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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evidence nemovitostí v Čechách a na Moravě (vývoj katastru nemovitostí) / Registration of real property in Bohemia and Moravia (development of the land registry)

Vachalovský, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explain the development of real estate registration in Bohemia and Moravia from the very beginning belonging to the 11th century to the last stage of development prior to the current arrangements. Thanks to this study should be easier to understand the current treatment of real estate cadastre in all its complexity. Thus, including the principles and tools from which it is based. The whole historical development is no less interesting areas, where the development of real estate registration, always reflect the current major historical events. Some events can interfere with the subject more and some less, but this issue, which is intersecting virtually the entire period of Czech Statehood, can't be investigate without the knowledge of the historical circumstances specific to each developmental period. This study is divided into two chapters. The first chapter deals with public books, which are instruments in which they were written ownership rights to real property for the purpose of ensuring and strengthening the rights of the owner against foreign interference in its ownership. This was for most of its existence almost purely private instrument, but eventually during the Communist regime was associated with the real estate cadastre. This chapter is divided into five...

Morfologia històrica del territorium de Tarraco en època tardo-republicana romana o ibèrica final (ss. III-I a.C.): cadastres i estructures rurals

Arrayás Morales, Isaías 30 October 2002 (has links)
Amb aquest Treball de Recerca ens hem volgut aproximar a la morfologia històrica del territorium de l'antiga ciuitas de Tarraco durant el període tardo-republicà romà (o Ibèric Final), mitjançant una anàlisi arqueomorfològica de l'hinterland rural més immediat a la seva urbs, l'extensa plana agrícola coneguda com a Camp de Tarragona. En primer lloc, en aquest treball hem procurat recollir i considerar les dades atorgades per les fonts literàries antigues, l'epigrafia, la numismàtica i l'arqueologia, i del seu estudi creiem que es desprèn com durant el període tardo-republicà van esdevenir dins el Camp de Tarragona significatius canvis a tots els nivells, a partir dels quals podem afigurar que estem davant d'un "moment de transició" enormement dinàmic. Aquest fet es fa especialment visible en les notables variacions esdevingudes a nivell de patró d'assentament, que hem detectat mitjançant un acurat estudi dels jaciments arqueològics constatats a la nostra àrea de treball amb cronologies compreses entre l'Ibèric Ple i el període alto-imperial (III Part, capítol 4; Annex I) (Mapes 1-6; Gràfiques 1-7). De l'estudi es desprèn, fonamentalment, que el gran moment de la transformació del món indígena a causa de l'intervencionisme romà no va arribar fins a la segona meitat del s. II a.C. (III Part, capítol 4, apartat 4.3.) (Mapa 4; Gràfica 5), doncs observem com esdevenen al Camp de Tarragona tot un conjunt de canvis de gran magnitud a nivell de patró d'assentament, que caldria interpretar com el resultat de l'establiment al territori d'una autèntica estructura cadastral romana, que serviria, principalment, per a traslladar a la població ibèrica a nous hàbitats (d'acord amb el nou sistema d'explotació del territori implantat per Roma). Del nostre estudi es desprèn també la significació que tingué per a Tarraco la segona meitat del s. I a.C. i l'època augustiana (III Part, capítol 4, apartat 4.5.) (Mapa 6; Gràfica 7), un període al llarg del qual es consolida com a veritable ciuitas romana, observant-se a nivell territorial l'aparició de centres terrissaires productors d'àmfores vinícoles i de nous assentaments rurals (alguns ja qualificables de villae), clars indicadors dels inicis i del desenvolupament de la producció de vi a la regió (III Part, capítol 4, apartat 4.5.1.) i de la implantació del "sistema de la vil·la", sens dubte, el fenomen més important que esdevé al territorium de Tarraco a partir de les darreries del s. I a.C. i que es va desenvolupar al llarg de tot el període alto-imperial (III Part, capítol 4, apartat 4.5.2.). Una vegada s'han recollit i estudiat les dades arqueològiques i s'han posat en relació amb les aportades per les fonts literàries antigues, les epigràfiques i les numismàtiques, la qual cosa ens ha possibilitat una aproximació a l'evolució del poblament al Camp de Tarragona durant el període tardo-republicà (o Ibèric Final), hem centrat plenament els nostres esforços en conèixer les característiques morfològiques del susdit territori a