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Three essays on the Appalachian regionBaumann, Robert William, January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2003. / Title from first page of PDF file. Document formatted into pages; contains x, 113 p. Includes abstract and vita. Advisor: Patricia Reagan, Dept. of Economics. Includes bibliographical references (p. 105-108).
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Investment in human capital and the distribution of earnings /Cheung, Chun-wing. January 1992 (has links)
Thesis (M. Soc. Sc.)--University of Hong Kong, 1992.
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Investment in human capital and the distribution of earningsCheung, Chun-wing. January 1992 (has links)
Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.)--University of Hong Kong, 1992. / Also available in print.
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Allokering av kapitalinkomst - en effekt av århundradets skattereformHarrysson, Nils, Myrberg, Fredrik January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of this paper is to study intra household allocation of capital income by using data on Swedish observations. The 1991 tax reform was to change the taxation on capital income from a progressive to a flat tax system. Before the tax reform there were incentives to allocate capital income to the spouses with the lowest income of labor in order to reduce the total tax burden. The data describes the year of 1989 and 1993, those we choose to examine. Using Swedish data from LINDA database we estimate a quotient by ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. The explaining variables in the model are chosen based on pre-studies regarding intra household allocation and we expect those to have an impact on the quota. We find a significant allocation before the tax reform due to the incentives to shift income. In comparison with the results from 1993 we find a significant change in the quota that could indicate reallocation.</p>
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Allokering av kapitalinkomst - en effekt av århundradets skattereformHarrysson, Nils, Myrberg, Fredrik January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to study intra household allocation of capital income by using data on Swedish observations. The 1991 tax reform was to change the taxation on capital income from a progressive to a flat tax system. Before the tax reform there were incentives to allocate capital income to the spouses with the lowest income of labor in order to reduce the total tax burden. The data describes the year of 1989 and 1993, those we choose to examine. Using Swedish data from LINDA database we estimate a quotient by ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. The explaining variables in the model are chosen based on pre-studies regarding intra household allocation and we expect those to have an impact on the quota. We find a significant allocation before the tax reform due to the incentives to shift income. In comparison with the results from 1993 we find a significant change in the quota that could indicate reallocation.
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Aspects of Tax Spillovers: Is There a "Worldwide" Tax Burden?Bhattacharya, Sandeep 18 August 2010 (has links)
The objective of this dissertation is to develop a model to examine the concept of a “worldwide” tax burden. The notion is that due to differential mobility of factors developed nations may be passing on a share of their tax burden to less developed countries while effectively indulging in a form of tax competition. This is important for many reasons especially since it may affect the distribution of income between countries, and influence the flow of capital. As globalization increases, “the race to the bottom” in taxation (which implies tax-cutting) suggests that these spillovers should be reduced over time. The traditional view of taxation implies that taxation imposes an excess burden and increasing most types of taxes will increase this burden. But for whom does this burden increase? Are developed countries passing on a burden to locations that are less able to shift the burden forward?
If this phenomenon of tax spillovers can be quantified, we can examine the extent and nature of shifting of the tax burden.
Using a version of the famous general equilibrium model first developed by Prof Harberger in 1962, we analyze the extent of tax spillovers in the presence of a public input in an open economy setting. We model two different taxes, the Capital Income Tax and a Consumption Tax and two different types of expenditure patterns, a government input and a transfer payment.
The dissertation answers the following research questions:
• Can the extent of tax spillovers be quantified using a general equilibrium model that is not dependent on functional forms?
• Does the extent of spillovers depend on the type of tax used?
• Does the extent of spillovers depend on the use to which the taxes are put?
• What are the policy implications?
We find that the tax cutting economy can gain from cutting a distorting tax only when the expenditure pattern is neutral, while imposing a cost to the rest of the world in terms of sources and uses of GDP. When revenues are used to provide productive public goods; neither country gains from tax cuts that lower inputs.
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Capital Income Tax Evasion and Welfare Levels in an Overlapping Generations ModelKato, Hideya, Yanagihara, Mitsuyoshi 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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The Effects of Capital Income Taxation on Consumption : Panel data analysis of the OECD countriesAronsson, Arvid, Falkenström, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
This thesis investigates if the tax rate on dividend income has a significant effect on private consumption expenditure. This is done through a panel study on 36 OECD countries during the period 2000-2019. Regressions using differenced data and several control variables are used. The results are to some extent in line with previous empirical work studying the effects of tax changes on consumption. The results indicate that the taxation of capital income in the form of the overall tax rate on dividend income does not have a significant effect on private consumption expenditure. The theoretical mechanism deemed most likely to be in effect is tax planning since contradictory results are obtained regarding the effects of other tax rates in the form of taxes on labour income and VAT on private consumption expenditure.
