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Interação funcional entre o receptor do peptídeo liberador de gastrina e a via de sinalização do AMP cíclico/proteína quinase A : um estudo in vitro e in vivoFarias, Caroline Brunetto de January 2008 (has links)
Muitas evidências demonstram que o peptídeo liberador de gastrina (GRP) é um fator de crescimento que afeta funções neuroendócrinas, incluindo proliferação e diferenciação celular, comportamento alimentar, formação de memória, respostas a estresses, desenvolvimento de neoplasias, desordens neurológicas e psiquiátricas. Porém, os eventos moleculares pelos quais isso ocorre ainda não são totalmente compreendidos. No presente estudo, nós avaliamos as interações entre o receptor do peptídeo liberador de gastrina (GRPR) e a via de sinalização celular da PKA, tanto na proliferação celular de glioblastoma humano (in vitro) quanto na consolidação da memória no hipocampo de ratos Wistar (in vivo). Mostramos que o GRP age em sinergismo com agentes que estimulam a via do cAMP/PKA, promovendo a proliferação de células de glioblastoma humano, pois o tratamento com GRP combinado com um ativador de adenilil ciclase (AC), forskolin, ou um análogo de cAMP, 8-Br-cAMP, ou um inibidor do tipo IV de fosfodiesterase, rolipram, aumentaram a proliferação das células de U- 138MG, quando avaliadas pelo método de MTT. Nenhum destes compostos teve efeito sozinho. O mRNA de GRPR e a expressão protéica em U-138MG foram detectados pelas técnicas de RT-PCR e imuno-histoquímica. No estudo in vivo a bombesina em baixas doses induziu um aumento na consolidação da memória. O resultado foi potencializado na combinação com um ativador do receptor de dopamina D1/D5 (D1R), além de ser prevenido quando combinado com um inibidor da via da PKA. Os resultados sugerem que GRP e GRPR interagem com a via de sinalização cAMP/PKA tanto na estimulação da proliferação celular em linhagem de câncer humano quanto na modulação da memória no hipocampo de ratos. / Increasing evidence indicates that gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) acts as an autocrine growth factor for brain tumors as well as been implicated in memory formation, however, underlying molecular events are poorly understood. In the present study, we examined interactions between the GRPR and cellular signaling pathways in influencing memory consolidation in the hippocampus and on proliferation of glioblastoma cell in vitro. We show here that GRP acts synergistically with agents that stimulate the cAMP/PKA pathway to promote proliferation of human gliobastoma cells. Treatment with GRP combined with the adenylyl cyclase (AC) activator forskolin, the cAMP analog 8-Br-cAMP, or the phosphodiesterase type IV (PDE4) inhibitor rolipram increased proliferation of U138-MG cells in vitro measured by MTT assay. None of the compounds had an effect when given alone. GRP receptor (GRPR) mRNA and protein expression in U138-MG cells was detected by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunohistochemistry. We investigated the interactions between the GRPR and the PKA pathway in male Wistar rats. BB-induced enhancement of consolidation was potentiated by co infusion of activators of the dopamine D1/D5 receptor (D1R) pathway and prevented by a PKA inhibitor. The results suggest that GRP and the GRPR interact with the cAMP/PKA signaling pathway in stimulating a cancer cell line proliferation and in memory modulation by hippocampal.
