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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Visibilité du capital social à travers les médias sociaux : Etudes de cas sur les dynamiques sociales de l'appropriation d'un outil d'Analyse de Réseaux Sociaux

Karoui, Myriam 21 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse vise à comprendre les dynamiques sociales qui viennent influencer le processus d'appropriation d'une technologie SNA au sein d'une organisation. Pour ce faire, nous avons mené une étude inter-cas menée au sein de deux collectivités territoriales françaises et une étude intra-cas chez BOUYGUES CONSTRUCTION en nous appuyant sur un cadre théorique mobilisant la théorie de l'acteur stratégique de Crozier et Friedberg et la théorie de la pratique de Bourdieu. Un des principaux résultats de cette thèse est que l'appropriation d'une technologie SNA passe principalement par une appropriation socio-politique en deux phases : une phase d'appropriation de la nouvelle dimension donnée au capital social et une phase d'appropriation de la technologie pour servir les intérêts des acteurs concernant le développement du capital social. Nous avons également identifié que l'introduction d'un outil SNA est assignée à différentes notions symboliques (symbole de la légitimité du contrôle et de la supervision, symbole du soutien du top-management des pratiques de travail transversales, le symbole de la rigidité des structures organisationnelles, le symbole de la gestion des ressources informelles comme une ressource spécifique, le symbole de l'exclusion...) qui viennent légitimer et asseoir les différentes stratégies des groupes d'acteurs. Enfin, nous avons constaté que certains symboles liés à l'introduction du SNA sont étroitement liés à la culture de l'organisation. Ces principaux résultats ont pu être confortés par l'étude intra-cas menée chez BOUYGUES CONSTRUCTION, présentée comme une étude d'un cas particulier pouvant complémenter l'investigation menée au sein des deux collectivités territoriales.

Analyse économique du développement territorial du tourisme : prise en compte des aménités et des interactions spatiales marchandes et non marchandes

Truchet, Stéphanie 23 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
La thèse aborde la question des déterminants du développement territorial du tourisme et propose un cadre d'analyse des mécanismes jouant sur localisation des firmes touristiques. D'un point de vue théorique, elle mobilise principalement le champ de l'économie spatiale mais aussi celui de l'économie du tourisme et les théories du capital social. La thèse est constituée de deux parties, mêlant chacune approche théorique et empirique. La première partie est centrée sur l'influence des aménités. Après avoir clarifié les contours de cette notion, elle analyse, à l'aide de modèles micro-économiques, l'influence de leur répartition spatiale sur le développement touristique. Les résultats de ces modèles sont ensuite testés à travers une analyse économétrique. La deuxième partie porte sur l'influence du tissu d'entreprises touristiques et sur le jeu des interactions spatiales. Elle propose une grille de lecture des mécanismes marchands et non marchands à travers lesquels les entreprises touristiques proches interagissent et analyse d'une part les déterminants de ces interactions et d'autre part leurs effets en termes de développement touristique. Méthode économétrique et études de cas sont ensuite mobilisées pour valider l'analyse théorique. La thèse conclut à l'importance de la répartition spatiale des aménités au sein des territoires. En effet, celle-ci conditionne l'attractivité touristique mais aussi l'émergence d'interactions spatiales entre entreprises touristiques qui, jusqu'à un certain seuil, ont pour effet de renforcer le développement touristique.

