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Архитектура детских лагерей в России с XIX вв. по настоящее время и разработка концепции детского круглогодичного досугового лагеря на 90 мест на о. Песчаное : магистерская диссертация / Architecture of children's camps in Russia from the XIX century to the present times and the development of the concept of a year-round children's leisure camp for 90 places on the island of PeschanoeГорбацкая, К. С., Gorbatskaya, K. S. January 2024 (has links)
The main text consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, and a list of references, including 56 titles. The work contains 3 diagrams, 31 images and 29 tables. The introduction provides the rationale for the content of the dissertation, its relevance, the degree of elaboration of the topic, the goals and objectives of the study, the object and subject of the study, theoretical and practical significance, methodology, and approbation of the results. The main part presents a study of the history of the emergence and analysis of spatial planning solutions of modern camps, an analytical study of the applied design solutions of children's health, educational and leisure centers. The classification and typology of the architecture of children's camps are analyzed and the features of compositional schemes are considered. As a result, the development of architectural solutions for a children's leisure camp with a stable and accessible environment is proposed. / Выпускная квалификационная работа изложена на 138 странице. Основной текста, состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, списка литературы, включающего 56 наименования. В работе приведено 3 схемы, 31 изображение и 29 таблиц. Во введении приведено обоснование содержания диссертации, ее актуальность, степень разработанности темы, цели и задачи исследования, объект и предмет исследования, теоретическая и практическая значимость, методология, апробация результатов. В основной части представлено исследование история возникновения и анализ объемно-планировочных решений современный лагерей, аналитическое исследование применяемых проектных решений детских оздоровительных, образовательных и досуговых центров. Разобрана классификация и типология архитектуры детских лагерей и рассмотрены особенности композиционных схем. В результате предложена разработка архитектурных решений детского досугового лагеря с устойчивой и доступной средой.
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Epac-mediated modulation of neurotransmitter release from cultured hippocampal neurons / Epac-vermittelte Modulation der Neurotransmitterfreisetzung bei neuronalen Zellkulturen des HippocampusGekel, Isabella 07 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Einfluss der Herzinsuffizienz auf Membranstrukturen und lokale cAMP-Dynamiken der SERCA2a-Mikrodomäne / Effects of heart failure on membrane structures and local cAMP dynamics of the SERCA2a microdomainHofmann, Sandra 05 July 2016 (has links)
Die Herzinsuffizienz ist trotz zahlreicher Therapiemöglichkeiten immer noch eine der häufigsten chronischen Erkrankung und Todesursachen in westlichen Industrienationen. Eine zentrale Rolle in der Regulation der effizienten Herzkontraktion nimmt die zyklisches Adenosin-3’,5’-monophophat(cAMP)-Signalkaskade ein, wobei Veränderungen in der Kompartimentierung des sekundären Botenstoffes bisher nicht vollständig verstanden sind. Ziel dieser Studie war es deshalb Regulationsmechanismen des lokalen cAMP-Pools der Mikrodomäne der ATP-abhängigen Calciumpumpe 2a des sarkoplasmatischen und endoplasmatischen Retikulums (SERCA2a) in kardialen Mausmyozyten unter den pathologischen Rahmenbedingungen der Herzinsuffizienz zu untersuchen. Hierfür wurde ein post-Myokardinfarkt Mausmodell an einer transgene Mauslinie verwendet, die einen cAMP-abhängigen auf Förster-Resonanz-Energietransfer(FRET)-basierenden Biosensor, lokalisiert in der SERCA2a-Mikrodomäne, in vivo exprimiert. Mit Hilfe von Echtzeit-FRET-Messungen an frisch isolierten, lebenden Kardiomyozyten wurden die Beiträge der am Herzen relevanten Phosphodiesterase(PDE)-Familien zur Begrenzung des lokalen cAMP-Pools in der SERCA2a-Domäne 12 Wochen nach Myokardinfarkt gemessen und mit einer Kontrollgruppe (Sham) verglichen. Hierbei zeigte sich, dass in der Mikrodomäne sowohl unter Ruhebedingungen, als auch nach β-adrenerger Vorstimulation, eine signifikante Aktivitätsminderung der PDE4, verglichen mit der Sham-Gruppe, nachweisbar ist. Da dies mit Veränderungen im lokalen cAMP-Pool der die SERCA2a reguliert einhergeht, bietet diese Studie also eine interessante Grundlage für die weitere Untersuchung der im Krankheitsfall auftretenden Funktionsabweichungen.