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[pt] Justiça distributiva: uma análise prática da teoria de distribuição de bens sociais de Michael Walzer em uma comunidade brasileira não hipotética vivenciada num país de regime totalitarista em 1980 resgata a discussão entre as correntes liberalismo x comunitarismo, manifestas nessa mesma década. Essas correntes discutem propostas políticas mais igualitárias, buscando uma sociedade moderna mais justa. Sem o intuito de fazer um inventário dessas ideologias e se detendo na linha comunitarista de Walzer, a presente pesquisa objetiva refletir sobre a forma de distribuição dos bens sociais em um acampamento, uma comunidade particular e não hipotética. Transporta-se a análise de Walzer para o acampamento localizado no Iraque, na década de mil novecentos e oitenta. Sensações contrastantes faziam parte da vida da comunidade: externamente, havia a guerra, a destruição; internamente, a construção de uma rodovia, um consenso velado que justificava a presença de todos no local. Desenha-se, assim, o ápice da contradição: a destruição e a construção. A inspiração metodológica, bem como o marco teórico principal, foi a obra Esferas da Justiça, de Michael Walzer. O trabalho de abordagem descritiva e exploratória, sem a ambição de desenvolver um trabalho etnográfico, contou, ainda, com alguns trechos de depoimentos de brasileiros que habitaram o acampamento, obtidos por meio de entrevista semiestruturada. Nesse contexto, a escola, como um bem social, ganha destaque, por se considerar que a formação de pessoas com senso de justiça é um dos caminhos para a busca de uma sociedade mais justa e a educação, uma solução para essa formação. Pensar a igualdade complexa bem como as provisões comunitárias em uma comunidade moderna, particular, multicultural e plural, com sua diversidade de identidades coletivas torna desafiante qualquer tentativa de defender um único pensamento ou uma única teoria. Conclui-se que algumas categorias de análise de Walzer se aplicam às relações produzidas no acampamento e outras, não, bem como percebe-se a inconsistência de alguns de seus argumentos. Pensar em uma sociedade complexa como esta exige heterogeneidade do olhar, seja qual for o enfoque, filosófico ou político. / [en] Distributive justice: a practical analysis of Michael Walzer s social goods distribution theory in a non-hypothetical Brazilian community in the 80 s in a totalitarian government country rescues the discussion between the liberalism x communitarianism currents that took place in that same decade. Those currents discuss more egalitarian political proposals in the search of a fairer modern society. Not having the purpose of making an inventory of those thought currents and stopping at Walzer s communitarian line, this research aims at reflecting on the form of distribution of the social goods in a camp, a private and nonhypothetical community located in Iraq. Walzer s analysis is transported to the camp located in Iraq in the 80 s. Contrasting sensations were part of life in the community: externally, there was war and destruction; internally, there was the construction of a highway, a veiled consent on the reason that justified the presence of all of them at that place. Thereby, the summit of contradiction is designed: destruction and construction. The methodological inspiration, as well as the main theoretical milestone was Spheres of Justice, a book by Michael Walzer. The descriptive and exploratory approach work with no ambition to develop an ethnographic work also counted on data collection by means of a semi-structured interview with some parts of the statements made by Brazilians who lived in the camp. In that context, the school as a social good went to the spotlight once it is thought that the qualification of people with a sense of justice would be one of the paths in the search for a fairer society and education would be the solution for that qualification. To think of the complex equality as well as the community provisions in a modern, private, multicultural and plural community with its diversity of collective identities makes any attempt to defend one only thought or one only theory challenging. The conclusion is that some of Walzer s analysis categories apply to the relationships that were produced in the camp and some do not, and it is also possible to notice the inconsistency of some of his arguments within that context. To think of such a complex society, it is necessary to have an heterogeneous look, whatever the philosophical or political current may be.
