaktiwiteite sal geklassifiseer word as bedryfswins
- rente - belasting + depresiasie en +/- nie-kontantitems +/- veranderinge in
bedryfskapitaal. Om kapitaal-intensiewe maatskappye in staat te stel om geklassifiseer
te word as finansieel buigsaam of onbuigsaam, is daar bevind dat vervangende
investeringsaktiwiteite onderskei moet word van uitbreidings investeringsaktiwiteite.
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The dimensions of successful matrix management, as applied to project managementJames, Celeste Claire 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Over the last 20-30 years, the adoption of matrix management has become ever increasingly
popular especially in organizations developing new products and product lines.
As with any new organizational design or structure, problems are experienced. These problems
must be managed constructively in order for the organization to realize the design/structure's full
When managing problems associated with the matrix design, simple solutions can be sought:
• Know what the matrix can do, as well as know its limitations.
• Communicate this to all levels of staff in the organization.
• Ensure that conflict that arises from a dual command system is dealt with quickly.
On the other hand, capitalize on the matrix structure's advantages such as retain more
information, multi-skill staff and realize economies of scale.
The above are "old" management principles, however very sound.
The matrix in itself will not determine the success or the failings of the organization. The
responsibility lies with the management team and the maturity level of the organization. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die implementering van matriks bestuur, het gedurende die afgelope 2-3 dekades toenemend
gewild geraak, veral in ondernemings wat nuwe produkte- of produklyne ontwikkel. Dit is
inherent aan nuwe organisatoriese ontwerp of struktuurwysiging dat probleme ondervind word.
Hierdie probleme moet konstruktiefbestuur word, sodat die organisasie die volle potensiaal van
die nuwe of veranderde ontwerp of struktuur kan benut. Wanneer probleeme aangaande die
matriks ontwerp bestuur word, kan eenvoudige oplossings oorweeg word:
• Bekom 'n grondige kennis van die vermoëns van die matriks, sowel as die beperkings
• Verseker dat alle vlakke van personeel in die organisasie ten volle ingelig is.
• Pas konflik bestuur tydig toe indien probleme ontstaan ingeval van 'n tweeledige
Kapitaliseer egter op die voordele van matriks bestuur:
• Versamel en bestuur verbeterde inligting en inligtingstelsels.
• Opleiding van personeel vir meerdoelige take.
• Meer ekonomiese aanwending van beskikbare bronne.
Bogenoemde is "ou", maar tog bewese en gesonde bestuurspraktyke. Die matriks self, kan nie
die sukses of mislukking van 'n organisasie bepaal nie. Hierdie verantwoordlikheid is die taak
van die bestuurspan en die vermoënsvlak van die organisasie.
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Towards a guide to successful matrix management in organisations : with specific reference to project managementSpofana, M. L. (Merriman Lungile) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Organisations are struggling to cope with the pace of change and the pressure is on for them
either to adapt or die. Consequently, project management has become the sought after
management process to deal with this unprecedented rate of change and for survival. Why is
project management so attractive recently? Is it because of its emphasis on teamwork and
multidisciplinary approach? Of course yes. Its holistic approach makes it very useful in
unfamiliar and risky projects in which information is either scanty or overwhelming. As the
business environment continues to become more chaotic, project management will continue to be
the management tool of the 21st Century.
The use of matrix organisation has been spreading in the last ten years in response to a number of
new needs. It has usually been a compromise between contradictory requirements and
particularly between pressures for a responsive and self-contained project or product organisation
and the greater efficiency, expertise and the economies of scale of a functional or departmental
structure. It has been seen as a way of dealing with greater environmental complexity and as a
more democratic alternative to traditional hierarchical structures.