l'Antiguitat a partir dels possibles elements antics observables encara al paisatge actual (és a dir, en realitzar l'estudi arqueomorfològic pròpiament dit) (III Part, capítol 5) (Mapes 7-17; Gràfiques 8-12). Seguint les directrius establertes per la metodologia d'estudi desenvolupada al Centre de Recherches d'Histoire Ancienne de l'Université de Franche-Comté (Besançon, França), hem aconseguit detectar una orientació dominant al parcel·lari que respon a unes coordenades de 27º E respecte al nord geogràfic i es correspon relativament bé amb la xarxa teòrica de la centuriació de 20 X 20 actus i 710 m. Malgrat tot, no es descarta que algun altre mòdul de la centuriació pugui ser restituït sobre aquesta orientació, doncs (a partir de les restes detectades) es fa difícil establir la modulació de la centuriatio amb precisió, en referència tant al mòdul mètric (comprés entre 705 i 710 m. per centúria), com al propi mòdul de l'estructura intermèdia. Tampoc es descarta l'existència d'una altra orientació que respongui a un altre cadastre, però sempre haurem de considerar la detectada com la principal al nostre territori (que, per aquesta raó, i després de contemplar diverses possibilitats, hem decidit qualificar com a "dominant") (Mapes 7-10 i 17). Respecte a la cronologia, hem de concloure que, en principi, caldria donar a aquesta estructura cadastral romana una datació de segona meitat del s. II a.C., una datació que no respon a la pròpia estructura de la limitatio (és a dir, al seu mòdul, al tipus de xarxa establerta), doncs la centuriació de 20 X 20 actus fou la més àmpliament utilitzada per Roma, sense una cronologia determinada, i que, fonamentalment, es basa en les variacions constatades al patró d'assentament, doncs la instauració del cadastre romà va comportar una profunda transformació a les pautes d'ocupació del territori. / The aim of this PhD thesis is to present an 'archaeomorphological' and historical study of the rural hinterland of the ancient ciuitas of Tarraco during the Late Republican or Late Iberian period. Geographically called Camp de Tarragona, this plain runs between a chain of mountains and the Mediterranean coastline, drained by the rivers Francolí and Gaià. A wide range of historical sources (literature, epigraphy, numismatics and archaeology) have been considered, suggesting several changes in this landscape in many respects. Especially significant are the variations in the 'settlement pattern' from the Middle Iberian Period to the Early Empire, as shown from our archaeological data, listing sites and their chronology (III Part, chapter 4; Annex I) (Maps 1-6; Graphics 1-7). The latter half of the Second Century BC (III Part, chapter 4, 4.3.) (Map 4; Graphic 5) becomes crucial in order to explain these changes as severe transformations in the 'settlement pattern' may be attached to it. Probably, they were related to a Roman cadaster, whose objective was to settle down indigenous populations in new locations, according to Rome's main policy, at the time, on provincial exploitation. Equally important is how Tarraco consolidated itself as a real Roman ciuitas. From the second half of the First Century BC to the time of Augustus (III Part, chapter 4, 4.5.) (Map 6; Graphic 7), pottery production (esp. wine amphorae) (III Part, chapter 4, 4.5.1.) and new rural settlements started to develop increasing. This development was the result of the implementation of the wine industry, clearly supported by a widespread expansion of the new 'villae system' in Tarraco's territorium (III Part, chapter 4, 4.5.2.). As soon as the archaeological material had been studied and related to the rest of our historical information, the attention focused on the morphological patterns of this region in Antiquity, from the evidence available in the present landscape (the so called 'archaeomorphologic study') (III Part, chapter 5) (Maps 7-17; Graphics 8-12). Following the methodology established by the Centre de Recherches d'Histoire Ancienne de l'Université de Franche-Comté (Besançon, France), a main orientation (27º E to the North) has been detected in the landscape. This seems to correspond to a theoretical 'orthogonal net' of a centuriatio measuring 20 X 20 actus and 710 m. However, another modulation of the same centuriatio and even other orientations corresponding to other cadasters might be traced on the same landscape (Maps 7-10 and 17). I believe that this cadaster should be dated to the latter half of the Second Century BC Unfortunately, we cannot fix such a date due to the modulation of the cadaster itself, because this kind of limitatio (20 X 20 actus) does not provide a precise chronology. Thus, our dating has to take into account the changes in the 'settlement pattern', namely the establishment of a cadaster, produced by the Roman intervention in the area.

