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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude du rôle fonctionnel des IgG dans la susceptibilité au paludisme chez de jeunes enfants béninois / Study of IgG functional role in malaria susceptibility in Beninese young children

Adamou, Rafiou 19 May 2016 (has links)
L'objectif général de cette thèse était d'étudier le rôle des anticorps dans la susceptibilité ou la résistance au paludisme chez de jeunes enfants béninois exposés naturellement aux infections palustres durant leurs deux premières années de vie. Deux projets complémentaires (PALNOUGENENV et TOLIMMUNPAL) ont été mises en place au Bénin et consistaient à suivre des mères et leurs enfants. Dans le cadre du projet PALNOUGENENV, l'étude incluait 600 mères à l'accouchement et a suivi leurs enfants pendant les dix-huit premiers mois de vie dans le but d’étudier les conséquences de l’infection placentaire palustre chez les mères sur la survenue des premières infections palustres chez les nouveau-nés. Suite au projet PALNOUGENENV, il semblait important de connaitre le statut palustre de la mère pendant la grossesse et pas seulement à l’accouchement. Le projet TOLIMMUNPAL a donc été mis en place et incluait 400 mères et leurs enfants. Les mères ont été inclues à la première consultation prénatale et suivies au niveau parasitologique et clinique jusqu'à l'accouchement et leurs enfants ont été suivis de la naissance jusqu'à 24 mois dans le but d'étudier des déterminants environnementaux, biologiques et génétiques impliqués dans le développement de la tolérance immunitaire associée au paludisme et ses conséquences sur la protection de la femme enceinte et du jeune enfant. Plus spécifiquement, nous avons étudié chez ces enfants les relations entre l'infection palustre et les niveaux d'anticorps spécifiquement dirigés contre les antigènes candidats vaccins les plus avancés du stade érythrocytaire d'une part et la capacité des anticorps à inhiber le développement in vitro de P. falciparum d'autre part. Nos résultats mettent en évidence une association dans la cohorte PALNOUGENENV entre les niveaux élevés des sous-classes cytophiles IgG1 dirigées contre les antigènes candidats vaccins MSP1 (p<0,001, OR=0,90) et IgG3 anti-MSP2 (p<0,001, OR=0,89) et la protection contre l'infection palustre. Dans la cohorte TOLIMMUNPAL, les hauts niveaux d'IgG2 anti-GLURP R2 (p=0.05, OR=2.10) ont plutôt été associés au risque d'infection palustre. L'analyse fonctionnelle des IgG en utilisant le test GIA a révélé que l'infection par P. falciparum au moment du prélèvement affectait la capacité des IgG à inhiber la croissance parasitaire in vitro. Les IgG purifiées à partir d'échantillons collectés chez des individus infectés par P. falciparum avaient une capacité moyenne d'inhibition de la croissance parasitaire inférieure (p=0.003, Wilcoxon matched pairs test) de 19 % à celles purifiées à partir de plasmas d'enfants non infectés. Une corrélation inverse a été observée entre l'âge et la capacité des anticorps à inhiber l'invasion des globules rouges par le parasite. Aucune association entre les niveaux d'anticorps et leur capacité à inhiber le développement du parasite in vitro n'a été mis en évidence. Dans le cadre du développement du test Antibody-Dependent Respiratory Burst (ADRB), les cellules promyélocytaires de la lignée PLB 985W ont été utilisées. Ces cellules ont la capacité de se différencier en neutrophiles sous l'action du DMSO. Nos résultats ont montré que cette lignée a une faible capacité à produire les espèces réactives d'oxygène (ROS) comparés aux neutrophiles humains et les niveaux de ROS produits par cette lignée cellulaire sont insuffisants pour être utilisés dans le test ADRB. Nos résultats confortent le rôle important des antigènes candidats