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Efeitos da stanniocalcina 1 sobre a diferenciação osteogênica das células tronco adiposo-derivadas humanasTerra, Silvia Resende January 2016 (has links)
A stanniocalcina-1 (STC1) é uma glicoproteína caracterizada como um fator endócrino com ação anti-hipercalcêmica/hipocalcêmica originalmente descoberta em peixes. Em mamíferos, esse hormônio está expresso em praticamente todos os tecidos, regula diversas funções biológicas e atua como um fator autócrino/ parácrino. Diversas evidências demonstram o envolvimento da STC1 no desenvolvimento ósseo. Durante a embriogênese, a STC1 é expressa nos primeiros estágios de condensação mesenquimal e, posteriormente, se mantém restrita a preosteoblastos e osteoblastos maduros. Além disso, a STC1 estimula a mineralização óssea através do aumento da expressão de transportadores de fosfato e da osteopontina, uma sialoglicoproteína que atua na mineralização óssea. Células-tronco adultas simbolizam atualmente a fonte mais acessível de células progenitoras utilizadas em terapias celulares e engenharia de tecidos. O tecido adiposo contém uma população de células biológica e clinicamente interessantes denominada células tronco adiposo derivadas (CTADs). Atualmente as CTADs são a melhor fonte de células tronco adultas podendo ser obtidas através de procedimentos minimamente invasivos. Um grande número de estudos têm demonstrado o potencial osteogênico dessas células, no entanto, ainda é um desafio a compreensão dos mecanismos envolvidos na diferenciação osteogênica a partir das CTADs. Neste estudo, foi demonstrado que sete dias de indução osteogênica das CTADs na presença de 50 ng/mL de STC1 aumentaram significativamente a expressão gênica e proteica dos marcadores osteogênicos: fosfatase alcalina (FA), runt related gene 2 (RUNX2) e osteopontina (OPN) O aumento na atividade da enzima FAS foi relacionado diretamente com a maior expressão gênica e proteica. Além disso, a STC1 modula a via de sinalização pAKt/pGSK3-β/βcatenina em preosteoblastos de 7 dias sugerindo que seus efeitos sobre a osteogênese sejam mediados por essa via de sinalização. O peptídeo neuroendócrino CGRP (peptídeo relacionado ao gene da calcitonina) possui similaridades com STC1 e desempenha um importante papel nas fases iniciais da diferenciação dos osteoblastos. O CGRP ativa o receptor CALCRL, formando um dímero com a proteína transmembrana acessória RAMP1. Para elucidar o envolvimento da STC1 nas vias de sinalização relacionadas a receptores de calcitonina foi investigado o efeito desse hormônio na modulação 8 do receptor do CGRP e receptor de calcitonina (CTR) em CTADs diferenciadas para preosteoblastos e células Hek 293 superexpressoras de CALCRL/RAMP1 e CTR. A STC1 não alterou a expressão dos genes CALCRL e ramp1 durante a osteoblastogênese mas provocou alterações na distribuição espacial do complexo CALCRL/RAMP1 na membrana plasmática de preosteoblastos, induzindo a formação de clusters Além do efeito sobre a sinalização do CGRP a STC1 demonstrou inibir a sinalização da calcitonina diminuindo a produção de cAMP em células transfectadas com CTR. A STC1 não alterou os níveis intracelulares de cálcio e ATP. Esses resultados indicam que, embora não atue diretamente via os receptores CALCRL/RAMP1 e CTR, a STC1 modula a sinalização dos peptídeos CGRP e CT. Estudos mais detalhados sobre os efeitos da STC1 nas diferentes vias de sinalização são necessários para desvendar completamente os mecanismos de diferenciação osteogênicos das CTADs estimuladas por esse hormônio. / The stanniocalcin-1 (STC1) is a glycoprotein characterized as an endocrine factor with anti-hypercalcemic / hypocalcemic action, originally identified in fish. The hormone in mammals is expressed in virtually all tissues and regulates diverse biological functions, acting as an autocrine / paracrine factor. Many evidences demonstrate that STC1 is able to regulate bone development. During embryogenesis the STC1 is expressed in early stages of mesenchymal condensation and thereafter remains restricted to preosteoblast and mature osteoblast. Furthermore, STC1 stimulates bone mineralization by increasing the phosphate transporter expression and osteopontin, a sialoglycoprotein involved in bone mineralization. Adult stem cells currently symbolize