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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alvos moleculares em meduloblastoma : um estudo in vitro

Schmidt, Anna Laura January 2010 (has links)
Meduloblastoma é o tumor intracranial mais comum em crianças, provavelmente derivado de células precursoras da camada granular externa do cerebelo durante seu desenvolvimento. O tratamento padrão consiste em cirurgia, radioterapia e quimioterapia, que produzem graves sequelas nos pacientes e garantem uma sobrevida baixa, o que demonstra a necessidade de novas alternativas terapêuticas para a doença. Evidências demonstram que o receptor do peptídeo liberador de gastrina (GRPR) está superexpresso em diversos tumores humanos, assim como seu agonista (GRP) pode atuar como um fator de crescimento autócrino em tumores cerebrais. No presente estudo, avaliamos a expressão de GRPR e o efeito de seus agonistas, bombesina (BB) e GRP, além do antagonista RC-3095, sobre a viabilidade celular de linhagens de meduloblastoma humano DAOY, D283 e ONS76. Mostramos que meduloblastomas, apesar de expressarem GRPR, não têm sua viabilidade celular afetada por agonistas e antagonista desse receptor. Uma vez que há evidências de que BDNF (fator neurotrófico derivado de cérebro) esteja relacionado à diferenciação celular em meduloblastomas, também avaliamos o efeito de BDNF sobre a viabilidade celular das linhagens de meduloblastoma humano. As linhagens DAOY e D283 tiveram sua viabilidade celular reduzida pela presença de BDNF. Uma vez que a via da PKA tem sido implicada na iniciação e progressão de vários tumores, também avaliamos o efeito de rolipram, um inibidor de fosfodiesterase tipo IV, sobre a viabilidade celular das linhagens de meduloblastoma humano, sendo que rolipram reduziu a viabilidade celular de todas as linhagens estudadas. Os receptores de BDNF e a via da PKA podem, portanto, ser alvos moleculares promissores para o desenvolvimento de novas terapias para meduloblastomas. / Medulloblastoma is the most common intracranial tumor in children and is believed to arise from the precursor cells of the external granule layer of the developing cerebellum. The standard treatment, consisting of surgery, craniospinal radiotherapy and chemotherapy, produces severe sequelae in patients and provides a poor overall survival, indicating the need for new therapeutic alternatives for treating this disease. Evidences show that the gastrin releasing peptide receptor (GRPR) is overexpressed in various human tumors and its agonist (GRP) can act as an autocrine growth factor in brain tumors. In the present study, we evaluated GRPR expression, as well as the effect of its agonists, bombesin (BB) and GRP, and its antagonist RC-3095, over cell viability of the human medulloblastoma cell lines DAOY, D283 and ONS76. We found that medulloblastomas, in spite of expressing GRPR, do not have its viability affected by the presence of agonists and antagonist of this receptor. Since there are evidences that BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) is related to cell differentiation in medulloblastomas, we also evaluated the effect of BDNF over the viability of medulloblastoma cell lines. The viability of the cell lines DAOY and D283 was reduced by the presence of BDNF. Since the PKA pathway has been implicated in the initiation and progression of various tumors, we also evaluated the effect of rolipram, a phosphodiesterase IV inhibitor, over the viability of the same medulloblastoma cell lines and we found that rolipram inhibited the viability of all the cell lines studied. BDNF receptors, as well as the PKA pathway, may be therefore promising molecular targets for the development of new therapies for treating medulloblastomas.

Stanovení pracovního rozsahu a účinnosti vodního trkače / Determination of the working range and efficiency of the water hammer pump

Růžička, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focuses on setting the range and efficiency of a water ram pump through experimental measurements in a laboratory. The measurements were carried out on three different constructions of water ram pump, each of the designed and assembled by the author of this thesis himself, to find out whether the weight on the pulsating valve has an influence on the water ram pump efficiency. Further on this thesis aims at the comparison of up to now methods of water transport arrangement used at a summer camp and the usage of the water ram pump and its advantages. The principal of water ram pump originates in hydraulic impact that is being precisely described in a great detail as well. On of the chapters even includes the placement manual for the water ram pump and its overall assembly and connexion. Because the presence of floating debris is inevitable, this thesis also deals with the possibility to solve the incoming water impurities by adding an inflow gating to prevent such problem. This inflow gating has only been designed in a Flow 3D programme to introduce the idea and functions.

