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Interaction Patterns in the CampgroundRockwood, Dennis Lee 01 March 1974 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to examine interaction patterns in various campground settings and to elaborate on camping literature which has suggested that the campground is a social event with high rates of interaction. In exploring this phenomenon, this report utilized observational techniques to document the temporal, spatial, familiarity, numerical, and behavioral dimensions of the observed interactions.
The data suggested that young adults and middle-aged persons were observed to be involved in, and initiated the highest proportions of, interactions. In general, males displayed far greater proportions of initiations than females. The highly developed campground exhibited higher proportions and rates of social interaction than the less developed campground; but the overall sociability of the campground was blunted by the tremendous extent of “no interaction” in both types of campgrounds. Besides the differences in population size and density of the two campground types, the non-demographic properties of the campground were also shown to be an influencing factor in interaction behavior. The major finding of this report was that regardless of the type of campground, having and not having previously existing acquaintances within the campground played a prominent role in influencing the patterns of interaction. The total interaction proportion was much higher for units with previously existing acquaintances than for units without previously existing acquaintances in the campground. The report also demonstrated that social interactions were predominantly between units who knew each other from outside the campground.
The data also suggested that while population size and density, and the ecological field of a setting, played roles in influencing interaction patterns, it was the familiarity dimension that yielded the most fruitful insights and played one of the more prominent role s in influencing campground interactions.
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Representación del camp talk en el doblaje al español latinoamericano de dos películas LGTB+ de los años 90: The Birdcage y To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar / Representation of camp talk in the Latin American Dubbed version of two 1990s LGTB+ films: The Birdcage and To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie NewmarArbañil Marquez, Anggela del Carmen, Rodríguez Aguayo, Daniela Andrea 11 August 2021 (has links)
El camp talk es una forma de expresión construida mediante el habla que forma parte de la representación de la identidad de la comunidad LGTB+. Esta forma de expresión se ha visto representada en diversas producciones tanto cinematográficas como en novelas u obras de teatro, por lo que se han traducido del inglés a otros idiomas. Si bien existen investigaciones sobre la traducción del camp talk, estos estudios son limitados, sobre todo en el contexto de los años 90. En esta década, recién se construían equivalentes en español para el vocabulario utilizado por la comunidad LGTB+ a través de las primeras traducciones de productos de consumo masivo como películas o series. Se considera la traducción del camp talk como un problema ya que, para mantener la identidad de la comunidad en cuestión, el texto meta debe cumplir con la función comunicativa del texto fuente y considerar los equivalentes del vocabulario empleado por la comunidad LGTB+. Por esta ra, la presente investigación se centra en dos películas LGTB+ de los años 90, The Birdcage y To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar, con la finalidad de analizar la función del camp talk y las técnicas utilizadas para su traducción. Para obtener los resultados, se utilizarán dos técnicas: el análisis de contenido para analizar las funciones del camp talk en la versión original en inglés, y el análisis textual contrastivo para analizar la traducción al español latinoamericano del camp talk e identificar las técnicas de traducción utilizadas. / Camp talk is a form of expression constructed through speech, and this represents the identity of a community, as is the case of the identity of the LGTB+ community. This form of expression has been represented in several film productions, as well as in novels and theatre plays, and has been translated from English into other languages. Although there is research about camp talk translation, these studies are limited, especially those in the 90s. At that decade, spanish equivalents for the vocabulary used by the LGTB+ community were just being constructed through the first translations of mass consumer products such as movies or series. The translation of camp talk is considered a problem since, in order to maintain the identity of the LGTB+ community, the target text must fulfill the communicative function of the source text and consider the equivalents of the vocabulary used by the LGTB+ community. Therefore, the present research focuses on two LGTB+ films from the 90s, The Birdcage and To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar, to analyze the function of camp talk and the techniques used for its translation. To obtain the results, two techniques will be used: content analysis, to analyze the functions of camp talk in the original English version and contrastive textual analysis to analyze the Latin American Spanish translation of camp talk and to identify the translation techniques used. / Trabajo de investigación
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Enhanced Chondrogenesis of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells From Patients With Neonatal-Onset Multisystem Inflammatory Disease Occurs via the Caspase 1-Independent cAMP/Protein Kinase A/CREB Pathway / 新生児期発症多臓器性炎症性疾患患者由来人工多能性幹細胞における軟骨過形成は caspase-1非依存的であり、 cAMP/PKA/CREB系に依存するYokoyama, Koji 23 May 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(医学) / 乙第13113号 / 論医博第2131号 / 新制||医||1022(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 妻木 範行, 教授 安達 泰治, 教授 開 祐司 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Winkilab: Light and Migration: a communication tool in emergency situationsIsaac Membrila, Ana Karen January 2022 (has links)
This thesis explores the topic of light and migration and what actions through light can be done to improve the life quality of the inhabitants of temporary shelters/refugee camps. In this ambiance where there is the feeling of pain, destruction, unsafety, uncertainty and limited access to basic needs, only relying on the support of institutions. A wide range of needs need to be covered, however this thesis proposes to aid the migrants’ when they reach a refugee camp by the creation of Winkilab, a light post that becomes a universal communication tool and function simultaneously as light therapy to have a positive impact on the migrant’s emotions.