vaccins MSP1 et MSP2 dans la protection contre le paludisme. Cette relation est essentiellement établie au regard des quantités d’anticorps spécifiques produits, l’étude de fonctionnalité des anticorps employant le test GIA n’ayant pas permis de mettre en évidence de relation claire à la protection. (...) / The aim of this thesis was to study the role of antibodies in susceptibility or resistance to malaria in young Beninese children naturally exposed to malaria infections during their first two years of life. Two complementary projects (PALNOUGENENV and TOLIMMUNPAL) were implemented in Benin to identify individual factors of malaria susceptibility. The PALNOUGENENV cohort included 600 mothers at delivery and their children from birth to 18 months of age in order to study the effects of placental malaria infection in mothers on first occurrence of malaria infections in newborns. In the TOLIMMUNPAL cohort 400 mothers were included at the first antenatal visit and followed until delivery while their infants were followed from birth to 24 months in order to study environmental determinants, biological and genetic involved in the development of immune tolerance associated with malaria and its impact on the protection of pregnant women and infants. Specifically, the association between malaria infection and the level of antibodies specifically directed against the most advanced vaccine candidate antigens of the erythrocyte stage on one hand and the ability of antibodies to inhibit in vitro the development of P. falciparum on the other hand were investigated. Our results show an association in the cohort PALNOUGENENV between high levels of IgG1 to MSP1 19 vaccine candidate antigens (p <0.001, OR = 0.90) and IgG3 to MSP2 3D7 (p <0.001, OR = 0.89) and protection against malaria infection. In the TOLIMMUNPAL cohort, high levels of IgG2 to GLURP R2 (p = 0.05, OR = 2.10) were instead associated with an increased risk of malaria infection. Functional analysis of IgG using the GIA test revealed that the infection with P. falciparum at the sampling time affected the ability of IgG to inhibit parasite growth in vitro. The purified IgG from individuals infected with P. falciparum when the sample was collected had an average 19% lower capacity of inhibition of parasite growth (p = 0.003, Wilcoxon matched pairs test) than those that were uninfected at the time of sampling. An inverse correlation was found between age and the ability of antibodies to inhibit in vitro invasion of red blood cells by the parasite. There was no association between antibody levels and ability to inhibit the in vitro parasite development. In the development of the Antibody-Dependent Respiratory Burst (ADRB) assay, the promyelocytic cell line PLB 985W was used. These cells have the capacity to differentiate into neutrophils after exposure to DMSO. Our results showed a low ability of this cell line to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) compared to human neutrophils and ROS levels produced by this cell line are insufficient to be used in the test ADRB. Our results confirm the important role of MSP1 19 and MSP2 3D7 vaccine candidate antigens in malaria protection. Although the levels of antibodies to MSP1 19 and MSP2 3D7 were associated with decrease risk of P. falciparum infection, the functional study of antibody using the GIA assay did not allow demonstrating the relationship to protection. Investigation on the functional role of antibodies is complex as IgG could act through multiple direct or indirect mechanisms. We will continue to investigate the functional role of antibody, particularly in plasma samples from our two birth cohorts by using the ADRB assay. Results will aid in providing new information to the existing knowledge gap and will help in malaria vaccine development.