L' Utilité du capital social : étude de droit français

Itsiembou Mabika, Nany Elodie 16 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
En dépit des critiques proférées à l'encontre du capital social, cette notion existe encore et continue d'être régie en droit français comme la garantie minimale des créanciers. En effet, la loi assure sa formation au sein de toutes les formes sociales. Il se compose de la valeur des apports en nature et en numéraire et des ressources internes à la société. Toutefois, les textes révèlent des faiblesses notamment au niveau de l'exclusion de la valeur des apports en industrie et de l'institution du principe de libération fractionnée. D'où les solutions envisagées dans ces travaux sur ces points. Le capital social participe à la protection des créanciers, en ce que son montant est préservé des distributions effectuées au profit des associés et non des pertes sociales. Or, à l'exception, du compte courant d'associé, l'étude souligne la présence d'une réglementation non moins négligeable des mesures protégeant l'intangibilité du capital social afin de lui permettre d'être utile dans sa mission principale. En effet, les associés et les dirigeants notamment encourent des sanctions en cas de violation des textes régissant la formation et le maintien du capital. Ces mesures ayant une portée dissuasive marquent incontestablement l'intérêt que le législateur français porte au capital social. Le capital social n'intéresse pas que les créanciers puisqu'il correspond d'abord à l'investissement des associés. En effet, ces derniers apportent des biens au capital dans le but de s'enrichir personnellement. Le législateur institue à leur avantage un instrument de mesure de leurs droits et obligations qu'est le capital social. En effet, son principe de proportionnalité a l'avantage de proportionner et d'équilibrer tous les partages effectués entre eux afin d'éviter que certains associés ne s'imposent au détriment des autres.

La Cession de droits sociaux de l'associé minoritaire

Guebidiang A Tchoyi-Doumbe, Hélène 16 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
L'associé minoritaire peut quitter sa société pour des raisons diverses : baisse de la valeur de ses droits sociaux, mésentente avec les coassociés, simple désaffection, opposition à la politique des majoritaires. L'étude de la cession des droits sociaux de l'associé minoritaire traduit d'une façon équivoque, ce sentiment pour cet associé d'être libre de céder ses titres et en même temps d'être limité dans l'exercice de cette liberté par certaines règles du droit des sociétés. L'étude de la cession des droits sociaux par un associé minoritaire est axée sur une analyse faite au regard strictement du contrat de société que la volonté de sortie de l'associé minoritaire vient remettre en cause. En nourrissant la réflexion des points de friction les plus classiques comme l'exclusion, la qualité d'associé ou l'intérêt social, l'objectif est de présenter les différentes règles d'organisation de la cession des titres d'un associé minoritaire, les difficultés pratiques et théoriques qui y sont liées et surtout son analyse juridique. Sur ce dernier point, la principale interrogation que l'on se pose est de savoir si la cession minoritaire des droits sociaux est une cession simple ou une cession de contrôle. A travers les grandes questions qui se sont posées lors du débat relatif à la spécificité de la cession de contrôle, nous avons pu démontrer que les réponses qui ont été apportées ou les règles qui ont servies à la spécificité de la cession de contrôle ne sont pas toujours applicables dans le cadre d'une cession minoritaire des droits sociaux. En outre, le sujet pose la question de la protection de l'associé minoritaire. Cette question redonne un réel intérêt au débat relatif à la généralisation du droit de retrait comme solution à l'emprisonnement des associés minoritaires, solution que la frénésie législative de ces dernières années n'a pas pris en compte.

Managing Globalisation: Governing the subjects and spaces of Queensland education in the first decade of the 21st century.