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Construction de l’acteur « ennemi » et institution concentrationnaire : étude comparative entre les camps de Rivesaltes (sous Vichy) et de Béléné (République populaire de Bulgarie) / Construction of the actor "enemy" and concentration institution : comparative study between the Rivesaltes camp (under Vichy) and Belene (Popular Republic of Bulgaria)Gruev, Radoslav 08 November 2013 (has links)
Notre étude s’interroge sur la construction de l’acteur « ennemi » dans l’institution sociale totale du camp de concentration à travers la comparaison de deux formes ; ceci dans des contextes sociaux, nationaux, idéologiques et étatiques différents – le camp de Rivesaltes et l’État Français et le camp de Béléné et la République Populaire de Bulgarie. Ces deux institutions sont traitées à partir de l’hypothèse de « différence de degré », qui se décline dans les notions de « singularité » et « pluralité », permettant de les saisir aussi bien au niveau politique qu’au niveau de l’institution concrète. Cette étude concerne la construction de la figure de l’acteur « ennemi » en partant du niveau social et politique pour arriver à la vie quotidienne au sein des deux formes concentrationnaires. Nous avons analysé la figure de l’ennemi, tout d’abord comme un produit d’une dynamique tournée vers la transformation sociale fondamentale. Nous avons également voulu comprendre les raisons d’apparition des formes concentrationnaires comme partie intégrante de ce « projet de société », et puis nous les avons analysées à travers la vie quotidienne qui s’établit en leur sein. L’institution concentrationnaire a assuré en soi une certaine stabilité qui lui a permis de bien remplir sa fonction dans la dynamique de transformation de la société. Cette stabilité est assurée par l’insertion de l’individu dans une série de cercles, sa soumission à une forme spécifique de pouvoir qui le transforme dans son essence de personne et d’être humain, mais aussi le posant comme un acteur dans un univers interactionnel particulier. Alors, quelle est la place de l’acteur « ennemi » dans la vie concentrationnaire et quelles interactions s’établissent-elles entre les différents acteurs au sein des camps ? / The present sociological study examines the construction of the "enemy" within the concentration camp, an absolute social institution, through the comparison of two forms, taken in their different social, national, ideological and state context – on one hand, the camp of Rivesaltes and the French government and, on the other hand, the camp of Belene and the People's Republic of Bulgaria. Both institutions are analyzed with the assumption of "difference of degree," developed by the concept of "singularity " and " plurality " which allows to identify them in their political dimension as well as on the concrete institutional level.This study deals with the construction of the specific figure the "enemy" as a social actor starting from the social and political level and getting to the everyday life in both concentration camp forms. We analyzed the enemy figure, at first as a product of a dynamic facing a fundamental social transformation. We also took into account the main reasons of concentration forms occurrence as an integral part of this " social project ", and then we have analyzed the aforementioned reasons through everyday life.The camp institution has assured itself a degree of stability that has allowed it to fulfill its function in the dynamic transformation of society. This stability is ensured by the involvement of the individual in a series of circles, his submission to a specific form of power which transforms soundly his personal character and adjoin to his human being condition, but also defines him as an actor in a particular interactional universe. Finally, what is the role of the actor "enemy" in concentration camp life and what interactions different actors in the camps establish between themselves?