Identificação de polimorfismos associados às características de desempenho e carcaça no cromossomo 4 da galinha (Gallus gallus) / Identification of Polymorphisms Associated with Performance and Carcass Traits in Chromosome 4 of Chicken (Gallus gallus)

Pértille, Fábio 06 February 2013 (has links)
Dentre o setor agropecuário, a avicultura é a que mais tem demonstrado índices de evolução nos últimos anos. Esses avanços são obtidos principalmente por meio da nutrição, manejo dos animais e seleção genética. A biotecnologia tem ganhado papel de destaque com o uso de marcadores moleculares como ferramenta para acrescentar informações genômicas aos processos de melhoramento convencional. Estudos anteriores em uma população F2 originada do cruzamento de frangos de corte e postura permitiram a identificação de um SNP no gene FGFBP1 (Proteína de ligação do fator de crescimento do fibroblasto 1) (g. 2014 G> A) no cromossomo 4 de Gallus gallus (GGA4). Este gene está em uma região de QTLs associado com rendimentos de coxa e sobrecoxa, peso vivo aos 35 e 41 dias de idade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar um QTL previamente descrito para identificação de polimorfismos adicionais e suas associações com características de importância econômica utilizando testes de associação de um ou mais marcadores. Três genes candidatos posicionais foram identificados nesta região de QTL: KLF3(Krüeppel-like factor 3), SLIT2 (Slit homolog 2) e PPARG (Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, coactivator 1alpha). O sequenciamento destes genes em onze (n=11) animais F1 permitiu a identificação de um polimorfismo em cada gene: g.6763 C> T (KLF3), g.187737 C> A (SLIT2) e g.76638826 -/TTTCT (PPARGC1A). Essas mutações foram genotipadas em uma população segregante F2 (n=276) e em uma linhagem pura de corte TT (n=840) da Embrapa Suínos e Aves. A frequência dos alelos para o gene KLF3 na população F2 foi de C=50% T=50% e na pura TT de C=98% T=2%, para o gene SLIT2 na população F2 foi de A=25% C=75% e na pura TT de A=30% C=70%, para o gene PPARGC1A na população F2 foi de Del=43% In=57% e na pura TT Del=33% C=67%, representando que estes polimorfismos estão segregando nas duas populações. Associações destes polimorfismos foram observadas (P<0,05) com várias características de desenvolvimento e carcaça na população F2 e na linhagem pura TT, sendo que algumas foram confirmadas nesta população como: pesos de fígado, coxas, ganhos de peso dos 35 aos 41 dias com g.6763 C> T (KLF3) e pesos das asas, cabeça, carcaça, dorso, coxas, peito, fígado e gordura abdominal com g.76638826 -/TTTCT (PPARGC1A) indicando que esta região de QTL é importante para características de produção e desempenho em frangos de corte. / Within the livestock sector, the broiler industry has showed fastest growing rates in past decades. Those advances were achieved mainly because a better understanding of the nutrition requirements, animal management and animal genetics. Biotechnology has gained a prominent role with the use of molecular markers as a tool for adding genomic information to conventional breeding processes. Previous studies using an F2 population developed from a broiler x layer cross led to the identification of a SNP on the Fibroblast growth factor binding protein 1 (FGFBP1) (g. 2014G> A) on Gallus gallus chromosome 4 (GGA4). This gene is part of a QTL associated with thigh & drumstick yields, weight gain at 35 and 41 days. This paper investigates the previously identified QTL for the identification of additional polymorphisms and their associations with important economic traits using a single and multiple markers tests. Three positional candidate genes were identified on the QTL region: KLF3 (Krüeppel-like factor 3), SLIT2 (Slit homolog 2) and PPARG (Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, coactivator 1alpha). Sequencing of those genes was conducted in eleven (n=11) F1 animals and one polymorphism was identified in each gene g.6763 C> T (KLF3), g.187737 C> A (SLIT2) and g.76638826 -/TTTCT (PPARGC1A). These mutations were genotyped in an F2 (n=276) and a pure broiler line (n=840) from Embrapa. The frequency of the genes alleles were: KLF3 gene in F2 population C = 50% T = 50% and pure TT population C = 98% T = 2%; SLIT2 gene in F2 population A = 25% C = 75% and pure TT population A = 30% C = 70%; PPARGC1A gene in F2 population Del =43% and In = 57% and pure TT population Del = 33% C = 67% indicating that those polymorphisms are still segregating in both populations. Association was identified (P < 0,05) with several carcass and development traits in the F2 and Pure TT population, some which were confirmed like liver, drumstick weights, weight gain from 35 to 41 days with g.6763 C> T (KLF3) and wings, had, carcass, back, drumstick, breast and liver and abdominal fat weights with g.76638826 -/TTTCT (PPARGC1A) indicating that this QTL region is important for production and performance traits of broiler.