Both Sides of the Barbed Wire: Lives of German Prisoners of War and African Americans in Camp Claiborne, Louisiana, 1944-1946

DeLucca, Claire 18 May 2018 (has links)
Located outside of Alexandria, Louisiana, Camp Claiborne was temporarily home to more than 500,000 U.S. servicemen and women during its short existence. Thousands of German prisoners of war also were held for more than two years in a section of the camp. Racial problems stemming from the policies of Jim Crow South and the blatant inequality eventually led to an African American mutiny within the camp. The events from 1944 to 1946 at Camp Claiborne provide insight into the mindsets of white Southerners and the generation of African Americans who would influence the major civil rights victories in the following decades.

Summary Judgement at Dachau: Exploiting the Massacre of SS Guards by Allied Liberating Troops at Dachau

Unknown Date (has links)
This research analyzes how American soldiers reacted to the Dachau concentration camp, and offers statistics that counter the arguments made by Holocaust deniers and revisionists. It compares how the Soviets, British, and Americans conducted themselves as they freed other prisoners, and discusses why every camp liberation was dissimilar. Evidence gathered from the liberators who executed the SS disproves the argument that they were premediated killers and emphasizes how unique Dachau’s conditions were on the day of liberation, when compared to other concentration camps. It also directly refutes many arguments made by Holocaust deniers, and addresses their erroneous narratives, statistics, and conclusions regarding the Dachau liberation, and the Holocaust in general. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2019. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

美國當代同性戀文化中的策略性表演 / The Strategic Performances in Contemporary American Gay Culture

張士達, Chang, Shih Ta Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以九○年代美國戲劇、電影及其他表演型態為文本,透過對作品的解讀,探討美國現階段同性戀文化的發展方向,以及其與各種理論建構間的互動。第一章「理論交叉點:性別解構與身份認同」討論美國現階段與同性戀相關的各種理論走向。同性戀政治同化主義者(assimulationist)試圖讓同性戀族群淡化差異色彩,融入以異性戀為中心的主流體系中;新興的酷兒(queer)政治則以較不妥協的路線,凸顯並強化邊緣身份族群的歧異性與邊緣文化性格。在這樣兩極路線的激盪中,卻產生了各種兼容並蓄的文化文本,這些文化文本並且進一步為同性戀政治提供且示範了新的策略可能性。第二章「眼見為憑:策略性的表演」以九○年代的三齣 美國同性戀戲劇:「美國天使」、「傑佛瑞」和「愛!勇氣!同情!」為文本。九○年代的美國同性戀戲劇不僅以身體的展現做為武器,更試圖以自主性的視野,重新為各種社會文化現象尋找屬於同性戀觀點的詮釋空間。此外,主流體系長久以來為同性戀打造的各種刻板印象,不僅成為同性戀戲劇當然的顛覆對象,更進一步成為同性戀喜劇的最佳題材,而催生出了同性戀以反諷為主的獨特幽默風格。對各種既定的主流意識型態和僵化的二元認知體系進行解構,則是當代同性戀戲劇最重要的課題。「美國天使」透過同性戀與異性戀的刻意並置,以及將政治、種族、宗教等議題與性別議題相互對應,不僅突破了性別議題訴求的侷限性,更徹底模糊了各 種身份認知的定義界限,體現了「身份即表演」的政治意涵。第三章「風格為上:主流中的Camp表演」以 Susan Sontag 的「Notes on "Camp"」為基礎,探索 Camp 在九○年代的表現方式及其潛在的政治力量。本章以澳洲電影『沙漠妖姬』的音樂和服裝為主要文本,討論 camp 如何透過「再生」(Recycling)的運作模式,以主流體系殘餘的舊有資源,拓展獨特而聳動的表演空間。Camp 以明目張膽的顛覆色彩引人注意,卻以不特定彰顯性別政治動機的表現模式,進行另一種潛移默化的顛覆工程。