This study project focuses on matrix management as a structuring tool for organisations in this
century. The literature study is conducted within the field of project management although
matrix management can fall in other fields of organisational development or strategic
A guide to successful matrix management in organisations with specific reference to project management is examined by addressing questions like, why matrix management is
important for project management? What are the obstacles in organisations to the application of
matrix management? What are the rules and guidelines to make matrix management successful
in organisations? These and other questions on this subject are answered. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisasies sukkel om tred te hou met die vinnige tempo van verandering. Daar is voortdurend
meer druk op organisasies om aan te pas ten einde te oorleef. Om hierdie ongekende druk op
verandering en oorlewing te verwerk, het projekbestuur 'n gesogte bestuursproses geword. Is dit
omdat projekbestuur klem lê op spanwerk en multi-dissiplinêre benadering? Die antwoord is
vanselfsprekend ja. Die holistiese benadering van projekbestuur maak dit toepaslik in ongewone
en riskante projekte waar informasie kan wissel tussen uiters skaars of oorweldigend baie. Soos
wat die sake-omgewing meer chaoties word, behoort projekbestuur sy status as die
bestuurstegniek van die 21 ste eeu voort te sit.
Die aanwending van die matriksorganisasie het in die laaste tien jaar, in antwoord of verskeie
nuwe behoeftes, uitgebrei. Die organisasie-tipe is normaalweg 'n kompromis tussen teenstrydige
vereistes, en in besonder tussen die druk vir 'n lewenskragtige en selfonderhoudende projek- of
produkorganisasie, en die groter doeltreffendheid, kundigheid, en ekonomieë van skaal van 'n
funksionele of departementele struktuur. Die word gesien as 'n manier om met meer komplekse
omgewings oor die weg te kom, en ook as 'n meer demokratiese alternatief tot die klassieke
hierargiese struktuur.
Hierdie studie-projek fokus op matrikbestuur as 'n tegniek van die organisasie-ontwerp vir
hierdie nuwe eeu. Die literatuurstudie word beperk tot die veld van projekbestuur, alhoewel daar
ook in ander studievelde van organisasie-ontwikkeling of strategiese bestuur aandag aan
matrikbestuur gegee word. 'n Riglyn vir suksesvolle matriksbestuur in organisasies, met spesifieke verwysing na
projekbestuur, word ondersoek deur seker pertinente vrae te vra. Waarom is matriksbestuur
belangrik vir projekbestuur? Watter struikelblokke is daar in organisasies met betrekking tot die
toepassing van matriksbestuur? Wat is die reëls en riglyne vir die suksessvolle aanwending van
matriksbestuur in organisasies? Antwoorde op hierdie, en ander soortgelyke vrae rondom die
onderwerp, word met hierdie studie verskaf.
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Towards an understanding of the authority gap in project managementNorris, Anthony (Anthony Deon) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to establish an understanding of the authority gap in current project
management practices. The research took the form of a literature review on the topics related to
authority relations in general, and authority relations in project management.
The study begins by analysing authority and it becomes apparent that while most people
intuitively understand what authority means, it is a complex subject that cannot be explored
completely within the limitations of this study. However, an overview of authority, and the
authority relations that exist between people are presented. Factors such as politics, power and
influence determine authority relations between people, and these factors are explored to
establish the connection between them and authority. It is seen from the literature review that
people can use their influence over people to gain a power base where no formal power base
existed. It is shown that it is possible for people to build up a number of power bases using
various influence techniques.
The study continues by discussing the evolution of project management and the concept of
organisational culture respectively. Project management in the 1960's was vastly different from
current project management practices. This is mainly due to modem organisations using project
management as a strategic tool in order to decrease research and development time, and serve
customers better. It is seen that matrix management is widely used in modem project
management and that the culture of an organisation is an important factor to consider when
organisations are implementing project management. The penultimate chapter describes the authority relations specific to project management, and
how organisational politics have a pivotal role in project management. It is shown that politics is
an inevitable part of project management, and that project managers need to be astute political
players in order to bridge the authority gap.
The final chapter gives the conclusion and recommendations of the study. The main conclusion
reached is that the authority gap still exists in current project management practices, thus human
relations and organisation politics are playing a major role in project management. Project
managers need to be astute political players and develop various forms of authority in order to
ensure project success.