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Amorteringskraven och vinstskatt : Orsaker till inlåsning och minskad rörlighet påbostadsmarknaden / Amortization requirements and capitalgains taxation : causes of lock-in effects andreduced mobility on the housing marketAllingmon, Dennis, Larsson, Julia January 2019 (has links)
Vår uppsats syftar till att undersöka hur kapitalvinstbeskattningen på fastigheter och amorteringskraven på de lån som tas påverkar rörligheten på bostadsmarknaden idag. Vi kunde se att ämnet ofta är med i debatt men att det ändå inte utförts mycket studier i Sverige men det visade sig finnas studier som gjorts i USA. Vi har i vår studie på ett liknande sett valt att studera hur amorteringskravens införande påverkat bostadspriserna och hushållens utgifter genom att vi jämfört statistik, innan respektive efter dessa regleringars införande. Vi har valt att fokusera på enskilda fall då vi selektivt har valt ut 17 kommuner att undersöka. Detta kan beskrivas som en ”multiple case study” där vi vid varje enskilt fall gör en kvantitativ analys genom insamlad data. Det finns enligt teorin flertalet olika sorters inlåsningseffekter, exempelvis då hushåll aktivt väljer att undvika kostnader då deras nya boende kommer leda till högre månadskostnader efter flytt. Den data vi samlat in visar på att det i flertalet av de studerade kommunerna blir en betydande kostnad som uppkommer då individer väljer att flytta. Med tanke på den prisutveckling som skett på både bostadsrätter och villor över de senaste 20 åren borde respektive hushåll behöva låna mer pengar och därmed dra på sig högre kostnader även om de väljer att flytta till en mindre bostad. Teorin nämner ekonomiska inlåsningseffekter och inom dessa är vinstdriven inlåsning något som uppstår i samhällen som är liberala och globaliserade. Vår empiri visar på att de individer som bott en längre tid i en villa har fått en kraftig värdeökning på sina bostäder. Detta innebär att de behöver skatta mer, vilket är att se som en kostnad, vilket gör att de tjänar mindre när de säljer sina bostäder. Ökade skattekostnader leder enligt teorin till att benägenheten att flytta minskar. För varje 1000 USD, ca 10 000 kronor, som skattekostnader ökar minskar individens och hushållens benägenhet att flytta med 1 procent. Genomsnittet för de 17 studerade kommunerna ligger på ca 369 000 kronor vilket då borde innebära en minskning i benägenhet att flytta med 36,9 procent. Då tanken med amorteringskraven är att hushåll inte ska belåna sig lika högt som tidigare så kommer folk att bli mer restriktiva i sitt lånande vilket då gör att priserna kommer falla. Detta kommer innebära att de som köpt bostäderna då inte vill sälja eftersom de gör en förlust vilket i globalt och liberalt samhälle är ett vardagligt tänk. Därmed finns det inga bostäder som kan tänkas att säljas, flyttkedjornas rörlighet hämmas och inlåsningseffekter uppstår. Vår insamlade data visar på att det första amorteringskravet hade den efterfrågade effekten till viss del då priserna innan, under och kort efter just själva införandet av det första amorteringskravet minskade. Detta är dock mer påtagligt för bostadsrätter där det tydligt framgår att priserna per kvadratmeter sjönk medann K/T-talet för villor, trots att även kvadratmeterpriserna för dessa sjönk, låg kvar på mer stabila nivåer. Det tolkar vi som om att de skatteregler och amorteringskrav som finns idag leder till att folk inte vill flytta då de drar på sig stora kostnader vid en eventuell flytt. Både direkta, vinstskatten, men också retroaktiva i form av ökade månadskostnader. / This thesis analyzes the capital income taxes on real estate and the amortization of loans whether it will have an effect on the real estate market. The topic is up for debate but still not many studies have been made in Sweden. We found studies in the USA and have conducted our research in a similar way of studying the effects of the amortization requirements effect on the accommodation price and households costs. This is done by comparing statistics before and after the amortization requirements have been imposed. We decided to focus on specific cases and have chosen 17 different municipalities to look into. Our research can be described as a multiple case study where every individual case becomes a quantitative analysis though collected data. Different lock-in effects can be found and for example when a household chooses to avoid costs since a new house will lead in to higher monthly costs. The collected data shows that a majority of the municipalities will have significant increase in costs due to the development of both apartments and villas over the past 20 years. This results in higher loans and cost of moving, even when moving to a smaller accommodation. In the theory, we talk about economic lock-in effects due to a profit driven economy that arises in communities that are liberal and globalized. Our research show that people who have lived in their home for a long time have an accreted value. This accreted value leads to high taxes which can be seen as a cost that will make them earn less when trying to sell their home. Increased capital income taxes will lead to less tendency to move. For every 1000 USD a household pays in property taxes, the likelihood they will move decreases by 1 percent. The average capital gains taxation of the municipalities studied is 369 000 SEK, which implies the households are less likely to move by 36.9 percent. The idea of amortization requirements is that households should not take as big loans as they would have done before so that people will be more restrictive while taking loans that will lead to falling house prices. This would lead to people who already own their homes to not sell since they will lose money, which in a global and liberal community is a colloquial thought. The result of this is: no housing for sale and the moving chain stops, thus the lock-in effects is inevitable. Our collected data shows that the first amortization requirements had the requested effect on the price before, under and for a short period of time after the imposition decline. However the effect is more significant on dwellings where falling square-meter prices clearly appears while the K/T numbers for houses dropped but still remains stable. We infer the tax law and amortization requirements today will lead to less people moving since it will result in increased costs with a potential move. Both direct, capital income taxes but also retroactive monthly costs.
