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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of Participation in a STEM Camp on STEM Attitudes and Anticipated Career Choices of Middle School Girls: A Mixed Methods Study

Kager, Elisabeth 25 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Plasticity and Therapeutic Potential of cAMP and cGMP-specific Phosphodiesterases in Toxoplasma gondii

Vo, Thi Kim Chi 10 March 2023 (has links)
Toxoplasma gondii ist ein obligat intrazellulärer protozoischer Parasit, der Toxoplasmose beim Menschen und bei Warmblütern verursacht. Die Signalübertragung durch zyklische Nukleotide ist entscheidend für das erfolgreiche intrazelluläre Überleben und die Vermehrung der Parasiten. Hier haben wir die physiologische und biochemische Bedeutung der wesentlichen Phosphodiesterasen (PDEs) in Toxoplasma gondii Tachyzoiten untersucht. Durch C-terminale Markierung von 18 PDEs konnten wir die Expression von 11 PDEs nachweisen. Die Immunogold-Färbung zeigte, dass TgPDE1, TgPDE2 und TgPDE9 im gesamten Parasitenkörper verteilt sind, einschließlich des inneren Membrankomplexes, des apikalen Pols, der Plasmamembran, des Zytosols, der dichten Granula und der Rhoptry, was auf eine räumliche Kontrolle der Signalübertragung innerhalb der Tachyzoiten hindeutet. Anschließend stellten wir fest, dass die meisten Enzyme berüchtigte dual-spezifische Phosphodiesterasen sind, wobei TgPDE2 anders als T.gondii cAMP-spezifisch ist, während T.gondii keine cGMP-spezifische Phosphodiesterase besitzt. Unsere enzymkinetischen Daten zeigen, dass TgPDE2 die höchste Affinität zu seinem Substrat aufweist, während die dualen PDEs (TgPDE1, TgPDE7 und TgPDE9) eine höhere Affinität zu cGMP als zu cAMP haben. Ein Screening der Hemmung gängiger PDE-Inhibitoren auf TgPDEs ergab, dass TgPDE1 das Ziel von BIPPO und Zaprinast ist. Darüber hinaus ergab die biologische Bedeutung, dass TgPDE1 und TgPDE2 einzeln für das Wachstum des Parasiten notwendig sind und ihr Verlust zum Tod des Parasiten führt, was auf ihre funktionelle Redundanz hindeutet. Darüber hinaus identifizierten wir Kinasen und Phosphatasen innerhalb der TgPDE1- und TgPDE2-Interaktome, die die enzymatische Aktivität über Protein-Protein-Interaktionen oder posttranslationale Modifikationen steuern könnten. Insgesamt unterstreichen unsere Erkenntnisse über die subzelluläre Lokalisierung, die katalytische Funktion, die medikamentöse Hemmung und die physiologische Bedeutung der wichtigsten Phosphodiesterasen die unvorhersehbare Plastizität und das therapeutische Potenzial der zyklischen Nukleotid-Signalübertragung in T. gondii. Der Datensatz der cAMP-bindenden Interaktoren, den wir in einem anderen Aspekt dieser Studie offengelegt haben, wird wertvolle Einblicke in die allgegenwärtige Natur der cAMP-vermittelten Signalübertragung in T. gondii Tachyzoiten liefern. / Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular protozoan parasite that causes toxoplasmosis in human and warm-blood organisms. Cyclic nucleotide signaling is crucial for the successful intracellular survival and replication of the parasites. Here, we dissected the physiological and biochemical importance of the essential phosphodiesterases (PDEs) in Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoite. By C-terminal tagging of 18 PDEs, we detected the expression of 11 PDEs. Immunogold staining revealed that TgPDE1, TgPDE2 and TgPDE9 are distributed throughout the parasite body, including the inner membrane complex, the apical pole, the plasma membrane, the cytosol, dense granules, and rhoptry, suggesting the spatial control of signaling within tachyzoites. Subsequently, we identified that most enzymes are notorious dual-specific phosphodiesterases, and TgPDE2 is cAMP specific differently, whilst T.gondii lacks of cGMP specific phosphodiesterase. Our enzyme kinetic data demonstrated that the highest affinity to its substrate belongs to TgPDE2, while the dual PDEs (TgPDE1, TgPDE7 and TgPDE9) have higher affinity with cGMP than cAMP. Inhibition screening of commonly-used PDE inhibitors on TgPDEs, signifying TgPDE1 as the target of BIPPO and zaprinast. Furthermore, the biological significance revealed TgPDE1 and TgPDE2 are individually necessary for parasite growth, and their loss associatively results in parasite death, implying their functional redundancy. In addition, we identified kinases and phosphatases within the TgPDE1 and TgPDE2 interactomes, which may operate the enzymatic activity via protein-protein interactions or posttranslational modifications. Collectively, our findings on subcellular localization, catalytic function, drug inhibition, and physiological relevance of major phosphodiesterases highlight the unforeseeable plasticity and therapeutic potential of cyclic nucleotide signaling in T. gondii. The data set of cAMP-binding interactors, which we disclosed in another aspect of this study, will provide valuable insight into the pervasive nature of cAMP-mediated signaling in T. gondii tachyzoites.