A series of recommendations is given to organizations and project managers, which will assist in
closing the authority gap. It is also recommended that empirical research be carried out in order
to practically define the authority gap. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om insig te kry in die gesagsgaping in huidige praktyke in
projekbestuur. Die narvorsing is gegrond op 'n literatuuroorsig van die onderwerpe wat
betrekking het op gesagsverhoudings oor die algemeen, en gesagsverhoudings in projekbestuur.
Die studie begin met 'n ontleding van gesag, en dit blyk duidelik dat hoewel die meeste mense 'n
intuïtiewe begrip het van wat gesag beteken, dit 'n komplekse onderwerp is wat nie volledig
binne die beperkings van hierdie studie ondersoek kan word nie. 'n Oorsig oor gesag en die
gesagsverhoudings wat tussen mense bestaan, word egter aangebied. Faktore soos politiek, mag
en invloed bepaal gesagsverhoudings tussen mense en word hier ondersoek om die verband
tussen hierdie faktore en gesag vas te stel. Die literatuuroorsig toon dat mense hulle invloed oor
ander kan inspan om 'n magsbasis te bekom waar daar nie 'n formele magsbasis bestaan nie.
Daar word getoon dat dit vir mense moontlik is om 'n hele aantal magsbasisse te bou deur die
gebruik van verskeie beïnvloedingstegnieke.
Die studie bespreek voorts die ewolusie van projekbestuur en die konsep van organisasie-kultuur,
respektiewelik. Projekbestuur in die 1960's het geweldig verskil van die projekbestuurspraktyke
van vandag. Die hoofrede hiervoor is dat moderne organisasies projekbestuur as 'n strategiese
middel gebruik om navorsing-en-ontwikkelingstyd te verminder en beter diens aan kliënte te
lewer. Daar word gesien dat matriksbestuur algemeen in moderne projekbestuur gebruik word en
dat die kultuur van 'n organisasie 'n belangrike faktor is om in ag te neem wanneer organisasies
projekbestuur implementeer. Die voorlaaste hoofstuk beskryf die gesagsverhoudings wat betrekking het op projekbestuur en
hoe organisasie-politiek 'n sleutelrol in projekbestuur speel. Daar word getoon dat politiek 'n
onvermydelik deel van projekbestuur is en dat projekbestuurders bedrewe politieke spelers moet
wees om die gesagsgaping te oorbrug.
Die finale hoofstuk bevat die gevolgtrekkings en voorstelle van die studie. Die belangrikste
gevolgtrekking wat bereik is, is dat daar steeds 'n gesagsgaping in huidige
projekbestuurspraktyke bestaan en dat menslike verhoudings en die politiek van 'n organisasie
dus 'n hoofrol in projekbestuur speel. Projekbestuurders moet die politieke spel slim kan speel
en verskeie vorms van gesag ontwikkel om die sukses van 'n projek te verseker.
'n Reeks aanbevelinge word gegee aan organisasies asook projekbestuurders wat sal help om die
gesagsgaping te verminder. Daar word ook aanbeveel dat meer navorsing gedoen word om die
gesagsgaping prakties te definieer.
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An analysis of Sun Tzu's Art of War with the context of negotiations : approaches and strategiesHughes, Justin H. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: If you want peace make ready for war! This was what Sun Tzu believed when conveying
his philosophies in his book the Art of War. What is remarkable about the Art of War is
that it was written about 2300 years ago and presented a new way of thinking about battle.
Sun Tzu did not promote engaging in battle but rather overcoming the enemy without
having to do battle.
"100 victories in 100 battles is not the most skilful. Subduing without battle is the most
skilful" (Denma Translation: 2003: 25 - 26).
The Sun Tzu begins with the understanding that conflict is an integral part of human life. It is
within us and all around us. Sometimes we can skilfully sidestep it, but at other times we must
confront it directly. Many of us have seen the destructive power of aggression, whether on a
personal level or in the disasters of armed conflict. We know as well the limitations of most
political and personal responses to that aggression. How can we work with it in a more
profound and effective way? (Denma Translation: 2003: 2). As in modem day society conflict
is ever present and the manner in which we deal with such conflict either resolves the conflict
or exacerbates it. One way of dealing with conflict is through negotiations.