Alves, Fernanda Aparecida Vargas de Brito e 30 June 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:38:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FERNANDA APARECIDA VARGAS DE BRITO E ALVES.pdf: 1009586 bytes, checksum: 8dc12edf912fed637ebefe39ffdd52d4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-30 / Introduction: Fibromyalgia is a syndrome characterized by widespread chronic pain. The syndrome is chronic with dubious possibility of healing. The prevalence in the world population varies from 0,66 to 4,4 %. It is believed that fibromyalgia is the result of abnormal changes in sensory processing of pain. In this context, are inserted gene polymorphisms T102C gene HTR2A serotonin receptor. The HTR2A gene T102C polymorphism is the presence of a thymine (T) or cytosine (C), defined by a transition from T to C at nucleotide position 102. It is a silent polymorphism receptor gene HTR2A, which determine the different levels of gene expression. Objectives: To determine and compare the allele frequency and genotype of the T102C polymorphism of the serotonin receptor gene HTR2A in a group of 48 women diagnosed with fibromyalgia and 50 healthy controls. Methodology: For this we used the PCR- RFLP , from DNA extracted from peripheral blood samples obtained from control and testing. The comparison of allele and genotype frequencies was performed by Chi -square test. Results: The results showed allele frequencies obtained for both groups were: T (46,9%) and C (53,1%). The TT genotype frequencies were found (22,9%), TC (47,9%) and CC (29,2%) for patients with fibromyalgia and TT (16%), TC (70%) and CC (14%) for controls. Conclusions: The FMS is composed of multiple characteristics that reflect a diversity of causes. Our results showed a significantly higher frequency for the CC genotype in patients with FMS, partially explaining the reduced serotoninergic response observed in such patients. / Introdução: A Fibromialgia é uma síndrome reumática caracterizada por dor difusa e crônica. A síndrome é crônica com duvidosa possibilidade de cura. A prevalência na população mundial varia de 0,66 a 4,4%. Acredita-se que a fibromialgia seja o resultado de mudanças anormais no processamento sensorial da dor. Neste contexto, inserem-se os polimorfismos do gene T102C do gene do receptor de serotonina HTR2A. O polimorfismo T102C do gene HTR2A consiste na presença de uma timina (T) ou citosina (C), definida por uma transição de um T para C na posição nucleotídica 102. Trata-se de um polimorfismo silencioso do gene do receptor HTR2A, que determinam níveis de expressão gênica diferentes. Objetivos: Determinar e comparar a freqüência alélica e genotípica do polimorfismo T102C do gene do receptor de serotonina HTR2A em um grupo de 48 mulheres diagnosticadas com fibromialgia e 50 controles saudáveis. Metodologia: Para isso foi utilizada a técnica de PCR-RFLP, a partir de DNA extraído de amostras de sangue periférico obtidas do grupo controle e testes. A comparação das freqüências alélicas e genotípicas foi feita por meio de teste Chi-quadrado. Resultados: Os resultados demonstraram as freqüências alélicas obtidas para os dois grupos foram: T (46,9%) e C (53,1%). As freqüências genotípicas encontradas foram TT (22,9%); TC (47,9%) e CC (29,2%) para os pacientes com fibromialgia e TT (16%); TC (70%) e CC (14%) para os controles. Conclusões: A SFM é composta por múltiplas características que refletem em uma diversidade de causas. Nossos resultados demonstraram que o genótipo CC foi significativamente mais comum nas pacientes com a SFM, justificando parcialmente a menor resposta serotononérgica observada nesse grupo.

Hledání nových biomarkerů neplodnosti mužů pomocí transkriptomu spermií / Using Sperm Transcriptome in Search for Novel Biomarkers of Male Infertility

Semyakina, Anastasiya January 2019 (has links)
Currently infertility affects 10 to 15 percent of couples. In nearly 50% of all cases male factor contributes to infertility of the couple. Majority of causes of male infertility remains unexplained. For this reason, finding simple and clinically useful tools for improving male infertility diagnostics can be important at present. Based on the analysis of sperm transcriptome, in this diploma thesis we aimed to find genes that show differential expression between normal and pathological sperm, this could provide information about molecular basis of male infertility, moreover, expression profile of such genes in sperm could be employed for noninvasive diagnosis of male infertility. This study was conducted by using 67 sperm samples, including 16 control sperm samples from fertile men. The samples of infertile patients were divided into 3 groups according to morphology and motility using results of standard sperm evaluation according to WHO. First group included 20 patients diagnosed with astenoteratozoospermia (low sperm motility and abnormal morphology), second group was 15 patients diagnosed with asthenozoospermia (normal morphology and low sperm motility), the third group comprised 16 samples from infertile patients with normal spermiogram. 16 control samples were from fertile men (conception of...