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Chatila à la croisée des chemins : guerres, mémoires et urbanités dans un camp de réfugiés palestiniens au Liban / Shatila, a Palestinian history : wars, memories, urbanities and scattering of a Palestinian refugee camp in LebanonAbou-Zaki, Hala Caroline 19 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse revient sur l’histoire du camp de réfugiés palestiniens de Chatila, situé dans la banlieue sud de Beyrouth, depuis sa fondation en 1949 jusqu’à nos jours, en mettant l’accent plus particulièrement sur la période du conflit libanais (1975-1990) et ses lendemains. À partir d’une variation des échelles d’analyse, il s’agit de mieux comprendre comment des événements marquants de l’histoire palestinienne et libanaise se sont déclinés et articulés à la vie du camp et y ont résonné. La recherche interroge les recompositions sociopolitiques et urbaines dans le camp, les parcours individuels et familiaux, ainsi que les traces et les usages du passé de guerre à la lumière de l’histoire de Chatila. Elle s’appuie sur plusieurs enquêtes ethnographiques menées entre 2003 et 2011 et sur les archives de l’UNWRA. Cette réflexion s’est développée au sein du champ de recherches de l’anthropologie politique et urbaine et de la socio-anthropologie de la mémoire. / This thesis revisits the history of Shatila Palestinian refugee camp that is located in the southern suburb of Beirut, from its foundation in 1949 to nowadays. I focus more specifically on the period of the Lebanese conflict (1975-1990) and its aftermath. Using different analytical scales, it aims to better understand how striking events of the Palestinian and Lebanese history impacted and were echoed in the camp life. My research examines the social, political and urban transformation, individual and familial courses and the traces, as well as uses of the past of the war in light of the history of Shatila. The research is based on ethnographical fieldwork in Shatila conducted between 2003 and 2011 and on the archives of UNRWA. The analysis is part of the field of political and urban anthropology, and of memory in anthropology and sociology.
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Charakterisierung von Interaktionen G-Protein-gekoppelter Rezeptoren in der hypothalamischen AppetitregulationRediger, Anne 27 August 2009 (has links)
Die Regulation der Nahrungsaufnahme erfolgt zentral im Hypothalamus wo eine Vielzahl von G-Protein-gekoppelten Rezeptoren exprimiert werden die an der Gewichtsregulation beteiligt sind. Periphere hormonelle Signale aktivieren ihre korrespondierenden Rezeptoren im Nucleus arcuatus (ARC) oder im Nucleus paraventricularis (PVN) und modifizieren dadurch sowohl das anorexigene System, z.B. über die Stimulation des Melanocortin-4-Rezeptors (MC4R) im PVN, als auch das orexigene System mit dem Neuropeptide Y (NPY) sowie dem Agouti-related Protein (AgRP). Im Zuge einer systematischen Interaktionsstudie wurden verschiedene GPCRs, die entweder mit dem MC3R oder dem MC4R auf dem gleichen Neuron koexprimiert werden und nachweißlich die Appetit- und Gewichtregulation beeinflussen, untersucht. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen von Sandwich-ELISA und FRET- (Fluoreszenz-Energie-Transfer)Studien konnte eine Interaktion des MC3R mit dem Growth hormone secretagogues Rezeptor (GHSR) bestimmt werden, die beide auf den NPY/AgRP-Neuronen des ARC lokalisiert sind. Der MC3R gehört zu den Gαs bindenden Rezeptoren wohingegen GHSR über den Gαq vermittelten Signaltransduktionsweg signalisiert. Es konnte eine Erhöhung der induzierten cAMP-Spiegel infolge der Stimulation des MC3R sowohl mit α-, als auch β- und γ-MSH für die Koexpression von MC3R mit GHSR im Vergleich zum MC3R Homodimer ermittelt werden. Die Charakterisierung des neuen Signalisierungsverhaltens des Heterodimers unter der Verwendung verschiedener Inhibitoren zeigte eine Aktivierung von Gαi in Gegenwart der endogenen Agonisten beider Rezeptoren. Die Beobachtung unterschiedlicher Regulationsmuster nach der Kostimulation des Heterodimers in Abhängigkeit von α- oder γ-MSH jeweils in Anwesenheit von Ghrelin verweist auf komplexe Interaktionsmechanismen zwischen dem Melanocortin- und dem Ghrelin-Rezeptor innerhalb der hypothalamischen Gewichtsregulation. / Food intake is centrally regulated in hypothalamic nuclei where many GPCRs are expressed which are known to be involved in weight regulation.Peripheral hormonal signals activate their corresponding receptors in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) or paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and modulate the orexigenic (appetite-supressing) pathway mediated by stimulation of the melanocortin-4-receptor (MC4R) as well as the anorexigenic (appetite-stimulating) pathway including neuropeptide Y (NPY) and agouti-related protein (AgRP). In a systematic approach we investigated the interaction of a selective number of GPCRs which are co-expressed on the same neurons like MC3R or MC4R and know to play an essential role in hypothalamic weight regulation. Based on the results of a sandwich ELISA and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) approach we report the interaction of the MC3R and the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHSR) which are co-expressed on arcuate NPY/AgRP neurons. It is known that MC3R couple to the Gαs whereas GHSR couple to the Gαq signaling pathway. However, here the co-expression of MC3R and GHSR reveal a profoundly increase cAMP-accumulation after melanocortin (α-, β- and γ-MSH) challenge, that is higher compared to MC3R activation alone. In-depth characterization of the new signaling properties of the MC3R/GHSR heterodimer by different inhibitors revealed the activation of Gαi in the presents of both endogene agonists. The observation of different regulatory pattern after co-stimulation of the heterodimer depending on the endogenouse ligands (α- or γ-MSH) of MC3R reflect complex functional interaction mechanisms between melanocortin and ghrelin receptors within the hypothalamic signaling pathways of weight regulation.