The negotiation process is an orderly process whereby parties can engage each other in
dialogue in order to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. What is evident is that to be
successful in a negotiation the necessary planning and preparation needs to be done. Although
it is not possible to prepare and plan for all eventualities within the negotiation process most
scenarios can be predicted and therefore if the required preparation is done the possibility of
reaching one's objective is increased. When preparing for negotiations it is imperative that all
environments that can impact on the negotiation are considered. Furthermore the
organisational and personal power of the negotiator and the other party needs to be
determined. Within the negotiation process the negotiator will display certain behaviours
depending what he/she wishes to achieve. Should the negotiator wish to drive the negotiation
then behaviours such as providing information or making proposals will be used. On the other
hand, if the negotiator wishes to draw the other party into the negotiation then the behaviour
of seeking information and summarising would be used. The outcome of a negotiation could
be one of four, namely lose -lose, win -lose, win - win or mutual gains. There are different approaches to negotiation, namely soft, hard and principled. It is suggested that the most
appropriate approach is the principled approach, although the soft and hard approach could be
used under certain circumstances. A negotiation is a systematic process and involves the
aspect of planning. Without planning negotiations are sure to fail and the objective set not
reached. The types of planning that need to be done are strategic, tactical and administrative.
Instead of opposing each other the planning aspects of negotiation complement each other.
Sun Tzu proposes ways to settle a conflict without engaging in battle. Although the learned
strategist does not promote negotiation directly when reading the 'Art of War' it becomes
evident that Sun Tzu preferred to resolve conflicts in a peaceful manner. It was only when no
other option was available that he suggests battle. In war most of the planning and preparation
involves strategies, which is similar in the negotiation process. It is important that a negotiator
knows when to move, when to stand fast and when to engage the other party. This is also true
for any military engagement. Sun Tzu sets out philosophies, which can be used to strategise
for negotiation. Although a bit of poetic licence exists when interpreting Sun Tzu's
philosophy for the negotiation arena, what the learned author contributes to the field of
negotiation is to make the negotiator aware of the options available. The Art of War provides
insight into creative thinking where Sun Tzu spells out that it is better to conquer the enemy
without engaging in battle. Furthermore the less of the enemy's possessions destroyed the
more astute the leader and lastly, that one must not engage in battle because of the wrath of
the leaders. In other words it should not be retaliation because the leader's ego is bruised.
Sun Tzu provides wisdom, which can be utilised in the negotiation process. The interpretation
of Sun Tzu's strategies provides a framework for negotiators to strategise when entering into
negotiations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: As jy Vrede wil hê, maak reg vir 'n oorlog! Dit is wat Sun Tzu geglo het toe hy sy filosofie in
die boek Art of War, weergegee het.
"100 victories in 100 battles is not the most skilful. Subduing without battle is the most
skilful" (Denma vertaling: 2003: 25-26).
Sun Tzu gaan van die veronderstelling uit dat konflik 'n integrale deel van die menslike
bestaan is. Dit is binne in ons en orals om ons. Somtyds kan ons dit behendig systap maar
ander kere moet ons dit direk hanteer. Baie van ons het al die destruktiewe krag van agressie
gesien, hetsy op persoonlike vlak of in rampspoedige gewapende konflikte. Ons ken ook die
beperkings van die meeste politieke of persoonlik reaksies op die tipe aggressie. Hoe kan ons
dit op 'n meer diepgaande en effektiewe manier hanteer? (Denma vertaling: 2003: 25-26)
Soos ook in die moderne samelewing is konflik alom teenwoordig en die wyse hoe dit hanteer
word kan dit of oplos, of vererger. Een metode om konflik te hanteer is deur onderhandeling.