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Living in the container : Space and relationships inside Lipa Temporary Reception CenterBellini, Francesca January 2023 (has links)
The Lipa Temporary Reception Centre is a transit camp, located in the North-West part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, for only single men who cross the Balkan Route to enter the European Union territory through the Croatian border. This thesis aims to describe the life inside the camp, combining an analysis of Lipa architecture with the experiences of the people who transited through there. A focus on space and relationships will then drive this thesis, reflecting on how the transit camp features and stylistic decisions affected people's experiences: discussing how places and individuals mutually influenced each other in such a context. More specifically, it will highlight the broad political implications that led to the opening of migrant reception centres like Lipa and discuss their hypothetical temporary nature, studying the roles played by European Union Institutions and non-governmental organizations within the field. This research is the outcome of ethnographic fieldwork conducted inside the Lipa Temporary Reception Centre from November 8th until December 19th and from the investigation of the existing literature regarding the design of camps and the Balkan Route.
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Konsekvenser av utposters placering i Afghanistan på lägre förbandsnivåRoos, Anton January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to highlight the consequences on outposts in Afghanistan in the context of COIN and ISAF during 2003-2012. Previous research in this area is more oriented towards the perspective of COIN at the strategic and operational level and not at the tactical and local level. For example, previous research has written about how important military presence and adaptation are, but not what consequences the company that is deployed to an area and conducts the COIN operation receives. The study was designed with Kilcullen’s theory about COIN and his 28 articles as a basis, and the study was conducted with in-depth interviews as the main empirical material, with officers who served in the Swedish Armed Forces, and the British Army during 2005-2012 in Afghanistan. The study finds that one consequence at one of the outposts was from the terrain, which was that the local infrastructure couldn’t support heavy military vehicles that came to the outpost, which resulted in the roads and irrigation ditches being destroyed by the vehicles' weight. The study also found interesting patterns amongst the informants that had the same consequences, which was that the roads leading towards the outposts were often very few, which led to a predictability for the enemy to use against the units stationed at the outpost. Another interesting find in this study is that there was a difference in how open each outpost was. For example, the British Army’s outposts were more open to civilians than the Swedish outposts, although the British Army had more fighting in their area than their Swedish counterpart.
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Aktivace pionýrských tábořišť / Activation of Pioneer CampsKilianová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis has an ambition to offer an access to solve society questions that do not tackle only architectural problems but the deeper ones - educational, existential. By using a network of disintegrated former pioneer basecamps and its activation and integration into society I create edcuational system which takes into account social development.
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No description available.
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The Impact of a Residential Summer Camp on Attitudes and Behaviors Associated with Diabetes Self-Management in Children and AdolescentsDrewes, Sarah G. January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Death at Elmira: George W. Jernigan, William Hoffman, and the Union Prison System.Jernigan, Thomas Watson 07 May 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis examines the interaction between the Union Prison System led by William Hoffman and the Confederate prisoners-of-war, specifically those held at Elmira, New York. By focusing on Hoffman's actions and decisions in the last year of the war, the Confederate death toll can be better understood.
The treatise relies heavily on The War Of The Rebellion: A Compilation Of The Official Records Of The Union And Confederate Armies. Two studies were indispensable for this study: Hesseltine's Civil War Prisons: A Study In War Psychology, and Leslie's Hunter's Ph.D. Disseration, Warden For The Union: William Hoffman (1807-1884).
The conclusions of my research are: (A) William Hoffman developed a change in actions in 1864, and (B) these actions continued in the last year of the war. As a result of his actions and other factors, Elmira had the highest percentage of death of any Union prison camp. Hoffman's actions led to a higher death rate of Confederate prisoners than has been previously recognized.
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