Alpha-2 Adrenergic Receptors and Signal Transduction : Effector Output in Relation to G-Protein Coupling and Signalling Cross-Talk

Näsman, Johnny January 2001 (has links)
<p>The alpha-2 adrenergic receptor (α<sub>2</sub>-AR) subfamily includes three different subtypes, α<sub>2A</sub>-, α<sub>2B</sub>- and α<sub>2C</sub>-AR, all believed to exert their function through heterotrimeric G<sub>i/o</sub>-proteins. The present study was undertaken in order to investigate subtype differences in terms of cellular response and to explore other potential signalling pathways of α<sub>2</sub>-ARs.</p><p>Evidence is provided for a strong G<sub>s</sub>-protein coupling capability of the α<sub>2B</sub>-AR, leading to stimulation of adenylyl cyclase (AC). The difference between the α<sub>2A</sub>- and α<sub>2B</sub>-AR subtypes, in this respect, was shown to be due to differences in the second intracellular loops of the receptor proteins. Substitution of the second loop in α<sub>2A</sub>-AR with the corresponding domain of α<sub>2B</sub>-AR enrolled the chimeric α<sub>2A</sub>/α<sub>2B</sub> receptor with functional α<sub>2B</sub>-AR properties. Dual G<sub>i</sub> and G<sub>s</sub> coupling can have different consequences for AC output. Using coexpression of receptors and G-proteins, it was shown that the ultimate cellular response of α<sub>2B</sub>-AR activation is largely dependent on the ratio of G<sub>i</sub>- to G<sub>s</sub>-protein amounts in the cell. Also G<sub>i</sub>- and G<sub>o</sub>-proteins appear to have different regulatory influences on AC. Heterologous expression of AC2 together with G<sub>i</sub> or G<sub>o</sub> and the α<sub>2A</sub>-AR resulted in receptor-mediated inhibition of protein kinase C-stimulated AC2 activity through G<sub>o</sub>, whereas activation of G<sub>i</sub> potentiated the activity. </p><p>α<sub>2</sub>-ARs mobilize Ca<sup>2+</sup> in response to agonists in some cell types. This response was shown to depend on tonic purinergic receptor activity in transfected CHO cells. Elimination of the tonic receptor activity almost completely inhibited the Ca<sup>2+</sup> response of α<sub>2</sub>-ARs.</p><p>In conclusion, α<sub>2</sub>-ARs can couple to multiple G-proteins, including G<sub>i</sub>, G<sub>o</sub> and G<sub>s</sub>. The cellular response to α<sub>2</sub>-AR activation depends on which receptor subtype is expressed, which cellular signalling constituents are engaged (G-proteins and effectors), and the signalling status of the effectors (dormant or primed).</p>

Alpha-2 Adrenergic Receptors and Signal Transduction : Effector Output in Relation to G-Protein Coupling and Signalling Cross-Talk

