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Predicting Weight Loss in Post Surgical Laparoscopic Banding PatientsFrensley, Susan J. 05 1900 (has links)
The present study was a retrospective chart review (N=128) that investigated the efficacy of profiles derived from the three factors of the Eating Inventory® test (EI) - cognitive restraint, disinhibition, and hunger - to predict successful weight loss in post surgical laparoscopic banding patients at 6 and 9 months post surgery. Although the EI is commonly used in bariatric presurgical assessment, few studies have found consistent relationships between presurgical factor scores and subsequent weight loss in this population. Based on restraint theory, 7 profiles (high CR, super high CR, high D, super high D, high H, super high H, and null) were derived from the raw scores on the subscales of the EI and tested for weight loss predictive ability using direct logistic regression. Results were mixed with high CR, super high CR, and null profiles accurately predicting successful weight loss. Raw scores on the three factors (cognitive restraint, disinhibition, and hunger) were tested individually for predictive ability using direct logistic regression. Overall results indicated that the profile model accurately predicted more cases than the general factor model. This study significantly contributes to both the bariatric presurgical assessment literature and the restraint theory literature. Suggestions for future research are offered.
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Prophylaxe hypoxisch-entzündlicher Hirnschädigungen bedingt durch die extrakorporale Zirkulation (Herz-Lungen-Maschine) am narkotisierten SchweinKühne, Lydia 05 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Auswirkungen der Herz-Lungen-Maschine auf das Gewebe des Hippocampus in einem Ferkelmodell. Die Tiere untereilte man in 5 Gruppen: „Kontrolle“, „Kontrolle mit Minozyklin“, „HLM pulsatil“, „HLM nicht-pulsatil“, sowie „HLM nicht-pulsatil mit Minozyklin“. Es wurde untersucht, ob eine pulsatile Perfusion Schäden in den Zellen des Hippocampus gegenüber eines nicht-pulsatilen Blutflusses während der extrakorporalen Zirkulation abmildern kann. Des Weiteren überprüfte man neuroprotektive Effekte des Tetrazyklin-Derivates Minozyklin während eines kardiochirurgischen Eingriffes mit Herz-Lungen-Maschine. Während der Operation wurde bei allen Ferkeln eine Hypothermie von 28 °C durchgeführt und die HLM-Zeit betrug 90 Minuten. Die Rekonvaleszenzzeit umfasste 120 Minuten. Minozyklin verabreichte man in den entsprechenden Gruppen sowohl zu Beginn des Versuches (4 mg/kg KM) und nach Abkopplung von der Herz-Lungen-Maschine (2 mg/kg KM) intravenös. Hauptbestandteil der Arbeit waren histologische und immunhistochemische Färbemethoden zur Untersuchung des Hippocampus. Mithilfe eines Mikroskops wurden Veränderungen auf zellulärer Ebene im CA1- und CA3-Areal des Cornu ammonis im Hippocampus ausgewertet. Für die Ergebnisse betrachtet man die Pyramidenzellen des Stratum pyramidale. In der Hämatoxylin-Eosin-Färbung wurden Zellen mit den Eigenschaften „Ödem“, „Eosinophilie“ und „Pyknose“ für jedes Versuchstier gezählt. Mit den immunhistochemischen Färbungen sollten Faktoren für den programmierten Zelltod, für Hypoxie (HIF 1-alpha) und für oxidativen Stress (3-Nitrotyrosin) detektiert werden. Als Marker für Apoptose wählte man den Apoptose-induzierenden Faktor (AIF), cleaved Caspase 3 und Poly(ADP)Ribose (PAR).