Spatial cadastral information systems: the maintenance of digital cadastral maps

Effenberg, Wolfgang Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
The management of a cadastral system's digital spatial data has promptedconsiderable research, generally with a focus limited to the organisationmaintaining the cadastral map. The approach of viewing the maintenanceof cadastral maps as a system encompassing the entire cadastral industryhas not been comprehensively studied and documented. This approach isseen as essential to transform cadastral mapping from its currentorganisation specific isolation, into a form that is truly interoperable withthe processing of spatial cadastral information in a digital environment.This dissertation documents a research program that is essentially adefinition and an analysis and design of spatial cadastral systems withparticular emphasis on the Australian State of Victoria. The researchsubstantiates the existence of a spatial cadastral system within the overallcadastral system. A review is presented of the analysis of a number ofinternational, western spatial cadastral systems, and establishes theboundary of the spatial cadastral system. An investigation of systemmethodologies used in cadastral research and information systemsconcludes the applicability of the Zachman Framework to structure anddocument the more comprehensive analysis of spatial cadastral systems.This analysis is undertaken for the spatial cadastral systems of theAustralian State of Victoria.The impacting developments, such as enabling technology, coupled withuser requirements and issues relating to existing spatial cadastralsystems, provides the basis for the presentation of a range of solutionalternatives to manage the spatial data associated with the maintenanceof the multipurpose cadastral map in a digital and Internet enabledenvironment.

Katastr nemovitostí / Cadastre of real estate

Koloros, Filip January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the land registry. The purpose of my thesis is to compare old and new legislation relates to Cadastre of Real Estate. The reason for my research is that the new legislation came up with signicifant changes. At the beggining of my thesis you can find introduction. Introduction presents aims of my thesis and also structure. The thesis is composed of seven chapters. Chapter one concentrates on history of land registry. This chapter is subdivided into five parts. In each part is described one of important historical periods related to real estate record. Chapter two examines relevant Czech legislation of cadastral law. It briefly describes effective laws and ordinances. Chapter three deals with fundamental information about Cadastre of Real Estate. This chapter consists of three parts. Part one focuses on basic terms and their definition. Part two describes objects, which are kept recorded. Part three containts information about content of land registry. Chapter four is an analysis of registration into the Cadastre of Real Estate according to past legislation. This chapter provides an outline of relevant Czech case law. Part one describes Entry. Part two is about Record. Part three characterises Note. Chapter five analyzes registration into the Cadastre of Real Estate according to...

Revize katastru nemovitostí v katastrálním území Jundrov / The revision of the cadastre in the cadastral unit of Jundrov

Kubíčková, Alena January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the revision of the cadastre data in the cadastral area of Jundrov. The area of interest is only a part of the cadastral territory, which is classified by the Cadastral Office Brno - město. The revision of the cadastre data was carried out in accordance with Section 35 of Act no. 256/2013 Sb. on Real Estate Cadastre (Cadastral Act) and Section 43 of Act no. 357/2013 Sb. on land registry (cadastral decree). The result of the master’s thesis is a copy of the cadastral map with inconsistencies drawn, a list of discrepancies found, annexes to the protocol on the result of revision of the cadastre data.