Stephen Hay Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis documents the attempts by one Australian State government to manage assumed social and economic risks associated with its transition into a globalised economy and society. The specific research focus is on the policy strategy Queensland State Education–2010 (QSE-2010) developed by the Queensland State government and released in 2000. The thesis adopts a governmentality perspective to develop a policy case study focusing on the formulation of QSE-2010 through to its implementation as set out in the Queensland Government’s 2002 White Paper, Education and Training Reforms for the Future. The research demonstrates how one State education system in Australia was transformed as a result of the spread of global risk rationalities originating in comparative studies conducted by the OECD. The study begins by examining how QSE-2010 was discursively positioned within a policy environment characterised by the transformation of social and economic relations into deterritorialised flows and globally connected networks of the global knowledge economy. Queensland’s future prosperity in this emerging context was articulated as unpredictable and uncertain. The policy discourse of QSE-2010 thus presented the global as a novel problem space requiring intervention by responsible government. This analysis identifies the key policy role of knowledge producing practices such as statistical studies, international comparisons and performance benchmarking in transforming global uncertainty into a form that was conducive to governmental programming in education. In the case of education in Queensland, this involved mobilising specific calculative technologies to transform global economic uncertainty into knowable and calculable educational risk. This was expressed in QSE-2010s principal performance target that required 88 percent of students to complete Year 12 by 2010. This study further traces how Education Queensland’s aspirations to manage globalisation risks were translated into practical programs of social and educational governance. It proposes that the concept of social capital was critical for providing a means of attributing economic value to certain patterns of social interaction within families and between families and communities. Once authorities were able to link particular patterns of sociability to increased levels of educational attainment, it became possible to problematise the social capital of some families as a potential source of risk for educational disengagement of students. Here, the social capital believed to characterise the professional, globally networked middle class family emerged as a model for education authorities in Queensland for re-configuring the social capital of disadvantaged families. Social capital thus became instrumental in Education Queensland’s strategy to govern the relationships between schools and their communities, especially relationships between the home and school. Understanding of the problem of educational disengagement afforded by social capital led to attempts to impose particular forms of social capital on Queensland families. This was achieved by mandating the involvement of parents and students in the process of Senior Education and Training Plans. These plans were formally negotiated education and training pathways that students would follow for the completion of the senior phase of learning and the award of the Queensland Certificate of Education. The study argues that governmental technologies such as social capital are critical determinants of the limits and possibilities for social justice outcomes in education policy because they function to constitute both the problems of government and the scope of legitimate policy intervention. It further argues that these technologies have been instrumental in sustaining neoliberal policy solutions in Queensland education because they render invisible socio-economic explanations for educational disadvantage and structured inequalities in education. The study concludes by exploring alternative policy configurations that are made intelligible by alternative ways of representing the social and economic context of schooling.

Managing Globalisation: Governing the subjects and spaces of Queensland education in the first decade of the 21st century.

Stephen Hay Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis documents the attempts by one Australian State government to manage assumed social and economic risks associated with its transition into a globalised economy and society. The specific research focus is on the policy strategy Queensland State Education–2010 (QSE-2010) developed by the Queensland State government and released in 2000. The thesis adopts a governmentality perspective to develop a policy case study focusing on the formulation of QSE-2010 through to its implementation as set out in the Queensland Government’s 2002 White Paper, Education and Training Reforms for the Future. The research demonstrates how one State education system in Australia was transformed as a result of the spread of global risk rationalities originating in comparative studies conducted by the OECD. The study begins by examining how QSE-2010 was discursively positioned within a policy environment characterised by the transformation of social and economic relations into deterritorialised flows and globally connected networks of the global knowledge economy. Queensland’s future prosperity in this emerging context was articulated as unpredictable and uncertain. The policy discourse of QSE-2010 thus presented the global as a novel problem space requiring intervention by responsible government. This analysis identifies the key policy role of knowledge producing practices such as statistical studies, international comparisons and performance benchmarking in transforming global uncertainty into a form that was conducive to governmental programming in education. In the case of education in Queensland, this involved mobilising specific calculative technologies to transform global economic uncertainty into knowable and calculable educational risk. This was expressed in QSE-2010s principal performance target that required 88 percent of students to complete Year 12 by 2010. This study further traces how Education Queensland’s aspirations to manage globalisation risks were translated into practical programs of social and educational governance. It proposes that the concept of social capital was critical for providing a means of attributing economic value to certain patterns of social interaction within families and between families and communities. Once authorities were able to link particular patterns of sociability to increased levels of educational attainment, it became possible to problematise the social capital of some families as a potential source of risk for educational disengagement of students. Here, the social capital believed to characterise the professional, globally networked middle class family emerged as a model for education authorities in Queensland for re-configuring the social capital of disadvantaged families. Social capital thus became instrumental in Education Queensland’s strategy to govern the relationships between schools and their communities, especially relationships between the home and school. Understanding of the problem of educational disengagement afforded by social capital led to attempts to impose particular forms of social capital on Queensland families. This was achieved by mandating the involvement of parents and students in the process of Senior Education and Training Plans. These plans were formally negotiated education and training pathways that students would follow for the completion of the senior phase of learning and the award of the Queensland Certificate of Education. The study argues that governmental technologies such as social capital are critical determinants of the limits and possibilities for social justice outcomes in education policy because they function to constitute both the problems of government and the scope of legitimate policy intervention. It further argues that these technologies have been instrumental in sustaining neoliberal policy solutions in Queensland education because they render invisible socio-economic explanations for educational disadvantage and structured inequalities in education. The study concludes by exploring alternative policy configurations that are made intelligible by alternative ways of representing the social and economic context of schooling.