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The effects of obesity and surgically-induced weight loss on exercise ventilation: influence of central adiposity and serum leptinHerrick, Jeffrey 14 July 2009 (has links)
Truncal adiposity impairs ventilation in obese adults by altering normal ventilatory mechanics. Leptin, an inflammatory adipocytokine, is elevated in obesity and has been shown to alter ventilatory responses to exercise. Leptin’s bioavailability appears to be regulated by its soluble receptor (LRe), which is reduced in obesity. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery (RYGBS) is a weight loss intervention that reduces total fat mass and improves several obesity related co-morbidities including pulmonary dysfunction. The purpose of this study was to first evaluate the differences between ventilatory responses to carbon dioxide (VE/VCO2 slope) during progressive treadmill walking in morbidly obese and normal weight females. Second, we will analyze the relationships between the VE/VCO2 slope, truncal adiposity, serum leptin, and LRe. Lastly, we want to evaluate the changes in the ventilatory responses to exercise (VE/VCO2 slope), truncal adiposity, serum leptin, and LRe 3 months following Roux-en Y gastric bypass surgery. Thirteen obese (OB 37.7 ±11.4 years, 42.0 ± 4.8 kg/m2) and 12 normal weight females (NW 36.1 ±8.0 years, 22.8 ± 1.2 kg/m2) participated in this study. Blood samples for measure of fasting serum leptin and soluble leptin receptor were obtained prior to exercise. Cardiopulmonary variables were measured throughout exercise. Regional adiposity was determined through dual energy x-ray absorptiometry. Truncal adiposity was significantly greater in the obese group than the normal weight group. Serum leptin was greater in the obese group while LRe was lower than the normal weight group. The VE/VCO2 slopes were lower in obese group when compared to the normal weight group. There were no significant group differences in maximal ventilation, tidal volume or respiratory rate. Stepwise regression determined that truncal adiposity accounted for 31.5% of variance in VE/VCO2 slope (R= 0.561, R2 =0.315, p = 0.004). At 3 months post-surgery we observed significant reductions in the obese group in total percentages of fat, truncal adiposity, serum leptin. The soluble leptin receptor was not changed at any measured time point following RYGBS. There were no changes in 3 months post-surgery VE/VCO2 slopes in the obese group. Truncal adiposity, serum leptin and LRe were associated with reduced ventilatory responses to weight bearing exercise (VE/VCO2 slope) in obese females when compared to normal weight females. There were no differences between obese and normal weight females in maximal minute ventilation, tidal volume or respiratory rate. This result suggests that differences in VE/VCO2 slopes may not be entirely from maximal pulmonary capacity. Rather, the differences in VE/VCO2 slope may be attributed to truncal adiposity and its positive relationship with leptin. Elevated leptin in the obese group may indicate a state of central leptin resistance which has been shown to reduce the ventilatory responses to exercise. At 3 months post RYGBS significant reductions in total percent fat, serum leptin, truncal adiposity and BMI were observed. However, despite improvement in fat mass and serum leptin there were no changes in the VE/VCO2 slope and LRe at 3 months post RYGBS. Therefore, it is possible that the improvements in body composition and leptin following RYGBS were not sufficient to increase ventilation responses to weight bearing exercise in obese females.
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The purpose of this study was to examine the experiences and perceptions of behavioral factors that contribute to successful weight loss in male bariatric patients. By analyzing participant experiences and perceptions, this study contributes to a better understanding of which factors are most important in the postoperative phase of gastric bypass in males owing to successful weight loss. Although there is a tremendous amount of quantitative research within the bariatric population, there is a significant gap within the qualitative literature as it relates to male outcomes. As such, by conducting interviews with 10 postoperative male gastric bypass patients, this study was able to further understand how and why these participants obtained successful weight loss. Furthermore, by identifying relevant categories and thematic responses from the participants, this study may serve future researchers in designing other qualitative studies that target best practices in males for successful weight loss outcomes. The findings of this study indicate that participants found greater weight loss success by following proper eating behaviors and engaging in physical activity whereas support group attendance was not found to be an important factor in successful weight loss. This study also revealed that follow up with the bariatric nurse coordinator was greatly viewed as a positive step in adjusting to lifestyle postsurgery. As such, this supportive role by the nurse coordinator may provide further impetus for the ways in which bariatric personnel interact with patients who might not always be able to see their surgeon for follow-up.
