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Irreguljära terrororganisationers förmåga till särskilda operationer : En teorikonsumerande fallstudie på talibanernas anfall mot Camp Bastion i Helmand 2012Henriksson, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
During years of insurgency in Afghanistan the Taliban has not been defeated. They have however adapted into a more sophisticated organization than in the beginning of the insurgency. Rather than identifying them as a simple terror organization this study aims to analyze the Taliban ability to utilize sophisticated tactics and conduct special operations. By using William H. McRavens theory on relative superiority, this studies purpose is to investigate whether the 2012 attack on Helmand’s Camp Bastion can be compared to special operation or not. The study will be conducted as a case study analyzing the reports made by both U.S and British armed forces following the attack. This study concludes that the Taliban attack on Camp Bastion can be comparable to a successful special operation in almost every way according to the theory of relative superiority by McRaven. The study shows that the operation is only lacking parts of the principles simplicity and repetition.
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I Never Saw Another Butterfly: A Composition for SATB Choir and Chamber OrchestraSchneider, Gregory Alan 08 1900 (has links)
...I never saw another butterfly... is a twelve movement chamber work scored for SATB choir, narrator, percussion I [vibraphone, and tomtoms (4)], percussion II [timpani (4), tam-tam, snare drum, and bass drum], guitar, violins I and II, viola, and cello and is based on the book of the same name. It contains a variety of compositional techniques, forms and genres.
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"Matter out of place" : Humanitarianism and the construction of national identities: the cases of Palestinian and Sahrawi refugeesALVAREZ, LETICIA January 2021 (has links)
This thesis examines the tension between humanitarianism and nationalism byfocusing on the Sahrawi and Palestinian refugee cases. These cases represent a challengeto both nationalism, which presupposes national identity as being congruent with theestablished political borders and rooted within their limits, and the claim of neutrality, asnot favoring any side in an armed conflict or dispute and bearing no national allegiance.Firstly, Palestinians and Sahrawis, while claiming a nation without land, have created anational identity in up-rootedness, and express political fights that are nurtured by thevery humanitarianism. Secondly, the refugee camp, as a humanitarian product, has beenaccused of depoliticizing and reducing life to mere survival, and I will explore how it hasparadoxically become a hyper-politicized space providing the grounds for nationalidentities and national claims to develop. For Palestinians and Sahrawis, I will argue,humanitarian interventions are in fact the very reason for politicized identities to arise.
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School Persistence and Dropout Amidst Displacement: The Experiences of Children and Youth in Kakuma Refugee CampCha, Jihae January 2021 (has links)
Due to the protracted nature of forced displacement, a majority of refugees spend their entire academic cycles in exile (Milner & Loescher, 2011). While some successfully navigate their educational trajectories, others are unable to complete basic education. Despite the important role education plays in emergency, displacement, and resettlement, refugee education remains under-researched. There is a dearth of research that has investigated what factor(s) at individual, family, and school levels contribute to children and youth’s school persistence and dropout amidst displacement. This study aimed to fill this substantial gap in the literature by taking a balanced, comprehensive approach to investigate the experiences of children and youth in Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya.
Using a sequential mixed-methods design, this study examined the different factors that influenced the schooling of children and youth in Kakuma Refugee Camp. This study found that family poverty, inability to afford school uniforms and supplies, school uniform policy, living without parents/guardians, and family responsibilities were some of the major reasons that contributed to school dropout. By contrast, different types of support—financial, emotional, or academic—received from family members, teachers, and peers mainly influenced students’ persistence, despite persistent barriers in schooling. This study finds that ensuring educational access and persistence was not the role of a single stakeholder in education—i.e., a family member (parent), a head teacher, a teacher, or a student. Instead, different actors in children and youth’s sociocultural environments could play a role in influencing their decisions to (dis)continue education. The findings from this study not only contribute to expanding the knowledge base of education in emergencies, but they also support educators and practitioners who are providing and improving education for displaced populations, as well as policymakers within the Ministry of Education working to strengthen education systems and to foster access to quality education. My research findings may also prove meaningful in understanding the school persistence of school-aged children and youth in other refugee-hosting countries around the world, including the United States, and other mobile and marginalized populations in non-conflict settings.