Overcoming economic hardship the effects of human capital and social capital /

Seo, Jiwon, January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2005. / Title from first page of PDF file. Document formatted into pages; contains xii, 175 p.; also includes graphics. Includes bibliographical references (p. 165-175). Available online via OhioLINK's ETD Center

Influence du capital humain et du capital social sur les caractéristiques de l'emploi chez les diplômés postsecondaires au Canada

Kamanzi, Pierre Canisius. January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Thèse (Ph.D.)--Université Laval, 2006. / Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 2 avril 2007). Bibliogr.

"Conquista de Terras em Conjunto": Redes Sociais e Confiança - A experiência dos agricultores e agricultoras familiares de Araponga - MG / "Joint Land Conquest": social networks and trust - The smallholders experience in Araponga - MG

Campos, Ana Paula Teixeira de 29 March 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:33:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 1064830 bytes, checksum: 03bacd11342ee9bdc983601bc1f0d514 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-03-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work analyses an experience of land buying by agricultural laborers and smallholders in Araponga, a municipality in southeast of Minas Gerais, which has got evidence as a singular case of common land buying in Brazil. The agricultural laborers and smallholders called the initiative Joint Land Conquest (Conquista de Terras em Conjunto). This action was started by themselves, and progressively becomes more strong helped by external agents. Through this informal organization of mutual help, the smallholders, sharecroppers and wage workers take a loan from a collective fund to buy jointly an area of land. The land area is variable, but in general, the families obtain from one to six hectares. Since 1989, when the experience has began, 110 families have already bought their own piece of land. Nowdays, the sum of all bought land is around 498 hectares. Our goal was to understand how the agricultural laborers have defined a set of rules and procedures to build the Joint Land Conquest. Moreover, this work also targets to understand how this experience was scaled up and institutionalized to include a growing number of families. By mobilizing trust networks embedded in kinship, neighborhood, and religious militancy, the farmers have invented new ways of coping with land scarcity. The scheme reinvented traditional forms of mutual help and reciprocity between kin and friends of the Brazilian traditional peasantry. We have collected and analyzed data to trace the history of Joint Land Conquest, to understand how new families have been incorporated and to identify the role of external actors to consolidate this experience. The methodology was based on in-depth semi-structured interviews, survey questionnaires, oral history and participated observation. The semi-structured questionnaire was applied to 79 families, and allows us to analyze family organization patterns, social mobility, social participation, and economic strategies, thus mapping of the embedded social relationship network. The collected data was used to build bi-dimensional sociograms, tables and figures, which allow us to represent the information and trust flow that structured the Joint Land Conquest. Our main concepts were social networks, trustiness, development to get freedom. The study shows that the relationship networks and trust context were crucial to create a huge basis to support the experience growing. Araponga s association is a very interesting experience of agrarian change, devised by the farmers and rural workers themselves, without overt conflict with