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Shortening cardioplegic arrest time in patients undergoing combined valvular and coronary surgery : a multicentre randomized controlled trial (the SCAT trial)Capoun, Radek January 2014 (has links)
Background: Combined valvular and coronary artery bypass grafting (CAB G) surgery requires a long period of cardioplegic arrest (CA) that predisposes the heart to ischaemiareperfusion injury, low cardiac output syndrome, reperfusion dysrhythmias, inhospital mortality and increased costs. Procedures that can reduce the duration of CA would be expected to reduce intraoperative and postoperative complications. Mehods: Adults undergoing combined valvular and CABG surgery were randomized to either coronary surgery performed on the beating heart with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) support followed by CA for the valvular procedure (hybrid group) or surgery with both procedures carried out under CA (conventional group). The primary outcome was a composite of in-hospital death, postoperative myocardial infarction, cardiac dysrhythmias, requirements for cardiac pacing for more than 12 hours and/or inotropic support for more than 12 hours postoperativeiy. Results: One hundred and sixty patients (80 hybrid, 80 conventional) were randomized between March 2008 and July 2012. Mean age was 66.5 years and 74% were male. Valvular procedures included aortic (61.8%) and mitral (33.1%) alone or in combination (5.l %). The primary outcome occurred in 64/80 of the conventional group patients and 67/80 of the hybrid group patients (odds ratio 1.24, 95% Cl 0.54 to 2.86, p=0.61). The CA time was, on average, 16% shorter in the hybrid group (median 98 minutes vs. 89 minutes, geometric mean ration (GMR) 0.84, 95% Cl 0.77 to 0.93 , p=0.0004), but the overall duration of CPB was on average 7% longer in the hybrid group (GMR 1.07, 95% Cl 0.98 to 1.16, p=0.12). Cardiac troponin T plasma concentrations and levels of metabolites measured in heart biopsies were similar between the two treatment groups. Conclusion: The hybrid technique reduced the CA time, but this did not result in a significant reduction in the frequency of the primary outcome. In this trial the clinical outcomes and the extent of the myocardial injury were similar between the two surgical methods.
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Système endocannabinoïde et pathologies métaboliques chez l’Homme / The endocannabinoid system and metabolic diseases in humansGatta-Chérifi, Blandine 31 May 2012 (has links)
Le système endocannabinoïde (SEC) est un système clé de la régulation de la balance énergétique. Les rares études réalisées chez l’Homme concluent à une augmentation des concentrations plasmatiques des endocannabinoïdes, anandamide (AEA) et 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), chez les sujets obèses ou diabétiques de type 2. Cependant plusieurs questions restent posées et cette thèse s’est spécifiquement intéressée : i) à l’existence d’une cinétique prandiale et au rôle des endocannabinoïdes circulants par rapport à la prise alimentaire, ii) aux effets d’une perte de poids obtenue par court-circuit gastrique sur ces concentrations et iii) aux liens physiopathologiques entre insulinorésistance et SEC. Enfin, nous avons tenté de développer un outil non invasif pour faciliter l’étude du SEC chez l’Homme. Dans la 1ère étude, nous avons mis en évidence pour la première fois une augmentation préprandiale de l’AEA indépendante du poids. Ceci suggère que l’AEA plasmatique pourrait jouer un rôle dans l’initiation de la prise alimentaire chez l’Homme. De façon intéressante, la réduction post prandiale de l’AEA est émoussée chez les sujets obèses insulinorésistants, ce qui peut créer un cercle vicieux vis à vis de l’obésité. Dans la 2ème étude, des résultats préliminaires montrent qu’une même perte de poids obtenue par court-circuit gastrique ou par règles hygiéno-diététiques modifie différemment les concentrations plasmatiques d’AEA qui tendent à augmenter après court-circuit gastrique alors qu’elles ne sont pas modifiées après règles hygiéno-diététiques. Ainsi, le court-circuit gastrique pourrait directement affecter le fonctionnement du SEC localisé au niveau du tractus gastro-intestinal. Dans la 3ème étude, 72 heures de régime hypoglucidique permettent de diminuer significativement la glycémie à jeun et la résistance à l’insuline de 8 sujets diabétiques de type 