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Quem tem medo de Oscar Wilde? vida como obra-de-arteCorvini, Helena de Lima 23 May 2012 (has links)
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Helena de Lima Corvini.pdf: 402435 bytes, checksum: c27b65909c893b98758526a82026bf2a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-05-23 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This present dissertation intends to accompany Oscar Wilde's steps through late Victorian London, the booming center of an already decadent Empire. At this time being, positivist and imperialist discourses explain the reality. Both the medical science and the law fight over the theme of homosexuality. In a time when the symbolic authority to name homosexual desire is being questioned, Wilde is brave enough to state the precedence of the artist in naming the world. His life and works cause exalted reactions. His excentricities outrage London's high-society, of which Wilde becomes the arbiter of elegance, despite being a complete outsider: Irish and homosexual. He lives Aestheticism and dandism to the fullest, he lives a purposedly gay lifestyle and excites the fear of exerting some sort of "corruption" or "influence" over young men of the British society. His writing, through the use of paradoxes and symbolic invertions, shows the underpinnings of the aparently neutral text of normative reality. In his judgment, he is turned into the scapegoat of a severely repressed and puritan society. His works have founded the camp sensibility and a decidedly homosexual aesthetics / A presente dissertação busca acompanhar os passos de Oscar Wilde pela Londres da era vitoriana tardia, o centro pujante de um Império já em decadência. Nesse momento, o status quo produz um discurso positivista e imperialista sobre o mundo. A homossexualidade é disputada pelos discursos da ciência médica e da jurisprudência. Numa época em que a autoridade simbólica para nomear o desejo homoerótico se encontra questionada, Wilde tem a ousadia de afirmar a primazia do artista em nomear o mundo. Com sua vida e sua obra, Wilde provoca reações exaltadas. Suas excentricidades chocam a alta sociedade londrina, da qual se torna o árbitro da elegância, apesar de sua posição de outsider: irlandês e homossexual. Vivendo plenamente os ideários do Esteticismo e do dandismo, tem um estilo de vida acintosamente gay e suscita o medo da "corrupção" e da "influência" sobre os homens jovens por parte da sociedade inglesa. As masculinidades estão sendo elaboradas nesse momento e há o medo de que os homens jovens deixem de ser viris cavalheiros para se tornarem afeminados dândis. Em seus escritos, por meio de paradoxos e inversões simbólicas, Wilde também mostra a costura por baixo do texto aparentemente neutro da realidade normativa. Em seu julgamento, é transformado em bode expiatório de uma sociedade severamente reprimida e puritana. Suas obras permanecem hoje como fundadoras da sensibilidade camp e de uma estética decididamente homossexual
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Quem tem medo de Oscar Wilde? vida como obra-de-arteCorvini, Helena de Lima 23 May 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:53:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Helena de Lima Corvini.pdf: 402435 bytes, checksum: c27b65909c893b98758526a82026bf2a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-05-23 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This present dissertation intends to accompany Oscar Wilde's steps through late Victorian London, the booming center of an already decadent Empire. At this time being, positivist and imperialist discourses explain the reality. Both the medical science and the law fight over the theme of homosexuality. In a time when the symbolic authority to name homosexual desire is being questioned, Wilde is brave enough to state the precedence of the artist in naming the world. His life and works cause exalted reactions. His excentricities outrage London's high-society, of which Wilde becomes the arbiter of elegance, despite being a complete outsider: Irish and homosexual. He lives Aestheticism and dandism to the fullest, he lives a purposedly gay lifestyle and