Rôle et fonctionnalité des récepteurs gustatifs dans les ailes de drosophiles

Raad, Hussein 25 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Les capacités cognitives pour assurer l'exploration et la découverte de nouvelles niches écologiques sont au cœur des processus d'adaptation et de survie des espèces vertébrés et invertébrés. A cet égard, les systèmes neuronaux chimio-sensoriels composés des organes olfactifs et gustatifs permettent le guidage et repérage des sources de nourritures et/ou des partenaires sexuels. Un fait marquant chez les insectes et en particulier la drosophile réside dans le fait que les organes gustatifs sont disséminés sur le corps. La bordure antérieure de l'aile est tapissée avec des sensilles gustatives alternées avec des sensilles mécaniques. La fonctionnalité et le rôle des cellules gustatives au niveau de l'aile de la drosophile reste énigmatique et à ce jour largement inconnue (Stocker, 1994). Notre travail a consisté à explorer la signalisation et le mécanisme de transduction de ces récepteurs et à questionner leur importance dans l'adaptation des insectes à leur écosystème. Nos résultats portent sur trois volets. Nous avons vérifié que l'expression des récepteurs du goût est effective dans les ailes des trois insectes différents (drosophiles, pucerons et abeilles) par RT-PCR. Nous avons ensuite étudié la fonctionnalité de ces récepteurs vis-à-vis des molécules sucrées et amères à l'aide d'une souche transgénique (G-CaMP), qui exhibe une forte fluorescence provoquée par des piques de calcium cytosolique. Enfin, des tests comportementaux ont été réalisé avec une souche transgénique (Poxn*) dans laquelle les sensilles chimio-sensorielles de l'aile sont spécifiquement invalidés sans altérer les autres structures olfactives et/ou gustatives. Les résultats montrent un effet significatif des cellules chimio-sensorielles de l'aile quant à l'orientation dans l'espace et à l'apprentissage Bayesien. Nos résultats sur ces trois volets nous ont permis d'élaborer des hypothèses au regard de l'évolution neuroanatomique de l'aile des insectes depuis les organismes ancestraux d'origine marine desquels ils dérivent. Des experts en aérodynamiques proposent la création d'un vortex durant le vol qui forme une spirale de courant d'air le long de la bordure antérieur de l'aile. La parfaite superposition entre ce vortex et le nerf costal de l'aile nous permet de déduire que les vibrations de l'aile entre 50 et 1.000 Hertz chez les insectes sont en mesure de nébuliser des matériaux (micro poussières, micro gouttelettes, molécules faiblement volatiles) lesquels vont être captés/entrainés dans le vortex et adressés aux sensilles gustatives. Notre hypothèse est que ce mécanisme permettrait aux insectes pollinisateurs de gouter les fleurs sans se poser et sans mettre à contribution la trompe buccale (proboscis). Ce scénario permettrait de dissocier le goût de l'ingestion digestive en évitant les empoisonnements par des molécules toxiques émises par les plantes et d'autre part il rend l'exploration plus efficace, en minimisant le temps de recherche.