Em busca da etiologia das displasias frontonasais / In search of the etiology of frontonasal dysplasias

Rodrigues, Melina Guerreiro 04 October 2013 (has links)
A displasia frontonasal (DFN) compreende quadros de aparência facial variável, sendo clinicamente caracterizada por dois ou mais dos seguintes sinais: hipertelorismo ocular com consequente alargamento da base nasal; fissura facial mediana afetando o nariz ou o nariz e lábio superior e, por vezes, o palato; fissura alar (uni ou bilateral); ponta nasal ausente; crânio anterior bífido oculto, e implantação em &#39;V&#39; dos cabelos na fronte. A DFN pode ser vista como um defeito de desenvolvimento que pode ocorrer por si só ou como parte do quadro clínico de várias síndromes. A maioria dos casos de DFN é esporádica, e em raras circunstâncias foram observadas alterações cromossômicas em alguns indivíduos. Até o momento, quatro genes foram relacionados à patogênese molecular de algumas das síndromes com DFN, EFNB1, associado a uma forma de DFN ligada ao X e os genes ALX1, ALX3 e ALX4, todos associados a formas de DFN com herança autossômica recessiva. Embora esteja claro haver heterogeneidade etiológica, na maioria dos casos de DFN a causa não é conhecida, dificultando o adequado aconselhamento genético aos pacientes e seus familiares. Sendo assim, realizamos estudos com diferentes estratégias metodológicas buscando melhor compreender as possíveis causas genéticas da DFN. Ao todo foram analisados 10 pacientes: um caso familial de DFN leve com herança aparentemente autossômica dominante, um caso clinicamente sugestivo de mutação em ALX1, e oito casos de DFN associada a atraso de desenvolvimento com ou sem outras anomalias, dos quais um apresentava um rearranjo de novo aparentemente balanceado entre os cromossomos 4 e 12. Optamos por realizar sequenciamento dos genes previamente relacionados a fenótipos com DFN em todos os casos; para aqueles em que não foram detectadas mutações patogênicas, realizamos análise de variações de número de cópias (CNV) por microarray de polimorfismos de base única e, para o paciente com rearranjo cromossômico, realizamos o mapeamento do ponto de quebra por hibridação in situ fluorescente. Constatamos uma mutação em heterozigose no gene ALX4 co-segregando com o fenótipo do caso familial, sendo esta a primeira descrição de alteração em tal gene causando uma forma de DFN com herança dominante, e sugerimos pela primeira vez um mecanismo de dominância negativa. No caso sugestivo de mutação em ALX1, o diagnóstico foi confirmado através da identificação de uma mutação em homozigose neste gene do paciente; este caso consiste no 3o da literatura mundial e evidencia pela primeira vez que mutações em ALX1 não necessariamente levam a atraso de desenvolvimento ou deficiência intelectual. Os estudos citogenéticos e moleculares dos pontos de quebra do paciente com rearranjo cromossômico sugeriram os genes ARAP2 e CAND1 como possíveis responsáveis por seu quadro clínico, enquanto o estudo de CNVs nos indivíduos com DFN associada a atraso de desenvolvimento apontou os genes DNAJB12 e ENOX2 como possíveis candidatos para explicar o fenótipo de dois dos pacientes. É preciso que novos estudos sejam realizados a fim de melhor compreender o significado de tais achados e a real contribuição de cada gene para o desenvolvimento craniofacial humano e para a etiologia da DFN. Para os casos em que não foram identificadas alterações conclusivas no presente estudo, embora causas ambientais não possam ser descartadas, é preciso que seja investigada também a existência de fatores genéticos e epigenéticos não detectáveis pelas metodologias utilizadas, bem como a hipótese de mosaicismo somático. Nossos resultados, além de corroborarem o envolvimento dos genes ALX1 e ALX4 em fenótipos com DFN, sugerem também novos genes candidatos: ARAP2, CAND1, DNAJB12 e ENOX2 / Frontonasal dysplasia (FND) is a rare group of disorders that comprises cases with a variety of facial appearances, and is clinically characterized by two or more of the following signs: ocular hypertelorism with consequent broadening of the nasal root; median facial cleft affecting the nose and/or upper lip and palate; clefting of the alae nasi (uni or bilateral); lack of formation of the nasal tip; anterior cranium bifidum occultum; and a V-shaped frontal hairline. FND is a developmental defect that can occur alone or as part of several syndromes. Most cases of FND are sporadic, and in rare circumstances chromosomal alterations were observed in affected individuals. To date, four genes have been related to the molecular pathogenesis of some syndromes with DFN, one (EFNB1) is associated with an X-linked form while the 3 others (ALX1, ALX3 and ALX4) are associated with autosomal recessive forms. Although it is clear that FND is etiologic heterogeneous, the causative mechanism is unknown in most cases which makes it hard to give proper genetic counseling to patients and their families. In order to get new insights into the genetic mechanisms leading to FND, we performed studies with different methodologies. Altogether, 10 patients were analyzed: a familial case of a mild form of FND with an apparently autosomal dominant inheritance pattern, a case clinically suggestive of mutation in ALX1, and eight cases of FND associated with developmental delay with or without other anomalies, one of which with an apparently balanced de novo rearrangement between chromosomes 4 and 12. We chose to sequence the genes previously associated with FND phenotypes in all cases; for those in which pathogenic mutations were not detected, we conducted an analysis of copy number variations (CNV) by single nucleotide polymorphisms microarrays; for the patient with chromosomal rearrangement, we also mapped the breakpoints by using fluorescence in situ hybridization. We found a heterozygous mutation in ALX4 co-segregating with the phenotype of the familial case; this is the first description of mutation in this gene causing a form of FND with dominant inheritance pattern, and we suggested for the first time a dominant negative mechanism. In the case suggestive of mutation in ALX1, the diagnosis was confirmed by the identification of a homozygous mutation in this gene; this is the third case of the literature and shows for the first time that mutations in ALX1 are not necessarily related to developmental delay or intellectual disability. Breakpoints cytogenetic and molecular studies done with the patient with chromosomal rearrangement suggested ARAP2 and CAND1 genes as causative candidates for his condition, while the study of CNVs in individuals with FND associated with developmental delay pointed DNAJB12 and ENOX2 genes as possible candidates to explain the phenotypes of two of the patients. Further studies are necessary to better understand the significance of such findings and the actual contribution of each of these genes to human craniofacial development and the etiology of FND. Although environmental causes cannot be ruled out, it should also be investigated the existence of genetic and epigenetic factors as well as the possibility of somatic mosaicism, among the cases negative for the molecular approaches used in our study. Our results corroborate the involvement of ALX1 and ALX4 in FND phenotypes, and suggest new candidate genes: ARAP2, CAND1, DNAJB12 and ENOX2.