2, mais pas les concentrations plasmatiques d’endocannabinoïdes, qui ne sont par ailleurs pas modifiées chez ces sujets en fonction du statut nutritionnel. Enfin, nous avons pu déterminer les concentrations des endocannabinoïdes dans la salive humaine, qui sont plus élevées chez les sujets obèses par rapport aux normopondéraux, avec une diminution de l’AEA salivaire associée à la perte de poids, mais sans variation en fonction de la prise alimentaire. La salive pourrait donc constituer un outil non invasif pour l’étude du SEC chez l’Homme.Ainsi, notre travail confirme les liens entre SEC et pathologies métaboliques chez l’Homme. Nos résultats suggèrent en particulier un rôle physiologique de l’AEA dans la prise alimentaire ainsi que l’importance potentielle du SEC du tractus gastro-intestinal. Nous confirmons la dérégulation statique et dynamique du SEC dans la situation de diabète de type 2. Enfin nous développons un nouvel outil pour l’exploration du SEC chez l’Homme. Nos résultats sont importants car la meilleure connaissance des systèmes impliqués dans la régulation de la balance énergétique est nécessaire pour le développement de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques efficaces contre l’obésité et ses pathologies associées. / The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a key system for the regulation of energy balance. Only few studies have been so far carried out in humans but they all lead to conclude that obese subjects have higher plasma fasting levels of the 2 major endocannabinoids, anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG). However, many questions concerning the role of the ECS in the physiopathology of obesity in humans remain still unanswered. This thesis has therefore attempted to address some of these questions by investigating i) the changes of plasma endocannabinoids in response to food intake, ii) the effect of weight loss induced by gastric bypass or lifestyle intervention on these plasma levels and iii) the potential link between insulin resistance and circulating endocannabinoids. Lastly, we have also tested the possibility to develop a non-invasive tool to ease the investigation of the ECS in humans. In the 1st study, we have described for the first time the existence of a pre-prandial peak in plasma AEA, which is independent of body weight. This evidence suggests that circulating AEA levels might work as a meal initiator factor in humans. Importantly, the AEA postprandial decrease is blunted in obese insulin resistant subjects and might therefore favor the persistence of the obese phenotype. In our 2nd study, preliminary results suggest that the same body weight loss obtained through gastric-bypass or lifestyle intervention differently affects plasma AEA levels. In particular, while AEA tend to increase in subjects who have undergone gastric bypass, no changes are observed after a comparable weight loss induced by lifestyle intervention. Thus, a possibility is that the bypass might directly affect the function of the ECS localized within the gastrointestinal tract. In our 3rd study, which was carried out on 8 type 2 diabetic patients, we have shown that 72 hours of a low carbohydrate diet significantly decreases glycaemia and insulin resistance, without affecting the levels and the kinetic of circulating endocannabinoids. Lastly, we demonstrated that endocannabinoids are reliably measured in saliva. Salivary endocannabinoids are higher in obese as compared to normal weight subjects. Body weight loss significantly decreases salivary AEA, while the consumption of a meal does not influence salivary endocannabinoids levels. Altogether our studies confirm the association between ECS deregulation and metabolic disease in humans. In particular, we have demonstrated that plasma AEA might have a physiological role in the regulation of human feeding behavior, and have hinted the potential relevance of the gastro-intestinal ECS in our studies on gastric-bypass patients. We have also shown that in type 2 diabetes, there is a flattening of the kinetics of circulating endocannabinoids. Finally, we have shown that measurement of salivary endocannabinoids is reliable and might be of clinical value. These findings extend our knowledge on one of the systems majorly implicated in energy balance regulation. Such knowledge is a necessary step towards the development of novel therapeutic strategies needed to halt obesity and metabolic disease.