Extinction and recovery dynamics of Triassic-Jurassic macro-invertebrate communities

Opazo Mella, Luis Felipe January 2012 (has links)
This work is focused on characterising and evaluating the intensity and selectivity of the marine fauna during the Tr/J mass extinction and recovery of the ecosystem in different localities throughout Pangaea. To address this, four localities were studied: St. Audrie’s Bay, Larne and Pinhay Bay in the UK, and Portezuelo Providencia in Chile. From each locality, samples were taken at approximately 1m intervals throughout the Tr/J sections. Species abundance per sample was estimated and each species was classified according to autoecological information derived from the literature. In order to assess changes in the structure and composition of the assemblages, NMDS and beta diversity index were performed, dominance and richness were estimated and the data were tested against five rank abundance (RAD) models. Ecospace modelling was used to estimate the loss in ecological diversity. Measures of the body size of bivalves and ichno-parameters were recorded on each section. Through the UK sections, the richness, dominance and the composition rate shifted abruptly during the extinction event. A geometric model shows the best fit during extinction events and, in contrast, a log-normal model best fits the pre-extinction and recovery event. The body size of the bivalves did not decrease during the Tr/J, while the coverage, richness and body size of ichnofossils increased during the recovery. The Chile Tr/J section records low richness, but the ecological complexity and richness decreases through the interval and composition records high turnover, while the dominance increases. The results indicate that the Tr/J disruption changed species composition in a relatively short time period, which decreased the ecological functionality of the invertebrate marine assemblage. In spatial terms, the UK fauna show a clear response to the extinction effect, but the diversity response of the Chilean assemblage is not clear at all, which may be related to taphonomical bias. Alternatively, this work analysed stage-by-stage occupation of ecospace of 3181 genera recorded from Sepkoski`s compendium for the marine fauna from the Late Permian to Early Jurassic. The ecospace can be represented as a combination of the three axes of tiering, motility and feeding, each divided into six subcategories. From the Cambrian to Recent, ecospace utilisation has tripled, however the trend through the Phanerozoic remains unclear. This result indicates that from the Guadalupian to Sinemurian the number of modes of life did not increase significantly, but the ecospace packing does. There was a significant positive correlation between abundance of predators and both infaunalisation and motility. However, the ecospace utilisation decreased 35% and 16% at the end of Permian and Triassic, respectively. During the extinction events, non-motile animals, organisms with little physiological control of biocalcification and the epifaunal forms, were heavily affected. This indicates that the mass extinction had a particular ecological effect on the biota and is an important episode of ecological changes due to ecological selectivity. Parallel, the appearance of adaptations to new trophic niches during the Triassic, like durophagy, presumably increased predation pressure and drove the increase in benthic infaunalisation. This series of adaptation could be potentially associated with the Marine Mesozoic Revolution.

Attitudes and Integration: A Survey of Selected Texas Camp Directors

Hanson, Carol M. (Carol Mary) 08 1900 (has links)
This investigation dealt with the relationships between three main variables: (1) a camp director's prior experience with handicapped individuals and in the field of recreation; (2) a camp director's attitudes toward handicapped persons and their integration into regular camp settings; and (3) a camp director's perception of barriers to integration. The study was carried out via a mail-out questionnaire to 149 Texas camp directors. A return rate of 51% was achieved (66 returned surveys). Questionnaires were scored, and the data were punched on computer cards for analysis. The analysis indicated high reliability of the attitude and barrier scales. Results of the correlational analyses indicated a significant relationship (p = .0001) between a camp director's attitudes and his/her perception of barriers to integration.