the most accessible source of stem cells used in cell therapy and tissue engineering. Adipose tissue contains a population of biological cells clinically interesting called adipose derived stem cells (ASC). Currently, the ASCs are the best source of adult stem cells and can be harvested using minimally invasive procedures. A large number of studies had shown osteogenic potential of these cells, however, it is still a challenge to understand the mechanisms involved in osteogenic differentiation from ASCs This study demonstrated that 7-day preosteoblast in the presence of 50 ng / ml STC1 significantly increased gene and protein expression of osteogenic markers: alkaline phosphatase (ALP), runt related gene 2 (RUNX2), and osteopontin (OPN ). Also, there was an increase in the enzymatic activity of the ALP, possibly related to both gene and protein expression. Furthermore, STC1 modulates pAkt / pGSK3-β / βcatenina signaling in 7-day preosteoblast, suggesting that the STC1 effects on the osteogenesis is mediated by this pathway. The neuroendocrine peptide CGRP (calcitonin gene related peptide) has similarities to STC1 and plays an important role in the early stages of osteoblast differentiation. The active CGRP receptor form a dimer with the receptor activity-modifying protein 1 (RAMP1). To elucidate the involvement of STC1 in signaling pathways related to calcitonin receptors, it was investigated the STC1 effect on peptide receptor modulating the calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) and the calcitonin receptor (CTR) in 7-day preosteoblast, and in Hek 293 cells transfected with CALCRL / RAMP1 and CTR The STC1 did not change the expression of genes CALCRL and ramp1 during osteoblastogenesis but modified the plasma membrane spatial distribution of 10 CALCRL/RAMP1 in preosteoblast. Besides the effect on CGRP signaling, STC1 inhibited the calcitonin signaling by decreasing cAMP production in cells transfected with CTR. The STC1 did not alter intracellular calcium levels and ATP. These results indicated that STC1 does not act on the same receptors for calcitonin and CGRP, but modulates the action of these peptides. Studies on the effects of STC1 in different signaling pathways are necessary for understanding the mechanisms underlying the STC1 ability in enhancing osteoblastogenesis from hASCs.
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Konflikty při využívání řeky Lužnice rekreačními aktivitami / Conflicts among recreational uses of Lužnice riverSOLAŘOVÁ, Pavlína January 2009 (has links)
The main target of the thesis was to elaborate a project documentation that would focus on the solution of the conflicts caused by the recreational exploitation of the area. However, the results of preceding bachelor thesis (guestioning of visitors and situation analysis), interviews and of SWOT, PEST analyses pointed to the existence of several conflict issues. Based upon the current situation of the area, strategic targets, measures and tourism development plan were presented. The biggest problem of the area is an underdeveloped infrastructure of tourism and inferior accomodation with a high level of services. Presented project is dealing with a motel building in the camp, which should grafity all requierements of the tourists.
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Rozvinutí a upevnění křesťanských etických hodnot u dětí staršího školního věku prostřednictvím volnočasových aktivit / Christian Ethical Values Development and Stabilisation at Older School-age Children Via Free Time Activities in Summer CampBRADÁČ, Martin January 2008 (has links)
The work is focused on how it is possible to stabilize and develop ethical values in children camps. First the work is focused on a value concept and determinates a Christian ethical value. Further it describes pubescence season characteristics and its specifics, where ethical development, identity and socialization inherently belong to. Then basic mechanisms analyses which are helpful for values education follow. Next part of the work is focused on camp and games dramaturgy. In the end an application of gained knowledge is shown on particular Christian camp preparation which is going to be focused on Christian ethical values development and stabilisation. Example of such camp day by day follows.