excites the fear of exerting some sort of "corruption" or "influence" over young men of the British society. His writing, through the use of paradoxes and symbolic invertions, shows the underpinnings of the aparently neutral text of normative reality. In his judgment, he is turned into the scapegoat of a severely repressed and puritan society. His works have founded the camp sensibility and a decidedly homosexual aesthetics / A presente dissertação busca acompanhar os passos de Oscar Wilde pela Londres da era vitoriana tardia, o centro pujante de um Império já em decadência. Nesse momento, o status quo produz um discurso positivista e imperialista sobre o mundo. A homossexualidade é disputada pelos discursos da ciência médica e da jurisprudência. Numa época em que a autoridade simbólica para nomear o desejo homoerótico se encontra questionada, Wilde tem a ousadia de afirmar a primazia do artista em nomear o mundo. Com sua vida e sua obra, Wilde provoca reações exaltadas. Suas excentricidades chocam a alta sociedade londrina, da qual se torna o árbitro da elegância, apesar de sua posição de outsider: irlandês e homossexual. Vivendo plenamente os ideários do Esteticismo e do dandismo, tem um estilo de vida acintosamente gay e suscita o medo da "corrupção" e da "influência" sobre os homens jovens por parte da sociedade inglesa. As masculinidades estão sendo elaboradas nesse momento e há o medo de que os homens jovens deixem de ser viris cavalheiros para se tornarem afeminados dândis. Em seus escritos, por meio de paradoxos e inversões simbólicas, Wilde também mostra a costura por baixo do texto aparentemente neutro da realidade normativa. Em seu julgamento, é transformado em bode expiatório de uma sociedade severamente reprimida e puritana. Suas obras permanecem hoje como fundadoras da sensibilidade camp e de uma estética decididamente homossexual
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La présence militaire romaine à Strasbourg-Argentorate et le camp de la VIIIe légion / Roman military presence in Strasbourg-Argentorate and the 8th Legion’s campKuhnle, Gertrud 28 November 2015 (has links)
L’histoire des sites légionnaires de l’Empire romain connaît aujourd’hui un important renouveau grâce aux nombreuses recherches réalisées en Europe. C’est dans ce cadre que s’insère ce travail qui explore la présence militaire romaine à Strasbourg-Argentorate, en examinant tout particulièrement le camp de la VIIIe légion selon une perspective à la fois archéologique et historique. Cette étude se fonde sur l’analyse des sources littéraires et épigraphiques, l’interprétation de la documentation publiée et sur les résultats issus de deux récentes fouilles préventives (« Grenier d’Abondance » et « 4 rue Brûlée »). Elle révèle que l’occupation romaine débutant vers 15 ap. J.-C. coïncide en fait avec l’arrivée de la legio II Augusta dont la présence est attestée par plusieurs monuments funéraires. Entre 43 ap. J.-C. et l’arrivée de la legio VIII Augusta dans les années 90 ap. J.-C., Strasbourg n’est pas un lieu de garnison légionnaire, mais pourrait plutôt être celui de troupe(s) d’auxiliaires. Le camp de la VIIIe légion est d’abord protégé par un rempart en terre et en bois, avant d’être doté d’une enceinte en pierre (IIe s. ap. J.-C.) qui sera renforcée vers 300 ap. J.-C. Les baraquements dans le latus praetorii dextrum sont occupés jusqu’à la fin du premier quart du IVe s. ap. J.-C. Avec l’installation de civils à partir du deuxième tiers du IVe s. ap. J.-C., le camp légionnaire se transforme progressivement en site urbain fortifié qui inclut une présence militaire réduite jusqu’au début du Ve s. ap. J.