Cadastro dinâmico: modelo de implantação / Dynamic cadastre: implantation model

Chaves, Eliana Edérle Dias 07 March 2013 (has links)
A superfície terrestre está em movimentação contínua em decorrência das ações das forças tectônicas, dos processos climáticos ou de agentes atmosféricos, que podem causar deformações de origem espacial ou temporal, podendo afetar a infraestrutura geodésica de um país e por consequência a Rede de Referência Cadastral Municipal (RRCM) vinculada a ela, causando alterações nas coordenadas dos limites da parcela (unidade básica do Cadastro). A escolha do Modelo Geodésico de Monitoramento de Deformação (MGMD) adequado depende da localização e das dimensões da área de estudo. A quantificação dos parâmetros de deformação e o impacto destes nas coordenadas dos limites das parcelas caracterizam o Cadastro Dinâmico. Os modelos de deformações exigem a acurácia que não é contemplada em normas de levantamentos dos limites físicos vigentes no Brasil. Neste contexto, esta tese tem por objetivo fundamental conceber um modelo de cadastro dinâmico, validado por meio de simulações e com aplicações práticas, que possibilite o restabelecimento de coordenadas dos limites das parcelas que sofrem deformações. Para tanto, foram estudados os padrões de acurácia aplicados em diversos países e idealizados sete procedimentos, utilizando o aplicativo GAMIT no processamento dos dados GNSS, que conduziram ao estabelecimento da acurácia absoluta, com base em soluções globais, para uma RRCM já implantada. Foi selecionado um modelo espacial de deformação que fosse adequado à área estudada, o modelostrain, que tem como principal propriedade considerar a deformação homogênea na área afetada. Quatro experimentos foram concebidos e testados para estimar os parâmetros de deformação, sendo apontado novamente, o uso de soluções globais como o mais viável. O modelo temporal VEMOS2009 foi assumido no cálculo das deformações seculares e a combinação dos modelos espacial e temporal encerraram as ações propostas para a modelagem da deformação na RRCM. Um modelo para o restabelecimento das coordenadas submetidas ao MGMD foi planejado e executado, finalizando os procedimentos que convergiram para concepção do Cadastro Dinâmico. Trata-se de um tratamento inovador de um tema até então inexplorado. / The surface is in continuous movement due to the action of tectonic forces, climatic processes or atmospheric agents that can cause deformation of spatial or temporal origin, affecting the geodetic infrastructure of a country and therefore the Municipal Cadastral Reference Network (RRCM) linked to it, causing changes in the coordinates of the boundaries of the parcel (the basic unit of the Cadastre). The choice of suitable model Geodetic Deformation Monitoring (MGMD) depends on the location and size of the study area. The quantification of deformation parameters and their impact on the coordinates of boundaries of parcels featur es Dynamic Cadastre. The deformation models require the accuracy that is not found in current standards for physical boundary surveying in Brazil. In this context, this thesis aims to develop a model of dynamic registration fundamentally, validated through simulations and practical applications, enabling the restoration of coordinates of boundaries of parcels that suffer deformations. Therefore, we studied the patterns of accuracy applied in various countries and idealized seven procedures using the application GAMIT in GNSS data processing, which led to the establishment of absolute accuracy, based on global solutions for a RRCM already deployed. We selected a model of spatial deformation that was appropriated for the study area, the model strain, whose main property considered homogeneous deformation in the affected area. Four experiments were designed and tested to estimate the parameters of deformation, being appointed again, the use of global solutions as the most viable. The temporal model VEMOS2009 was assumed in the calculation of secular deformation and the combination of spatial and temporal models closed the proposed actions for the modeling of deformation in RRCM. A model for the restoration of coordinated submitted to MGMD was planned and executed, ending the procedures that converged to design the Dynamic Cadastre. This is an innovative treatment of a subject until then unexplored.