Die proses van onderhandeling is 'n ordelike proses waardeur partye met mekaar in gesprek
tree ten einde tot 'n wedersyds aanvaarbare ooreenkoms te bereik. Dit blyk dat ten einde
suksesvol te wees in onderhandelings die nodige beplanning en voorbereiding gedoen moet
word. Alhoewel dit is nie moontlik is om te beplan vir alle gebeurlikhede tydens die
onderhandelinge nie, kan die meeste scenario's egter voorspel word. Indien die nodige
voorbereiding dus gedoen word kan dit jou kanse om jou eie doelwitte te bereik, verhoog.
Wanneer voorberei word vir onderhandelings is dit noodsaaklik dat alle omgewings invloede
wat 'n impak kan hê daarop oorweeg word. Verder moet die organisatoriese en persoonlike
mag van die onderhandelaar en die ander party bepaal word.Tydens die onderhandelings
proses sal die onderhandelaar sekere gedrag toon afhangend van wat hy/sy uit die
onderhandelings wil verkry. Indien die onderhandelaar hoop om die onderhandelings te lei,
sal gedrag soos om inligting te verskaf en om voorstelle maak, gebruik word. Indien die
onderhandelaar andersyds eerder die ander partye wil betrokke kry by die onderhandelings,
sal gedrag soos die soeke na inligting en om opsommings te maak, getoon word. Die uitkoms
van onderhandelings kan een van vier moontlikhede wees, naamlik: verloor-verloor, wenverloor,
wen-wen of beide partye baat. Daar is verskillende benaderings tot onderhandeling
naamlik die sagte, die harde en die beginselvaste benadering. Dit word aan die hand gedoen dat die mees toepaslike benadering die beginselvaste benadering is maar dat die sagte of
aggressiewe (harde) benadering ook onder sekere omstandighede gebruik kan
word.Onderhandelinge is 'n sistematiese proses en behels beplanning. Sonder beplanning is
onderhandelings gedoem tot mislukking en is die doelwitte nie haalbaar nie. Die tipe
beplanning wat gedoen moet word is strategies, takties en administratief. Die verskillende
tipes beplanning komplementeer mekaar eerder as om mekaar te opponeer.
Sun Tzu voorsien metodes hoe om konflik te besleg sonder om in oorlog betrokke te raak.
Hoewel die geleerde strateeg nie onderhandelings direk promoveer nie blyk dit by die lees
van The Art of War dat Sun Tzu verkies on konflik op 'n vreedsame wyse op te los. Dit was
slegs wanneer geen ander opsie beskikbaar was nie dat hy oorlog voorstel. Tydens oorlog
word beplanning en voorbereiding gewy aan strategie wat baie ooreenkom met die van die
onderhandelingsproses. Dit is belangrik dat die onderhandelaar weet wanneer om te beweeg,
wanneer om vas te staan en wanneer om die ander party te betrek.Hierdie is ook belangrik vir
enige militêre aanval. Sun Tzu se filisofie kan dus ook gebruik word vir strategie beplanning
vir onderhandeling.
Hoewel 'n mate van poëtiese vaardigheid benodig word vir die intepretering van Sun Tzu se
filosofie in die onderhandelings arena word die geleerde outeur se bydrae op die
onderhandelings gebied gemaak daardeur dat die onderhandelaar bewus gemaak word van sy
beskikbare opsies. The Art of War gee insig in kreatiewe denke waar Sun Tzu dit uitspel dat
dit beter is om die vyand te oorwin sonder om in 'n geveg betrokke te raak. Verder word
aangedui dat hoe minder van die vyand se besittings vernietig word hoe slimmer die leier en
dat daar nie in 'n geveg betrokke geraak moet word vanweë die woede van die leiers nie. Met
ander woorde daar moet nie vergelding wees as gevolg van die gekrenkte ego van die leier
Sun Tzu verskaf dus wysheid wat gebruik kan word in die onderhandelings proses. Die
interpretasie van Sun Tzu se strategieë voorsien 'n raamwerk aan onderhandelaars vir
stategiese beplanning wanneer betrokke geraak word in onderhandelings.