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cAMP and in Vitro Inotropic Actions of Secretin and VIP in Rat Papillary MuscleRice, Peter J., Lindsay, Gregory W., Bogan, Catrina R., Hancock, John C. 01 May 1999 (has links)
Secretin and VIP stimulate cardiac adenylyl cyclase activity and exert a positive inotropic action in several mammalian species. This study examined positive inotropic activity and cAMP levels in rat papillary muscle. Isoproterenol and secretin increased contractions by 150 ± 31% and 129 ± 27%, respectively. VIP increased contraction by 30 ± 21% only at 10 μM. Isoproterenol significantly increased cAMP levels by 82%, whereas increases by secretin (58%) and VIP (56%) were not significant. These results are consistent with reports that secretin and VIP stimulate cardiac adenylyl cyclase in the rat, but suggest that cAMP tissue levels cannot totally explain the positive inotropic responses to secretin and VIP.
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Invited Review: Diversity of Endotoxin and Its Impact on PathogenesisTrent, M., Stead, Christopher M., Tran, An X., Hankins, Jessica V. 01 August 2006 (has links)
Lipopolysaccharide or LPS is localized to the outer leaflet of the outer membrane and serves as the major surface component of the bacterial cell envelope. This remarkable glycolipid is essential for virtually all Gram-negative organisms and represents one of the conserved microbial structures responsible for activation of the innate immune system. For these reasons, the structure, function, and biosynthesis of LPS has been an area of intense research. The LPS of a number of bacteria is composed of three distinct regions - lipid A, a short core oligosaccharide, and the O-antigen polysaccharide. The lipid A domain, also known as endotoxin, anchors the molecule in the outer membrane and is the bioactive component recognized by TLR4 during human infection. Overall, the biochemical synthesis of lipid A is a highly conserved process; however, investigation of the lipid A structures of various organisms shows an impressive amount of diversity. These differences can be attributed to the action of latent enzymes that modify the canonical lipid A molecule. Variation of the lipid A domain of LPS serves as one strategy utilized by Gram-negative bacteria to promote survival by providing resistance to components of the innate immune system and helping to evade recognition by TLR4. This review summarizes the biochemical machinery required for the production of diverse lipid A structures of human pathogens and how structural modification of endotoxin impacts pathogenesis.
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Entwicklung von Systemen zur quantitativen Messung der intrazellulären cAMP-Konzentration und der in vivo Aktivität der Adenylatzyklase CyaA in einer isogenen Stammreihe von Escherichia coli K-12Siepelmeyer, Jörg 25 July 2003 (has links)
Die Regulation des Kohlenstoffkatabolismus erfolgt in Escherichia coli wesentlich über den Einfluss der intrazellulären cAMP-Konzentration auf die Expression der Gene des crpA-Modulon. cAMP wird durch die Adenylatzyklase CyaA synthetisiert, die wiederum durch phosphoryliertes IIACrr aktiviert wird. Im Rahmen eines Stoffwechselmodellierungsprojektes sollten durch die Entwicklung von Systemen zur quantitativen Messung der intrazellulären cAMP-Konzentration und des Phosphorylierungszustands von IIACrr zwei entscheidende Parameter dieses Regulationsnetzwerkes untersucht werden. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein System zur reproduzierbaren, direkten Messung der intrazellulären cAMP-Konzentration in E. coli etabliert. Zur in vivo Bestimmung der intrazellulären cAMP-Konzentration wurden zwei verschiedene durch cAMP·CrpA regulierte Promotoren mit den Reportergenen für ß-Galaktosidase oder Aequorin (grün fluoreszierendes Protein) fusioniert und in drei verschiedenen Messkonstrukten untersucht. Die Zugabe von Pyruvat zu gehungerten Zellen führte zu einer Desphosphorylierung von IIACrr. Der so direkt gezeigte Einfluss des PEP/Pyruvat Verhältnisses auf das Phosphorylierungsgleichgewicht von IIACrr zeigt einen Mechanismus, über den PTS-unabhängige Substrate den Phosphorylierungszustand von IIACrr verändern und somit die Aktivität der Adenylatzyklase beeinflussen können. Bei der Untersuchung zur zellulären Lokalisation der Adenylatzyklase in E. coli mit Hilfe einer CyaA-Aequorin-Fusion wurde nach Überexpression des Fusionsproteins eine lokale Anhäufung der Fluoreszenz an den Zellpolen beobachtet. Da bei geringerer Expression der Fusion kein Fluoreszenzsignal mehr erfasst werden konnte, war eine endgültige Lokalisierung der Adenylatzklase mit dieser Methode nicht möglich.