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Rehabilitační pobyty na letním táboře pro děti trpící enurézou a enkoprézou / Rehabilitative stays at the summer camp for the children suffering from enuresis and encopresisBOCKSCHNEIDEROVÁ, Alena January 2009 (has links)
Enuresis (bed-wetting) and encopresis (fecal soiling) mean elimination disorder and the children suffering from these disorders are often isolated from their contemporaries. The summer camp for the children suffering from enuresis and encopresis held by Faculty of Health and Social Studies at University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice provides the children with i. a. the only possibility of experiencing life without worries and shame, which is the way of life that the majority of children take for granted. In the theoretical part of the dissertation work the author deals with the issue of enuresis and encopresis from various angles. The main goal of the dissertation work is to analyse and describe the impact of the rehabilitative stay at the summer camp for the children suffering from enuresis and encopresis on the disorder of the children. The research question aims to answer: ``In what way and in which fields the rehabilitative stay at the summer camp for the children suffering from enuresis and encopresis contributes to the improvement or the total reduction of the problems linked to the disorder``. The qualitative research was carried out both at the summer camp and home background in years 2006 {--} 2008. The following methods of data collection have been used: interrogation method, observation, document review and the methods within the psychological examination. The research emerged from findings that the camp for the children suffering from enuresis and encopresis improves psychosocial state of the children predominantly due to their self-confidence building, self-identity and self-evaluating. The camp helps the children with their problems in the field of setting boundaries, rules and regime, in the field of experience and hygiene. The camp is also meaningful regarding the field of children`s contacts with other affected children and adults and the field of psychic and physical resistance. Due to the above mentioned aspects the camp contributes not only to problem reduction linked to emptying disorders but also to the children{\crq}s total reduction of enuresis and encopresis. The research results demonstrate two hypotheses: The first is based on the notion that the camp contributes to the improvement of psychosocial state of the children suffering from enuresis and encopresis. The second hypothesis proves that the camp positively influences the frequency of bed-wetting and fecal soiling.
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Aspectos Comportamentais e Moleculares da Sensibilização Cruzada entre Estresse e Cocaina. / Behavioral and molecular aspects of the cross-sensitization between stress and cocaineAna Paula Natalini de Araujo 10 August 2001 (has links)
Vários estudos clínicos demonstram que existem fatores adicionais ao efeito reforçador primário das drogas que determinam por que alguns indivíduos permanecem usuários ocasionais, enquanto outros progridem para a farmacodependência. Evidências clínicas apontam o estresse como uma variável importante na iniciação, manutenção e recaída ao uso da cocaína ou morfina. Em roedores, a cocaína induz a sensibilização comportamental que se caracteriza pelo aumento progressivo da atividade motora no decorrer do seu uso prolongado. Esse fenômeno é um dos eventos que emergem no decurso temporal das adaptações que levam à farmacodependência. Recentemente foi sugerido que a sensibilização é a gênese do uso compulsivo de drogas. Muitos estudos revelam que o estresse induz a sensibilização comportamental cruzada com os psicostimulantes. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a sensibilização cruzada entre o estresse e a cocaína, bem como os mecanismos neurais subjacentes. Para tanto foram avaliados as concentrações plasmáticas da corticosterona, a atividade locomotora basal e a induzida por cocaína, e a atividade da PKA nos animais expostos aos estresses agudo ou crônico, previsível ou imprevisível. A exposição ao estresse crônico previsível (EP) aumentou a atividade locomotora basal e a induzida por cocaína. A exposição ao EP aumentou as concentrações basais da corticosterona mas não alterou a atividade da PKA no núcleo acumbens e no corpo estriado. Assim, podemos concluir que a exposição a EP induziu sensibilização comportamental cruzada à cocaína, sendo que esse efeito não se correlacionou com as alterações na atividade da PKA. / A potential etiologic factor in substance abuse is stress, and it is possible that chronic exposure to stressful lifes events is related to the development of drug dependence and relapse. Behavioral sensitization is defined as an augmentation of a response to a drug during repeated drug exposure. Behavioral sensitization has been shown to occur to the locomotor and reinforcing effects of cocaine, amphetamine and other drugs of abuse. It has been suggested that sensitization is the genesis of compulsive drug use. Converging evidence suggests that exposure to stress induces behavioral sensitization to psychostimulant drugs. The present study investigates behavioral and molecular aspects of the cross-sensitization between stress and cocaine. We evaluated the basal and cocaine-induced locomotor activity, corticosterone plasma levels and protein kinase cAMP-dependent (PKA) activity in animals exposed to acute or chronic predictable and unpredictable stress. Increased basal and cocaine-induced locomotor activity was observed in animals exposed to chronic predictable stress. Chronic predictable stress increased basal corticosterone levels but did not change protein kinase A activity in both accumbens and striatum. In conclusion, predictable stress produced sensitization to locomotor effects of cocaine but this effect did not correlate with changes in PKA activity.