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Export processing zones in Zambia : what lessons can be learnt?Kanjungu, Donald 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Export Processing Zone (EPZ) regime is not new across the world. The first known form was established in the 13th century in modern day Spain. However, the growth of EPZs only became prominent after the First World War, as first world countries were trying to rebuild their economies through export-oriented manufacturing. By the turn of the century, more than two thirds of the countries in the world had embraced the EPZ regime with more than 3,000 zones established, employing more than 43 million people. China contributed a big number to this as it pushed through its Special Economic Zone (SEZ) regime to experiment with market-driven reforms.
EPZs have made a significant contribution towards the growth of countries that have fully embraced the EPZ regime. The majority of these countries are in Asia, the Caribbean and South America. In Africa, Mauritius and Madagascar have benefited from the establishment of zones. On the other hand, other countries have failed to realize benefits from their zones such as Senegal.
Zambia was slow to develop policy related to establishment of EPZ. The first attempt to establish EPZ legislature was only made in 2001. However, nothing happened on the ground until 2007, due mostly to concerns around revenue benefits from zones. Since then, two zones have been set up, construction of another is about to start and three more are planned. Despite this ambitious drive, there are still concerns around the realization of benefits from zones compared to the foregone tax, as well as costs associated with establishing infrastructure to support the zones. Other concerns related to the working conditions and wages of people employed by zone enterprises
This study explores further such concerns. It is noted in this study that the policy framework for attracting investment in zones is adequate and addresses all concerns. However, the level of infrastructure development is not adequate to support the EPZ regime. The domestic business environment is not well developed to support and benefit from the EPZ regime. Considering its past economic performance, the country has no choice but to embrace the EPZ regime, as a means to develop growth in exports. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die vryhandelsgebiedkonsep is by verre nie nuut in die ekonomiese wêreld nie. Die eerste van hierdie tipe markstelsels dateer terug van sover as 13de eeuse Spanje. Dit is egter interessant dat die vryhandelsgebiedmodel eers na die beëindiging van die eerste wêreldoorlog pertinent posgevat het. Die konsep was in hierdie tyd veral vir eerste wêreld lande van groot waarde. Hulle kon toesien dat hul ekonomieë deur uitvoergedrewe vervaardiging in ere herstel word. Dit is ook verder werd om te weet dat teen die draai van die eeu, meer as twee derdes van die wêreld in meer as 3000 vryhandelsooreenkomste belang gehad het. Dit het direk of indirek daartoe bygedra dat meer as 43 miljoen mense op een of ander wyse by die arbeidsmark betrek is. China het 'n groot rol gespeel deur sy “Spesiale” vryhandelsgebiede waarmee hy markgedrewe hervorming kon toets.
Vryhandelsgebiede het daadwerklik 'n groot invloed gehad op die groei van ekonomieë van lande wat volwaardig by die konsep ingekoop het. Die oorgrootte meerderheid van die lande is afkomstig uit Asië, die Karibiese Eilande en Suid Amerika. Uit Afrika was dit onder andere Mauritius en Madagaskar wat die meeste voordeel hieruit geput het. Andersyds het lande soos Senegal klaarblyklik geen voordeel uit sy vryhandelsgebiede gekry nie.
Zambië was veral stadig om beleid neer te lê rondom die vestiging van 'n eie vryhandelsgebied(e). Sy eerste poging om amptelike wetgewing in die verband neer te lê was in 2001. Daar het egter niks konkreet hieruit voortgevloei voor 2007 nie. Die land was veral besorg oor inkomstevoordele tussen die voorgestelde gebiede. Sedertdien is twee gebiede reeds gevestig, 'n derde in wording en 'n verdere drie in die beplanningsfase. Ten spyte van die nuutgevonde dryfkrag is daar steeds twyfel oor die voordeel tussen die handelsgebiede, opgeweeg teen die uitgemaakte belasting en kostes wat met die daarstelling van die nodige infrastruktuur gepaard gaan. Daar is ook kommer oor die werksomstandighede en besoldiging van mense wat deur Vryhandelsondernemings in diens geneem word.