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Protection of the microcirculation during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass / Protection de la microcirculation pendant une chirurgie cardiaque sous circulation extra-corporelleKoning, Nick Julius 23 June 2017 (has links)
La chirurgie cardiaque sous circulation extra-corporelle conduit à une altération de la perfusion de la microcirculation, qui peut contribuer de façon importante à la dysfonction d’organe postopératoire. Cette thèse rassemble des études cliniques et animales, dont le but était d’investiguer les mécanismes expliquant la dysfonction microcirculatoire en chirurgie cardiaque sous circulation extra-corporelle. En outre nous avons eu pour but d’évaluer deux stratégies thérapeutiques pour la préservation de la perfusion microcirculatoire au cours de la circulation extracorporelle : l’utilisation d’un flux pulsé comparativement à un flux non pulsé conventionnel durant la circulation extra-corporelle, et le traitement par imatinib dans le but de réduire la fuite vasculaire en inhibant la dysfonction de la barrière endothéliale. La thèse actuelle a démontré que la perfusion microcirculatoire est altérée durant et après la chirurgie cardiaque, et que ceci peut être attribué principalement à la dysfonction inflammatoire de la barrière endothéliale et à la fuite vasculaire conséquente. L’hémodilution concomitante en chirurgie cardiaque sous circulation extra-corporelle peut s’ajouter et contribuer également à la réduction de la perfusion microcirculatoire et de l’oxygénation. Nous avons montré que l’utilisation d’un flux pulsé durant la circulation extracorporelle améliore la perfusion microcirculatoire en postopératoire comparativement à un flux non-pulsé. Le traitement par imatinib a réduit la dysfonction de la barrière endothéliale et la fuite vasculaire dans notre modèle de circulation extracorporelle sur le rat et a permis de préserver la perfusion microcirculatoire et l’oxygénation durant et après la circulation extra-corporelle. En outre, le traitement par imatinib a permis de diminuer les marqueurs de souffrance rénale, pulmonaire et digestive après circulation extra-corporelle. A partir de nos résultats, la réduction de la fuite vasculaire et l’utilisation d’un flux pulsé durant la circulation extra-corporelle sont des interventions prometteuses pour la prévention des complications postopératoires chez les patients à risque de défaillance d’organe au décours de la chirurgie cardiaque sous circulation extra-corporelle. / Cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass leads to impaired perfusion of the microcirculation, which may be an important contributor to postoperative organ dysfunction. This thesis combines clinical and animal studies that aimed to investigate the mechanisms underlying microcirculatory dysfunction in cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. Moreover, we aimed to evaluate two treatments strategies for preservation of microcirculatory perfusion during cardiopulmonary bypass : the use of pulsatile flow as compared to the conventional non pulsatile flow during cardiopulmonary bypass and treatment with imatinib in order to reduce vascular leakage by inhibiting endothelial barrier dysfunction.The current thesis has demonstrated that microcirculatory perfusion is impaired during and after cardiac surgery, and this can be attributed mainly to inflammatory endothelial barrier dysfunction and consequent vascular leakage. Concomitant hemodilution may additionally contribute to reduced microvascular perfusion and oxygenation in on-pumpcardiac surgery. We showed that the use of pulsatile flow during cardiopulmonary bypass improves postoperative microvascular perfusion as compared to non pulsatile flow. Imatinib treatment reduced endothelial barrier dysfunction and vascular leakage in our rat model for cardiopulmonary bypass and resulted in preservation of microcirculatory perfusion andoxygenation during and after extracorporeal circulation.Moreover, imatinib treatment resulted in reduced markers ofrenal, pulmonary and intestinal injury after cardiopulmonary bypass. Based on our findings, reduction of vascular leakage and use of pulsatile flow during cardiopulmonary bypass are promising interventions for the prevention of postoperative complications in patients at risk for organ failure following cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass.