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Interação funcional entre o receptor do peptídeo liberador de gastrina e a via de sinalização do AMP cíclico/proteína quinase A : um estudo in vitro e in vivoFarias, Caroline Brunetto de January 2008 (has links)
Muitas evidências demonstram que o peptídeo liberador de gastrina (GRP) é um fator de crescimento que afeta funções neuroendócrinas, incluindo proliferação e diferenciação celular, comportamento alimentar, formação de memória, respostas a estresses, desenvolvimento de neoplasias, desordens neurológicas e psiquiátricas. Porém, os eventos moleculares pelos quais isso ocorre ainda não são totalmente compreendidos. No presente estudo, nós avaliamos as interações entre o receptor do peptídeo liberador de gastrina (GRPR) e a via de sinalização celular da PKA, tanto na proliferação celular de glioblastoma humano (in vitro) quanto na consolidação da memória no hipocampo de ratos Wistar (in vivo). Mostramos que o GRP age em sinergismo com agentes que estimulam a via do cAMP/PKA, promovendo a proliferação de células de glioblastoma humano, pois o tratamento com GRP combinado com um ativador de adenilil ciclase (AC), forskolin, ou um análogo de cAMP, 8-Br-cAMP, ou um inibidor do tipo IV de fosfodiesterase, rolipram, aumentaram a proliferação das células de U- 138MG, quando avaliadas pelo método de MTT. Nenhum destes compostos teve efeito sozinho. O mRNA de GRPR e a expressão protéica em U-138MG foram detectados pelas técnicas de RT-PCR e imuno-histoquímica. No estudo in vivo a bombesina em baixas doses induziu um aumento na consolidação da memória. O resultado foi potencializado na combinação com um ativador do receptor de dopamina D1/D5 (D1R), além de ser prevenido quando combinado com um inibidor da via da PKA. Os resultados sugerem que GRP e GRPR interagem com a via de sinalização cAMP/PKA tanto na estimulação da proliferação celular em linhagem de câncer humano quanto na modulação da memória no hipocampo de ratos. / Increasing evidence indicates that gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) acts as an autocrine growth factor for brain tumors as well as been implicated in memory formation, however, underlying molecular events are poorly understood. In the present study, we examined interactions between the GRPR and cellular signaling pathways in influencing memory consolidation in the hippocampus and on proliferation of glioblastoma cell in vitro. We show here that GRP acts synergistically with agents that stimulate the cAMP/PKA pathway to promote proliferation of human gliobastoma cells. Treatment with GRP combined with the adenylyl cyclase (AC) activator forskolin, the cAMP analog 8-Br-cAMP, or the phosphodiesterase type IV (PDE4) inhibitor rolipram increased proliferation of U138-MG cells in vitro measured by MTT assay. None of the compounds had an effect when given alone. GRP receptor (GRPR) mRNA and protein expression in U138-MG cells was detected by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunohistochemistry. We investigated the interactions between the GRPR and the PKA pathway in male Wistar rats. BB-induced enhancement of consolidation was potentiated by co infusion of activators of the dopamine D1/D5 receptor (D1R) pathway and prevented by a PKA inhibitor. The results suggest that GRP and the GRPR interact with the cAMP/PKA signaling pathway in stimulating a cancer cell line proliferation and in memory modulation by hippocampal.