landholders. The practice of common buying permits peasants with reduced savings to join efforts and buy larger pieces of land. Landowners would not sell minor parts of land and would not give credit to humble rural workers. Special care is given to water bodies and forest reserves in the area. Moreover, in this context, land means freedom to chose biologic cultivation, to give opportunity to theirs children to go the school, to get a active hole in social movements. The dream of buying theirs own land becomes real. / No município de Araponga, em Minas Gerais, uma experiência de compra coletiva de terras entre os pequenos proprietários e trabalhadores rurais vem, até o momento, se destacando como uma experiência única de compras conjuntas de terras em nosso país. A experiência foi denominada, pelos próprios participantes, de "Conquista de Terras em Conjunto". A partir da iniciativa dos próprios agricultores, a iniciativa foi se consolidando progressivamente, com o suporte de agentes externos. Neste esquema de crédito rotativo, os pequenos proprietários e trabalhadores rurais adquirem conjuntamente uma área de terra, em que cada novo proprietário pode adquirir terra de acordo com suas condições. Os lotes individuais variam, em média, de 1 a 6 hectares. Esta experiência começou em 1989 e, desde então, 110 famílias já conquistaram o seu pedaço de terra, totalizando 498,0 hectares. O nosso objetivo foi compreender como foi possível aos agricultores "criar" o conjunto de regras e procedimentos que configuram a Conquista de Terras em Conjunto. Ademais, buscou-se neste trabalho compreender como tornou-se possível expandir e institucionalizar a experiência a ponto de incorporar um número cada vez maior de famílias. Para analisarmos a experiência partimos do pressuposto que redes de relações pré-existentes e redes de informação, estruturadas a partir de parentesco e vizinhança, constituíram a base de interação que permitiu, através da reinvenção de formas tradicionais de ajuda mútua, superar os dilemas de ação coletiva e dar início à experiência. A partir da descrição, coleta e análise dos dados foi possível traçar a história da Conquista de Terras em Conjunto, compreender como novas famílias foram incorporadas no decorrer do tempo e identificar o papel dos atores externos na consolidação da experiência. Como metodologia, fizemos uso de entrevistas semi-estruturadas em profundidade, questionários, observação participante e história oral. O questionário semi-estruturado foi aplicado à 79 famílias, que nos possibilitou analisar padrões de organização familiar, mobilidade social, participação e estratégias econômicas das famílias, realizando um mapeamento das redes de relações sociais dos envolvidos. A partir das informações coletadas nos questionários foi possível construir sociogramas bi-dimensionais, gráficos, tabelas e figuras, que nos permitiram representar os fluxos de informação e confiança que estruturaram a Conquista de Terras em Conjunto. Nossos conceitos centrais foram Redes Sociais (networks), Confiança e Desenvolvimento como Liberdade. O estudo demonstrou que a presença de redes de relações e de contextos de confiança foram cruciais para que a cooperação em bases amplas permitissem que a experiência pudesse emergir. Deste modo, a experiência dos agricultores e agricultoras familiares de Araponga, nos mostra que é possível inventar novos modos de adquirir terra e permanecer no campo, mesmo em condições adversas. A conquista de liberdade para poder plantar o que desejar, não usar agrotóxicos, os filhos poderem frequentar à escola e a família poder participar dos movimentos sociais, levou meeiros e trabalhadores rurais a acreditar na possibilidade de comprar terra.

Letramento familiar e an?lise de redes pessoais: pesquisa com popula??o do ensino fundamental