Die doel van hierdie studie is om verdere kwelpunte te identifiseer en dan te analiseer. Daar word in die studie bevestig dat die beleidsraamwerk, wat daarop gemik is om belegging
aantreklik te maak, voldoende is. Die infrastruktuur is egter nie huidiglik voldoende om die Vryhandelsgebiede te ondersteun nie. Die plaaslike besigheidsspeelveld is ook nie goed ontwikkel nie en kan derhalwe nie dié besigheidsmodel ondersteun en voordeel daaruit put nie. Gegewe sy ekonomiese prestasies van die verlede kan Zambië nie anders as om die Vryhandelsgebiedkonsep aan te hang, om sodoende daadwerklike groei in sy uitvoermark te bewerkstellig nie.
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Demonstrating the value of implementing an enterprise programme office (EPO) : a South African studyLangdon, Neville (Neville Derrick) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This mini study project reviews the experiences of implementing an Enterprise
Programme Office (EPD). The reason for the implementation, as well as the
alignment of the structure and role of the EPD is reviewed in a literature research as
well as an empirical study of eight large listed South African companies. The study
attempts to establish whether the value of the EPO exceeds the cost of the EPD and
whether the type of EPD implemented impacts on the success of the initiative. Strong
. executive support and a formalised change management prógramme are highlighted
as important prerequisites for success. An approach to measure the success of the
implementation is discussed as part ofthe literature research.
The implementation of an EPD is not simple. Understanding this at the conceptual
stage will ensure that the business will not underestimate the size, complexity and
impact on the business. If this is acknowledged, inclusion of a formal change
management process will be readily supported and the level of budget and skills
allocated is more likely to be appropriate.
The strong correlation between EPD effectiveness and the success of individual
projects or projects within a programme, as established in the KPMG Project
Management Survey (2002:3) indicates a strong business case for building an
effective EPD. The mini study project is able to confirm that the value of having an
EPD does exceed the cost of implementing and running the EPD, within the confines
of this study.
The implementation of an effective EPD provides the business with a vehicle to
implement their key initiatives, using a formal process that significantly reduces the
risk of failure. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie mini-studieprojek neem die resultate van die implementering van 'n
Ondernemingsprojek-kantoor (OPK) in oënskou. Die rede vir die implementering,
asook die posisionering van die struktuur en rol van die OPK word ondersoek by
wyse van 'n literatuurstudie, sowel as 'n empiriese studie van agt groot gelyste Suid-
Afrikaanse maatskappye. Die studie poog om te bepaal of die waarde van die OPK
die koste van die OPK oortref en of die tipe OPK wat geïmplementeer word die
sukses van die inisiatief beïnvloed. Die volgehoue ondersteuning van die
uitvoerende bestuur sowel as 'n formele veranderingsbestuursprogram word
vooropgestel as belangrike voorvereistes vir sukses. 'n Benadering wat die sukses
van die implementering meet, word as deel van die literatuurstudie bespreek.
Die implementering van 'n OPK is nie so eenvoudig nie. Dis belangrik dat dit reeds
tydens die koseptualiseringsfase in gedagte gehou word ten einde te verseker dat
die omvang, kompleksiteit en impak op die besigheid nie onderskat word nie. Indien
dit aanvaar word, sal die insluiting van 'n formele veranderingsbestuursproses
geredelik ondersteun word en die standaard van begroting en vaardighede wat
toegewys word, neig om meer gepas te wees.
Die sterk onderlinge afhanklikheid tussen die effektiwiteit van die OPK en die sukses
van individuele projekte binne 'n program, soos vasgestel is met die KPMG
Projekbestuur Ondersoek (2002:3), dui op 'n sterk besigheidsaak ten gunste van die
daarstelling van 'n effektiewe OPK. Die mini-studieprojek kan, binne die beperkinge
van die studie, bevestig dat die waarde van die vestiging van 'n OPK, die koste van
implementering en bestuur van die OPK oortref.
Die implementering van 'n effektiewe OPK voorsien besigheid van 'n medium om
hulle sleutel inisiatiewe te implementeer deur gebruik te maak van 'n formele proses
wat die risiko van mislukking aansienlik verminder.
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