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Kapitalvinstbeskattning och uppskov / Capital income taxes and postponement taxesBlixt, Sofia, Vidman, Josefin January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur mäklarna i Sverige använder sig av sina kunskaper inom kapitalvinstbeskattning och uppskov gentemot sina kunder. Vi undersöker också om kunder som någon gång sålt och köpt bostad önskar att mäklare visar dem hur deras ekonomiska situation efter bostadsförsäljningen kommer att se ut. Vi frågar även de intervjuade kunderna om deras kunskaper kring uppskov och om det var någonting mäklaren förklarade för dem. Vi undersöker alltså vad kunden vill ha av mäklaren och jämför det med vad mäklarna tror att kunderna vill ha. Vi genomförde fem kvalitativa intervjuer med mäklare från olika områden och företag i Sverige. Vi ville få en bild av hur de använder sig av nettokalkyler och information om uppskov i praktiken och även veta hur de uppfattar kundernas kunskaper kring ämnet. Vi intervjuade även 69 personer som någon gång sålt och köpt en bostad. Vi intervjuade dem genom att använda oss av en enkät där de fick flervalsfrågor med alternativ för “övrigt”. Vi ville lägga fokus på hur deras process med mäklaren gick till och om mäklaren erbjöd dem information och hjälp med kapitalvinstbeskattning och uppskov. Vi ville även veta om deras kunskaper kring ämnet ökade efter att de anlitat mäklaren eller om de redan hade kunskaperna som behövs. Våra huvudresultat var att det skiljer sig väldigt mycket åt ifall mäklaren informerar kunden om deras ekonomiska situation före eller efter försäljningen av deras bostad. Vissa mäklare använder sig dagligen av nettokalkyler på sitt första möte med kunden och vissa använder det endast vid hjälp med deklarationen. Några mäklare sa att deras kunder oftast har bra koll på det som behöver vetas angående kapitalvinstbeskattningen och uppskov medan vissa sa att deras kunder har väldigt dålig koll. Det är de mäklare som använder sig av en nettokalkyl på intagen som också säger att kunderna oftast vill ha det. Det som enkätundersökningen visar är att majoriteten av de intervjuade kunderna vill ha hjälp med kapitalvinstberäkningen och information om uppskovet och kostnaden för att ta uppskov. Kundernas uppfattning av en mäklare som informerar om detta är att mäklaren är kunnig och bryr sig om dem. / This thesis analyzes real estate brokers’ use of their knowledge concerning capital income taxes (CIT) and postponement taxes in response to customers. We further analyze if customers that once have sold or bought an accommodation would have liked to have the broker examine their future economic status after finished transactions. Additionally, we interview customers regarding their understanding of postponement taxes. We analyze what a customer asks of a broker and compare those answers to what brokers assume the customer wants. We performed five interviews with brokers from different regions and businesses in Sweden. We sought to understand how brokers use the "net calculus" and information regarding postponement taxes in practice, and also to determine how brokers apprehend customers' overall knowledge on the subject. Furthermore, we interviewed 69 people who had experience of either selling or buying an accommodation. The interviews were carried out through multiple-choice surveys. The surveys concentrated on the individual's experience of the process with their broker, specifically how the process went, if the broker offered satisfying information and if help with capital income taxes and postponement taxes were provided. Additionally, we sought to understand if the sellers' knowledge increased after consulting with a broker, or if they already had the necessary knowledge. Primarily, our research concluded that the information customers received concerning their economic status before or after the transaction varied excessively. Some brokers use “net calculus” throughout the whole process starting at the first meeting and others only use it when assisting with the declaration. A few brokers presume that their customers usually have the necessary knowledge concerning capital income taxes and postponement taxes; in contrast, some brokers claimed the customers do not. Furthermore, the brokers that use “net calculus” from the first meeting argue that most customers appreciate the use of it. Among conducted multiple- choice surveys, a majority express a desire to receive assistance with calculations of capital profits and information about the costs regarding postponement. The overall perception of the customer is that a broker who informs about this is one that is knowledgeable and cares for the customer.
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