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Previous issue date: 2007-11-30 / This research about the camps of landless has the aim to review by the struggle for land in the south of Mato Grosso do Sul, with a look back to the person that embodies
and lives. Thus, from the analysis and a brief ethnography of three camps of that region, which are: the Oito de Março (1997), in Itaquiraí, the Laguna Peru (1999), Eldorado and
the Mambaré (1999), in Mundo Novo, all of them in Mato Grosso do Sul, sought to build a narrative that reviewed the daily struggle of landless for a piece of land. We retrieved, in the process, conflicts, contradictions and difficulties from the space / time of the camps, in order to ensure also the specificity of each mediator involved (MST, FETAGRI, CUT). During this period of struggle, the establishment of the camps, interpreted the principle as a temporary situation, in many cases, however, eventually becoming a way of life, because many families analyzed came to live 10 years under tents along the roads. The meanders of this process, however, are marked by hopes and the antagonisms between the anomia and the hope, solidarity and the competition, the resistance and the conformism, the harmony and conflict. This is a focused analysis to the field of social and cultural history, a long history of fairly recent and still ongoing historical phenomenon, which may be called as a history of this time / Este trabalho de pesquisa tem como objetivo a análise da luta pela terra no sul de Mato Grosso do Sul com um olhar voltado ao sujeito que a personifica e a vivencia. Assim, entre a análise e uma breve etnografia de três acampamentos que existiram nessa região acampamento Oito de Março (1997), em Itaquiraí, acampamento Laguna Peru (1999), em Eldorado e acampamento Mambaré (1999), em Mundo Novo - busquei
construir uma narrativa que contemplasse a luta cotidiana desses sujeitos por um pedaço de chão, com todos os conflitos, contradições e dificuldades oriundas do espaço/tempo do acampamento de forma a garantir a especificidade de cada mediador analisado (MST, FETAGRI, CUT). Esse período de luta acabou, em muitos casos, tornando-se um modo de vida; as famílias analisadas viveram de um a dez anos sob o barraco de lonas às margens das estradas. Os meandros desse processo, no entanto, são marcados pela espera e pelos antagonismos entre a anomia e a esperança, a solidariedade e a competição, a resistência e
o conformismo, a harmonia e o conflito. Trata-se de uma análise voltada ao campo da história social e cultural de um tempo histórico bastante recente, portanto, de fenômeno
histórico ainda em curso, que pode ser denominado como uma história do tempo presente
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Internally displaced persons remaining in camps : A case study of internally displaced persons in Sri LankaJohansson, Rebecka January 2004 (has links)
ABSTRACT Internally displaced persons remaining in camps - who are they, why do they stay? A case study of internally displaced persons in Sri Lanka Essay in Political Science C, by Rebecka Johansson, fall 2004 This essay is a case study of internally displaced persons in camps in the district of Vavunyia in northern Sri Lanka. The main question was; Why do some internally displaced persons remain in camps when many displaced people already have settled elsewhere? The aim of this study was to examine why some people stay in camps even after a ceasefire agreement has been signed and though many people already have settled. The literature on solutions of conflict-induced displacement is not conceptually rich or theoretically exact. Therefore this study also tried to make a model for analysing why some individuals remain in camps. The model is based on the political scientist Robert Dahl theories on “political resources”. The concept used in this essay is “personal resources”. The personal resources examined were social situations and land and property ownerships and political and legal rights. The study assumes from the hypothesis that the remaining people in camps lack these personal resources which are of importance for their ability and motivation to settle outside the camps. The personal resources have been divided into structural and agential factors. The result of this study suggests that the given hypothesis was right; the remaining displaced persons lack most of the examined personal resources. Their social situation was characterised by low status, small social network in the place they fled from, low education and unskilled work. A majority of the displaced who remained in the camps were landless. Until recently their legal right to choose settlement was restricted. The only personal resource that the majority of the displaced possessed was the political right to vote. The lack of personal resources affects both the displaced persons’ ability and motivation to find a durable solution. Worthy to note is that it is impossible to draw clear distinctions between what is to be seen as agential and structural factors. Landlessness which in the introduction was categorised as a structural factor was proved to also constitute an agential factor as it affects people’s motivation to return. The study shows that the circumstances surrounding internally displaced persons are complex and constitute many obstacles to their possibility to find permanent settlements. The most obvious factors, like not having any place to return to and deprivation of the legal rights of choice of settlement, can be the most important explanations.
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