Näsman, Johnny January 2001 (has links)
The alpha-2 adrenergic receptor (α2-AR) subfamily includes three different subtypes, α2A-, α2B- and α2C-AR, all believed to exert their function through heterotrimeric Gi/o-proteins. The present study was undertaken in order to investigate subtype differences in terms of cellular response and to explore other potential signalling pathways of α2-ARs. Evidence is provided for a strong Gs-protein coupling capability of the α2B-AR, leading to stimulation of adenylyl cyclase (AC). The difference between the α2A- and α2B-AR subtypes, in this respect, was shown to be due to differences in the second intracellular loops of the receptor proteins. Substitution of the second loop in α2A-AR with the corresponding domain of α2B-AR enrolled the chimeric α2A/α2B receptor with functional α2B-AR properties. Dual Gi and Gs coupling can have different consequences for AC output. Using coexpression of receptors and G-proteins, it was shown that the ultimate cellular response of α2B-AR activation is largely dependent on the ratio of Gi- to Gs-protein amounts in the cell. Also Gi- and Go-proteins appear to have different regulatory influences on AC. Heterologous expression of AC2 together with Gi or Go and the α2A-AR resulted in receptor-mediated inhibition of protein kinase C-stimulated AC2 activity through Go, whereas activation of Gi potentiated the activity. α2-ARs mobilize Ca2+ in response to agonists in some cell types. This response was shown to depend on tonic purinergic receptor activity in transfected CHO cells. Elimination of the tonic receptor activity almost completely inhibited the Ca2+ response of α2-ARs. In conclusion, α2-ARs can couple to multiple G-proteins, including Gi, Go and Gs. The cellular response to α2-AR activation depends on which receptor subtype is expressed, which cellular signalling constituents are engaged (G-proteins and effectors), and the signalling status of the effectors (dormant or primed).

Interplay between hormones, nutrients and adipose depots in the regulation of insulin sensitivity : an experimental study in rat and human adipocytes

Lundgren, Magdalena January 2006 (has links)
Obesity and specifically central obesity is related to insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and other components of the so-called metabolic syndrome. The aim of this study was to elucidate the interplay between hormones, nutrients and adipose depots in normal and insulin-resistant fat cell metabolism. High levels of free fatty acids (FFAs) induce insulin resistance in muscle and liver in vivo. In the present study, rat adipocytes were treated with high physiological levels of oleic or palmitic acid in vitro for 4-24 h. This treatment had no effect on basal or insulin-stimulated glucose uptake capacity in these cells, neither did it affect the levels of the insulin signalling proteins; insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 or –2, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K), protein kinase B (PKB) or glucose transporter (GLUT) 4, or the regulation of lipolysis rate. Visceral adiposity is considered to be more harmful than peripheral adiposity with respect to metabolic and cardiovascular complications. In adipose biopsies from subjects undergoing abdominal surgery, we found that glucose uptake capacity was elevated in omental as compared to subcutaneous adipocytes. The sensitivity (EC50) or maximum relative response to insulin, measured as % of basal, did however not differ between the depots. In women, subcutaneous adipocytes displayed a higher lipolysis rate following cAMP-stimulation than omental adipocytes, whereas there was a tendency towards the opposite in adipocytes from men. No differences were found between depots or sexes in the ability of insulin to inhibit lipolysis or in the levels of the lipolysis regulating proteins, i.e. protein kinase A (PKA), hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) and perilipin. Glucocorticoids, e.g. cortisol, exert pronounced insulin-antagonistic effects and are associated with redistribution of fat from peripheral to central fat depots in humans. Treatment of human subcutaneous and omental adipocytes in vitro, with the cortisol analogue dexamethasone, resulted in a dose dependent down-regulation of basal and insulin-stimulated glucose uptake capacity in omental, but not in subcutaneous cells. Concomitantly, the levels of IRS-1 and PKB were decreased only in omental adipocytes after dexamethasone treatment. The relative effect of insulin to stimulate glucose uptake was however not altered by dexamethasone treatment. The cAMP-stimulated lipolysis rate was elevated by dexamethasone treatment in cells from the subcutaneous depot in women and tended to be elevated in omental cells from men. No alterations however, were seen in the levels of the assessed lipolysis regulating proteins. Subcutaneous as well as omental fat cell size correlated negatively to insulin action in subcutaneous fat cells in vitro after adjusting for age, sex and body fat parameters in non-diabetic, but not in type 2 diabetic, subjects. Large subcutaneous fat cell size was strongly related to plasma leptin levels in non-diabetic and in type 2 diabetic subjects. We conclude that 1) adipocytes seem to be less vulnerable to elevated levels of fatty acids than muscle and liver cells, 2) the interactions between glucocorticoids and insulin in the regulation of glucose uptake differ between adipose depots, 3) depot specific hormonal lipolysis regulation differs between sexes and 4) fat cell size is related to insulin action in subcutaneous fat cells and to circulating levels of leptin.