Camping in the Classroom: Ridiculous Theatre as Serious Drama

DeBoer, John Kenneth 01 January 2007 (has links)
My first semester pursuing my MFA in Voice and Speech Pedagogy I vocal-coached an openly gay student playing a straight character who would mask his sexual identity in such a manner that his performance became stiff and uninteresting. Rather than using his personal identity as an asset in the pursuit of a successful performance, his chosen vocal tactics removed any sense of theatricality from his performance. I confronted the student and suggested such extreme vocal suppression diminished the quality of his overall performance. He replied, "So you want me to get the gay out."His use of the phrase, "get the gay out" to describe a fuller adaptation of his sexual identity to suit the character fascinated me and led to me to create a performance seminar course that used open acknowledgment of Camp performance styles as a valuable way to prepare students, gay or straight, for careers on the stage and screen. This thesis is a record of the course taught in the spring of 2007; CAMP: RIDICULOUS THEATRE AS SERIOUS DRAMA.

Terezínské deníky v projektové výuce / Terezín diaries in project teaching

Jordánová, Helena January 2013 (has links)
This Diploma thesis deals with the use of diaries from the Terezín Ghetto in project teaching. Their use should be made through a series of worksheets designed for project teaching. The benefits and success of worksheets were tested on several groups of elementary and secondary schools. The first chapter is devoted to theoretical introduction to the issue of projects and project-based teaching, the following chapter discusses the history of Terezín, the third chapter deals with the Terezín diaries and their authors, in the fourth chapter are placed excerpts of diaries with the relevant historical context. Into the last chapter are included worksheets created on the basis of excerpts from the diaries, their solutions and evaluation for their success by students. The last pages are devoted to the work attachment list and a list of references and online resources. The work demonstrates that diaries are a good source for creating worksheets about everyday life in the Terezín Ghetto and that they bring to learning new ways of work and wider view of the issues being discussed.

Celotáborová hra jako prostředek pro získání určitých vědomostí a dovedností dětí / A whole camp game as a means of gaining children knowledge and skills

Horálková, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
The present diploma thesis with the title 'The whole camp game as a means of gaining children knowledge and skills' focuses on the elaboration of games as a completion in summer camps for children. It deals mainly with educational components and the acquisition of social behaviour conveyed by these games. The thesis is split into a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part is focused on the theory of whole camp games. It also deals with motivation, which is important for the ability to remember a fact. The games are presented as an inseparable part of the summer camps, last but not least affecting the pattern of learning. The empirical part is divided into several chapters. The first chapter contains a description of whole camp game under the motto of 'time machine', which were realized in a summer camp in 2010, organized by the STROM P.B.m. association. The next chapter deals with the didactical testing and elaboration. This test has been given to the children on three occasions - during the summer camp, one month later, and six months later. The last chapter focuses on social skills and presents examples of games, which lead to an improvement of social skills. The main goal of this thesis was to find out, whether it is possible to remember certain facts acquired during whole camp...

Holokaust- příčiny, důsledky, jak zabránit opakování ( Poselství lidí, kteří přežili holokaust novým generacím) / Holocaust- the reasons, ettects, how to prevent its repetition ( the message of the people, who survived holocaust to new generations)

Weisskopf, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
The thesis, The testimony of the people who survived the Holocaust, is based on the authentic testimony of the Jews who were sent to concentration camps during the 2nd World War, their lifes before the war and after the war are also presented in this thesis.Furthemore, the thesis discribes the impact of this experience on their present lives.

Recreation, Religion, and Reconciliation: Christian Camps for Indigenous Youth in Canada

Rumford, Michelle Hope 19 July 2019 (has links)
In this master’s thesis, which takes the format of an introductory chapter, publishable paper, and conclusion, I examined camp programs for Indigenous youth that are run by Christian organizations in Canada, with the goals of bringing attention to this phenomenon and provoking dialogue on possibilities (or impossibilities) of reconciliation in these contexts. I employed an exploratory case study methodology, using semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, and internet-mediated document analysis, to address the following research questions: i) What are the key characteristics of summer camps for Indigenous youth run by Christian organizations in Canada?; ii) To what extent are Indigenous staff members or volunteers and Indigenous cultures included at summer camps for Indigenous youth that are run by Christian organizations in Canada?; and iii) What does or could reconciliation look like in the context of these camps?, and present results and conclusions based on the collected data. This work is particularly timely and significant in light of the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (2015) and broader work for decolonization and improved relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada.

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