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Toward The Horizon: Contemporary Queer Theatre as Utopic ActivismPage, Cody Allyn 20 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Ein Beitrag zur funkgestützten Indoor-Positionierung auf der Basis von Leckwellenleitern in FahrgastzellenEngelbrecht, Julia Maria 12 October 2018 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird der Einsatz von Leckwellenleiter (engl. Leaky Coaxial Cable, LCX) zur funkgestützten Indoor-Positionierung in Fahrgastzellen untersucht. Mit Hilfe eines erstellten Vorgehensmodells werden zwei unterschiedliche LCX-Prototypen speziell für den Ortungseinsatz entwickelt. Hierbei wird die elektromagnetische Feldberechnung verwendet, um sowohl Leckwellenleiterstrukturen als auch deren Einsatz in einer Fahrgastzelle zu bewerten. Nach Fertigung beider Leckwellenleiter erfolgt eine messtechnische Validierung in einer vordefinierten Fahrgastzellenumgebung. Der Einsatz dieser Prototypen zur Indoor-Positionierung wird sowohl in Modell- als auch in realen Fahrzeugumgebungen, wie der AutoTram Extra Grand des Fraunhofer IVI, durchgeführt. Eine statistische Betrachtung von Messergebnissen sowie
die Vorstellung eines zonenselektiven Positionierungsansatzes schließen diese Arbeit.
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American womanhood : feminist politics and the racial protest novels of Lydia Child and Harriet Beecher StoweCato, Farrah M. 01 July 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Extendable ladder cover solution for swedish fire vehiclesMolbeck Blyth, Marco Aurelio, Acosta Vega, María Isabel January 2016 (has links)
The following thesis project has been done in direct collaboration with Autokaross i Floby AB Rescue Vehicle Department, in Sweden. The report contains the design development of a protective cover against weather conditions for the extendable ladder in a fire vehicle. The aim of the report has been to develop a functional and low cost solution cover for the FEL on a fire truck, which is allocated on the roof, with the express intention of providing adequate access and protection against weather conditions in Nordic countries, so as to prevent premature deterioration of the FEL unit. The company has set the technical and conceptual boundaries, with the help of the two previous concepts currently used, the BMC and the ACP. The initial requirements laid out by the company were expressed through a number of specific demands which can be categorized in two main points: Cost: Designing a solution keeping in mind cost limits, assembly cost and time, and space optimization. This was done by taking into account the two existing solutions, particularly the BMC, which represents the lowest, cost wise and function wise. Therefore it was used as the basis on which to apply improvements, rather than trying to lower the high cost on the overqualified function of the ACP. Function: Providing the adequate protection and access to the FEL. In this case, the problem was solved by establishing the correct degree of protection relevant to the Nordic weather conditions and FEL needs, and regarding the access, this was assured by fully automating the opening/closing process with the existing extraction operating system of the FEL. The result of this report is a concept solution which meets the company’s demands, obtained by creative detailing, together with an analysis regarding possible considerations that could improve the creative detailing result in this report in the form of future work. The report documents the process that has taken place in exploration, concept generation, concept evaluation, concept selection, and detailed CAD development. Each section shows the requirements and adjustments taken to fulfil the company’s needs.
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Toni Morrison and the literary canon whiteness, blackness, and the construction of racial identityPhiri, Aretha Myrah Muterakuvanthu January 2009 (has links)
Toni Morrison, in Playing in the Dark, observes the pervasive silence that surrounds race in nineteenth-century canonical literature. Observing the ways in which the “Africanist” African-American presence pervades this literature, Morrison has called for an investigation of the ways in which whiteness operates in American canonical literature. This thesis takes up that challenge. In the first section, from Chapters One through Three, I explore how whiteness operates through the representation of the African-American figure in the works of three eminent nineteenth-century American writers, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Walt Whitman, and Mark Twain. The texts studied in this regard are: Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Leaves of Grass, and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. This section is not concerned with whether these texts constitute racist literature but with the ways in which the study of race, particularly whiteness, reveals the contradictions and insecurities that attend (white American) identity. As such, Morrison’s own fiction, written in response to white historical representations of African-Americans also deserves attention. The second section of this thesis focuses on Morrison’s attempt to produce an authentically “black” literature. Here I look at two of Morrison’s least studied but arguably most contentious novels particularly because of what they reveal of Morrison’s complex position on race. In Chapter Four I focus on Tar Baby and argue that this novel reveals Morrison’s somewhat essentialist position on blackness and racial, cultural, and gendered identity, particularly as this pertains to responsibilities she places on the black woman as culture-bearer. In Chapter Five I argue that Paradise, while taking a particularly challenging position on blackness, reveals Morrison’s evolving position on race, particularly her concern with the destructive nature of internalized racism. This thesis concludes that while racial identities have very real material consequences, whiteness and blackness are ideological and social constructs which, because of their constructedness, are fallible and perpetually under revision.