Oscillatory Signaling and Insulin Secretion from Single ß-cells

Idevall Hagren, Olof January 2010 (has links)
cAMP and Ca2+ are key regulators of exocytosis in many cells, including insulin-secreting pancreatic β-cells. Glucose-stimulated insulin secretion from β-cells is pulsatile and driven by oscillations of the cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i), but little is known about the kinetics of cAMP signaling and the mechanisms of cAMP action. Evanescent wave microscopy and fluorescent translocation biosensors were used to monitor plasma membrane-related signaling events in single MIN6-cells and primary mouse β-cells. Glucose stimulation of insulin secretion resulted in pronounced oscillations of the membrane phospholipid PIP3 caused by autocrine activation of insulin receptors. Glucose also triggered oscillations of the sub-plasma membrane cAMP concentration ([cAMP]pm). These oscillations were preceded and enhanced by elevations of [Ca2+]i, but conditions raising cytoplasmic ATP triggered [cAMP]pm elevations without accompanying changes in [Ca2+]i. The [cAMP]pm oscillations were also synchronized with PIP3 oscillations and both signals were suppressed after inhibition of adenylyl cyclases. Protein kinase A (PKA) was important for promoting concomitant initial elevations of [cAMP]pm and [Ca2+]i, and PKA inhibitors diminished the PIP3 response when applied before glucose stimulation, but did not affect already manifested PIP3 oscillations. The glucose-induced PIP3 oscillations were markedly suppressed in cells treated with siRNA against the cAMP-dependent guanine nucleotide exchange factor Epac2. Pharmacological activation of Epac restored PIP3 responses after adenylyl cyclase or PKA inhibition. Glucose and other cAMP-elevating stimuli induced redistribution of fluorescence-tagged Epac2 from the cytoplasm to the plasma membrane. This translocation was modulated by [Ca2+]i and depended on intact cyclic nucleotide-binding and Ras-association domains. In conclusion, glucose generates cAMP oscillations in β-cells via a concerted action of Ca2+ and metabolically generated ATP. The oscillations are important for the magnitude and kinetics of insulin secretion. While both protein kinase A and Epac is required for initiation of insulin secretion the cAMP-dependence of established pulsatility is mediated by Epac2.

Mechanisms controlling the cell body response to axon injury in dorsal root ganglion neurons

Bani Hammad, Rasheed Ahmed 22 June 2010
Successful axon regeneration appears to depend on the development of an injury response. Dorsal root ganglion neurons exemplify the necessity of this injury response in a unique way. Peripheral nerve transection leads to development of an injury response and successful regeneration whereas central root transection does neither. The injury response may involve extracellular and intracellular pathways. To investigate the extraneuronal influences, we performed nerve transection of either the central or peripheral axon branches and studied the expression of GAP-43, a key growth associated protein, and the transcription factors ATF3, c-Jun, and STAT3. Our results show that the responses to peripheral versus central nerve transection are fundamentally different. Peripheral but not central nerve transection increases GAP-43, ATF3, and c-Jun expression. STAT3, however, is upregulated as a result of central but not peripheral nerve transection. To investigate potential intracellular signalling pathways, we applied FGF-2, an extracellular mitogen, or an analog of cAMP, an intracellular second messenger to the cut end of the peripheral axon. Our results indicate that FGF-2 and cAMP act as activators of GAP-43 expression. On the other hand, FGF-2 and cAMP act to downregulate the expression of ATF3. FGF-2 upregulates c-Jun and the activated form of STAT3. Paradoxically, the regulation of GAP-43 expression by cAMP or by FGF-2 in vivo shows opposing results from the previously reported in vitro studies. Our present results suggest that the peripheral nerve injury response may be governed by at least three different signalling pathways.

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