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Experimental Analysis of Positive Displacement Compressors for Refrigerator Freezer and Air Conditioning ApplicationCai S Rohleder (6251672) 14 May 2019 (has links)
<div>Vapor compression cycles are the most common method used to provide cooling to environments. In the residential area, refrigerator/freezers as well as air conditioners/heat pumps almost exclusively use vapor compression cycles. The driving force behind a vapor compression cycle is the compressor, where a variety of compressor types are used in the same application. While reciprocating compressors are found in the majority of refrigerator/freezers, scroll compressors are predominantly used in residential air conditioners. Yet other compressors have emerged as replacements due to increased efficiency. A R134a oil-free prototype scroll compressor and a R134a reciprocating compressor are operated in a hot-gas bypass test stand under refrigerator/freezer conditions to compare performance. Additionally, a R407C scroll compressor and a R410A rotary compressor are operated in a compressor calorimeter under air conditioning/heat pump conditions to compare performance. Experimental results show that the reciprocating compressor far outperforms the prototype scroll compressor in the refrigerator/freezer application, while the performance between the scroll and rotary compressors are almost equal in the air conditioning application.</div><div>Pressure fluctuation at compressor discharge is also measured in the compressor calorimeter to determine feasibility of applying a novel muffling design to air conditioning compressors, although it was found that traditional muffling methods currently used are effective to a degree such that this new method is unwarranted. Data from the compressor calorimeter is also used to investigate the accuracy of the AHRI 540 10-Coefficient Correlation compressor map in predicting performance both inside and outside the tested operating conditions. The AHRI 10-Coefficient Correlation achieves high accuracy inside tested operating conditions but is inept in extrapolating performance, where other map correlations are more accurate.</div>
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Avaliação de alterações ocasionadas pela circulação extracorpórea em cães: estudo clínico, laboratorial e anátomo-histopatológico do coração e pulmões / Evaluation of alterations promoted by cardiopulmonary bypass in dogs: clinical, laboratorial and anatomic-histhopathological study of the heart and lungsFreitas, Rodrigo Ramos de 09 December 2004 (has links)
A circulação extracorpórea (CEC) é atualmente técnica amplamente utilizada na rotina da cirurgia cardíaca humana. Entretanto, na medicina veterinária, ainda não é utilizada rotineiramente devido a alta mortalidade que ocasiona. O presente experimento utilizou cinco cães machos, SRD, em condições satisfatórias para a realização de pesquisa médica. Esses animais foram submetidos a toracotomia intercostal direita convencional e realizadas as mensurações e coletas padrão pertinentes do experimento (M0). Após isso, os animais foram conectados a máquina de circulação extracorpórea, onde permaneceram por um período de duas horas (M1), sendo então desconectados da mesma, permanecendo por uma hora em processo de reperfusão pós CEC (M2) para após sofrer eutanásia. Foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: paO2 e pvO2 (oxigenação), paCO2 e pvCO2 (ventilação), pH e HCO3 (equilíbrio ácido-básico), Na, K e Ca ionizado (eletrólitos séricos), freqüência cardíaca, freqüência respiratória, temperatura retal, pressão arterial média, contagem de plaquetas, proteínas totais, glicose sérica, hematócrito, contagem de hemácias, avaliação anátomo-histopatológica do coração e pulmões. Foram observadas alterações significativas na oxigenação, ventilação, equilíbrio ácido-básico, eletrólito sérico potássio, freqüência cardíaca, temperatura retal, contagem de plaquetas, proteínas totais, glicose sérica, hematócrito, contagem de hemácias e no exame histológico do coração e pulmões. Fundamentado nos resultados verificados, concluiu-se que a circulação extracorpórea por duas horas com reperfusão durante 1 hora determina, em cães, alterações clínicas, modificações de parâmetros sanguíneos e induz processos patológicos no coração e pulmões / Actually cardiopulmonary bypass is frequently used in human cardiac surgery routine. However, in veterinary medicine, that does not happened because the high mortality produced. The present study was performed in five males mongrel dogs, in good health conditions for experimental purposes. These animals were submitted to a convencional right intercostal thoracotomy and it was collected the data and materials that concerns to the experiment (M0). Then the animals were connected to the cardiopulmonary bypass machine for a period of two hours (M1), disconnected of the machine and kept alive for a one hour period of reperfusion (M2) before the euthanasia. It was