Zápisy do katastru nemovitostí / Records in the Land Register

Zemanová, Renáta January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the records in the land register. This topic still has its relevance in the contemporary world and can appear in any person's life. That was one of the factors why the author had chosen this area for analysis. The other was her overall interest in property law and registration. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first is focused on the land register by itself and its role as an important source of information. In the beginning of the first part some typical concepts related to the land register are introduced. The next section is dedicated to the brief history of the property registration which is considered to be useful for the better understanding of the contemporary legal regulations. Those are discussed in the next chapter together with the position of the land register by itself, its purposes, content and structure. The special attention is paid to the objects in question - concretely the properties registered by this institution. The second part of this thesis, the most extensive, focuses on the particular acts of recording into the land register - registration, record, note and respective proceedings. In the first part of the second section, the rights which are objects of the records are mentioned. The most commonly used is the right in property, which is...

Método de modelagem da parcela espacial para o cadastro tridimensional /

Souza, Guilherme Henrique Barros de. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Amilton Amorim / Banca: João Fernando Custódio da Silva / Banca: Maurício Galo / Banca: Jürgen Philips / Banca: Diogenes Cortijo Costa / Resumo: Os processos de aquisição, armazenamento, processamento e representação dos dados espaciais passaram por grandes mudanças nas ultimas décadas, o que ocasionou novas possibilidades no uso da informação espacial, principalmente com a geração de modelos de objetos tridimensionais. A partir desses modelos é possível entender a dinâmica de alguns fenômenos, possibilitando a definição de estratégias de ação para possíveis intervenções. Nesse sentido, as informações do Cadastro também foram influenciadas por esse processo, o que tem motivado vários pesquisadores verificarem as demandas e impactos sobre o sistema cadastral do chamado Cadastro 3D. Há projetos iniciados na Holanda, Suécia, Noruega, Israel, China e Grécia, cada qual estudando propostas e modelos para adequar as estruturas dos seus sistemas cadastrais para incorporação do dado tridimensional. O objetivo deste trabalho é contribuir com procedimentos adequados para a incorporação da informação 3D ao Cadastro urbano, verificando a estrutura cadastral existente, sobretudo em locais onde não existe um modelo cadastral definido. É proposto um modelo de uso para a parcela espacial utilizando um cilindro e uma nuvem de pontos com atributos. Os experimentos realizados com o uso de dados obtidos a partir de sensores de varredura à LASER em plataforma aérea e terrestre para auxiliar na incorporação da informação tridimensional ao Cadastro mostraram-se satisfatórios, não apenas para uso da nuvem de pontos de atributos para o Cadastro, como da integração das nuvens de pontos de LASER aéreo e terrestre. Para viabilizar os estudos, foram escolhidas áreas teste em São Paulo e Curitiba. No desenvolvimento da tese... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The processes of acquisition, storage, processing and representation of spatial data had a lot of changes in recent decades, which led to new possibilities in the use of spatial information, especially with 3D models generation of objects. From these models is possible to understand the dynamics of some phenomena and to define action strategies for interventions. In this way, the cadastral information also was influenced by this process, which has led many researchers to verify the demands and impacts on the cadastral system of so-called 3D Cadastre. There are projects started in Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Israel, China and Greece, each studying proposals and models for match the structures of their cadastral systems to incorporating the 3D data. This work aims to contribute to proper procedures for the incorporation of 3D information to the Urban Cadastre from the existing structure, especially in where there isn't a cadastral model. It is proposed to use a model for the spatial parcel using a square cylinder of revolution and a cloud points with attributes. The experiments with data obtained from LASER scanning sensors (aerial and ground platforms) to assist in the incorporation of 3D information to Cadastre were satisfactory, not only for the use of cloud points... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Cadastro dinâmico: modelo de implantação / Dynamic cadastre: implantation model