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Thérapie génique de l'insuffisance cardiaque par les phosphodiestérases / Gene therapy of heart failure with phosphodiesterasesBourcier, Aurélia 24 October 2019 (has links)
Une stimulation β-adrénergique (β-AR) aigue, par exemple au cours d’un exercice physique, accroît le second messager AMPc dans les cardiomyocytes aboutissant à une cascade d’évènements permettant d’augmenter la fonction cardiaque. Une élévation chronique des taux de catécholamines est délétère puisqu’elle participe au remodelage pathologique du cœur et à la progression vers l’insuffisance cardiaque (IC). L'IC correspond à l'incapacité du cœur à répondre aux besoins hémodynamiques de l'organisme. Si la majorité des patients meurt de défaillance cardiaque, une part importante décède d'arythmies.Les phosphodiestérases (PDEs) sont des enzymes essentielles puisqu’elles permettent non seulement la terminaison des signaux AMPc en dégradant ce nucléotide cyclique en 5’AMP inactif mais aussi l’organisation spatiale de ces signaux dans des compartiments subcellulaires spécifiques. L'IC s'accompagne de profonds remaniements de la voie β-AR et l'expression des PDEs est modifiée en conditions pathologiques, perturbant ainsi la compartimentation intracellulaire de l’AMPc. Il a été notamment démontré que l’expression d’une isoforme de PDE particulière, la PDE4B, diminue dans l'hypertrophie cardiaque et que l’invalidation du gène codant pour celle-ci favorise les arythmies ventriculaires chez la souris lors d’une stimulation β-AR. À l’inverse, l'expression d'une autre enzyme, la PDE2A, est augmentée dans l’IC, chez l’homme et différents modèles animaux. Ceci constituerait un mécanisme de défense lors d'un stress cardiaque puisqu’il a été montré que sa surexpression atténue l’hypertrophie induite par la noradrénaline ou la phényléphrine et limite les arythmies chez la souris.L’objectif de mon travail était de tester l’hypothèse qu’une augmentation de l’activité des PDEs pourrait constituer une alternative aux traitements classiques de l’IC, pour limiter le remodelage hypertrophique, la progression vers l’IC et les arythmies associées. Pour cela, j’ai réalisé une thérapie génique dans des modèles murins d'IC grâce à des virus adéno-associé de type 9 (AAV9) codant pour la PDE4B ou la PDE2A. Mes résultats suggèrent que cette approche pourrait constituer une nouvelle stratégie thérapeutique prometteuse de l'IC en limitant le dysfonctionnement cardiaque, l’hypertrophie du ventricule gauche, et la survenue des arythmies ventriculaires mais seulement lorsque la PDE2A est surexprimée. / Acute stimulation of β-adrenergic receptors (β-ARs), for example during physical activity, leads to the synthesis of the second messenger cAMP in cardiomyocytes, which triggers a cascade of events leading to the increase of cardiac function. While acute β-AR stimulation is beneficial to the heart, chronic β-AR activation is detrimental because it promotes cardiac remodeling and ultimately leads to heart failure (HF). HF is defined by the heart's inability to overcome hemodynamic needs of the body. While the majority of patients die of worsening heart function, a significant proportion dies suddenly of cardiac arrhythmias.Phosphodiesterases (PDEs) are crucial enzymes since they allow not only to terminate cAMP signals by degrading this second messenger into inactive 5’AMP but permit their spatial organization in subcellular compartments. HF is accompanied by profound rearrangements of the β-AR pathway and the expression of PDEs is modified under pathological conditions, thus disrupting cAMP intracellular compartmentation. The expression of one of these enzymes, PDE4B, is decreased in cardiac hypertrophy and the invalidation of the gene encoding PDE4B promotes ventricular arrhythmias under β-AR stimulation in mice. Conversely, the expression of another enzyme, PDE2A, is up-regulated