evaluated the paO2 e pvO2 (oxigenation), paCO2 e pvCO2 (ventilation), pH e HCO3 (acid-basic balance), Na, K e ionized Ca (serum electrolites), heart beats, respiratory movements, temperature, mean arterial pressure, platelets number, total protein dosage, serum glucose, hematocrit, red cells number, anatomic-histopathological evaluation of heart and lungs. It was observed significant alterations on the oxigenation, ventilation, acid-basic balance, potassium, heart beats, temperature, platelets number, total protein dosage, serum glucose, hematocrit, red cells number and at the anatomic-histhopathological exam of the heart and lungs. Evaluating the results, it was concluded that the cardiopulmonary bypass in dogs for two hours and a reperfusion period of one hour produced clinical alterations, blood parameters modifications and pathological process in the heart and lungs
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Avaliação do estado nutricional relativo ao zinco de pacientes submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica (gastroplastia com derivação em Y de Roux) / Assessment of zinc nutritional status of the patients undergoing to bariatric surgery (Roux-en-Y gastric bypass)Cominetti, Cristiane 16 February 2006 (has links)
A prevalência da obesidade está aumentando de forma alarmante em todo o mundo. A obesidade mórbida está entre as doenças que mais matam e o índice de mortalidade entre homens obesos mórbidos de 25 a 40 anos é doze vezes maior em relação a indivíduos com peso normal. Da mesma forma que aumenta o número de obesos, também está havendo um aumento na realização de cirurgias para redução de peso. Além disso, alguns estudos mostram que o estado nutricional relativo ao zinco em indivíduos obesos e diabéticos é alterado. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da gastroplastia com derivação em Y de Roux sobre o estado nutricional relativo ao zinco de obesos mórbidos. Participaram do estudo pacientes submetidos ao procedimento cirúrgico, perfazendo um total de 24 (vinte e quatro) indivíduos na primeira fase e 22 (vinte e dois) na segunda fase da pesquisa. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue, urina de 24 horas e registros alimentares de três dias (sendo um dia de final de semana) tanto no pré-operatório (T0) quanto aproximadamente dois meses após a cirurgia (T1) - período no qual os pacientes não receberam suplementação de minerais. As amostras biológicas foram analisadas por meio de um espectrofotômetro de absorção atômica de chama e o consumo alimentar de zinco foi analisado por meio do software Virtual Nutri versão 6.0 (FSP/USP). Os resultados no T0 e T1 foram respectivamente: zinco plasmático: 68 e 66,3 µg/dL; zinco eritrocitário: 36,6 e 43,8 µg/gHb; excreção urinária: 884,7 e 385,9 µg/24h e consumo alimentar de zinco: 10,5 e 6,7 mg/dia. Analisando os resultados, pode-se concluir que, num primeiro momento, a distribuição corporal do zinco melhorou, com redução na excreção urinária e aumento nas concentrações eritrocitárias. Entretanto, percebe-se também que o consumo alimentar de zinco apresentou uma redução significativa, o que em longo prazo, pode acarretar maiores problemas aos pacientes caso estes não recebam suplementação adequada. / The prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide. Morbid obesity is a life threatening disease and the mortality index between morbid obese men aged 25 - 40 years is twelve - fold higher in relation to normal body weight subjects. Currently, the employment of surgery for weight reduction has also risen. Furthermore, previous research has shown that the nutritional zinc status in obese and diabetics subjects is altered. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the influence of the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass on the zinc nutritional status of the morbid obese patients. Twenty four morbid obese individuals were studied before and 22 (twenty two) patients were studied two months after this surgical procedure, the period in which the patients were still not ingesting mineral supplements. Fast blood sample and three days food records were collected in the pre and post - operative phases. The zinc concentration in the sample was analyzed by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry and dietary analysis of the food records performed using the software Virtual Nutri with the inclusion of zinc concentration in the database for regional foods (School of Public Health - USP - Brazil). The results on the pre and post - operative were respectively, plasma: 68 and 66,3 µg/dL; erythrocytes: 36,6 and 43,8 µg/gHb, urine: 884,7 µg/24h and 385,9 µg/24h and zinc intake: 10,5 e 6,7 mg/day. These results suggest that the surgical procedure changed mainly the zinc erythrocyte concentrations and zinc urinary excretion and, as expected, the zinc intake was lower in the post - operative state, which in the medium and long term, could cause problems for the patients.
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