Genetic Variability in Human Bone Phenotypes : The Vitamin D Receptor Gene and the Estrogen Receptor-α Cofactor RIZ Gene

Grundberg, Elin January 2006 (has links)
<p>Important candidate genes to human bone phenotypes are those involved in the regulation of hormonal action, such as the vitamin D receptor (VDR) and the estrogen receptor-α (ERα) genes and their cofactors. RIZ1 is a specific ERα cofactor proved to strongly enhance the function of the ERα. </p><p>The main focus of this thesis has been to study genetic variants in the VDR and RIZ genes and their associations to human bone phenotypes using candidate gene and functional approaches. Specifically, polymorphisms in the VDR 3’ untranslated region (UTR) and a deletion/insertion polymorphism of a proline in the RIZ gene were investigated.</p><p>The candidate gene approach was applied to large-scale population-based cohorts of pre-and post-menopausal women from Sweden and of elderly men from Sweden and Hong Kong. VDR 3’ UTR polymorphisms were associated with peak bone mass and body composition in young women. Further analysis of common VDR 3’ UTR haplotypes confirmed the association with BMD and risk of fractures in elderly men from Sweden and Hong Kong. The VDR polymorphisms were investigated for cis-acting effects, affecting allelic expression in the normal chromosomal context of human bone cells. The VDR allelic transcripts in the bone samples were unequally expressed, suggesting presence of regulatory variants in the 3’ UTR. </p><p>The polymorphism in the RIZ gene was strongly associated to BMD in pre- and postmenopausal women and in elderly men. The functional analyses included reporter constructs containing the RIZ polymorphic variants transfected in a cell line and its abilities in coactivating the ERα were examined. The variants were functionally different in coactivating the ERα-receptor complex. </p><p>To summarize, the results of this thesis show novel evidence for functional relevant polymorphisms in candidate genes to human bone phenotypes. These polymorphisms may contribute to the variation seen in BMD and risk of fractures in the population.</p>

Variation in resumption requires violable constraints : a case study in Alemannic relativization

Salzmann, Martin January 2009 (has links)
Variation in dative resumption among and within Alemannic varieties of German strongly favors an Evaluator component that makes use of optimality-theoretic evaluation rather than filters as in the Minimalist Program (MP). At the same time, the variation is restricted to realizational requirements. This supports a model of syntax like the Derivations and Evaluations framework (Broekhuis 2008) that combines a restrictive MP-style Generator with an Evaluator that includes ranked violable (interface) constraints.