in human and animal models of HF which may constitute an important defense mechanism during cardiac stress since its overexpression attenuates hypertrophy induced by norepinephrine or phenylephrine and limits cardiac arrhythmias.The purpose of my work was to test the hypothesis that an increase of PDE activity could constitute an alternative to conventional HF treatments to limit cardiac remodeling, HF progression and associated arrhythmias. To do so, I performed a cardiac gene therapy in mouse models of HF using serotype 9 adeno-associated viruses (AAV9) encoding for PDE4B or PDE2A. My results suggest that this approach may be a promising new therapeutic strategy during HF by limiting cardiac dysfunction, left ventricular hypertrophy, and could protect ventricular arrhythmias only when PDE2A is overexpressed.
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Inclusion and Attitudes of Adolescents in a Camp SettingMusher, Deborah 01 January 2016 (has links)
Despite increased inclusion of individuals with special needs in educational and leisure settings, people with disabilities continue to experience social isolation. Research indicates that negative attitudes play an important role in contributing to this marginalization. This study examined the impact of an inclusion program at a residential summer camp on the attitudes of its typical participants. Participants in the treatment group (n = 30) experienced contact with peers with disabilities through structured, intentional programming while participants in the control group (n = 77) experienced less formal inclusive encounters. The Chedoke-McMaster Attitudes toward Children with Handicaps (CATCH) scale was administered to the treatment and control groups at the beginning and end of the summer session. Research questions were designed to examine the impact of consistent and formal contact through inclusion on the attitudes of participants in the treatment group and to explore whether or not there was a differential impact of different types of contact on attitudes of typically developing children. Results from 1-time repeated measures ANOVA indicated that attitudes of participants in the treatment group did not change significantly during the session but that attitudes among the treatment group did improve significantly more than did the attitudes among the control group, F(1, 105) = 11, p = .001. Influenced by these results, program directors in educational and leisure settings might prioritize creating formal opportunities for contact between people with and without special needs, thereby decreasing social marginalization, increasing genuine integration, and promoting positive social change.
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The Influence of Innate Behavioral Predispositions on Conflict Stakeholder Interactions in Mediation: The Camp David Accords of 1978Merson, Stephen D. 01 January 2017 (has links)
This constructivist grounded theory study will explore the possibility that early socio-cultural experience in concert with innate cognitive mechanisms are essential components of a dual process of decision-making. Each element may influence conflict actors toward predictable predispositional behaviors manifest as bias. Specifically, we are concerned that these biases will influence the perceived and actual neutrality of the principle mediator thus compromising a mediation success. The presence of these predispositions in both mediators and conflict stakeholder challenges the validity of the conclusions in other research that does not consider the true impact of cultural dissonance on more than a superficial insinuation of social facts. This will be accomplished through interrogating data yielded through content analysis of the actors’ use of language both spoken and written utilizing the techniques used in grounded theory studies.
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