Eliana Edérle Dias Chaves 07 March 2013 (has links)
A superfície terrestre está em movimentação contínua em decorrência das ações das forças tectônicas, dos processos climáticos ou de agentes atmosféricos, que podem causar deformações de origem espacial ou temporal, podendo afetar a infraestrutura geodésica de um país e por consequência a Rede de Referência Cadastral Municipal (RRCM) vinculada a ela, causando alterações nas coordenadas dos limites da parcela (unidade básica do Cadastro). A escolha do Modelo Geodésico de Monitoramento de Deformação (MGMD) adequado depende da localização e das dimensões da área de estudo. A quantificação dos parâmetros de deformação e o impacto destes nas coordenadas dos limites das parcelas caracterizam o Cadastro Dinâmico. Os modelos de deformações exigem a acurácia que não é contemplada em normas de levantamentos dos limites físicos vigentes no Brasil. Neste contexto, esta tese tem por objetivo fundamental conceber um modelo de cadastro dinâmico, validado por meio de simulações e com aplicações práticas, que possibilite o restabelecimento de coordenadas dos limites das parcelas que sofrem deformações. Para tanto, foram estudados os padrões de acurácia aplicados em diversos países e idealizados sete procedimentos, utilizando o aplicativo GAMIT no processamento dos dados GNSS, que conduziram ao estabelecimento da acurácia absoluta, com base em soluções globais, para uma RRCM já implantada. Foi selecionado um modelo espacial de deformação que fosse adequado à área estudada, o modelostrain, que tem como principal propriedade considerar a deformação homogênea na área afetada. Quatro experimentos foram concebidos e testados para estimar os parâmetros de deformação, sendo apontado novamente, o uso de soluções globais como o mais viável. O modelo temporal VEMOS2009 foi assumido no cálculo das deformações seculares e a combinação dos modelos espacial e temporal encerraram as ações propostas para a modelagem da deformação na RRCM. Um modelo para o restabelecimento das coordenadas submetidas ao MGMD foi planejado e executado, finalizando os procedimentos que convergiram para concepção do Cadastro Dinâmico. Trata-se de um tratamento inovador de um tema até então inexplorado. / The surface is in continuous movement due to the action of tectonic forces, climatic processes or atmospheric agents that can cause deformation of spatial or temporal origin, affecting the geodetic infrastructure of a country and therefore the Municipal Cadastral Reference Network (RRCM) linked to it, causing changes in the coordinates of the boundaries of the parcel (the basic unit of the Cadastre). The choice of suitable model Geodetic Deformation Monitoring (MGMD) depends on the location and size of the study area. The quantification of deformation parameters and their impact on the coordinates of boundaries of parcels featur es Dynamic Cadastre. The deformation models require the accuracy that is not found in current standards for physical boundary surveying in Brazil. In this context, this thesis aims to develop a model of dynamic registration fundamentally, validated through simulations and practical applications, enabling the restoration of coordinates of boundaries of parcels that suffer deformations. Therefore, we studied the patterns of accuracy applied in various countries and idealized seven procedures using the application GAMIT in GNSS data processing, which led to the establishment of absolute accuracy, based on global solutions for a RRCM already deployed. We selected a model of spatial deformation that was appropriated for the study area, the model strain, whose main property considered homogeneous deformation in the affected area. Four experiments were designed and tested to estimate the parameters of deformation, being appointed again, the use of global solutions as the most viable. The temporal model VEMOS2009 was assumed in the calculation of secular deformation and the combination of spatial and temporal models closed the proposed actions for the modeling of deformation in RRCM. A model for the restoration of coordinated submitted to MGMD was planned and executed, ending the procedures that converged to design the Dynamic Cadastre. This is an innovative treatment of a subject until then unexplored.

Zápisy do katastru nemovitostí / Recordings in the Land Register

Šubrt, Richard January 2011 (has links)
The records to the real estate cadastre - abstract in English The topics of this master's degree thesis are records of the real rights into the real estate cadastre of the Czech republic. The thessis briefly describes the history of real estate cadastre in the Czech Republic. The main part of the thesis describes the current state of the real estate cadastre and the records of the real rights. The thesis explains what is subjet of records and which real rights are registered in the real estate cadastre. Attention is paid to other information recorded in the real estate cadastre. Next part of the thesis describes the procedure of the records into the real estate cadastre. In the end of the thesis is analysed the current state of the real estate cadastre. The proposals how to improve the real estate cadastre are provided too.

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