-C. au moins. Ce travail permet de mieux connaître l’aspect du camp de la VIIIe légion et de réviser la chronologie de la présence militaire romaine de ce site rhénan majeur. / The history of legionary sites in the Roman Empire is undergoing a significant revival today thanks to numerous research projects being conducted in Europe. Within this context, the present study explores the Roman military presence in Strasbourg - Argentorate, and more particularly the 8th Legion’s camp, from an archaeological and historical viewpoint. This study is based on the analysis of literary and epigraphic sources, on the interpretation of published documentation and on the results of two recent rescue excavations (“Grenier d’Abondance” and “4 rue Brûlée”). It shows that the Roman occupation, beginning around 15 AD, coincides with the arrival of the legio II Augusta whose presence is attested by several funerary monuments. Between 43 AD and the settlement of the legio VIII Augusta around 90 AD, Strasbourg was not a legionary garrison, but mostly one of auxiliary troops. In its early form, the camp of the 8th Legion was protected by an earth rampart with layers of timber before being superimposed with the first stone defensive circuit around the mid-2nd century AD; that wall was reinforced around 300 AD. The barracks in the latus praetorii dextrum remained occupied until the end of the first quarter of 4th century AD. With the settlement of civilians from the second third of 4th century AD, the legionary camp gradually turned into an urban fortified site with a limited military presence, at least until the beginning of 5th century AD. This study provides detailed insight into aspects of the 8th Legion’s camp and reviews the chronology of the Roman military presence of this major Rhineland site.
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Un compositeur français au miroir de sa correspondance : Henri Tomasi (1901-1971) / A French composer in the light of his correspondence : Henri Tomasi (1901-1971)Ducros, Frédéric 02 February 2016 (has links)
La présente thèse s’appuie sur les correspondances adressées par le compositeur Henri Tomasi, entre 1916 et 1940, à Joséphine et Xavier Tomasi, ses parents, puis de 1954 à 1971, à Jean Molinetti, son ami le plus proche. Il s’agit d’un ensemble de 533 lettres inédites, qui ont été transcrites, classées, et annotées. Cet unique témoignage écrit du musicien nous permet de comprendre les répercussions qu’eurent sur son œuvre créatrice les événements qui ponctuèrent sa vie et dont ses courriers se font l’écho. Nous étudions ainsi tour à tour l’environnement familial d’Henri Tomasi, au travers notamment du rôle fondamental que joua son père tant dans son éducation que dans le cadre de ses recherches sur la musique traditionnelle corse ; nous voyons la façon dont le jeune musicien conduisit ses études musicales, les rapports qu’il entretint avec les institutions de son temps, mais aussi le rôle que purent jouer les différentes activités de chef d’orchestre qu’il exerça à certaines périodes de son existence. Nous assistons également à l’évolution progressive de sa pensée et à sa transposition dans son œuvre musicale. Tout au long de ces années, cette correspondance au cours de laquelle le musicien passe successivement d’une écriture contrainte à une écriture choisie, nous livre des informations capitales et nous séduit par la vivacité de son ton et le mordant de son style. / The present thesis is based on all the written correspondence from the composer Henri Tomasi to Joséphine and Xavier Tomasi, his parents, between 1916 and 1940.Then, from 1954 to 1971 to Jean Molinetti, his closest friend. This correspondence includes 533 unpublished letters which have been transcribed, classified and annotated. This musician's unique written testimony allows us to understand how the events which punctuated his life, echoed in his letters, had repercussions on his creative work. Thus in turn, we will study Henri Tomasi's family environment considering notably the fundamental role played by his father in his education as well as in the field of his research on traditional Corsican music ; we'll see the way the young musician conducted his musical studies, his relationship with the institutions of his time but also the role his various activities as a conductor were to play at certain periods of his life. We will also follow the progressive evolution of his thought and its transposition in his musical work. In this correspondence, throughout all those years, the musician's constrained writing style gradually evolved into a more personal one. It gives us essential information and Tomasi seduces us by the incisiveness of his style and by the liveliness of his tone.
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