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Assesment of the Thermal Environment in Vehicular Cabins / Assesment of the Thermal Environment in Vehicular CabinsFojtlín, Miloš January 2019 (has links)
Ľudia žijúci vo vyspelých krajinách trávia väčšinu svojho života vo vnútorných prostrediach budov alebo dopravných prostriedkov. Z tohto dôvodu, záujem o výskum kvality vnútorných prostredím rastie, pričom hlavný dôraz je kladený na oblasti výskumu ľudského zdravia, produktivity a komfortu. Jedným z faktorov ovplyvňujúci kvalitu prostredí je ich tepelný aspekt, ktorý je najčastejšie popísaný teplotou vzduchu, radiačnou teplotou, vlhkosťou vzduchu a rýchlosťou prúdenia vzdu-chu. Zatiaľ čo tieto parametre je možné riadiť systémom pre vykurovanie, vetranie a klimatizáciu nezávisle na počasí, takéto zariadenia sa podieľajú na vysokej spotrebe energie a značnej uhlíkovej stope. V prostediach kabín áut a dopravných prostriedkov je riadenie parametrov tepelného prostredia komplikované z dôvodu ich asymetrickej a časovo premenlivej povahy. Táto situácia je obzvlášť kritická vo vozidlách na elektrický pohon s vlastnou batériou, kde je energia na úpravu vnútornej mikroklímy čerpaná na úkor dojazdu vozidla. Pre uvedené dôvody sa hľadajú nové, en-ergeticky účinnejšie spôsoby pre úpravu tepelných prostredí a zabezpečenia tepelného komfortu. Jedným z potenciálnych riešení sú zariadenia dodávajúce človeku teplo alebo chlad lokálne, ako napríklad vyhrievané a vetrané sedadlá a sálavé panely. Vzhľadom na to, že experimentálny výskum vnútorných prostredí je náročný s ohľadom na čas a potrebné vybavenie, trendy výskumu vplyvov takýchto zariadení na človeka smerujú k optimalizačným úlohám vo virtuálnych prostrediach pomocou modelov ľudksej termofyziológie a tepelného pocitu/komfortu. Avšak pre spoľahlivé výsledky modelovania sú potrebné presné vstupné parametre definujúce prostredie, odev, vplyv povrchov v kontakte s človekom (napríklad sedadlá) a pôsobenie systémov na lokálnu úpravu mikroklímy. Cieľom tejto dizertačnej práce je vytvorenie metodológie na hodnotenie tepelných prostredí v kabínach automobilov s ohľadom na pozíciu v sede a využitím technológii na lokálnu úpravu tepelných prostredí. Jedným z požiadavkov na takúto metodológiu je jej aplikovateľnosť vo virtuálnych ale aj reálnych prostrediach. V prípade hodnotenia reálnych prostredí, cieľom je vytvorenie demonštrátora, ktorý by bol využiteľný ako spätná väzba pre riadenie systémov pre úpravu mikroklímy na základe požadovaného tepeleného pocitu. Validita uvedenej metodológie bola demonštrovaná v typických podmienkach kabín automobilov (5–41 °C) a poznatky z tejto práce sú prenesiteľné do širokého spektra inžinierkych aplikácii. V oblasti osobnej dopravy a pracovných prostredí s vyššou tepelnou záťažou je táto metóda užitočná pre identifikáciu možných zdrojov diskomfortu. Navyše je táto metóda vhodná i pre rýchlo rastúci segment elektrických vozidiel, kde je možné sledovať tok energie potrebnej na dosiahnutie určitej úrovne komfortu a riešenie optimalizačných úloh za účelom úspory energie a predĺženie dojazdu. Obdobné aplikácie možno nájsť i v budovách a prostrediach s podobnými charakteristikami.
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Analýza pohonu modelu domovního výtahu s EC motorem / Drive model for EC motor elevator analysisJavořík, Zdeněk January 2010 (has links)
The master thesis encompasses the possibilities of position evaluation and drive control with the aid of SMI work enviroment. Furthermore the thesis is directed to create a program through a designed control algorithm. The work is realised on the elevator model with electronically commuted motor. An incremental scanner is used as the position sensor. The motor control unit is set up and programmed in the SmartMotorInterface software. In the next part, measurements with altered parameters are conducted. On the basis of these measurements the influence of parameters on the positioning process and its accuracy is evaluated. At the conclusion of the work, a design of laboratory task for educational purposes is created. The laboratory task is composed in such a way, that students would become familiar with the SMI work enviroment and would be able to practicaly test the setup of incremental position sensor and motor control with the aid of entered algorithm.
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Oceňování nemovitostí typu rekreačního střediska - Zubří / Real Estate Valuation of the recreation center of ZubříNečasová, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Valuation of property type resort" deals with both the development of a comprehensive register of all immovable property, forming part of the accessories and recreational area in “Zubří” and also with the valuation of these assets, which will result in the determination of prices that should be required when its sale. The issue of valuation is not easy and extends into several areas. The first part of this work, the theoretical part, focuses on the definition and clarification of basic terms as from the field of valuation same as the terms of the law and economics. It further, various valuation methods are described in more detail and these are then used in the practical part. At the beginning of the practical part the location of the real estate same as the results of a market analysis and data obtained from the local investigation are described briefly. The results of the valuation are evaluated and analyzed in more detail in the conclusion of the thesis.
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Art as Activism: The Lives and Art of Billie Holiday, Lena Horne, and Nina SimoneCampbell, Katy M. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Optimization of design efficiency by implementing Design for Excellence : A Case Study for Optimizing Rottne Industri AB:s current harvester cabin production / Optimering av konstruktionseffektivitet genom implementering av Design for Excellence : En fallstudie för att optimera Rottne Industri AB:s nuvarande skördarhyttsproduktionBerggren Turesson, Adam, Holmberg, Alex January 2023 (has links)
The effects of humanity's actions on the environment have been a viral topic for many years. The efficiency of refining raw materials is crucial in reducing these effects. This thesis was thereby tasked with improving the assembly efficiency of Rottne Industri AB:s harvester cabin. Various theories were utilized to improve the design, with Design for Excellence being the most notable. By implementing a seven-step product development process, concepts could be generated and later scored based on the customer's comments and discovered issues. The authors selected the idea with the highest score and developed it until they achieved a concept meeting the product's objectives. The concept was then validated by performing simulations and calculations related to its assembly efficiency, environmental impact, and cost. The redesign resulted in an idea possessing a design efficiency 135% higher than the original, a 72% shorter assembly time, 13% less weight, a 25% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, and a 41% reduction in assembly and material costs.
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