Genetic Variability in Human Bone Phenotypes : The Vitamin D Receptor Gene and the Estrogen Receptor-α Cofactor RIZ Gene

Grundberg, Elin January 2006 (has links)
Important candidate genes to human bone phenotypes are those involved in the regulation of hormonal action, such as the vitamin D receptor (VDR) and the estrogen receptor-α (ERα) genes and their cofactors. RIZ1 is a specific ERα cofactor proved to strongly enhance the function of the ERα. The main focus of this thesis has been to study genetic variants in the VDR and RIZ genes and their associations to human bone phenotypes using candidate gene and functional approaches. Specifically, polymorphisms in the VDR 3’ untranslated region (UTR) and a deletion/insertion polymorphism of a proline in the RIZ gene were investigated. The candidate gene approach was applied to large-scale population-based cohorts of pre-and post-menopausal women from Sweden and of elderly men from Sweden and Hong Kong. VDR 3’ UTR polymorphisms were associated with peak bone mass and body composition in young women. Further analysis of common VDR 3’ UTR haplotypes confirmed the association with BMD and risk of fractures in elderly men from Sweden and Hong Kong. The VDR polymorphisms were investigated for cis-acting effects, affecting allelic expression in the normal chromosomal context of human bone cells. The VDR allelic transcripts in the bone samples were unequally expressed, suggesting presence of regulatory variants in the 3’ UTR. The polymorphism in the RIZ gene was strongly associated to BMD in pre- and postmenopausal women and in elderly men. The functional analyses included reporter constructs containing the RIZ polymorphic variants transfected in a cell line and its abilities in coactivating the ERα were examined. The variants were functionally different in coactivating the ERα-receptor complex. To summarize, the results of this thesis show novel evidence for functional relevant polymorphisms in candidate genes to human bone phenotypes. These polymorphisms may contribute to the variation seen in BMD and risk of fractures in the population.

The Effectiveness Of Induction Program For Candidate Teachers

Ayvaz Duzyol, Muberra 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of induction program applied to candidate teachers. The effectiveness of the program was evaluated by focusing on the perceptions of the stakeholders of the induction program / the managers, the implementers of the program / candidate teachers to whom the program implemented / and the mentor teachers, implementers of the practical training. To this end, the CIPP evaluation model was utilized. Through in-depth interviews, the data were collected from 14 candidate teachers, 4 program managers and 4 mentor teachers from 6 public schools. The challenges and/or problems in implementation of the Teacher Induction Program perceived by the stakeholders of the Teacher Induction Program were revealed as the discrepancy between the needs of the program participants and aims of the program / lack of effective methods, materials and equipment / unnecessary courses in the program / unreliable and invalid exams and inefficient program instructors.

Men in Politics : Revisiting Patterns of Gendered Parliamentary Representation in Thailand and Beyond

Bjarnegård, Elin January 2009 (has links)
Male parliamentary dominance, rather than the corresponding female parliamentary underrepresentation, is the object of study in this thesis. This shift in focus implies a gendered analysis centered on men and men’s practices. The thesis contributes to our understanding of how male dominance is maintained and reinvented by empirically studying male parliamentary dominance in clientelist settings. Worldwide trends of parliamentary representation are analyzed statistically and constitute the starting-point for a case study of male political networks in Thailand. Clientelism is a strategy used by political actors to increase predictability in politically unpredictable settings. The thesis shows that clientelism is an informal political practice that requires the building and maintenance of large and localized networks to help distribute services, goods and/or money in exchange for political support. Where political parties also use candidate selection procedures that are informal, exclusive and localized, there are ample openings for clientelist practices to translate into political power and ultimately parliamentary seats. This study also coins and develops a new concept: homosocial capital. It shows that clientelist networks are and continue to be male dominated because homosocial capital, a political capital accessible only to men, is needed for electoral success. Homosocial capital has two main components: a perceived pragmatic necessity to build linkages to those with access to important resources in society and a more psychological desire to cooperate with individuals whose behavior can be understood, predicted and trusted.

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