Carvalho, Gisely Karla de Medeiros 18 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-12-04T21:45:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 GiselyKarlaDeMedeirosCarvalho_DISSERT.pdf: 3075285 bytes, checksum: 33660210d7d61bb3450e007d1a1cd9e2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-12-11T18:51:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 GiselyKarlaDeMedeirosCarvalho_DISSERT.pdf: 3075285 bytes, checksum: 33660210d7d61bb3450e007d1a1cd9e2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-11T18:51:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GiselyKarlaDeMedeirosCarvalho_DISSERT.pdf: 3075285 bytes, checksum: 33660210d7d61bb3450e007d1a1cd9e2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-18 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Ressalta a necessidade de compreender demograficamente alguns aspectos que circundam o letramento da popula??o de Ensino Fundamental. O objetivo ? identificar de que maneira uma a??o comprometida com a an?lise de redes pessoais contribui para perceber os n?veis de capitais cultural e social, respons?veis pelo letramento familiar e consequente sucesso escolar de alunos do Ensino Fundamental. Apresenta as percep??es demogr?ficas e a demanda escolar do munic?pio de S?o Gon?alo do Amarante/RN, ambiente de desenvolvimento da pesquisa. Proporciona um respaldo te?rico que exp?e o letramento com foco nas pr?ticas letradas do contexto familiar e no debate acerca do (in)sucesso escolar; revela o capital cultural e o capital social como propulsores do habitus de estudar; manifesta como as redes pessoais atuam nas a??es produzidas pelos atores de determinado grupo. S?o estudos proeminentes que demostram relev?ncia cient?fica, despertam novas perspectivas e colaboram para reflex?es cr?ticas sobre as pr?ticas letradas. A metodologia ? delineada por uma pesquisa explorat?ria de natureza quali-quantitativa que tem como fonte de dados os censos demogr?ficos e escolares, e as informa??es obtidas junto ? comunidade escolar. Dados prim?rios que foram coletados numa turma de 5? Ano do Ensino Fundamental atrav?s da aplica??o de question?rios e matrizes relacionais. Os procedimentos da pesquisa se apoiam na estat?stica descritiva, na sele??o de m?tricas de redes e na observa??o direta. Ao averiguar dados sociodemogr?ficos bem como estruturas e composi??es de redes pessoais, identificou-se que alunos de um mesmo contexto e com caracter?sticas sociais semelhantes possuem singularidades que os diferenciam nas pr?ticas relacionais e interferem no desenvolvimento do letramento familiar. Assim, as restri??es e as contribui??es para o aprendizado de leitura e escrita e, consequentemente, para o desempenho escolar s?o motivadas conforme as influ?ncias exercidas pelos atores que comp?em as redes dos alunos. Considera, ao final, que o desenvolvimento de a??es voltadas ao letramento familiar e elaboradas com base na an?lise de redes pessoais produzem conhecimentos significativos os quais podem transpor as barreiras do insucesso escolar, melhorar os indicadores e ampliar as proje??es educacionais. / It highlights the need to understand demographically some aspects that surround the literacy of the population of elementary school. The objective is to identify how an action committed to the analysis of personal networks contributes to perceive the levels of cultural and social capital responsible for the family literacy and consequent school success of elementary school students. It presents the demographic perceptions and the school demand of S?o Gon?alo do Amarante/RN, place of development of the research. It provides a theoretical contribution that exposes literacy with a focus on the practices of the family context and the debate about school failure, reveals the cultural capital and social capital as propellants of the habitus of studying, manifests how personal networks act in the productions of actors of a certain group. These are prominent studies that demonstrate scientific relevance, raise new perspectives, and collaborate for critical reflections on literate practices. The methodology is delineated by an exploratory research of a qualitative and quantitative nature that has as data sources the demographic and school censuses, and the informations obtained in the school community. Primary data that were collected in a class of 5th year of Elementary School through the application of relational questionnaires and matrices. The research procedures are based on descriptive statistics, selection of network metrics and direct observation. With the sociodemographic data and the structures and compositions of personal networks, it was identified that students of the same context and with similar social characteristics have singularities that differentiate them in the relational practices and interfere in the development of familiar literacy. Thus the restrictions and contributions to the learning of reading and writing and consequently to the school performance are motivateds according to the influences exerted by the actors of the networks of the students. In the end it considers that the development of actions aimed at family literacy and elaborateds according the analysis of personal networks produce significant knowledge which can overcome the barriers of school failure, improve indicators and broaden educational projections.

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